2019-TAX4438-Tutor Marked Assignments PDF

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TAX4438 – Production Planning & Organization

Note: Use the Activity diary to find the relevant dates of all the activities of this course.

TAX4438 is a course of four credit rating which means that you are expected to spend
approximately 200 hours of study time for this course. This course consists of eight units (Unit I
to VIII). The continuous assessment of this course consists of three assignments (TMA- Tutor
Mark Assignments) and two continuous assessment tests (CAT). All three assignments are
attached herewith. The students are instructed to send the answers to these assignments to the
coordinator of this course before the last date of submission. Any assignments sent after the last
date will not be accepted. When you answer your assignments you are strongly advised not to
copy the answers directly from the lesson materials and internet. If you copy directly from
these sources you are liable to loose marks. Therefore read the lesson material, understand the
content and answer in your own words. Also it is strongly advised not to copy from peers, if do
so both/all will get “zero” marks.

Following units will be considered for the Two (02) Continuous Assessment Tests.
CAT I - Unit I to Unit III
CAT II - Unit IV to Unit VI
This course has five (05) day-schools for you to discuss any problems with regard to lesson
materials. Although they are not compulsory, it is strongly advised to attend the day schools.

The scheme of assessment for the continuous assessment is as follows.

Overall Continuous Assessment Mark = 1B(CAT)0.4 + 2B(CAT)0.3 + AVG(TMA)0.3 >= 40

The students must obtain a minimum of 40% marks for the overall continuous
assessment, to be allowed to sit for the final examination. Those students who are not
eligible to sit the final examination will have to register for the course as a Repeat student
in the next academic year.

If you have any questions regarding this course, you may contact the course coordinator.

Ms. K G U Perera
Course Coordinator,
Department of Textile and Apparel Technology,
The Open University of Sri Lanka,
Nawala, Nugegoda.
Telephone: 011 2881310
E-mail: [email protected]
The Open University of Sri Lanka
Department of Textile & Apparel Technology
Bachelor of Technology Honours in Engineering/
Bachelor of Industrial Studies Honours
TAX4438 – Production Planning and Organization
Assignment – 01
Questions in this assignment are based on Unit I, II, and III.
Do not copy directly from the lesson materials, internet or from other students.
Answers to this assignment must be handed over to the department on or before 09/09/2019.
If you wish to post the assignment, it should be reached the department on or before
09/09/2019. Use the registered post.
Late submissions will not be accepted.

Note: Assignment 1 consists of three (03) questions given in two (02) pages.

(Q1) (a) “Direct buying is more advantageous when compared to Buying through an agent”.
Discuss whether this statement is true or false by giving four (04) factors.
(b) Briefly discuss the five stages of fashion cycle.
(c) Write short notes on four (04) different types of samples prepared by sample
department of a garment factory.

(Q2) (a) Explain the terms “Marker planning” and “Lay planning”.
(b) Discuss how the Shape of pattern pieces and Fabric characteristics affect the
marker efficiency.
(c) Briefly discuss five (05) benefits of using computer assisted grading and marker
making when compared to manual methods.

(Refer to the next page)

Answers should be handed over or posted to:

Course Coordinator – TAX4438, Department of Textile & Apparel Technology, The Open
University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
(Q3) (a) Giving reasons, discuss the most suitable spreading methods for the fabrics (A)
and (B) given below.
Fabric A

Fabric B

(b) Discuss the factors you must consider when preparing the marker for above two
fabrics A and B.

Answers should be handed over or posted to:

Course Coordinator – TAX4438, Department of Textile & Apparel Technology, The Open
University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
The Open University of Sri Lanka
Department of Textile & Apparel Technology
Bachelor of Technology Honours in Engineering/
Bachelor of Industrial Studies Honours
TAX4438 – Production Planning and Organization
Assignment – 02
Questions in this assignment are based on Unit IV and Unit V.
Do not copy directly from the lesson materials, internet or from other students.
Answers to this assignment must be handed over to the department on or before 11/11/2019.
If you wish to post the assignment, it should be reached the department on or before
11/11/2019. Use the registered post.
Late submissions will not be accepted.

Note: Assignment 2 consists of three (03) questions given in two (02) pages.

(Q1) (a) Briefly explain five (05) outputs expected during the “Install and Maintain” steps
of method study.
(b) Write short notes on the following terms related to work place engineering.
(i) Element
(ii) Contingency allowance
(iii) Micro data
(c) Briefly discuss five (05) rules that should be considered to controlling bias results
during activity sampling.

(Q2) Following data were collected during a time study.

No. Element Observed Rating Observed time (min)

1 Open and sort the bundle 85 1.13
2 Attach lace to hem 90 1.07
3 Sew one side seam 95 0.93
4 Pick and align the labels 75 1.06
5 Sew second side seam with labels 90 0.98
6 Attach waist elastic 85 1.27
7 Get the trims and align 75 0.96
8 Attach trims to waist 105 0.61
9 Bar tack the seams 85 0.78
10 Close the bundle and dispose 95 1.14

(Refer to the next page)

Answers should be handed over or posted to:

Course Coordinator – TAX4438, Department of Textile & Apparel Technology, The Open
University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
Rating scale BSI 100, Bundle size = 8
Machine attention allowance = 10%
Relaxation allowance = 12%
(a) Calculate the Standard Minute Value for one garment. When calculating show each
step clearly and round up the answers to two (02) decimals.
(b) If the expected average efficiency of a particular production line is 85%, calculate
the number of garments that can be completed within a working shift of 480

(Q3) (a) Briefly explain four (04) basic aspects which should be considered to improve the
productivity in sewing room.
(b) Write short notes on three (03) personal factors which affect the productivity in
the garment industry.
(c) Productivity of a garment factory can be improved through the application of 5S
concept. Discuss this statement by giving five (05) factors and suitable examples.

Answers should be handed over or posted to:

Course Coordinator – TAX4438, Department of Textile & Apparel Technology, The Open
University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
The Open University of Sri Lanka
Department of Textile & Apparel Technology
Bachelor of Technology Honours in Engineering/
Bachelor of Industrial Studies Honours
TAX4438 – Production Planning and Organization
Assignment – 03
Questions in this assignment are based on Unit VI, VII, and VIII.
Do not copy directly from the lesson materials, internet or from other students.
Answers to this assignment must be handed over to the department on or before 30/12/2019.
If you wish to post the assignment, it should be reached the department on or before
30/12/2019. Use the registered post.
Late submissions will not be accepted.

Note: Assignment 03 consists of three (03) questions given in three (03) pages.

(Q1) The contract orders received by a garment factory is given in the table below. The
factory has two (02) production lines in similar capacity. Weekly capacity of these two
production lines is 40000 SMV and the number of working days per week is 5.

Contract Number of Garments SMV per garment Week due

A 3200 10 4
B 4000 10 6
C 4500 8 3
D 2800 10 7
E 3000 8 3
F 3200 5 5
G 4000 6 7
H 3500 8 5

(a) Draw a Gantt chart to complete all the orders received by the factory.
(b) Based on the Gantt chart in (a) discuss whether the factory has an excess capacity
or not.
(c) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of maintaining a high Work-In-Progress
(WIP) in a garment factory.

(Refer to the next page)

Answers should be handed over or posted to:

Course Coordinator – TAX4438, Department of Textile & Apparel Technology, The Open
University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
(Q2) The cutting section of a particular factory has received an order which requires
four (04) sizes of two (02) colors. The quantities needed to be cut from each size
and color, and the respective single marker lengths are given in the table below.

Color Number of garments needed to be cut in different sizes

Blue 470 340 350 220
Red 270 220 200 150

The constraints of lay dimensions are as follows.

Maximum cutting ply height = 200 plies
Maximum number of garments per ply = 4 garments
End allowance per ply = 8 cm
Fabric saving percentage for multi size marker = 4%
Cost of fabric per meter of Blue color = Rs. 350/=
Cost of fabric per meter of Red color = Rs. 360/=

(i) Prepare an economic cut order plan with minimum number of lays and
(ii) Calculate the material requirement from each color fabric.
(iii) Calculate the total cost of materials required to complete the order.

(Refer to the next page)

Answers should be handed over or posted to:

Course Coordinator – TAX4438, Department of Textile & Apparel Technology, The Open
University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.
(Q3) (a) Giving suitable examples, briefly explain five (05) methods which can be used to
balance a production line in a garment factory.
(b) A production line has received an order with planned target of 2100 garments per
8 hours working shift. The operation breakdown of the garment and the output of
each operation per 8 hours are given in the Table below. Assume the efficiency of
the production line is 100%.

Operation No. Machine type Operation Description Output per shift

1 OL3TH Conceal front and back gusset 1060
2 CS(EL) Attach leg elastic 860
3 OL4TH Sew first side seam 2800
4 CS(EL) Attach waist elastic 1700
5 OL4TH Sew second side seam 2600
6 MANUAL Mark label position on back waist 3100
7 SNLS Tack label to back waist 2150
8 BART(A) Secure waist and leg joints 1400
9 ZIGZ Attach tag card 3500
10 MANUAL Trim the excess threads 1100
11 MANUAL Packing 2500

(i) Determine the number of workplaces and operators to balance the line.
(ii) Calculate the balancing loss and discuss whether it is well balanced or not.

Answers should be handed over or posted to:

Course Coordinator – TAX4438, Department of Textile & Apparel Technology, The Open
University of Sri Lanka, Nawala, Nugegoda.

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