Cae Grammar Relative

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Grammar Practice

Relative clauses
Grammar Reference p172–173
8 Cross out any unnecessary words in the relative clauses in five of sentences a–k.
a People who were made redundant last month will get a good redundancy package.
b Tell me the name of the person who swore at you.
c Could you give me the contact details of someone who I can phone for advice?
d I’ll meet you at the airport if you tell me the flight number that you’ll be on.
e She threw away ten pairs of shoes, several of which she had never worn before.
f Passengers who lose their luggage will get compensation.
g The place that she has always wanted to travel to is in southern Peru.
h There were about fifty people at the party, which went on all night.
i That’s the dog that bit the man next door.
j My grandmother, who had been a professional swimmer, taught me to dive
k Motorcyclists who are wearing helmets will not be allowed into the building.

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