Religion and Belief System - UCSP-11
Religion and Belief System - UCSP-11
Religion and Belief System - UCSP-11
According to Anthropologists, Religion is “a set of attitudes, beliefs, and
practices, pertaining to supernatural beings and forces. Such beliefs may vary within a
culture as well as among societies, and they may change over time” (Ember, Ember, &
Peregrine, 2010).
Religions are different in terms of perspectives and practices. Religion can be
found in all human societies which makes it cultural universal.
A religion is a set of beliefs and practices that is often focused on one or more
deities, or gods. All religions have a set of basic beliefs, scriptures (sacred texts) that
communicate the beliefs of a religion (Bible-Christianity; Koran-Islam; Torah-Judaism,
Code of conduct, or beliefs about right and wrong). Religions have spread by trade and
migration and also by missionaries.
Religion affects us and our way of thinking in the existing world. It serves as a
pattern for the actions we take in day-to-day existence. Religion is seen not only as a
social belief but also as a social institution that continues to develop over time.
Sociologists study religion while considering diverse societal factors such as gender,
age, race, and education, that also tap other social institutions and the concept of social
Kikuyu of Kenya Vomiting is a religious practice as it eliminates all the evil in a
person’s body. But in most societies, vomiting is not considered religious, as it is
understood as a typical biological event.
Nyoro (Uganda) believe that the two worlds are not separate and that they
coexist in one space. Christians believe that there is a spiritual world (i.e. heaven/hell)
that is separated from the natural world (i.e. Earth).
Major Sociological Theories and Their Major Assumptions Concerning Religion
Belief that the natural world, as a whole or in parts, has a soul or spirit.
Belief in more than one deity which is characterized by the worship of many
deities that illustrate the ways of life including beliefs, practices and traditions.
Rooted from the words: poly, which means “many”, and theism which means
“god”. Polytheistic deities consist of variants such as: Sky god, Death deity, Mother
goddess, Love goddess, Creator deity, Trickster deity, Life- death-rebirth deity, Culture
David Hume in The Natural History of Religion (1755) argued that polytheism
was the earliest form of religion among several societies. The ideas of religion are said
to be rooted in the “events of life including hopes and fears which actuate the human
mind.” (Launay, 2005)
Belief in one god, which is accountable for all the things happening in the world
including the world’s creation and existence.
Scholars argue that as human societies affiliate with a few of the gods in the
pantheon, they have come to practice exclusive worship of several deities that was
promoted with the ascension of a singular chosen deity to supremacy.
Hume (2015) believed that the differences between polytheism and monotheism
led to the changes of the human mind, wherein rationality is more associated with
monotheism while tolerance is to polytheism.
Christians and Muslims
Also called as Organized Religion, is religion in which belief systems and rituals
are systematically arranged and formally established.
Religion and Belief Systems | UCSP
well favoured by the members of higher community as he/she is involved in
healing rituals while in a possessed trance.
capable of performing divination to predict future courses of action.
most mediums tend to be females who perform other roles when not in
religious practice.
tends to be a male whose sole preoccupation is to officiate religious
ceremonies and rituals.
Due to his status in religious hierarchy, he is highly regarded by community
the Native American practice of rain dance to invoke deities to release rain
intends to gain from the divine practical answers for any concern that may range
from war plans to marriage choices.
Human groups create various religious organizations depending on the political
and economic norms of their society. Anthropologists associate religious organizations
to the concept of cult. A cult is a small group of individuals who have extreme religious
beliefs and practices.
“Cult is not a group of people, rather it is an organized system associated with
cultural beliefs and practices which also make it a social structure”
– Anthony Wallace, an anthropologist
Pastoral Societies – favour men as they are the ones involved in animal
herding. Wherein, men are also given more access to religious activities
and rituals.
Have full time religious practitioners – Priests
Often present in highly stratified societies where individuals have unequal access
to values and resources.
Basic Beliefs: People reach enlightenment, or wisdom, by following the Eightfold Path
and understanding the Four Noble Truths.
The supreme god of being; creator of man and earth and addressed sometimes
as Bathalang Maykapal. He dwells in Kaluwalhatian together with the lesser gods and
goddesses. Aside from the lesser gods and goddesses, he sent his anitos in order to
assist the daily lives of every human. When most of the natives were converted to
Christianity during the Spanish Era, he was referred to the Christian God. [Click here to
learn more about Bathala]
Originally this god was worshipped as the god of Hunters. In more modern
stories he has become associated as the ill-tempered god of the sea, replacing Aman
Sinaya among of the first-generation gods (aside from Bathala), he was never married
after his love was spurned by a beautiful mortal maiden, Maganda. In frustration, he
swore vengeance against the humans by sending turbulent waves and horrible
tempests in order to wreck boats and to drown men.
The goddess of labour and good deeds. Natives used to call for her guidance in
order to make their works successful. She married Dimangan and had two offspring.
The god of good harvest. He was married to Idiyanale and had two offspring.
Religion and Belief Systems | UCSP
The goddess of fertility and the most understanding and kind of all the deities.
Also known as Ikapati, she was the giver of food and prosperity. Her best gift to
mankind was agriculture (cultivated fields). Through this, she was respected and loved
by the people. Later, she was married to Mapulon and had a daughter.
The god of seasons and husband of Lakapati of whom they had a daughter.
The goddess of the moon and one of the three daughters of Bathala by a mortal
woman. She was the most charming of all the goddesses. She had two sisters, Tala
and Hanan.
The goddess of the stars; sister of Mayari and Hanan and one of the three
daughters of Bathala by a mortal woman.
The goddess of morning; sister of Mayari and Tala and one of the three
daughters of Bathala by a mortal woman.
The strong, agile guardian of mountains and the son of Idiyanale and Dimangan.
His sister was Anitun Tabu. He later married Anagolay.
Anitun Tabu
The fickle-minded goddess of wind and rain. She was the daughter of Idiyanale
and Dimangan and the sister of Dumakulem.
The goddess of lost things and the only offspring of Lakapati and Mapulon. She
was married to Dumakulem.
The god of sun and the chief patron of warriors. He was the son of Anagolay and
Diyan Masalanta
The goddess of love, conception and childbirth and the protector of lovers. She was the
daughter of Anagolay and Dumakulem and youngest of all the deities.
Religion and Belief Systems | UCSP
The guardian of Kasamaan and the keeper of all souls therein, the counterpart of
Satan. He had four agents whose task was to lead man to sin and destruction.
She was the first agent of Sitan and was primarily blamed as the cause of diseases.
Sometimes, she would change herself into a human form, appearing as a false healer. If
she wished to kill someone, she employed a magic wand.
The second agent of Sitan, she was tasked to destroy and break every happy
and united family that she could find.
The only male agent of Sitan, he was to emit fire at night and when there was
bad weather. Like his fellow agents, he could change his form to that of a healer and
then induce fire at his victim’s house. If the fire were extinguished immediately, the
victim would eventually die. His name remains today as witch.
The last agent of Sitan could change herself into any form she desired. She
could kill someone by simply raising her hand and could heal without any difficulty as
she wished. Her name literally means “crone” or “hag.”
Japanese society believed that their emperor was the direct descendant of
a god.
Ancient Egyptians and Sumerians regarded their pharaohs and kings as
god-kings, as they were believed to be earthly incarnations of the divine.
As states developed into more complex political units, the church is regarded as
a separate entity from the state.
Religion and Belief Systems | UCSP
Aguas, F. E., Pantaleon, R. C., De Leon, C. D., Del Rosario, M. D., Malabay, M. M., & Pineda,
W. D. (3 October, 2017). Religion and Belief Systems - UCSP. Retrieved from
Anthony, S. (3 December, 2014). 2.3.2 Religions and Belief Systems. Retrieved from
High Banks Entertainment Ltd. (5 February, 2016). Ancient Tagalog Deities in Philippine
Mythology. Retrieved from The ASWANG Project: