Joint Application For Disposal of Security Bond: Rental Property Details

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Joint Application for Disposal of Security Bond Page 1 of 4

Residential Tenancies Act 1987 [ Sections 29(7),

(8), 96, Schedule 1, Clause 5(1) (a) ]
Residential Parks (Long-stay Tenants) Act 2006
Section 92(e) & 94(c)
Email: [email protected] Bond Administrator
Advice Line: 1300 853 829 Locked Bag 14
Cloisters Square WA 6850
This form must be completed in black ink
IMPORTANT - Do not sign this form until you have read the information on the last page of this form Tick for partial disposal

Rental Bond Reference No. Tenancy End Date (DD / MM / YYYY) IMPORTANT: If you require additional space (for

/ / / example, more than three tenants) then please fill in

additional forms and link them together by indicating
the number of booklets below.
Leave blank for partial disposal
Booklet Number of
Rental Property Details

Address continued...

Address continued...

Suburb Postcode

Tenant(s) Name and new postal address and Australian bank account details of tenant(s).

Family Name / Organisation Name

Given Name / Organisation Name continued...

New Postal Address (Must be completed)

Address continued...

Address continued...

Suburb State Postcode

Email Address

Contact Number (mobile preferred)

Amount to be paid to
Tenant 1 $ .
Date of Signature (DD / MM / YYYY) Signature (please stay inside border)

/ /

Direct Credit Request

BSB Number (six digits) Account Number
Please take care to ensure your BSB and Account Number are correct.
Incorrect details may result in your payment being delayed or lost.

Name of Australian bank/building society/credit union

Name of Account Holder

Please continue on next page 34324

Do not sign a blank form

Tenant(s) continued... Page 2 of 4
Family Name / Organisation Name

Given Name / Organisation Name continued...

New Postal Address (must be completed)

Address continued...

Address continued...

Suburb State Postcode

Email Address

Contact Number (mobile preferred)

Amount to be paid to
Tenant 2 $ .
Date of Signature (DD / MM / YYYY) Signature (please stay inside border)

/ /

Direct Credit Request

BSB Number (six digits) Account Number
Please take care to ensure your BSB and Account Number are correct.
Incorrect details may result in your payment being delayed or lost.
Name of Australian bank/building society/credit union

Name of Account Holder

Family Name / Organisation Name

Given Name / Organisation Name continued...

New Postal Address (must be completed)

Address continued...

Address continued...

Suburb State Postcode

Email Address

Contact Number (mobile preferred)

Amount to be paid to
Tenant 3 $ .
Date of Signature (DD / MM / YYYY) Signature (please stay inside border)

/ /

Direct Credit Request

BSB Number (six digits) Account Number
Please take care to ensure your BSB and Account Number are correct.
Incorrect details may result in your payment being delayed or lost.
Name of Australian bank/building society/credit union

Name of Account Holder

Please continue on next page 34324

IMPORTANT - Do not sign this form until you have read the information on the last page of the form
Do not sign a blank form
Lessor(s) / Park Operator Name and address of lessor(s) / park operator. Page 3 of 4
Family Name / Organisation Name

Given Name / Organisation Name continued...


Address continued...

Address continued...

Suburb State Postcode

Email Address

Contact Number (mobile preferred)

Amount to be paid to
Lessor 1 $ .
Date of Signature (DD / MM / YYYY) Signature (please stay inside border)

/ /

Direct Credit Request

BSB Number (six digits) Account Number
Please take care to ensure your BSB and Account Number are correct.
Incorrect details may result in your payment being delayed or lost.

Name of Australian bank/building society/credit union

Name of Account Holder

Family Name / Organisation Name

Given Name / Organisation Name continued...


Address continued...

Address continued...

Suburb State Postcode

Email Address

Contact Number (mobile preferred)

Amount to be paid
to Lessor 2 $ .
Date of Signature (DD / MM / YYYY) Signature (please stay inside border)

/ /

Direct Credit Request

BSB Number (six digits) Account Number
Please take care to ensure your BSB and Account Number are correct.
Incorrect details may result in your payment being delayed or lost.

Name of Australian bank/building society/credit union

Name of Account Holder

Please continue on next page 34324

IMPORTANT - Do not sign this form until you have read the information on the last page of the form
Do not sign a blank form
Agent Name and address of agent. Page 4 of 4
Agent Name

Name continued...


Address continued...

Address continued...

Suburb State Postcode

Email Address

Contact Number REBA Licence Number (Licensed Agents only)

Name of Authorised Signatory

Amount to be paid to Agent $ .

Date of Signature (DD / MM / YYYY) Signature (please stay inside border)

/ /

Direct Credit Request

BSB Number (six digits) Account Number
Please take care to ensure your BSB and Account Number are correct.
Incorrect details may result in your payment being delayed or lost.

Name of Australian bank/building society/credit union

Name of Account Holder

Bond Money Amount to be paid to Department of Housing $ .

Transfer to New Lodgement $ .
Total Bond $ .
Unless you are using this form for the sole purpose of providing a partial refund of Any change to the information provided in this form must be verified by the full
a security bond to the tenant because there has been a decrease in rent or a loss signature of each party.
of a pet do not sign this form until the tenancy has ended and the payment
sections of this form have been completed. Penalties may apply for PAYMENT OF THE SECURITY BOND
lessor(s)/agents who do this. Direct deposits will be paid in the amount/s and to the account/s in accordance with
this application.
If you are a tenant do not sign this form unless you agree that the amount of the
security bond should be disposed of to the parties and in the amounts as Please take care to ensure the BSB and Account Number are correct as incorrect
completed on this form. details may result in the payment being delayed or lost.

For residential tenancies, if you cannot agree on the amounts payable, you may All parties to the residential tenancy agreement or long-stay agreement are required
need to make an application to the Magistrates Court for a determination on how to sign this form, even if some of the parties are not actually receiving any payment. If
the security bond is to be disposed of. any party to the residential tenancy agreement or long-stay agreement is not receiving
any payment, place a $ 0 in the "amount to be paid" section for that party.
For long-stay park tenancies, if you cannot agree on the amounts payable, you
may need to make an application to the State Administrative Tribunal for a
determination on how the security bond is to be disposed of.
Contact information for the Bond Administrator: Telephone 1300 853 829 or Email [email protected].
Seek advice immediately if you need more information

For Translating and Interpreting Services please telephone TIS on 13 14 50 and ask to speak to the Department of Mines,
Industry Regulation and Safety advice line (1300 30 40 54) for help and assistance.


Do not sign a blank form

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