Huawei Integrated OTDR SFP Based IEEE Paper

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SFP-based integrated OTDR for 1:64 TDM-PON

testing and diagnose

Yang Sulin, Yin Jinrong, Li zebin, Wang Weiyang
Access technology Research Department
Huawei TechnologiesCo. Ltd
[email protected]

Abstract—An OTDR integrated in the SFP optical transceiver solution. We have showed that the proposed solution is also
module re-using the upstream wavelength is proposed for TDM- applicable to drop fiber fault demarcation with 1:64 splitter
PON testing and diagnose from the Central Office without ratio and more than 28dB power budget.
modification of deployed ODN and ONT. Testing results verify
that it can detect all the ONT in the class B+ scenario with 1:64.


transceiver module
Unless using the double-ended OTDR, i.e., integrating
OTDR into both the OLT and ONTs, the reflector is inevitable
I. for the demarcation of the drop link faults. As the FP laser
INTRODUCTION diode or DFP laser diode is used as the transmitter of the ONT
In the last several years, tens of millions G/EPON based transceiver module. The front facet of the cavity of the
FTTx has been deployed around the world. In order to FP/DFP laser diode is an intrinsic reflector with reflective
minimize the downtime, improve end-users’ satisfaction and index larger than 10%. Maybe this characteristic can be used
reduce the operating and maintenance cost, it’s necessary for as the reflector when the OTDR reuse the upstream
the networks to provide the capability of automatically wavelength to send the OTDR probe signal. We measured 25
detecting and localizing fiber failures in the ODN (optical GPON ONT optical modules from three vendors. The
distribution network) from the OLT side (CO Central Office). reflective index on 1310nm, 1625nm and 1650nm of each
Conventionally, external instrument based OTDR(optical time ONT optical module is depicted by Fig.1. The reflective index
domain reflectometer) is typically used for this purpose[1]. on 1625nm and 1650 is range from -20dB to -57dB, while on
However, this approach is too expensive and complex for the 1310nm only range from -15dB to -26dB. The reflective index
in-service monitoring of the TDM-PON, since it requires not on 1310nm is larger enough for a OTDR with 10dB dynamic
only expensive OTDR with high power light source and range to demarcation the drop fiber faults [1].
modification of the existing ODN, but also need to install a
separate system to do the management and operation the
OTDR system.
To solve the problems, integrating the OTDR function into
the optical transceiver module (usually SFP module) is a
promising approach. One type of SFP-based integrated OTDR
is reusing the data transmitter, superimpose the probe signal to
the data and add a new photo-diode to measure the backward
signal [2] [3]. Usually, in FTTx network monitoring, the
biggest challenge is fault demarcation on the drop fiber. With
this type of integrated OTDR, reflector should be installed into
the ONT optical transceiver module or just before the ONT on
the drop fiber when only upgrade the OLT side optical
transceiver modules [3] [4], or the cost-sensitivity ONT also
have to support integrated OTDR.
In this paper, we propose a practical approach to
Fig.1. ONT reflective characteristics
demarcate the drop fiber fault from the ONT fault in the PONs
by a OLT side integrated OTDR and ONT’s intrinsic refection
characteristics. This proposed approach does not require any
extra component or modification of the infrastructure and the
ONTs, which makes it a highly compatible and cost-effective
III. 3. COMMON RECEIVER INTEGRATED OTDR of the under test system. Then we create three faults, a fiber
When reusing the Data Rx as the OTDR signal receiver bend on the feed fiber, a fiber cut on the distribute fiber (on
and add a new transmit to launch the OTDR probe signal, we the branch of the first stage splitter), and removing the ONU7
can get a “Common Receiver” called integrated OTDR, as by disconnect the connector.
showed in Fig.2(a). The OTDR test can be start by a command OTDR test result curve with the reference curve is showed
from the I2C interface. After received a test command, the in Fig.2(b). The top diagram shows that 0.5dB feeder fiber
Processing Unit will control the probe signal generator to insertion loss and distribution fiber cut can be easily detected
generate a probe signal and drive the OTDR transmitter with by compare the test curve with the reference. The ONU7 with
the same wavelength as the Rx data. Backward test signal is -17.32dB reflective index and the optical link insertion loss is
received by the data Rx and then send to the Processing unit to 29.66dB. When the connector is plug out, the refection peak
do OTDR curve calculation. disappeared. The refection peak of ONU8 and ONU6 with
The OSA (Optical Sub-Assembly) for the common 27.96dB insertion loss, -26.27dB reflective index and 28.52dB
receiver integrated OTDR is showed in Fig.2(b). The new insertion loss, -22.85dB reflective index respectively are
coupler is used to couple the OTDR probe signal to the clearly displayed in the OTDR curve. In the real application,
receptor of the SFP module. Here, the coupler is transparent several dB power budget margin is reserved during the ODN
for the data Tx wavelength and partially reflective and construction. Therefore, the performance of this common
transparent for the wavelength of data Rx. Trade-off should be receiver integrated OTDR is enough for the fiber fault
made to between the reflective and transparent. In practically, demarcation in Class B+ scenario with 1:64 splitter ratio.
it’s better to set it as 10% reflective and 90% transparency for
the data rx wavelength.


λu λu



Fig.2. (a) schematic diagram of a SFP transceiver module with common
receiver integrated OTDR. (b) corresponding triplex OSA for common
receiver integrated OTDR (b)
Fig.3. (a) PON setup in the experimental. (b) Corresponding curves of
different faults


To verify drop fiber fault localization capability of the V. 5. CONCLUSION
common receiver integrated OTDR, we set up an experimental
We have proposed a new fault localization method in
setup with splitter ratio of 1:64 in Huawei Lab with Huawei
TDM-PON by common receiver integrated OTDR and the
OLT MA5600T. As depicted in Fig.3(a), we using two stage
intrinsic reflective characteristics of the ONT. The feasibility
1:8 splitter to emulate the largely deployed 1:64 scenario.
of this method has been experimentally verified in class B+
Eight ONTs random selected with different optical transceiver
scenario with 29+dB power budget and 1:64 splitter ratio
from different module vendors are connected to the second 1:8
without any modification of the ODN and ONT. Experimental
splitter. The reflective index of the eight ONT and the
result shows this new type of integrated OTDR is cost-
corresponding insertion loss of different branches is given in
effective and valuable for FTTx fiber fault monitoring. By
the insertion table of Fig3.(a). Firstly, we get a reference curve
standardizing the minimum reflective index of the ONT
transceiver module, it will be very easy for it be applied in
Class C+ scenario.

[1] Jean Ponchon, “PON Test Systems - From theory to field deployments”,
[2] H. Schmuck, “Embedded OTDR techniques for cost-efficient fibre
monitoring in optical access networks”, ECOC 2006.
[3] Thomas Pfeiffer, “Cost Efficient Non-Service Interrupting Monitoring
of Optical Fiber Links in FTTH / FTTB Networks”, ECOC 2008.
[4] “TR-287 PON Optical-Layer Management”, Broadband Forum.

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