INDIAN PENAL CODE (IPC-2) Project 5thsem

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I express my humble thanks to MR. VIPUL VINOD my subject teacher of

Constitutional Law II, under whose supervision the project has been made and
without whose teachings and insights on the subject, the project could not have
been fructified. I also extend my heartiest thanks to my seniors for their insights
into the concerned project and helping me with everything I asked them. The role
of the Library Department is noteworthy. All the staff members helped me
generously in getting the materials and information I needed to complete the


 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................4

 FACTS OF THE CASE.................................................... ..............7

 ISSUES............................................................................................8

 ARGUMENTS AND ANALYSIS..................................................8

 CONCLUSION..............................................................................12

 BIBLIOGRAPHY..........................................................................13

“Human being is reasoning being. Theories and conceptualizations of morality are
interlinked to a conception of what is essential to a human being. In common
usage, theft is the taking of another person’s property without that person’s
permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it. The word
is also used as an informal shorthand term for some crimes against property, such
as burglary, embezzlement, larceny, looting, robbery, shoplifting and fraud. In
some jurisdictions, theft is considered to be synonymous with larceny; in others,
theft has replaced larceny. 

For the offence of theft there is punishment of imprisonment of either description

which may extend to 3 years, with fine, or both according to the Indian Penal
Code. The offence of theft is even though cognizable and non-bailable it is
compoundable. So according to the criminal justice jurisprudence when the offence
is compoundable then generally it cannot be term as serious category of an offence.
Otherwise also the seriousness and gravity of an offence can be assessed by the
fact and circumstances involve in any incidence of crime. Every citizen in a free
country is having right to do fair, law based analysis of any judgment given by any
courts in India without challenging the integrity of the person working as judge”. 

According to SECTION 378 OF INDIAN PENAL CODE, “Whoever, intending to

take dishonestly any moveable property out of the possession of any person
without that person’s consent, moves that property in order to such taking, is said
to commit theft”. Theft literally means taking away someone’s property without
his or her consent. The main objective of this project is to analyze the legal
approaches to criminalize theft. It analyses the existing criminal law provisions to
evaluate how far these provisions are effective.

Section 378 of IPC reads: 

“Whoever, intending to take dishonestly any moveable property out of the

possession of any person without that person’s consent, moves that property in
order to such taking, is said to commit theft”. 

 Explanation 1:

A thing so long as it is attached to the earth, not being movable property, is not the
subject of theft; but it becomes capable of being the subject of theft as soon as it is
severed from the earth.

 Explanation 2:

A moving effected by the same act which affects the severance may be a theft. 

 Explanation 3:

A person is said to cause a thing to move by removing an obstacle which prevented

it from moving or by separating it from any other thing, as well as by actually
moving it. 

 Explanation 4:

A person, who by any means causes an animal to move, is said to move that
animal, and to move everything which, in consequence of the motion so caused, is
moved by that animal. 

 Explanation 5:

The consent mentioned in the definition may be expressed or implied, and may be
given either by the person in possession, or by any person having for that purpose
authority either express or implied”. 

The essential ingredients of the offence of theft as embodied in s 378, IPC, is well-
explained by the Supreme Court in a leading decision in KN Mehra v. State of

 Section 24 of the Code says that, whosoever does anything with the intention of
causing wrongful gain to one person or wrongful loss to another person is said to
do that thing dishonestly;. Section 23 of the Code says as follows, “I Wrongful
gain is gain by unlawful means of property to which the person gaining is not
legally entitled.


(1)1957 AIR 369 5.

Wrongful loss is the loss by unlawful means of property to which the person
losing it is legally entitled. A person is said wrongfully when such person
retains wrongfully, as well as when such person acquires wrongfully. A person
is said to lose wrongfully when such person is wrongfully kept out of any
property, as well as when such person is wrongfully deprived of property.”

“The alleged theft was of an aircraft, which belonged to the government (Indian
Air Force Academy). Two youngsters, Mehra and Phillips, were cadets on training
in the Indian Air Force at Jodhpur. Phillips was discharged from the Academy on
13 May 1952 for misconduct. On 14 May 1952, he was due to leave Jodhpur by
train. His friend Mehra was due for flight in a Dakota, as part of his training along
with one Om Prakash, a flying cadet.

The authorized time to take off flight was between 6 am and 6.30 am on the
morning of 14th May. Mehra and Phillips took off, not a Dakota but a Harvard T-
22, before the prescribed time at 5 am without authorization and without observing
any of the formalities, which were pre-requisites for an aircraft flight. On the
forenoon of the same day, they landed at a place in Pakistan about 100 miles away
from the Indo-Pakistan border. On 16 May 1952 at 7 am, both of them met the
Indian Commissioner in Pakistan at Karachi, and informed him that they had lost
their way and force-landed in a field and that they had left the plane there. They
requested his help to go back to Delhi. The Indian High Commissioner arranged
for both of them to be sent back to Delhi in another plane. While they were on their
way to Delhi, the plane stopped at Jodhpur and they were arrested and prosecuted
for the offence of theft. It was contended for the appellant that as a cadet under
training he was entitled to take an aircraft on flight and therefore there was an
implied consent to the “moving” of the aircraft within the meaning of s. 378 of the
Indian Penal Code, and consequently there could be no dishonest intention, much
less such an intention at the time when the flight was started, so as to constitute
theft. It was found that the purpose for which the flight was undertaken was to go
to Pakistan with a view to seeking employment there. A temporary retention of
property by a person wrongfully gaining thereby or a temporary keeping out of
property from the person legally entitled thereto, may amount to theft under S. 378
of the Indian Penal Code, and in this respect the offence differs from “larceny” in
English Law which contemplates permanent gain or less”.

1. Whether the facts held to be proved constitute theft under s. 378 of the Indian
Penal Code.

2. Whether the causing of such wrongful gain or loss, was intentional and if so
whether such intention was entertained at the time when the aircraft was taken.


“The appellant, K. N. Mehra, and one M. Z. Phillips were both convicted under s.
379 of the Indian Penal Code and sentenced to simple imprisonment by the trial
Magistrate for eighteen months and a fine of Rs. 750 with simple imprisonment in
default of payment of fine for a further term of four months. Both Mehra and
Phillips were cadets on training in the Indian Air Force Academy, Jodhpur. The
prosecution is with reference to an incident which is rather extraordinary being for
alleged theft of an aircraft. The alleged theft was on May 14, 1952. Phillips was
discharged from the Academy just the previous day, i.e., May 13, 1952, on grounds
of misconduct. Mehra was a cadet receiving training as a Navigator. The duty of a
Navigator is only to guide a pilot with the help of instruments and maps. It is not
clear from the evidence whether Phillips also had been receiving training as a
Navigator. It is in evidence, however, that he knew flying. On May 14, 1952,
Phillips was due to leave Jodhpur by train in view of his discharge. Mehra was due
for flight in a Dakota as part of his training along with one Om Prakash, a flying
cadet. It is in evidence that he had information about it. The authorized time to take
off for the flight was between 6 a.m. to 6-30 a.m. The cadets under training have
generally either local flights which mean flying area of about 20 miles from the
aerodrome or they may have cross-country exercises and have flight in the country
through the route for which they are specifically authorized. This was done before
the prescribed time, i.e., at about 5 a.m. without authorization and without
observing any of the formalities, which are pre-requisites for an aircraft-flight. It is
also admitted that some time in the forenoon the

same day they landed at a place in Pakistan about 100 miles away from the Indo-
Pakistan border. It is in the evidence of one J. C. Kapoor who was the Military
Adviser to the Indian High Commissioner in Pakistan at Karachi, that Mehra and
Phillips contacted him in person on the morning of May and informed him that
they had lost their way and force-landed in a field, and that they left the plane
there. They requested for his help to go back to Delhi. Thereupon Kapoor arranged
for both of them being sent back to Delhi in an Indian National Airways plane and
also arranged for the Harvard aircraft being sent away to Jodhpur.  While they
were on their return to Delhi, the plane was stopped at Jodhpur and they were both
arrested. The case for the prosecution, as appears from the questioning of the trial
Magistrate under s. 342 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, was that Mehra along
with his co- accused Phillips stole away the aircraft Harvard H.T. 822 and flew
with it to Pakistan with a dishonest intention. The defense, as appears from the
answers thereto, was as follows. Mehra went to the aerodrome on the morning of
May 14, at the usual time and took off the aircraft along with Phillips and they flew
for some time. None of the three courts below who have dealt with this case were
prepared to accept any such suggestion. Indeed in view of the fact that the
appellant himself has not put forward any such defense it is impossible to accede to
it. The next contention of the learned counsel for the appellant-and that appears
also to be the defense of the appellant-is that as a cadet under training he was
entitled to take an aircraft on flight, no doubt subject to certain rules and
regulations and that what at beat happened was nothing more than an unauthorized
flight by a trainee as part of his training which was due and in which he lost his
way. He had to get force-landed in an unknown place and this turned out to be
Pakistan territory. The prosecution case, however, is that the flight to Pakistan was
intentional and that such flight in the circumstances constituted theft of the aircraft.
The main question of, fact to be determined, therefore, is whether this was
intentional flight into Pakistan territory. It is true that the trial court said that the
suggestion that the appellant and Phillips wanted to go to Delhi was not beyond the
realm of possibility. But it gave effect to this possibility only for determining the
sentence. The trial Court also seems to have been of the view that the flight was
intended for Pakistan as appears from the following passage in its judgment.”
“Although the facts on the record point almost conclusively that they were heading

towards Pakistan, it is impossible to dismiss the other theory beyond the realm of
possibility that they were going to Delhi to contact the higher authorities there.”It
would be enough to mention broadly the facts from which, in our opinion, the
conclusion arrived at by the Courts below that the flight was intended for Pakistan
is not without sufficient reason and justification. Appellant started the engine
himself by misrepresenting to the mechanic on duty at the hangar, that he had the
permission of the Section Officer in charge. He was scheduled to have the flight
along with another person, a flight-cadet by name Om Prakash. But he did not fly,
with Om Prakash, but managed to take with him a discharged cadet, Phillips, who
knew flying. Before any aircraft can be taken off, the flight has to be authorized by
the Flight Commander..” A flight authorization book and form No. 700 have to be
signed by the person who is to take off the aircraft for the flight. Admittedly these
have not been done in this case and no authorization was given. It is difficult to
believe that the flight would have been undertaken without all the equipment being
in order. Even according to the evidence of Kapoor, the Military Adviser to the
Indian High Commissioner in Pakistan, the appellant and Phillips had told him that
the plane was airworthy”. The suggestion of the appellant, therefore, in this behalf
cannot obviously be accepted.

It is, therefore, not possible to treat the facts. of this case as being a mere
prank or as an unauthorized cross-country flight in the course of which the
border was accidentally crossed and force-landing became inevitable.

It has been strenuously urged that if the flight was intended to be to Pakistan the
appellant and Phillips would not have contacted Kapoor and requested him to send
them back to Delhi. But this does not necessarily negative their intention at the
time of taking off. It may be true that they did not take with them any of their
belongings but this was probably part of the plan in order to take off by surprise
and does not exclude the idea of an exploratory flight to Pakistan. We must,
therefore, accept the findings of the Courts below. In that view, the only point for
consideration is whether the facts held to be proved 2 constitute theft under s.
378 of the Indian Penal Code.

The main contention of the learned counsel for the appellant, however, is that there
is no proof in this case of any dishonest intention, much less of such an intention
at the time when the flight was started. It is rightly pointed out that since the
definition of theft requires that the moving of the property is to be in order to such
taking meaning, “intending to take dishonestly” the very moving out must be with
intention. It is accordingly necessary to consider what “dishonest” intention
consists of under the Indian Penal Code.

“Taking into view section 24 and section 23 of Indian penal code, a person can be
said to have dishonest intention if in taking the property it is his intention to cause
gain, by unlawful means, of the property to which the person so gaining is not
legally entitled or to cause loss, by wrongful means, of property to which the
person so losing is legally entitled. It is further clear from the definition that the
gain or loss contemplated need not be a total acquisition or a total deprivation but it
is enough if it is a temporary retention of property by the person wrongfully
gaining or a temporary “keeping out” of property from the person legally entitled”.

The answer to the second question is If, as already found, the purpose for which
the flight was undertaken was to go to Pakistan, and if in order to achieve that
purpose, breach of various regulations relating to the initial taking out of such
aircraft for flight was committed at the very outset, there is no difficulty in coming
to conclusion, as the courts below have done, that the dishonest intention, if any,
was at the very outset. “This is not a case where a person -in the position of the
appellant started on an authorized flight and exploited it for a dishonest purpose in
the course thereof. In such a case, inference of initial dishonest intention may be
difficult. The conviction of the appellant under section 379 of the Indian Penal
Code in my opinion.

The actus reus of theft is usually defined as an unauthorized taking, keeping or
using of another’s property which must be accompanied by a mens
rea of dishonesty and/or the intent to permanently deprive the owner or the person
with rightful possession of that property or its use. These ingredients are necessary
to commit the offence of theft under section 378 of IPC. If any of these ingredients
is not found, then it would not come under the purview of sec 378 of IPC and the
accused cannot be punished under sec 379 of IPC. In olden days, the gravity of
offence of theft depended upon the value of article stolen and was classified into
three categories.

1. Penalty should be proportional.

2. First offender should be considered leniently.

3. Habitual offenders should be severely.

Theft is defined in Section 378 of the Indian Penal Code as follows:

“Whoever, intending to take dishonestly any movable property out of the

possession of any person without that person’s consent, moves that property in
order to such taking, is said to commit theft.”

“Commission of theft, therefore, consists in (1) moving a movable property of a

person out of his possession without his consent, (2) the moving being in order to
the taking of the property with a dishonest intention. Thus, (1) the absence - of the
person’s consent at the time of moving, and (2) the presence of dishonest intention
in so taking and at the time, are the essential ingredients of the offence of theft.




 theft/

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