D. Angle of Articulation

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Which of the following terms does not refer to the arc of contact between the belt and the


a. angle of lap

b. arc of embrace

c. angle of grip

d. angle of articulation

In an open belt drive, the ratio of the driving tension is 2.61. If the tight side tension is
approximately 3.3 kN, calculate the initial tension on the belt when the drive is stationary.
Neglect centrifugal tension and assume that the belt is not perfectly elastic.
a. 2.16 kN
b. 2.29 kN
c. 2.28 kN
d. 2.82 kN

An open-belt drive transmitted 20 hp at 1300 fpm belt speed. The driver pulley has an angle
of embrace of 172.8 degrees. The drive operates on 1.5:1 velocity ratio. The coefficient of
friction between belt and drive pulley is 0.35; while it is only 0.3 between the belt and the
other pulley. Find the ratio of the driving tensions for the drive.
a. 2.26
b. 2.66
c. 2.62
d. 2.87

Type C V-belt has an inside length of 1295 mm. Estimate the outside length.
a. 1407 mm
b. 1338 mm
c. 1339 mm
d. 1383 mm

A 1350-mm diameter steel flywheel is to be connected to a 400-mm diameter rubber faced

motor pulley by means of a leather belt which has a thickness of 8 mm. The center distance
is 3m. The coefficient of friction for leather on steel is 0.2 and for leather on rubber is 0.40.
The leather has an allowable stress of 2.75 MPa and the joint efficiency is 83%. Leather
density is 968 kg/m3. If 45 kW is transmitted with a belt speed of 24.4 m/s, determine the
maximum permissible working stress.

a. 2.20 MPa

b. 2.28 MPa

c. 2.45 MPa

d. 2.75 MPa

The cross-section of a V-belt is 40 mm wide at the top, 20 mm wide at the bottom and 25
mm deep. Calculate its cross-sectional area.

a. 500 cm2

b. 7.5 cm2

c. 5.0 cm2

d. 750 cm2

A V-belt drive consists of two belts. If the belt drive is to transmit 85 hp, which type of V-
belt would you recommend that would give the most economical drive?

a. type D

b. type E

c. type C

d. type B

The coefficient of friction between the belt and the flat pulley is 0.32. The ratio of the
tensions for the drive is originally 2.76. Upon installation of idler pulley on the slack side, the
ratio is increased by 25%. Estimate the percent increase in the angle of lap.

a. 18

b. 19

c. 25
d. 22

A V-belt has inside and outside lengths of 660 mm and 728.85 mm, respectively. Estimate
the thickness of the belt.

a. 11 mm

b. 17 mm

c. 34 mm

d. 22 mm

For a V-belt drive, estimate the incremental increase in belt length for pulleys of 300mm and
450 mm at center distance of 800mm relative to a similar drive having pulleys of the same
diameters of 300 mm with the same center distance.

a. 3.13 mm

b. 1.56 mm

c. 200 mm

d. 100 mm

It is a slight absolute motion of the belt as it passes over the pulleys.

a. contraction of belt

b. Slip of belt

c. none of the listed

d. Creep of belt

A simple open belt drive consists of 750-mm diameter pulley driving a 450-mm diameter pulley
mounted on the driven shaft. If slip of belt is estimated at 2% each between the pulleys and the
belt, find the velocity ratio of the drive.
a. 1.60
b. 0.61
c. 0.62
d. 1.63

A belt drive is desired to have a center distance between pulleys of approximately 7.5 m.
What is the appropriate type of belt to be used for this application?

a. v-belt or circular belt

b. flat belt only

c. flat belt or v belt

d. flat belt or circular belt

For a flat belt drive, the face of the leather belt in contact with the surface of the pulley is
the hair side. Which of the following does not justify this statement?

a. the flesh side of the leather belt is stronger

b. both faces of the leather belt are smooth.

c. the hair side has higher coefficient of friction

d. slip is more likely to occur when the flesh side is in contact with the pulley

When the pulley with a given initial tension starts rotating, the tension in the belt ___.
a. decreases on the tight side
b. increases on the slack side
c. decreases on the slack side
d.remains the same

Fiber ropes make contact at _.

a. the bottom of the groove of the pulley

b. the sides and bottom of the groove of the pulley
c. the sides of the groove of the pulley
d. anywhere in the groove of the pulley
The centrifugal tension in the belt

a. increases the power transmitted

b. decreases the power transmitted

c. has no effect on the power transmitted

d. is equal to maximum tension on the belt

The maximum tension in the belt is 200 lbs while the allowable belt load is 112 lbs. Calculate
the number of belts required to transmit power.

a. 4

b. 3

c. 5

d. 2

What is the recommended maximum center distance for twisted belt drive in terms of the
width of the belt, b in order to minimize wear and tear of the belt?

a. 20b

b. 25b

c. 15b

d. 22b

The minimum number of driven pulleys for the simplest compound belt drive is __.
a. 1
b. 3
c. 2
d. 4

Which of the following belt joints has the lowest joint efficiency?

a. cemented joint
b. metal hinged joint

c. wire laced joint

d. raw hide laced joint

The size of fiber rope is not usually designated by its __.

a. girth
b. cross-sectional area
c. circumference
d. diameter

The groove angle of the pulley for V-belt drive is usually

a. 38° – 45°

b. 32° – 38°

c. 25° – 32°

d. 20° – 25°

The diameter of the sheave for a rope drive should be made sufficiently large in order to _.

a. reduce power that can be transmitted by the rope

b. maintain proper tension on the rope
c. reduce slip of the rope
d. reduce wear on the rope due to internal friction and minimize flexure stress

Estimate the coefficient of friction between an oak-tanned leather belt and a cast iron pulley at
belt velocity of 16 m/s.
a. 0.26
b. 0.29
c. 0.28
d. 0.27
Which of the following is a positive drive?

a. Fiber Rope drive

b. Wire Rope Drive

c. Crossed flat belt drive

d. V-belt drive

The following are the advantages in using a cross belt drive except _.
a. greater arc of contact
b. opposite pulley rotation
c. longer belt length
d. greater power capacity

the ultimate tensile breaking load (in kN) of cotton ropes in terms of its girth c in mm is
approximately _.
a. 500c2
b. 111.4c2
c. 350c2
d. 35.5c2

The effective turning force at the circumference of a driven pulley is the _.

a. initial net belt tension
b. slack side tension
c. net tight side tension
d. net belt pull

When two pulleys are connected either by open or crossed belt, the velocity ratio is __.
a. inversely proportional to the square of their diameters
b. directly proportional to the square of their diameters
c. directly proportional to their diameters
d. inversely proportional to their diameters
When a belt drive is transmitting maximum power, __.
a. driving tension in tight side is threetimes the centrifugal tension
b. driving tension in slack side is twicethe centrifugal tension
c. driving tension in tight side is twicethe centrifugal tension
d. driving tension in slack side is equalto the centrifugal tension

It is recommended that for a multiple strand V-belt drive, when one of the belt breaks, the
whole set of belts should be replaced. Which of the following is the best justification for

a. If only one belt is replaced, the new unworn and unstretched belt will be more tightly

b. All of these.

c. If only one belt is replaced, this will create unbalanced forces between the new and old

d. If only one belt is replaced, the belts will move with different velocities.

Which is not a function of installing idler pulley/s on an open belt drive?

a. reduce slip and creep of the belt

b. increase angle of lap between the belt and the pulley

c. make it impossible to drive more than one pulley

d. increase belt tension

Which of the following is the basic function of crowning in flat pulleys?

a. Increase the arc of contact

b. Increase tension in the belt

c. None of the listed

d. Minimize slipping of the belt

This type of belt drive makes it possible to change the speed of the driven shaft where the
driven pulley is mounted while maintaining the speed of the driving shaft constant.

a. twisted belt drive

b. stepped pulley drive

c. jockey pulley drive

d. compound belt drive

Simplest compound belt consists of how many shafts:

a. 3
b. 2
c. 5
d. 4

The intermediate shaft in a simple compound belt drive is known as:

a. Driven shaft
b. Line shaft
c. Countershaft
d. Transmission shaft

It is recommended that for a multiple strand V-belt drive, when one of the belt breaks, the
whole set of belts should be replaced. Which of the following is the best justification for

a. If only one belt is replaced, the new unworn and unstretched belt will be more tightly
b. If only one belt is replaced, this will create unbalance forces between the new and
old belts
c. If only one belt is replaced, belts will move with different velocities
d. All of these

For a steel pulley of 500mm diameter, the recommended number of spoked is:

a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8

The recommended maximum belt speed in ft/s for crossed belt drive is

a. 15
b. 20
c. 22
d. 49

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