Rules and Statutory Regulations
Rules and Statutory Regulations
Rules and Statutory Regulations
and to use all the chapters of this guide in the order in which they are presented.
A - General rules of electrical installation Rules and statutory regulations
design Range of low-voltage extends from 0 V to 1000 V in a.c. and from 0 V to 1500 V
well as periodic time will guarantee the safety and the quality of this installation all
along its life cycle. Conformity of equipment according to the appropriate product
standards used within the installation is also of prime importance for the level of
safety and quality.
Environmental conditions will become more and more stringent and will need to
be considered at the design stage of the installation. This may include national or
regional regulations considering the material used in the equipment as well as the
dismantling of the installation at its end of life.
A§3 - Installed power loads - Characteristics Installed power loads - Characteristics
A§4 - Power loading of an installation A review of all applications needing to be supplied with electricity is to be done.
The total current or power demand can be calculated from the data relative to the
location and power of each load, together with the knowledge of the operating
modes (steady state demand, starting conditions, non simultaneous operation, etc.)
Estimation of the maximum power demand may use various factors depending
on the type of application; type of equipment and type of circuits used within the
electrical installation.
From these data, the power required from the supply source and (where
appropriate) the number of sources necessary for an adequate supply to the
installation is readily obtained.