Pyedm Version 1.5.0 July 1, 2020

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pyEDM Version 1.5.

0 July 1, 2020
pyEDM is a Python package interface to the cppEDM C++ library of empirical dynamic modeling
(EDM) algorithms. It returns Pandas DataFrame objects, or Python dictionaries of Pandas DataFrames.

Table of Contents
Python Package Index (PyPI)................................................................................................................3
Manual Compilation..............................................................................................................................3
OSX and Linux.................................................................................................................................3
Application Programming Interface (API)................................................................................................6
Application Notes....................................................................................................................................17

University of California at San Deigo

Scripps Institute of Oceangraphy
Sugihara Lab

Joseph Park, Cameron Smith

pyEDM is a Python interface to the C++ library cppEDM. Input and output objects are based on
Pandas DataFrame objects. Core algorithms are listed in table 1.

Algorithm API Interface Reference

Simplex projection Simplex() Sugihara and May (1990)
Sequential Locally Weighted Global Linear SMap() Sugihara (1994)
Maps (S-map)
Predictions from multivariate embeddings Simplex(), SMap() Dixon et. al. (1999)
Convergent cross mapping CCM() Sugihara et. al. (2012)
Multiview embedding Multiview() Ye and Sugihara (2016)

Convenience functions to prepare and evaluate data are listed in table 2.

Function Purpose Parameter Range

Embed() Timeseries delay dimensional embedding User defined
MakeBlock() Timeseries delay dimensional embedding User defined
EmbedDimension() Evaluate prediction skill vs. embedding E = [1, 10]
PredictInterval() Evaluate prediction skill vs. forecast interval Tp = [1, 10]
PredictNonlinear() Evaluate prediction skill vs. SMap nonlinear θ = 0.01, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5,
localisation 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9
ComputeError() Pearson ρ, RMSE, MAE
Examples() Example function calls and plots

There are two methods to install pyEDM:
1) Python Package Index and pip, which is only supported for certain OSX and Windows platforms
2) Download, build and install package.

Python Package Index (PyPI)

Certain Mac OSX and Windows platforms are supported with prebuilt binary distributions and can be
installed using the Python pip module. The module is located at

Installation can be executed as:

python -m pip install pyEDM --trusted-host --trusted-host pyEDM

Manual Compilation
Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to provide pre-built binary distributions for all computer
platforms. In this case the user is required to first build the cppEDM library on their machine, and then
install the Python package using pip. On OSX and Linux this requires gcc, on Windows, Microsoft
Visual Studio Compiler (MSVC) which can be obtained from Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019. Only
the Windows SDK is needed. Note that the LAPACK library is required to build cppEDM.

OSX and Linux

1) Download pyEDM: git clone

2) Build cppEDM library:

cd pyEDM/cppEDM/src

3) Build and install package:

cd ../..
python -m pip install . --user --trusted-host

1) Download pyEDM: git clone

2) Build cppEDM library:

cd pyEDM/cppEDM/src
nmake /f

3) Build and install package:

cd ../..
python -m pip install . --user --trusted-host

>>> import pyEDM
>>> pyEDM.Examples()

See the Examples section below.

All data input files are assumed to be in csv format. The files are assumed to have a single line header
with column names. If column names are not detected in the header line, then column names are
created as V1, V2... It is required that the first column be a vector of times or time indices.


API parameter names and purpose are listed in table 3.

Parameter Type Default Purpose

pathIn string "./" Input data file path
dataFile string "" Data file name
dataFrame Pandas DataFrame None Input DataFrame
pathOut string "./" Output file path
predictFile string "" Prediction output file
lib string "" library start : stop row indices
pred string "" prediction start : stop row indices
D int 0 Multiview state-space dimension
E int 0 Embedding dimension
Tp int 0 or 1 Prediction interval
knn int 0 Number nearest neighbors
tau int -1 Embedding delay
theta float 0 SMap localisation
exclusionRadius int 0 Prediction vector exclusion radius
columns string "" Column names or indices for prediction
target string "" Target library column name or index
embedded bool false Is data an embedding?
const_pred bool false Include non projected forecast data
verbose bool false Echo messages
smapFile string "" SMap coefficient output file
solver sklearn.linear_model None SMap solver
multiview int 0 Number of ensembles, 0 = sqrt(N)
trainLib bool true Multiview use lib as training library
libSizes_str string "" CCM library sizes
sample int 0 CCM number of random samples
random bool true CCM use random samples?
replacement bool false CCM sample with replacement?
includeData bool false CCM include all projections in return
seed unsigned 0 CCM RNG seed, 0 = random seed

Application Programming Interface (API)


Create a data block of Takens (1981) time-delay embedding from each of the columns in the csv file or
dataFrame. The columns parameter can be a list of column names, or a list of column indices. If
columns is a list of indices, then column names are created as V1, V2...

Note: The returned DataFrame will have tau*(E-1) fewer rows than the input data from the removal
of partial vectors as a result of the embedding.

Note: The returned DataFrame will not have the time column.

DataFrame Embed ( path = "./",
dataFile = "",
dataFrame = None,
E = 0,
tau = -1,
columns = "",
verbose = False )

DataFrame MakeBlock ( dataFrame,
E = 0,
tau = -1,
columnNames = "",
verbose = False )


Simplex projection of the input data file or DataFrame. The returned DataFrame has 3 columns
"Time", "Observations", "Predictions". nan values are inserted where there is no observation or
prediction. See the Parameters table for parameter definitions.

lib and pred specify [start stop] row indices of the input data for the library and predictions.

If embedded is false the data columns are embedded to dimension E with delay tau. If embedded is
true the data columns are assumed to be a multivariable data block.

If knn is not specified, and embedded is false, it is set equal to E+1. If embedded is true, knn is set
equal to the number of columns + 1.

DataFrame Simplex( pathIn = "./",
dataFile = "",
dataFrame = None,
pathOut = "./",
predictFile = "",
lib = "",
pred = "",
E = 0,
Tp = 1,
knn = 0,
tau = -1,
exclusionRadius = 0,
columns = "",
target = "",
embedded = False,
verbose = False
const_pred = False,
showPlot = False )


SMap projection of the input data file or DataFrame. See the Parameters table for parameter

SMap() returns a dict with two DataFrames:

dict { predictions : DataFrame,

coefficients : DataFrame

The predictions DataFrame has 3 columns "Time", "Observations", "Predictions". nan values are
inserted where there is no observation or prediction. If predictFile is provided the predictions will
be written to it in csv format.

The coefficients DataFrame will have E+2 columns. The first column is the "Time" vector, the
remaining E+1 columns are the SMap SVD fit coefficients.

lib and pred specify [start, stop] row indices of the input data for the library and predictions.

If embedded is False the data columns are embedded to dimension E with delay tau. If embedded is
True the data columns are assumed to be a multivariable data block. If smapFile is provided the
coefficients will be written to it in csv format.

If knn is not specified, it is set equal to the library size. If knn is specified, it must be greater than E.

The default solver for the SMap coefficient matrix is the LAPACK SVD function dgelss(). This can
be replaced with a user-instantianted class object from the python sklearn.linear_model: Linear
Models. Supported solvers include: LinearRegression, Ridge, Lasso, ElasticNet, RidgeCV,
LassoCV, ElasticNetCV. See the pyEDM/tests/ script for examples.

dict SMap( pathIn = "./",
dataFile = "",
dataFrame = None,
pathOut = "./",
predictFile = "",
lib = "",
pred = "",
E = 0,
Tp = 1,
knn = 0,
tau = -1,
theta = 0,
exclusionRadius = 0,
columns = "",
target = "",
smapFile = "",
derivatives = "", // Not implemented
solver = None,
embedded = False,
verbose = False,
const_pred = False,
showPlot = False )

Convergent cross mapping via Simplex of the first vector specified in columns against target. The
data cannot be multivariable, the first vector in columns is time-delay embedded to dimension E. See
the Parameters table for parameter definitions.

If includeData is False, the returned DataFrame has 3 columns. The first column is "LibSize", the
second and third columns are Pearson correlation coefficients for "column : target" and "target :
column" cross mapping. If includeData is True, a dict is returned with the LibMeans DataFrame ,
and a DataFrames of prediction statistics for all predictions in the ensembles.

The libSizes parameter is a string of whitespace or comma separated library sizes. If the string has 3
values, and, if the third value is less than the second value, then the three values are interpreted as a
sequence generator specifying "start stop increment" row values, i.e. "10 80 10" will evaluate library
sizes from 10 to 80 in increments of 10.

If random is true, sample observations are radomly selected from the subset of each library size. If
seed=0, then a random seed is generated for the random number generator. Otherwise, seed is used to
initialise the random number generator.

If random is false, sample is ignored and contiguous library rows up to the current library size are used.

Note: Cross mappings are performed between column : target, and target : column. The default
is to do this in separate threads. Threading can be disabled in the makefile by removing -

Note: The entire prediction vector is used in the Simplex prediction at each library subset size.

DataFrame or dict CCM( pathIn = "./",
dataFile = "",
dataFrame = None,
pathOut = "./",
predictFile = "",
E = 0,
Tp = 0,
knn = 0,
tau = -1,
columns = "",
target = "",
libSizes = "",
sample = 0,
random = True,
repalcement = False,
seed = 0, // seed=0: use RNG
includeData = False,
verbose = False,
showPlot = False );


Multiview embedding and forecasting of the input data file or DataFrame. See the Parameters table for
parameter definitions.

Multiview() returns a dict:

dict { View : DataFrame,

Predictions : DataFrame

The Predictions DataFrame has 3 columns "Time", "Observations", "Predictions". nan values are
inserted where there is no observation or prediction. If predictFile is provided the Predictions will
be written to it in csv format.

The View DataFrame will have E+3 columns. The first E columns are the the column indices in the
input data DataFrame that are embedded and applied to Simplex prediction. The last three columns are
"rho", "MAE", "RMSE" corresponding to the prediction Pearson correlation, maximum absolute error
and root mean square error.


D represents the number of variables to combine for each assessment, if not specified, it is the number
of columns.

E is the embedding dimension of each variable. If E = 1, no time delay embedding is done.

multiview is the number of top-ranked D-dimensional predictions to "average" for the final prediction.
Corresponds to parameter k in Ye & Sugihara with default k = sqrt(C) where C is the number of
combinations C(n,D) available from the embedding columns taken D at-a-time.

trainLib specifies whether projections used to rank the column combinations are done in-sample
(pred = lib, the default), or, using the lib and pred specified as input options (trainLib false).

lib and pred specify [start, stop] row indices of the input data for the library and predictions.

If knn is not specified, it is set equal to D+1.

numThreads defines the number of worker threads.

dict Multiview( pathIn = "./",
dataFile = "",
dataFrame = None,
pathOut = "./",
predictFile = "",
lib = "",
pred = "",
D = 0,
E = 1,
Tp = 1,
knn = 0,
tau = -1,
columns = "",
target = "",
multiview = 0,
exclusionRadius = 0,
trainLib = True,
verbose = False,
numThreads = 4,
showPlot = False )


Evaluate Simplex prediction skill for embedding dimensions from 1 to 10. The returned DataFrame
has columns "E" and "rho". See the Parameters table for parameter definitions.

Note: numThreads defines the number of worker threads for the 10 embeddings. The maximum
number of threads is 10.

DataFrame EmbedDimension( pathIn = "./",
dataFile = "",
dataFrame = None,
pathOut = "./",
predictFile = "",
lib = "",
pred = "",
maxE = 10,
Tp = 1,
tau = -1,
columns = "",
target = "",
embedded = False,
verbose = False,
numThreads = 4,
showPlot = False )


Evaluate Simplex prediction skill for forecast intervals from 1 to 10. The returned DataFrame has
columns "Tp" and "rho". See the Parameters table for parameter definitions.

Note: numThreads defines the number of worker threads for the 10 prediction interval forecasts. The
maximum number of threads is 10.

// Overload 1: Explicit data file path/name
DataFrame PredictInterval( pathIn = "./",
dataFile = "",
dataFrame = None,
pathOut = "./",
predictFile = "",
lib = "",
pred = "",
maxTp = 10,
E = 0,
tau = -1,
columns = "",
target = "",
embedded = False,
verbose = False,
numThreads = 4,
showPlot = False );


Evaluate SMap prediction skill for localisation parameter θ (default from 0.01 to 9). The returned
DataFrame has columns "theta" and "rho". See the Parameters table for parameter definitions.

If knn is not specified, it is set equal to the library size. If knn is specified, it must be greater than E.

Note: numThreads defines the number of worker threads for the θ value forecasts.

DataFrame PredictNonlinear( pathIn = "./",
dataFile = "",
dataFrame = None,
pathOut = "./",
predictFile = "",
lib = "",
pred = "",
theta = "",
E = 0,
knn = 0,
Tp = 1,
tau = -1,
columns = "",
target = "",
embedded = False,
verbose = False,
numThreads = 4,
showPlot = False );


Compute Pearson correlation coefficient, maximum absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error
(RMSE) between two vectors.

ComputeError() returns a dict:

dict { rho : double,

RMSE : double,
MAE : double

dict ComputeError( obsIn, predIn )

Application Notes

All data input files are assumed to be in csv format. The files are assumed to have a single line header
with column names. If column names are not detected in the header line, then column names are
created as V1, V2... It is required that the first column be a vector of times or time indices.

SMap() should be called with DataFrame that have columns explicity corresponding to dimensions E.
This means that if a multivariate data set is used, it should Not be called with an embedding from
Embed() since Embed() will add lagged coordinates for each variable. These extra columns will then
not correspond to the intended dimensions in the matrix inversion and prediction reconstruction. In this
case, use the embedded parameter set to true so that the columns selected correspond to the proper


from pyEDM import *

df = EmbedDimension( pathIn = "./pyEDM/data/", dataFile = "TentMap_rEDM.csv",

lib = "1 100", pred = "201 500",
columns = "TentMap", showPlot = True )

df = PredictInterval( pathIn = "./pyEDM/data/", dataFile = "TentMap_rEDM.csv",

lib = "1 100", pred = "201 500", E = 2,
columns = "TentMap", showPlot = True )

df = PredictNonlinear( pathIn = "./pyEDM/data/",

dataFile = "TentMapNoise_rEDM.csv",
lib = "1 100", pred = "201 500", E = 2,
columns = "TentMap", showPlot = True )

df = Simplex( pathIn = "./pyEDM/data/", dataFile = "block_3sp.csv",

lib = "1 99", pred = "100 198", E = 3,
columns = "x_t y_t z_t", target = "x_t",
embedded = True, showPlot = True )

df = Simplex( pathIn = "./pyEDM/data/", dataFile = "block_3sp.csv",

lib = "1 99", pred = "100 195", E = 3,
columns = "x_t", target = "x_t", showPlot = True )

M = Multiview( pathIn = "./pyEDM/data/", dataFile = "block_3sp.csv",

lib = "1 100", pred = "101 198", E = 3,
columns = "x_t y_t z_t", target = "x_t", showPlot = True )

S = SMap( pathIn = "./pyEDM/data/", dataFile = "circle.csv",

lib = "1 100", pred = "101 198", E = 2, theta = 4,
columns = "x y", target = "x", embedded = True, showPlot = True )

df = CCM( pathIn = "./pyEDM/data/", dataFile = "sardine_anchovy_sst.csv",

E = 3, Tp = 0, columns = "anchovy", target = "np_sst",
libSizes = "5 75 5", sample = 100, showPlot = True )


Dixon, P. A., M. Milicich, and G. Sugihara, 1999. Episodic fluctuations in larval supply. Science

Sugihara G. and May R. 1990. Nonlinear forecasting as a way of distinguishing chaos from
measurement error in time series. Nature, 344:734–741.

Sugihara G. 1994. Nonlinear forecasting for the classification of natural time series. Philosophical
Transactions: Physical Sciences and Engineering, 348 (1688) : 477–495.

Sugihara G., May R., Ye H., Hsieh C., Deyle E., Fogarty M., Munch S., 2012. Detecting Causality in
Complex Ecosystems. Science 338:496-500.

Takens, F. Detecting strange attractors in turbulence. Lect. Notes Math. 898, 366–381 (1981).

Ye H., and G. Sugihara, 2016. Information leverage in interconnected ecosystems: Overcoming the
curse of dimensionality. Science 353:922–925.


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