Thapar University, Patiala

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Thapar University, Patiala

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
B. E (Final Year)/: Semester-7th (2017-2018) Course Code: UEC-624
(ECE) Course Name: Soft
23rd Feb, 2018 Saturday, 1700 Hrs
Time:3 Hours, M. Marks: 100 Name of Faculty:GK
8Note: Attempt all questions in SERIAL ORDER. Marks are mentioned against each
question. Assume missing data, if any, suitably.

la. Discuss different types of soft Computing techniques with relevant examples.
Discuss Applications of Soft Computing (6 +4)
b. What are advantages of Neural Networks for engineering optimization problems?
c. Implement AND function using MP Model assuming binary data for 2 inputs. (5)

2 a. Discuss different types of Neural Network Architectures. (10)

b. For following network shown in fie. la what is the output if w1=2, w2=-4 and w3=1
output function If v>0

Pattern P1 P2 P3 Pi
£1 1 () 1
- 12 0 1 0 1
13 0 1 1 I

Fig la Fig lb

when the pattern given in fig. lb is applied at inputs. (5)

c. Explain the back propagation Training Algorithm. Discuss its advantages and
limitations. (6+4)

3 a. Draw the comparison of fuzzy and Crisp sets. What is Mamadani Fuzzy Inference
system? (3 + 7)
b. Explain different De-fuzzification methods. (10)
c. Let A, B, and C be fuzzy sets define on X=[0,10], with membership functions:
iiA(x) = x/(x+2); vB(x) = 2^{-x}; liC(x) = 1/(1+10(x-2)^2)
Compute the results of the following operations:
i) A B, A C, A C
ii) A B, A C, A C
iii) A B C
iv) B
4 a. Consider a population of strings with fitness as shown:


P1 01101 5
P2 10110 2
P3 11010 1
P4 00111 10
P5 10101 3
P6 00010 100

Derive the mating pool for crossover using.

(i). Elitism
(ii). Tournament Selection
Assume Random values for spin of the wheel.
b. What is crossover operation in GA? What are different types of crossover operations?

c. Why simple crossover cannot be applied to TSP? what is the solution/ variant (8)
crossover used in TSP. Discuss any two types of TSP crossover operations used with
examples. (9)

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