Soal Latihan Fisika SBI

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1. The result of a measurement has …

a. value only c. value and unit
b. unit only d. multiplying factor and unit

2. which one the following unit?

a. span b. height c. width d. length

3. the mesaurement system used by scientists in the world is …

a. standard system c. kelvin system
b. british system d. international system (SI)

4. a student measure the length of a blackboard by using a leaf rib. The student is said
measure by using the unit of …..
a. meter b. standard c. non standard d. centimeter

5. the multiplying factor for a one thousandth in SI is …

a. kilo b. deci c. centi d. mili

6. standard unit according to SI are ….

a. meter, gram, and second c. meter, pound, and second
b. meter, kilogram, and second d. centimeter, kilogram, and second

7. one hectometer is equal to ….

a. 1,000 m b. 10,000 mm c. 1,000 dm d. 100 dam

8. the screw micrometer has accuracy until …..

a. 0.01 dm b. 0.01 cm c. 0.01 mm d. 0.01 m

9. if the volume of a cube 1,000 dm3. the volume of the cube in SI units is ….
a. 0.01 m3 b. 0.1 m3 c. 1 m3 d. 10 m3

10. the basic (fundamental) quantity of length can be derived to be ….

a. area dan volume c. volume and voltage
b. area dan power d. volume and electric current

11. the device used to measure time required by a 100 m runner is …….
a. meter ribbon b. watch c. stopwatch d. balance

12. a body has mass of 100 mg. the mass of the body in SI unit is …..
a. 0.001 kg b. 0.0001 kg c. 0.001 g d. 0.1 g

13. velocity is derived from quantities of …..

a. length and time c. time and temperature
b. length and mass d. time and mass

14. the area of a ricefield is 200 dm2. if it is expressed in meter, its area equals ….
a. 2,000 m2 b. 20,000 m2 c. 20 m2 d. 200,000 m2

15. among quantity below, the quantity which is not included into basiv (fundamental)
quantities is ….
a. density c. time
b. temperature d. the amount of subtance

16. the volume of bodies with nonuniform shape can be measure by using …
a. chemical glass b. hydrometer c. measuring glass d. micrometer
17. of the following which is not a device to measure the length of a body?
a. ruler b. screw micrometer c. balance d. vernier caliper

18. A sack of a rice has mass of 150 kg. the statement below which is called quantity is ….
a. 150 b. Mass c. 150 kg d. Kg

19. consider the table below.

No Quantities Units Measuring device
1 Length Cm Ruler
2 Mass Kilogram Balance
3 Time Sekon Stopwatch
4 temperature Celcius Termometer
Basic (fundamental) quantity according to SI with the correct measuring device and
units are shown by the numbers of ……
a. 1 and 2 b. 2 and 4 c. 2 and 3 d. 1 and 4

20. adi goes camping with his friens in the forest for two days and two nights. Two days
and two night is equal to ….
a. 36,000 s b. 86,400 s c. 172,000 s d. 129,600 s

21. of the following which is a device to measure a mass ?

a. q c.

b. q d.

22. the symbol of micrometer is ….

a. mm b. m c. Mm d. µm

23. the distance between two points is called ….

a. volume b. mass c. length d. density

24. the volume of water in a glass is 100 mililiters. This volume equals ……
a. 10 cm3 b. 100 cm3 c. 100 dm3 d. 10 dm3

25. a box is 20 cm long, 10 cm wide, and 15 mm high. Its volume is ….

a. 3,000 cm3 b. 300 cm3 c. 45 cm3 d. 15 cm3

26. an increase in temperature is 100C. this increase equals …..

a. 50 0F b. 10 0F c. 283 K d. – 14 0F

27. Consider the figure below

The length of the wood above is ….

a. 1.2 cm b. 1.3 cm c. 1.4 cm d. 14 mm
28. 3

What is the reading of the vernier

caliper shown above ….
0 5
a. 3.23 cm b. 3.53 cm c. 3.27 cm d. 3.37 cm


What is the reading of the screw micrometer shown above?

a. 8.62 mm b. 8.12 mm c. 8.52 mm d. 8.32 mm

30. What is the reading of the screw micrometer shown ..

a. 761 mm
b. 756.5 mm
c. 756.0 mm
d. 750.5 mm

31. The velocity of a vechile is 102 km/hour. The velocity of a vechile in SI units is …
a. 3,000 m/s b. 300 m/s c. 30 m/s d. 3 m/s

32. how many boiling point for water in Kelvin ….

a. 373 b. 212 c. 180 d. 273

33. an example of SI unit is …

a. foot b. second c. gallon d. pound

34. how many frezzing point for water in celcius ….

a. 100 b. 0 c. 180 d. - 40

35. Temperature measuring device is …..

a. barometer b. manometer c. Thermometer d. Kalorimeter

36. the thermometer to measure a body temperature is also called as a thermometer ….

a. hot b. maximum and minimum c. wall d. clinic

37. the temperature of an object express …..

a. the increase of volume of the body c. the hotness or coldness degree of the
b. the expansion measure of the bodyd. the amount of energy of the body

38. if the thermometer indicates temperature of – 40oC, in fahrenheit scale the temperature
is …..
a. 40 oF b. -40 oF c. -80oF d. 80 oF

39. if the temperature of a body is 75 oC, the temperature of the body in Kelvin is ….
a. 348 K b. 273 K c. 313 K d. 358 K

40. how many boiling point for water in Fahrenheit degree ….

a. 32 b. 212 c. 180 d. 120
41. mention 4 fundamental quantity SI units.
42. why are the SI units used in Science?
43. do the following unit conversion:
a. 1,500 mililiters to liter
b. 2 kilometers to centimeter
c. 0.5 kilogram to miligram
44. choose the appropriate units of length for the measurement of the following objects:
a. thickness of paper
b. the width of a classroom
c. the width of a pencil box
d. the ditance of two cities
e. the distance of the earth and the sun
45. Express the following below:
• 50 oC to oR
• 86 oF to oC
• 27 K to oC
• 80 oR to oF
• 122 oF to K

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