A. The Holy Spirit Is A Person: Pneuma, Meaning "Spirit," and Logos, Meaning "Doctrine."

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c) He has great knowledge.

d) He has speech ability.
e) He has sensibilities.
1) He can be grieved by the
- comes from the two Greek words, Christian.
pneuma, meaning “spirit,” and 2) He can be lied to by the
logos, meaning “doctrine.” Christian.
- Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. 3) He can be quenched by
the Christian.
A. The Holy Spirit is a Person 4) He can be resisted by the
- Third Person of the Trinity 5) He can be insulted by the
- Expression that is used because unsaved.
of the order in which the Trinity is
most often found in the Bible. 3. The personality of the Holy Spirit is
- Some view the Holy Spirit as a shown by His abilities.
force or as a power, not as a
Person. a) He teaches.
- The word spirit in the Greek b) He guides.
language is in the neuter gender. c) He commissions.
- Gender does not imply d) He intercedes.
personality. e) He commands.
- In the Greek language, inanimate f) He restrains.
cities are often in the feminine g) He loves.
gender. 4. The personality of the Holy Spirit is
- In the German language, one of shown by the unusual grammar of
the words for girl is in the neuter the New Testament.
- In the English language, we often - Although the word for Spirit is in
refer to ships and cities as the neuter gender, there are times when
feminine. a masculine pronoun is used to refer to
1. The personality of the Holy Spirit is
shown by His names. - In John 14:16, Jesus Christ
used the masculine pronoun in referring
a) Comforter – (paraclete in the to the Comforter.
Greek) means one “called to your
side,” as a lawyer.
b) Guide – John 16:13
c) Intercessor – The Holy Spirit B. The Holy Spirit is God.
intercedes (pleads) for us during
our prayer time. 1. DIVINE NAMES

2. The personality of the Holy Spirit is  God

shown by His characteristics.  Lord
 The Spirit is equal with the Father
a) He has a will. and the Son.
2. DIVINE ATTRIBUTES B. The Holy Spirit’s work in the
 He is eternal.
 He is omniscient. 1. Foretold by Jesus.
 He is omnipotent.
 He is omnipresent. 2. In salvation
 He is holy.
3. In sanctification
 He is life.
 He is wisdom. Sanctification is the act of setting apart
 He is sovereign. someone or something from the world
and unto God’s service.

A. The Holy Spirit’s work in the

past. The Gifts and Graces of the
Holy Spirit
1. In creation. Each member of the
Godhead was present and active in the
creation of the world and mankind. This
included the Holy Spirit.  The indwelling of the Holy Spirit
in the believer’s life is a wonderful
2. In the inspiration of the scriptures. reality.
One of the Holy Spirit’s most important  He not only provides us with
works was the inspiration of the Bible abilities to serve God more
through approximately 40 men of God effectively but also helps us to
over a period of 1, 500 years. His very mature as Christians by refining
name, Spirit (“Breath”), reminds us of spiritual qualities in our lives.
the definition of inspiration (“God-
breathed”). Nine Gifts: (1 Cor. 12:4-11)
3. In the Lord’s work. As these 1 Wisdom
Christians yield their lives to the Lord, 2 Knowledge
they experience the joy of knowing the 3 Faith
Holy Spirit’s power in their lives. 4 Healing
5 Miracles
a) Bezaleel was empowered by the 6 Prophecy (preaching)
Holy Spirit. 7 Discerning
b) Gideon was empowered by the 8 Tongues (language)
Holy Spirit. 9 interpretation
c) Samson was empowered by the
Holy Spirit. Nine Graces: (Gal. 5:22-23)
d) David was empowered by the
Holy Spirit. 1 love
2 joy
3 peace
4 longsuffering
5 gentleness
6 goodness
7 faith the Bible and transmit the gospel
8 meekness to many who had never heard.
9 temperance

 The key to the fruit of the Spirit is

The Spiritual Gifts of the Spirit love.

The following observations should be

Spiritual gifts are “extraordinary powers, made:
distinguishing certain Christians and
enabling them to serve the church of 1. Jesus Christ contrasted speaking
Christ, the reception of which is due to against Himself with blasphemy against
the power of divine grace operating in the Holy Spirit
their souls by the Holy Spirit.” – J.H.
Thayer 2. Jesus never stated that the Pharisees
had just committed the blasphemy
1. Every believer has one spiritual gift. against the Holy Spirit.
2. Each spiritual gift is given by the
sovereign choice of the Holy Spirit.
The Scriptural ingredients of the
3. Each spiritual gift is important blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
because of the Giver, not the receiver.
1. A work was done (before many
4. The great diversity of spiritual gifts observers) by Christ on earth that was
brings unity to the body of Christ. unmistakably supernatural.
5. No one should compare his spiritual 2. A work that was clearly the work of
gift with the spiritual gift of another. Deity was insultingly ascribed to Satan.
6. God’s spiritual gift will never guide -----
you contrary to God’s word.
A person who fears he has committed
the unpardonable sin is clearly
indicating that he has not.
The Gift of Languages

A hard-hearted person would not care

Two examples of men who had the gift about the things of the Lord.
of languages:

 William Tyndale – he believed it

was important to translate the A spiritually soft-hearted person, either
Bible from the original languages. is saved or is close to salvation.
 William Carey – father of modern
missions, allowed him to translate
Even when it appears that God’s Spirit itself maketh intercession for us
longsuffering has exhausted itself, He is with groaning which cannot be uttered.
still patient.
1 Corinthians 2:10
“But God hath revealed them unto us by
The Scriptural contrast between the his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all
blasphemy against the Holy Spirit things, yea, the deep things of God.”
and the “sin unto death”

“sin unto death” refers to a habitual life

of sin that the Christian becomes involve
in which ultimately leads to a premature
1. God exhorts His children to do right.
2. God chastises His children if they
reject His exhortations.
3. As a last resort, God will finally take
His child home to heaven prematurely.

Memory Verse:
Acts 1:8
“But ye shall receive power, after that
the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and
ye shall be witnesses unto me both in
Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in
Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of
the earth.”
John 15:26
“But when the Comforter is come, whom
I will send unto you from the Father,
even the Spirit of truth, which
proceedeth from the Father, he shall
testify of me:”
Romans 8:26
“Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our
infirmities: for we know not what we
should pray for as we ought: but the

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