Pengukuran Miss Rita

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SD – SMP – SMA – National+/International – O Lvl Program – A Lvl Program

Pluit Karang Molek II Blok R2U no 1A

Telp 021-22666843


1. One day, Jovan goes to phsics laboratory. He wants to b. 2 and 4 d. 3 and 5

do a experiment. He compares the objects he wanted 6. The correct pair of derived quantity and its constituent
to measure with the certain scale measuring base quantity are ….
instruments and he gots the results. Based on the story,
the underlined part is the meaning of ….. Derived Quantity and its Unit Base Quantity
a. Units c. Measurements a. Area (m2) Electric current
b. Speed (m/s) Mass, time
b. Quantities d. Base quantities
c. Acceleration (m/s2) Length, time
d. Volume (m3) Temperature
2. In physics quantities can be classified into 2 groups,
that are base quantities and derived quantities. The 7. Consider the following table !
meaning of base quantities is ……
a. Physical quantities which the units have been No Physical Instrument Unit
determined first Quantity
1 K Ruler M2
b. Comparing an object with other object which has
2 Speed L m/s
different scale 3 M Thermometer Kelvin
c. Everything that can be measured and can be 4 Mass Ohaus Balance N
written as a number
d. Quantities which have value and direction The correct answers for K, L, M, and N according to
International System respectively are …….
3. The following which classified as base quantities are a. Temperature, area, kilogram, speedometer
….. b. Area, speedometer, temperature, volume
a. Time, volume, mass c. Kilogram, speedometer, temperature, kilogam
b. Mass, light intensity, length d. Volume, speedometer, temperature, kilogram
c. Speed , electric current, area
d. Length, time, volume 8. The following units which classified as non standard
units are …..
4. Look at the table below ! a. Meter, gram, kelvin, mole
b. Step, rope, centimeter, gram
No Base Quantity Measuring c. Cubit, span, rope, fathom
Instrument d. Feet, second, gram, centimeter
1 Time Thermometer
2 Temperature Spring balance
9. Look at the figures below !
3 Length Stopwatch
4 Mass Ohaus balance

The correct pair of quantity and its instrument are …..

a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4 1 2 3 4 5

5. Look at the table below ! Which are used to measure time are....
a. 1 and 2 c. 3 and 4
No Quantity Unit b. 2 and 4 d. 3 and 5
1 Mass m3
2 Electric current m/s2 10. Budi wants to measure the thickness of various
3 Area m2 materal kinds of wires. The best instrument to measure
4 Force kg m/s2
the thickness are ……
The correct pair of derived quantity and its unit are
a. Ruler c. Vernier caliper
b. Roll meter d. Micrometer screw
a. 1 and 2 c. 3 and 4
11. If somebody wants to measure the mass of powder, the
correct instrument are ……. 16. Look at the picture !
a. Spring balance c. Digital balance The correct reading for the instrument are ……
b. Sundial d. Vernier caliper

12. Every measuring instrument has its accuracy. The

accuracy of vernier caliper are …….
a. 0,1 cm c. 0,01 cm
b. 0,1 mm d. 0,01 mm

13. Consider the following picture !

a. 8 second c. 600 second
b. 108 second d. 608 second

17. Sister wants to buy 35 inch TV. If 1 inch = 2,54 cm, so

the size of the TV in SI are …..
The measuring result of the instrument are ….. a. 0,0889 m c. 8,89 m
a. 2,3 cm c. 4,5 cm b. 0,889 m d. 88,9 m
b. 3,5 cm d. 5,9 cm
18. If 1 tonne = 1000 kg, so 0,25 tonnes = ….. g.
14. Consider the figures below! a. 250 c. 25000
b. 2500 d. 250000

19. Budi wants to measure density of an iron and he gets

the density of the iron are 7,9 g/cm3.
If the units are expressed in SI and jn scientific
notation, so the density of an iron are ……
a. 7,9 x 102 kg/m3 c. 7,9 x 104 kg/m3
b. 7,9 x 103 kg/m3 d. 7,9 x 105 kg/m3

20. Clara drives her motorbike with the speed of 36

km/hour. If it is expressed in SI, so the speed of clara's
motorbike are …….
Difference between the reading results above are …. a. 10 m/second c. 20 m/second
a. 0,09 cm c. 0,11 cm b. 15 m/second d. 25 m/second
b. 0,10 cm d. 0,12 cm

15. Look at the figure below !


1. Konversikan satuan dibawah ini menjadi SI!

a) 495 mg
b) 74 hm
c) 90 km/jam

2. Konversikan satuan dibawah ini menjadi CGS !

a) 400 dag
b) 0,45 mm
c) 36 kg/m3
The measuring results from above figure are …….
a. 1,65 kg c. 165 kg
3. Konversikan hasil pengukuran ini menjadi notasi
b. 16,5 kg d. 1650 kg
ilmiah !
a) 20930000 m
b) 0,0000001203 kg
c) 320000 mm

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