Therapeutic Activities of Ocimum Tenuiflorum Accounted in Last Decade

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Shirish S. Pingale et al.

/ Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012,5(4),2215-2220

Review Article Available online through
ISSN: 0974-6943
Therapeutic activities of Ocimum tenuiflorum accounted in last decade: A review
Shirish S. Pingalea*, Narayan P. Firke b and Anil G. Markandeya b
Department of Chemistry, Gramonnati Mandal’s ACS College, Narayangaon, Pune 410 504, India
Department of Chemistry, Deccan Education Societies Fergusson College, (Affiliated to University of Pune),Pune 411 004, India
Received on:11-01-2012; Revised on: 17-02-2012; Accepted on:19-04-2012

Ocimum tenuiflorum is broadly distributed in Asia and occurred almost in all the seasons. Ocimum tenuiflorum synonym: Ocimum sanctum (English: Holy
Basil) belongs to family Lamiaceae; Labiatae. The essential oil of fresh leaves from Ocimum tenuiflorum is found to contain Eugenol, ß-caryophyllene, ß-
elemene and germacrene D as major phytochemical constituents. Recently, the extract of the Ocimum tenuiflorum has been established as potent in
radioprotective activity. The review accounts for anthelmintic, antiaflatoxigenic, antibacterial, anticancer, antidepressant, antidiabetic, antifungal/anticandidal,
antimetastatic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiprotozoal, antistress, antiviral, anxiety, cardio protective, chemoprotective, cognition improvement,
hepatosupression, hyperlipidemia, immunomodulatory, noise stress release, renal damage recovery and wound healing activities.

Keywords: Ocimum sanctum, eugenol, anticancer, antidiabetic radioprotective, silver and gold nano-particles.

Since ancient time the plant Ocimum tenuiflorum synonym: Ocimum sanc- Here is an opportunity to discuss about newly biosynthesized nanoparticles.
tum (Tulsi) family: Lamiaceae; Labiatae, the most sacred herb (English name: Recently silver and gold nano-particles were biosynthesized using Krishna
Holy Basil) of India is well known for its enormous therapeutic activities and tulsi leaves. The method renders the hexagonal gold, silver nano-particles
prevention against diseases. Ocimum tenuiflorum plant is an admired deity having size around 30 nm and 10-20 nm respectively. The water soluble
herb native to India, extensively dispersed, cultivated over the globe[1]. It ingredients present in the leaf extract of Krishna tulsi were responsible for
was the Rig-Veda (3500-1600 B.C.), the first and earliest reference found in the reduction of silver and gold metal ions and capping of nanoparticles[6]. In
India quoting the medicinal plant was used as therapeutic medicine[2]. The another such rapid synthesis of silver nanoparticles, using dried basil and its
medicinal plant is claimed for its therapeutic application not only because antibacterial activity has been reported. The silver particle obtained using
they are safe but also easily available, economical and effective. The Ocimum extract of sun dried root and stem were spherical and of sizes 10±2 and 5±1.5
tenuiflorum, plant as a whole (Leaves, stem, flower, root and seed) had been nm respectively. The biomolecules present in the extract capped the silver
used in several traditional medicine system like Ayurveda, Greek, Siddha, nanoparticles and control the size of it. It was observed that the size of silver
Roman, Unani for its range of therapeutic activities. The therapeutic activi- particle synthesized from stem extract were 62% more uniform than that
ties such as analgesic, anticancer, antiasthmatic, antimetic, diaphoretic, an- from the root (30%), thus in conclusion phenolic and flavonoids play a key
tidiabetic, antifertility, hepatoprotective, hypotensive, hypolipidmic and role in formation of silver particles[7]. In biosynthesis of stable silver
antistress have been attributed to Ocimum tenuiflorum[3-5]. nanoparticles was done using Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) leaf extract. These
biosynthesized nanoparticles were characterized with the help of UV-Vis
spectrophotometer, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), Dynamic light
scattering (DLS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spec-
troscopy (FTIR), and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The sta-
bility of bio-reduced silver nanoparticles was analyzed using UV-vis absorp-
tion spectra, and their antimicrobial activity was screened against both gram-
negative and gram-positive microorganisms. It was observed that biosynthe-
sis of stable silver nanoparticles of size range 4-30 nm possess antimicrobial

Traditionally, Ocimum sanctum was used and known in treatment of bron-

chitis, bronchial asthma, malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, dermal aliments, oph-
thalmic problems, insect bites. Ocimum sanctum, ethnomedicine has been
known for its use as antifertility drug and its therapeutic activity[3, 9, 10]

Therapeutic Activities:
Anthelmintic Activity: Anthelmintic is also known as vermicide. Benzimida-
zoles have been kown for anthelmintic activity. Albenodazole, Fenbendazole,
Mebendazole, Thiabendazole are few known as effective anthelmintic. In
Figure 1. Ocimum tenuiflorum (Ocimum sanctum) this context, the essential oil of Ocimum sanctum and eugenol were tested in
vitro and exhibits potent anthelmintic activity in the Caenorhabditis elegans
*Corresponding author.
model. Eugenol exhibited an effective dose ED(50) of 62.1 µg/ml. Eugenol
Shirish S. Pingale
being the predominant component of the essential oil, suggested as the po-
Department of Chemistry,
tential candidate for anthelmintic activity[11].
Gramonnati Mandal’s ACS College,
Narayangaon, Pune 410 504, India
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.5 Issue 4.April 2012 2215-2220
Shirish S. Pingale et al. / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012,5(4),2215-2220
Anti-aflatoxigenic Activity: Aflatoxigenic is the activity of fungi and bacte- Antidepressant Activity:
ria to ferment the food stuff into non-edible form. The Ocimum sanctum Anxiety and depression are the major psychological disorder found in people
essential oil and its major component, eugenol found active against the fungi all over the globe. Fluoxetine and venlafaxine have show greater efficacy than
causing biodeterioration of food stuffs during storage. Ocimum sanctum and other known antidepressant in treatment of severe depression. The study
eugenol were found effective in inhibiting the growth of Aspergillus flavus was carried out for evaluation of comparative antidepressant activity of
NKDHV8; and, their minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were re- Ocimum sanctum and imipramine using animal models of depression. Imi-
corded as 0.3 and 0.2 µg·ml-1 respectively. The LD (50) value of Ocimum pramine (15 mg/kg/i.p) and herbal extract of Ocimum sanctum (500 mg/kg/
sanctum essential oil on mice was found to be 4571.43 µg·kg-1 and suggested o.p) were subjected for its antidepressant activity using four different animal
its non-toxic nature[12]. models of depression, viz: Forced Swimming Test (FST), Reserpine Rever-
sal Test (RRT), Haloperidol-Induced Catalepsy (HIC) and Pentobarbitone
Antibacterial/Antimicrobial Activity: Sleeping Time (PST) in male wistar rats. The results indicated the potential
With advance in medicinal chemistry, most of the antibiotics are synthetic or for use of Ocimum sanctum as a substitute in the treatment of depression[23].
modified form of the naturally occurring compounds; however this does not
restrict the quest for the new naturally occurring drug compounds. The Antidiabetic Activity:
aqueous extract of Ocimum sanctum leaves was investigated for its antibac- Diabetes is a group of metabolic disorder in which person has high sugar in
terial and therapeutic potential against bovine sub clinical mastitis[13]. The blood either because body does not produce insulin which controls the sugar
isolation and characterization of the component/s of Ocimum sanctum was level or because cell fails to respond to the insulin that is produced. The
carried out with activity against Neisseria gonorrhoeae[14]. Escherichia Coli mechanism of antidiabetic activity of potential drug can be evaluated by
is the common bacteria found in the stock water bodies. The conventional studying the various physiological pathways. Hannan et al. studied the
chemical constituents of various plants were screened for evaluation of their effect of ethanolic extract and five partition fraction of Ocimum sanctum on
efficiency for antibacterial activity. Ocimum sanctum is effective against insulin secretion from perfused pancreas. It was observed that ethanolic
Escherichia Coli, Salmonella typhi, Pseudomonas pyocyaneus, Vibrio extract of Ocimum sanctum stimulate the physiological pathway of insulin
Cholerae, Shigella dysenteriae and Proteus Vulgaris within specified contact secretion which may lie beneath its earlier reported antidiabetic activity[24].
time. Ocimum sanctum extract was found effective against Escherichia Coli The effect of ethanolic extract of Ocimum sanctum leaves were assessed on
with increase in specified contact time[15,16]. Methanol extract of Ocimum three important enzymes glucokinase (GK) (EC, hexokinase (HK)
sanctum was found to have comparatively higher activity than other organic (EC and phosphofructokinase (PFK) (EC along with gly-
and aqueous extracts. Grampositive bacteria showed variable susceptibili- cogen content of insulin-dependent and insulin-independent tissues from
ties while Gram-negative Salmonella typhi has shown to be completely resis- kidney and brain. It was found that the ethanolic extract of Ocimum sanctum
tant to all the tested extracts. Minimum inhibitory concentration data showed attenuates the activity of enzymes studied without affecting the content of
hopeful results as some of the extracts exhibited significant inhibitions of glycogen in any tissue[25]. The extract of Ocimum sanctum along with other
bacteria even at low concentrations[17]. The chemical constituents of decoc- two plant extracts was found to decrease the serum concentration of cortisol
tion (individual) and concoction (mixed) of ethanolic leaf extracts from and glucose and hence could be a potential drug for curing corticosteroid
Azadirachta indica (neem) and Ocimum sanctum (tulsi) were analyzed by induced diabetes mellitus[26]. The isolation and characterization of antidia-
gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometer (GC-MS). The mixed extract betic component from hydro alcoholic extract of Ocimum sanctum’s aerial
had a high level of antimicrobial activity against fish pathogens as indicated part. Ten fractions (F1 - F10) were isolated from hydro alcoholic extract of
by zone of inhibition, minimum inhibitory concentration, and minimum bac- Ocimum sanctum aerial part by column chromatography. All the fractions F1
tericidal concentration[18,19]. to F10 were screened for antidiabetic activity in alloxan induced diabetic rats
by estimating serum glucose level and lipid parameters. The bioactive frac-
Anticancer Activity: tion (F5) was found to be potent antidiabetic by ameliorating glucose and
Recent research on finding the cause of cancer reveals that the damage caused lipid parameters (total cholesterol, triglycerides, low and high density lipo-
by free radical to DNA is the one of the reasons for carcinogenesis. The protein cholesterol). The extensive spectroscopic data analysis reveals, the
Ocimum sanctum has been well known for its antioxidant property with isolated bioactive compound elucidated as tetracyclic triterpenoid [16-Hy-
active ingredient such as eugenol and hence the plant has been studied for its droxy-4,4,10,13-tetramethyl-17-(4-methyl-pentyl)-hexadecahydro-
anticancer activity. The protective effect of alcoholic extract of the leaves of cyclopenta[a]phenanthren-3-one]. The study concluded that, tetracyclic
Ocimum sanctum on 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA), 7,12-dimethyl-benzan- triterpenoid isolated from aerial part of Ocimum sanctum has a great anti-
thracene (DMBA) and aflatoxin B, (AFB(1)) induced skin tumorigenesis in diabetic potential[27].
a mouse model was investigated. The leaf extract of Ocimum sanctum pro-
vides protection against chemical carcinogenesis in one or more of the fol- Antifungal/anticandidal Activity:
lowing mechanisms: (i) by acting as an antioxidant; (ii) by modulating phase Mycosis is the common fungal infection caused in human and animal by
I and II enzymes; (iii) by exhibiting antiproliferative activity[20]. Mechanism inhalation of fungal spores or contact of fungal colony with skin. The fungal
for ethanol extracts of Ocimum sanctum as antitumor of was studied in A549 infection can be avoided by keeping the body hygienic. However, there is
cells in vitro and the Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) animal model. Overall, need for natural fungicide. The GC-MS analysis of Ocimum sanctum essen-
results demonstrate that ethanol extracts of Ocimum sanctum induces tial oil showed a high content of methyl chavicol (44.63%) and linalool
apoptosis in A549 cells via a mitochondria caspase dependent pathway and (21.84%). Study revealed that Ocimum sanctum essential oil has significant
inhibits the in vivo growth of LLC, suggesting that ethanol extracts of Ocimum antifungal activity against Candida and hence it can be applied in treatment
sanctum can be applied to lung carcinoma as a chemopreventive candidate[21]. of fungal infections[28, 29]. The antifungal activity of Ocimum sanctum essen-
Ocimum sanctum had been investigated against human fibrosarcoma cells tial oil enhanced by its synergy with established azole antimycotics-fluconazole
(HFS cells) in culture. Administration of aqueous and ethanolic extracts at 50 and ketoconazole. In seventy four fluconazole-sensitive and sixteen
µg/ml of Ocimum sanctum to mice bearing Sarcoma-180 solid tumors medi- fluconazole–resist Candida the antifungal activity were studied and signify a
ated a significant reduction in tumor volume and an increase in lifespan. promising candidature of Ocimum sanctum essential oil extract as antifungal
These observations conclude Ocimum sanctum extracts possess anticancer agent in combination treatment of candiodosis[30]. The combination of ethanolic
Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.5 Issue 4.April 2012 2215-2220
Shirish S. Pingale et al. / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012,5(4),2215-2220
extracts of leaves of Cassia alata and Ocimum sanctum had been reported for O-ß-D-glucopyranoside and 4-allyl-1-O-ß-D-glucopyronosyl-2-
anti-Cryptococcus activity even at higher temperature and acidic pH[31]. The hydroxybenzene and two known cerebrosides. Ocimumosides A shows prom-
antifungal activity of Ocimum sanctum leaves was investigated against der- ising Antistress effect by normalizing hyperglycemia, plasma corticoster-
matophytic fungi by 38 A NCCLS method and observed 200 mu g/mL as a one, plasma creatine kinase and adrenal hypertrophy, whereas ocimumosides
Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concen- B and ocimarin were also effective in normalizing most of these param-
tration (MFC)[32]. In another mechanism, the extract of Ocimum sanctum eters[43]. Fresh leaves of Ocimum sanctum were evaluated for antistress ac-
acts as antifungal activity by disturbing egosterol biosynthesis and mem- tivity against experimentally induced oxidative stress in albino rabbits. Ani-
brane integrity[33]. mals of the test group received supplementation of 2 g fresh leaves of Ocimum
sanctum per rabbit for 30 days. Anemic hypoxia was induced chemically by
Anti-metastatic Activity:
injecting the rabbits with 15 mg sodium nitrite per 100 g body weight intra-
Metastatic is spread of diseases from an organ to part or no-adjacent part of
the body. Metastatic progression of tumor cell is associated with change in peritoneally. The results of this study suggest that the potential antistressor
anti-oxidant enzymes. The ethanolic extract of Ocimum sanctum investi- activity of Ocimum sanctum is partly attributable to its antioxidant proper-
gated for its anti-metastatic activity via activation of anti-oxidative enzymes ties[44]. The study was carried out to evaluate the ameliorative effects of
and inactivation of metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). The ethanolic extract put Ocimum sanctum and Camellia sinensis on stress-induced anxiety and de-
cytotoxicity against Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) cells [34]. pression. It was found that Ocimum sanctum and Camellia sinensis possess
anxiolytic and antidepressant activities[45].
Antioxidant Activity:
The hydroalcoholic extract of Ocimum sanctum leaves was investigated for Antiviral Activity:
its antioxidant activity in animal models of peptic ulcer. The antioxidant A virus is a minute infectious agent, which lacks independent metabolism and
activity was evaluated by estimating plasma MDA (Malondialdehyde bis replicate only in host living cell. There are thousands of viruses reported
Dimethyl Acetal) in ethanol treated rats and histamine treated guinea pigs. after the discovery of first tobacco mosaic virus and there are millions of
Whereas SOD (Superoxide dismutase) was estimated in pyloric ligated rats them in each ecosystem. Medicinal plants are traditionally used for various
and histamine treated guinea pigs. In ethanol treated rats Ocimum sanctum
diseases and there is rising need of substances for the treatment infectious
leaves extract significantly decreased the level of MDA in comparison to the
control (diseased rat) and similar results were observed in level of SOD in diseases. The study demonstrated anti-herpes simplex virus activity of
histamine treated guinea pig groups[35]. Another study describes the anti- dichloromethane and methanol extracts of Ocimum sanctum L., Ocimum
oxidant activity of Ocimum sanctum extract by evaluating with six different basilicum L. and Ocimum americanum L. Dichloromethane and methanol
in vitro anti-oxidant-testing system like scavenging superoxide anion radical, extracts of Ocimum sanctum L., Ocimum basilicum L. and Ocimum
1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH), hydroxyl radical, hydrogen americanum L. showed anti-HSV activities at various steps of the viral mul-
peroxide, chelating ferrous ion and ferric ion reducing potential[36]. The study tiplication cycle[46].
include effect of concentration, heat treatment and pH on the antioxidant
activity of ethanolic extract of Ocimum sanctum and Galangal shows that Anxiety Activity:
Ocimum sanctum ethanolic extract has good heat stability (80 °C, 1h) and Recent studies introduced the concept of mixed anxiety and depressive
anti-oxidative stability in neutral and acidic pH[37]. The fresh leaves and disorders (MADD). The study evaluated the ethanol leaf extract of Ocimum
stems extract of Ocimum sanctum owing compounds; cirsilineol, cirsimaritin, sanctum, a prominent medicinal plant, against both anxiety and depressive
isothymusin, isothymonin, apigenin, rosmarinic acid, and appreciable quan-
disorder, to evaluate its potency in combating MADD. The Ocimum sanc-
tities of eugenol. Isolated compounds found exhibited good antioxidant activ-
ity even at 10-µM concentration. Eugenol demonstrated 97% and other tum extracts show antianxiety and antidepressant properties at the same
shows 58% anti-inflammatory activity at 1000-µM concentrations[38]. Pro- dose and can be a potential therapeutic agent against mixed anxiety and
long oral administration of Ocimum sanctum enhance cardiac endogenous depressive syndrome[47].
antioxidants and prevents isoproterenol-induced myocardial necrosis in rats[39,
. The anti-oxidant property of Ocimum sanctum has been studied by noise Cardio protective Activity:
exposure in case of mice[41]. The study investigates the cardioprotective activity of a combined treatment
of Ginkgo biloba phytosomes (GBP) and Ocimum sanctum extract in iso-
Antiprotozoal Activity: proterenol (ISO)-induced myocardial necrosis in rats. However, the com-
Leishmaniasis is a group of tropical diseases caused by a number of species bined treatment failed to enhance cardioprotective activity of either herb
of protozoan parasites belonging to the genus Leishmania. This ailment when used alone[48].
affects millions of peoples all over the globe and it is estimated that there are
about two to three million new cases each year. In the course of screening
Chemoprotective Activity:
leishmanicidal active compounds from Asian and South American medicinal
Ocimum sanctum extract had found to inhibit the DNA–binding activity of
plants, a Nepalese medicinal plant, Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum L.), showed
strong activity[42]. 7, 12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene in rat heptocytes in vitro. Study elaborates
the culture of rat hepatocytes were treated with 0-500 µg of Ocimum sanc-
Antistress Activity: tum extract for 24 hr and then DMBA (10 or 50 µg) for 18 hr. On harvesting
Defiance to desire creates stress in human, which is the common problem in the DNA and studying its 32P-postlabeling it was found that Ocimum sanc-
developing country. The Ocimum sanctum was also tested for the stress tum extract inhibits or suppress the events responsible for chemical carcino-
relief property, since it is previously well known for its number of therapeu- genesis[49].
tic applications. Ocimumosides A, ocimumosides B and ocimarin are the
three compounds isolated from an extract of leaves Ocimum sanctum with Cognition improvement Activity:
eight other known substance, apigenin, apigenin-7-O-ß-D-glucopyranoside, Along with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory activity the methanolic of Ocimum
apignin-7-O-ß-D-glucuronic acid 6’’-methyl ester, luteolin-7-O-ß-D-glucu- sanctum cognition-enhancement properties has been studied and it was found
ronic acid 6’’-methyl ester, leuteolin-7-O-ß-D-glucopyranoside, leuteolin-5- that Ocimum sanctum may be useful in treatment of cerebral reperfusion
injury and cerebrovascular insufficiency states[50]. Giridhar et al. investigated
the effects of the aqueous (300 and 500 mg/kg) and alcoholic (300 and 500

Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.5 Issue 4.April 2012 2215-2220

Shirish S. Pingale et al. / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012,5(4),2215-2220
mg/kg) extracts of Ocimum sanctum leaves as an antidementic, anticholinest- the radioactive exposure. As in many traditional reports the Ocimum sanc-
erase and immunostimulant agent in rats. The rats were given electroshock, tum has been well recognized anti-oxidant.
atropine, and cyclosporine to induce dementia. The study concluded as
potential candidature of Ocimum sanctum in treatment of cognitive dysfunc- The study investigated the radioprotective effect of Ocimum sanctum on the
tions in rats[51]. salivary gland of rats administered radioiodine 131I and compared its efficacy
with a known radioprotectant, amifostine. The study indicates possible
Hepatosupression Activity: radioprotective effect of Ocimum sanctum and amifostine against high-dose
Ocimum sanctum has been reported to exhibit hepatoprotection against the 131
I exposure[60]. The antioxidant activity of two polysaccharides isolated
CCl4 induced liver dysfunction in rat. The investigation on the potential from the Indian medicinal plants, Ocimum sanctum and Tinospora malabarica,
hepatoprotective action of Ocimum sanctum whole plant powder against was studied. Only the Ocimum sanctum polysaccharide showed significant
CCl4 induced liver damaged wistar rat model shows very high potential in activity and could prevent oxidative damage to liposomal lipids and plasmid
healing liver parenchyma as well as regeneration of liver cells. The overall DNA induced by various oxidants such as iron, AAPH and gamma-radiation,
effect of Ocimum sanctum whole plant powder is compared with Silymarin besides scavenging important ROS such as the superoxide radical and hydro-
by using standard protocol and is found to have better hepatoprotective gen peroxide and inhibiting xanthine oxidase. In addition, Ocimum sanctum
action[52]. polysaccharide could prevent gamma-radiation-mediated cell deaths in mouse
It has been reported that Ocimum sanctum L. leaves decrease serum lipid Renal damage recovery Activity:
profile in normal and diabetic animals. However no experimental evidences In most animals’ species, including human the kidney is one of the main sites
support the anti-hyperlipidemic and antioxidative actions against hypercho- of deposition of inorganic mercury and target organ for its toxicity. The
lesterolemia. Moreover the identities of the specific chemical ingredients in investigation reports protection against mercury-induced toxicity by Ocimum
Ocimum sanctum leaves responsible for these pharmacological effects are sanctum Swiss albino mice were divided into four groups. (i) Control group-
unknown. Since Ocimum sanctum leaves are rich in essential oil. The study only vehicle (0.9% NaCI) was given (ii) HgCI2-treated group-5.0 mg/kg b.w.
was conducted to investigate the anti-hyperlipidemic and antioxidative ac- HgCI2 administered as i.p. (iii) Ocimum treated group-10 mg/kg b.w. Ocimum
tivities of essential oil extracted from Ocimum sanctum leaves in rats fed leaves extract was administered orally. (iv) combination of group-Ocimum
with high cholesterol diet. Eugenol that is contained in essential oil likely leaves extract was administered 10 days prior to mercuric chloride adminis-
contributes to these pharmacological effects[53]. tration and continued upto 30 days after mercuric chloride administration
(5.0 mg/kg b.w.). The animals were autopsied on day 1, 3, 7, 15 and 30 after
Immunomodulatory Activity: treatment. The results suggested that pre-and post-treatment of Ocimum
An aqueous extract of Ocimum sanctum were administered in wistar albino sanctum leaves extract can significantly protect the renal damage against
rats for 45 days at doses 100, 200 mg/day. The Immunomodulatory effect mercuric chloride-induced toxicity[62].
and biochemical and haematological changes were studied against control. An
oral administration of Ocimum sanctum extract showed stimulation in anti- Wound healing Activity:
body production in dose dependent manner without altering the biochemical The extract of Ocimum sanctum was studied for wound healing and anti-
parameter, wherein enhancement of WBC, RBC and Haemoglobin[54]. The oxidant property. An increased per cent wound contraction was observed in
seed oil of Ocimum sanctum was evaluated on some immunological param- case of extract administrated rats. The study suggested that extract can be
eter in both stressed and non-stressed animals and it was found that the oil useful in the abnormal healing such as keloids and hypertropic scars[63] In
shows immunomodulatory effect may via GABAergic pathways[55]. The another study during wound healing phase TNF-a level was found to be up
effect of leaf extract of Ocimum sanctum was investigated for specific and regulated by Ocimum sanctum treatment[64, 65].
non-specific response in Oreochromis mossambicus and found disease re-
sistance against Aeromonas hydrophila. The Ocimum sanctum has been CONCLUSION:
suggested for its immunostimulating activity in maintenance of finfish aquac- The review discuss critical on therapeutic activity of Ocimum tenuiflorum
ulture[56]. In another such study it was revealed that aqueous extract of (Ocimum sanctum) merely reported in last decades. The most of the activi-
Ocimum sanctum enhances the phagocytic activity and phagocytic index[57]. ties expressed for Ocimum tenuiflorum are because of the antioxidant ingre-
Tirpathy et al. observed the modulatory effect Ocimum sanctum on dient present in the plant extract. The therapeutically active ingredients
cyclophasphamide-induced immunosupression in rats. The extract of Ocimum eugenol, ß-caryophyllene, ß-elemene, germacrene D, flavonoids and glyco-
sanctum showed significant increase in lymphocyte proliferation in rats[58]. sides were found in Ocimum tenuiflorum. The recently isolated Ocimumosides
Noise stress release Activity: The white noise exposure (100 dB) in wistar A, constituent of Ocimum sanctum has been found promising in anti-stress
male albino rats significantly increased the level of dopamine (DA), seroto- activity. In all the aspect, it has been observed that the anti-oxidant property
nin (5-HT) and 5-HT turnover in many of the discrete brain region. This bear by Ocimum sanctum is responsible for its therapeutic application. The
increasing change in the biogenic amine prevented by intraperotoneal admin- extracts of the Ocimum sanctum alone and its combination with customary
istration of 70% ethanolic extract of Ocimum sanctum at the dosage of 100 drugs or other plant extract have been found potential for therapeutic activ-
mg /Kg. The study indicates Ocimum sanctum can be a probable herbal ity. Among the enlisted disease Ocimum sanctum has prominently antican-
remedy for noise stress release[59]. cer, antidiabetic, cardio protective activities; these diseases are most chal-
lenging for medicinal development.
Radioprotective Activity:
The tsunami disaster followed by the radioactive material exposure in Japan ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
March 2011, the protection from the radioactive substance became a serious Authors are thankful to the Principal, Fergusson College for their continuous
concern all over the globe. An exposure to the radioactive material cause encouragement, Board of Colleges and University Development (BCUD),
change in DNA (mutation) leading to cancer or tuberculosis. This damage has Pune University, Pune, India and University Grant Commission (UGC),
been explained through the high level of free radicals that are generated after New Delhi, India for their financial support.

Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.5 Issue 4.April 2012 2215-2220

Shirish S. Pingale et al. / Journal of Pharmacy Research 2012,5(4),2215-2220
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Source of support: UGC,India; Conflict of interest: None Declared

Journal of Pharmacy Research Vol.5 Issue 4.April 2012 2215-2220

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