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aDivision of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital, and bDepartments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Community Health,
Women & Infants’ Hospital, Brown University School of Medicine, Providence, Rhode Island
The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
OBJECTIVE. We sought to enhance our understanding of pregnant adolescents’ con-
cepts of the advantages and disadvantages of teen pregnancy and childbearing.
METHODOLOGY. This is a qualitative study of 247 pregnant adolescents recruited peds.2005-3058
during their first prenatal health care visit to a women’s primary care clinic in doi:10.1542/peds.2005-3058
Providence, Rhode Island. Participants responded in writing to open-ended ques- Key Words
teenage childbearing, attitudes, pregnant
tions assessing their ideas about what was advantageous and disadvantageous adolescents, qualitative analysis
about having an infant during their teen years rather than waiting until they were Accepted for publication Feb 6, 2006
older. Themes and patterns in responding were coded, and subgroup differences Address correspondence to Cynthia
based on age, ethnicity, intendedness of current pregnancy, and pregnancy/ Rosengard, PhD, MPH, Rhode Island Hospital,
DGIM, Multiphasic Building 1, 593 Eddy St,
parenting history were assessed. Providence, RI 02903. E-mail: crosengard@
RESULTS. Themes related to advantages of teen pregnancy included enhancing con- PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005;
nections, positive changes/benefits, and practical considerations. Themes related Online, 1098-4275). Copyright © 2006 by the
American Academy of Pediatrics
to disadvantages included lack of preparedness, changes/interference, and others’
perceptions. Differences among groups based on age, ethnicity, intendedness of
the current pregnancy, and pregnancy/parenting history were examined and
CONCLUSIONS. Pregnant adolescents do not represent a homogeneous group. Consid-
ering differences in how pregnancy and childbearing are conceptualized along
developmental, cultural, attitudinal, and experiential lines will strengthen our
ability to tailor pregnancy-prevention messages.
504 ROSENGARD et al
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questionnaire included items measuring demographics, coded per the resulting coding scheme. The software allows
pregnancy intentions, feelings/reactions about their for the organization and examination of coded responses
pregnancy, birth control use, decision-making process on the basis of different groupings of participants. The
regarding pregnancy, support system, living situation, coding group met regularly throughout the process to dis-
sexual experiences, school and extracurricular involve- cuss coding, modifying the coding scheme and maintaining
ment, reproductive health history, substance use behav- fidelity to coding scheme, until consensus was reached.
iors, and abuse history. After the interview was com- Group-level differences in themes and patterns were iden-
pleted, participants were asked to fill out the 1-page tified and reported here.
open-ended questionnaire.
Demographics Two hundred forty-seven pregnant adolescent girls (mean
Participants were asked their age, ethnicity (Hispanic or age: 16.8 years; SD: 1.5; range: 12–19 years) responded to
non-Hispanic), and race. open-ended questions regarding the advantages/disadvan-
tages of being pregnant now instead of when they are
Pregnancy Intention and Reproductive History older. Participants fell into the following age categories: 48
Participants were asked to answer the question, “Think (19.4%) were 12 to 15 years old, 94 (38.1%) were 16 to 17
back to the time just before you found out you were years old, and 105 (42.5%) were 18 to 19 years old. Ap-
pregnant, and how you felt about pregnancy at that proximately half (117 [47.3%]) indicated that they were
time. When did you want to be pregnant?” Participants Hispanic. The racial background of the non-Hispanic par-
who indicated “Immediately (now),” “In the next few ticipants included 19.4% white, 17.8% black, 4.5% Asian,
months,” or “In the next year” were characterized as 4% American Indian/Alaskan Native, and 17.9% other.
having “intended” the current pregnancy. Those who Fifty-eight girls (23.5%) indicated that their current preg-
indicated “More than a year from now” or “I did not nancy was intended (by indicating that they wanted to be
want to get pregnant” were characterized as having “un- pregnant immediately, within the next few months, or
intended current pregnancies.” Participants were also within the next year), and 189 (76.5%) indicated that it
asked to indicate (1) if they have ever been pregnant was unintended. Seventy-three girls (29.8%) reported at
before and (2) how many children they have. Those least 1 previous pregnancy, and of those, 36 (14.7% of the
who indicated they had been pregnant previously were total sample and 49.3% of those with a previous preg-
also asked if they had ever had an abortion and/or ever nancy) indicated that they already had at least 1 child. Of
had a miscarriage (separate questions). those 73 who reported a previous pregnancy, 18 (24.7%)
reported a previous abortion, and 31 (42.5%) reported a
Advantages/Disadvantages of Teen Pregnancy previous miscarriage.
The qualitative aspect of the study involved open-ended
questions to which participants were asked to write Teen Pregnancy Advantages
down their answers. The questions appeared in the same The main themes found in the responses to the question
order for all participants: regarding advantages include denial of any advantages;
connections; benefits and positive changes; and practical
1. Considering everything, what do you think are the considerations related to their being young and concerns
bad things or disadvantages about having a baby now about the future. The upper half of Table 1 summarizes
instead of waiting until you are older? the advantage themes, subthemes, and dimensions.
2. What do you think are the good things or advantages
about having a baby now instead of waiting until you No Advantages Noted
are older? Participants who were unable to identify advantages to
teen pregnancy/childbearing voiced some powerful mes-
Coding and Analysis sages:
In the first round of qualitative analysis, responses “I don’t know of any good things or advantages of having
were organized15 by a research assistant, and preliminary a baby this young” (17-year-old, non-Hispanic, unin-
codes were generated on the basis of occurrence of themes tended pregnancy, no previous pregnancy).
or identification of patterns in the responses. In the second “I don’t think there are any. I feel teens should wait”
round of qualitative analyses, the study’s principal investi- (17-year-old, non-Hispanic, unintended pregnancy, pre-
gator (M.G.P.) and coinvestigator (C.R.) reviewed all data, vious pregnancy, 1 child).
generating additional codes to represent both a priori and “there is no advantages I can think about right now”
emergent themes. Data were entered into NVIVO 6.0 soft- (19-year-old, Hispanic, unintended pregnancy, no pre-
ware (QSR International Pty Ltd, Victoria, Australia) and vious pregnancy).
506 ROSENGARD et al
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important aspects of their lives; and how being pregnant “The disadvantages of having a baby now instead of until I
as teenagers will change the way that others see them. get older are the things I can’t do anymore. I won’t have free
time for myself or friends. I have to stay home and take care of
The lower half of Table 1 summarizes the disadvantage my baby. It’s going to be hard to focus on school” (18-year-old,
themes, subthemes, and dimensions. non-Hispanic, unintended pregnancy, no previous preg-
“[N]ot being able to go out and do normal teenage things
No Disadvantages Noted and not being able to do what i want when i want to” (13-
Many pregnant teens were unable to generate disadvan- year-old, non-Hispanic, unintended pregnancy, no previous
tages to being a teen mother or felt that having a child as pregnancy).
a teenager was no different from waiting until they were
older. Quotations that reflect this include: Others’ Views
There were also teens who mentioned the negative ef-
“I dont [sic] regret that about having a baby. I dont [sic] fects of how others might view them because they had
think is nothing rong [sic] with it” (14-year-old, Hispanic,
unintended pregnancy, previous pregnancy, no children). an infant during their teen years instead of waiting until
“I don’t really think there are any disadvantages in having they were older. Examples of these sentiments are:
a baby now, I am completely ready for this responsibility” “Sometimes I feel like I should be ashamed of myself for
(17-year-old, non-Hispanic, intended pregnancy, previous having a baby at such a young age. Or I feel like if other people
pregnancy, no children). say things when they see me. It sometimes puts me down
“I have no bad thoughts on having a baby now instead of because I start to wish that I should’ve done something differ-
waiting the only difference is I’m 17” (17-year-old, Hispanic, ent” (16-year-old, Hispanic, unintended pregnancy, previous
intended pregnancy, previous pregnancy, no children). pregnancy, one child).
“The things are that people might look at me differently and
Lack of Preparedness I have to change my whole lifestyle” (13-year-old, non-His-
panic, unintended pregnancy, no previous pregnancy).
Those adolescent girls who indicated lack of prepared-
ness as a disadvantage emphasized different areas in Identification of Themes Among/Between Different
which they were not ready, including being too young Subgroups
and lacking stability. Excerpts that illustrate this include:
“I feel as though Im to [sic] young and im [sic] scared of
being alone taking care of a baby on my own. I feel as if I was
Examining the themes that were identified by partici-
older I would know of what was going to happen more” pants from different age groups (12–15, 16 –17, and
(17-year-old, non-Hispanic, unintended pregnancy, no previ- 18 –19 years) demonstrates the differences in how, at
ous pregnancy).
different developmental stages, pregnancy is viewed (see
“1. No job to support me and my baby[.] 2. Im [sic] not out Table 2). Teen pregnancy was seen as enhancing con-
of school” (14-year-old, non-Hispanic, unintended pregnancy,
no previous pregnancy). nections with others more often by those in the younger
age groups (12–15 and 16 –17 years), whereas practical
“[F]inancial problems. Not waiting until I was married be-
cause I’m not sure if the father is always gonna be there” considerations associated with teen motherhood were
(17-year-old, non-Hispanic, unintended pregnancy, no previ- most often identified by the oldest teens (18 –19 years).
ous pregnancy).
Both of these variables seemed to have an age-graded
“[N]ot having more life experience or education. Not fully continuum. With respect to the disadvantages identified,
having my life together before trying to raise another life”
(19-year-old, non-Hispanic, unintended pregnancy, no previ- it seems as though older teens are more able to recognize
ous pregnancy). (or acknowledge) their lack of preparedness but less
Those who emphasized the interference and changes
TABLE 2 Differences in Themes Identified According to Age Groups
that result from teen pregnancy as disadvantages fo-
(12–15, 16 –17, and 18 –19 Years Old) Among 247
cused on how the experience would require them to put
Pregnant Adolescents
their lives on hold, revise their life goals, make their
daily lives more difficult/challenging, and make them 12–15 y 16–17 y 18–19 y
(N ⫽ 48), (N ⫽ 94), (N ⫽ 105),
miss out on important teenage experiences. The changes n (%) n (%) n (%)
that were emphasized included physical changes and the
requirement of taking on additional responsibilities. Ex- No advantages noted 4 (8.3) 5 (5.3) 1 (⬍0.1)
cerpts that illustrate this theme are: Connections 27 (56.3) 44 (46.8) 39 (37.1)
Benefits/positive changes 15 (31.3) 35 (37.2) 41 (39)
“[W]hen I have to wake up in the middle of the night on
school days to take care of my babies [sic] cry” (14-year-old, Practical considerations 12 (25) 34 (36.2) 42 (40)
Hispanic, unintended pregnancy, no previous pregnancy). Disadvantages
No disadvantages noted 8 (16.7) 15 (16) 14 (13.3)
“[Y]ou can’t work because your [sic] pregnant. You have to Lack of preparedness 17 (35.4) 40 (42.6) 53 (50.5)
be out of school while you have your [b]aby. You also might
Changes/interference 40 (83.3) 62 (66.4) 67 (63.8)
have to drop out” (16-year-old, Hispanic, unintended preg-
nancy, no previous pregnancy). Others’ perceptions 3 (6.3) 2 (2.1) 1 (⬍0.1)
508 ROSENGARD et al
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TABLE 6 Differences in Identified Dimensions According to been uniform across racial and ethnic lines. From 1991
Whether Participants Report Previous Children Among to 2002, birth rates among non-Hispanic white, Ameri-
247 Pregnant Adolescents can Indian, and Asian/Pacific Islander adolescents, 15 to
Previous Child(ren) No Previous Child 19 years old, declined 33% to 36%. Among non-His-
(N ⫽ 36), (N ⫽ 211), panic black teenagers (15–19 years), pregnancy rates
n (%) n (%) have plummeted by more than half. In contrast, the
Advantages birth rate among Hispanic adolescents declined only
No advantages noted 2 (5.5) 9 (4.3) 20%.16 To develop effective sexual-health and pregnan-
Connections 24 (66.7) 96 (45.9)
cy-prevention programs, we need to understand the
Benefits/positive changes 11 (30.6) 71 (34)
Practical considerations 16 (44.4) 78 (37.3) possible reasons behind this differential decline. Our
Uncertain about advantages 1 (2.8) 14 (6.7) data suggest potential targets for intervention. For ex-
Disadvantages ample, including ideas for enhancing relationships with
No disadvantages noted 6 (16.7) 33 (15.8) others, capitalizing on lower expectations for positive
Lack of preparedness 17 (47.2) 102 (48.8)
changes and benefits, and enhancing realistic assess-
Changes/interference 31 (86.1) 154 (73.7)
Others’ perceptions 2 (5.5) 5 (2.4) ments of preparedness may enhance current strategies
Uncertain about disadvantages 0 5 (2.4) used for preventing pregnancies and/or preparing for
healthy pregnancies and infants among Hispanic teens.
Perhaps the most interesting differences in the
It is particularly noteworthy that participants were themes identified came in comparing those teenagers
able to generate more disadvantages than advantages. who reported that they intended the current pregnancy
Disadvantage themes were almost always emphasized by compared with those who reported that the current
larger percentages of the sample than advantage themes. pregnancy was unintended. Enhancing connections,
Advantage themes were often unrealistic and sounded benefits/positive changes, and practical considerations
as though participants were striving to support their were all more likely to have been noted by those with
decisions to keep the pregnancy. Alternatively, society intended pregnancies. Even more striking were the
provides far more negative messages regarding adoles- number (almost one third) of those who intended their
cent pregnancy, thus making disadvantages more salient pregnancy who indicated no disadvantages to teen
to these teenagers. They may not be used to thinking pregnancy and childbearing. Although it is difficult to
about what is positive or good (ie, an advantage) about measure pregnancy intentions after an individual has
their pregnancy. already become pregnant, the 58 participants who indi-
It is clear from these data that pregnant adolescents cated that they desired a pregnancy immediately, within
are not a unitary or homogeneous group with respect to the next few months, or within a year certainly seem to
their views on teen childbearing. Differences in themes view teen pregnancy differently, particularly the ad-
identified by girls at different ages, from different ethnic vantages.
backgrounds, and with different ideas about the intend- Finally, it was instructive to examine the manner
edness of their current pregnancies demonstrate the in which teen pregnancy/childbearing was viewed by
varying potential intervention targets on the continuum those with previous pregnancy experience and by
of pregnancy prevention, prenatal and postpartum care those who already had children. The differences identi-
needs, evidenced within these different groupings. fied here may help us to identify ways of reducing repeat
Our descriptive analyses of the larger data set re- pregnancy and childbearing in adolescents. Again, with
vealed significant demographic, health-characteristics, both groups, it is important to discuss the perception that
and contraceptive-choice differences between pregnant teen pregnancy/childbearing enhances connections/
teens within the age groups of 12 to 15, 16 to 17, and 18 relationships with others and assist these teens to iden-
to 19 years (M.G.P., C.R., S.W., A.M., L.P., and Z. Bill- tify other means of connecting with others in their lives.
inkoff, unpublished data, 2006). Not surprisingly, the It is also important to capitalize on their identification
advantages/disadvantages of teen pregnancy and child- of change/interference as disadvantages of adolescent
bearing also differed among these groups, which may pregnancy and childbearing in assisting them to protect
guide intervention strategies appropriate for each group. themselves from subsequent pregnancies, if that is con-
For example, perhaps assisting the youngest teenagers in sistent with their desires.
identifying other ways of enhancing their connections Our study is not without limitations. Ours was a
with others as well as helping them to realistically assess convenience sample of pregnant adolescents who were
their preparedness for motherhood and capitalizing on attending their first prenatal visit; therefore, we are not
their concerns about how parenthood might require able to generalize our findings to nonpregnant teens or
major changes and interfere with important goals might pregnant teens who decided not to continue their preg-
help in preventing pregnancy. nancy, who did not seek prenatal care at all, or who
The recent decline in teenage childbearing has not sought care elsewhere. However, qualitative research
510 ROSENGARD et al
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Concepts of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Teenage Childbearing Among
Pregnant Adolescents: A Qualitative Analysis
Cynthia Rosengard, Lealah Pollock, Sherry Weitzen, Ann Meers and Maureen G.
Pediatrics 2006;118;503-510
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2005-3058
Updated Information including high-resolution figures, can be found at:
& Services http://www.pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/118/2/503
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