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University of Babylon /College Of Engineering

Electrochemical Engineering Dept.

Second Stage /Thermodynamics

Constant-Volume Process

Thus for a mechanically reversible, constant-volume, closed-system process, the

heat transferred is equal to the internal-energy change of the system.
University of Babylon /College Of Engineering
Electrochemical Engineering Dept.
Second Stage /Thermodynamics

Constant-Pressure Process

the appearance of (U +PV ) group suggests as a new thermodynamic property

define enthalpy .Thus for a mechanically reversible, constant-pressure, closed-
system process, the heat transferred equals the enthalpy change of the system.
University of Babylon /College Of Engineering
Electrochemical Engineering Dept.
Second Stage /Thermodynamics


Enthalpy is explicitly defined for any system by mathematical expression

H º U + PV
It appears in energy balances for flow processes as applied to heat exchangers,
evaporators, distillation columns, pumps, compressors, turbines, engines, etc., for
calculation of heat and work. All terms of enthalpy equation must be expressed in
the same units. The product P V has units of energy per mole or per unit mass, as
does U; therefore H also has units of energy per mole or per unit mass. In the SI
system the basic unit of pressure is the Pascal or N m-2 and, for molar volume, m3
Since U, P, and V are all state functions, H as defined by equation is also a state
function. The differential form
dH = dU + d (PV )
Integration gives :
DH = DU + D (PV )
The above equation may be written foe any amount of material , though they are
often applied to unit of mass or to a mole.
Calculate ∆U and ∆H for 1Kg water vaporized at constant temperature and
pressure ( 100○ C , 101.33 KPa) the specific volumes of liquid and vapor water at
these condition are 0.00104 and 1.673 m 3 kg -1 ,for this change , heat in the
amount of 2,256.9 kJ is added to water.
W= P∆V = 101.33 kPa × ( 1.673 – 0.001) m 3 = 169.4 kJ
DU = Q - W
2,256.9 – 169.4 = 2.087.5 kJ
With P constant : DH = DU + P DV
But P∆V = W
DH = DU + W = Q = 2,2256 .9 kJ

This is the origin of the idea that a body has a capacity for heat ,in other word
Heat Capacity connects heat with temperature
C =
University of Babylon /College Of Engineering
Electrochemical Engineering Dept.
Second Stage /Thermodynamics

Heat Capacity at Constant Volume

The constant-volume heat capacity is defined as:

æ dU ö
CV º ç ÷
è dT ø v

This definition accommodates both the molar heat capacity and the specific heat
capacity (usually called specific heat), depending on whether U is the molar or
specific internal energy. Although this definition makes no reference to any
process, it relates in an especially simple way to a constant-volume process in a
closed system

dU = ò C v dT constant volume

Integration yields: DU = ò C v dT

For constant volume process Q = n ∆U


\ Q = n ò C v dT
Heat Capacity at Constant Pressure
The constant-volume heat capacity is defined as:
æ dU ö
CP ºç ÷
è dT ø P
This heat capacity relates in an especially simple way to a constant-pressure,
closed-system process, dH = C P dT

DH = ò
C P dT

For a mechanically reversible, constant-pressure process, Q = n ∆H


\ Q = n ò C P dT

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