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Chapter 4

Fundamentals of Material Balances

Introduction to Chapter 4
1) Certain restrictions imposed by nature must be taken into account when
designing a new process or analyzing an existing one.
2) The law of conservation of mass, which states that mass can neither be
created nor destroyed will not be concerned in the whole book with
almost infinitesimal (tiny) conversions between mass and energy
associated with chemical reactions.
3) The statements based on the law of conservation of mass such as (total
mass of input = total mass of output) are examples of mass balances or
material balance. ( The design of a new process or analysis of an existing
one is not complete until it is established that the inputs and outputs of
the entire process and of each individual unit satisfy balance equations.)
4) In chapter 4 we will present methods for organizing known information
about process variables, setting up martial balance equations, and
solving these equations for unknown variables.
4.1 ( Process Classification)
Chemical processes can be classified as :

Batch process Continuous process Semibatch process

The feed is charged into the The inputs and outputs flow continuously Any process that is
vessel contents are throughout the duration ( period ) of the neither batch nor
removed sometime later. (In process. ( There is both stuff going in and continuous. ( There is
other words nothing goes in out of the system ) either feed (in) or
or out of the process output (out) from the
(system) ) process cant be both )
No mass crosses the system
boundaries between the
time the feed is charged and
the time the product is
4.1 ( Process Classification)
Examples on :
1) Batch process:
• Adding reactants to a test tube then mixing them together ( heating ) and then
we remove the products and leave the unconsumed reactants sometimes later
to be removed when the system has come to equilibrium.
• A bottle of milk is taken from the refrigerator and left on the kitchen table.

2) Continuous process:
• Pump a mixture of liquids into a distillation column at a constant rate and
steadily withdraw product streams from the top and bottom of the column.

3) Semibatch process:
• When filling a balloon with air.
4.1 ( Process Classification)
• Steady state:
If the values of all the variables in a process do not change with time.

a) Temperature
b) Pressure
c) Volume
Example: a) Continuous process d) flow rate

• Transient (Unsteady state):

If the values of all the variables in a process change with time.

Example: a) Semibatch process

b) Batch process
c) Continuous process
4.2 (The General Balance Equation)
• Suppose we have a compound that is a component of both the input and
output streams of a continuous process unit and we want to know
whether the unit is performing as designed. After you measured you
found out that the mass flow rates of the compound in both streams are
 ≠m
measured and found to be different (m  ).
in out

 (kg/h) unit  (kg/h)
m in out

There are several possible explanations for the observed difference between the
measured flow rates:
1. Compound is being consumed as a reactant or generated as a product within
the unit.
2. Compound is accumulating in the unit—possibly adsorbing on the walls.
3. Compound is leaking from the unit.
4. The measurements are wrong.
4.2 (The General Balance Equation)
• A balance on a conserved (well-maintained) quantity (total mass, mass of a
particular species, energy, momentum) in a system (a single process unit, a
collection of units, or an entire process) may be written in the following general

Input + Generation - output - consumption = accumulation

Enters Produced Leaves Consumed Buildup within

through within through (Used up) system
system system system within system
boundaries boundaries
4.2 (The General Balance Equation)
Example 4.2-1 page 85 on the general balance equation :
• Each year 50,000 people move into a city, 75,000 people move out, 22,000 are
born, and 19,000 die. Write a balance on the population of the city.
We know that the general balance equation is
input + generation – output – consumption = accumulation
and everything is given in the question and we need to find the accumulation.
Input= 50,000 _Generation= 22,000_Output= 75,000_Consumption= 19,000

50,000 (P/yr) + 22,000 (P/yr) – 75,000 (P/yr) -19,000 (P/yr) = accumulation

Accumulation = -22,000 (P/yr)

People / year
Each year the city's
population decreases by
22,000 people.
4.2 (The General Balance Equation)
• There is two types of balances that can be written:
1. Differential Balances:
a) It’s a type of balance that shows what is happening in a system at an instant
(immediate or sudden) in time.
b) Each term of the balance equation is a rate :
(rate of input , rate of generation , rate of consumption, rate of output , rate of accumulation )
c) The units of the balanced quantity unit divided by a time unit:
(people/yr, g SO2 /s, barrels/day)
d) This is the type of balance usually used to a continuous process.
2. Integral Balances:
a) It’s a type of balance that describes what happens between two instants of time.
b) Each term of the equation is an amount of the balanced quantity and has the
corresponding (equivalent or matching) unit.
(people, g SO2 , barrels)
c) This type of balance is usually used to a batch process, with the two instants of time
being the moment after the input takes place and the moment before the product is
4.2 (The General Balance Equation)
1) If the balanced quantity is total mass (Except in nuclear reactions, mass can
neither be created nor destroyed) then:
We need to set generation = 0 and consumption = 0 in the general balance equation.
General balance equation: input– output = accumulation

2) The balanced substance is a nonreactive species (neither a reactant nor a product)

We need to set generation = 0 and consumption = 0 in the general balance equation.
General balance equation: input– output = accumulation

3) If a system is at steady state (regardless of what is being balanced) then :

We need to set accumulation = 0.
General balance equation: input + generation = output + consumption
 By definition, in a steady-state system nothing can change with time, including the
amount of the balanced quantity.
4.2 ( Balance on Continuous Steady- State Processes )

a) If we had continuous processes at steady – state, then the accumulation

term in the general balance equation equals zero:
input + generation = output + consumption

b) If we had continuous processes at steady – state and we were doing a

balance on a nonreactive species or on total mass, then we need to put not
only the acclamation equals to zero but also the consumption and generation
in the general balance equation:
Input = output
4.2 ( Balance on Continuous Steady- State Processes )

If we had a nonreactive continuous steady – state process we know that the input =
output and there is two types of balances we could do on the process:

input = output

Component Mass Balance Total Mass Balance

We do balance for each We do balance on the total
individual component of a components of a stream.
4.2 ( Balance on Continuous Steady- State Processes )

Component Mass Balance (CMB) :

n1 n2
ya ya2
yb yb2

• Lets say that process Is a nonreactive continuous steady – state we have

two components a and b so we need to do two individual CMB :
Because it’s a nonreactive continuous steady – state process we know that
our general formula is : input=output
a-balance (CMB) :
b-balance (CMB) :
• input of a = output of b • Input of b = output of b
• n1 x ya = n2 x ya2 • n1 x yb = n2 x yb2
4.2 ( Balance on Continuous Steady- State Processes )

Total Mass Balance (TMB) :

n1 ya3
ya yb3

• The process Is a nonreactive continuous steady – state so we know that the
general mass balance is : input=output
So the TMB is :
n 1 + n2 = n3
4.2 ( Balance on Continuous Steady- State Processes )

Example 4.2-2 page 86 :

• One thousand kilograms per hour of a mixture of benzene (B) and toluene
(T) containing 50% w benzene by mass is separated by distillation into two
fractions. The mass flow rate of benzene in the top stream is 450 kg B/h
and that of toluene in the bottom stream is 475 kg T/h. The operation is at
steady state. Write balances on benzene and toluene to calculate the
unknown component flow rates in the output streams.
450 kg B/h
m1 kg T/h

500 kg B/h
500 kg T/h

.m kgkgB/h
475 T/h
4.2 ( Balance on Continuous Steady- State Processes )
• Example 4.2-2 page 86 (continued) :
1) First thing when we read this question we knew that the process is at steady state
so accumulation term equals zero in all material balances.
2) There is also no chemical reactions in the question so generation and
consumption are zero in all material balances.
3) We will use the equation input = output for all the balances.
• First thing we will do balance on Benzene (CMB) :
Input of (B) = output of (B)
500 kg B/h = 450 kg B/h + m2 kg B/h Before adding any
m2 = 50 kg B/h
material balance we
need to make sure
• Then we need to do balance on Toluene (CMB): that all the units are
Input of (T) = output of (T) the same.
500 kg T/h = m1 kg T/h + 475 kg T/h
.m = 25 kg T/h . .
1000 kg/h = 450 kg/h + m1+ m2+ 475 kg /h
. .
From the component balance we got that
• To check our answer we can use total mass balance : m1= 25 kg/h, m2 = 50 kg/h
So :
1000 kg/h = 450 kg/h + 25 kg/h + 50 kg/h
+475 kg/h
1000 kg/h = 1000 kg/h ✓
4.2 ( Balance on Continuous Steady- State Processes )

• Example 4.2-3 page 87:

Two methanol-water mixtures are contained in separate flasks. The first
mixture contains 40.0 wt% methanol, and the second contains 70.0 wt%
methanol. If 200 g of the first mixture is combined with 150 g of the second,
what are the mass and composition of the product?
 Since no reactions and steady state process is involved all balances have
the simple form "input = output .”

200 g
0.400 g CH3OH/g m(g)
0.600 g H2O/g x(g CH30H/g)
150 g (1-x){g H2o/g)
0.700 g CH30H/g
0.300 g H20/g
4.2 ( Balance on Continuous Steady- State Processes )

• Example 4.2-3 page 87 (Continued):

First thing we will do the total mass balance to find m3 which we will need in
our components mass balances :
 m1+m2 = m3
 200 g + 150 g = m3
 m3 = 350 g
Then we need to do balance on Methanol (CMB):
 m1x1 + m2x2 = m3x3 x1,x2,x3 are the mass composition of CH3OH in each
 200 g 0.400 g CH3OH + 150 g 0.700 gCH3OH = m3(g) x3(g CH3OH)
g g g

From Total mass

x3= 0.529 g CH3OH/g balance m3= 350 g
4.2 ( Balance on Continuous Steady- State Processes )

• Example 4.2-3 page 87 (Continued):

To check if our solution is right we can do material balance on water:
 We know that mass fraction of methanol at the product stream is equal to
0.529 g CH3OH/g ( we got it from methanol balance ) and the mass of the
stream which equals to 350 g ( we got it from total mass balance) so know
now we can do balance on water :
input = output
(200)(0.600) + (150)(0.300) = (350)(1 - 0.529)
165gH20 = 165gH20 ✔
From the process flowchart
it told us that mass fraction
of H2O is one minus mass
fraction of methanol
4.2 ( Balance on Continuous Steady- State Processes )

Example 4.2-4 page 88-89:

Air is bubbled through a drum of liquid hexane at a rate of 0.100 kmol/min.
The gas stream leaving the drum contains 10 mole % hexane vapor. Air may be
considered insoluble in liquid hexane. Use an integral balance to estimate the
time required to vaporize 10.0 m3 of the liquid.
n2 (kmol/min)
yhex= 0.1
yair= 0.9
n = 0.1 kmol/min

Given in question that hexane

is 10 mole % which equals to
0.1 then to get air mole % its 1
minus hexane mole %
4.2 ( Balance on Continuous Steady- State Processes )
Example 4.2-4 page 88-89 (continued):
1. While reading the question you should know that hexane has no input only
output stream.
2. In the question it said that air is insoluble (doesn’t dissolve) in hexane
which means that air doesn’t change through this process which makes it
steady state so it general balance equation is input=output.
3. Usually when asks for time for an element know that it has accumulation
because its changing in the process.
4. Hexane is nonreactive species so its general balance equation is input –
output = accumulation.
Balance on air:
. .
yair in the input stream is 100 mole %
therefore it equals to 1
0.1 kmol / min x 1 = n2 x 0.9 n2 = 0.111 kmol / min
4.2 ( Balance on Continuous Steady- State Processes )

Balance on hexane :
Input-output= accumulation
-(n2 x yhex ) = accumulation
-(0.111 kmol/min x 0.1) = accumulation
-0.111 kmol/ min = accumulation
 After finding the accumulation we need to find the time were in question they gave us
the volume so we need to go from volume to moles: We don’t have the density of hexane but we can go
1. Find the mass by specific gravity x volume get the specific gravity of hexane From table B.1 and
multiply it by reference of water (1000 kg/m3) to get
Mass = densityhex x V density.
m= 0.659 x 1000 kg/m3 x 10 m3
m= 6590 kg
2. Convert mass to moles (moles = mass / Mwt)
Mwthex= 86.17 kg/kmol (table B.1)
n= m / Mwt
n= 6590 kg / 86.17 ( kg/kmol) n= 76.45 kmol
4.2 ( Balance on Continuous Steady- State Processes )

3. Accumulation ÷ moles =Δt ( check units )

-0.111 kmol/ min ÷ 76.45 kmol = 0- tf
tf= 6880 min
Initially time = to zero except if it
mentioned something about initial
time in question
Absorption Process
Pure gas
Lets say we want to purify Pure liquid (A)
(clean) gas (A) from substance (C)
(B) while using solvent (C);
were (B) dissolves in (C) and
(A) doesn’t.
Then we will use a chemical
process called the absorption
process (absorber, scrubber)
to help us purify (A).
The gas mixture enters from
bottom and leaves purified
from top of the absorber.
Solvent (C) will enter from the
top of the absorber and leaves
with (B) from the bottom of
gas Liquid
the tower. Usually all liquids
enters from top
and leaves from
Process Stripping Process
The stripping process is
exactly the opposite of the Gas
absorption process.
Were we have liquid mixture
of (C) and (B) and we will use
purify (clean) gas (A) to help
purify liquid C from element
(B). Stripper
Liquid mixture of (B) and (C)
will enter the stripper process
from the top tower and leaves
purified from the bottom of
the tower.
Were purify gas (A) enters
Gas Liquid
from the bottom and leaves (A) (C)
mixed with element (B) from
the top of the tower.
Usually gasses enter
from bottom and leaves
from top.
Process Extraction Process
Lets say we have a liquid mixture
of (A) and (B), and we want to A +B (A)
Liquid Liquid
purify liquid (A) from trace
(slight or bit) of (B).
Were we will use liquid (C) to Extractor
purify (A) from (B). (C) C+B
Liquid Liquid
Liquid (C) and (A) are immiscible
(not forming a homogeneous
mixture when added together).
In the extraction process both
the liquid mixture and solvent
(C) will enter the extractor
together in two different
While leaving the extractor (A)
will be purified and liquid (C) will
leave with element (B).
Process Leaching Process
We have liquid (B) in solid (A) C+B
and we want to extract (C) Liquid
(remove) liquid (B) from (A). liquid
In the leaching process we will
use liquid (C) to remove liquid
(B) from solid (A). A+B Leaching Process
The mixture (A+B) and liquid Liquid in (A)
Solid Solid
(C) will enter the leaching
process each in a different
streams; where (C) and (B) will
leave together in one stream
and solid (A) will leave alone
another stream.
Its like
extracting corn
oil from corn by
using hexane.

Heat Exchangers
• The heat exchanger transfers heat from the hot side to the cold side without mixing the 2 sides
• When heat is transferred from the hot side “stream” then this stream would decrease its
temperature or change its phase ( Gas to liquid , liquid to solid ) or both could happen.
• When heat is transferred to the cold side “stream” then this stream would increase its
temperature or change its phase ( Solid to liquid , liquid to Gas ) or both could happen.
 Types of Heat Exchanger : Heater, Cooler, Evaporator (Boiler), Condenser ( convert gas to liquid ) , Fired
heater(heat by burning fuel)
Process Distillation Column Process
Distillation Column
The distillation column usually Condenser
separates mixture of components
either liquid or gas.
The components that enter the
column have different measures in
their Volatility (unstably). Reflux Distillate A
The more volatile the component is B
the less its boiling point. C
A Distillation Boil up
B Column
More Increase A
Volatile D Boiling B
E point C Boiler
The components who are more D
volatile (A,B,C) are removed from the
top of the column. Bottom C
product D
Component (C) would show in both
top and bottom of the column were E
we could say it’s the midpoint.
The less volatile (C,D,E) column ones
are recovered from the bottom of the
• Mixer : (mixing, blending, combining)

A mixer is a process were two

or more streams enter the
process and leave as a one

• Condenser: (Separator) Top product

Vapor / gas A condenser is a process
unit used to condense
Feed vapor into liquid. Were not
all of the element is
condensed to liquid but
still some of the element
Bottom product leaves as vapor.
4.3(Material Balance Calculations)
• Flowchart :
1) When you are given a process and asked you to determine something in the
process , it is important to organize the information in a way that is handy for later
2) The best way to draw a flowchart of the process, using boxes which is another
symbol to represent process units (reactors, mixers, separation units, etc.) and
with lines with arrows to represent inputs and outputs.
3) The flowchart of a process can help get material balance calculations started and
keep them moving.
4) The chart must be fully labeled when it is first drawn, with values of known
process variables and symbols for unknown variables being written for each input and
output stream.
4.3(Material Balance Calculations)
• Example on how to draw a Flowchart :
Suppose a gas containing N2 and O2 is combined with propane in a batch combustion
chamber in which some (but not all) of the O2 and C3H8 react to form CO2 and H2 O,
and the product is then cooled, condensing the water.
a) We should have to boxes one to represent the combustion chamber process and
the other to represent the condensing process.
100 mol C3H8
50 mol C3H8 50 mol C3H8
Combustion 750 mol O2 750 mol O2
Condenser 3760 mol N2
Chamber 3760 mol N2
150 mol CO 150 mol CO2
1000 mo! 02
3760 mol N2 200 mol H2O
200 mol H20

The arrows represents the streams

of the input and output of the
process with the values of known
process variables.
4.3(Material Balance Calculations)
• Flowchart streams :
a) Write the values and units of all known stream variables at the locations
of the streams (input or output) on the chart.
For example, a stream containing 21 mole% O2 and 79% N2 at 320°C and 1.4
atm flowing at a rate of 400 mol/h : Above the arrow we usually put the total
mass or mole (mass flow-rate, mole flow-
400 mol/h rate or volume flow-rate) of the stream.

0.21 mol O2/mol

0.79 mol N2/mol
T = 320°C, P = 1.4 atm
The rest of the information like the
mole or mass fraction, temperature or
pressure of the stream is added under
the arrow.
4.3(Material Balance Calculations)
• The information on the stream can be written in two ways :
a) As the total amount or flow rate of the stream and the fractions (mass or
mole) of each component.

100 kmol/min
0.6 kmol N2/kmol
0.4 kmol O2/kmol

b) Directly as the amount or flow rate of each component:

60 kmol N2/min They multiplied the total mole flow-rate

with the mole fraction for each
40 kmol 02/min component to get the moles for each
ni= yi x nT
4.3(Material Balance Calculations)
• Flowchart streams (continued) :
b) Assign algebraic symbols to unknown stream variables and write these
variable names and their associated units on the chart.
• Although any symbol may be used to represent any variable we will mostly use:
. .
1. m (kg solution/min) for mas flow-rate ; n ( kmol solution / min) for mole flow-rate
2. x (lbm (i) /lbm) for mass fraction ; y (mol (i) /mol ) for mole fraction
3. n (kmol (i) ) for moles ; m (kg (i) ) for mass
4. V (m3(i) ) for volume or V (m3(i)/min) for volume flow-rate
Let say we had a stream containing containing 21 mole% O2 and 79% N2 at 320°C
and 1.4 atm :
0.21 mol O2/mol They didn’t mention anything about the mole
0.79 mol N2/mol flow rate of the stream so we need to put it
T = 320°C, P = 1.4 atm as a variable.

 If you don’t know why we used mole flow-rate not mass flow-rate because they gave us moles
fraction so its not possible to put mass flow-rate with mole fraction or the opposite.
4.3(Material Balance Calculations)
• If we had a stream containing air with a rate of 400 mol/h and at 320°C and 1.4
atm :

400 mol/h They didn't mention anything

y(mol O2/mol) about the mole fraction of
the air so we know that air
(1- y)(mol N2/mol)
has O2 and N2 so we will have
T= 320°C, P = 1.4 atm two unknown mole fractions.

1) The reason we used (1-y) to represent the mole fraction of N2 because we want to reduce the number of unknown
variables so we know that the total mole fraction of the stream is equal to one then when labeling component mass
or mole fractions of a stream, for example, variable names need only be assigned to all but one fraction, since the last
one must be 1 minus the sum of the others.
2) If they said that mass of stream 1 is half that of stream 2 then we can label the mass of stream 1 by m and we label
mass of stream 2 by 2m. stream 1 = ½ stream 2
m = ½ stream 2
2 m = stream 2
3) If you know that there is three times as much nitrogen (by mass) in a stream as oxygen, label the mass fractions of
O2 and N2 : y(g O2/g) for oxygen mass fraction and 3y(g N2/g) for nitrogen mass fraction rather than y1 and y2 .
4.3(Material Balance Calculations)
• Example 4.3-1 page 92-93:
An experiment on the growth rate of certain organisms requires an environment of humid air enriched in
oxygen. Three input streams are fed into an evaporation chamber to produce an output stream with the
desired composition.
• A: Liquid water, fed at a rate of 20.0 cm3/min
• B: Air (21 mole% O2 the balance N2)
• C: Pure oxygen, with a molar flow rate one-fifth of the molar flow rate of stream B
The output gas is analyzed and is found to contain 1.5 mole% water. Draw and label a flowchart of the
process, and calculate all unknown stream variables.
To solve :
1. Check how many processes you have so you would know flow chart diagram
(boxes) you should draw :
In this example we only have one process ( they didn’t mention that the product is sent to another
process or components were products of another process or mentioned two types of processes…. )

4.3(Material Balance Calculations)
• Example 4.3-1 page 92-93 (continued):
2. Check how many inputs and outputs streams you have to know how you could
draw your flow-chart:
In this question they mentioned that we have three inputs and they will leave as one
output (similar to a mixture diagram ):


3. Read the information really carefully to know how to label each stream and to
know what's your known variables:
4.3(Material Balance Calculations)
• Example 4.3-1 page 92-93 (continued):
As mentioned previously in the question that we have three input streams with:
• A: Liquid water, fed at a rate of 20.0 cm3/min
• B: Air (21 mole% O2 the balance N2)
• C: Pure oxygen, with a molar flow rate one-fifth of the molar flow rate of stream B
And one output stream :
• The output gas is analyzed and is found to contain 1.5 mole% water. The mole fractions of the components of any
stream must add up to 1. Since the mole
n2(mol air/min) fraction of H20 in the outlet stream is known to
be 0.015, once the mole fraction of O2 is
0.21 mol O2/min labeled y that of N2 must be 1 - (y + 0.015) =
0.79 mol N2/min (0.985 - y) (mol N2/mol).

. .
V1= 20 cm3H2O/min Evaporation n3(mol /min)
Chamber 0.015 (mol H20/mol)
y(mol O2/mol)
We don’t have to add . (0.985 –y)(mol N2/mol)
compositions because its 0.200 n2(mol O2 / min)
pure so the composition
is equal to 1
4.3(Material Balance Calculations)
• Example 4.3-1 page 92-93 (continued):
4) If they gave us in the question volume flow-rate for any stream we have
to change it to mass flow-rate or mole flow-rate:
To know to convert it to mass flow-rate or mole flow-rate check the other stream if they are in mole flow-rate
convert it to mole flow-rate if mass then convert it to mass flow-rate.
Make sure that all the stream are in mass or mole we cant have both in one flow chart its not possible in the
This this question they gave us the volume flow-rate for stream A :
A: Liquid water, fed at a rate of 20.0 cm3/min
 n=mass/ Mwt which equals to n=(density x volume )/ Mwt

n1 = 20 cm3 H2O 1.00 g H2O 1 mol
= 1.11 mol H2O/min
min cm3 18.02 g
4.3(Material Balance Calculations)
• Example 4.3-1 page 92-93 (continued):
Determine the rest of the unknown variables by using balances which are easily
written by referring to the flow chart but the tricky part is to determine the type of
your process if it is nonreactive or Continuous Steady- State Processes…..
 For this question we are dealing with a nonreactive steady – state process which
we know that its balance equation is simply input=output.
. n2(mol air/min)
0.21 mol O2/min
0.79 mol N2/min

.n3(mol /min)
n1=1.11 mol H2O/min
0.015 (mol H20/mol)
y(mol O2/mol)
(0.985 –y)(mol N2/mol

a)H2O Balance :
Input=output 0.200 n2(mol O2 / min)
. .
1.11 (mol H2O /min) = n3(0.015 mol H2O /mol)
n3= 74.1 mol / min
4.3(Material Balance Calculations)
• Example 4.3-1 page 92-93 (continued):
Total Balance :
. . . .
. .
1.11(mol/min) +n2+0.200n2=74.1 mol/min
n2=60.8 mol/min

N2 Balance :
Input = output
0.79n2= n3(0.985 -y)
0.79(mol N2/mol) (60.8)(mol/min)=(74.1)(mol/min)(0.985-y)(mol N2/mol)
y=0.337 mol O2/mol
4.3(Flowchart Scaling and Basis of Calculation)

• Suppose we have a process that is balanced (were we know all the flow-rates and
compositions that are in and out ) observe in the process that the masses (but not
the mass fractions) of all streams could be multiplied by a common factor and the
process would remain balanced.
• Stream masses could be changed to mass flow rates, and the mass units of all stream
variables (including the mass fractions) could be changed from kg to g or lbm or any
other mass unit, and the process would still be balanced.
• The process of changing the values of all stream amounts or flow rates by a
proportional (related) amount while leaving the stream compositions unchanged is
referred to as scaling the flow-chart.
 There is two types of Scaling :
1) Scaling up :
The final stream quantities (amounts or numbers) are larger than the original quantities.
2) Scaling down:
The final stream quantities are smaller than the original quantities.
 You cannot, however, scale masses or mass flow rates to molar quantities or vice
versa by simple multiplication.
4.3(Flowchart Scaling and Basis of Calculation)

Example 4.3-2 page 94-95 :

A 60-40 mixture (by moles) of A and B is separated into two fractions. A flowchart of the
process is shown here: 50.0 mol
0.95 mol A/mol
0.05 mol B/mol
100.0 mol
0.60 mol A/mol
0.40 mol B/mol
12.5 mol A
37.5 mol B

It is desired to achieve the same separation with a continuous feed of 1250 lb-moles/h.
Scale the flowchart accordingly.
1) We need to find the scale factor (common number) :
New amount 1250 Ib-moles/h = 12.5 Ib-moles/h
Old amount 100 mol mol
4.3(Flowchart Scaling and Basis of Calculation)
Example 4.3-2 page 94-95 :
2) After finding the scale factor multiply all the moles (not the mole fractions)
by it :
Feed :
Old amount x scale factor
100 mol x 12.5 (Ib-moles/h)
= 1250 Ib-moles /h
(as wanted in the question so that means our scale factor is right)
Top product stream :
Old amount x scale factor
50 mol x 12.5 (Ib-moles/h)
= 625 Ib-moles/h
4.3(Flowchart Scaling and Basis of Calculation)

• Example 4.3-2 page 94-95 :

Bottom product stream (A):
Old amount x scale factor
12.5 mol A x 12.5(Ib-moles/h)
= 156 lb-moles A/h
Bottom product stream (B):
Old amount x scale factor
37.5 mol B x 12.5(Ib-moles/h)
= 469 lb-moles B/h
4.3(Flowchart Scaling and Basis of Calculation)

Basis of calculation:
The basis of calculation is an amount (mass or moles) or flow rate (mass or molar)
of one stream or stream component in a process.
 The first step in balancing a process is to choose a basis of calculation; all
unknown variables are then determined to be consistent with this basis.
1) If a stream amount or flow-rate is given in a problem statement then we will
usually use this quantity as a basis of calculation.
2) If mass fractions are known, choose a total mass or mass flow-rate (100 kg or
100 kg/h) of that stream as basis and the same thing with moles if mole fractions
are known, choose a total number of moles or a molar flow rate.
100 mol C2H6
2100 mol
This processes 0.0476 mol C2H6/mol
2000 mol air
shown was
balanced using 100 0.21 mol O2/mol 0.200 mol O2/mol
mol C2H6 as basis. 0.79 mol N2 mol 0.752 mol N2/mol
4.3(Balancing a Process)
Rules apply to nonreactive processes :
1. The maximum number of independent equations that can be derived by
writing balances on a nonreactive system equals the number of chemical
species in the input and output streams.
3.0 kg C6H6
x(kg C6H6/kg)
1.0 kgC7 H6 (1 -x)(kgC7H8/kg)
o Benzene and toluene in the above flow-chart make up the input and output streams of the
process write mass or mole balances on benzene and toluene and a total mass or mole
balance, but only two of these three equations are independent and writing the third wont
do or accomplish anything.
2. Write balances first that involve the fewest unknown variables.
• In the above flow-chart total mass balance involves only one unknown (m). The benzene and
toluene balances each involve two unknown (m and x) . By writing first a total balance and
then a benzene balance, we were able to solve first one equation in one unknown, then a
second equation, also in one unknown. (If we had instead written benzene and toluene balances,
we would have had to solve two simultaneous equations in two unknowns; the same answers would have
been obtained, but with greater effort).
4.3(Balancing a Process)
• Example 4.3-3 page 97-98:
An aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide contains 20.0% NaOH by mass. It is desired to produce
an 8.0% NaOH solution by diluting a stream of the 20% solution with a stream of pure water.
Calculate the ratios (liters H2O/kg feed solution) and (kg product solution/kg feed solution).
1) Draw and label the flowchart :

100 kg m2 (kg)
Mixer 0.80 kg H2O/kg
0.20 kg NaOH/kg
0.80 kg H20/kg 0.920 kg H2O/kg
m1(kg H2O)
1) Choose a basis of calculation : V1 (liters H 2 0)
(an amount or flow rate of one of the feed or product streams)
Check were the stream with mostly all information is given with less unknown and put basis for
it. In this question the mixture input stream would have a basis of 100 kg.
4.3(Balancing a Process)
Example 4.3-3 page 97-98 (continued):
3) Express what the problem asks you to determine in terms of the labeled variables on
the flowchart.
a. (liters H20/kg feed solution)
From the flow-chart :
b. (kg product solution/kg feed solution)
From the flow-chart :
m2 /l00
4) Count unknown variables and equations relating them.
If the number of unknowns equals the number of independent equations relating them, you will be able to solve
the problem; otherwise, either you have forgotten some relations or the problem is not well defined.
a. Unknowns:
We can check the unknowns from Examining the flowchart.
From the flow-chart :
m1 m2 , and V1
• Equations:
(nonreactive process that involves N species, up to N independent material balance equations may be written)
4.3(Balancing a Process)
• Example 4.3-3 page 97-98 (continued):
 For this process we can write two balances since there are two species(sodium hydroxide and
 We could write them on sodium hydroxide, water, total mass.
 Since we may only write two material balances, we will need a third equation to solve for our
three unknowns (m1, m2 , and V1) , but m1 and V1 are related by the density of liquid water,
which we know. Therefore we have three equations and three unknowns so we can solve the
5) Outline the solution procedure.
 All balances for this system have the form input = output. We start with the balances that
have less unknowns.
Looking at the flowchart, we can see that balances on total mass and water each involve two
unknowns (m1and m2 ), a sodium hydroxide balance only involves one unknown (m2), and the
water density relationship involves two unknowns (m1and V1). Therefore we will start with
sodium hydroxide balance.
4.3(Balancing a Process)
• Example 4.3-3 page 97-98 (continued):
NaOH balance :
(0.20 kg NaOH/kg)(100 kg) = (0.080 kg NaOH/kg)m2
m2 = 250 kg NaOH
Total mass balance :
100 kg + m1 = m2
100 kg + m1= 250 kg
m1 = 150 kg H2O
Diluent water volume:
Volume = mass/density V1=m1/ densityH2O
V1= 150 (kg H2O) / 1 (kg/L)
= 150 L
4.3(Balancing a Process)
6) Ratios requested in problem statement.
a. (liters H20/kg feed solution) V1/100
150/100 = 1.5 LH2O/kg feed solution
b. (kg product solution/kg feed solution) m2 /l00
250/100 = 2.50 kg product solution/kg feed solution
4.3( Degree-Of-Freedom Analysis)
• Degree-Of-Freedom Analysis :
Before you do any lengthy calculations, you can use a properly drawn and
labeled flowchart to determine whether you have enough information to
solve a given problem. The procedure for doing so is referred to as degree-of-
freedom analysis.
 The reason behind degree of freedom so you don’t lose your time solving a problem that
couldn’t be solved because its missing information and that would cause you to lose your
To perform a degree-of-freedom analysis, draw and completely label a
flowchart, count the unknown variables on the chart, then count the
independent equations relating them:
ndf (= nunknowns - nindependent equations)
4.3( Degree-Of-Freedom Analysis)
• There are three possibilities for ndf:
1. If ndf= 0, there are n independent equations in n unknowns and the problem can
in principle be solved. (number of unknown variables is equal to number of
independent equations)
2. If ndf > 0, there are more unknowns than independent equations relating them,
and at least ndf additional variable values must be specified before the
remaining variable values can be determined.
3. If ndf < 0, there are more independent equations than unknowns. Either the
flowchart is incompletely labeled or the problem is over specified with redundant
and possibly inconsistent relations.
Sources of equations relating unknown process stream variables include the
a) Material balances:
 Atomic balance
 Molecular balance
 Total mass balance
4.3( Degree-Of-Freedom Analysis)
b) An energy balance:
 We will learn about energy balance from chapter 7 to chapter 9.
c) Process specifications:
 How several process variables are related.
d) Physical properties and laws:
 Two of the unknown variables may be the mass and volume of a stream
material, in which case a tabulated specific gravity for liquids and solids or
an equation of state for gases (Chapter 5) would provide an equation
relating the variables.
e) Physical constraints:
 For example, if the mole fractions of the three components of a stream
are labeled xA , xB, and xC, then a relation among these variables is xA + xB
+ xc =1.
f) Stoichiometric relations:
 We will study about it in section 7 in chapter 4.
4.3( Degree-Of-Freedom Analysis)
Example 4.3-4 page 100-101:
A stream of humid air enters a condenser in which 95% of the water vapor in
the air is condensed. The flow rate of the condensate (the liquid leaving the
condenser) is measured and found to be 225 L/h. Dry air may be taken to
contain 21 mole% oxygen, with the balance nitrogen. Calculate the flow rate
of the gas stream leaving the condenser and the mole fractions of oxygen,
nitrogen, and water in this stream.

. .
n4(mol O2/h)
n1(mol dry air/h) .
n5(mol N2/h)
0.21 mol O2/mol .
n6(mol H2O (v)/h)
0.79 mol N2/mol 225
. . (liters H2O(l)/h)
n2 (mol H2O) n3(mol H2O (l)/h)
(95% of water in feed)
4.3( Degree-Of-Freedom Analysis)
Example 4.3-4 page 100-101 (continued):
• Degree of freedom analysis :
nunknowns= 6
nindependent equations =
1. Three material balances (one for each species).
2. Relationship between the volumetric and molar flow rates of the condensate
(can determine n3 from the given volumetric flow rate and the known specific gravity
and molecular weight of liquid water)
3. Fact that 95% of the water is condensed.
• (provides a relationship between n3 and n2 (n3 = 0.95n2 ))
 No information in the problem statement provides a basis for establishing a sixth
relation, so that there is one degree of freedom. The problem is therefore
underspecified, and there is no point in attempting to solve it.
4.3( Degree-Of-Freedom Analysis)
Example 4.3-4 page 100-101 (continued):
• Suppose now that we had been given an additional piece of information;
for example, that the entering air contains 10.0 mole% water. The
flowchart would then appear as follows:

n1 (mol/h)
0.100 (mol H2O) .
0.900 (mol dry air/h) n3 (mol O2/h)
0.21 mol O2/mol n4 (mol N2/h)
0.79 mol N2/mol n5(mol H2O (v)/h)
225 (liters H2O(l)/h)
n2(mol H2O (l)/h)
(95% of water in feed)
4.3( Degree-Of-Freedom Analysis)
Example 4.3-4 page 100-101 (continued):
nunknowns= 5
nindependent equations =
1. Three material balances (one for each species).
2. Relationship between the volumetric and molar flow rates of the
3. Fact that 95% of the water is condensed.

ndf= nunknowns- nindependent equations

ndf = 5 – 5
• The degree of freedom is zero therefore the problem is solvable in
4.3( Degree-Of-Freedom Analysis)
1) Density relationship :
n2(mol H2O (l) /h ) = 225(L H2O(l)/h) x (1 kg H2O(l) / L) ÷(18 x 10-3kg / mol H2O)
(find n2)
2) 95% Condensation :
n2= 0.95 (0.100 n1)
(find n1)
3) O2 Balance:
. .
n1(0.900)(0.21) =n3
(find n3)
4) N2 Balance:
. .
n1 (0.900) (0.79) =n4
(find n4)
. H2O Balance:
. .
n1 (0.100) = n2 +n5
(find n5)
. Total
. outlet gas flow-rate:
. .
ntotal= n3 + n4 + n5
(find ntotal)
7) Outlet gas composition:
. . . . . .
yO2=n3/ntotal ; yN2=n4/ntotal ; yH2o=n5/ntotal
The algebra and arithmetic are left as an exercise.
4.3( Degree-Of-Freedom Analysis)
General Procedure for Single-Unit Process Material Balance Calculations:
1) Choose as a basis of calculation an amount or flow rate of one of the
process streams.
o If an amount or flow rate of a stream is given in the problem statement.
o If several stream amounts or flow rates are given, always use them collectively as the basis.
o If no stream amount or flow rate is specified in the problem statement, take as a basis an arbitrary amount
or flow rate of a stream with a known composition (e.g., 100 kg or 100 kg/h if all mass fractions are
known, or 100 mol or 100 mol/h if all mole fractions are known).
2) Draw a flowchart and fill in all known variable values, including the basis
of calculation. Then label unknown stream variables on the chart.
o The flowchart is completely labeled if you can express the mass or mass flow rate (or moles or molar flow
rate) of each component of each stream in terms of labeled quantities.
o If you are given (or you can easily determine) either the amount or flow rate or any of the component
fractions for a stream, label the total stream quantity or flow rate and the component fractions.
o Try to incorporate given relationships between unknown quantities in the labeling.
o Label volumetric quantities only if they are given in the problem statement or you are asked to calculate
them. You will write mass or mole balances, but not volume balances.
4.3( Degree-Of-Freedom Analysis)
General Procedure for Single-Unit Process Material Balance Calculations
3) Express what the problem statement asks you to determine in terms of
the labeled variables.
4) If you are given mixed mass and mole units for a stream convert them all
either to mass or mole cant have both together.
5) Do the degree-of-freedom analysis.
6) Write equations in efficient order.
7) Solve the equations.
8) Calculate the quantities requested in the problem.
4.3(Material Balance)
• Example 4.3-5 page 102-103:
A liquid mixture containing 45.0% benzene (B) and 55.0% toluene (T) by mass is fed to a distillation column. A
product stream leaving the top of the column (the overhead product) contains 95.0 mole % B, and a bottom
product stream contains 8.0% of the benzene fed to the column (meaning that 92% of the benzene leaves
with the overhead product). The volumetric flow rate of the feed stream is 2000 L/h and the specific gravity of
the feed mixture is 0.872. Determine the mass flow rate of the overhead product stream and the mass flow
rate and composition (mass fractions) of the bottom product stream.
1. Choose Basis:
We don’t need to choose a basis because they gave use the Volumetric flow rate of fed stream.
2. Draw and label flowchart :
Overhead Product
Feed .
2000 L/h 0.95 mol B/mol
m1(kg/h) 0.05 mol T/mol yB2=0.95
0.45 kg B/kg yT2=1-yB2
0.55 kg T/kg =0.05
Bottom Product
mB3(kg B/h)
(8% of B in feed)
mT3(kg T/h)
4.3(Material Balance)
• Example 4.3-5 page 102-103 (continued):
3. Write expressions for the quantities requested in the problem statement:
(the overhead product mass flow rate) m2
. .
(the bottom product mass flow rate) mB3 and mT3
(the mass fraction in the bottom product) xB and xT
(the bottom stream contains 8.0% of the benzene fed to the column)
. .
min(0.08)(XB in)=mB3
4. Convert mixed units in overhead product stream:
Because all of the rest are in masses and even the flow-rates are in mass we need to convert the overhead product
from moles to masses.
0.95 mol B/mol
n(moles)= m(mass)/Mwt(molecular weight) (95.0 kmol B) X (78.11 kg B/kmolB)
0.05 mol T/mol = 7420 kg B

Convert from moles to k-moles to

cancel each other to get kg
After finding the mass for each component find the total mass which is the summation of both components
masses so we can find the mass fractions for each one of them:
(7420 kg B) + (461 kg T) = 7881 kg mixture yB2 = (7420 kg B)/(7881 kg mixture) = 0.942 kg B/kg
yT2=1-0.942= 0.058 kg T/Kg
4.3(Material Balance)
• Example 4.3-5 page 102-103 (continued):
5. Perform degree-of-freedom analysis:
. . . .
4 unknowns (m1, m2 , mB3, mT3)
-2 material balances (since there are two molecular species in this nonreactive process)
-1 density relationship (relating the mass flow rate to the given volumetric flow rate of the feed)
-1 specified benzene split (8% in bottom-92% in overhead)

0 degrees of freedom (The problem is therefore solvable)

6. Write system equations and outline a solution procedure and algebra:

. Volumetric flow rate conversion (From the given specific gravity, the density of the feed stream is 0.872kg/L.):

m1=2000 L/h x 0.872 kg/L = 1744 kg
• Benzene split fraction:
. .
min(0.08)(XB in)=mB3
1744(0.08)(0.45) = mB3
mB3=62.784 kg B/h
• Benzene balance:
. .
0.45m1=m2yB2 + mB3
0.45(1744)=m2(0.942) + (62.784)
. .
. . . (0.55)(1744)=(766.47)(0.058)+m
. T3
• Toluene balance: (0.55)m1=m2yT2+mT3 m = 915 Kg T/h
4.3(Material Balance)
• Example 4.3-5 page 102-103 (continued):
8. Calculate additional quantities requested in the problem statement:
m3 = mB3+ mT3 = 62.8 kg/h + 915 kg/h = 978 kg/h
yB3 = mB3 / m3 = 62.8 kg B / 978 kg/h = 0.064 kg B/kg
yT3 = 1 - yB3 = 0.936 kg T/kg

1) In general terms, a "system" is any portion “slice or division” of a process that can be enclosed within a
hypothetical box (boundary).
2) The boundary may be the entire process, an interconnected “combined” combination of some of the
process units, a single unit, or a point at which two or more process streams come together or one
stream splits into branches.
3) The inputs and outputs to a system are the process streams that intersect the system boundary.
For example: Boundary (b)
Feed 2 Boundary
Boundary (c)

Feed 1
Unit Unit Product 3
1 2

Boundary (e)
Produc Produc Feed 3
t1 t2
Boundary (d)

Boundary (a):
1. Encloses the entire process.
2. The system defined by this boundary has as inputs Feed Streams 1, 2, and 3.
3. The system defined by this boundary has as output Product Streams 1, 2, and 3.
4. Balances on this system are referred to as overall balances.
5. Any stream that is internal to this system would not enter into overall system
balances. (stream that connects Units 1 and 2)
Boundary (b):
1. Encloses a feed stream mixing point.
2. Feed Streams 1 and 2 are inputs to this system.
3. The stream flowing (entering) to Unit 1 is an output.
Boundary (c):
1. Encloses Unit 1.
2. The system has one input stream.
3. The system has two output streams.

Boundary (d):
1. Encloses a stream splitting point.
2. The system has one input stream.
3. The system has two output streams.
Boundary (e):
1. Encloses Unit 2.
2. The system has two input stream.
3. The system has one output streams.
Notes on Material Balance on Multiple – Unit Processes:
• The procedure for material balance calculations on multiple-unit processes is basically the same as that
outlined in Section 4.3.
• In multiple-unit processes you may have to isolate and write balances on several subsystems of the process to
obtain enough equations to determine all unknown stream variables.
Notes on Degree of Freedom (DOF) on Multiple – Unit Processes:
• Degree-of-freedom analyses (examines) on the overall process and on each subsystem, taking into account only
the streams that intersect the boundary of the system under consideration.
• Do not begin to write and solve equations for a subsystem until you have verified that it has zero degrees of

• Example 4.4-1 page 105-107:

A labeled flowchart of a continuous steady-state two-unit process is shown below. Each stream contains two
components, A and B, in different proportions. Three streams whose flow rates and/or compositions are not
known are labeled 1, 2, and 3.
40.0 kg/h 30.0 kg/h
0.900 kg A/kg 0.600 kg A/kg
0.100 kg B/kg 0.400 kg B/kg

100.0 kg/h 1 2 3
0.500 kg A/kg
0.500 kg B/kg

30.0 kg/h
0.300 kg A/kg
0.700 kg B/kg
 Calculate the unknown flow rates and compositions of streams 1, 2, and 3.

1) Basis : We don’t need to take basis because the flow-rates are given.
40.0 kg/h
0.900 kg A/kg 30.0 kg/h
0.100 kg B/kg 0.600 kg A/kg
0.400 kg B/kg

100.0 kg/h
0.500 kg A/kg .
m1 (kg/h)
. .
m2 m3 (kg/h)
0.500 kg B/kg
x1 (kg A/kg) x2 (kg A/kg) x3 (kg A/kg)
1-x1 (kg B/kg) 1 – x2 (kg B/kg) 1 – x3 (kg B/kg)

30.0 kg/h
0.300 kg A/kg
0.700 kg B/kg

2) Degree-of-Freedom Analysis:
a. Overall system:
2 unknowns (m3 , x3 ) - 2 balances (2 species)
= 0 degrees of freedom
Determine m3 and x3.
b. Mixing point: Cant start with this system
. .
4 unknowns (m1, x1, m2, x2 ) - 2 balances (2 species) degree of freedom isn't equal
= 2 degrees of freedom. and too many unknowns.
c. Unit 1:
2 unknowns (m1 x1)-2 balances (2 species)
= 0 degrees of freedom
Determine m1 and x1.
 After finding m1 and x1 from unit one now we can go back to mixing point and do
degree of freedom
. and we will find out that it equal to zero so we back to mixing
point to find m2 and x2 :
2 unknowns (m2, x2 ) - 2 balances (2 species)
= 0 degrees of freedom
Determine m1 and x1.

3) Calculations :
a. Overall Mass Balance:
(100.0 + 30.0) kg/h = (40.0 + 30.0) kg/h + m3
m3= 60.0 kg/h
b. Overall Balance on A:
(0.500)(100.0) + (0.300)(30.0) = (0.900)(40.0) + (0.600)(30.0)+ x3 (60.0)
x3= 0.0833 kg A/kg
c. Mass Balance on Unit 1:
100 = 40 + m1
m1=60.0 kg/h
d. A Balance on Unit 1:
(0.500)(100.0) = (0.900)(40.0) + x1 (60.0)
x1 = 0.233 kg A/kg

e. Mass Balance on Stream Mixing Point:

. .
m1 + 30.0 = m2
m2 = 90.0 kg/h
f. A Balance on Stream Mixing Point:
. .
x1m1 + (0.300)(30.0) = x2m2
x2 = 0.255 kg A/kg

 The situation becomes still more complicated when three or more process units
are involved. In such cases, balances may be written not only for the overall
process and individual process units, but also for combinations of units.
4.5(Recycle and Bypass)
Lets say we have a chemical reaction AB proceeds to completion in a
• No matter how little A is present in the feed or how long the reaction
mixture remains in the reactor, some A is normally found in the product.
• Sometimes we can face waste resources which will cause you to pay for all
the reactant fed to a process, not just the fraction that reacts, and any A
that leaves with the product.
Then lets say you could find a way to separate most or all of the unconsumed
reactant from the product stream:
• Then you can sell the resulting relatively pure product and recycle the
unconsumed reactant back to the reactor.
• You will have to pay for the separation and recycle equipment, but the
cost for it is way less then to purchase fresh reactant and being able to sell
the purified product at a higher price.
4.5(Recycle and Bypass)
 There are several reasons for using recycle in a chemical process:
 Recovery of catalyst:
In many reactors they would use catalysts to increase the rate of the reaction. Catalysts are expensive and in
many processes they generally include requirements for recovering them from the product stream and
recycling them to the reactor.
 Dilution of a process stream:
Suppose a slurry (a suspension of solids in a liquid) is fed to a filter. If the concentration of solids in the slurry
is too high, the slurry is difficult to handle and the filter will not operate properly. A portion of the filtrate can
be recycled to dilute the feed to the desired solids concentration.
 Control of a process variable:
If we had a reaction that releases an extremely large amount of heat, making the reactor difficult and
expensive to control. We can recycle a portion of the reactor effluent to the inlet by reducing rate of heat
generation by lowering the reactant concentration.
 Circulation of a working fluid:
• Devices (refrigeration cycle used in household refrigerators and air conditioners) a single material is
reused indefinitely, with only small makeup quantities being added to the system to replenish working
fluid that may be lost through leaks.
4.5(Recycle and Bypass)
Example 4.5-1 page 110-111:
• Fresh air containing 4.00 mole% water vapor is to be cooled and dehumidified to a water
content of 1.70 mole% H2 0. A stream of fresh air is combined with a recycle stream of
previously dehumidified air and passed through the cooler. The blended stream entering the
unit contains 2.30 mole% H2 0. In the air conditioner, some of the water in the feed stream
is condensed and removed as liquid. A fraction of the dehumidified air leaving the cooler is
recycled and the remainder is delivered to a room. Taking 100 mol of dehumidified air
delivered to the room as a basis of calculation, calculate the moles of fresh feed, moles of
water condensed, and moles of dehumidified air recycled.
n5 (mol) DA = dry air
0.983 DA
Mixing point W = water
0.017 W(V)
Splitting point
n1 (mol) n2 (mol) n4 (mol) 100 mol
Air conditioner
0.960 DA 0.977 DA 0.983 DA 0.983 DA
0.040 W(V) 0.023 W(V) 0.017 W(V) 0.017

n3 ( mol W(I) )
4.5(Recycle and Bypass)
Example 4.5-1 page 110-111 (continued):
a) Don’t do the usual mistake that any student would do and start with material
balance on the recycle which will make you spend a lot of time on the
problem and failing to get a solution; therefor you first take a few minutes to
go through a degree-of-freedom analysis you should be able to work out an
efficient solution method before doing any calculations:
Degree of freedom on overall system:
• 2 variables (n1 ,n3 ) - 2 balance equations = 0 degrees of freedom

Only consider streams that

Two species—dry air and
intersect the system boundary.
water—are in the streams.

Overall balance :
1. Dry air balance: 0.960n1 = 0.983(100 mol) n1 = 102.4 mol fresh feed
2. Mole balance: n1 = n3 +100mol n3 = 2.4 mol H2O condensed
4.5(Recycle and Bypass)
Example 4.5-1 page 110-111 (continued):
b) After doing the first degree of freedom and found its unknown variables from the
material balance re-do the degree of freedom on the other systems and check
which one you should start with next.

Mixing Point Cooler Splitting point

balance balance balance
2 variables (n2 ,n5 ) 2 variables (n2,n4) 2 variables (n4,n5)
- - -
2 balances 2 balances 1 balance
0 degree of 0 degree of 1degree of
freedom freedom freedom

Because the streams in the splitting point have identical (same) compositions so only one independent
balance can be written for the splitting point so that the dry air/water mixture in all three streams behaves
like a single species.
4.5(Recycle and Bypass)
• Example 4.5-1 page 110-111 (continued):
c) Because the question asked to find n5 and n4 therefore we will do
material balance on the mixing point not the cooler ( cooler helps find
variables n2 and n4).

Mixing point Balance:

1. Mole balance on mixing point: n1 + n5 = n2

2. Water balance on mixing point: 0.04n1 + 0.017n5= 0.023n2

2 equations with two
By solver (using calculator):
unknowns (n2 and n4) and
• n2 = 392.5 mol n1=102.4 mol therefore we
• n5 = 290 mol recycled will solve it by using by
4.5(Recycle and Bypass)
1. Bypass is a procedure that has several features in common with recycle.
2. In the bypass the fraction of the feed to a process unit is diverted around
the unit and combined with the output stream from the unit.
3. By changing the fraction of the feed that is bypassed, we can change the
composition and properties of the product.
4. Bypass and recycle calculations are approached in exactly the same
• The flowchart is drawn and labeled, and overall balances and balances
around the process unit or the stream mixing point following the process
unit are used to determine unknown variables.

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