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Jamia Millia Islaimia

Faculty of Law


Kidnapping from Lawful Guardian

Submitted to: Samia Ma,am

Submitted By: Neeraj Shukla

BA.LLB (Self -Finance ) 3rd Sem

Batch: 2018-2023

Section 359 in The Indian Penal Code – Kidnapping.

Kidnapping is of two kinds: kidnapping from India, and kidnapping from lawful
Section 361 in The Indian Penal Code – Kidnapping from lawful
Whoever takes or entices any minor under sixteen years of age if a male, or
under eighteen years of age if a female, or any person of unsound mind, out of
the keeping of the lawful guardian of such minor or person of unsound mind,
without the consent of such guardian, is said to kidnap such minor or person
from lawful guardianship.1
Explanation.— The words “lawful guardian” in this section include any person
lawfully entrusted with the care or custody of such minor or other person.
Exception.— This section does not extend to the act of any person who in good
faith believes himself to be the father of an illegitimate child, or who in good
faith believes himself to be entitled to the lawful custody of such child, unless
such act is committed for an immoral or unlawful purpose .

1 Section 361- Kidnapping from Lawful Guardianship: Whoever takes or entices any minor under sixteen
years of age if a male, or under eighteen years of age if a female, or of any person of unsound mind, out of the
keeping of the lawful guardian of such minor or person of unsound mind, without the consent of such
guardian, is said to kidnap such minor or person from lawful guardianship. Explanation------ The words ‘lawful
guardian’ in this section include any person lawfully entrusted with the care or custody of such minor or other
To constitute an offence under this section the following conditions must

exist –
1. There must be taking or enticing of a minor, or a person of unsound
2. Such minor must be under 16 years of age, if a male, or under 18 years of
age, if a female;
3. Taking or enticing must be out of the keeping of the lawful guardian of such
minor or person of unsound mind; and
4. Taking or enticing must be without the consent of such guardian.
The courts have formulated certain guiding principles in section 361, besides its
essential ingredients, which are as follows:
1. In the case of minor girls this section is attracted irrespective of the question
whether she is married or unmarried.
2. The consent of the minor is immaterial. (State of Haryana vs Raja Ram,
AIR 1973 SC 819) -

3. The word kidnapping has been derived from the word "kid" meaning child
and "napping" means to steal   Thus kidnapping literally means child stealing
and the word kidnapper originally meant to signify one who stole children
and others to provide servants and laborers for the American Plantations.
The offense of kidnapping is an aggravated form of wrongful confinement
and is, therefore, an offense in which all the elements of that offense are
necessarily present. Section 359 to Section 369 of the code has made
kidnapping and abduction Punishable. The underlying object of enacting
these Provisions is to secure the personal liberty of citizens, to give legal
protection to children of tender age from being abducted or seduced them for
improper purposes and to prevent the rights of parents and guardians over
there wards 2

1) Kidnapping –

Section 359 of Indian penal code classified kidnapping under to categories

(b) Kidnapping  from lawful guardianship (Section 351 IPC or custody or
upbringing kidnapping from India (section 360) -   
Kidnapping from lawful guardianship (Section 361)

Whoever takes or entices any minor under sixteen years of age if a male, or
under eighteen years of age if a female, or any person of unsound mind, out of
the keeping of the lawful guardian of such minor or person of unsound mind,
without the consent of such guardian, is said to kidnap such minor or person
from lawful guardianship.

Explanation -

         The words “lawful guardian” in this section include any person lawfully
entrusted with the care or custody of such minor or other person.

Removal from Lawful Guardianship

Here the lawful guardianship shall include any person who has been authorized
by law to take care of the person who has yet not attained the age of majority. A
lawful guardian may be the parents, in-laws, etc.

 As Kidnapping takes into consideration the age of the person being

kidnapped, the crime involves the taking away from the guardianship of
a lawful person who has been authorized by law to take care of such
 Since Abduction considers only the person who has been abducted,
lawful guardianship does not come into the picture.


 Kidnapping involves taking away or enticement by the kidnapper. The

means used for such purpose is irrelevant.
 The means used in case of abduction may be force, compulsion, or
deceitful means.


 In case of Kidnapping, the consent of the person kidnapped is immaterial

as the person being kidnapped is a minor and according to law, such
person is unable to provide for free consent. The consent obtained from
the person shall be a tainted one (as seen in the case of State of Haryana
v Raja Ram).
 In case of Abduction, the consent of the person abducted condones the
accused from the offence so charged against him/her.

The intention of the Accused

 In case of Kidnapping, the intention of the person kidnapping a minor is

immaterial so as to the crime committed by the accused (as in the case
of Queen v Prince.
 In case of Abduction, the intention of the person abducting is a very
important factor in determining the guilt of the accused person.
1) Ingredients- 

To constitute an offense under this Section the following ingredients are to

be satisfied –

(1) There must be taking or enticing of a minor, or a person of unsound


(2) Such minor must be under 16 years of age if a male or under 18 years of
age if a female

(3) Taking or enticing must be out of the keeping of the local Guardian of
such minor or person of unsound mind; and

(4) Taking or enticing must be without the consent of such guardian

Kidnapping has been codified as a criminal offence under the Indian Penal
Code,1860. Section 359-363 deals with the offence of Kidnapping. Kidnapping
is the unlawful taking away or conveying of a person and wrongfully confining
the person against his or her will. Kidnapping literally means “Child-Stealing”
however the offence has not been only confined to child stealing. It is an
aggravated form of wrongful confinement.

Kidnapping from Lawful Guardianship: Section 361 of the IPC defines

‘Kidnapping from Lawful Guardianship’. The section penalises kidnapping of
minors or of persons of unsound mind: in case of males, the offence is
committed if a minor below sixteen years of age is ‘taken’ or ‘enticed’ and in
case of females, the offence is accomplished if the same act is committed
against a minor below eighteen years of age. There is no age barrier for persons
of unsound mind under the section. The offence of Kidnapping under this
section can be fragmented into the following major components: a. Taking or
enticing of a minor or a person of unsound mind by a person b. The minor must
be taken or enticed out of the keeping of lawful guardian c. The guardian’s
consent must be absent Section 361 intends to protect the interests of minors
and at the same time, shields the custody rights of their lawful guardians.8 At
this juncture, it is necessary to discuss in detail each of the above elements to
have a clear picture of the offence of Kidnapping. Ingredients of Section 361:
Taking/Enticing Out of the keeping of Lawful Guardian Absence of Guardian's

Meaning of Taking or Enticing: There has been a lot of deliberation in Indian

Courts from time to time on the connotation of the terms “taking” or “enticing”
used in section 361. Although it is sufficient to show that there was either taking
or enticing for the offence to be committed, the terms vary a lot in their literal
and legal content. ‘Taking’ excludes the idea of force on the part of the
kidnapper and means “to cause to go” or “to escort”.In fact, the kidnapper may
take the minor’s (or the unsound person’s) consent and still “take” him/her out
of the keeping of his/her lawful guardian. The connotation of the term “Taking”
was discussed in an in-depth manner in the case of S. Varadarajan v. State of
Madras. S. Varadarajan v. State of Madras: An Analysis The case had an
interesting factual matrix that revolved around a minor girl named Savitri who
was on the threshold of attaining majority and the man she eloped with, S.
Varadarajan. Savitri was thedaughter of S.Natarajan and had secretly developed
friendship with their neighbour, S. Varadarajan. When reprimanded by her
sister, she confessed that she intended to marry the boy next door (Varadarajan).
A furious Natarajan packed his daughter off to Kodambakkam with the belief
that Savitri would get over her infatuation after a few days of distance. This
incident happened on 30th September, 1960 and the very next day, i.e. on 1st of
October, 1960, Savitri contacted Varadarajan over the phone and asked him to
meet her on a certain road at a certain time. Varadarajan co-operated with
Savitri and came to the venue by car. Savitri stepped into the car and both of
them went to a friend’s place from where they went on to purchase some sarees
and jewellery. Thereafter they got married at the Registrar’s office. The couple
stayed at a hotel after their marriage, went around a few places and were finally
apprehended by the police at Tanjore, following a complaint filed by Savitri’s
father. The case which had a typical cinematic setting of the sixties was decided
by a three-judge bench comprising of Justice R. Mudholkar, Justice K.
Subbarao and Justice M. Hidayatullah. Very fine and interesting questions of
law were raised and argued upon leading to the delivery of a unique judgment,
which was very ahead of its times. The primary issue which was raised in this
case was whether the acts of the appellant, Varadarajan could cumulatively
amount to the offence of Kidnapping. In order to establish the offence of
kidnapping, the court said, it is necessary to establish whether the minor had
been taken or enticed out of the keeping of the lawful guardian. It said that
while enticement was not in the picture, the court had to find out whether the
appellants act could constitute “taking”. In order to constitute “taking” one of
the essential requirements was the nature of participation of the accused in
leading the minor ‘out of the keeping of the lawful guardian’. The court looked
into the facts of the case and rightfully pointed out that there was nothing in the
facts to suggest that Varadarajan had caused the minor to elope with him.
Rather, Savitri’s deposition made it evident that she had the desire and
therefore, clearly intended to marry Varadarajan. Varadarajan only co-operated
with her in accomplishing her desire. In other words, he facilitated the
fulfilment of Savitri’s intention.
The court further observed that Varadarajan’s participation in the whole act was
passive- it was in the nature of providing a support-system in giving shape to
the desire of Savitri. The inference was drawn from the fact that it was Savitri
who called Varadarajan up, asked him to meet her at a certain place and time
and expressed her willingness to marry the appellant. That being the case, it
cannot be said that Varadarajan actively induced Savitri to elope with him. At
this point, the court also remarked that for the establishment of the factor of
‘taking’ under the Indian Penal Code, it is necessary that the accused
participates in an ‘active’ manner to walk out of the custody of his/her lawful
guardianship. The Court also pointed out that the socio-economic background
of Savitri must be taken into consideration before convicting Varadarajan. She
was an educated girl who was fully capable of understanding the nature and
consequences of her actions. In the words of the court, Savitri was not a ‘child
of tender years’. Although a minor, she was on the verge of attaining her
majority and was capable of taking rational decisions. The court finally
acquitted Varadarajan on the ground that a case under section 361 was not made
out against him as the required parameters for the offence were not fulfilled.
The case of Varadarajan has discussed in great detail the connotation of the
term “taking”.3 Taking also varies from “enticing” in a very significant way.
While the element of force may not be present in either taking or enticing, the
element of ‘temptation’ is present in the latter although it is absent in the
former.11 When X “entices” Y, he goads Y to commit an act or tempts him to
do so. The trick of tracing an element of temptation is to find out whether or not
the minor would have abandoned lawful guardianship, had the accused not
tempted him to do so. Enticing is said to be there when the accused does
something which generates the desire in the minor to abandon his/her lawful

R v. Prince- Taking, Consent and a Reasonable Mistake of Fact The case of R.
v. Prince12 is a nineteenth century English case which has generated a lot of
debate on the relevance of means rea in certain offences. In this case, Henry
Prince was charged under section 55 of the Offences against the Person Act,
1861 for taking Annie Phillips a fourteen year old girl. The section penalised
unlawful taking of an unmarried girl below sixteen years of age out of the
possession of her lawful guardians including her father and mother. The most
interesting facet of this case is that the girl looked much older than sixteen and
stated to Prince that she was eighteen years old. Under the mistaken belief that
Annie was eighteen years old, Prince had ‘taken’ her out of her father’s custody.
The jury also found that Prince had acted under a reasonable belief and that the
girl did look a lot older than 16. However, Prince was convicted of the offence
on the ground that his intention did not really matter in an offence which did not
require the means rea element to be proved as per the statute. In other words,
the offence made provision for strict liability. The dissenting opinion in this
case was based on the premise that the defence of a reasonable mistake of fact
should have been made available to Prince as it is a fundamental premise of
Criminal Law that there cannot be a crime without a guilty mind. Unfortunately,
the defence was not made available to Prince and he was convicted of the
offence under section 55 of the Offences against the Person Act, 1861. 4
Thakorlal D. Vadgama v. State of Gujarat AIR 1973 SC 2313 12 L.R.2

Understanding ‘Out of the Keeping of Lawful Guardian’ and Minor’s Consent:

State of Haryana v. Raja Ram13 and Thakorlal D Vadgama v. State of Gujarat
Another important factor under section 361 is the fact that the person ‘taken’ or
‘enticed’ should be out of the keeping of lawful guardian. The significance of
“keeping” was discussed in Raja Ram’s case where the court held that the term
Thakorlal D. Vadgama v. State of Gujarat AIR 1973 SC 2313
connotes the idea of ‘charge, maintenance, protection and control’. Not only
that the court also held that although independence of the movement of the
minor is respected, his/her consent is wholly immaterial in diffusing the element
of enticement under section 361. The term ‘lawful guardian also has a very wide
ambit and is different from the idea of a ‘legal guardian.’‘Lawful guardian’
denotes any person, who is lawfully entrusted with the care and protection of
the minor. Likewise, in the case of Thakorlal D Vadgama v. State of Gujarat,
the scope of the terms “entice” and “taken” were discussed. The Supreme Court
upheld the conviction of the accused since he had induced a minor immature
girl of impressionable age to have illicit sexual intercourse with him by alluring
her and presenting her with gift

Enticing is inducing hope or desire in the mind of a person to make him do

things which he wouldn’t do otherwise. Persuasion by the accused person which
creates willingness on the part of the minor to be taken out of the keeping of
lawful guardian would be sufficient to attract the section.

The expression used in Section 361, I.P.C. is “whoever takes or entices any

minor”. The word “takes” does not necessarily connote taking by force and it is
not confined only to use of force, actual or constructive. This word merely
means, “to cause to go,” “to escort” or “to get into possession”.

 Such minor must be under 16 years of age if a male and under 18

years of age if a female
 The taking or enticing must be out of the keeping of the lawful
guardian of such minor or person of unsound mind.

The act of taking is not a continuous act and as such when once the boy or girl
has been actually taken out of the keeping, the act is complete.
The Court in Vardargan V. State of Madras highlighted the dichotomy between
‘taking’ and ‘allowing a minor to accompany a person’. Stating that the two are
not synonymous held that where the minor having capacity to understand the
consequences of her actions voluntarily joins the accused on her free will, the
accused cannot be held liable for taking her away from the keeping of lawful

The taking or enticing must also be without the consent of the guardian.

The consent of the minor is immaterial for this section and its only the consent
of the guardian that will take the case out of the purview of this section.

The Supreme Court in Pradeep Kumar v. State of Bihar and And  held that the
consent obtained by lying to the father of the girl regarding the purpose of
taking his minor daughter away cannot be termed as consent under the purview
of this section and such taking away would amount to kidnapping.

Why Kidnapping is not a continuing offence?

Kidnapping is not a continuous offence because the moment the conveyance of

any person outside India or taking away the minor or person of unsound mind
out of the keeping of lawful guardian is complete, the offence is kidnapping is
said to have been committed

authorised guardian. Under kidnapping a person is kidnapped from lawful

custody. Under section 359 of IPC, there are two types of kidnapping :- 1.
Kidnapping from India. 2. Kidnapping from lawful guardianship. Section 360 :
defines that kidnapping from India and section 361 defines that kidnapping
from lawful guardian ship. The offence of abduction is defined under section
362 of IPC. The Act does not rescind the penal laws which were in compel at
the season of coming into drive in India. This was so in light of the fact that the
Code does not contain every one of the offenses and it was conceivable that a
few offenses may have still been let alone for the Code, which were not planned
to be exempted from penal outcomes


 Kidnapping is a substantive offence. Section 363 of the IPC provides

for a punishment for kidnapping for a descriptive term which may

extend to seven years and he/she shall also be liable for fine.

 Some specific punishments as provided for kidnapping under the

Indian Penal Code are:

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