Fulfilling Your God's Ordained Purpose-By Bamidele John

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Bamidele John


Fulfilling Your God’s

Ordained Purpose
Destiny Fulfillment Strategy

Copyright © June 2023

Bamidele John
ISBN: 978-978-60119-5-0

Printed and Published in Nigeria by:

Good Success Publishers Challenge, Ibadan
Email: [email protected], 07033931274
Unless otherwise stated, all scriptures are taken
from the New King James Version of 1982
by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
No part of this product may be reproduced
or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording,
or by any informational storage or retrieval system
without expressed written, dated,
and signed permission from the author.



This book is dedicated to the Holy Spirit who inspired me

to write this amazing book. I am immensely grateful for
the portal of grace that was opened to me to write this
book as a birthday gift to humanity.
This book is also dedicated to God the Father, the Son, and
the Holy Spirit.

Bamidele John



I acknowledge the Almighty God, the source of all wisdom, for

giving me the privilege to pen this down, without him I am

To my loving, supportive and dedicated loving and caring wife

Pastor Ibukuunayo thanks for your numerous advice and
encouragement towards making me actualizing this beautiful
dream. Thank you for all you do for the children for making
ministry easy for me and for giving me the space to write and do
other things alongside, you've being such a loving and
understanding partner.

I also acknowledge our godly seeds Emmanuella and Joshua

.Thank you both for giving me space to write. May you continue
to grow in wisdom and in favor with God and men.

It's expedient for me to appreciate all my editors, especially; Miss

Léthycia Ngueffo, for all your contributions in making this book a
reality may God grants all your heart desires.



T here are more than 7.5 billion people in the world today and I
want you to know that everyone of us is different, unique and
specially created for a purpose. Sadly, many people die without
discovering and maximizing their God ordained purpose in life. What
will distinguish and make you standout of these more than 7.5 billion
people in the world today, is you knowing and fulfilling your God's
ordained purpose in life.

Because the greatest tragedy in life is not death: the greatest tragedy in
life is life without purpose. I tell you that, without a clear
understanding of our purpose on earth, life becomes an experiment.
For when purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. Without purpose,
life has no meaning and time and energy are most definitely misused.
Once you find or discover your purpose in life, it will drive you and
cause you to stay focus on the things that are most important in life.
Your purpose for living determines your focus in life. Knowing your
purpose protects you from doing something you are good at the
expense of doing what is right. Also, knowing your purpose protects
you from doing another man's work. For it will help you to be focused
and to stay on your lane.

Please note that purpose is the reason why something is created or the
reason for which it exists. We all are created for a purpose. It is our duty
to find out what that purpose is and how to fulfil it. Purpose gives life
meaning and direction. The creator is the only one that truly knows
what your purpose is. There are clues everywhere, but to get the gist of

it, we must ask the creator to reveal to us why He created us on earth.

Again, I realized that when we were growing up, a lot of us had visions
and dreams of what we wanted to become. However, many years
down the line, because of lack of direction and purpose for our lives,
we just accepted whatever life had to offer us.
Today, a lot of students after finishing secondary school are in limbo as
touching what they want to use their next phase of life to do. And
because of the purpose and mentorship lacuna in their lives, many of
them become mentees of Yahooboys and many enter into different
forms of crimes. And there is reason behind that. It is simply because
many of them don't know their purpose for life.
For this reason, God has given me the grace to write this book to
mentor and guide individuals and youths to fulfil their God ordained
purpose in life.
Inside this book, I wrote about how these youths can discover their
purpose and find God early in life so that they will not come out of the
school and become mentees of Yahoo Boys or mentees of prostitute
(known as Olosho in Nigeria).

Furthermore, please note that the richest place on earth is the grave.
Why? The grave yard contains books that were not written, talents
that died undiscovered, ideas that died unexecuted. I decree to you
may you not contribute greatness to the grave.

In conclusion, in life, there is such a thing like living without existing. A

man can live as long as the great Methuselah who lived for 969 years
without really existing. But the moment he has discovered his purpose
for Iife, he will both live and exist at the same time. Purpose is finding
out a reason for living, a reason for existence. You must have a reason


for living. When you know the reason why you are on earth, that
gives you hope. Purpose is what makes a man wake up every day
with a reason to live. The reason why people commit suicide today,
the main reason why people kill themselves is because they see no
reason to live. Purpose makes you wake up every day with the hope
of a brighter future.
Listen, discovering your purpose in life is about you doing what you
are created to do. It is about doing what you are born to do.
You see, purpose is not finding something to live for, purpose is
finding something you can die for. I hope that as you read this book,
you will be able to indeed find not just what you can live for but
what you can die for.

Bamidele John
June 16th, 2023


Table of Contents
Contents Pages
Chapter One: You are a Special Specimen!.........................1
Chapter Two: You are not a Biological Experiment.............8
Chapter Three: Understanding Purpose..............................15
Chapter Four: What is Purpose?........................................23
Chapter Five: Success Without Fulfilment........................30
Chapter Six: Understanding Yourself and Discovering
Your purpose in life..............................................................34
Chapter Seven: Understanding and Maximizing
Your Potential.......................................................................39
Chapter Eight: Personal Development Strategy..................44
Chapter Nine: Are you fulfilling a career or
you are living to fulfill purpose?...........................................59
Chapter Ten: Purpose fulfillment and timing....................64
Chapter Eleven: Principle of Time Management..................72
Chapter Twelve: The wealthiest place on earth...................79
Chapter Thirteen: The Place Of Dreams in
Purpose Fulfilment...............................................................83
Chapter Fourteen: Identity Crises........................................96
Chapter Fifteen: Purpose Fulfilment and finishing Well.....101


You are a Special Specimen!

T oday, of the more than 7.5 billion people in the world, I want you
to know that you are one of a kind. Listen, of the more than 7.5
billion people in the world, I want you to know that you are
special. Every one of us is different in this earth realm and are unique
and specially created. You are a special specimen on earth. You must
realize that of these billions of people in the world, you are unique and
amazing. There is no one that is exactly like you. Your colour, your finger
print, your DNA alone make you to be in a class of your own.

You are a special specimen, God does not have two people like you on
planet earth. You are a special specimen, your colour or race
notwithstanding. But you relegated yourself because you are black,
you don't want to go to schools because you are black, you see yourself
as a low class and inferior person because of your skin colour. Let me
shock you with this truth that, that in heaven, God does not recognize
black people or the colour of your skin. As a matter of fact, God doesn't
create black or white people, the only people God create are those that
are wonderfully and beautifully made. So you are not unfortunate
because of the colour of your skin. Neither are you unfortunate
because you of how you are born, YOU ARE SUFFERING BECAUSE YOU

You see, you are different, and that's what makes you special. We all


have different genetic codes and chromosome combinations, your

finger prints and even our ear lobes are different, no two individuals are
the same, not even twins. It's amazing how beautifully unique and
special each individual is. Unfortunately, most people do not know this.
Most individuals are clones and copies of someone else. They would
rather be copycats rather than being an original. You see, with
misplaced identity comes confusion, frustration and inner turmoil. A lot
of people are frustrated and lost in the pursuit of becoming and fulfilling
someone else's dreams all in the name of feeling among.

You see, in this earth realm, everyone has potentials and gifts that make
them outstanding only if they discover and develop them.
Discovering and developing your uniqueness helps you harness your
inert abilities, build a successful life, a life that is influential and
successful. A life that builds a successful career, a life starts a business,
sells better or even initiates a movement of some kind.
Knowing your uniqueness will aid you to live your life on your own
terms. It will assist you to find the focus and the drive to take positive
and progressive steps towards achieving your life's most important
objectives and goals, so you can stop struggling to live up to other
people's blue sky expectations.
You see, your uniqueness is one of the most valuable assets that's within
your control. Your uniqueness helps you understand, accept and love
yourself better, develop and maximize your inherent abilities.

You are special and made for the uppermost top. That is where you
belong. You are not meant to be with the mediocre. The Scriptures says,
"You shall be the head and not the tail, you shall be above only and not
beneath." 1
Sadly many people die at the bottom because they never discover God's


plans and purposes for their lives. So, they are living below God's very
own standard because they don't know what God has written for them
in the volume of the book. You see, our Lord Jesus spent 30 years in the
carpenter's shop until the day He realized what was written about Him
in the volume, He didn’t live to His full potential.

But the day our Lord Jesus discovered God's plan as written in the
volume of the book, that was the day He left the carpenter's shop. Now
in Jesus was the potential of greatness and saviour of the world but
that didn't find expression until he discovered himself.2

Similarly, many of you reading this book have a greatness in you but if
you don't know your purpose; what God has written about you in the
volume of His book, you will die in carpenter's shop as a nonentity (Mr.
Nobody). And you are created to save the world but if you don't know
your purpose; what God has written about you in the volume of His
book, you will die a nonentity in the carpenter's shop.
God will always unveil His plans to those who care to know. Though
many people don't care. All they care about is having first class, upper
credits, distinctions, Masters, sweat and work hard and get good jobs
without caring to know God's plans and purposes for their lives. Some
get good jobs and become far from God's plans for their lives.

In addition, in order to fulfil your God ordained purpose/destiny in life,

it is important for you to see yourself as a special entity, a royalty. The
Scriptures says: "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." . You need to
think royalty. For a thought of mediocrity makes a mediocre, while a
thought of greatness makes great men. So you are what you think you
are and you are the way you see yourself.
This is why the first step up the ladder of greatness and fulfilling your


God ordain purpose in life is for you to think royalty. I want you to know
that as you think in your heart, so are you. What you think in your heart
is what you will voice out. "...For out of the abundance of the heart the
mouth speaketh."4
The good news is that every child of God is special to God and must see
himself as such. It is time you begin to see the honour and dignity
attached to you the new man. You are not a biological experiment or
accident. You are a creature of purpose and great destiny in life. You are
a creature of great value.
There is a treasure in you and one outstanding thing about treasures is
the value attached to them. This is what makes them special and
unique. I want you to know that God rates you as a special treasure to
Himself. "...Ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people..."

So it is high time you quit seeing yourself as ordinary; a nonentity. You

are a peculiar specie of God's glory, a unique specimen! You carry the
kingdom of God inside you. The Scriptures tells us that the kingdom of
God is within us6. Your kind has never been before. You are not ordinary.
You are special. You are peculiar.

And the good news is if you are a born again child of God, you have
access to the divine nature of God here on earth; the capacities and
abilities of God resides in you. The Scriptures speaking says, "According
as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life
and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to
glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and
precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine
nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through
Similarly, Moses was told: "...I have made thee a god to Pharaoh..."8.


Now, if God has made you a god to Pharaoh, then it means that God has
made you a god to the whole world. And when Jesus came to the scene,
it was said of Him, What manner of man is this?? He said: As my Father
hath sent me, even so send I you." .

So you are in the class of Jesus. He has sent you to this world to fulfil
your God ordained purpose in grand style. Therefore, because you are
special, the world should say of you, What manner of man is this?

You are special! Everyone believer is called by God and is sent to the
world as a god and a light. He is made a god to the world and the world is
expected to listen to him and obey him. You are a god! This is the
position of anyone who receives the Word of God. The Scriptures says,
those unto whom the Word of God comes, He calls gods10.

Remember when people saw the acts of God in the lives of Paul and
Barnabas, it was said of them the gods are come down to us in the
likeness of men11. God says all His children are gods12. You are made to
be exceptionally distinguished; you too belong to the god class, you are
not just different and special. In describing how special you are, the
Scriptures says; "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an
holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of
him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light .

You have unusual grace, anointing and impeccable capabilities. You are
a priest and a king, and your priesthood and kingly dominion is to be
manifested on earth. You are special!

God has made you and every believer a kingdom of kings and priests to
the end that we should reign on earth. "And hast made us unto our God


kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth."14.

In the God's eye, the whole world is not worth an exchange for your
soul. You are so valuable in the eyes of God; you are a pearl of great
price. You are of so much value, that it cost God the blood of His only
begotten Son, to redeem your soul from darkness and destruction. I
want you to know that you mean so much to God, you matter a great
deal to His eternal purpose. So, stop seeing yourself as ordinary; as a
nobody. The Scriptures says: "For ye are bought with a price: therefore
glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." .

You are special therefore glorify God in your body, and don't give your
body to hard drugs or sexual immoralities. Value your body, don't sell
your body cheap because of money. A lady was caught online
sometimes ago, who wants to sleep with a dog for #2 Million naira. I
tell you, she stoop so low to having a dog sleep with her because she
does not have value for herself. You see, no matter the millions that
anybody gives you to sell your body, it does not worth your true worth
before God.
You are worth more than gold. And to further establish your great
value in God, God declares: He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of
his eye? . You are the apple of His eyes. So anyone who touches you
touches the eyes of God. You are His beloved.
Therefore, discover your God ordain purpose and recover your birth
right; because you are special and have a peculiar mission here on

You have all it takes to fulfil God's agenda on earth. You are destined to
be glorified in your calling and assignment. So locate your purpose and
stay in it. Stay in your lane. You are birthed because you are needed.
And your being a child of God is a calling to a higher life; we are called


according to his purpose... Every placement is a high placement,

with the ultimate purpose of glorifying the called. The Scriptures
says;"And we know that all things work together for good to them
that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed
to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many
brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called:
and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified,
them he also glorified.17 .

Do not despise yourself. Do not despise your gift and special abilities.
Don’t let people set limits on your potentials. Discover your purpose
and calling and stay with it. Stay on your lane, do not cross to
someone else's lane. Having located your purpose, stay put there, till
you become a star. Discovering your God ordained purpose in life
and pursuing it, is the beginning of your greatness. Abiding in that
purpose leads to stardom. You are destined to be a star! You are
special and not ordinary.
The world will soon celebrate your greatness!


You are not a Biological Experiment

I n Biology, one of the theories of evolution proposed that

human/living organisms could originate from a matter or an
experiment. And some propound that human beings descended
from monkeys. This is a fallacy and erroneous. I want you to know that
Charles Darwin or Lamarck's theory of evolution does not defines you.
You are not a biological experiment.
There is a purpose to which you are here on earth. No matter how you
are born. Whether you are born in wedlock, out of wedlock or with no
Lock. Maybe you are planned by your parent or you came to earth by
mistake, there is a purpose to your being born. Let me quickly tell you
here that there are no illegitimate children, we have only illegitimate
parents. The fact that you are here proves, you are not a mistake.

The fingerprints of God are on you.

I want you to know that before you were born, God knew you. He has
planned out all your days for good. Don't let your gifts and potentials
lie dormant. So tap into that buried treasure. Share your gift with the
world. You have more in you. There is a talent/gift you've not yet
discovered that the world is awaiting. You may have achieved some
great feats and victories in your past, but that is nothing compared to
what God has in stock for your future. If you have to see yourself as a
fully loaded person, totally equipped, then as you stretch your faith,
God will showcase you to the world in amazing ways.
I know you are not average. You are not ordinary. You are fully loaded
and gifted. And I'm declaring that the treasure buried in you will come
out for the world to see. I'm calling forth the talents, the gifts, the


dreams, the businesses, the inventions, the ideas, the books, the
songs, the movies in you to find expression. I'm calling forth your
untapped potentials to manifest for the world to see.

You are extraordinary; you are a winner. Biology says that after sexual
intercourse, about 200-300 million sperms are deposited by the man,
and they all begin to swim upwards within the reproductive tract to
meet with the ovum.
Now, of the over 200 million that are deposited, only 300 to 500
actually reach the site (others get tired on the way because it is not a
small race).
And of the 300 that manage to reach the ovum (egg), only one
fertilizes the egg, and in this case the Winning One was YOU. Have u
ever thought about this? You ran a race without your eyes and you
won, you ran without education and you won, you ran without a
certificate and you won, you ran without help and you won.
What makes you think you will lose now? Now that you have both eyes
and legs, now that you have a certificate, now that you have a plan, a
dream and a vision.
Beloved, you didn't give up on day one, you can't give up now, giving
up now is an insult to God your creator. It doesn't matter what you see
now, take it as a challenge, always remember that you WON from the

You see, from the analysis above, God did not create you to be
ordinary. He did bestow extraordinary gifts on you. In spite of the
discouragements you've had, regardless of the hurts, challenges, or
insults you've gone through, God is not through with you yet. God
gave you all that you need to achieve your God ordained destiny in life.
All of the gifts, talents, skills, personality traits all the treasures that lie
within you came from Him.


The Scriptures says, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that
the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." Look, there is
a treasure in you; you carry a goldmine inside of you that is waiting to
find expression. You have unique gifts and attributes. No one else has
your exact combination. I urge you to understand that and to step into
your God ordained destiny in life. The world will not be as great as it
could be if you don't release the full glow of your potential and reflect
God's glory.

Please note that, no one can take your place. When God made you, He
threw away the mould. Don't make the mistake of comparing yourself
with others. You are a unique entity in your own class. If God wanted
you to have the exact gifts of others, He would have given them to you.
If He wanted you to look like others and share the same personality, He
would have created you that way.

I want you to know that you have what it takes to fulfil your God
ordained destiny. To fulfil your destiny, you don't need what they have.
You need only what lies within you. God made you and matched you
with your world, your circumstances, and your environment. He
decided what your purpose would be in the world. He gave you an
assignment to do. Then He granted you the gifts, the talents, the looks,
the beauty, the creativity, the personality to get the job done.

He equipped you with exactly what you needed in the earth realm. If
you needed to be taller, God would have made you taller. Conversely, if
you needed to be shorter, God would have made you shorter. If you
needed language or people skills, God would have given them to you. If
you needed musical talent, God would have granted that gift to you.


That is why, I will advise you not to take any of your talents or gifts for
granted. Don't despise the days of your small beginning. Do not
complain about those you wish you had. You are wonderfully and
beautifully made. God created you fully loaded and equipped. He
chose your features in the same way that you select a car. You can buy a
car totally stripped down. Just the basics, without air-conditioning.
Without power windows. Without the stereo/CD. Just a standard car.

But understand this: When God created you, He had all the options put
on. You are not a want-to-be. You are not a stripped-down version of
the real thing. You are totally equipped and fully loaded. You are more
sophisticated than any computer processor, program or AI machine.
When God made you, He said, "I want the deluxe package. I want
the chrome wheels. I want the sun roof. I want the navigation.
Whatever God has given you, He made you totally equipped and
fully loaded to fulfil it. I realize I may not have what someone else
has. He may be a Bugatti and I'm a Rolls Royce. But I'm not the least
bit worried. I know I have all I need to fulfil my God's ordained
purpose in life.
You see, to be successful in life, you must discover your assignment,
the purpose to which God has created you. Before a product is made,
the manufacturer determines the purpose of the product. If the
purpose of a thing is unknown, it is abused. When the purpose of a
product is not known, abuse is inevitable. And what is abuse? It simply
means abnormal use.

What is your purpose on Earth?

Purpose can be defined as a process of discovering why you are on
earth. It is about finding out why something is done or used.
Discovering the reason why a thing is created. There is a reason why
you are born in Nigeria and not in America, China or India. There is a


reason why you are born into your very family; good or bad, poor or rich.
God made you black and not white for a reason, to fulfil a specific

Why are you on this planet Earth?

You see, it is discovery that enlists you for life. Not necessarily birth. You
can be born yet useless. But a man of purpose has discovered or seen
how he can contribute to life in a meaningful way. Because life is all
about contribution. Please note that the moment you stop contributing
to life, you die. And that is the principle behind the ecosystem. In the
ecosystem, everything is existing for the other. Plants give us oxygen,
and we give them carbon dioxide. In the ecosystem, anything not
contributing is not living, it is dead.

Furthermore, please understand that, greatness is not measured in the

amassing of wealth. That is not what it is. You can be wealthy without
being great. It is very possible. Mother Theresa was a great woman, but
was she wealthy? No! But did she contribute to life in a meaningful way?
Of course yes! She was seen to be doing charitable works. So greatness is
not a measure of how much you have. But the impact you make.
Discovering purpose is discovering how you cannot be ignored. So the
discovery of how you should contribute to life is the first mark of living
life to the fullest. A man and a woman that discovers his or her purpose
in life is often been celebrated.

You must know that God created man for a purpose "And God said, Let
us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over
the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that
creepeth upon the earth: So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God created he him; male and female created he them."2
When you discover your purpose, why God has created you, you cannot
be ignored. A person who discovers his purpose is celebrated. Nobody


ignores him. You see, you are made for a particular purpose. You are
created to do just one thing, not many things. Find out that one thing
and do it.
If God created you to sell water and you are selling bread and
groundnut, you cannot make it. If you are made to be a preacher and
you are into business, you will be so indebted to the neck. And if the
assignment God gave you is to be a singer and you are a footballer, you
cannot be successful. Look, there is a goldmine in you, there is a
diamond chest in you. But you've got to find and discover it. You see
until a man discovers his purpose in life, he remains on the lowest
echelons of life. He would be downtrodden, lightly esteemed, and
lowly looked upon. This person operates from the lowest ladder of the

In life you are not respected by your grey hair but by your contribution
to life. Grey hair may be a mark of length of life but it is not a proof of
contribution to life. The bible says, "The glory of the young man is their
strength, and the beauty of old men is their grey head." 3

Some people living are just over-stretching the social amenities for
nothing. You should give way. In the Scriptures, Moses and Aaron are
told to pick men in their 20s that are able to go to war.4 I want you to
know that war here refers to your purpose. War refers to your
assignment. War here refers to the task God has set ahead of you. He
said from 20 years upward enlist them that have abilities.

So on that age of 20, emphasis is set on ability, an emphasis on

discovery. Our Lord Jesus Christ assignment was cleared to him- To die
for the sins of humanity. And he fulfilled it. At age twelve, he
discovered his purpose, he was not a play boy. Some of you at twenty,
you don’t even know where you are going.
I want you to know that God has a plan for your life. God says, "For I


know the plan I have for you says the Lord, Plans to prosper you and
not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope."5
God has a great plan for you but, that great plan comes alive when you
discover your purpose on earth. And discovering your purpose in God
unveils to you Gods greatest plan for your life.

In addition, the greatest tragedy in life is not death but a life without a
purpose. The heaviest burden in life is having nothing to carry. A lot of
individuals live and die like Methuselah, who lived for 969 years
without nothing to show. For some individuals, it is only when they
die that people gather to celebrate them. May that not be your
portion in Jesus name! The richest place on earth is the grave. Why?
The grave yard contains books that were not written, talents that died
undiscovered, ideas that died unexecuted. I decree to you, may you
not contribute greatness to the grave.

In conclusion, purpose is finding out a reason for living, a reason for

existence. You must have a reason for living. When you know the
reason why you are on Earth, that gives you hope. Purpose is what
makes a man wake up every day with a reason to live. The reason why
people commit suicide, the main reason why people kill themselves is
because of hopelessness, they see no reason to live. Purpose makes
you wake up every day with the hope of a brighter future.

Listen, discovering your purpose in life is about you doing what you
are created to do. It is about doing what you are born to do. Purpose
gives meaning to your existence; a person living without knowing his
purpose for life is only existing and not living.
I can guarantee you, when you know your purpose in life, it will be
very difficult for you to see your life as an error or experiment in life.


Understanding Purpose

hey say that when the purpose of a thing is unknown, abuse is
inevitable. In order for you to fulfil your God ordained purpose
in life, it is important you understand what purpose really

Now, in understanding purpose, it is important you note the

#1 God is a God of purpose. According to the Scriptures, God created
all things for His Will to fulfil His Purpose. "In whom also we have
obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose
of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will"

In this earth realm, every creator or manufacturer of a product begins

with a purpose. He first establishes his intent/purpose before starting
the process of production. The maker of the mobile phones made
them because of the purpose of communication.

Similarly, God is a God of purpose. God is the source of purpose.

Nature is filled with evidences that He determines the purpose for a
thing before creating it. In other words, God never made anything for
the fun of it. He never created something just to see if He could survive.
Before the creative act ever takes place, God has in His mind the why
and the how of what He decides to make. He makes everything with
and for a purpose. You see, long before God became the Creator of


heaven and earth, He was planning and designing the many things He
would speak into existence.

#2 Everything on this earth realm has a purpose. There is no creature

created for fun or useless in this earth realm. If God is a God of
purpose and He created everything, then it means that everything in
this earth realm has a purpose. The Scripture says, "The Lord has made
everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble"2

When you look at a Cockroach before you kill it or a rat caught in a trap,
know that God has a plan and a purpose for each of these tiny
creatures that have become nuisance to man. The lice we detest and
the snakes we fear were made by God to fulfil a specific purpose on
Earth, as were mosquitoes, birds and trees. God took as much time
putting together spiders and ants as He did creating butterflies and
flowers. Just because we don't comprehend a creatures purpose
doesn't mean that it is purposeless. But our opinion notwithstanding,
everything serves a purpose. In essence, ignorance of purpose does
not cancel purpose of a thing.

Consequently, everything in this earth realm, no matter how

insignificant they may seem, exists for a specific purpose in God's
mind to serve a greater purpose. For instance, the hairs in your nostrils
were carefully created by God and intentionally placed there for the
purpose of trapping bacteria, germs and dust particles, preventing
them from contaminating the lungs during inspiration. Also, the wax
in your ears have a purpose.
Your ear glands were made to produce wax to attract and trap dust
particles, bacteria and germs before they can enter the delicate inner
ear and cause infection to your body. There is no part of your body that


does not serve a vital purpose, even down to the smallest detail.

There is nothing useless so to speak on this planet earth. This is also

true of nature. Mankind has recently discovered that every animal
and every plant was created to balance the ecosystem. Meaning if we
take all this plants and animals out of this realm, we are dead.

#3 Wherever purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable. The word

abuse means abnormal use. Or to say it another way, if you don't know
the proper use for something, you will use it in a disorderly manner.
Unknown purpose also leads to misuse, which is a stronger form of
abuse. If you give an iPhone 14 pro max to your baby, he will abuse it.
For instance, if you so much love your two year old son and you give
him your car to drive you, both of you are heading for a crash because
he doesn't know the purpose of a car. And as such, he will abuse it.

To misuse something means that you didn't use it for the intended
purpose. Although the product has a purpose, you miss knowing it
and thus use it for something other than what the creator had in mind
when he designed and made it. If couples don't know the purpose of a
marriage, they will abuse their spouse (We call that wife abuse or
husband abuse.). Similarly, if you don't know the purpose for a baby,
you will misuse the child. (We call that child abuse.) If you don't know
the purpose for money, you will abuse the money. If you don't know
the purpose for a job, you'll misuse the job. If you don't know the
purpose for your gadget, you will abuse it.
All abuse is a violation of purpose. Therefore, it is very vital that you
either discover the purpose for everything you encounter in life or
refrain from using that person or thing until you gain that knowledge
of its higher purpose.


#4 If you want to know the purpose of a thing, find out from the
manufacturer or creator. In order to know the purpose of a thing,
never ask the thing but its creator. Have you ever asked a phone or a
table or a plant why it exists? Of course not, because being inanimate,
they can't possibly tell you what you want to know.
The purpose is only found in the mind of the creator. Any other way of
discovering the purpose of a thing without the mind of the creator will
end in futility.

The futility of understanding God's purposes apart from Him is

graphically portrayed in the encounter between God and Job in the
latter part of the Book of Job. Job was a faithful lover of God who lost
everything after he was buffeted by Satan. Job's friends incessantly
speculated, lectured, blamed and argued, trying to explain why Job
was experiencing such misfortune. When Job and his friends had
ceased talking, God decided to speak to Job out of a storm. Again and
again He questioned Job's understanding of things he could not know
because they required knowledge of God's purposes in creation.

"Who are you to question My wisdom with your ignorant, empty

words? Stand up now like a man and answer the questions I ask you.
Were you there when I made the world? If you know so much, tell Me
about it. What holds up the pillars that support the earth? Have you
any idea how big the world is? Answer Me if you know. Do you know
where the light comes from or what the source of darkness is? Do you
know the laws that govern the skies and can you make them apply to
the earth? Who is wise enough to count the clouds and tilt them over
to pour out the rain? Job, you challenged Almighty God; will you give
up now, or will you answer?3
Obviously, Job could not answer those questions because only God


could tell him how the world was created to operate and why it was
made that way. The rain could not, neither could the light or the
darkness. Finally, Job admitted defeat. He would never know the
reasons behind his experiences unless God explained them to him,
because creatures can never know purpose apart from the creator.
So, if you want to know the purpose of a thing, find out from the
manufacturer or creator. Or better still, refer to the manufacturer’s
manual. You cannot discover your purpose all by yourself alone
because only God knows the purpose for your life.

#5 Purpose is the key to fulfilment

Purpose dictates performance, which influences satisfaction. Thus,
purpose is the key to fulfilment. To know the true meaning of your life,
fulfil your dreams, and unlock your destiny, it all starts with
discovering your life purpose for life. Your purpose in life is the key to
your happiness and fulfilment in life. Purpose tells you what you are
supposed to do and why. It exposes the reasons behind life’s
experiences and demands, and supplies a vision for the future. It also
provides a perspective that gives meaning and significance to your life.

Apart from purpose, life seems fatalistic and haphazard, and the
happenings of life become more important than the reasons behind
them.In essence, you will never experience true success and
fulfilment in life until you are executing the purpose for which you
were born.
You see, in our world are millions of people merely living without
existing. Perhaps you reading this may be one of them. These
individuals are busy, active, dedicated, faithful, famous people who
are accepted, respected, revered and admired by a lots of people for
their successes and accomplishments. But deep inside, they are tired,


frustrated, bored, disillusioned, confused, empty and depressed. Their

lives are aimless. Day after day, they go to work from January to
December fulfilling another man's purpose. They go on smiling,
pretending and living up to an identity and a reputation that is different
from their true selves. The lie they live and the inner yearning to be
freed from the tyranny that binds them are a constant source of
internal conflict.

You see, your today starts when you discover purpose. Because you
will fulfill prophecy as written about you in the volume of the book of
God's ordained destiny for your life.

And if I may ask, what prophesy are you fulfilling? Your work upon the
earth is supposed to be the fulfilment of the prophecy.
Jeremiah was born to be a major prophet to the nations, he brought
Lamentation and caused the people to walk in the ways of the Lord, but
he did not know that was his divine destiny in Christ until the located
the word of the Lord to him.

"Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Before I formed
thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the
womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the
nations." 4
The Lord knows your name, He knows your every thoughts, He knows
your abilities and potentials because He is your maker and
manufacturer. But like Jeremiah, you need to know your divine destiny
in Christ by locating the word of the Lord to you in the volume of the
book. The bible says (talking about Jesus) that He opened the book and
found the place where it was written of them in the volume of the
book. Without the opening of the book, you will never find the place in


life. There are a majority of people who have been crying to God
about what they are here for, all to no avail simply because they have
not gotten to the place where it was written of them in the volume of
the book of their God's ordained destiny.

Because your coming upon the earth does not mean you are
ultimately going to walk in purpose, you must discover it on purpose.
When you realize that you were born for a reason, it will change your
perspective about life. Do you know that everyone was created by
inferiority complex by default? There are great people, beautiful
people, and great millionaires with inferiority complexes. You can try
to solve it with different things, but only your purpose kills it once
and for all.

And you don't solve inferiority complex by prayer and fasting alone
or by going to Church and singing in the choir, you solve it by the
discovery of your God ordained purpose in life. I can guarantee you,
when you find your place and you discover it and then walk in that
path, you will fulfil your God ordained destiny in grand style.

You see, a lot of us have role models that are not in the area of our
purpose, and we are struggling to be what we are not. Your place in
life is not determined by you or your role models, pastors and
mentors. It is determined by God. So outside of God, there is no
discovery of purpose, there is only ambition.

Furthermore, please note that purpose is not the same as ambition.

For ambition is what you aspire to become by reason of your like,
your environment, and whatever parameters you have. Purpose is
the intention that God put in your heart to serve in the earth realm
when He shot you as an arrow from eternity into time, He packaged

and made you for a reason. You don't create your purpose, you
discover it.

Sadly, today there are so many people escorting others to the place
of destiny. God design that you find fulfilment when you begin to
walk in your purpose. And stay on your lane. Because:
>Your fulfilment in life is in your purpose
>Your joy is in your purpose
>Your peace is in your purpose
>Your prosperity is in your purpose
>Your glory and place and your influence is in your purpose

The danger is that if you don’t discover it, you will live your life in
regrets, getting offended and angry at those who have found it,
because you will aspire to become what they already are, but you
will find out that the road you are taking will only end you up in
frustrations and disappointments.

Look, whether black, brown, yellow, red or white, you and I are
pulled by destiny towards a meaningful, fulfilling purpose in life.
This human need for personal meaning and satisfaction is universal.
Each one of us must discover this divine purpose and pursue it
relentlessly, or we will fail to live a rich, whole, meaningful life.


What is Purpose?

P urpose is the original intent for the creation of a thing. Purpose

is the original reason for the existence of a thing. You see, God
created everything for a purpose. God created everything on a
purpose; there is nothing on earth that was not made for a purpose.
So if everything God created has a purpose, it means you are not a
biological accident. God has a grand purpose for your life.
It is for a purpose that God created you. He had a purpose in mind that
you are to fulfil even right from when you were being formed in your
mother's womb.

That is why the Bible says, "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew
thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee,
and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations".1

And our job description on earth is to find out that purpose for which
God created us and to fulfil it, or else, you remain a misfit to the
society. Until you find out that purpose for which God created you and
fulfil it, you are not fit to live.
Until you find out that purpose for which God created you and fulfil it,
you remain a hooligan in the society.
The life of the Apostle Paul is illustrative in this regard. You see, as long
as Paul did not recognize and fulfill his purpose, he was a hooligan. He


was going about killing and persecuting Christians. If not the divine
encounter he had with Jesus on the way to Damascus, he would have
ended up in life as a hooligan in the society pursuing another man's
purpose. It was that divine encounter he had with Jesus that aligned
Paul with purpose.
Similarly, some of you reading this book need a genuine encounter
with Jesus to align with your purpose in life, that is if you don't want to
end up in life as a nonentity. Paul before he met with Jesus and
discovered his purpose in life, was a man suffering from what I call:
identity crises.

Identify crisis is when you don't know who you are. And if you don't
know who you are, chances are, you will behave like who you are not.
It was Identify crisis that made Paul to go about persecuting the
Christians. The zeal so much consumed him that he personally
supervised the stoning and the execution of Stephen the Martyr. The
death of Stephen took place before him as the chief executioner Paul.
Because he was the instigator of violence against Christians in his days
when he had not yet discovered his God ordained purpose in life.

Paul in describing his zeal to King Agrippa said, "I verily thought with
myself, that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of
Nazareth. Which thing I also did in Jerusalem: and many of the saints
did I shut up in prison, having received authority from the chief priests;
and when they were put to death, ....I heard a voice speaking unto me,
and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou

I tell you that encounter that Paul had with Jesus, aligned him to his
purpose in life. Paul's life before discovering his purpose can be like


the life of the average person on the street.

Similarly, you need to find out your purpose and fulfill it if not, you will
not be who God wants you to be in life.

The exploits recorded by Paul can be attributed to his discovering and

fulfilling his divinely ordained purpose in life. Imagine if about two-
third of the New Testament which was written by Paul. Imagine he had
not discovered his purpose? I tell you if he had not discovered his
purpose, he would have died a hooligan/tout.
Like Paul, it is an error and an aberration for you to die unfulfilled.
There are many potentials and great accomplishments that are lying
dormant in you. But if you don't discovered and fulfill your purpose,
you will died unfulfilled.
That is why I will encourage you to align yourself to be purpose by
having an encounter with Jesus. That is the starting point to a life of
fulfillment (To do this, pray the salvation prayer at the back of this

Again, What Is Purpose?

Everything in life has a purpose. Everyone on this planet was born with
and for a purpose. It is this purpose that is the only source of meaning.
Without purpose, life is an experiment or a haphazard journey that
results in frustration, disappointment and failure. Without purpose,
life is subjective, or it is a trial and error game that is ruled by
environmental influences and the circumstances of the moment.
Likewise, in the absence of purpose, time has no meaning, energy has
no reason and life has no direction.
Therefore, it is essential that we understand and discover our purpose
in life so that we can experience an effective, full and rewarding life.


Purpose is…
· The real reason for which something is created,
· The real intent for the existence of a thing,
· The end for which the means exist,
· The cause for the production of a product,
· The end result that initiates production,
· The need that makes a manufacturer produce a particular
· The destination that prompts the journey,
· The expectation of the source,
· The objective for the subject,
· The aspiration for the inspiration, and
· The object one wills or resolves to have.

In life, until you discover your purpose, you remain a misfit. The world
is filled with individuals who find themselves in the middle of time,
they didn't know why they were born and they die without discovering
why they came to planet earth. You see, it is a tragedy for an individual
to live upon the earth realm, without knowing the reason why he/she
was born and what he/she was mandated to do upon the earth realm.

Purpose denotes the intention of producing or manufacturing a thing.

The purpose of a thing is the reason for its existence, the reason why it
is made. I want you to know that God is a God of purpose, he does not
create anything for nothing, and everything God creates is supposed
to serve a reason. It is vital that we realize that God didn't just create
man to walk upon the surface of the earth, go to church, go to school,
go to university, earn a degree, get married, give birth to children, get
old, and die alone. That is a testimony of a lot of individuals to a large
extend and I tell you, that is a terrible testimony.


Many individuals do not understand the purpose of their lives, they

do not realize that they do not exist on the surface of the earth by
biological accident irrespective of how they were born. You are born
in wedlock, out of wedlock or with no lock, I tell you that is irrelevant
as far fulfilling your God ordained purpose in life is concerned. The
story of a man called James Robison is illustrative in this regard. He
was an unplanned child, a product of rape. His case was so pathetic
that his relatives have to advice his mother to abort him because
there was no hope for a future for him. But today, James Robinson is a
very successful.

James Robison comes from colorful—if not dark—beginnings. Born

on October 9, 1943, in Pasadena, Texas, his mother, Myra, was a rape
victim. Her initial choice was an abortion, but her doctor refused.
Feeling that she was unable to care for the child who came from that
assault, she placed an ad in a local paper for someone to adopt him.

A few years into family life, however, his mother returned and took
him back. Robison's childhood after that point wasn't ideal. He lived in
extreme poverty, and as a teenager, his violent, alcoholic father
appeared in his life. But a product of rape didn't define him, because
he found God and discover his purpose early in life and today, his is an
international figure.

To a large degree, what qualify you for fulfilling purpose is your being
born. So it's important for you to know that at your conception
millions of sperms compete to get to the egg shell but out of them all
you made it. Biologists tell us that as millions of human sperm cells
swim towards a waiting ovum or egg, only one gets to fertilize it. And
that is you. Congratulations, thank God you made it!

So, maybe you came to this world by mistake just like James Robison.
Because there is nowhere they put a label on anyone that he is an


illegitimate parent. What we have today are illegitimate parents.

Your parents may not plan you but for you to surface in this earth
realm, you are needed and important. So don't write off yourself.
What is vital is for you to find the original assignment and the
intention of God for your life; find out why God brought you to the
earth realm. You see, there is a problem customized for you and only
you can solve that problem. That is why God made you to exist in this
sphere of life.
Do you realize that every one of us has an assignment assigned by
God. It has been predetermined. The danger is that if you do not find
it, you will live your life getting offended and angry at those who have
found theirs, because you will aspire to become what they already
are, but you will find out that the road you are taking will only end you
up in disappointments and frustrations.

Tell yourself, "I was born for a reason, I am not a biological accident,
I'm not one of the many people in the earth, I was born for a reason, I
have an assignment, I have a mandate, I have an anointing, and I
have a destiny".

Jesus was a nonentity until the day He found his purpose. There was
no proof anywhere in the Scriptures that Jesus was an important
person before then, that people loved and valued Him, until the day
that He found his purpose.

Similarly, you remain a nonentity/misfit in life if you don't discover

and maximize your purpose. People won't value you as an important
person until the day you find what is written of you in the volume of
the book.
And talking about Jesus, the Scriptures says, "And there was delivered
unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the


book, he found the place where it was written."
I want you to know that there is a place for you that is not a place for
many people, not a place for competition. There are so many
competitions out there in the world system because many people are
trying to be what a few people who have found their purpose have
become. That is imitation. For instance, some people will see people
selling groundnut and because they see them selling, they also open
groundnut shop. That is imitation! And the best you can become if you
imitate another person is the second class of that person. However,
your originality is manifested when you find the place.
Jesus said after he has discovered his purpose for life, "The Spirit of the
Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to
the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach
deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set
at liberty them that are bruised, (19) To preach the acceptable year of
the Lord. (20) And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the
minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the
synagogue were fastened on him. (21) And he began to say unto them,
This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears."4

I tell you Jesus unlike other Christians was not a lay about. He was able
to accomplish what He came to do in his earthly ministry within three
years because of His sense of purpose. Without Jesus discovering His
purpose, I tell you, He would have still died at 33 as a carpenter's son.
The Scripture says, "Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it
is written of me,) to do thy will, O God."
I tell you, until the day you find yourself in the volume of the book of
what is written of you, that is when your destiny will open up. You will
begin to walk in the path of destiny. One definition of frustration in life
is to walk void of the knowledge of your assignment; you will dissipate
energy, you will waste resources.


Success Without Fulfilment

I n pursuit of happiness in life, I want you to know that there is what

we call success without fulfilment. And sadly majority of the so
called successful people have become victim of this. Because they
are doing another man's job and running another man's race.

And this was what King Solomon the wisest man who ever lived in his
time observed when he said on the book of Ecclesiastes, "Vanity of
vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity".
What King Solomon was trying to say here was that if you try to pursue
happiness without divine purpose in mind, your success and
achievements would have just been in vain; that’s utter vanity. That is
why he said, "...vanity of vanities; all is vanity".
Solomon had everything going for him in his days. The Bible in
describing the influence, riches and magnificence of Solomon says,

"[23]So king Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth for riches and
for wisdom. [24]And all the earth sought to Solomon, to hear his
wisdom, which God had put in his heart. [25]And they brought every
man his present, vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and garments,
and armour, and spices, horses, and mules, a rate year by year.
And Solomon gathered together chariots and horsemen: and he had a
thousand and four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen,

whom he bestowed in the cities for chariots, and with the king at

This is to say that King Solomon was highly successful in his time. And
not only that, Solomon’s wisdom, wealth and power brought him
many Women. For the record King Solomon had 700 wives and 300
concubines. Because in life, women are naturally gravitated toward
wisdom, wealth and power. So in effect, Solomon had tasted white,
brown, black and yellow women. But at the end of it all, he lost his
divine purpose because the many women he acquired turned his
heart from God and the wise King Solomon ended up in a shrine.
Solomon was before then walking in divine purpose until strange
women took over his vision. That was why after considering the
aftermath of the consequence of his actions, he said "...vanity of
vanities; all is vanity".

You see, human beings, no matter who they are or where they live, all
want to be successful. Sadly, this success is usually characterized with
the superficial rewards that are so glorified by the mass media as;
wealth, fame, power, luxury and prestige. The object to acquire
material success is enshrined in us right from an early age. Parents
urge their children to work hard so they can be somebody in life
(which is not a bad idea). Schools and academic institutions add to this
pressure by encouraging competitive grading system and by offering
rewards for outstanding academic performances.
In our world today, bookstores are loaded with materials and books
that instruct readers how to get rich quickly, how readers will get to
the top of their professional fields/careers so they can accumulate
money, wealth, position and power, and complete with cover photos
of glamorous life of the rich and the famous in the community and
magazines .

You see, all this relentless pursuit of success without a focus on divine
purpose in view has produced some unglamourous results. Divorce


and suicide on the rise, violence, environmental destruction and

white/blue collar crime plague every community. Over the last two
generations, emotional depression particularly of men and women
between the ages of twenty-five and forty-four, has multiplied
tenfold. All these are happening because people are pursuing success
without fulfilment. All these are happening because people are
pursuing success without divine purpose in view.
In this life, fulfilling divine purpose is key to true happiness. And
fulfilling our God ordained purpose must be the primary goal of every
person on this planet earth.

In the book; In pursuit of Purpose, Dr Myles Munroe was told the story
of a young man Dr. Clyde Wilson, who got an Outstanding Citizen of
the Year award for his distinguished service to this community as a
medical doctor.

He told him parents after receiving the honour, “Everything I have

achieved and accomplished during these years of my career has been
done to please you, Dad, and to fulfil your life-long ambition of being a
medical doctor. I have become what you wanted me to be, but I have
never become who I wanted to be,” he said. “Despite all the cars,
homes and other material things I now have, my life is empty. I never
wanted to be a doctor like you did, Dad.
In reality, I hate being a doctor. I always wanted to be a musician, but
you and mom would not allow me to follow that dream.
“Please understand. I love and respect you deeply, he said. I know all
you have sacrificed to provide me with my education, and I thank you
for it. But tonight I realized that I cannot continue living to fulfil your
dreams and expectations. I must start fulfilling my own.
When I accepted that award tonight, I felt like a hypocrite. Someone I
don't even know deserve that award because I don't know myself. I
want to live. I want to come alive. I want to be what I was born to be.
Please set me free and let me live .”
What a pathetic ending to a sweet hearted story simply because the
young man was busy pursuing his parents purpose instead of fulfilling

his God ordained purpose in life. That at the end, he was frustrated.
That he has to resolve to pursue his true purpose.

You see, in our world are millions of people like this young man.
Perhaps you reading this book today may be one of them. These
individuals are busy, active, dedicated, faithful, famous people who
are accepted, respected, revered and admired by a lots of people for
their successes and accomplishments. But deep inside, they are
empty, tired, frustrated, bored, disillusioned, confused and
depressed. Their lives are aimless.
Day after day they go to work from January to December. Year in year
out, they are fulfilling another man's purpose. They go on smiling,
pretending and living up to an identity and a reputation that is
different from their true selves. The lie they live and the inner
yearning to be freed from the tyranny that binds them are a constant
source of internal conflict.

Look whether black, brown, yellow, red or white, I want you to know
that you and I are pulled by destiny towards a meaningful, fulfilling
purpose in life. This human need for personal meaning and
satisfaction is universal. Each one of us must discover this divine
purpose and pursue it relentlessly, or we will fail to live a rich, whole,
meaningful life.
This young man ended up in frustration even after all his
achievements. He felt empty, tired, frustrated, bored, disillusioned,
confused and depressed because he was fulfilling another man's

Maybe you are reading and you don't want to end up like this young
man. You want to live a meaningful life and not just exist in life as part
of the statistics of the 7.5 Billion people in the planet, you need to live
purposefully by discovering your God ordained purpose in life so that
you don't have success without fulfilment. Please resolve to pursue
his true purpose today because you are meant to live a fulfilled life.


Understanding Yourself and

Discovering Your purpose in life

B y way of introduction, I will begin by saying, you are only living

or just existing? Because a man can be living without existing
when he has not discovered his God’s ordained purpose in life.
To know the true meaning of your life, fulfil your dreams, and unlock
your destiny, it all starts with discovering your life purpose in life.
Because the greatest tragedy in life is not death, the greatest tragedy
in life is a life without purpose. However, in fulfilling your God
ordained destiny in life, it is important you discover yourself.

First, know who are you?

Who am I? Why am I here? These questions are amongst the oldest
put forth by honest men and women who were seeking answers to
the age-old question, What is my life purpose?
In knowing who you are, you must know what is your Purpose on
earth? Why did God create you in this planet? What is your purpose
on earth?

Again, what is Purpose?

Purpose is the original intent for the creation of a thing. That is, why
something is created. For instance, if you give an i-phone 14 to a
monkey, he will use break palm kernel, because he does not know the


purpose of the phone.

Purpose is the original reason for the existence of a thing; God created
everything on a purpose; there is nothing on earth that was not made
for a purpose. It is for a purpose that God created you. You are not an
experimental or biological accident. He had a purpose in mind that
you are to fulfil even right from when you are being formed in your
mother's womb.

That is why the Scriptures says "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew
thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee,
and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations".1

And our job description on earth is to find out that purpose for which
God created us and to fulfil it, or else, we remain a misfits to the
society. Until you find out that purpose for which God created you and
fulfil it, you are not fit to live.

Until you find out that purpose for which God created you and fulfil it,
you remain a hooligan in the society. You must understand that there
is reason why God created you on planet earth.

Three insights into your purpose:

#1: You discover your identity and purpose through a relationship
with Lord.
God was thinking of you long before you ever thought about him. His
purpose for your life predates your conception. He planned it before
you existed, without your input! You may choose your career, your
spouse, your hobbies, and many other parts of your life, but you don't
get to choose your purpose.
The purpose of your life fits into a much larger, cosmic purpose that


God has designed for eternity.

Most people struggle with three basic issues in life:
The first is identity: Who am I?
The second is importance: Do I matter?
The third is impact: What is my place in life?

The answers to all three questions are found in God's purpose for you.
When you find God through Christ, your life’s purpose becomes
These helps to define your purpose in life; your Spiritual Gifts, Heart,
Abilities, Personality, Experience
Firstly, Danish Proverb says,”What you are is God's gift to you; what
you do with yourself is your gift to God”.

Talking about Your Abilities.

Your abilities are the natural talents you were born with. Many are
born with unique gifts and natural abilities from God that find
expressions when we discover and develop them. Since your natural
abilities are from God, they are just as important and as spiritual as
your spiritual gifts. The only difference is that you were given them at

Now, it is important that to discover God's purpose for your life, you
should seriously examine what you are good at doing and what you're
not good at. I want you to know that, God doesn't waste abilities; he
matches our calling and our capabilities.

In the story of the talent, we were told that the master gave talents to
every servant under him according to his several ability.
"For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country,


who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
[15]And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to
another one; to every man according to his several ability; and
straightway took his journey." .
But at the end of the day, only two out of the three servants utilized
their talents. The unprofitable servant buried his talent. And he
collected the talent from the unprofitable servant and added to the
talents of the servant that multiplied his talents. And this follow the
principle of; "the talent(s) or gift(s) you don't use, you will lose".
For instance, if you don't exercise your muscles, they weaken and
atrophy. In the same way, if you don't utilize the abilities and skills
God has given you, you will lose them.

Your Personality.
I want you to know that we are all born with different personality
traits. Your personality will affect how and where you use your
spiritual gifts and abilities.

Employing Your Experiences.

you can learn from the examples of others, but you must not imitate
them. Because imitation will be your greatest limitation and at the
end, it will make you a second best. You will need to filter what you
learn from others through your own shape.

You see, you have been shaped by your experiences in life, most of
which were beyond your control. God allowed them primarily for his
purpose of molding you. In determining your shape for serving God,
you should examine at least six kinds of experiences from your past:

Family experiences: What did you learn growing up in your family?

Educational experiences: What were your favourite subjects in
school? What did you learned from school? What did you gain from
what you studied in school?

Vocational experiences: What jobs have you been most effective in

and enjoyed most?

Spiritual experiences: What have been your most meaningful times

with God?

Ministry experiences: How have you served God in the past?

Painful experiences: What problems, hurts, thorns, trials and failure
have you learned from?

You see, whether black, brown, yellow, red or white, you and I are
pulled by destiny toward a meaningful, fulfilling and enriching life.
This human need for personal meaning and satisfaction is universal.
Each one of us must discover this personal purpose and pursue it
relentlessly, or we will fail to live an enriching, fulfilling and
meaningful life. So it is all up to you to discover your talent(s), gift(s)
and unique abilities. It is not up to what your parents say you should

In conclusion, inner emptiness is the lot of those who lack a clarity of

purpose or those who struggle to live up to someone else's
definition or expectations of success, be it that of a parent, a spouse,
a boss or society in general. Until you understand yourself and
discover your purpose in life, you remain a misfit to the society.


Understanding and
Maximizing Your Potential

E very human is blessed with simple yet profound potentials.

Of the more than seven point five billion people on the planet
earth, everyone, are different and uniquely crafted and
heavily loaded with massive and enormous potentials. We all have
different genetic codes and chromosome combinations, finger
prints and even our ear lobes are different, as such, no two people
are alike, not even twins. We are all created uniquely with
exceptional potentials.
I want you to know that all that we will ever be is already implanted
within us, we only need to invest time to grow to identify all the
resources God has deposited in us to maximize our potentials.

What is potential?
Potential is not a mysterious word; it is simply defined as:
ü Undiscovered innate abilities
ü All that you are that you have not yet become.
ü All that you can do that you have not yet done.
ü All that you have that you have not yet harnessed but it is
already within you waiting to be released.
Your potential is all you have that you have not yet harnessed which
is lying dormant in you. That is waiting for expression. In science, we


talk about potential energy. Simply put, potential energy is the

energy that is stored in an object that is yet to be released. For
instance, an electric bulb has a potential to light up a whole building,
but if you fail to turn it on, chances are, you will remain in the dark
and probably hit your head on the wall. It is all your fault because
there is electric energy being supplied to the bulb but you refuse to
turn it on.

Similarly, in life you need to turn on your potentials that are lying
dormant in you. That is if they must find expression. Ideally, the
potential of the average person is like a huge ocean that is uncharted,
a novel continent undiscovered, and a world of possibilities waiting
to be released and channeled towards some great innovations.

As an individual, you are loaded with so much potentials that you

could never exhaust in a lifetime. This is why the greatest tragedy is
for a person to live an average life bound by fear of failure, never
living his or her highest possible potential, either due to fear, laziness,
ignorance or mediocrity.
You see, in life, the greatest threat to being all you can be is settling in
your comfort zone. When you settle at your comfort zone, the best
you can be is an average. And living an average life will make you
settle for what is good. And the enemy of best is good and the
strength of good is the status quo. Sadly, settling for the status quo is
the greatest limitation of our generation. It keeps people
comfortably stuck in the norm living lives of mediocrity.

History records that men and women that became successful in life
were men and women that rose above their mediocrity. History
records that men and women that became record breakers in life


were men and women that rose above their limitations, left their
comfort zones and charted a new course for their destiny. They are
regarded as trailblazer who never allowed their background to put
their backs on the ground. These are people who dare to challenge the
status quo and go beyond the accepted norm in the society. They
followed a path of greatest resistance and emerge as stars.

Let me ask you, why follow a path of least resistance when you can
chart a new and different pathway that leads to your success and
happiness in life?
You must constantly ask yourself whether you are becoming all that
God had destined you to become. Have you done the very best you are
capable of doing? Have you stretched yourself beyond elastic limit?
Are you using your potentials, talents, gifts, special abilities to their
highest limits? Or have you settled for the status quo? Have you
allowed people to set limitations on your abilities or created self-
imposed prisons on your own potentials?

I want to tell you in this chapter that, you have within your reach right
now the immeasurable treasures in you. The Bible says, "But we have
this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may
be of God, and not of us."1.
There are immeasurable treasures of abilities specially and
specifically tailored-made for you to accomplish all that your God-
given purpose requires. But you determine the degree to which they
will find expression. Your greatness in life is based on how well you
discover yourself, grow into your fullness, harness your potential and
discover your unique path and purpose in the page of destiny.
Your greatness is based on the discovery of these things (the treasure
deposited in you by God)..


Most people live their lives like the person that purchases a new
smartphone (like iphone 14 pro max) but only uses four apps - call,
receive, camera and Facebook. Even though the iphone 14 pro max
can do a whole lot more, but that's as far as the owner knows. Then,
the highest they can do is to take good pictures with it and hold it in
their hands so that people will know they are using iPhone 14 pro max,
that is a waste of investment.

Similarly, your manifestation in life is always synonymous to your

revelation (what you know about God and yourself).
Truth is the potential of the iphone 14 pro max is limited to the
ignorance of the owner and not the iphone 14 pro max itself. This
describes the average lives of the billions of people on this planet. Day
after day, they live oblivious of the enormous power and potentials
within them, slaving away on jobs they don't like, living in homes they
hate, staying in abusive relationships and social conditions because of
economic and social reasons.

These individuals never experience the joy of improvement, growth,

discovery and the joy of pursuing their own dreams by fulfilling God's
purposes for their lives. They never set long-term goals, and seldom
explore their unlimited talents, gifts and special abilities.

Rather, they settle for the status quo and conditions that favour their
comfort zones. They have chosen to accept the fate of the majority of
individuals around them who have accepted defeat without a good
fight, and so have settled to a common life, with common people, with
common activities, going after common goals, with common passion,
living a common life of little or no impact at all.
If this describes your life in any way, it means you are living below your


potentials. The saddest thing in life is to see the potential of an

individual die unrealized, or to see potential unharnessed and
unreleased. Mediocrity is when a person, live an average and
mediocre life of gross failure. Mediocrity means living below your true
potential and capabilities. It is operating an average life.
Consequently, living a purposeful life can be difficult, but we must
pursue it against all odds. It is demanding and sacrificial but at the
end, it pays.

It is very difficult to wake up each day pursuing our dreams. This is

because many of us live in environments that are not conducive for
eagles in us to take flight. Apart from the inner limitations that most of
us have, there are other limitations such as our backgrounds, norms,
traditions, social expectations, customs, and negative value systems
that control, shape, mould, suppress and even in some cases oppress
the expression of the God-given talents, gifts, capabilities and
potentials of most individuals.

Living for purpose helps us to express, expose, experience and

showcase all the hidden, God-given capabilities, gifts, talents and
potential through God’s breathed vision in our hearts to fulfil our
God's ordained purpose on earth.
The Scripture says, "Arise and shine for your light has come"2. It's time
to arise and shine and for the gift of God in you to find expression! Rise
from every limitations and every barrier imposed on you by your
backgrounds, norms, traditions, social expectations, customs, and
negative value systems set on upon you.
It's time for the star in you to shine. Surrender to the laborious
demands that maximize your potential so that no stone is left
unturned, and be all that God wants you to be on this planet earth.


Personal Development Strategy

E verything in life is designed to develop and grow. Life is

evolving, you must evolve. In the world of technology, we are
made to understand that technology changes every six
months. So if a manufacturer fail to evolve with the demand of
change in the technology industry, they become obsolete.

In the mobile industry, Nokia a one time dominant of the mobile

manufacturing industry, lost their market value when they fail to
evolve. So evolving brands like Techno, Samsung and Infinix took
over from them. Today, Nokia is still in the market, but they are
struggling because they refused to evolve with change as at when
Same with life. If you must become successful, you must learn to
develop yourself, adapt and evolve with change.
Personal growth is the key to personal development. In life, after
discovering your purpose and where you fit in the scheme of things,
another important decision you will take is to develop yourself.

What is personal development? Personal development or growth

entails the process of developing; growth, directed change or
improvement of an individual's potential and talents. Personal
development involves building human capital to facilitate
profitability, as well as enhancement of the quality of life of an
individual, while contributing to the realization of their aspirations
and dreams.

Simply put, personal development is the sum total of the books you
have read, the individuals you have met, the trainings/seminars and
experiences you have had, your exposure and the places you have
been in. With personal development, the human mind expands.

Because the human mind is elastic in nature. Once it has been

stretched and it exceeds its elastic limit, it never goes back to its
original state.
Personal development encompass how all these things have
contributed to bringing you to a place of your self-awareness.

What is Self-Awareness?
Self-awareness is the capacity to know yourself, your potentials,
strengths, weaknesses, possibilities and purpose in life, and how you
use this understanding to solve little and complicated problems, and
the problems of the people within your sphere.
The reason most individuals have identity crisis is because of lack of
self-awareness. For example, the apostle Paul was suffering from
identity crises before his encounter with Christ on the road to
Damascus. Lack of self-awareness is the reason why individuals have
low self-esteem, lack of confidence, suffering from approval
addiction and have people pleasing syndrome etc.
But personal growth or development is what helps you to become
self-aware of who you really are in this earth realm.

You need to develop yourself and enlarge your intellectual capacity as

an individual; get a business skill no matter how gainfully employed
you are at the moment. Get a skill in selling, know how to sell. Get a
skill in IT (Website development, App development, social media
marketing or programming etc), get emotional intelligence skills
(learn skills on how to relate with people), learn marketing
skills/entrepreneurial skill and problem solving skills and so on.

Also, before your season of greatness develop skills, be skillful at

something. Go to school. Learn a trade, learn to drive a car, go for
seminars, invest in books, learn how to write books, go for a degree. In
order not to be idle after your first degree, go for your Masters. And
who told you you can't do your PhD before 30? Yes you can!
Development your capacity to be a problem solver and people will


value you for that.


There are four important questions that can change your life. These
questions control the whole universe; the reason the poor are poor
and the wealthy are wealthy.
These questions are not that simple, which is why most adults are
never able to answer them all through their lifetimes. However,
personal growth helps you to unveil the answers to these questions.
The more you grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally, the more
aware you become of your true self and so are able to get the real
answers to these ageless questions. They are;

1. who am I?
The question, "Who am I" is an identity question. In life, you must
know who you are intrinsically; not by your socioeconomic, marital
status, career or academic achievements. In order to fulfil your God's
ordain destiny, it is important you discover your true identity.

In life, if you don't know who you are, chances are, you will behave
like who you are not. In the movie, "The Prince and the pauper",
there was an exchange of role in that movie. That, the Prince became
the pauper and the pauper became the Prince. We saw that even
though the Prince became the pauper, it was difficult for him to
behave like a pauper (a poor man) because he knew who he was and
had a healthy self-esteem about himself (who he was). Him knowing
who he was made it impossible for him to beg like a pauper.
Whereas, the pauper on the other hand even though he became a
prince was seen begging and behaving like a pauper everywhere
because of lack of his understanding of who he was. Identity crises is
why the pauper who became a prince was seen begging all around.
The book of Ecclesiastes says, "I have seen servants upon horses, and


princes walking as servants upon the earth"1.

You see, having identity crises and not knowing who you are will
make princes to walk on foot as servants. And a servant who has
discovered his purpose and identity in life to ride on horses.

2. What Do I Have?
Asking yourself this question, points you to your potential. Now,
this was the same question that Jesus asked his disciples that made
him feed 5000 people with just five loves of bread and two fishes.
When the disciples presented the five loves of bread and two fishes
he got from the lad that this is what they had, it looked practically
impossible to feed 5000 people with it. But they achieve it because
Jesus did not belittle what they had.
Similarly, your potential may look small but I tell you if you focus on
it, it will feed a nation.

There is no man born of a woman in this earth realm that has

nothing-zero potentials. God deposited in man special talents and
unique abilities. Sadly, a lot of people die without realizing them.
Your talents, gifts, resources and inert potentials are resident in
you to fulfil your assignment on earth. They are hidden but are
available to you when you discover and utilize them.
You see, your potential is who you are that you have not yet
become. Your potentials are what you have that you have not yet
harnessed. Your potentials what you can do that you have not yet
done. And your potentials are what you can achieved that you have
not yet achieved.

3. What Can I Do? This is a possibility question. You see, your

possibility is dependent on your potential. What you can do is
based on what you have! Tell yourself, "I can do all things through
Christ that strengths me" . I want you to know that this Scripture is
the reality of every child of God.
This question points you to your purpose, your work, what is
possible for you in this earth realm. However, majority of

individuals rush into marriage, career or business field without

asking themselves these vital life defining questions.

And actually, some may have discover what they can do but lack
resistance or gut to do it. In the book, the Art of War by Steven
Pressfield, the book summed that life is not a destination but a
journey. The author Steven Pressfield main point of view is that you
must overcome resistance in order to achieve true success and
happiness in life. He however discusses the types of resistance that
confronts us and revealed how often they are self-imposed.
His advices;
§ Love what you do.
§ Having patience
§ Acting in the face of fear
4. Where am I Going? Asking this a question is a pointer to your
vision. Ask yourself now: What do I see about myself in the future
(10 or 20 years from now)? What do I want? What direction is my
life going? What one thing would you want to be written on your
grave when you leave the earth realm? Asking these questions
create value and direction and they help us to stay on course on our
journey of purpose.

Now, whatever answers you get after asking yourself these

questions, write it down. Because the quality of questions you ask
yourself determine the quality of answers you get.


Human beings are complex and diverse in nature. To become more
self-aware, we would need to develop an understanding of
ourselves in five key areas as stated below.
1. Personality traits
2. Personal values
3. Habits

4. Emotions
5. Psychological needs

1. Personality Traits: In life, we do not usually alter our

personalities, values and needs based on what we learn about
ourselves. But, a comprehension of our personalities can help us
find situations in which we will succeed, and help us avoid
circumstances in which we will experience too much stress. For
instance, a highly introverted person is not an excellent sales
persons as compared to a highly extroverted person. An awareness
of your personality helps you analyse your life and career path.

2. Values:
Value is the degree of importance given to something. Value has to
do with what you place importance on; either an object or thing or a
set of belief systems. Value is that which is valued or highly
esteemed, as one's morals, morality, or belief system.
In life, people without value fall for anything. So what do you value
the most in life? It is vital that you know and focus on your personal
values. What you value the most in life makes people either to
respect you or disdain you.

Now as an individual, if you place value on important things in life,

people will respect you for that. As an individual, if you uphold high
moral value, people will hold you on a high degree. However, it is so
sad that we now live in a society with declining moral values. Some
people don't even know what they call value talk less of placing
values on important things in their lives. They can fall for anything.
To them anything goes along as money is involved. They can
demean themselves at the slightest provocation. I was somewhere
and a single mother was saying, she can get naked for any man that
can give her #10,000. It means she doesn't value herself. Because I
was thinking how can a person stoop so low that #10,000 is her
The Bible says, we are bought with a price. So no amount of money


anyone gives you to do immoral things can equate your worth.

You see, lack of value is why people do things without the fear of
God. When you don't place value on yourself, you will abuse
yourself. Because people don't place value on themselves, they use
drugs to destroy themselves. They told you tobacco smoking will kill
you and you are still smoking it, it means you hate yourself and don't
place value on yourself.

Self-abuse is real. In Mark chapter 4, we are told about the story of

the mad man of Gadara that he always uses stones and sharp objects
to cut and destroy himself. That is exactly an example of self-abuse.
That you know something is harmful and you are using it on yourself
is self-abuse. You know something like nicotine/tobacco is
destructive and you are still taking it to destroy your lungs, that is
self-abuse. Self-abuse is the spirit that pushes people to gulp
alcoholic drinks, tramadol and take hard drugs to destroy their
systems. I was told that someone took one of those hard substances
and he was drinking dirty water from the gutter. You see, taking
“Mary Jane” is self abuse.

When a man does not love himself, he or she will want to kill himself
and when a person does not love himself, he will want to commit
suicide. And the sad thing is, anyone that kills himself will go to hell
fire. Because God will ask you why you took your own life. and the
punishment is hell fire.

Sometimes ago, I read about how a final year student in a university

in Gombe state northern Nigeria committed suicide. Why? They said
because he had no money. Sources said, the deceased wrote in a
note, that with all the money his father have, he can't afford to buy a
#50,000 (less than $ 100 dollars) smart phone.
Look at that, the spirit of suicide that took hold of him and made him
value having a smart phone more important than being alive. That is
an example of self-abuse.


It has been found out that, person who don't value himself, will
abuse not only himself but anyone that comes in contact with them.
So if you are in a relationship with such a person, you are in trouble.
They will abuse you because they don’t value themselves.

For a lady that doesn't place value on herself, anybody can just sleep
with her once they can pay her price. I call them Public Liability
Ladies (PLL) as they don't have "private part".
I will explain.....It is not as if she doesn't have a private part in that
sense. The truth is that, nothing is private in their private part;
everybody can assess her private part at any given time. Anybody
can see her nakedness as long as they can pay her price. That
shouldn't be you.
Lack of value is the reason why sexual perversion is on the rise in our
society today. Sexual perversion is any sexual practices that is
regarded as normal in a society or culture that the bible regards to as
abnormal. And a number of people do it do it secretly. It is culturally
unethical, biblically immoral for an unmarried man and woman to
be sleeping with themselves. Sex before and outside marriage is sin.
In office space it is called office romance. You see, no matter how
they quantify it, sin is sin and it is as a result of lack of value.

You are not married and you are sleeping with every man, it is simply
because you don't value yourself. As a student, if you value yourself,
you will not indulge in premarital sex. That every single relationship
you enter into, all the men must sleep with you and at the end, they
dump you before marriage is a sign you don't value yourself.
Because if you value yourself, you will wait till marriage before
having sex. In the last five years, you have had five boyfriends and all
of them have slept with you is a sign you don't value yourself.
It is lack of value that make people get addicted to pornography.
Some people's phone is filled with all kinds of nonsense. Some
people's phones are just not born again. And this is what is putting
them in bondage of sexual immortality. Because they have so many
dirty nude pictures and dirty musical videos and porns they watch
when no one is seeing them and that pollutes their minds.


A lot of people have reduced their value as a result of the vicissitudes

of life. You ask them, why are you doing soft prostitution/hook-ups
on social media, and they will tell you is the bad economy. All
because they have no jobs. Some will even further justify
themselves by saying that it is because they are orphans or because
their family abandoned them. Those are flimsy excuses to be
indulging in sexual immortality.
I know a lady, an orphan, who is doing well in her career despite the
fact that she has no helper. She trained herself in crafts that is
making her money today.

Place value on yourself, never allow the challenges of this world to

define you, and never allow what you are going through to reduce
your value. That is why your identity in Christ must be known. Let
people know your stand in your school/office that you belong to
Jesus. And you don't compromise. This will make them to respect
and value you.
Similarly, married people, that secret affairs you are having with
your boss in your office or that side chick is as a result of lack of value
for your marriage. Because if you value your spouse, you will not be
sleeping around.
For instance, if you value your virginity, you will not be going around
opening your chest for people to see your breast all in the name of
As a student, if you value yourself, you will say no to examination
malpractice. Also, as a student that values value, you will not be
having different sinful/immoral boyfriends /girlfriends in the
secondary school. And if you value yourself, you will say no to

Lack of value is why so many people dress seductively. Because if you

value your breast, you will cover it. Ladies, being naked is not
civilization, it is madness. The queen of England when she was alive
as important as she is will not dress and open her breast and post it
on social media for public consumption. She dressed modestly
because she valued herself.


Lack of value is why some people choose to be gay/lesbian. Some

will do things on social media to appeal to the LGBTQ+ community.
It's all madness for a woman to call herself man or for a man to call
himself woman.
To be a man of value, you need to be different. Because your being
different is what adds value and colour to your destiny. People value
you for your uniqueness.

Furthermore, your extra years does not define who you are as a
student. Your failure or disappointments does not define who you
are. For instance, if you take a one hundred dollar bill and crumple it
up, it is still worth one hundred dollars. Even if you throw it on the
ground and stomp on it, the hundred dollars is still valued at
hundred dollars. Satan may knock you down and stomp on you, but
you are still very valuable to God.
Be nice to everyone but choose your friends. But don’t befriend
every person. For ''as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens
another . Just as the environment of a seed affects its growth, so
your friends can directly or indirectly affect your moral values and
spiritual growth.

Here are two valuable questions to ask yourself:

>What values are most important to you?
>What values have you been consistently prioritizing throughout
your life?
Your first priority should be:
v your relationship with God and
v Your family time.

Knowing Your True Values

Core values are the fundamental beliefs of an individual that inspire
and motivate his/her thoughts, actions and decisions. It is the why
we do the things we do.
Values are guiding principles that dictate behaviour and help
individuals make decisions about what they accept as right or

Why values? Core values help an individual determine if he/she is on
the right path to fulfilling their goals by creating an unwavering guide
to follow.
In life, knowing what is important to you will help you achieve
success early in life. The men and women that succeed in life are
people that know and recognize their value. And they stay with it
until they arrive at that their destination.

Whereas, failures on the other hand, are usually confused about

their goals, values and ideals, and as a consequence, they go back
and forth like a pendulum ball achieving nothing or very little in life.
Understanding the Place Of Values
Values are vital in deciding your personal brand. In essence, they are
the core and foundation of your brand.
On your journey to greatness, there are three types of values you
need to explore in order to create a strategy for success:
A. Character Values
B. Work Values
C. Personal Values

A. Character Values: Character values are the universal values that

you need to exhibit as a good citizen of the earth. They are the basic
characteristics that help you relate well with others and are
necessary to live a focused and quality life of excellence. Examples of
character values comprise: Love, Commitment, Loyalty, Excellence,
Compassion, Empathy, Positive attitude, Respect etc.

B. Work Values: Work values are the work-related qualities,

principles and standards that really matter to you. Knowing your
work values can help you plan a career, look for opportunities in your
current work, or make a career change. It helps you find what you
exactly want in life and give you satisfaction in what you choose to do
with your time, gifts and resources.
Knowing your work value is especially important to understand what


your work values are in order to thrive professionally.

Examples of work values are: leadership, hard work, team spirit,
public speaking, honor, excellence, creativity, innovation,
dependability etc.

C. Personal Values: Personal values are values that help an

individual define what they really want out of life and will help the
individual to be happy and fulfilled. Personal values are the guiding
principles of your life that guide your thoughts, actions and general
decisions and directions in life.

Examples of personal values are: Excellence, Integrity, morality,

Love, Family, Health, Intelligence, Courage, Loyalty, Passion,
Diligence etc.
Exploring your values is vital when setting goals. Because when you
understand what your values are, you are able to determine what
drives you. It assists you gain clarity about what you really want in
life, how to get it and where you are going.

Why do we need values?

i. Values are vital because they assist us to grow and develop into a
person of excellent character.
ii. Values inform our thoughts, words and actions.
iii. They help us to form the future we want to experience.
iv. Values help us make an intentional choice to focus on what is
important to us.
v. When values are shared, they build internal cohesion in a group.

Important core values individuals should have about life include

the following:
a. Faith: Faith is a belief in God and an adherence to a
religious/spiritual body, faith and its application.
b. Money management: The average individual should be able to
make, manage and multiply money. Money management principle
is a belief in being a good steward of resources and in exercising


c. Culture: Culture entails thoughts, beliefs and ideas about family
and how to raise children, and family.
d. Character: A life's belief that honesty is always the best policy and
that trust has to be given and earned is fundamental.
e. Healthy living: A belief in maintaining a healthy work/life
balance. Living on drugs, alcohol and eating unhealthy food is not
healthy living.
f. Positive attitudes: A belief in love, respect and empathy in
relating with others is a positive attitude.
g. Purpose: Living purposefully is what makes a difference in life. A
belief that you were born to make a difference in this world will
demand living a sacrificial lifestyle.
Values that Parents Should Instil in Children Include: Love, Self-
respect, Courage, Respect, Integrity, Diligence, Persistence,
Commitment, Creativity etc.

3. Habits: Our habits are action done on a regular basis. Habits are
action performed repeatedly and automatically, usually without
In life, success is the product of daily habits. A slight change in your
daily habits can guide your life to a life of success, happiness and
The seed of every habit is a single, tiny decision. But as that decision
is repeated, a habit sprouts and grows stronger.
4. Needs: In these times and age, it is vital to note that most
individuals allow their needs drive their behaviours, such as needs
for esteem, affection, belongingness, accomplishment, self-
actualization, power and control.
The advantage of knowing which of the needs exert the strongest
influence on our own behaviours is the capacity to understand how
they affect our interpersonal relationships. For example, some of us

have probably known individuals who have a high need for status.
They are attracted to high level occupations, and they seek high
status positions within their organizations and society. Such
individuals also want the things that match their status.
They insist that they be shown respect, and they demand for
privileges and perks that do not matter to other individuals.
Sometimes these individuals fight for things that others see as
inconsequential like a bigger houses, a more prestigious car etc.
Note that needs cause motivation; and when needs aren't satisfied,
they can result to frustration, conflict and stress.

5. Emotions: In the 21st century, emotional self-awareness is vital.

You must understand your own feelings, what causes them, and how
they impact your thoughts and actions. This is what is termed
emotional self-awareness. If you were once excited about your
career, job or business or marriage but not excited now, can you get
excited again? This is where emotional intelligence comes in.
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand, use, master and
manage your own emotions. Emotional intelligence also helps you
to relate better with people.
On emotional intelligence, the Scripture says, "He who is slow to
anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit, than he
who captures a city."
Psychological needs So far, researchers have identified three basic
psychological needs: competence, autonomy, and relatedness.

Indeed, personal growth is the key to personal development. As an

individual after discovering your purpose and your placement in life,
another important decision you will take is to develop yourself.
The distance between where you are and where you want to be is
development. You can only develop into your potential. There are 5
quadrants of development that are necessary for you to experience
lasting change:
1. Spiritual development : Connection with God and wisdom. You
achieve this through worship, fellowship with other believers,


prayers and study of God's word.

2. Intellectual/Mental development : Exercising and stretching the

mind's capacity through reading and problem solving. You achieve
this through study of Scriptures, academics development books and
the reading of biographies of successful people.

3. Emotional development : Emotional development facilities

strength generated through toughness and perseverance. This is
otherwise known as emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence
is the ability to understand, use, master and manage your own
emotions. Get emotional intelligence skills today, learn skills on how
to relate with people. You may graduate with a first class, you may
be a PhD or master degree older, but if you don't know how to relate
with people, you are a failure.

4. Physical development: Physical development facilities capacity

to discipline and stretch yourself to do things others are not willing
to do and stay with it until it's done. It makes you go the extra mile.
And that is what makes you extraordinary in your field.

5. Social development: Social skills facilities the capacity to develop

interpersonal and interdependent skills which includes leadership,
emotional intelligence, etc. in relating with others.

Anyone on the personal development curve must be intentional,

organized, strategic and disciplined. You must be intentional about
your life. It's not enough to simply get old, you must you must
develop yourself in all areas of life. You must develop a strong sense
of urgency and intentionality about your personal growth. You must
develop practical and winning plans and strategies for your life to
grow in all spheres of life.


Are you fulfilling a career or

you are living to fulfill purpose?

A career is the job or profession that an individual does for a

long period of their life. A career can be one job or many jobs
put together.
A career includes education, training, and work experience. In a
career, you need to think about how you can grow in your job or
move into another job. In building a career, sometimes, your salary
determines the level of your happiness.
On the other hand, purpose on the other hand is the reason for
which something is done. Purpose is the reason for which something

You see, the first thing we need to address to get on the path to
experiencing a more purposeful life is, you need to ask yourself: Do I
have a job or a purpose?

These are two distinct things and they're not at all the same.
Thousands of individuals confuse career/job and purpose, or want
both at the same time (which is not possible) and many long for more
purpose in their work, yet have not done the internal or external
work required to build more meaningful career.
First, for you to have a meaningful career, you must first find purpose.
Because you make the most of life when you first find purpose before
pursuing career.


I read a very thought-provoking statement by Michael Lewis, a

Bloomberg News columnist, about the difference between a
calling/purpose and a job. He had some powerful insights.
He said, “There's a direct relationship between risk and reward. A
fantastically rewarding career usually requires you to take fantastic
“A calling/purpose is an activity that you find so compelling that you
wind up organizing your entire self around it—often to the detriment
of your life outside of it.”

For instance, if you have discovered your purpose and you find
yourself working from 8am to 6pm in a bank, chances are you may
never amount to anything as far your purpose is concerned if you
don't align to your calling.
You may wake up one day after spending 20 years in the banking
world and realize that you have wasted your life. May that not be your
portion in Jesus name! Amen.
Purpose is what makes you wake up every day; it is the reason for your
existence. A man without purpose in life has not found reason to live.
Now, whether you are pursuing career or purpose, the Scriptures say
"In all labor there is profit, but idle talk leads only to poverty".

However, pursuing purpose/calling is more rewarding than pursuing

career. A career/job will give you a fat salary but no fulfillment. A
purpose on the other hand, will make you to touch lives in a definite
way and live a fulfilling life. A purpose is what gives you a reason for
A job, on the other hand, is something that can give you “security”
and “stability” and can allow you to use your talents in productive
ways, giving you the money to do what you want to do outside of
work. A great job can support you to contribute in ways and outcomes
that matter to you. But it's not a calling/purpose.


A purpose/calling chooses you (you don't choose it) and it won't let
go. It compels you to contribute, achieve and serve in ways that you
often would never have initially imagined. In the end, you get
fulfilment. Nevertheless, for you to have fulfilment in your job/career,
you need to find and discover your purpose in life first.

Before you can claim your “purpose” and connect it with the work you
do, you have to understand what you care about, what you have
already created and why, and power up your commitment to bringing
more purpose into your life and work starting today, regardless of the
situation you're in.
Purpose can also be defined simply as the motive, motivation, cause,
impetus, basis and justification for the work you do. For people who
are longing for more purpose in their work, it's typically because
they've made money and salary (or even advancement) the sole
purpose of working.

While money is essential for most of us, millions of people—especially

as they age and mature but find doing work solely for the money, and
this for years upon years which can end up making you feel empty and
There's no compelling cause for the work except for making money
and that can get very old and feel lifeless for individuals. Most of us
want more from the work we do that takes up more hours than
anything else in our lives.
We see a lot of young, purposeful and passionate people in their
teens. Often, we find out that they are repurposed by the reason of a
course/a skill set that they learned in college/university that never
had a close connection with their life purpose.
If you are in that shoe today, it is still never late to get back to purpose
to prayerfully seek God's face for wisdom on whether to quit your
current unfulfilling job/career and pursue tirelessly your life purpose.
Too many people have repurposed a skill set that they learned in

college but never had a close connection with. So their work doesn't
light them up or make them feel they are leveraging who they really
are, authentically, in their work.
What I've seen as a professional coach for some years is that we
cannot go from unhappy, purposeless work to a thrilling and
meaningful career in one step.
There are fundamental steps to igniting passion within you (rather
than searching for it outside of yourself) and then learning how to
leverage on that to build a happier career. They are:

Know yourself.
It's fascinating how most individuals know very little about
themselves. They can't answer the most basic yet vital questions
such as:
ü What are your natural talents, gifts and skills that come easy
to you?
ü What outcomes do you love supporting?
ü How does your work stand out from others?
ü What job have you loved the most and hated the most, and
ü What are your non-negotiables and your values and
standards of integrity that you won't compromise on?
ü What have you done in your life that made happy?

Find Your Passion

If you want a rewarding career that ignites passion within you, first
you need to get to know yourself much better than you do. Discover
what you love to do in life, what you hate, what makes you mad in the
world, the natural talents and skills you want to use, the outcomes
you care about, the kinds of individuals you respect and more.
Answer the above questions as a start.
The moment you begin to develop your purpose and you begin to
develop your potentials, self-confidence begins to build, not pride.


Suddenly you will find out that you used to feel afraid of telling people
where you are coming from, of your family background, but now it
doesn't matter anymore.
When you find your purpose, you are grateful to God, and you live a
life of gratitude. You stop complaining; you stop being angry. When
you find your purpose, potential and your place in life, it will make you
to honor and value those who have found their own, because you will
see that it's not child's play.

In conclusion, I want you to know that your purpose is the problem(s)

God has created you to solve. Some of you can sing, write or produce
the work of art. These may be pointers to your purpose in life.
Therefore you can pray about it.

Other pointers to your purpose in life are:

1. What will you be doing if you have all the money you want?
2. What can you do for free?
3. What problem irritates you?

I can assure you that when you find answers to these strategic
purpose discovery questions, you are on your way to becoming the
great achiever that God created you to be in life.
Remember, you are born an eagle please don't die like a chicken. You
are born a Prince so don't die like a pauper.
The world is waiting for your Greatness!


Purpose fulfillment and timing

I n life, you must understand that your purpose fulfillment is

directly proportional to timing. Today, we are in a microwave
generation where we want fast food, fast cash, fast cars, fast this
and that. This generation is a generation that care less about
process, we are always in so much haste to see result. When we
want something, we want it fast and want it now. And that is the
reason a lot of youths (especially in Africa) are now involved in
money rituals, YAHOO PLUS and money doubling schemes because
of their impatience and that is why they die untimely like chickens.

Watch it, prophetically, the Lord told me within now and the next
five to ten years, you will see a rise of so many mad people among
young people because of the dirty things these individuals have put
their hands into because of impatience.

You see, it is important you realize that purpose fulfillment in life is

not automatic, it takes TIME BEFORE IT COMES TO PASS. For
instance, Joseph was 17 when he discovered his purpose that he
will be a great man. That dream did not come to pass until he was
30. David was 15 when he was anointed as king. He did not become
a king until he was 30 years. He has to wait for 15 years before his


dream became a reality. Even after killing Goliath, he still waited. So,
purpose fulfillment takes time to come to pass.
That is to show you the importance of time in the fulfillment of your
God ordained purpose in life. For man not knowing his time is why a
lot of people die without making a mark on the sand of time.

You see, God created you for a specific purpose and gave you the
exact amount of time required to fulfill your purpose. Time is always
given for every purpose under the sun. "To every thing there is a
season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven".1.

Meaning if you are a man and woman of purpose, you must be

conscious of time. Because purpose is time bound and time waits for
no one.
Reading Ecclesiastes 3 further, verse 2 talks about, "A TIME TO BE

Now, between your birthing moment and your dying moment, there
are things God expects you to do or achieve which is hinged on your
timely purpose discovery. And failure to do them will make the vast
investment of God on your life a waste. Your purpose on earth is time
Eternity is a time without end. However in this earth realm, time is
the standpoint from which God operates with men in this realm
because He is a God of purpose. That is why every purpose has a
time. Every purpose is time bound. That is why in this planet earth,
when you miss your timing, you miss the fulfillment of your destiny.

Time is very fundamental in this realm which is why the preacher

said, "I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the


swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor
yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill;
but TIME AND CHANCE happeneth to them all."3
And he further said, "FOR MAN ALSO KNOWETH NOT HIS TIME..."4.
This is the reason why a lot of people die as a nobody. Simply
because they never take advantage of time and chance. But I love
the men of Issachar, the Bible says, they have an understanding of
time. And because of that, they were in command of their mates.

On the other hand, don't be like Methuselah, of whom it is recorded

that he lived 969 years and died with nothing to show. I tell you that
is a wasted life. It will surprise you that Methuselah lived the same
time Enoch lived, however what Enoch achieved in his lifetime,
cannot be compared to Methuselah. Enoch was so relevant in his
days that that God has to take him.

You see, the minute you are born into this earth realm—into this
material world—your time starts ticking. And when you are dead,
time is cancelled. Time is irrelevant in Eternity. Eternity is duration
without measure. Eternity has no beginning nor an end, for it is
outside the sphere of time. That is why time is one of the greatest
currency on this planet. Time, on the other hand, starts the minute
we are born and ends the day we leave here. No individual can exist
forever because of time.

God is Alpha and Omega; the beginning and the ending. God, who is
eternal, therefore exists outside the sphere of time. He is ageless
and changeless and as such, time has no hold on the Him. God is
simply outside of time even though He works with individuals who
are in time bound.


This difference often makes us think that God is very slow in

responding to our needs. He knows if He gives you those millions
now, you will misbehave and would soon marry another wife. So he
is not giving you yet so that you can behave. He has not given you
that job yet so that He can reach you, so He is still withholding it so
that He can make and groom you first before you qualify for that
position. So don't be faster than God; follow His timing for the
fulfillment of your glorious purpose in life.
We live in a Gen Z-microwave generation. People are increasingly
impatient in this generation. Everyone wants everything right now
that is why we have high speed cameras, high speed internet, fast
food, fast track traffic lanes, smart phones and we want to watch
current events instantaneously as they occur by satellite
broadcasting television.

This generation is one of the hastiest generation ever created by

God. That when God is late in coming to our aid, we begin to
question whether God really cares about us or not. And He does care
about us, it's just that we are impatient.

The prophet Isaiah talks about the differences between our

perspective on time and God's perspective. He said,
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My
ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your
thoughts.… My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return
to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the
purpose for which I sent it”4.

So God's ways and thinking in dealing with man are always superior


than the plans and purposes of man. God, who sees the end of a
thing from the beginning, sets our course in accordance with His
overall purpose, not our immediate needs and timings. You see,
God's timing is always better than ours and that is why we need to
wait patiently on Him. He sees the big picture; our whole lives and
how they fit into His entire purpose for ourselves and others.
For instance, you may think you need a husband or wife now and
what God thinks you need is a job first.

You may ask, "why am I single? Why am I experiencing this or that

delays in my career/academics?" The answer is simple, “He hath
made every thing beautiful in his time..."5
There is the story of a woman who got married at 19 and became a
widow at 42. So it's not how far but how well. So don’t be in a haste
and miss out on God.

Sometimes in life, delays are not denials. Joseph going from the pit
to Potiphar's to the prison and eventually to the palace is a
testament that God's delays are not denials. God’s delay is to give us
the very best. Could we but understand His purposes when we want
something so badly, He would say to us, “If I come now, it won't be
the best. I'm waiting to give you the very best I have, only be
patient”. Many a times, when God comes late, it is always the right

However, in order to fulfill God's purpose for our life, it is important

we understand the purpose of Time.

What is time? Merriam Webster dictionary defines time as “the

system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other,


as past, present, or future” or “a system or method of measuring or

reckoning the passage of time.”
The time of something in terms of previous and future events
measured in terms of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years,
decades, centuries and millennium.

In life, time is such an important part of our lives that most of our
conversations are centred around it. That you hear people say,
"When will you married? How soon will you graduate? When will
you start working and so on..."
However, for those humans who pride on such questions, it might
interest you to know that such questions are never relevant to God.
He is not interested in how old you are. Neither is He concerned with
how many years you have performed a particular job. In fact, He may
be saddened by the time it has taken you to complete a particular
task or learn a new truth.
What is vital to God is how you use the time he allotted to you; that is
the time He gave you to fulfill your divine purpose on earth. That is
what is so important to Him. He is sadden when a man like
Methuselah spent 969 years on earth but never accomplished
anything meaningful with his time.

God doesn't want you and I to be like Methuselah whose long life
never contributed anything meaningful to His kingdom. He wants to
use us to maximize the time He gave us on planet earth. So, God does
not measure time the way we humans measure time that is why the
Scripture says, "He has made everything beautiful in its time..."
The word beauty as used in the Scripture above has to do with
maturity/maturation, fulfillment, and perfection. In other words,
God creates everything with a purpose and gives every purpose a
time that allows it to advance to perfection.
Let's consider a rose flower for a moment. In the spring before the
rose flower bud and blossom, it is ugly. Thorns cover the stems and

tiny hard green things stick out among the leaves. However, after a
few weeks, these little green things slowly begin to open up until
you can see the color of the petals. Then the bud starts to open and
the individual petals become apparent. Still, the rose is not yet what
it is supposed to be, for it has not yet reached the height of its

There comes a point when the fully opened rose reaches the
perfection of its beauty. At that point, it can be no more beautiful.
Because it has gotten to its peak. Its shape and color are in perfect
harmony. After the height of its beauty is attained, death and
decadence set in. The flowers whither and brown until the petals fall
from the bush. It fulfills its purpose and then naturally dies. This
implies that; in this earth realm, nothing should die until it fulfills it's
purpose .

What I am saying in essence is, in this realm, time is always given for
every purpose. Nobody is never intended to be idle and empty. In
this earth realm, nobody is permitted to live and die like

Human beings can be likened to the rose which has summer and
winter and night seasons. Time must do its work in our lives. As the
summer progresses, we must bud and blossom before our night
season comes.
God wants to see us productive within the time frame he gave unto
us to exist on this planet. And when we refuse to be fruitful, He may
have no choice than to cut us off. The parable of Jesus about the
unfruitful vine is illustrative in this regard.
The parable talks about a certain man who had planted a fig tree in
his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit on it after it had matured,
but found none. He observed the fig tree for a while after which, he
made a decision on it.
He told the vine dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I


come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: so he commanded
him to, CUT IT DOWN. That why should it occupy space for nothing?
And the vine dresser answering said unto him, LORD, LET IT ALONE
bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that it should be cut down.

The lesson here is that, any entity that God created that does not
bear fruit will be cut off. Why? Because it is occupying space for

You see, sometimes, one of the reasons why some people die
untimely may be traceable to this parable. They die because they are
not useful to God and man. May that never be your portion in Jesus
name! Amen.

The parable is also warning some of us that are not doing anything
useful, that heaven is giving us some more time or else, you will be
cut down. I pray that the Lord will not cut you down in Jesus name! In
conclusion, please note the following points of our discussion on
your purpose fulfilment and timing.
1. Time starts when we are born and ends when we are deceased.
2. Eternity has neither beginning nor end.
3. God, who is eternal, exists outside time.
4. God sees the end from the beginning and sets our course
according to His overall purposes.
5. God gives every purpose a time that allows it to reach perfection.
6. God makes all thing beautiful in its time
7. Time is always given for every purpose under the sun.
7. Time that is not used for its intended purpose is wasted and lost.
8. Anything God created that is not fulfilling purpose is cut down.
9. In this earth realm, nothing should die until it fulfills it's purpose .

Finally, I will say on this note, if you are existing to occupy space, then
sorry to say, “You are a wastage of divine agenda. So wake up
because time is ticking”.


Principle of Time Management

I n life, you must understand that time is always given for the
completion of every purpose under the sun. There is no purpose on
earth that does not have specific time allotted to it. There is no
assignment on earth that does not have a specific time requirement.
Therefore, it is vitally important that you capture and maximize the
time of your life. Because the Scriptures says, "To every thing there is a
season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven".1

So, we must get it right early in life. To do this, you must discover your
purpose for life and get busy with your assignment very early. The old
adage says, "Early to bed, early to rise". In life, to rise early, you must
begin early. Everyday should be used to account for the fulfillment of
the God given dream in your heart.

Look, time was given to you to fulfill your purpose in this life. And if you
are still dilly darling with it, the heavens are not happy with you. Time
was given to you to fulfill your purpose on earth. So what can you show
to justify that time?
The apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians that: “See then that you walk
circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, REDEEMING THE TIME, because
the days are evil”.2
The Amplified version rendering says, "Look carefully then how you
walk! Live PURPOSEFULLY AND WORTHILY and accurately, not as the
unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), MAKING
because the days are evil."


So to redeem the time here means, to make the most use of time.
Another translation puts it this way, making the best use of the time.
That is making the most of every opportunity. Redeeming the time
also means; making the very most of the time [buying up each
opportunity], because the days are evil.

So, you can see from the Scriptural perspective that time and not
money is the greatest asset that God gave man on earth. You see, the
greatest commodity in life is not silver, the greatest commodity in life
is not gold, the greatest commodity in life is not dollars or pounds
sterling, the greatest commodity in life is time. And when you miss
your time, you miss your destiny. In this earth realm, God expects us
to maximize time and not to waste it.
For a waster of time is a waster of destiny. Anything that waste your
time is wasting your destiny.


1. Irregular telephone call. Spending unnecessarily long periods of
time on some phone calls is a major time waster. Avoid it.

2. Smart phones; it has been discovered that so many people can be

on their smartphones from morning to night playing games, chatting,
without anything meaningful. Please avoid it.

3. Social Media: In these days and age, I regard social media as the
real armed robber of time. Some people will have to delete some of
their many social media accounts/apps on their phones so that they
can fulfill their God ordained purposes for their lives. Because as long
as they keep going from one social media platform to another, they
are wasting time. Some people can spend 3 hours on Facebook alone
on irrelevancy.
And after that, they spend another 3 hours on Twitter and next they


go to Instagram and waste time on irrelevancy. And finally, they go to

WhatsApp/Telegram and put their mouths in unnecessary
They waste time on irrelevancies; following celebrity that will keep
polluting and destroying their destiny with their uncladded pictures
online for hours. Now tell me, how many hours does the person have
left to do his or her assignment? Social media is one of biggest thieves
of time, please avoid it.

You see, being on social media can be time consuming. Only you, you
are active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, tiktok, WhatsApp, 2GO and
the likes. You move from one trending news to another, and if they are
dragging one man of God or a politician online like generator, you are
the ring leader. You do all these at the detriment of your prayer and
Bible study life, brother/ sister, you are not doing well.

I want you to know that God has bed room secrets which are available
to those who spend time with him and delight in Him and His word. The
Bible says, "The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he
will shew them his covenant."4
The bed room secrets of God is meant for those who make
fellowshipping with him through His word and prayers a delight. That
you can spend 6 solid hours on social media going from titktok to
WhatsApp to Facebook to instragram and Twitter without spending at
least 30 or 1 hour daily in His word is a sign you need help.

4. Unexpected Visitors; There are some people you have to openly

confront to stop coming to your house. Why? Because as long as they
keep coming, they will keep draining you of your vision. You will be in
the middle of a project and they come to destabilize you. You will be in
the middle of fasting and prayers they come with season films.

And at times they don't come alone; some of them even come with


their friends and all of you will gist and talk on frivolities for 6 straight
hours nonstop. And at the end of the day, they go and you keep
wondering, what you have done with your life.
There are people in your life's boat that as long as you keep them in
your inner circle, you cannot become all that God wants you to
become in life. Some merchants in the book of Jonah, who were on an
important business trip lost properties/goods worth millions of
dollars all because an unfortunate man, Jonah was in their life's boat.

You see, you will need to separate from time wasters and distractors if
you will fulfill destiny like Abraham did with Lot. Lot was a major
distraction to Abraham on his way to the fulfilment of his God
ordained purpose. It got to a point whereby Abraham had to take a
destiny altering decision for his life, to let Lot go. And immediately he
did that, his destiny opened up.

You see, there are some people that have become Lots to you that you
must free. Because of what you carry and where you are going, there
some people should not even be close to you talk less of being your
boyfriends or girlfriends or acquaintances.
It has been said that you are the average of the five people you spend
the most of your time with. Write down the names of ten people you
associate with the most and you will see your future. If out of the ten
friends you have, one of them is a liar, another a drunk, another a
chain smoker and another a womanizer, then it is just a matter of time,
you will soon pick up their character one after the other because of the
time you spend together with them.

Many of these guys may be your friends, colleagues in the office,

family members (Lot was Abraham family member). If you continue
with them, they may plot the graph of your destiny abortion and
There are people you know are going nowhere and merely associating
with them may impede your greatness in life. These are people you tell


your life purpose and dreams to and they become envious and
jealous of you. And like Joseph's brothers, they would become
envious and jealous. And some may even go to the length of
consulting mediums, oracles to harm you and stop your progress.

These are people you tell your life secrets to; you tell them that you
will become a millionaire and all they will choose to do is to mock at
you. They would say in pidgin, "Millo what? You wey you never chop".
And by listening to them (their naysaying) they abort your life
purpose. You must be careful about these distractions and wasters of
time. Because they are going nowhere. And if they continue coming
to you, you will equally go nowhere.
That is why, the Scriptures admonishes that, "Be ye not unequally
yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath
righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath
light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or
what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?"5
As Christian, having carnally a minded man as friend is a no no.

5. Another time waster is Season Movies; Some people due to the

way they like season movies, they may not fulfill their God ordained
purpose in life. Spending 12, 13 or 24 hours on a movie without
blinking is a major time waster. You must try as much as possible to
avoid it.
If you are truly serious about fulfilling your God’s ordained purpose in
life, you will do away with spending much time watching, Korea,
Nollywood, American films and season films.

6. Irregular chatting or WhatsApp; A lot of young people can be

chatting with their friends on phones for hours. And what are they
discussing? Irrelevancies. They talk about the latest songs, latest
movies, latest sport news, latest football transfer news amongst
others. Plus they go from one WhatsApp groups to another
WhatsApp group to comment on nonsenses.
There are some text messages you receive in the middle of some


project that destabilize your focus. You must try as much as possible
to avoid them. If you are a victim of any of one of these time wasters
I discussed today, please adjust. Because your time on earth is too
short to be wasted on frivolities.

So REDEEM THE TIME; Don't be like Methuselah, of whom it is

recorded that he lived 969 years and died with nothing to show. I
tell you that is a wasted life. It will surprise you that Methuselah
lived the same time Enoch lived, however what Enoch achieved in
his lifetime, cannot be compared to Methuselah.
Enoch was so relevant in his days that the Bible says, He was not, for
God took him.

There was a direct comparison between Enoch and Methuselah

"And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three
hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of
Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked
with God: and he was not; for God took him."6
I tell you, for God to take a man, it means that man is so useful to
Him that He said, "Mr Man, come here". However, that was not the
case with the great Methuselah. He died at 969 years without any
meaningful achievements. What a tragedy!

The difference between Methuselah and Enoch is;

One chose to live for purpose and impact and the other chose to be
a deficit, to live a life of mediocrity. God does not want any of His
creation to be like Methuselah. Another difference between
Methuselah and Enoch is; one chose to be a plus while the other
chose to be a minus. One chose to be useful while the other chose
to be useless.
One chose to leave a mark on the sand of time but the other was
just living to mark time. Living to mark time alone is a minus and not
a plus. Such people will be full of stories of the good old days. Even


our Lord Jesus did not waste time, for at the age of 12, he was
already going about his Father's business.
History reveals that many great inventors and achievers are early
Michael Dell the CEO of DELL Incorporation began that great
incorporation, Dell Computers at 15. The Great Bill Gates started
Microsoft at the age of 20. He wrote his first software program at the
age of 13. But I tell you at 13, many of us were still childish. Elyon
Musk, the current richest man in the world and the CEO of Tesla
Motors, Space X and Twitter, wrote his first computer game program
called Blastar, and later sold it to a computer magazine company at
age 12.

Steve Jobs the CEO of Apple incorporation started early. Jobs and
Wozniak co-founded Apple in 1976 at the age of 21 to sell Wozniak's
Apple. Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook at Harvard in 2004 at the
age of 19 for students to match names with photos of classmates.
He took Facebook public in May 2012 and still owns about 15% of
the stock.
Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg all of them
were early risers who certainly know how to make the most of time.
Many of you at age 20, 21 don't even where you are going to in life. If
you ask some people at age 20, 21, what is your vision? They will
think you are referring to their television. There are lot of people
who left this planet earth many years ago but their impact is still felt
today. Because they lived as Amplified version puts it,
"PURPOSEFULLY AND WORTHILY". An example is Our Lord Jesus
Christ, Father Abraham, the apostle Paul amongst others. These
guys made so much impact in their lifetime and beyond.
If as from today you live your time purposely, I can guarantee you,
you will leave a Mark on the sand of time to become who God wants
you to be in life.

The wealthiest place on earth

B y way of introduction, if I may ask you where the wealthiest

place on earth is located? Is it the United States of America,
Germany, Dubia, Kuwait or China? If you have chosen one if
these countries, I am sorry to tell you this: you are wrong.

You don't even need to ‘JAPA’ travel as far as America, UK, Germany
or China to find the wealthiest place on earth. If your mind is still
running fast about the wealthiest place on earth, look no further, for
the wealthiest place on earth is very close to your house.

The wealthiest place in the world is not the gold mines of South
America or the oil fields of Iraq or Iran. They are not the diamond
mines of South Africa or the World Bank neither is it the banks of the
world. The wealthiest place on the planet is just down the road, very
close to you. The wealthiest place on the earth is the cemetery.

In the cemetery, there lies buried companies that were never

started, inventions that were never made, bestselling Authors and
bestselling books that were never written, and masterpieces
paintings that were never painted. In the cemetery is buried the
world's greatest treasure of untapped potential.
The late Dr. Myles Munroe said and I quote: “The greatest tragedy in


life is not death, but a life without a purpose.” In order words, death
in itself is not the greatest tragedy. The greatest tragedy in life is
going to the grave with an unfulfilled purpose. I tell you, it is a tragedy
to go to the cemetery with your visions, dreams, ideas and
potentials. It is a tragedy to go to the cemetery with your songs still
playing in you.

Many cemeteries in the world today are filled with dreams and ideas
that died unexecuted. In the cemeteries, there, you will find all the
hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were
never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that
were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all
because someone never discovered his purpose and maximized his
People are dying every day to contribute to the grave. Statistically,
every day, about 1.80 people die per second, no matter the
justification of their deaths, just know that 1.80 people die per

Also, statistically, every Minute 106.60 people die by the minute.

Similarly, 6,392.70 people die per hour. 153,424.70 people die per
Day. Per Month, it was estimated that 4,679,452.00 people die per
month. And per Year, it was estimated that 56,000,000 people die
per year.
The question now is, of these statistics of people dying per second,
minute, per hour, per day, per month and per year, how many of
them discovered their purpose and maximized their potential before
they died!

Did they die with undiscovered purpose? Think about it. You see, I


want to die empty, I want to die fulfilled. I want to die accomplishing

all that God wanted me to achieve in this life. I have no business with
the grave until I become all that God wants me to become in life. I
have no business with the grave until I achieve all that God wants me
to achieve in life.
Because it is disaster for you to die without fulfilling your purpose in
life. From the start, I told you earlier, we will discover that a lot of
people that died will be buried with untapped potentials.
That is why the wealthiest place on earth is not the gold mines of
South America and the wealthiest place on earth is not the diamond
mines of South Africa. The wealthiest place on earth is not the rich oil
fields of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, or the silver mines of Central America. The
wealthiest place on earth is the grave. The next time you pass
through a cemetery, just note that it holds the treasures that people
never served to humanity.

The cemetery is wealthy because buried in the cemetery are books

that were never written. In the cemetery is music that though you
had a chance to hear, they were never sung! Great and gifted song
writers and singers that died with their music still playing in them.

The graveyard is filled with books and magazines that were never
published. The cemetery is filled with businesses that were never
What a tragedy! The graveyard is filled with visions that never
became realities. The cemetery is filled with poetry that no one is
ever going to write. Films no one produced. Ministries no one

Dreams never pursued. Grants and scholarships for which no one

applied. The graveyard is filled with ideas that were never executed,


inventions that were never mass-produced, campaigns never run,

and sermons never preached. What a wealthy place! I tell you if one
could mine the cemetery the way you mine gold, one would be a
very rich man.

Someone reading this is a candidate to add to the wealth of the

cemetery. Is it you? Say, "God forbid. I will not contribute my
greatness to the grave."
The greatest tragedy in life is dying with your undiscovered purpose,
uncovered potentials and dreams. It is so pathetic to die with your
undiscovered purpose, uncovered potentials and dreams. Which is
why the Bible says that, "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it
with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor
wisdom, in the grave..." .

Do something meaningful with your life, make the most of your life
while you are here on planet earth. That is why whenever you wake
up every day, you need to ask yourself what am I contributing to
planet earth? You must wake up every day with purpose in view that,
"with the way my life is going, am I not contributing to the grave?" I
tell you asking these purpose discovery strategic questions, will
change your paradigm and approach to life. It will make you wake up
every morning with a sense of contribution and not with the sense
of being a nuisance to the society.
So uncover your potential today because you have no business
contributing your visions, dreams, ideas and talent to the grave.
For as many that are under my influence, I pray for you, you will not
die young in Jesus name! Amen. You will not die contributing your
visions, dreams, ideas and talent to the grave in Jesus name! You will
fulfill purpose in life and become all that God has purposed you to be
in Jesus name!


The Place Of Dreams in

Purpose Fulfilment

I n life, men that fulfill their God's ordained purpose are men and
women that have big dreams. To fulfill destiny in life, if you are not
a man or woman given to dreaming big dreams, you may amount
to anything. Ask Joseph he will tell you.
You see, the major difference between Joseph and his brothers is
dream. Joseph had a dream but his brothers had no dreams. And this
was the reason they hated him.

"And Jacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger, in the
land of Canaan. These are the generations of Jacob. Joseph, being
seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brethren; and the
lad was with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father's
wives: and Joseph brought unto his father their evil report.
And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they
hated him yet the more. And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this
dream which I have dreamed: For, behold, we were binding sheaves in
the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold,
your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf. And
his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou
indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the more for his
dreams, and for his words.1


Now, one thing about dreamers is that, they are often a victim of envy
and jealousy. People naturally hate them because of their high and lofty
dreams. But, instead of giving in to critics, if you can hold on to your
dreams long enough, it will come to pass.

You see, one of the greatest gifts that God gave to man is the ability to
dream. He gave us this capacity since creation. God made a powerful
statement during the time of the Tower of Babel in the Scripture,
"...And now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have
imagined to do".2
NIV renders it this way, "nothing they plan to do will be impossible for
In essence, what God was saying is, "whatever the human mind can
conceive, believe and hold on to long enough, it can achieve".

This powerful statement that God made, reveals to us that the dreams
have a stronghold over a man's destiny. And what is a stronghold? A
stronghold is not a demonic term. A stronghold is the ideology a man
sustains over time that pulls him to the fulfilment his destiny. On the
contrary, strongholds are thought patterns, belief systems that are
contrary to the word of God. A negative stronghold can pull you away
from fulfilling your destiny.

Like I said before, dreamers of big dreams usually face criticism. I

remember those who invented the motor car. Then, because it was
using this whining mechanism like children toy cars, somebody will go
to the front of the car to whin and whin. And when the car starts, he
jumps away. People so much criticized them to stick to using the then
fastest means of transportation which was a horse . But because they


failed to succumb to these criticisms, today we have motor cars in

various spec today.
Now, when Joseph faced criticism because of his big dreams, what did
he do? The Scriptures says, "...he dreamed yet another dream"
"And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said,
Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the
moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me".4

He dreamed yet another dream; he didn't allow the opinions of people

to abort his dreams. Unlike many of us just small criticism, we give up
on our dreams. I want you to know that you won't fulfill your God's
ordained purpose like that.
You see, dreams are powerful tools that unlock your future. A great
man, Martin Luther King Jnr once said, “I have a dream..." And what
was that dream. He said that he had a dream that one day, a black man
would rule America. And several years after he had that dream, former
US President Barrack Obama became the first black man to rule
America. Why? Because dreams don’t die. And dreams have power to
unlock the future.

Mandiba the great Nelson Mandela story proves that dreams come
true. You see, your dream is what keep you alive. I tell you what
Mandiba the great Nelson Mandela went through in prison was enough
to kill him. They will pee on him, throw dungs on him but he held on to
his dreams that one day, he will rule this people and of course in spite of
that he went through, he led his people on the long walk to freedom
and became their president.

Similarly, what Joseph went through was enough to kill him. This was a
man that was first thrown into a pit, then later sold to Egypt and later


sold as a slave to Potiphar's house. He was lied against and went to

prison unjustly but from the prison, he got a double promotion to the
palace. His dreams brought him out to fulfill his God ordained destiny.
Now, one thing helped Joseph during his waiting season. Although, He
had every reason to be bitter, but he didn't allow that to have a
stronghold on him. He had every reason to be bitter towards his own
blood brothers that plotted the graph of his down fall but no, he didn't.
You will see some people because of the little challenges they are
going through, they begin to play the victim, saying things like “it was
the fault of my brother/sister that is why I am suffering”. But Joseph
wasn't like that.
Now, something distinguished Joseph in his waiting period, he was not
focused on himself; his problems. He was focused on solving other
people's problem. If for instance, you have a problem and you meet
Brother Joseph, he will counsel you and take your problem on his head.
That was how he was doing until he solved a problem that catapulted
him out of the prison to the palace.

So, I will encourage you to stop making people to focus on your

problems. Stop throwing pity party to get their attention because the
average man you see today on the street has his own problems. I can
guarantee that if you solve their problems, you will get their interest.
Now, let me tell you. It may look as if your dream of greatness is falling
apart like a pack of cards due to criticism and the personal life
challenges you are going through. However, if you can hold on to that
dream long enough and you stay in faith, it will come to pass. My God is
not a specialist in abandon project.
The Scriptures says, "And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the
vision (write that dream), and make it plain upon tables, that he may
run that readeth it. For the vision (dream) is yet for an appointed time,


but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it;
because it will surely come, it will not tarry."5
So, if you hold on that dream long enough in faith, it will come to pass.
So don't let discouragement and criticism rob you of your future.
What is A Dream?
When I say "dream", what do I really mean? Do I mean the images you
see at night or something? Although, that is also a type dream but
that is not what we are talking about.
ü A Dream is a series of thoughts, images, and sensations
occurring in a person's mind during sleep. That is, a vision of
the night.
ü A Dream is a vision, a plan, an aspiration, ambition, or ideal.
ü A Dream is an aspiration, hope, goal, design, plan, aim,
object, objective, a target, intention, intent, desire and wish
that a man has.
Now, of all these definition, I love the way the English Dictionary
defines it.
A dream according to the English dictionary is an imaginary event or
thing seen in one's mind. That is, an imagination of possibility. But my
most preferred definition is: a dream is a mental picture of a
preferable future. That is, a picture in your imagination. A picture of
your future.
Now listen to this, a future you cannot picture, you cannot feature.
The capacity to dream can make you project your life 5 or 10 years
ahead with picture of success, happiness and prosperity. What you
see with your mind's eye is what you will eventually be. If you always
see a picture of failure and defeat, then don't be surprised if all your
life is full of failure, reproaches and defeat. Because "....as a man
thinketh in his heart so is he".6


This is not rocket science, it is reality science. You see, the human mind
has been conditioned in such a way that the pictures that are dominant
in the mind over a long period of time becomes a stronghold in the life
of a man which determines what he/she attracts in life. It is like a
magnet that pulls you to fortune or defeat.
Now, I want you to know that in THE PLACE OF DREAMS AND PURPOSE
FULFILMENT, you must understand that God wants us to dream big
dreams. And the reason for that is because he- God Himself is a Big
God. He doesn't want you to dream according to the size of your
pocket. He wants you to dream according to the greatness of His

Because, He is able to do for us "...EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY ABOVE

ALL THAT WE ASK OR THINK, that is according to the greatness of His
power that worketh in us".
It's time to dream big. You are dreaming about your family and your
local government alone while God is thinking of a nation.


FACT #1: A DREAM is a divine picture planted into your spirit. That is,
something inside of you that you are visualizing. That you are
visualizing of becoming something, that is a dream.
FACT #2: A DREAM is a picture of your future planted into your spirit by
the Lord himself.
FACT #3: A DREAM is a supernatural picture of who you should be or
what you should do.

FACT #4: YOUR DREAM is a vehicle that carries your success. I can
remember when we were in school in those days, we usually called


some people NFA “NO FUTURE AMBITION.” If you asked him,

“brother, what do you want to become?” he will say, 'My father has a
big factory, when he dies, I will take over. That is an NFA because that
kind of person would be praying for his father to die for him to inherit
his factory.
If you ask another person, “Sister, what do you want to become?”
She would say, 'I just want to marry and become a baby factory.' We
see that this lady has no dream, she is a NFA no future ambition.
Because getting married is not a big dream.

FACT #5: In every human being, there lies a divinely planted dream
that is part of God's plan. A pastor in Zimbabwe woke up one
morning and got a song from the Lord and he began to sing it. As he
was singing it, a missionary from America who visited the village
heard the song and told him to teach him. Then he took the song to
America and today, any time you hear the song: “YOU ARE ALPHA
AND OMEGA” this poor village pastor in Zimbabwe receives
thousands of dollars as royalty through that song. His dream of being
known all over the world has come to pass. So, if you are alive and
you don't have a dream, you are a poor man.

FACT #6: A Dream can be silenced, killed or stolen.

The devil is an expert in killing dreams. The Scriptures says, “The
thief cometh not but to steal, to kill and to destroy…” Satan is a
master dream killer. That was why he wanted to kill baby Jesus from
2 year old. Tell me, how can somebody becomes a pilot when he is
blind? Or how does a man become a footballer if his leg is broken. I
decree, any devil that wants to steal or kill your dreams, shall be
roasted by fire in Jesus name!


FACT #7: Dreamers of Dreams are never popular with their families
or their friends because of jealousy. The brothers of Joseph began
to be jealous of him because of his dreams. The day he announced
his dreams to them, his trouble started.

FACT #8: Dreams takes time before it comes to pass.

Joseph was 17 years old when he had a dream that he will be a great
man. That dream did not come to pass until he was 30. David was 15
when he was anointed as king. He did not become a king until he was
30 years. He has to wait for 15 years before his dream became a
reality. So, dreams take time to come to pass. Mosquitoes multiply
quickly, but it takes Elephants two years to have a baby. Simply
because their baby is big.
So don't compare your elephant dream with someone with
mosquito dream.

FACT #9: Every dream shall be tested before it comes to pass. In life,
there is no promotion without a test or examination. It is when you
pass the test that you become successful.
FACT #10: A dreamer of dreams must be faithful and committed to
his dreams no matter how people react. Like Joseph, people may
not like you because of your dreams, you must be faithful, focus,
committed and stick to it.

FACT #11: If you want your dream to come to pass, don't over
Behind great corporations like Microsoft, Apple, Proctract &
Gamble, Techno, Infinix and Samsung, are dreamers who dream and
never went back to their sleep. But the problem we have today is,


people dream and go back to their sleep. When you go back to

sleep, how can your dream of greatness come through. Many
people's dreams have been aborted because of laziness. Laziness
has robbed a lot of people from fulfilling their God ordained
purposes in life.
To fulfill your dream and your God ordained purpose in life, you
must open your eyes and wake up from that sleep and start working
on your dreams today.
The Scripture says, "Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty; open
thine eyes, and thou shalt be satisfied with bread".9

FACT #12: If you want your dream to come to pass, don't share
them prematurely.
What affected Joseph the most on the path to fulfilling his God's
ordained destiny was that he shared his dream prematurely with his
wicked brothers. Although, there is nothing wrong in sharing your
dreams, however, one must apply wisdom on the kind of people to
share it with. And if they can't handle it, is better to keep quite.

FACT #13: Where there is no vision or dreams, people perish.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the
law, happy is he."
FACT #14: You must respect your dreams because what you respect
is what you attract.
FACT #15: You must desire your dream because what you desire is
what you pursue.
FACT #16: You must visualize your dream because what you see, is
what you become.
FACT #17: You must protect your dreams.

FACT #18: The bigger your dream, the more it takes time to come to

You see, mosquitoes multiply very quickly and give birth quickly.
They also die quickly. But you see for Elephants, Elephants take two
years to have a baby. The pregnancy of an elephant takes almost two
years but they don't die quickly because they are big. So big dreams
take time to come to pass.

FACT #19: The enemies can convert a dream into a night mare. That
will not be your portion in Jesus name!

FACT #20: You must be focus on your dream. Avoid distractions.


STAGE 1: There is the conception stage: This is when you conceive
the dream/idea.
STAGE 2: Action stage. This is when you wake up from the dream and
take important steps towards its actualization.
STAGE 3: Conflict or struggle. At this stage, challenges come to test
your resolve. Many at times, it is not the devil at work but part and
parcel of the process of your dream actualization. Sadly, a lot of
people at this stage give up on their dreams. They forget that, "If you
faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small."
This stagecan be likened to a woman in labour. And you must travail
(PUSH) in order to prevail. The Scriptures says, "Before she travailed,
she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man
child. Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things?
Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation

You see, what you are carrying is a nation. That is why all hell is

loosed against you. A woman in the book of Revelation 12 wants to

deliver, and all hell went loosed against her. But she was helped by
God. All the disappointments and frustrations you are currently
experiencing is because you are about to birth your miracle. Like a
pregnant woman, you have to push, travail to birth your bundle of
And in driving home this salient point, Jesus had to speak to them
figuratively using a woman in labour to encourage them and us as
well. He said, "...You shall be sorrowful, BUT YOUR SORROW SHALL
BE TURNED INTO JOY. A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow,
because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the
child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is
born into the world."13

Similarly, in the quest of your destiny fulfillment, you may be going

through sorrows and disappointment right now. But that your
sorrow will be turned to joy in no time from now. That pain you are
going through now is because you are the edge of your
First, she is in pains in labour because she is carrying a baby; a life is
in her. I want you to know that all the pains and disappointments
you are going through right now is because YOU ARE CARRYING LIFE
IN YOU. The pains and disappointments you are going through is
not being birthed in your generation before.


YOU. That is why you must not give up because you are just five feet

to hitting Gold. Like they tell a woman in the labour room, PUSH.

However, your delivery of this great dream that you are pregnant
with is solely dependent on you because NO MAN NO MATTER HOW
WOMAN. I remember witnessing my wife in labour when she was
delivering our second child, it was not easy for her all because she
went through a lot of pains. I love her so much but I couldn't deliver
for her. She has to do it herself. I only encouraged and prayed for her.

Similarly, no man no matter people's love for you, they cannot help
you birth what you are carrying. It is you that must help yourself to
deliver. And how do you do that?
In fulfilling your dream, like a pregnant woman at labour, you must
learn how to push. You push by not giving up on your dreams. You
push by your persistent actions. But most importantly, PUSH may
mean you need to tarry in prayers. PUSH may mean staying in God's
word and holding unto the promises of God.
Ultimately, #PUSH means:
And #PUSH also means:
1. Her pushing is what facilitates her delivery. So if she decides not to

push, she will endanger her life and the life of her baby or give birth
to a stillbirth.
2. The baby she is carrying in her will not come out if she refuses to
3. She needs to push because there can be a breach during delivery.
4. If she doesn't push, she cannot carry her baby.
5. At times, her pregnancy and delivery time may be longer so her
pushing will facilitate it.
So, you must PUSH and tarry on the altar of prayer to birth your
greatness. You must push by staying in God's word and hold on to
the promises of God.
And the responsibility to push is on you and you alone not on your
husband, pastors, parents, uncles, brothers or sisters. You alone
must push and not give in to fate. If a woman puts the responsibility
of her delivery to fate and others, she will end up in the mortuary.
So in order for the pregnancy of your greatness not to end in the
mortuary, you must push. PUSH...FOR YOUR SORROW SHALL BE

STAGE 4: Reaching the goal. This is the best part of the stages of
waiting. This is when your dream comes true.

FACT #23: If your dream is from God, it will come to pass.

FACT #24: All great men and women are dreamers.

FACT #25: The quality of your life cannot be better than the
quality of your dreams. So if you want to advance your life, dream
good dreams.
In conclusion, dream big dreams because big dreams attract big
people. Don't dream small dreams because small dreams attract
small people and small people cause big problems.

Identity Crises

I dentity crisis is defined as a period of uncertainty or confusion in

a person's life. This crisis occurs when a person's sense of
identity becomes insecure and unstable. An identity crisis
usually occurs when there's a change in a person's life. But an
identity crisis can happen at any time.
Teenagers tend to have identity crises when transitioning from
their teenagehood to adulthood. I have discovered that a lot of
teenagers are lured into drugs because of identity crises. They do
things to feel among because of identity crises.
What is identity crises and how does one overcome identity crises?
All this and many more I will be discussing in this chapter.

IDENTITY CRISES: What is identity crises?

In life, if you don't know who you are, chances are, you will behave
like who you are not. If you don't know who you are, the world will
give you a name you don't bear. And whatever they call you is what
you answer. When you don't know where your place, they will place
you in any place. In the movie, "The Prince and the pauper", there
was an exchange of role in that movie.

In the prince became the pauper and the pauper became the
prince. We saw that even though the prince became the pauper, it
was difficult for him to behave like a pauper (a poor man) because
he understand his position and purpose in life and he have a healthy


self-esteem about himself (he knows who he is). He knowing who

he is made it impossible for him to beg like a pauper.

Whereas, the pauper on the other hand even though he became a

prince was seen begging everywhere because of lack of his
understanding of his placement and purpose of who he is. Identity
crises is why the pauper who became a prince was seen begging all
around. Identity crises can make a prince with all the glories of his
father, to behave like a pauper.

Today, servants are riding on horses, and princes walking on foot

because of identity crises. "I have seen servants upon horses, and
princes walking as servants upon the earth".1

Having identity crises will make princes to walk on foot as servants.

And a servant who has discovered his purpose and identity in life to
ride on horses. Identity crises is why many have failed to become all
that God had ordained them to become in life. Many are born to
soar with the eagles but may end up dying with the chickens.

A story was told of an eagle chick that was hatched together with a
hen's chicks. The mother hen accommodated it as her own. She
sheltered it under her wings together with the rest of her chicks. So
it was that as the eagle grew up with its brother and sister chicks. It
learned to do all the things chickens do: it clucked and cackled,
scratching in the dirt for grits and worms, flapping its wings
furiously, flying just a few feet in the air before crashing down to
earth in a pile of dust and feathers. It believed resolutely and
absolutely it was a chicken.

However, as they grew, the hen's chicks could not help noticing how
their 'brother' the young eagle had different features from them.
He could with ease do things that were miles off their reach. While


they could only fly low heights, he could easily fly very high up the sky.
But the eagle never saw its own potentials.
One day, late in its life, the eagle-who-thought-he-was-a-chicken
happened to look up at the sky. High overhead, soaring majestically
and effortlessly on the thermals with scarcely a single beat of its
powerful golden wings, was an eagle!

“What's that?!” cried the old eagle in awe. “It's magnificent! So much
power and grace! It's beautiful!”
“That's an eagle”, replied a nearby chicken, “That's the King of the
Birds. It's a bird of the air… not for the likes of us. We're only chickens,
we're birds of the earth”. With that, they all cast their eyes
downwards once more and continued digging in the dirt. And so it
was that the eagle lived and died a chicken… because that's all it
believed itself to be. That eagle lived and died a chicken because of
identity crises (it didn't know who he is).

In our society today, identity crises is what is making most teenagers

to be influenced by popular morally celebrities and social media
influencer with dearth of character. Identity crises is what is making
most teenagers to exhibit traits of vagabonds. They are easily
influenced by popular opinions and mass media because they don’t
know who they are.

For instance, Paul before he met with Jesus and discovered his
purpose in life, was a vagabond. He was a man suffering from what I
call: IDENTITY CRISES. His identity crises made him go from place to
place persecuting and killing people. Identity crises made him a
vagabond in the society.

Again, what is IDENTITY CRISES?

Identify crisis is when you don't know who you are. And if you don't
know who you are, chances are, you will behave like who you are not.


According to researchers, identity crisis is a developmental event that

involves a person questioning their sense of self or place in the world.
The concept originates in the work of developmental psychologist Erik
Erikson, who believed that the formation of identity was one of the
most important conflicts that man face.
According to Erikson, an identity crisis is a time of intensive analysis
and exploration of different ways of looking at oneself.

What Is Identity?
Identity involves an individual's experiences, relationships, beliefs,
values, and memories that make up a person's self-worth or self-

What are the symptoms of identity crises?

It is important to note that an identity crisis is not an actual diagnosis.
Rather, a person going through an identity crisis may find themselves
dealing with certain questions:
They ask themselves questions like;
1. Who am I and why am I here on earth?
2. What is my purpose in life?
3. Why am I born on planet earth?
You see, answering these questions will help you to know yourself. Any
man who has not discovered his purpose in life will suffer from identity
crises. And we see this happen in the life of Paul.
It was Identify crisis that made Paul to go about persecuting the
Christians. He was a vagabond. We have too many vagabonds today in
our society because of identity crises. I tell you, that encounter that
Paul had with Jesus on the way to Damascus, aligned him to his
purpose in life or else he would have lived and died a vagabond in life.

Paul's life before discovering his purpose can be likened the life of the
average person on the street. You need to find out your purpose and


fulfill it and if not, you will not be who God wants you to be in life and
you will die like a nonentity. May that not be your portion in Jesus
name! Amen.
That is why I will challenge you today that, there is more to you. You
are born an eagle please don't die like a chicken.

In our purpose discovery strategy, I want you to know that your

purpose is the problem(s) God has created you to solve. Some of you
can sing, write or produce the work of art. These may be pointers to
your purpose in life. Therefore you can pray about it.
Other pointers to your purpose in life are:
1. Your Passion; what are you passionate about?
2. What will you be doing if you have all the money you want?
3. What can you do for free?
4. What problem irritates you?
If you are like my friend for instance that is irritated by leadership
problem, that may be a pointer to your purpose in life. If poor
leadership irritates you, you may have a leadership call. And if you are
someone that had a difficult childhood and you still succeed against
all odds, that experience can make you help raise children currently
having difficult childhood.

I can assure you that when you find answers to these strategic
purpose discovery questions, you are on your way to becoming the
great achiever that God created you to be in life. Finding answers to
them, will save you from being affected by identity crises.
So who are you? This is who you are in God's scheme of things, "But ye
are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar
people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called
you out of darkness into his marvellous light".

Remember, you are born an eagle please don't die like a chicken. You
are born a Prince so don't die like a pauper. So discover yourself
because the world is waiting for your Greatness.


Purpose Fulfilment and finishing Well

N ow, I start by saying, in the game of athletics, many runner

start the race on the starting line but only one man gets the
price and that is the man that finishes the race well. Along
the way, many fall by the wayside because they lack the stamina to
finish the race strong. The fall by the wayside because they lack the
tenacity and stamina to complete the race.

Also, in the game of football, especially for those of us who followed

the last FIFA world cup in the year 2022, you see that a lot of teams
started the world cup, precisely 32 teams began the world cup at the
group stages but at the end only two teams qualified for the finals.
And out of those two teams, only one team emerged the champion.
Which is the country that finishes the world cup well. This the team
that is crowned the champion because they finished the tournament
well. Meaning, it is the country that excelled above the rest that
emerged the price winner. The Argentine's football team led by one
of the greatest ever footballers Lionel Andres Messi excelled above
the rest that emerged the price winner.

My prayer for you reading this book is, you will finish well in Jesus
name! Amen. However, for you to finish well is predicated upon
many factors. For instance, using this last world cup as a case study, it
is the team that won their matches consistently that finished well.
And that surely made them to discipline themselves enough to be
temperate in all things in order to emerge the price winner. Also, in
order for you to finish well, you must also discipline yourself and be


temperate in all things in order to emerge the price winner.

Paul said, "Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one
receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. And every man that
striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to
obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so
run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: But
I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any
means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a

Paul is saying I keep my body, and bring it into subjection meaning,

he disciplined himself. It implies that, if you must finish well, you
must discipline yourself. To finish well, you must discipline yourself
physically, psychologically, financially, and spiritually. To finish well,
there are some habits and behaviours you must stop if not, they will
will cost you from emerging as a price winner.
Now looking at the Biblical perspective, there are quite a number of
people that started well but didn't finished well in the Bible. For
instance, Solomon started well but ended up in a shrine. The wisest
man who ever lived before our Lord Jesus Christ had with 700 wives
and 300 concubines and they contributed to his down fall. Although
in his time, He made a lot of landmark feats and he also built the
temple of God.

The Temple he built for God was 90 feet long, 30 feet wide and 45
feet high... And Tens of thousands of people were involved in this
seven year project: The most important part of the temple was the
Holy of Holies whose inside dimensions were 30 feet high -- 30 feet
wide -- and 30 feet long, "a perfect cube." The walls and everything
in this room were over laid with pure gold.... In fact 23 tons of pure
gold were used in this room alone. The nails in this room were made
of pure gold weighing 1 1/4 pounds. There were 2 carved cherubim


in this room also over laid with gold. They had wings spans of 15
feet and their wings were wide open touching the walls and each
other. See the height of his wisdom.
Solomon had everything going on well for him until indiscipline set
It was at the place of prayer that he had an encounter with God
after giving God a thousand burnt offering that God showed up in
his dream and God told him to ask whatever he wanted.


Solomon is the author of 3 Books; Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the
Song of Solomon. For the records, Solomon wrote 1005 songs and
3000 proverbs. I tell you that was a great feat.

However, King Solomon didn't finish well. He took decisions at the

later part of his life that messed up his entire life and career that
made him concluded that, vanity upon vanity, all is vanity. Solomon
married many strange women and most of them were not
followers of God, they were idols worshipers... And these wives led
Solomon away from God - he began to worship these idols. He built
altars and shrines to these gods. Now, most of these gods were
gods that glorified sexual immorality - and some of this worship
even involved child sacrifice...
Solomon had a great start
He-- had a good father and mentor David, he received good advice,
made a good request, performed a good project, had a good prayer
life and he wrote 3 good books. For the records, Solomon wrote
1005 songs and 3000 proverbs. But at last he ended up in a shrine.
He didn't finish well. Solomon's indiscipline cost him the ultimate


Similarly, indiscipline can cost a man not to finish well. To finish well,
you must discipline yourself spiritually. Increase your prayer life and
word study life tempo.
In your academics, you must discipline yourself to emerge the best in
class. Study, read your books and attend classes well. You must task
yourself to compete not just among your fellow students but
internationally too. Who told you You cannot emerge the best
mathematics student in the world?

To finish well, you must discipline yourself financially, don't eat with
all of your hand. Some of you, you are so indiscipline that, before you
collect your salary, you have already finish it on credit/data or you
buy clothes for every weekend occasions. That is financial
indiscipline. That you are using iPhone of 200k and you are still
begging people for urgent 2k is a sign you need help.

Some people are so indiscipline in their finances that they buy things
they don't like to impress people they don't like. If you must finish
well, you must discipline your financially. Invest in things that will
help you fulfill destiny in a grand style. Buy books, go for
seminars/trainings, take courses online.
And in order for some you reading this book not to end up like
Solomon, you must discipline yourself sexually. Sexual indiscipline
cuts short destiny. For instance, having multiple girlfriends you spend
your hard earned money on, will make you end up like Solomon.
Men, we must control our below the belt faculty if we must end well.
And women, you must control your spending appetite if you must
end well. Because sex before marriage is a sin.

And for some of you, the reason you are overweight is because of
your indiscipline. The junks you eat is telling on your health.


In finishing well, all of us struggle with habits at some time or another.

We work on them and work on them to change.
In fulfilling your God’s ordained purpose in life, there may be some
things in your life which are not yet working. You will have to resist the
devil in those areas. However, the good news is that you can stand
against him. You can take the Word of God and run him out.

In the meantime, do not allow yourself to be subjected to harassment

or condemnation of the devil, whether it be physical or spiritual. It's
dangerous .Don't let yourself or anyone else say things like, “I'm so
unworthy. I'm a failure. I'm so worthless.” That's against the Word of

Jesus is not ashamed of you... Therefore, you don't have any business
being ashamed of yourself or the circumstances that led to your
birth! So stop it and start believing what the Bible says. That you are
God's project; believe that you're God's workmanship created in
Christ Jesus2. Start confessing that. Instead of talking about what a
messed-up rascal you are, start agreeing with the Word and calling
yourself the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus .

To finish well, practice seeing yourself victorious over every life

challenges. The Bible says what shall separate us from the love of
"Who shall ever separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation,
or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or
sword? Just as it is written and forever remains written, “FOR YOUR
SHEEP FOR THE SLAUGHTER.” Yet in all these things we are more than
conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who
loved us [so much that He died for us]. For I am convinced [and
continue to be convinced—beyond any doubt] that neither death, nor


life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present and threatening,
nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other
created thing, will be able to separate us from the [unlimited] love of
God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord".
Practice seeing yourself operating in the victory. After all, Jesus has
already won it for you. So receive that victory by faith. You are more
than conqueror!

In conclusion, if you do all these, I can guarantee you that you will
finish well as a prize winner. And I can see you finishing well as a prize
winner in Jesus name! Amen.
However, I say here that the first step to fulfilling your God's ordained
destiny in life is salvation. So if you want to make a decision for Jesus,
please pray this prayer.
Salvation Prayers
If you have said that prayer, you just became born again. Look for a
Bible believing Church and attend. Welcome to the family of God.

Lord, I receive grace to discover my purpose, I refuse to be a
nonentity. Lord reveal to me why I am on earth. I discover my
assignment in Jesus name, I found my place in life, I pay the price. The
gift of a man makes room for him, the potentials of a man makes
room for him and brings him before great people, the gift of a man
brings him before great men. My gift is making room for me and
bringing me before great men in Jesus name! AMEN!


Chapter one
1. Deut. 28:13.
2. Luke 4: 16- 19
3. Proverbs 23:7
4. Matthew 12:34
5 Exodus 19:5.
6. Luke 17:21
7. 2 Peter 1:3-4.
8. Exodus 7:1
9. John 20:21
10. John. 10:35
11. Acts 14:11
12. Palms. 82:6
13. (1 Peter 2:9).
14. Revelation 5:10
15. 1 Corinthians 6:20.
16. Zechariah 2:8.
17. Romans 8:28-30

Chapter two
1.2Corithians 4:7
2. Genesis 1: 26 - 27
3. Proverbs 20: 29
4. Numbers 3: 1
5. Jeremiah 29: 11

Chapter Three
1. Ephesians 1:11
2. Proverbs 16:4 ESV.

3. (Job 38:2-4,6a,18-19,33,37; 40:1-2 GN)

4. Jer 1:4-5

Chapter Four
1. Jeremiah 1:5
2. Acts 26:9-15
3. Luke 4:17
4. Luke 4:18 -21
5. Hebrews 10 vs. 7

Chapter Five
1. Ecclesiastes 1:2
2. 1 Kings 10:23-26.

Chapter Six
1. Jeremiah 1:5
2. Matthew 25:14-15.

Chapter Seven
1. 2 Cor. 4:7.
2. Isaiah 60: 1

Chapter Eight
1. Ecclesiastes 10:7
2. Philippians 4: 13
3. Prov. 27:17
4. Proverbs 16:32

Chapter Nine
1. Proverbs 14:23


Chapter Ten
1. Ecclesiastes 3:1
2. Ecclesiastes 3:2
3. Ecclesiastes 9:11-12
4. Isaiah 55:8-9,11.
5. Ecclesiastes 3:11
6. Luke 13:6-9.

Chapter Eleven
1. Ecclesiastes 3:1
2. Eph. 5:15-16 (NKJV)
3. Eph. 5:15-16 (AMP).
4. Psalms 25:14
5. Genesis 5:22-24

Chapter Twelve
1. Ecclesiastes 9:10

Chapter Thirteen
1. Genesis 37:1-2,5-8
2. Genesis 11:6
3. Genesis 11:6 (NIV)
4. Genesis 37:9
5. Habakkuk 2:2-3
6. Proverbs 23: 7
7. Ephesians 3:20
8. John 10: 10
9. Proverbs 20:13
10. Proverbs 29:18
11. Proverbs 24:10


12. Isaiah 66:7-8

13. John 16:20-21

Chapter Fourteen
1. Ecclesiastes 10: 7
2. 1 Peter 2:9.

Chapter Fifteen
1. First Corinthians 9:24-27
2. Eph. 2: 10
3. 2 Corinthians 5:21
4. Romans 8:35-39 AMP
5. 2 Corinthians 4:7


Bamidele John Mentoring Ministries

Twitter @bamidelejohn11
Fb: Bamidele John
IG: @bamidelejohn1, IG: @pstbamidelejohn

Other Books Written by Bamidele John include;

1. Building A Marriage Without Tears
2. KAYANMATA; Love Potion for a Divorce proof Marriage
3. Love Dynamics
4. Winning in Perilous Times
5. Understanding the Principles and Power of Faith
6. How to grow money trees
7. Life Moral Stories
8. Entrepreneurship Unveiling the Secrets of Building a starting a
Successful Business.
9. Strategic Prayer Skills

Academic Books
1. Good Success in Common Entrance into JSS One (Federal
2. Good Success in Common Entrance into JSS One (State Edition).
3. Good Success in Common Entrance into JSS One (Federal/State
4. Good Success in Quantitative Reasoning (Book 1 - 6).
5. Good Success in Verbal Reasoning (Book 1 - 6).



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