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Factor Costs

November 2010
Table of contents
Title Page
Part 1: COST OF LAND.........................................................................................................1
1.1 Urban Land................................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Lease Holding...................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Minimum Lease and Rental Prices of Urban Land in Some Regions.............. 4
1.2 Rural Land................................................................................................................17
1.2.1Tigray National Regional State.........................................................................17
1.2.2 Oromiya National Regional State....................................................................18
1.2.3 Amhara National Regional State.....................................................................18
1.2.4 Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS).......23
1.2.5 Benshagul Gumz Ntional Regional State........................................................24
1.2.6 Somali National Regional State.......................................................................26
1.3 Incentives Related to Land.......................................................................................27
1.3.1 Addis Ababa City Administration......................................................................27
1.3.2 Oromiya National Regional State.....................................................................28
1.3.3 Amhara National Regional State......................................................................28
1.3.4 Tigray National Regional State.........................................................................29
1.3.5 Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS)........ 30
1.3.6 Gambella National Regional State................................................................... 30
1.3.7 Benshangul Gumuz National Regional State................................................... 30
1. 3.8 Somali National Regional State.......................................................................30
Part 2: LABOR COST...........................................................................................................31
2.1 Wages and Salaries at Enterprise Level................................................................. 31
2.2 Salaries of Civil Service Employees........................................................................32
Part 3: BUILDING COST......................................................................................................34
3.1 Average Costs.........................................................................................................34
3.2 Selling Prices...........................................................................................................35
Part4: TARIFFS....................................................................................................................37
4.1 Electricity Tariffs......................................................................................................37

4.1.1 Energy Tariffs..................................................................................................37
4.1.2 Service Charges..............................................................................................38
4.2 Water Tariffs.............................................................................................................39
4.2.1 Consumption Charges.....................................................................................39
4.2.2 Water Counter Charges...................................................................................39
4.3 Telecommunication Tariffs....................................................................................... 39
4.3.1 Fixed and Wireless Telephone Services........................................................ 40
4.3.2 Fax Services....................................................................................................46
4.3.3Telex Services..................................................................................................47
4.3.4Telegram Services........................................................................................... 48
4.3.5 Private Exchange Services (PBX)...................................................................48
4.3.6 Mobile (GSM) Services....................................................................................51
4.3 7 CDMA 2000 Services......................................................................................55
4.3. 8 CDMA WLL Services......................................................................................63
4.3. 9 WCDMA Services...........................................................................................66
4.3.10 HSDPA (High speed downlink packet access 1.5 – 2Mbps) Services.......... 67
4.3.11 Internet Services............................................................................................68
4.3.12 Broad Band-VSAT Services..........................................................................73
4.3.13 Narrow Band-VSAT Services........................................................................74
Part 5: TAXES................................................................................................................... 75
5.1 Customs Duty....................................................................................................... 75
5.2 Value Added Tax (VAT)....................................................................................... 76
5.3 Turnover Tax........................................................................................................ 77
5.4 Excise Tax............................................................................................................ 77
5.5 Business Income Tax........................................................................................... .78
5.5.1 Income Tax on Individual Entities /Unincorporated Businesses/..................78
5.5.2 Corporate Income Tax..................................................................................79
5.6 Rental Income Tax................................................................................................79
5.7 Personal Income Tax............................................................................................79
5.8 Export Tax.............................................................................................................80
5.9 Mining Income Tax................................................................................................80

5.10 Other Income Taxes............................................................................................80
5.11 Withholding Tax...................................................................................................80
5.12 Stamp Duty..........................................................................................................81
Part 6: TRANSPORT COSTS...............................................................................................83
6.1 Road Transport Tariffs.............................................................................................83
6.1.1 Dry Cargo Transport Changes........................................................................ 83
6.1.2 Passenger Transport Charges.......................................................................83
6.2 Sea Transport Tariffs...............................................................................................84
6.3 Clearance and Delivery Costs.................................................................................88
6.4 Air Transport Tariffs.................................................................................................88

Part 7: FUEL PRICES...........................................................................................................91

Part 8: HOTEL ROOM AND HOUSING RENTAL CHARGES.............................................92
8.1 Hotel Room Charges...............................................................................................92
8.2 Housing Rental charge............................................................................................92
Part 9: COSTS OF ADVERTISING...................................................................................... 94
9.1 Advertising on Television.........................................................................................94
9.2 Advertising by Radio................................................................................................95
9.2.1 National Service............................................................................................. 95
9.2.2 FM Addis 97.1................................................................................................. 96
9.3 Advertising in Newspapers......................................................................................96
Part 10: COST OF POSTAL SERVICE ...............................................................................97
10.1 Domestic Postal Service charges............................................................................97
10.2 International Postal Service Charges.....................................................................99
10.3. Charges for Other Mail Services.........................................................................103
ETHIOPIAN INVESTMENT AGENCY (EIA)..........................................................105
Part 13: BANKING CHARGES AND LENDING RATES...................................................106
13.1 Banking Charges.................................................................................................106
13.2 Lending Rates.....................................................................................................108
Part 14: EXCHANGE RATES……………….......................................................................109


The Ethiopian investment Agency (EIA) regularly issues a publication on factor costs in
the country with the aim to assist investors in the preparation of investment projects.

In view of this, the Agency hopes that investors will benefit from this publication in their
efforts to establish successful businesses in Ethiopia.

As the Agency continues to publish revised versions of the publication, any comments or
suggestions are most welcome.

Finally, we would like to let users of this publication know that it is also available on the
Agency’s website,

Ethiopian Investment Agency

Addis Ababa

Under the constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, land is the property
of the State and the peoples of Ethiopia. Urban and rural land is available for investment
on lease- hold and rental basis respectively. In some regions, urban land is also available
on rental basis.

1.1 Urban Land

1.1.1 Lease Holding
In conformity with a master plan or guidelines of a city, urban land is permitted to be held
by lease on auction or negotiation. Minimum price of urban land will be determined on
auction or through negotiation. Lease-hold title deed will be conferred on a person to
whom urban land is permitted.
A) Duration and renewal of lease holding
According to Proclamation No. 272/2002 (Re-Enactment of Urban Lands Lease Holding
Proclamation), the duration of lease for urban land varies depending on the level of urban
development and a sector or the type of development activity on which land is held by

The duration of lease may, upon the termination thereof, be renewed as per the
agreement to be reached between the leaser and the lessee, unless the urban land is
needed for public purpose. Where the lease agreement is not renewed upon termination
on account of the land being wanted for public interest, compensation shall not be paid to
the lease hold possessor.

The duration of urban land - lease holdings by region and different investment activities
are shown in Table 1.1 bellow.

Table 1.1 Duration of urban- land lease holdings by region and activity
Region/ Name of City Area of activity Period of lease
• Housing(Personal & Leasable) Up to 99 Years
• Science, technology, research & study
Addis Ababa City • Government offices
Up to 90 years
Administration and other • Non-profit making philanthropist organization
towns designated as Addis • Religious institution
Ababa City • Industry Up to 60 years
• Commerce Up to 50 years
• Others Up to 50 years
• Education Health, culture, sports, etc Up to 99 years
Other towns which are not • Industry Up to 80 years
designated as of grade of • Commerce Up to 70 years
Addis Ababa • Others
Up to 70 years
• Housing (personal and leasable ) Up to 99 years
Amhara National Regional • Education, Health, Culture, Sport Up to 99 years
State • Industry Up to 80 years
(Bahir Dar, Gonder, • Trade and commerce Up to 70 years
Dessie) • Urban Agriculture Up to 15 years
• Others Up to 70 years
• Private dwelling houses Up to 99 years
• Rental dwelling houses Up to 60 to 99 years
based on the grade of
• Industrial activities Up to70 to 95 years
Oromiya National Regional
based on grade of towns
• Educational, Scientific, Technological,
Up to 95 years
Cultural, Health and Sporting activities
• Others Up to 60 to 99 years
based on the grade of
• Housing (personal and leasable )
Up to 99 years
• Education, Health, Culture, Sport
• Industrial activities Up to 80 years
• Trade and commerce Up to 70 years
• Urban Agriculture Up to 15 years
• Others Up to 70 years
• Private Dwelling house Up to 99 years
Dire Dawa and • Industry Up to 80 years
Tigray National Regional • Trade Up to 70 years
Stat • Social Services Up to 99 years
• Urban Agriculture Up to 15 years

B) Rights of lease holding

Any lease - hold possessor may transfer, or undertake a surety on his rights of lease-
hold, and he may also use it as a capital contribution to the amount of the lease payment
he has made.

C) Modalities of payment
Lease - price payment may be made wholly at the signing of the lease contract or
periodically with bank compound interest on the unpaid balance.
A person, to whom lease - hold of urban land is permitted:
• must make advance payment not less than 5 percent of the total lease payment;
• shall make payments every year, and the yearly payment shall amount to the
average price of the remaining lease payment divided over the period of payment;
• shall pay interest over the remaining payment as per the rate of interest on loan
offered by banks.
The periods of payment of urban land - lease prices vary from region to region and on the
type of investment activity as shown in the following table.
Table 1.2 Periods of payment of urban land lease prices
Region /Name of City Area of activity
Period of payment
Addis Ababa City • Private dwelling houses Within 99 years
Administration • Industry Within 30 years
• Business Within 15 years
• Culture, Sport and education Within 20 years
• Rental Dwelling houses Within 30 years
Amhara National • Private dwelling house Within 99 years
Regional State • Private housing through auction
(Bahir Dar, Dessie, Within 50 years
or negotiation
Gonder) • Social development and cultural
undertakings (Health, Education Within 40 years
• Industry Within 40 years
• Commerce Within 30 years
• House for rent Within 40 years
• land with 15 years lease period Within 10 years
Oromiya National Residential house The maximum land holding period is 80
Regional State Industry to 99 years with a minimum holding
Trade and other services period of 30 years. Payment for lease
Education ,science and technology , holding is effected within 40 years; and
Health , culture, sports and within 30 years for holding less than 40
others years.
Tigray National Residential house
Regional State Industry
Trade and other services 15 to 99 years depending on the sector
Education ,science and technology , of development
Health ,culture , sports and

D) Utilization of urban land
Any person, to whom lease - holding of urban land is permitted, must begin to use the
land for the prescribed activity within the period of time set by regulations.
1.1.2 Minimum Lease and Rental Prices of Urban Land in Some
The minimum price of urban land is determined prior to its possession on auction or
through negotiation. The minimum lease and rental prices of urban land in some regions
of the country are presented below:
A) Addis Ababa City Administration
The Addis Ababa city administration has graded lease land and allocated initial prices as shown in the
following table:

Table 1.3 Minimum urban land - lease prices in Addis Ababa

Multipliers to determine negotiable prices
Minimum by width of roads (meter)
Grade of Lease price ( Birr No road Less than 10 up Above
No. Zone Land /M2) 10 to 20 20
1 1 1686 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9
2 1535 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9
3 1323 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9
Central 4 1085 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9
Business Zone 5 894 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.9
2 1 1035 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
2 935 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
3 809 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Transitional 4 685 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Business Zone 5 555 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
3 1 355 1 1.2 1.3 1.4
2 299 1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Expansion 3 217 1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Zone 4 191 1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Source: Addis Ababa Trade, Industry and Development Bureau.
B) Tigray National Regional State
In Tigray regional State, industrial zones are established in five towns, namely Mekele,
Adigrat, Adwa, Axum and Endaselasse. The Regional State has set lease prices for the
industrial zones and real estate. The prices for industrial zones vary from 0.30 to 0.75
Birr/M2 /year, while the prices for real estate vary from 0.35 to 2.00 Birr/M2 /Year. The
following table shows the initial lease prices for both the industrial zones and real estate

2008 information

Table 1.4 Minimum urban land- lease prices in Tigray
Lease price (Birr/M /Year)
No. Industrial Town Zones
Real estate
st nd rd
1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade
land land land
1 Mekele 0.75 2.00 1.50 1.00
2 Adigrat 0.35 1.10 0.75 0.35
3 Axum 0.35 1.10 0.75 0.35
4 Endaselasse 0.30 1.10 0.75 0.35
5 Adwa 0.35 - - -

To encourage real estate development in the region, the following discounts are also
applicable on the initial lease prices ( Tables1. 5 and 1.6 bellow).
Table 1.5 For 10 and above housing units
st nd
Housing Unit 1 gade town 2 grade towns Lease price
(Mekele) (Out side Mekele) Discount ( %/M
10-25 Houses G+1 Villa 10
26-40 Houses G+1 Villa 20
41-50 Houses G+1 Villa 30

Table 1.6 For G +2 and above buildings

st nd
1 grade land 2 grade towns Lease price
(Mekele) (Out side Mekele) Discount ( % /M
Apartments Others
G+2 G+2 7 5
G+3 G+2 10 7
G+4 G+3 15 10
G+5 G+4 20 15
G+6 G+5 25 20
G+7 G+6 30 25
G+8 G+7 35 30
G+9 G+8 40 35
G+10 G+9 45 40

C) Oromiya National Regional State

I. Lease holding
a) Grading of lease towns in Oromiya
In Oromia National Regional State, urban land is graded into two as follows:
1st Grade lease towns and areas: Burayu, Sebeta, Menagesha, Holeta, Sululta,
Sendafa-Bekke, Legetafo-Leg-Dadi, Gelan, Dukam, Bishoftu, Modjo, Adama,
Shasehemene, Dalle (Langano, Abiyata and shala lakes area).
2nd Grade lease Towns:Nekemte, Jimma, Asella, Ambo, Weliso, Aweday, Arsi Negele,
Meki, Bishan - Gari and Batu (Ziway).
b) Duration of lease holding

The duration of urban land- lease holdings in Oromiya for different types of investment
activities are shown in Table 1.7 below.
Table 1.7 Duration of urban land- lease holdings for different types of investments

No. Area of activity Grade of town

st nd rd th
1 2 3 4

1 Residential House 99 99 99 99

2 Industry 80 80 80 80
3 Trade and other services 70 70 70 70
4 Education, Science and technology, 99 99 99 99
Health, Culture and sports
5 Others 70 70 70 70

c) Lease prices of land

Land lease prices by grade of town, type of site and area of activity are presented in
tables 11.8-1.14.
Table 1.8 Minimum lease prices of urban land for residential houses
No. Grade of town lot grade Price (Birr/m / year)
St St
1 1 1 8.40
2 7.80
3 7.20
nd St
2 2 1 5.40
2 5.10
3 4.80

Table 1.9 Minimum lease prices of urban land for hotels

No. Area of activity Grade of town Plot grade Price ( Birr/m / year)
1 1 13.60
1 3-Star Hotel 2 12.80
3 12.00
2 1 9.60
2 8.80
3 8.00
1 1 11.90
2 4-Star Hotel 2 11.20
3 10.50
2 1 8.40
2 7.70
3 7.00
1 1 10.20
3 5-Star Hotel 2 9.60
3 9.00
2 1 7.20
2 6.60
3 6.00

Table1.10 Minimum lease prices of urban land for resorts
No. Type of site Resort’s Star rate Price (Birr/m / year)
3 12.80
1 Beach Area in towns 4 12.00
5 9.60
3 12.00
2 Resort in Towns 4 9.60
5 8.80
3 8.00
3 Hot spring 4 7.30
5 6.60
3 6.30
4 Historical sites 4 6.00
5 5.70
3 5.40
5 Parks 4 5.10
5 4.80
3 4.50
6 Others 4 4.20
5 3.90
Table1.11 Minimum lease prices of urban land for trade and similar services
No. Grade of town Plot grade Price (Birr/m / year)
St St
1 1 1 14.45
2 13.60
3 12.75
nd St
2 2 1 10.20
2 9.35
3 8.50

Table1.12 Minimum lease prices of urban land for industry

No Area of activity Grade of Town Plot grade Price (Birr/m / year)
1 2 6.50
1 Manufacturing
3 5.85
2 2 4.55
3 3.90
1 2 7.00
2 Agro-Industry
3 6.30
2 2 4.90
3 4.20
1 2 7.50
3 Others
3 6.75
2 2 5.25
3 4.50

Table 1.13 Minimum lease prices of urban land for social services
No Grade of town Plot grade Price (Birr/m / year)
St St
1 1 1 7.70
2 7.00
3 6.30
nd St
2 2 1 5.60
2 4.90
3 4.20
Table 1.14 Floor rates of urban land for real estate
No Grade of town Plot grade Price ( Birr/m / year)
St St
1 1 1 12.00
2 9.60
3 8.00
nd St
2 2 1 6.40
2 5.12
3 4.11

II. Rental holding

In Oromiya region, urban land is also available on rental basis. The minimum rental prices
of urban land for different investment activities are shown in tables 1.15-1.18 bellow.

Table 1.15 Minimum rental prices of urban land for trade and similar services
Land size ( m
Grade Plot grade Up to 500 501- 1000 1001-1,500 1,500- 2000 Above
of town 2000
Rental price (Birr/m / year)
St St
1 1 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.40
2 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90
3 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40
nd St
2 1 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30
2 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10
3 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90
rd St
3 1 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60
2 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40
3 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20
th St
4 1 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20
2 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
3 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80

Table1.16 Rental prices of urban land for education, research center, culture and
sports centers and similar services
Grade Land size ( m
of town Plot grade Up to 500 501- 1000 1001-1,500 1,500- 2000 Above
Rental price (Birr/m / year)
St St
1 1 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90
2 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70
3 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50
nd St
2 1 2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40
2 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.10 2.20
3 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00

rd St
3 1 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00
2 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80
3 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60
th St
4 1 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60
2 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40
3 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20

Table 1.17 Rental prices of urban land for residential houses

Grade of Plot Land size ( m
town grade Up to 200 201-500 501-750 751-1000 1001- Above
1250 1250
Rental price (Birr/m / year)

St St
1 1 0.80 0.96 1.12 1.28 1.44 1.60
2 0.64 0.80 0.96 1.12 1.28 1.44
3 0.48 0.64 0.80 0.96 1.12 1.28
nd St
2 1 0.64 0.80 0.96 1.12 1.28 1.44
2 0.48 0.64 0.80 0.96 1.12 1.28
3 0.32 0.48 0.64 0.80 0.96 1.12
rd St
3 1 0.48 0.64 0.80 0.96 1.12 1.28
2 0.32 0.48 0.64 0.80 0.96 1.12
3 0.16 0.32 0.48 0.64 0.80 0.96
th St
4 1 0.32 0.48 0.64 0.80 0.96 1.12
2 0.16 0.32 0.48 0.64 0.80 0.96
3 0.12 0.16 0.32 0.48 0.64 0.80
Table 1.18 Rental prices of urban land for industry
Type of Grade of Plot Land size (m
2) 9
Industry town grade Up to 500 501-1000 1001-1500 1501- Above
2000 2000
Rental price (Birr/m / year)

1 1 1.63 1.69 1.76 1.82 1.89

2 1.43 1.45 1.56 1.62 1.69
3 1.23 1.29 1.36 1.42 1.49
2 1 1.28 1.34 1.41 1.47 1.54
2 1.08 1.14 1.21 1.27 1.34
Manufacturing 3 0.88 0.94 1.01 1.07 1.14
3 1 0.93 0.99 1.06 1.12 1.19
2 0.73 0.79 0.86 0.92 0.99
3 0.50 0.59 0.66 0.72 0.79
4 1 0.58 0.64 0.71 0.77 0.84
2 0.38 0.44 0.51 0.57 0.64
3 0.18 0.24 0.31 0.37 0.44

1 1 1.75 1.82 1.89 1.96 2.03

2 1.55 1.62 1.69 1.76 1.83
3 1.35 1.42 1.49 1.56 1.63
2 1 1.45 1.52 1.59 1.66 1.73
2 1.25 1.63 1.39 1.46 1.53
Agro-industry 3 1.05 1.12 1.19 1.26 1.33
3 1 1.15 1.22 1.29 1.36 1.43
2 0.95 1.02 1.09 1.16 1.23
3 0.75 0.82 0.89 0.96 1.03
4 1 0.85 0.92 0.99 1.06 1.13
2 0.65 0.72 0.79 0.86 0.93
3 0.45 0.52 0.59 0.66 0.73
1 1 1.88 1.95 2.03 2.10 2.18
2 1.68 1.75 1.83 1.90 1.98
3 1.48 1.55 1.63 1.70 1.78
2 1 1.63 1.70 1.78 1.85 1.93
Others 2 1.43 1.50 1.57 1.65 1.73
3 1.23 1.30 1.37 1.45 1.53
3 1 1.38 1.45 1.53 1.60 1.68
2 1.18 1.25 1.33 1.40 1.48
3 0.96 1.05 1.13 1.20 1.28
4 1 1.13 1.20 1.28 1.35 1.43
2 0.93 1.00 1.08 1.15 1.23
3 0.73 0.80 0.88 0.95 1.03

D) Amhara National Regional State2

I. Lease holding

The towns to which urban land lease-holding system currently applies in the region are
Bahir Dar, Dessie, and Gonder.
a) Grading of lease towns in Amhara
The towns in the region are classified into 5 grades and the grades of land in each
classification are divided from 1 to 5 and 1 to 3 as shown in the following table.

Table 1.19 Grades of towns and land in Amhara

Grade of town Number of grade of Land
4 ( Highest of all) 1 to 5
3 1 to 5
2 1 to 5
1-A 1 to 3
1-B (Lowest of all) 1 to 3

Some towns of the region by their corresponding grades are presented in the following

Table 1.20 List of towns from grade 4 to 1-A

No. Zone Town Grade of town

1 Bahir Dar Bahir Dar 4

2 North Gonder Gonder 4
3 South Wello Dessie 4
4 East Gojam Debre Markos 3
5 North Shewa Debre Birhan 3
6 South Wello Combolcha 3
7 South Gonder Debre Tabor 2
8 North Wello Woldiya 2
9 East Gojam Mota 2
10 Awi Dangla 2
11 West Gojam Finote Selam 2
12 Awi Chagni 2
13 North Wello Kobo 1-A
14 North Shewa Shewa Robit 1-A
15 North Shewa Mehal Meda 1-A
16 North Shewa Debre Sina 1-A
17 South Gonder Addis Zemen 1-A
18 South Gonder Woreta 1-A

2008 information

No. Zone Town Grade of town
19 North Gonder Debarik 1-A
20 North Gonder Dabat 1-A
21 West Gojam Bure 1-A
22 West Gojam Jiga 1-A
23 East Gojam Dejen 1-A
24 East Gojam Bichena 1-A
25 Oromiya Bati 1-A
26 South Wello Hayik 1-A

b) Lease prices of urban land

Minimum lease prices of urban land by grade and type of activity are presented in the
following table.

Table 1.21 Minimum lease prices of urban land in Amhara

Grade of town Grade of Initial lease price by type of activity( Birr/M /year)
land Commerce Industry Cooperatives/ Residence
4 1 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0
2 68.56 51.42 34.28 17.14
3 45.70 34.28 22.85 11.42
4 22.85 17.14 11.42 5.71
5 11.42 8.57 5.71 2.85
3 1 72.6 54.45 36.30 18.15
2 62.22 46.67 31.11 15.55
3 41.48 31.11 20.74 10.36
4 20.74 15.55 10.37 5.18
5 10.37 7.77 5.18 2.59
2 1 63.81 47.86 31.90 15.95
2 54.69 41.02 28.03 13.67
3 36.64 27.34 18.68 9.11
4 18.32 13.67 9.34 4.55
5 9.16 6.83 4.67 2.27
1-A 1 36.80 27.61 18.40 9.20
2 26.53 19.90 13.26 6.63
3 22.24 16.69 11.12 5.03
1-B 1 33.73 25.31 16.85 8.43
2 24.31 18.24 12.14 8.07
3 20.39 15.29 10.18 5.08

II. Rental holding

In Amhara region, urban land is also available on rental basis. Rental land holding is
applicable in those towns where lease holding is not applicable. The rental prices of urban
land for different investment activities by grade of land are presented in Table 1.22.

Table 1.22 Rental prices of urban land where lease holding is not applicable
Grade of Area of activity Price ( Birr/year by grade of land)
st nd rd th
1 2 3 4 5th

4 Commerce 0.25 0.18 0.12 0.10 0.08

Industry 0.20 0.15 0.11 0.08 0.05

Social Service 0.18 0.13 0.09 0.05 0.03

Urban Agriculture 0.15 0.10 0.08 0.05 0.04

3 Commerce 0.20 0.15 0.12 0.09 0.06

Industry 0.15 0.13 0.10 0.07 0.04
Social Service 0.14 0.12 0.08 0.04 0.03
Urban Agriculture 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.01
2 Commerce 0.18 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.05
Industry 0.12 0.11 0.09 0.06 0.03
Social Service 0.11 0.10 0.07 0.03 0.02
Urban Agriculture 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.01 0.01
1-A Commerce 0.15 0.12 0.09 - -
Industry 0.10 0.09 0.08 - -
Social Service 0.09 0.08 0.06 - -
Urban Agriculture 0.05 0.03 0.02
1-B Commerce 0.12 0.10 0.08 - -
Industry 0.09 0.08 0.07 - -
Social Service 0.08 0.07 0.05 - -
Urban Agriculture 0.04 0.02 0.01

E) Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS)3

In the region, the lease prices of urban land applicable for industrial zones in 18 towns
and for different investment activities are shown in Tables 1.23 and 1.24.
Table 1.23 Lease prices of urban land in industrial zones
No Name of town Price ( Birr/M /year)
1 Awassa (first Grade) 0.80
2 Arba Minich , Dilla , Hossana and Wolaiyta Sodo ( Second Grade) 0.70
3 Yirga Alem, Yirga Chefe, Tepi ,Wolkite,Butajira and Mizan Amanane .0.35
(third grade)
4 Alaba,Bonga,Saula, Jinka, Areka, Boditi, Durame, Aleta-Wondo and 0.25
Worabe (forth grade)

2008 information
Table 1.24 Lease prices of urban land for different investment activities
No Area of activity Price (Birr/M /year by grade of land)
st nd rd th
1 2 3 4
1 Commerce 3.82 3.06 2.45 1.95

2 Industry 1.33 1.06 0.85 0.80

3 Social service 1.53 1.22 0.98 0.88
4 Real estate 1.07 0.86 0.68 0.55
5 Apartments 1.80 1.58 1.20 0.92

Furthermore, the lease prices of urban land based on the grades of towns and plot sizes
are presented below.

Table 1.25 Lease prices of land by plot size

Grade Land size in meter square Price ( Birr/M /year by grade of land)
of town
st nd rd th th
1 2 3 4 5
1 Up to 500 0.18 0.14 0.11 0.07 0.04
501 – 1000 0.21 0.18 0.14 0.11 0.07
1001 – 1500 0.25 0.21 0.18 0.14 0.11
1501 - 2000 0.29 0.25 0.21 0.18 0.14
Over 2000 0.32 0.28 0.25 0.21 0.18
2 Up to 500 0.14 0.11 0.07 0.04 0.02
501 – 1000 0.18 0.14 0.11 0.07 0.04
1001 – 1500 0.21 0.18 0.14 0.11 0.07
1501 - 2000 0.25 0.21 0.18 0.14 0.11
Over 2000 0.28 0.25 0.21 0.18 0.14
3 Up to 500 0.11 0.07 0.04 0.02 -
501 – 1000 0.14 0.11 0.07 0.04 -
1001 – 1500 0.18 0.14 0.11 0.07 -
1501 - 2000 0.21 0.18 0.14 0.11 -
Over 2000 0.25 0.21 0.18 0.14 -
4 Up to 500 0.07 0.04 0.02 - -
501 – 1000 0.11 0.07 0.04 - -
1001 – 1500 0.14 0.11 0.07 - -
1501 - 2000 0.18 0.14 0.11 - -
Over 2000 0.21 0.18 0.14 - -

F) Dire Dawa City Council4

According to the Dire dawa city council’s lease regulations, urban land is provided by
auction, negotiation, or feely depending on the type of investment activity. The minimum
lease prices of urban land by grade and zone are presented in the following table.

2008 information
Table 1.26 Minimum lease prices of urban land by grade and zone
Grade of land Zone Lease price Houses compensation Leased land and
2 2)
(Birr/M price( Birr/M Houses
/Year) compensation
price Birr/M
1 Central Business Zone 1 52.31 47.09 99.4
(CBD 1)
Central Business Zone 2 38.59 34.79 73.38
(CBD 2)
Central Business Zone 3 33.74 31.01 64.75
(CBD 3)
2 Transition Zone 1 17.09 26.8 43.89
Transition Zone 2 12.45 22.87 35.32
Transition Zone 3 2.85 5.37 8.22
Industry Industry Zone Spot 9.78 - 9.78
Industry Zone surrounding 5.57 0.46 6.03
Others Expansion Zone 1 1.64 1.81 3.45
Expansion Zone 2 0.5 0.46 0.96

G) Gambella Regional State5

Lease prices of urban land in the region depend on type of activity and the grade of land.
The lease prices of urban land for industry are shown below.
Table 1.27 Lease prices of land by grade of town and investment activity
Grade of Town Area of activity Price ( Birr/M /Year by Grade of Land)

1 Industry 0.03 to 0.07
2 Industry 0.02

H) Benishangul Gumz National Regional State

As shown in the following table, the lease prices of urban land in Benshangul Gumuz
depend on grade of town and plot size.

5 2008 infrmation
Table1.28 Lease prices of urban land by grade of town and plot size
Grade of town Land size in meter square Price ( Birr/m /year by grade of land)
1 2 3 4 5
Up to 500 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03
501-1000 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04
1 1001-1500 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05
1501-2000 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06
Above 2000 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07
Up to 500 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02
nd 501-1000 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03
1001-1500 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04
1501-2000 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05
Above 2000 0.10 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06
Up to 500 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.009
rd 501-1000 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01
1001-1500 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02
1501-2000 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03
Above 2000 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05

I) Somali National Regional State

a) Period of lease
The duration of lease of urban land in Somali region by investment activity and grade of
town is shown in the following table.
Table1.29 Duration of urban –land lease by area of activity and grade of town
Grade of town
st nd rd
1 2 3
No. Area of activity
Periods lease
1 Residential houses 99 99 99

2 Real estate 99 99 99

3 Industry 95 90 80

4 Education, science and technology, health, culture and sports 99 99 99

5 Others 90 80 70

b) Lease prices of land

As shown in the following table, the lease prices of urban land in Somali region depend
on grade of town, plot size and grade of land.

Table1.30 Lease prices of urban land by grade of town, plot size and grade of
2 2
Grade of town Land size in m Price ( Birr/m /year by grade of land)

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Up to 500 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06

1001-2000 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12
1 2001-3000 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.16
3001-4000 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.20
Above 4000 0.30 0.28 0.26 0.24
Up to 1000 0.10 0.08 0.06 -

nd 1001-2000 0.16 0.14 0.12 -
2001-3000 0.20 0.18 0.16 -
3001-4000 0.24 0.22 0.20 -
Above 4000 0.28 0.26 0.24 -
Up to 1000 0.08 0.06 - -
rd 1001-2000 0.14 0.12 - -
2001-3000 0.18 0.16 - -
3001-4000 0.22 0.20 - -
Above 4000 0.26 0.24 - -

1.2 Rural Land

Generally, the rental value and the lease period of rural land are determined and fixed by
land use regulations of each region. Accordingly, the prices of rural land for some regions
are shown below.
1.2.1 Tigray National Regional State6
As shown in the following table, the rental prices of land for agricultural investment in the
rural areas of Tigray are Birr 30-40 per hectare per year. The prices can, however, be
revised every 5 years, and the increment will not be more than 20%.
Table 1.31 Rental prices of rural land for agricultural projects

Location/Woreda Price in
Kafita Humera 30
Wolikayit 30
Tsegede 30
Tahitay Adiyabo, Laelay Adiyabo 35
Others 40

2008 information

1.2.2 Oromiya National Regional State
A) Duration of rent
Rural land can be held on rental basis from 20 – 45 years based on the type, magnitude,
and location of project.
B) Rental prices
The rental prices of rural land for agriculture have been set based on the development
level of the zones and distances from all weather roads. Accordingly, the minimum and
maximum annual charges for one hectare of rural land in the region are Birr 70.40 and
Birr 135.00 respectively (Table 1.32).
Table 1.32 Rental prices of rural land for agricultural projects
Distance from main road in kms and price in
Zonal Location Zone Less 11-25 26-40 41-55 Above
Grade than 10 55
1 East Shewa, West Shewa, 135.00 129.60 124.42 119.44 114.66
South-West Shewa and Arsi
2 Jimma, North Shewa and East 114.75 110.16 105.75 101.52 97.46
3 East Wellega, Horo Guduru 97.54 93.64 89.89 86.29 82.83
Wellega, West Wellega, Harege
and Bale
4 Illubabor, Borena, Guji and 82.91 79.59 76.41 73.35 70.40
West Wellega and Kelem

On the other hand, the rental prices of rural land by investment activities are shown in the
following table.
Table 1.33 Rental price of rural land by investment activity
Activity Price in Birr /M2/ Year
Industry 0.03 – 0.34
Tourism The same as rural land rent for agricultural projects
Forestry Free
Note: Land in East Shewa, West Shewa, North Shewa, South West Shewa Zone located within 5 km. radius from
main asphalt roads may be offered for industry at a floor rental charge of Birr 0.34 per square meter per year ;
and for other zones Birr 0.01/m / year for sites up to 5km distance from main road and 0.03 Birr for a site of
more than 5km from main road.

1.2.3 Amhara National Regional State

A) Duration of rent
In Amhara region, rural land is administered by the Environmental Protection, Land
Administration and Use Authority. Rural land in the region is allocated to investors on
rental basis and the duration of rent based on plot size and type of agricultural activity are
presented in Table 1.34

Table 1.34 Rental duration of rural land by plot size and agricultural activity

Seasonal food Perennial crops Agro industry Floricu-

cultue 7 Forestry
crops production. Animal husbandry
size(Hectare) Eucalyptus Other
Rain irrigation Rain irrigation Rain Irrigatio- dairy Live
fed stock tree forestry
fed n fating poultry

From1-10 5 8 10 15 10 15 25 15 5 8 15 25

From11-100 8 10 13 18 10 18 25 15 5 8 15 25

From101-250 10 13 15 18 13 18 25 15 5 8 20 25

From 2511-500 13 15 18 20 13 20 25 15 5 8 20 25

From 501-1000 15 18 20 23 18 23 25 15 5 8 25 25

Over 1000 18 21 25 25 20 25 25 15 5 8 25 25


Plot size is not applicable
B) Rental prices
In Amhara region, the minimum rental prices of rural land for rain-fed and irrigated
agriculture at district and zone levels are presented in Table 1.35 bellow.
Table 1.35 Zone and district level minimum rental prices of rural land for
irrigated and rain-fed agriculture
For rain fed agriculture (Birr For irrigated agriculture (Birr
Zone and district
No. /hectare /year) /hectare /year)
1 Awee
Ankasha Guagussa 251 438
Banja Shekudad 181 298
Dangla 241 418
Fagta Lekoma 211 368
Guagussa Shekudad 231 398
Guangua 211 358
Jawi 181 298
2 West Gojam
Baher Dar City surroundings
281 498
Bure 251 438
Dega Damot 181 298
Denbecha 241 418
Gonge Qolela 221 378
Jabi Tihnan 241 418
Mecha 281 498
North Achefer 241 418
Quarit 171 278
Sekela 161 258
South Achefer 251 438
Wonberma 251 438
Yilma and Denssa 241 418
3 East Gojam
Aneded 251 438
Awabel 251 438
Basoliben 241 418
Bibugn 121 178
Debytilatgen 201 338
Debre-elias 241 418
Dejen 241 418
Enarj Enawga 201 338
Enebsse Sarmeder 181 298
Enemy 211 358
Goncha Sesso Enesse 181 298
Gozamen 261 458
Hulet Eju Enesse 211 358
Machakel 261 458
Shebel Berentta 141 218
Senaan 241 418
4 Suth Gonder

For rain fed agriculture (Birr For irrigated agriculture (Birr
Zone and district
No. /hectare /year) /hectare /year)
Dera 241 418
East Estie 161 258
Ebennat 141 218
Fartta 211 358
Fogerra 271 478
Upper Gayent 141 218
Libbo Kemkem 261 438
Semadda 121 178
Lower Gayent 121 178
West Estie 151 238
5 North Gonder
Addi Arqai 151 238
Aleffa 191 318
Beyedda 111 158
Chilgga 231 398
Dabat 191 318
Debark 191 318
Denbia 241 418
Qolla(East) Belessa 131 198
Gonder Town surroundings 241 418
Jana-amorra 141 218
Upper Armacho 241 418
Metema 221 378
Quarra 181 298
Lower Armacho 201 358
Taqussa 221 378
Tegdie 191 318
Tellemt 111 158
Wogerra 201 338
West Armacho 201 338
Degga(West) Belessa 141 218
6 Wag Hemrra
Aber Gele 111 158
Dahnna 111 158
Gazgibla 131 198
Sehala Seyemt 111 158
Seqotta town surroundings 131 198
Zequalla 121 178
7 North wollo
Bugnna 121 178
Dawent 141 218
Delantta 131 198
Gidan 131 198
Gobbalaftto 181 298
Hanrru 181 298
Qobbo 181 298

For rain fed agriculture (Birr For irrigated agriculture (Birr
Zone and district
No. /hectare /year) /hectare /year)
Lastta 131 198
Mekiet 141 218
Wadlla 141 218
8 South wolo
Albucco 151 238
Ambassel 151 258
Debresinna 131 198
Dessie Zuria 161 258
Jamma 131 198
Kallu 161 258
Kelala 121 178
Kuttaber 161 258
Leganmbbo 131 198
Legehidda 131 198
Central Sayint 111 158
Mekdella 121 178
Sayint 111 158
Tehulederre 161 258
Tentta 131 198
Wegeddi 121 178
Werrebabbo 151 238
Werreillu 131 198
Argobba Nationality 161 258
9 Oromiya
Artumma Furssi 191 318
Batti 171 278
Dewwa Cheffa Gulla 191 318
Deway Harewwa 161 258
Gelle Tummugga 181 298
10 North shoa
Angolela and Terra 271 478
Ankober 171 278
Antsokia and Gemzza 191 318
Asgert 181 298
Basso and Werena 281 498
Berehet 181 298
Efratta and Geddem 211 358
Ensarra and Wayu 211 358
Geshe 131 198
Hageremariam-Kesem 191 318
Qewet 221 378
Menz-Gerameder 141 218
Menth -Keyagebrel 131 198
Menz-Lalomeder 131 198
Menz-Mammameder 141 218
Merhabete 151 298

For rain fed agriculture (Birr For irrigated agriculture (Birr
Zone and district
No. /hectare /year) /hectare /year)
Menjar-Shenkorra 211 358
Mojo and Wederra 181 298
Moret and Jirru 231 398
Siadebre and Wayyu 251 438
Tarmaber 221 378

1.2.4 Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State

A) Duration of rent
Rural land in the region is allocated to investors on rental basis and the duration of rent
based on plot size and type of agricultural investment are shown in Table 1.36 bellow.
Table 1.36 Rental duration of rural land by plot size and agricultural activity
Plot Rental period (rain Rental period Mixed Livestock Others
size fed agriculture (irrigated agriculture agriculture farming
Perennial Seasonal Perennial Seasonal and
crops crops crops crops forestry
Bellow 35 30 40 35 35 25 45
200-500 40 35 45 40 40 30 45
Over 45 40 50 45 45 35 45
C) Rental prices
Based on the type investment project, the rental prices of rural land in the region are
presented in Table 1.37

Table 1.37 Rural prices of land by grade in SNNPRS
No. Zone Price( Birr/hectar/year)
st nd
1 grade land 2 Grade land
1 Sidama 117 71
2 Gurage 105 64
3 Hadiya 103 62
4 Kenbata-Tenbaro 100 61
5 Alaba 100 61
6 Gedio 86 52
7 Gammo-Gofa 78 47
8 Yem 63 38
9 Sheka 63 38
10 Amaro 59 36
11 Burji 58 36
12 Konso 52 36
13 Dawuro 49 30
14 Silte 105 64
15 Wolayita 78 47
16 Kefa 63 38
17 Dirashe 63 38

1.2.5 Benshagul Gumz Ntional Regional State

A) Duration of rent
Rural land in the region is allocated to investors on rental basis and the duration of rent
based on plot size, level of development and type of agricultural activity are presented
in Table 1.38

Table 1.38 Rental duration of rural land by plot size,level of development and agricultural activity
Productio Other
Plot Uncultivated Cultivated n of milk, Flouculture quick
size(hect Rain fed agricultue Irrigated Rain fed agricultue Irrigated fattening Cultivate Uncultivate ripenin
are) agriclture agriculture and raring d d g trees
Seasonal Perennia Vegatable Fruit Season Perenni Vegatable Fruit of
crops l crops s s and al crops al crops s s and livestock
cerea cerea
l l
crop crop
s s
Blllow 25 30 25 20 20 25 20 15 20 20 25 25
201-500 30 35 30 25 25 30 25 20 - 25 30 30
Over 500 35 40 35 30 30 35 30 25 - 30 35 35

B) Rental prices
The rental prices of rural land In Benshangul Gumz region vary from Wereda (district) to
Wereda as shown in the following table.
Table 1.39 Rental prices of rural land by Wereda

No. Name of Woreda Rental price(Birr/hectare/year)

1 Asossa 70
2 Mengai 60
3 Homosha 70
4 Sherkole 60
5 Kururmik 50
6 Bambasi 70
7 Odabuldiglu 60
8 Kamashi 60
9 Sirba Abay 50
10 Agalo 60
11 Yaso 60
12 Belojganfoy 70
13 Mandura 70
14 Dangura 70
15 Gibba 70
16 Wenbra 60
17 Bulen 70
18 Dibate 70

19 Pawe 70
20 Mao Komo 70

1.2.6 Somali National Regional State

The rental prices of rural land in Somali region vary from zone to zone and by grade of
land. The following table shows the rental prices of rural land in the region.

Table 1.40 Rental prices of rural land by zone and grade of land
No. Zone Rental price in Birr per hectare/ year
First Grade Land Second Grade Land
1 Liben 45 27
2 Jigjiga 45 28
3 Shenele 39 24
4 Gode 38 23
5 Degehabur 27 17
6 Afder 25 15
7 Korahe 23 14
8 Fik 23 14
9 Warder 19 12

1.3 Incentives Related to Land

To encourage investment in selected activities, different types of incentives related to
land are granted to investors. The incentives include percentage discount on initial
lease prices, provision of grace period of payment, provision of land for free, etc. As
shown bellow, the types of incentives also vary from region/city to region/city.
1.3.1 Addis Ababa City Administration8
As part of promoting investment in the city, significant reduction in lease prices are
made for investments in some social service projects (Table 1.41).
Table 1.41 Land incentives granted by Addis Ababa City administration by type
of social service projects
No. Amount to be paid out of total lease
Type of investment
General hospital 15%

Health center 5%

3 Maternity and pediatrics hospital 5%

4 Special hospital 30%
5 Kindergarten 35%
6 Grade 1 - 8 school 20%
7 Kindergarten - grade 12 school 15.65%
8 Grade 1-12 school 13.5%
9 Grade 9 - 12 school 7%
10 Technical and vocational school Free
11 College level education Free
12 Physical fitness, sport & culture 0-50%

2008 iinformation
1.3.2 Oromiya National Regional State
As shown in the following table, the Oromia region provides rural land with exemption of
lease price payments for some years depending on the type of investment activities.
Table 1.42 Land incentives granted by Oromia Regional State by type of of
agricultural Investment activity
No. Type of investment Duration of free rent ( years)

1 Coffee, tea, sugarcane, or any other perennial crops on an 4

area of more than 100 hectares
2 Cereals, pulses and oil seeds under rain fed on a land left 2–3
fallow or virgin for a period of more than 5 years
3 Cereals, pulses and oil seeds under rain fed on a land 1–2
previously developed but left for at least five years
4 Fruits, vegetables, and produces food crops or oil seeds 2–4
under irrigation scheme
5 Producing flowers, herbs and spices 3
6 Producing improved seeds 3

1.3.3 Amhara National Regional State9

A) Investment activities for which land is provided freely as an investment
incentive are:
1. Industry
• Producing more than 50% for export.
• Agro-processing industries
• Fertilizer, and pesticides manufacturing
• Pharmaceuticals and related equipment
• Agricultural equipment
• Metal production
• Manufacturing of cooking ranges
• Electrical and electronics materials production
• Non-metallic construction materials production
2. Health
• Higher health center
• Primary general hospital
• Medium general hospital
• Higher general hospital
3. Education
• Kindergarten
• Elementary school
• Secondary school
• Technical and vocational school

2008 information 28
4. Non- profit making humanitarian organizations
5. Investment activities for which land is provided with initial (without auction)
lease price are:
• Ginnery
• Tannery
• Starch Production
• Soft drinks and mineral water production
C) Investment activities for which land is provided with initial lease price and
grace period are:
• Residential and Commercial housing development
• Star Hotels
• Tourist Lodges
1.3.4 Tigray National Regional State10
Investment projects for which land is provided freely as an investment incentive are:
• Production of nursery
• Production of rubber and balsam
• Production of incense and resin
• Production of commercial forest
• Livestock production, processing and preserving of meat, and meat products
• Dairy farming and processing
• Poultry farming and processing
• Manufacture of pesticides and other agro-chemicals and products (must
include bulk preparation)
• Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemicals, and botanical
• Manufacture of glass and glass products
• Production, processing and preserving of fruits and vegetables
• Manufacturing of prepared animal feed
• Manufacturing of wines
• Tanning and dressing of leather
• Processing and preserving of fruits and vegetables
• Distilling, rectifying, blending of spirits, ethyl alcohol production from
fermented materials
• Manufacture of wearing apparel except fur apparel
• Manufacture of leather products and articles
• Manufacture of leather footwear
• Technical and vocational training, engineering colleges and higher hospitals
• Low cost housing
• Manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers
• Manufacture of electricity distributions and control apparatus
• Manufacture of electronic valves and tubes and other electronic components

2008 information
1.3.5 Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State
• Depending on the type of the project, urban land is provided freely or with
discount by negotiation.
• There is a grace period of 3 – 20 years for long term crops.
1.3.6 Gambella National Regional State12
Investment Projects for which land is provided freely are:
• Higher Education
• Kindergarten
• Health
• Real Estate
• Star Hotels
1.3.7 Benshangul Gumuz National Regional State
An investor who invests:
• in the urban areas of the region may obtain land free of lease;
• in rain fed agriculture on more than 200 hectares and on or on less than
200 hectares of uncultivated land to produce cereal crops or oil seeds will
be granted income tax exemptions for 2 years and 1 year respectively ;
• in irrigated agriculture to produce perennial crops such as coffee, mango,
orange, apple and similar fruits will be granted an income tax exemption for
3 years;
• to produce flowers, medicinal plants and spices will be granted an income
tax exemption for 3 years;
• to produce selected seeds will be granted an income tax exemption for 3
years provided that he presents appropriate evidence from an authorized
body to this effect;
• in forestry development on un utilized with indigenous trees( excluding eucalyptus ) will be
exempted from income tax; and
• in livestock raring and fattening will be exempted from income tax for 2 years.

Note: The Investment Board of the region, based on existing situations, may amend, by issuing
directives, the above mentioned land incentives

1. 3.8 Somali National Regional State

Depending on the type and importance of the project, rural lad can be provided
Free of rent for 5-10 years.

2008 information
‘’ ‘’ ‘' 30
2.1 Wages and Salaries at Enterprise Level
Generally wages and salaries vary depending on the size of the enterprise, type of
profession and level of skill required. They are determined by the agreement between
the employer and the employee. A study commissioned by the Confederation of
Ethiopian Trade Unions on minimum wages for Ethiopia was undertaken by the
Economics Department of the Addis Ababa University over the period between May –
October 2003. From the study, occupational and scrotal wage levels are presented in
Tables 2.1 and 2.2 respectively.
Table 2.1 Average wages by occupation of workers
No. Occupation Average Wage/Birr/Month

1 Sales worker 356.67

2 Supervisor/ foreman 646.40
3 Equipment maintenance 515.25
4 Unskilled production worker 471.77
5 Other support service 551.87
6 Domestic skills/cooking 257.73
7 Clerical 751.95
8 Daily laborer 557.11
9 Security/guard 391.71
10 Loading and unloading 437.49
11 Messenger/office boy/Girl 355.43
12 Janitor 355.87
13 Gardening 324.82
14 Packing 564.75
15 Store keeping 661.00

Source: Minimum Wages for Ethiopia, A Report for the Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions by
Economics Department of Addis Ababa University, June 2004 (page 99)

Table 2.2 Average wages by sector
Sector Mean Wage

1 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing 293.21

2 Mining and Quarrying 513.61
3 Manufacturing of Food 490.00
4 Beverages/Tobacco 562.24
5 Textiles/Leather 390.04
6 Wood/ Wood Products 420.82
7 Paper and Printing 486.20
8 Chemicals and Rubber 374.31
9 Fabricated Metals/ Equipment/ Machinery 514.91
10 Electricity/ Gas/ Water 415.66
11 Construction 312.54
12 Wholesale/ Retail Trade, Catering 412.97
13 Transport/ Storage/ Communications 630.34
14 Finance/ Insurance/ Banking 610.00
15 Social/ Cultural/ Recreational/ Educational 332.78

16 Others 440.14

Source: Minimum Wages for Ethiopia, A Report for the Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions by
Economics Department of Addis Ababa University, June 2004 (page 103)

2.2 Salaries of Civil Service Employees

The government of Ethiopia also set minimum wage for civil service employees, which
is Birr 320 per month for low skilled labor. The base salary scale for the civil service
employees is shown below.

Table 2.3 Civil service salary scale
Levels CM TC CP SP AD PS salary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 salary
I 1 320 338 357 376 397 419 441 464 488 513 539
II 2 1 1 357 376 397 419 441 464 488 513 539 567 595
III 3 2 2 1 397 419 441 464 488 513 539 567 595 626 658
IV 4 3 3 2 441 464 488 513 539 567 595 626 658 692 727
V 5 4 4 3 513 539 567 595 626 658 692 727 763 801 841
VI 5 5 4 595 626 658 692 727 763 801 841 884 928 973
VII 6 6 5 692 727 763 801 841 884 928 973 1019 1068 1119
VIII 7 7 6 1 801 841 884 928 973 1019 1068 1119 1172 1228 1287
IX 8 8 7 2 928 973 1019 1068 1119 1172 1228 1287 1347 1410 1476
X 9 9 8 3 1 1068 1119 1172 1228 1287 1347 1410 1476 1545 1617 1692
XI 10 10 9 4 2 1228 1287 1347 1410 1476 1545 1617 1692 1770 1851 1935
XII 11 10 5 3 1410 1476 1545 1617 1692 1770 1851 1935 2023 2115 2211
XIII 12 11 6 4 1617 1692 1770 1851 1935 2023 2115 2211 2312 2417 2527
XIV 12 7 5 1851 1935 2023 2115 2211 2312 2417 2527 2642 2762 2886
XV 8 6 2115 2211 2312 2417 2527 2642 2762 2886 3016 3152 3294
XVI 9 7 2417 2527 2642 2762 2886 3016 3152 3294 3442 3597 3752
XVII 8 2762 2886 3016 3152 3294 3442 3597 3752 3913 4081 4250
XVIII 9 3152 3294 3442 3597 3752 3913 4081 4250 4426 4610 4801

Key: CM - Custodial and manual service

TC - Trade and crafts service
CF - Clerical and physical service
SP - Sub-professional service
AD - Administrative service
PS - Professional and scientific service

Source: Federal Civil Service Agency

3.1 Average Costs
The costs of buildings generally defer by type of construction materials used, the type
of foundation, wall height, and location. The following table shows the current average
building costs by type of building and area.
Table 3.1 Cost of buildings by type and area.
No. Building type Price in Birr per M

1 Simple storage building

2 Apartment building up to four stories 3400-4400

3 Tower building with elevator facilities 4000-5500

4 Residential G+1 building (Normal) 320-4500

5 Residential villa type building (bricks) 3500-5000

6 Residential villa type building (HCB) 3000-4000

Source: Construction and Business Bank

3.2 Selling Prices
The average selling prices of different apartments and villas by Sunshine Construction
PLC in Addis Ababa are shown in Tables 3.2 and 3.3 bellow.
Table 3.2 Average selling prices apartment buildings in Addis Ababa

No. of Total
Building VAT Total price Advance
Floor Bed Area Price
type (15% ) ( with VAT) payment
Rooms ( m2)

B1 -- G--1 2 84.56 531,920.31 79,788.05 611,708.36 159,576.09

Ground B1 -- G--2 1 56.36 354,529.67 53,179.45 407,709.10 106,358.90

B1 -- G--3 2 89.40 562,366.08 84,354.91 646,721.00 168,709.83

B1 -- G--4 Studio 18.98 119,392.71 17,908.91 137,301.62 35,817.81

B1 -- 1--1 2 84.56 511,786.61 76,767.99 588,554.60 153,535.98

1 Floor B1 -- 1--2 1 56.36 341,110.38 51,166.56 392,276.93 102,333.11

B1 -- 1--3 2 88.56 535,996.01 80,399.40 616,395.41 160798.8

B1 -- 1--4 Studio 30.84 186,654.44 27,998.17 214,652.60 55,996.33

B1 --2--1 2 84.56 493,288.30 73,993.25 567,281.54 147,986.49

2 Floor B1 --2--2 1 56.36 328,781.08 49,317.16 378,098.24 98,634.33
B1 --2--3 2 88.56 516,622.65 77,493.39 594,116.05 154,986.80
B1 --2--4 Studio 30.84 179,907.89 26,986.18 206,894.07 53,972.30

B1 --3--1 2 84.56 474,789.98 71,218.49 546,008.48 142,436.00

3 Floor B1 --3--2 1 56.36 316,451.79 47,467.76 363,919.56 94,935.54
B1 --3--3 2 88.56 497,249.30 74,587.39 571,836.70 149,174.79
B1 --3--4 Studio 30.84 173,161.34 4 25,974.20 51,948.40

B1 --4--1 2 84.56 456,291.67 68,443.75 524,735.43 136,887.50

4 Floor B1 --4--2 1 56.36 304,122.50 45,618.37 349,740.88 91,236.75
B1 --4--3 2 88.56 477,875.95 71,681.39 549,557.35 143,362.79
B1 --4--4 Studio 30.84 166,414.80 24,962.22 191,377.02 49,924.44

Source: Sunshine Construction PLC (

Table 3.3 Average selling prices of villas in Addis Ababa
Type Area/m2 House Cost VAT 15% Total Price

250-A 270 2,299,952.99 344,992.95 2,644,945.94

250-E 250 1,774,467.82 266,170.17 2,040,637.99

250-F 250 1,923,450.95 288,517.64 2,211.968.59

Source: Sunshine Construction PLC (

Similarly, the average selling prices of different apartments by Access Real State in
Addis Ababa are shown in the following table.

Table 3.4 Average selling prices apartment buildings in Addis Ababa

No. of Area Price
No Site bed m2 (Birr)
1 Bole Worbek and Sar 3 111 1,375,000
2 Bole Worbek and 3 125 1,575,000
Sar Bet
4 Kazanchis site 3 111 1,225,000
5 Kazanchis site 3 125 1,375,000
7 Bole Medhanealem 3 111 1,375,000
8 Bole Medhanealem 3 125 1,575,000
Source: Access Real State

4.1 Electricity Tariffs
4.1.1 Energy Tariffs
Electricity charges vary according to different categories of users. There are also
different tariff categories and blocks within each user category. The "domestic" tariff
category includes dwelling houses, government schools, health institutions, religious
places, libraries, research centers and water service centers. The "general" category
includes government offices, private offices, international organizations, embassies, and
most business sectors excluding industries. Industries are included in the third, fourth
and fifth categories. The current energy tariffs for different categories and blocks are
shown in the following table.

Table 4.1 Current energy tariff rates by different user categories

S/N Tariff category & block ID. Monthly consumption Fee (Birr/kwh)
1 Domestic
Equivalent flat rate 0.4735
1 Block 0-50 0.2730
2 Block 51-100 0.3564
3 Block 101-200 0.4993
4 Block 201-300 0.5500
5 Block 301-400 0.5666
6 Block 401-500 0.5880
7 Block Above 500 0.6943
2 General
Equivalent flat rate 0.6723
1 block 0.6088
2 Block 0.6943
3 Low Voltage Time of Day Industry
Equivalent flat rate 0.5778
Peak 0.7426
Off-Peak 0.5453
4 High Voltage Industry @ 15 KV
Equivalent flat rate 0.4086
Peak 0.5085
Off-Peak 0.3933
5 High Voltage Industry @ 132 KV
Equivalent flat rate 0.3805
Peak 0.4736
Off-Peak 0.3664
Street Light tariff
Equivalent flat rate 0.4843
Source: Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO).

4.1.2 Service Charges
There is also a service charge that a customer pays together with the energy price for
the services provided by the Corporation. Service charge rates also vary according to
the categories and blocks of users as shown below.
Table 4.2 Current service charges by different user categories
No. Tariff Name Birr/Month

1 . Domestic Sector
Single phase: Kwh/month

0 – 25 1.40

26 – 50 3.404

51 – 105 6.820

106 – 300 10.236

Above 300 13.652

Three phase 17.056
Active/Reactive 37.564
2 . General Sector
Single phase 14.494

Three phase 22.558

Active/Reactive 35.258
3 Low voltage Time-of-Day Industry Tariff
Three phase 54.009
4 High voltage Time-of-Day Industry Tariff (15 kv)
Three phase 54.009
5 High voltage Time-of-Day Industry Tariff (132 kv)
Three phase 54.009
6 Street light tariff
Single phase 14.494

Three phase 22.558

Active/Reactive 35.258

Source: Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO).

4.2 Water Tariffs
4.2.1 Consumption Charges
In Addis Ababa, water charges vary depending on the tariffs set for different
consumption brackets. Accordingly, the current consumption charges are shown in the
following table.
Table 4.3 Charges by consumption blocks
No. Block Birr /m3

1 Public Foundation 1.75

2 Domestic Customers
(Monthly Water Consumption in m )

0-7 1.75
7 – 20 3.15
above 20 3.80
3 Non-Domestic customers 3.80
Note: Non-domestic customers are manufacturing industries and others.
4.2.2 Water Counter Charges
As shown in the following table, a fixed monthly water counter (meter) rent and a one
time deposit is also payable in addition to water charges.
Table 4.4 Monthly water counter and deposit charges
No. Size of the water Counter rent(Birr/month) Deposit charge(Birr)
meter (in inches)
1 ½ 1.35 120
2 ¾ 1.50 133
3 1 2.25 196
4 1¼ 2.85 251
5 1½ 4.05 355
6 2 6.25 551
7 2½ 7.65 673
8 3 9.05 795
9 4 9.65 853
10 5 - 945
11 6 14.02 1037
Source: Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority

4.3 Telecommunication Tariffs

The construction, operation, maintenance and expansion of telecommunication services
are performed by the Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC). The Corporation
also provides domestic and international telephone, telex, internet, mobile and other
communication and broadband multimedia services. The rates for different types of
telecommunication services are shown below

4.3.1 Fixed and Wireless Telephone Services
A) Local calls
Table 4.5 Access fee and monthly rental payment of fixed telephone

Fee Sub- total stamp duty Total

Item description VAT (15%)
(Birr) (Birr) (Birr) (Birr)

Access fee
242 36.3 278.3 5 283.3
8 1.2 9.2 - 9.2
Monthly rent
17 2.55 19.55 - 19.55

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.6 Matrix of peak hour call charge rates for fixed and wireless telephones by tariff zone(Birr)
Tariff T- T-
Zone T-Zone1 T-Zone2 T-Zone3 T-Zone4 T-Zone5 T-Zone6 T-Zone7 T-Zone8 Zone9 T-Zone10 Zone11
WT 0.2 0
T1 DT 0.4 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
WT 0.2 0
T2 DT 1.2 0.4 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
WT 0 0
T3 DT 1.2 1.2 0 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
WT 0.2 0
T4 DT 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.4 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
WT 0 0
T5 DT 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
WT 0.2 0
T6 DT 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.4 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
WT 0.2 0
T7 DT 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.4 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
WT 0.2 0
T8 DT 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.4 0 1.2 1.2 1.2
WT 0.2 0
T9 DT 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.4 0 1.2 1.2
WT 0 0.4
T10 DT 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0 0.4 1.2
WT 0 0.4
T11 DT 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 0 0.4
Note: 0.20 indicates charge for call within a town per 6 minute
0.40 indicates charge for calls between different towns of the same tariff zone per minute
1.20 indicates charge for calls between different tariff zones per minute
15 % VAT will be added on all charges
WT= within town
DT= between different towns of the same tariff zone
WT= within town
T1, T2, …T11= Tariff zones
Table 4.7 Matrix of off-peak hour call charge rates for fixed and wireless telephones by tariff zone(Birr)
Zone T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11
WT 0.2 0.25
T1 DT 0.25 0.25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
WT 0.2 0.25
T2 DT 1 0.25 0.25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
WT 0.2 0.25
T3 DT 1 1 0.25 0.25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
WT 0.20 0.25
T4 DT 1 1 1 0.25 0.25 1.2 1 1 1 1 1 1
WT 0.20 0.25
T5 DT 1 1 1 1 0.25 0.25 1 1 1 1 1 1
WT 0.2 0.25
T6 DT 1 1 1 1 1 0.25 0.25 1 1 1 1 1
WT 0.2 0.25
T7 DT 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.25 0.25 1 1 1 1
WT 0.2 0.25
T8 DT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.3 0.25 1 1 1
WT 0.2 0.3
T9 DT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.25 0.3 1 1
WT 0.2 0.25
T10 DT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.3 0.25 1
WT 0.2 0.25
T11 DT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.25 0.25

Note: 0.20 indicates charge for calls within a town per 6 minute.
0.25 indicates charge for calls between different towns of the same tariff zone per minute
1 indicates charge for between different tariff zones per minute
15 % VAT will be added on all charges
WT= within town
DT= between different towns of the same tariff zone
T1,T2, …T11= Tariff zones

Table 4.8 Matrix of call charge rates from fixed to fixed telephone for all tariff zones
National usage charge ( Birr)
Peak hour Off- peak hour 1 Off-peak hour 2
Between Betwe-
With in Between en
With in Between Betwee- different en
a town different differe a town different n With in towns of differen
(per six towns of nt (per six towns of different a town the same t
Service minute the same tariff minute the same tariff (per six tariff tariff
Type s) tariff zone zones s) tariff zone zones minutes) zone zones
Wire line,
(Urban), and
Wireless 0.20 0.40 1.20 0.20 0.25 1.00 0.20 0.25 0.50

Note: 15% VAT will be added on all charges

Peak- hour: 8:00AM-8:00PM from Mondays-Saturdays
Off –peak 1hour from Mondays – Saturday, 8:00PM-12:00PM and 6•00AM to 8:00AM and on Sunday
Off Peak-2 hour from 12:00PM-6:00AM in all days of the week

B) International calls
Table 4.9 Fixed telephone call charge rates by destination and type service
No. Off peak hour charge
To Peak hour charge( Birr/minute) (Birr/minute)
1 International( except Djibouti) 10 10
2 International to Djibouti 7 7
3 Tururaya net work 15 15
3 Iridium net work 16 16

Table 4.10 Fixed telephone call charge rates made via operator by destination
and type service
No. For the initial three for the next
To Report charge (Birr)
minutes (Birr) minutes(Birr
1 International( except Djibouti) 33 10 3.3
2 International to Djibouti 24 7 2.4
3 Turian net work 48 15 4.8
4 Iridium net work 51 16 5.1

Note: 15% VAT is included The report charges are to be paid if the call is not answered
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.11 Value- added and supplementary service charges for fixed
telephone network

Subscription fee (Birr) Monthly rent (Birr)

Service Type Usage charge (Birr)
Residential Business Residential Business
Call Barring:
STD 20
ISD 300 50 Free
IDD Barring 30 20 Free
monthly rent needs
IDD de-barring free adjustment Free
Call Waiting Free Free Normal Fixed Telephone rates
Call Divert Free Free Normal Fixed Telephone rates*
Short no. calls 242 8 17 Normal Fixed Telephone rates
Don't Disturb 7.7 Free Free

- Delayed 14 3 Normal Fixed Telephone rates

Alarm call/
Wake-up call Free Normal Fixed Telephone rates
dialing Free Free Normal Fixed Telephone rates
Conference call Free Free Normal Fixed Telephone rates
Free Phone Free Normal Fixed Telephone
Service (FP) rates

Note:*If the call is diverted to the same tariff zone only the caller will be charged.
If the call is diverted to a different tariff zone, the caller will be charged only the amount up
to the diverted phone call and the diverter will be charged the difference.
15% VAT will added on all charges.

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.12 Customer support service charges for fixed telephone network
Subscription fee (Birr) Monthly Rent (Birr)
Service Type Residential Business Residential Business (Birr)
Malicious call tracing 7.7 Free
Bill Investigation 10 Free
Cancellation Free
Disconnection Free
Extra Bell 30 free
Reconnection 15 Free
Change of number 10 Free
Change of name 10 Free
Extension 3meter 19
for 6
of cord meter 30
9meter 45 Free
Move Free Free
Plug & socket service 10
plug& socket change 10 Free
Polarity Reverse 52 -
re-installation year 145.2 8 17
>1year 242 8 17 free

Note: 15% VAT will added on all charges

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.13 Resellers’ call charges for fixed to fixed or fixed to mobile telephone
Usage charge ( Birr)
Peak hour Off- peakhour International
Service Type

WTn DTn DTr DTn DTr DTz/s

Fixed Telephone CDMA 0.40 0.76 1.68 0.40 0.59 1.45 9 Djibouti &
12.45 for the
rest of the
Post-Paid world
Mobile Prepaid- 1.08 1.98 0.60 1.69

Note: WTn : within a town

DTn ; between different towns of the same tariff zone
DTz/s : different Tariff zones/switch
DTr : different tariff zones

For fixed telephone calls with in a town are charged per three minutes.
For fixed telephone calls between towns of the same and different tariff zones for both peak and off-
peak hours are charged per minute.
For all types of mobile calls, both peak and off-peak charges are per minute
International call charges are per minute
Peak hour: 8AM-8PM from Mondays – Saturdays.
Off- peak Hour: 8PM-8AM Mondays - Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays.
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

4.3.2 Fax Services

Table 4.14 Access fee and rental payment
No. Rent
Service type Initial payment (Birr)
(Birr/ month)
1 Fax machine supplied by subscriber and to be installed
437.00 60
and maintained by ETC
2 Fax machine supplied and to be maintained by the
437.00 17

Note: Currently ETC does not provide the service .

Direct line installation and monthly payments are included in the above charges 15%

VAT will be added on all charges

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.15 Fax usage charge

No. Service Type Charge(Birr/minute)

1 Fax with in a town 0.20

2 Fax b/n different towns of the same tariff zone 0.40

3 Fax b/n different tariff zones 1.20

4 Fax to Djibouti 7.00

5 Fax to the rest of the world 10.00

Note: 15% VAT will be added on all charges

For fax to be send with in a town are charged per minute

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation(ETC)

4.3.3 Telex Services

Table 4.16 Access and monthly rental payment
Initial/ access charge Monthly rental
(Birr) (Birr)
Service type
Direct Air line Maintenance Direct
line distance and other cost line
Type T1,200 10,093.00 305.00 - 208.00 17.00
Inter Urban 1300.00
Type T 100,300,1000 Local 1,375.00 305.00 - 140.00 17.00

Note: 15% VAT will be added on the above charges

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation(ETC)

Table 4.17 Inter-urban call charges

Rate code Charge(Birr/minute)
( Kms)
1 up to 200 0.20
2 201-300 0.30
3 301-500 0.35
4 501-700 0.50
5 701-900 0.60
6 901-1100 0.70
7 1101-1300 0.80
8 1301-1500 0.95
9 1501-1700 1.05
10 Above 1700 1.15
Average tariff per minute 0.66

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

4.3.4 Telegram Services
Table 4.18 Telegram charges by destination
Destination Charge per word(Birr)
Ordinary Urgent
0.10 0.20
Africa 2.00
Europe 2.20
Asia 2.45
America 2.50
Note: The charges do not indicate whether or not VAT is included
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC

4.3.5 Private Exchange Services ( PBX)

Table 4.19 Subscription fees and monthly rental payments by exchange type,
capacity and operation system

No Exchange type Operation Exchange capacity Subscription fee Monthly rent

1 ABH-1610 Manual 50 700 -
2 ABK-2050 >> 50 700 -
3 ABG-1505 >> 5 145 -
1510 >> 10 250 -
1520 >> 20 400 -
15303 >> 20 700 -
4 ABJ-101 >> 50/8 700 -
>> 100/12 1200 -
5 ADD-1331-1332 Semi automatic 9(9/3) 500 -
6 ADE-1214 Semi automatic 20(20/6) 1200 -
>> 30(30/6) 1400 -
40(40/6) 1600 -
7 ADF-14/144 Semi Automatic 80/12 3200 -

8 AHD-22 Automatic 60/7 10100 247.5

24 >> 90/10 14600 360
26 >> 90/15 15900 390
28 >> 90/20 17200 420
9 AKD-735 >> 30/7 17460 435
741 >> 50/10 25140 630
751 >> 100/20 46810 1170

No Exchange type Operation Exchange capacity Subscription fee Monthly rent

10 ALD-23/26 >> 25/5 4800 112.5

24/25 >> 50/8 10980 277.5
11 AMD- >> 1-May 545 13.5

516 >> 2-Jun 885 24

ARD-520 >> 2-Oct 2000 525
12 526 >> 16/3 3200 72
561 >> 270/20 92400 360
151 >> 120/16 33500 825
151 >> 180/20 41250 1035
151 >> 400/60 241085 6027
153 >> 325/25 96950 2430
13 CA-102 >> 200/20 49562 1239
14 ESK-400E >> 100/10 21900 547
>> >> 150/20 29700 742
15 ISKRA-10-C >> 2-Oct 2766 69
25-C >> 25/5 7175 180
50-C >> 50/6 10980 232.5
100-C >> 100/12 16465 412.5
16 PENTOMAT 10-A >> 3-Oct 1892 48
17 ELECTRA -16/48 Automatic/Digital 16/4 6746 169.5
>> >> 20/5 6746 169.5
18 UNIMAT-4040 >> 100/10 45866 1147.5
>> >> 50/6 28520 712.5
19 EMS-601 Digital 800/100 356454 8911.5
20 ITT-520BCS >> 32/8 26512 663
>> >> 56/12 32454 811.5
>> >> 104/16 48643 1216.5
>> >> 152/20 73375 1834.5
>> >> 200/32 116612 2916.5
>> >> 256/36 105420 2635.5
>> >> 304/40 119210 2980..5
>> >> 352/32 158050 3951
>> >> 528/90 236900 5922
>> >> 600/60 207570 5182.5

No. Exchange Operation Exchange Subscription Monthly rent
type system capacity fee
>> 32/8 22102 553.5
>> >> 56/12 25735 643.5
21 >> >> 104/16 29695 993
>> >> 200/332 65155 1629
>> >> 300/32 90750 1729.5
>> >> 304/82 90750 1729.5
22 FETEX-E650 Automatic 32/8 59958 999

>> >> 64/8 70039 1167

>> >> 112/16 102158 1703
Feature phone - - 2411 40
23 Alcatel-5101 Automatic 3-Apr 3232 52
Key Tele.
>> >> 3-May 4040 65
>> >> 3-Jun 4848 78
>> >> 3-Jul 5656 91
>> >> 3-Aug 6464 104
24 TX-824 Key >> 16/6 18387 307
25 FUJITSU-E630 Digital 30/16 53564 893
>> >> 50/8 63066 1052
>> >> 100/15 85069 1418

Note: 1-if the customer receives PBX from a legal entity other than ETC,he should pay subscription

fee, monthly rent and usage charges only for the line

2- if the customer buys PBX from ETC and doesnot recover the PBX, he should pay monthly rent for

the PBX in addition to subscription fee, monthly rent and usage charge for the line

3- if the customer buys PBX by himself in the name and technical support of the corporation(ETC),

he will be free from monthly rent payment for the PBX only if the name is transferred from the
corporation to the customer. But subscription fee, monthly rental payment and usage charges

are payable..

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

4.3.6 Mobile (GSM) Services
A) Domestic services
Table 4.20 Service charges for mobile (GSM) and CDMA 2000 with full
mobility as mobile ( bundled with SMS, call waiting, call divert,
conference call, voice mail and GPRS)
Default Air-time fee Total
VAT Stamp
Type of Fee Fee Sub-Total VAT Sub- Including
(15%) Duty Fee
No. (15%) Total VAT
1 Post Paid a b c d= a+b+c
2 Initial
Subscription 356.00 53.40 409.40 5.00 - - - 414.40
Renewal 213.60 32.04 245.64 5.00 - - - 250.64
4 Change of
name 356.00 53.40 409.40 5.00 - - - 414.40
5 SIM Card
Replacement 13.04 1.96 15.00 - - - - 15.00
Monthly Rent 25.00 3.75 28.75 - - - - 28.75
7 Pre-paid
8 Initial
Subscription 56.52 8.48 65.00 5.00 13.04 1.96 15.00 85.00
9 Renewal 33.91 5.09 39.00 5.00 13.04 1.96 15.00 59.00
10 Change of
name 56.52 8.48 65.00 5.00 - - - 70.00
11 SIM Card
Replacement 13.04 1.96 15.00 - - - - 15.00

Note: The above renewal fee (60% of access fee plus vat, stamp duty and default air time charge) is
applicable only if the renewal is requested after the cancellation date within a year and 100% of
the initial subscription fee should be paid if the renewal is requested after one year starting from
the cancellation date.
15 Birr air-time should be added on the above pre-paid Change of subscriber name fee if the
SIM Card is in a pool period
On the above renewal fee 15 birr SIM Card Replacement cost should be added if the customer
has lost the SIM Card
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.21 Matrix of mobile (GSM, CDMA and WCDMA) to mobile call charges
0911, 0912, 0913,
0916, 0917 914 915 918
Calling / Off- Off- Off- Off- Off- Off- Off- Off-
called peak peak peak peak peak peak peak peak
number Peak hour hour Peak hour hour Peak hour hour Peak hour hour
segments hours 1 2 hours 1 2 hours 1 2 hours 1 2
916 , 917 0.72 0.3 0.15 1.5 1.25 0.63 1.5 1.25 0.63 1.5 1.25 0.63
914 1.5 1.25 0.63 0.72 0.3 0.15 1.5 1.25 0.63 1.5 1.25 0.63
915 1.5 1.25 0.63 1.5 1.25 0.63 0.72 0.3 0.15 1.5 1.25 0.63
918 1.5 1.25 0.63 1.5 1.25 0.63 1.5 1.25 0.63 0.15 0.3 0.15

Table 4.22 Matrix of mobile to fixed or fixed to mobile call charges (Birr)
T4, T5, T6, T7, T10,
T11 T1, T3 T8, T9 T2
Calling / Off- Off- Off- Off- Off- Off- Off- Off-
called peak peak peak peak peak peak peak peak
Number Peak hour hour Peak hour hour Peak hour hour Peak hour hour
Segments hours 1 2 hours 1 2 hours 1 2 hours 1 2

0911, 912,
0913,916 ,
917 0.72 0.3 0.15 1.5 1.25 0.63 1.5 1.25 0.63 1.5 1.25 0.63
914 1.5 1.25 0.63 0.72 0.3 0.15 1.5 1.25 0.63 1.5 1.25 0.63
915 1.5 1.25 0.63 1.5 1.25 0.63 0.72 0.3 0.15 1.5 1.25 0.63
918 1.5 1.25 0.63 1.5 1.25 0.63 1.5 1.25 0.63 0.72 0.3 0.15

Note: 15% VAT will be added on all charges

Peak hours- 8:00AM-8:00PM from Mondays-Saturdays
Off Peak-hours from Mondays – Saturdays, 8:00PM-12:00PM and 6•00AM to 8:00AM , and on
Sunday and holly days from 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.23 Transfer Charges from post-paid to pre-paid (Birr)

Access Fee* SIM-Card Stamp
Default Air-time fee Total
VAT Sub- Unit VAT Sub- VAT Sub- Including
Fee Duty* Fee
(15%) Total Price (15%) Total (15%) Total VAT
Free _ _ 13.04 1.96 15.00 Free 21.74 3.26 25.00 40.00
Note: The customer has already paid the access fee and stamp duty, before transferring from post -paid
to pre-paid
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.24 Subscription fee, monthly rental pyment and usage charges on mobile
and CDMA
Usage charge (Birr)
Subscription fee (Birr) Monthly rent (Birr)
Service Type Off –
Residential Business Residential Business Peak peak
hour hour
SMS Roaming - 5.30 per SMS
0.30 per SMS
3.80 per SMS
n*0.30 for Gov't
to Djibouti &
& social affair
SMS _ multicast
5.30 per SMS
to the rest of
n*0.30*1.20 for
the world
30.00 for outgoing
Call Barring 19.00 15.00 for all international calls Free
Call Waiting Free Free Normal mobile rates
Call Divert/Call forward Free Free Normal mobile rates
Voice Mail(For Post Free Normal mobile rates
Paid Users)
Voice Mail(For Pre Free Normal mobile rates
Paid Users)
Conference call Free Free Normal mobile rates
28.95 /minute
to Djibouti &
Free Free 2.70/minute 32.16 /minute
to the rest of
Video calling services the world
Multimidia massaging
svc.(MMS) Free Free 2.30/MMS 5.30/MMS
For all
Free Free 0.04/100KB customers
§ Prepaid
for tax
§ Prepaid Free Free 0.04/100KB collection
§ Postpaid For all
Free Free 0.04/100KB
182.00 Free 0.04/100KB -

Note: 15% VAT is added on all charges

For international roaming a deposit equivalent to USD 500 is required

There is a minimum charge of 100kb per GPRS connection
Regular calling function:
1. one time programming fee 100 Birr
2. For non-business multi-cast= n* 0.30 Birr
3. For business multi-cast (advertisement) = n*Birr* 0.30*1.2, where n is the no. of end user
terminals (subscription receiving the message)
Mail notification service:
1. one time programming fee 200 Birr
2. Charge to receive notification 0.30 Birr

The above charges don't include 15%VAT

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.25 Customer support service charges on mobile network
Subscription fee (Birr) Monthly rent (Birr)
No. Service Type Tax
Residential Business Total Residential Business
1 Reactivation 19.00 2.85 21.85 Free
2 Deactivation 19.00 2.85 21.85 Free
3 Bill Investigation 20.00 3.00 23.00 Free
4 Change of name 40.00 6.00 46.00 Free
5 Cancellation Free
6 Duplicate SIM Card 13.04 1.96 15 Free
7 Change of number 40.00 6.00 46.00 Free

Note: There is no charge for customer support services for a one time transfer of pre-paid mobile name
from husband to wife.
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

B) International services
Table 4.26 Call charges by destination
No Peak hour Off -peak hour charge
To charge(Birr/minute) (Birr/minute)
1 International( except Djibuti) 10.72 10.72
2 International to dijbuti 7.72 7.72
3 Iridium Satelite telephone

16.72 16.3

Table 4.27 Calls charges to different satellite phones

For normal customers For roamers

No Satellite network USD / minute USD / minute
1.1 Inmersat A 5.55 6.39
1.2 Inmersat B 3.65 4.57
1.3 Inmersat B/HSD 9.76 11.13
1.4 Inmersat M 2.92 3.65
1.5 Inmersat Mini/M 2.55 3.11
1.6 Inmersat ISDN (M4) 10.27 12.84
1.7 Inmersat AERO 8.18 10.22
1 Inmarsat 1.8 Inmersat BGAN 4.68 5.85
2 Thuraya 3.07 3.84
3 Iridium 3.7 4.62
4 International Networks 5.56 6.95
5 Global star and Elipso 3.59 4.49
6 Other satellite networks 2.23 2.79

Note: 15% VAT is included

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

4.3. 7 CDMA 2000 Services
Table 4.28 Access, renewal and rental charges for CDM 2000 with fixed mobility
as fixed telephone (bundled with SMS, call waiting, call divert,
conference call and voice mail)
Default air-time
Sub- Stamp Sub-
Access VAT total duty VAT total
Type of Fee fee(Birr) (15%) (Birr) (Birr) Fee (15%) (Birr)
Post paid a b C
Initial Subscription 242 36.3 278.3 5
Renewal 145.2 21.78 167 5 - - -
Change of subscriber 242 36.3 278.3 5 - - -
name Residential 8 1.2 9.2 - - - -
Monthly - - -
Rent Business 17 2.55 19.55 - - - -
Access fee 56.522 8.48 65 5 13.04 1.96 15
Renewal 33.91 5.09 39 5 13.04 1.96 15
Change of subscriber 56.522 8.48 65 5
name Rent
Monthly -
At least 15 Birr voucher card will be recharged -
monthly -

Note: 1) The above renewal fee (60% of access fee plus VAT, stamp duty and default air time charge)
is applicable only if the renewal is requested after the cancellation date within a year and
100% of the initial subscription fee should be paid if the renewal is requested after one year
starting from the cancellation date.
2) 15 Birr air time will be added on the above pre-paid change of subscriber name fee if the SIM
Card is in a pool period.
3) For customers who want to subscribe for CDMA as fixed telephone should come up with
desktop and/or wall mounted apparatus but not handheld apparatus, then the number will be
configured on the apparatus. Thus, SIM card will not be issued.
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.29 Subscription fee for CDMA 2000 limited mobility customers (Ethio –
Wireless) (bundled with call waiting, call divert and conference call)
Description Fee Sub total duty Total
(Birr) VAT (15%) (Birr) (Birr) (Birr)
Post paid
Access Fee 242 36.3 278.3 5 283.3
Residential 8 1.2 9.2 - 9.2
Rental Business 17 2.55 19.55 - 19.55
Pre paid
Access Fee 120.96 18.14 139.10 5 144.10
Monthly Rental 15 Birr voucher card will at least be recharged monthly

Note: For customers who want to subscribe for CDMA as fixed telephone should come up with desktop
and wall mounted apparatus but not handheld apparatus, then the number will be defined on the
apparatus. Thus, SIM card will not be issued.
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.30 Call charges for CDMA 2000 (full mobility) to fixed (limited
mobility) or vice versa

Peak -hours Off –peak hours International call
B/n d/t towns of the

B/n d/t towns of the

B/n d/t tariff zones

B/n d/t tariff zones

same tariff zone

same tariff zone

With in a town

Rest of world
With in town


0.20/six minutes 0.40 1.20 0.20 0.25 1.00 7.00 10.00

Note: 15% VAT will be added on all charges

Peak- hours refers to 8AM– 8 PM from Mondays - Saturday
Off -peak hours refers to from 8 PM – 8 AM, Monday – Saturday, Sundays and public holidays.
International call is not allowed for post-paid CDMA as fixed customers and the above tariff is only applicable
under pre-paid modality.
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.31Call charges for CDMA2000 (full mobility) to fixed (Limited mobility) or
vice versa(Birr)

T4, T5,T6,T7,T10,T11 T1,T3 T8,T9 T2 International call

Zone 1 7.72 to Djibouti and

0.72 1.50 1.50 1.50
10.72 to the rest of the
Zone 2
1.50 0.72 1.50 1.50
Zone 3
1.50 1.50 0.72 1.50
Zone 4
1.50 1.50 1.50 0.72
Note: 15% VAT will be added on all charges
For Birr 0.72 and Birr 1.50 normal charge calls, reduced charges will be Birr
0.30 and Birr 1.25 respectively for both mobile-mobile and fixed-mobile .
Post-paid and pre-paid users are charged on the basis of per 1 second and per10seconds
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.32 Customer support service charges for Fixed CDMA 2000
Service Type Subscription fee Birr) Monthly rent (Birr) Usage charge
Residential Business Residential Business (Birr)
Malicious Call Tracing 7.70 7.70 Free
Bill Investigation 10 10 Free
Cancellation (Temporary Free
Disconnection Free
Reactivation 15.00 15.00 Free
Change of Number(Number 10.00 10.00 Free
Query balance Not available
Change ESN Not available
Change the related product Not applicable
Change brand Not available
Recharge by cash Not available
Change individual price plan Not practical
Modify main product Not available (if it refers to apparatus)
Change payer Not practical
Change from post-paid to pre- Not available
paid and vice versa
Account transfer Not practical
Change of Name 10.00 10.00 Free
move Free
re-installation <,=1 year 145.20 8.00 17.00
>1year 242.00 8.00

Note: 15%VAT will be added on all charges

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC

Table 4.33 Values added and supplementary service charges for fixed CDMA 2000
Service Type Subscription fee (Birr) Monthly rent (Birr) Usage charge
Residential Business Residential Business
Local Call Barring 300 300 20 20 Free
National Call Barring (STD) 300 300 20 20 Free
International Call Barring 300 300 50 50 Free
Direct Call Barring (IDD) 30 30 20 20 Free
IDD De-Barring Free Monthly rent needs Normal fixed
adjustment telephone rate
CDMA IDD(Pre-paid) free Normal mobile
CDMA IDD(Post-paid) Not applicable
Call Waiting Free Normal Fixed
Telephone rates
Call Divert/Forward Normal Fixed
Telephone rates

Short No. Calls 242 242 8 17 Normal Fixed

Telephone rates
Don’t Disturb 7.7 7.7 Free
Hotline: - 14 14 3 3 Normal Fixed
- Immediate Telephone rates

Normal Fixed
free Telephone rates
Abbreviated Dialing Free Normal Fixed
Telephone rates
Conference Call Free Normal Fixed
Telephone rates
Free Phone Service (FP) Free Normal Fixed
Telephone rates
CLIR Proposal
BASIC Not available
CDMA FAX _ Normal Fixed
telephone rate
Voicemail Not available

Note: 15%VAT will be added on all charges

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.34 Post-paid access charges for service supported on CDMA 2000 full
mobility (same as GSM post-paid access charge):

Customer Access Fee Total

Category including
All types of Fee(Birr) VAT (15%) Sub-total Stamp VAT(Birr)
Customers (Birr) duty(Birr)
356 53.40 409.4 5 414.4
Monthly Rent 25 3.75 28.75 - 28.75

Table 4.35 Pre-paid access charges for service supported on CDMA 2000 full
mobility (same as GSM pre-paid access charge):

Access Fee(Birr) Stamp Default air-time fee(Birr) Total

VAT Sub- duty(Birr) VAT Including
Fee (15%) Total Fee) (15%) Sub-total VAT(Birr)
120.96 18.15 139.1 5 21.74 3.26 25 169.1

Table 4.36 Access charges to transfer from post-paid to pre-paid

Access Fee(Birr) SIM card(Birr) Stamp Default air time fee(Birr) Total
VAT Sub- Unit VAT Sub-
duty Fee VAT
Sub- including
Fee (Birr) total VAT(Birr)
(15%) total price (15%) total (15%)
Free - - 13.04 1.96 15.00 Free 21.74 3.26 25.00 40.00
Note: Since the post paid customer has already paid the access fee and stamp duty, when transferring
from post paid to pre-paid both access and stamp duty payments are omitted.
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.37 Renewal fee for CDMA 2000

Subscription Stamp - Total

fee VAT Total duty Default Including
No. Service type (Birr) (15%) (Birr) (Birr) air time fee Birr) VAT(Birr)
1 Pre paid ** 72.57 10.9 83.46 5 21.7 3.26 25 113.46
2 Post Paid 213.6 332 245.64 5 - - - 250.64
3 Subscriber
cancelled from
post paid need
to renew their
with pre-paid. 120.95 18.15 139.1 5 21.7 3.26 25 169.1
Note: ** With regard to payment for renewal of subscription, it is assumed that the subscriber has got the
SIM card. If the customer does not come with a SIM card, 15 Birr will paid.
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.38 Subscription fee, monthly rental payment for GOTA without voice full
Service type Members per Subscription fee per Monthly rental per
group subscriber(Birr) subscriber(Birr)
GOTA without Voice >2 143 77

Table 4.39 International calls

To Peak- hour charge Off- peak hour
(Birr/minute) charge(Birr /minute)
International(except Djibouti) 10.72 10.72
International to Djibouti 7.72 7.72
Iridium satellite telephone 16.72 16.72
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.40 K. 1x data only with data card (equivalent to dialup Internet up to
Monthly Fee Above
Subscription Fee including rental bundled Charge/min
(in Birr) (Birr) Inclusive bundle UTILIZATION (Birr)
UP TO 1300 0.10
135.65 (Post paid) 40 600 minute >1300 0.07
25 birr/ for one UP TO 1300 0.10
month window
135.65 (Pre paid) period - >1300 0.07
Note: 15% VAT will be included on all charges
The product will be issued with SIM card and the customer has to pay 15 Birr for SIM card
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.41 Subscription fee and usage charges for EVDO with full mobility (data
on the move)
Minimum Above bundle
Subscription monthly usage Included usage charge
Service type fee (Birr) Data plans charge (Birr) bundled (birr/MB)
EVDO Data Card Data plan
(Post paid ) 1,109 unlimited 3521 unlimited NA
EVDO Data Card Data plan
(Pre paid)* 220 2GB 400 2GB 0.40/MB

Note: 15% VAT will be included on all charges

The minimum monthly usage and the included bundled amount will not be transferred to the next
The above usage charges are applicable for uplink and downlink volume per MB
The data card has to be provided by the customer
*Not available
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)
Table 4.42 SMS usage charge (same as GSM rate)
Usage charge rate (Birr/SMS)
Local SMS 0.30
International 3.80 (Djibouti)
SMS 5.30 (Rest of the world)

Note: - 15% VAT will be added on all charges

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.43 Values added and supplementary service charges on full mobility
DMA 2000
Service Type Subscription fee (Birr) Monthly rent (Birr) Usage charge
Fee Tax 15% Total Fee Tax 15% Tota (Birr)
Call 19.00 2.85 21.85 30.00 4.50 34.5 Free
Barring(outgoing) 0
Call barring (All calls 19.00 2.85 21.85 15.00 2.25 17.2 Free
international) 5
Enquiry function Free
Call Waiting free Normal mobile
Call Divert/Forward free Normal mobile
Conference Call free Normal mobile
CDMA IDD(Pre-paid) free Normal mobile
Voice Mail (for Pre- 7.70 1.16 8.86 free Normal mobile rates
paid )
Voice Mail (for Post- Normal mobile rates
paid only) free
CLIR Proposal
GPRS Service Not available
CDMA Basic Not available

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.44 Customer support charges for full mobility CDMA 2000 Services

Service Type Subscription fee (Birr) Monthly fent (Birr)

Fee VAT (15%) total Residential Business

Bill Investigation 20.00 3.00 23 Free
Deactivation 19 2.85 21.85 Free
Reactivation 19 2.85 21.85 Free
Change of 40 6 46 Free
Number(Number Shifting)
cancellation Free
Change of Name 40 6 46 Free
Duplicate UIM Card 13.04 1.96 15 Free
Change the related Not applicable
Change brand Not available
Recharge by cash Not available
Change individual price Not practical
Modify main product Not available (if it refers to apparatus)
Change payer Not practical
Account transfer Not practical

Note: 15%VAT will be added for those charges that do not stated within.
There is no usage charge for those customer support services as they are of one time services
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.45 CDMA fixed numbering plan Addis Ababa

Zone Prepaid Postpaid TARIFF ZONE
N.A.A.Z 011 810-0000 -- 011 818-9999 011 819-0000 -- 011 819-9999
W.A.A.Z 011 820-0000 -- 011 828-9999 011 829-0000 -- 011 829-9999
S.W.A.A.Z 011 830-0000 -- 011 838-9999 011 839-0000 -- 011 839-9999
S.A.A.Z 011 840-0000 -- 011 848-9999 011 849-0000 -- 011 849-9999
C.A.A.Z 011 850-0000 -- 011 858-9999 011 859-0000 -- 011 859-9999
E.A.A.Z 011 860-0000 -- 011 868-9999 011 869-0000 -- 011 869-9999
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.46 DMA mobile numbering plan

No. Regions prepaid postpaid
1 Addis Ababa 0958 0 00000 - 0958 3 89999 09583 9 0000 - 09583 9 9999
2 SER 0958 4 00000 - 0958 5 89999 09585 9 0000 - 09585 9 9999
3 ER 0958 6 00000 - 0958 7 89999 09587 9 0000 - 09587 9 9999
4 NER 0958 8 00000 - 0958 9 89999 09589 9 0000 - 09589 9 9999
5 NR 0959 0 00000 - 0959 1 89999 09591 9 0000 - 09591 9 9999
6 SR 0959 2 00000 - 0959 3 89999 09593 9 0000 - 09593 9 9999
7 SWR 0959 4 00000 - 0959 5 89999 09595 9 0000 - 09595 9 9999
8 WR 0959 6 00000 - 0959 7 89999 09597 9 0000 - 09597 9 9999
9 NWR 0959 8 00000 - 0959 9 89999 09599 9 0000 - 09599 9 9999
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC

4.3. 8. CDMA WLL Services
Table 4.47 Access fee and monthly charges for CDMA WLL
Monthly rent ( Birr)
Service type Subscription fee Residential Business
(Urban) 242 8 17
(Rutel)* free
apparatus 290.41

Note: The service is currently applicable only for "Rutel " users
15% VAT will be added on all charges
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.48 Matrixes for wire line and wireless call charges for different tariff
No. Between different tariff
Between different towns of zones/switch
Tariff With in a the same tariff zone/switch
zone town off-peak off-peak
Peak hours hours Peak hours hours International
1 Zone 1 0.2 0.4 0.25 1.2 1 7 to Djibouti
2 Zone 2 0.2 0.4 0.25 1.2 1 and 10 for
3 Zone 3 0.2 0.4 0.25 1.2 1 the rest
4 Zone 4 0.2 0.4 0.25 1.2 1
5 Zone 5 0.2 0.4 0.25 1.2 1
6 Zone 6 0.2 0.4 0.25 1.2 1
7 Zone 7 0.2 0.4 0.25 1.2 1
8 Zone 8 0.2 0.4 0.25 1.2 1
9 Zone 9 0.2 0.4 0.25 1.2 1
10 Zone 10 0.2 0.4 0.25 1.2 1
11 Zone 11 0.2 0.4 0.25 1.2

Note: For fixed telephone calls with in a town for both peak and off-peak hours are charged per 6
For fixed telephone calls between towns of the same and different tariff zone for both peak and off-
peak hours are charged per a minute
International call charges are per a minute.
15% VAT will be added on all charges.
Peak hours: 8AM-8PM from Mondays – Saturdays.
Off- peak hours: 8PM-8AM Mondays - Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.49 Charges for fax service on CDMA WLL
Usage Charge
Subscription fee (Birr) Monthly Rent (Birr) National
Service VAT VAT Peak peak
type Residential Business (15%) Stamp duty Fee (15%) Total hours hours
Normal usage
Fax 437 437 65.55 5 17 2.55 19.55 charge

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.50 Value Added and supplementary service charges on fixed telephone
Subscription fee (Birr) Monthly rent (Birr) Usage charge (Birr)
Service type Residential Business Residential Business
Call Barring:
STD 20
ISD 300 50 Free
IDD Barring 30 20 Free
IDD de- monthly rent needs
barribg free adjustment Free
Call Waiting Free Free Normal Fixed Telephone rates
Call Divert Free Free Normal Fixed Telephone rates*
Short no. calls 242 8 Normal Fixed Telephone rates
Don't Disturb 7.7 Free Free
Delayed 14 3 Normal Fixed Telephone rates
Alarm call/ Normal Fixed Telephone
Wake-up call Free Rates
dialing Free Free Normal Fixed Telephone rates
call Free Free Normal Fixed Telephone rates
Note: *If the call is diverted to the same tariff zone only the caller will be charged.
If the call is diverted to a different tariff zone’ the caller will be charged only the amount up to the
diverted phone and the diverter will be charged the difference.
15% VAT will be added on all charges
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.51 Customer support service charges on fixed telephone network
Subscription fee (Birr) Usage charge
Service type rent (Birr)
Residential Business Residential

Malicious call tracing 7.70 Free

Bill Inves-tigation 10.00 Free

Cancellation Free

Discon-nection Free

Extra Bell 30.00 free

Reconnection 15.00 Free

Change of number 10.00 Free

Change of name 10.00 Free

3meter 19.00
6 meter 30.00 Free
of cord
9meter 45.00

Move Free Free

Plug and socket service 10.00

Plug and socket change 10.00 Free

Polarity reverse 52.00 -
<,=1 year 145.20 8.00 free

Note: 15% VAT will be added on all charges

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.52 CDMA WLL numbering plan
Regions codes X-ge code Tariff zone
651 xxxx
652 xxxx
653 xxxx
654 xxxx
Addis Ababa 11 655 xxxx 4
Nazerth 22 119 xxxx 10
DireDawa 25 119 xxxx 8
Dessie 33 119 xxxx 3
Mekel 34 559 xxxx 1
Shashemene 46 119 xxxx 7
Arbaminch 46 885 xxxx 7
Jimma 47 119 xxxx 6
Nekemte 57 669 xxxx 5
Bahir-dar 58 231 xxxx 2

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

4.3. 9 WCDMA Services

Table 4.53 WCDMA (3G Mobile) value added service charges
(for post- paid and pre-paid users)
No. Service type Local calls (Birr/minute)
1 Video call 1.2
Service Type Birr per MMS
Multimedia Massaging
2 Service (MMS) 0.6

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.54 Voice and video call usage charges

Usage charge (Birr/minute)
No. Service type Local calls (Addis Ababa) International calls
Off-peak Rest of the
Peak hours hours Djibouti world
1 Voice call 0.72 0.3 7.72 10.72
2 Video call 2.7 28.95 32.16

Note: 15% VAT will be added on all charges.

Video call is available to WCDMA customers between 3G handsets (with video calling feature)
under WCDMA coverage
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.55 Usage charges for Multimedia Massaging Service (MMS)
NO. Service type Birr / MMS
1 Local MMS 2.3
2 International MMS 5.3
Note: 15% VAT will be added on all charges
1MMS = 50kB (premium texts, pictures and animations messages).
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC).

Table 4.56 Mobile Internet charge

Subscription Fee Birr/KB
Free 0.01

Note: 15% VAT will be added on all charges.

The charge is applicable to pre-paid and/or post-paid customers.
The above usage charge applies for uplink and downlink volume per KB.
When the customer is out of a 3G (WCDMA coverage) area, the connection moves into GPRS
and the same usage charge will be applies for GPRS connection

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

4.3.10 HSDPA (High speed downlink packet access 1.5 – 2Mbps)

Table 4.57 Charges for HSDPA services
on fee Monthly fee Included Above bunle
Service type (Birr) (Birr) bundle (Birr/KB)
HSDPA Data Card (Post- paid) 819 1,125.00 1GB 0.01/ KB
HSDPA Data Card (pre- paid)* 819 _ - 0.01/KB
Note: 15% VAT will be added
The above charges are applicable for uplink and downlink volume per KB.
The data card has to be provided by the customer.
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.58Charges for SMS services

Service type Peak hour Off- peak hour
Local SMS 0.30
3.80 (Djibouti)
International SMS 5.30 (Rest of the world)
Note: The tariff shown above is the existing tariff for SMS. However, it is under revision and the new tariff
will be released soon.
15% VAT will be added on all charges.

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

4.3.11 Internet Services
Table 4.59 Charges for Dialup internet services
No. Description Birr
1 Subscription fee (initial payment) 101.74
2 Monthly minimum usage charge (Birr) 40.00
3 Minimum utilization 600 minute
4 Utilization charge (Birr)
Peak -hour 0.10
Off- peak hour 0.07
Peak hour (> 1300 minutes) 0.07
Off- peak hour (> 1300 minutes) 0.04
PSTN Dial Up connection Free
Note: Peak- hour from 8 AM - 6 PM, Monday - Friday
Off- peak hour from 6 PM - 8 AM, Monday - Friday, Saturday, Sunday and public
Guarantee deposit should not be added.

15% VAT will be added on all charges.

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC

Table 4.60 Charges for leased line internet through BBMN (Birr)
Total charge with Total charge with out
Detailed charge CPE CPE
Initial Monthly Initial Monthly Initial Monthly
For 64kbs
Internet Service and BBM -
BW 1,109.00 1,567.00
ADSL 1,041.52 184.49 2,150.52 1,751.49
BFWA - Data Only 3,701.06 655.58 4,810.06 2,222.58
BFWA - Data + Voice 9,197.46 1,629.17 10,306.46 3,196.17 1,109.00 1,567.00
For 128kbs
Internet Service and BBM -
BW 1,109.00 2,350.00
ADSL 1,041.52 184.49 2,150.52 2,534.49
BFWA - Data Only 3,701.06 655.58 4,810.06 3,005.58
BFWA - Data + Voice 9,197.46 1,629.17 10,306.46 3,979.17 1,109.00 2,350.00
For 256kbs
Internet Service and BBM - 3,521.00
BW 1,109.00 3,521.00
ADSL 1,041.52 184.49 2,150.52 3,705.49
BFWA - Data Only 3,701.06 655.58 4,810.06 4,176.58
BFWA - Data + Voice 9,197.46 1,629.17 10,306.46 5,150.17 1,109.00
Total Charge with out
Detail Charge
Total Charge with CPE
Initial Monthly Initial Monthly Initial Monthly
For 384kbs
Internet Service and BBM -
BW 1,109.00 4,402.00
ADSL 1,041.52 184.49 2,150.52 4,586.49
BFWA - Data Only 3,701.06 655.58 4,810.06 5,057.58
BFWA - Data + Voice 9,197.46 1,629.17 10,306.46 6,031.17 1,109.00 4,402.00
For 512 kbs
Internet Service and BBM -
BW 1,109.00 5,282.00
ADSL 1,041.52 184.49 2,150.52 5,466.49
BFWA - Data Only 3,701.06 655.58 4,810.06 5,937.58
BFWA - Data + Voice 9,197.46 1,629.17 10,306.46 6,911.17 1,109.00 5,282.00
For 768 kb
Internet Service and BBM -
BW 1,109.00 6,603.00
ADSL 1,041.52 184.49 2,150.52 6,787.49
BFWA - Data Only 3,701.06 655.58 4,810.06 7,258.58
BFWA - Data + Voice 9,197.46 1,629.17 10,306.46 8,232.17 1,109.00 6,603.00
For 1Mb
Internet Service and BBM -
BW 1,109.00 7,923.00
ADSL 1,041.52 184.49 2,150.52 8,107.49
BFWA - Data Only 3,701.06 655.58 4,810.06 8,578.58
BFWA - Data + Voice 9,197.46 1,629.17 10,306.46 9,552.17 1,109.00 7,923.00

Note: 15% VAT will be added on all charges

For speed greater than 1Mbps, the following formula will be applied for the monthly charge
C = Y + (X * Y).
Y = monthly charge of 256 Kbps i.e. Birr 3,251.00
X = Speed required by customer
C = monthly charge for speed required by the customer
The initial subscription fee will be the same across all speeds, i.e. Birr 1,109.00.
Depending on CPE type, CPE cost will be added on the top of all bandwidth fees.

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.61 Charges for VPN services on the Broadband MM Network - (BB Data - Platinum CoS)(Birr)
(BFWA Data BFWA (Data
SOHO Only) + Voice) A. Pt to A. Pt to

3,471.75 6,253.53 2,781.78 12,336.88 15,118.66 2,781.78 30,658.22 33,440.00 2,781.78 70,517.02 73,298.80 2,781.78 14,103.40 16,885.18

348.13 938.42 590.29 1,237.07 1,827.36 590.29 3,074.22 3,664.51 590.29 1,077.34 1,667.63 590.29 1,531.73 2,122.02

3,471.75 9,035.31 5,563.56 12,336.88 17,900.44 5,563.56 30,658.22 36,221.78 5,563.56 70,517.02 76,080.58 5,563.56 14,103.40 19,666.96

348.13 1,528.70 1,180.57 1,237.07 2,417.64 1,180.57 3,074.22 4,254.79 1,180.57 1,077.34 2,257.91 1,180.57 1,531.73 2,712.30

3,471.75 14,598.87 11,127.12 12,336.88 23,464.00 11,127.12 30,658.22 41,785.34 11,127.12 70,517.02 81,644.14 11,127.12 14,103.40 25,230.52

348.13 2,709.27 2,361.14 1,237.07 3,598.21 2,361.14 3,074.22 5,435.36 2,361.14 1,077.34 3,438.48 2,361.14 1,531.73 3,892.87

3,471.75 25,725.98 22,254.23 12,336.88 34,591.11 22,254.23 30,658.22 52,912.45 22,254.23 70,517.02 92,771.25 22,254.23 14,103.40 36,357.63

348.13 5,070.41 4,722.28 1,237.07 5,959.35 4,722.28 3,074.22 7,796.50 4,722.28 1,077.34 5,799.62 4,722.28 1,531.73 6,254.01

3,471.75 36,853.10 33,381.35 12,336.88 45,718.23 33,381.35 30,658.22 64,039.57 33,381.35 70,517.02 103,898.37 33,381.35 14,103.40 47,484.75

348.13 7,431.55 7,083.42 1,237.07 8,320.49 7,083.42 3,074.22 10,157.64 7,083.42 1,077.34 8,160.76 7,083.42 1,531.73 8,615.15

3,471.75 47,980.22 44,508.47 12,336.88 56,845.35 44,508.47 30,658.22 75,166.69 44,508.47 70,517.02 115,025.49 44,508.47 14,103.40 58,611.87

348.13 9,792.69 9,444.56 1,237.07 10,681.63 9,444.56 3,074.22 12,518.78 9,444.56 1,077.34 10,521.90 9,444.56 1,531.73 10,976.29

3,471.75 70,234.45 66,762.70 12,336.88 79,099.58 66,762.70 30,658.22 97,420.92 66,762.70 70,517.02 137,279.72 66,762.70 14,103.40 80,866.10

348.13 14,514.98 14,166.85 1,237.07 15,403.92 14,166.85 3,074.22 17,241.07 14,166.85 1,077.34 15,244.19 14,166.85 1,531.73 15,698.58

3,471.75 92,488.69 89,016.94 12,336.88 101,353.82 89,016.94 30,658.22 119,675.16 89,016.94 70,517.02 159,533.96 89,016.94 14,103.40 103,120.34

348.13 19,237.26 18,889.13 1,237.07 20,126.20 18,889.13 3,074.22 21,963.35 18,889.13 1,077.34 19,966.47 18,889.13 1,531.73 20,420.86

3,471.75 163,702.24 160,230.49 12,336.88 172,567.37 160,230.49 30,658.22 190,888.71 160,230.49 70,517.02 230,747.51 160,230.49 14,103.40 174,333.89

348.13 34,348.56 34,000.43 1,237.07 35,237.50 34,000.43 3,074.22 37,074.65 34,000.43 1,077.34 35,077.77 34,000.43 1,531.73 35,532.16

3,471.75 243,817.48 240,345.73 12,336.88 252,682.61 240,345.73 30,658.22 271,003.95 240,345.73 70,517.02 310,862.75 240,345.73 14,103.40 254,449.13

348.13 51,348.78 51,000.65 1,237.07 52,237.72 51,000.65 3,074.22 54,074.87 51,000.65 1,077.34 52,077.99 51,000.65 1,531.73 52,532.38

3,471.75 270,522.56 267,050.81 12,336.88 279,387.69 267,050.81 30,658.22 297,709.03 267,050.81 70,517.02 337,567.83 267,050.81 14,103.40 281,154.21

348.13 57,015.52 56,667.39 1,237.07 57,904.46 56,667.39 3,074.22 59,741.61 56,667.39 1,077.34 57,744.73 56,667.39 1,531.73 58,199.12

Table 4.62 Charges for leased internet service through DDN9 Birr)
No. Item description Initial fee (Birr) Monthly rent (Birr)
1 For 64kbs

Internet and DDN Service 1,109.00 1,567.00

Configuration Fee 100.00

CPE Cost 6,923.00 110.00

Total 8,132.00 1,677.00
2 For 128kbs 27XX DTU

Internet and DDN Service 1,109.00 2,350.00

Configuration Fee 100.00

CPE Cost 6,923.00 110.00

Total 8,132.00 2,460.00

3 For 128kbs 28XX DTU

Internet and DDN Service 1,109.00 2,350.00

Configuration Fee 100.00

CPE Cost 9,385.00 141.00

Total 10,594.00 2,491.00

4 For 256kbs

Internet and DDN Service 1,109.00 3,521.00

Configuration Fee 100.00

CPE Cost 9,385.00 141.00

Total 10,594.00 3,662.00

5 For 384kbs

Internet and DDN Service 1,109.00 4,402.00

Configuration Fee 100.00

CPE Cost 9,385.00 141.00

Total 10,594.00 4,543.00

5 For 512 kbs

Internet and DDN Service 1,109.00 5,282.00

Configuration Fee 100.00

CPE Cost 9,385.00 141.00

Total 10,594.00 5,423.00

No. Item description Initial fee (Birr) Monthly rent (Birr)
6 For 768 kbs

Internet and DDN Service 1,109.00 6,603.00

Configuration Fee 100.00

CPE Cost 9,385.00 141.00

Total 10,594.00 6,744.00

7 For 1Mb

Internet and DDN Service 1,109.00 7,923.00

Configuration Fee 100.00

CPE Cost 9,385.00 141.00

Total 10,594.00 8,064.00

Note: For DDN subscription fee (CPE cost) 2701/2703 DTU = 64 Kbps Birr 6,923.00.
For DDN subscription fee (CPE cost) 2801 DTU or > 128 kbps Birr 9,385.00 .

15% VAT will be added on all charges

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.63Charges for value added services

Service type Birr
1 For each additional E-mail box 20.00 per Month
2 Hard disk rent for :
HTML files 17.00 per MB
Audio/Video and Database files 42.00 per MB
3 Domain Name Registration:
Setup fee 418.00
Domain Name Rent Birr 500.00 per Year
Uploading fee 25 /file
5 Monthly charge for one IP Address
Monthly charge for virtual IP Address 4.00

Note: 15% VAT will be added on all charges

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.64 Charges for DDN dedicated point-to-point and point-to-multipoint
(frame relay) circuit

Subscription Monthly rental fee(Birr)

NO. Access Speed DTU Type fee (Birr) CPE Usage Total
1 8 Kbps 27 XX 6,923.00 110 126.49 236.49
2 16 Kbps 27 XX 6,923.00 110 252.98 362.98
3 32 Kbps 27 XX 6,923.00 110 505.96 615.96
4 64 Kbps 27 XX 6,923.00 110 1,011.92 1,121.92
5 128 Kbps 27 XX 6,923.00 110 2,023.84 2,133.84
6 128 Kbps 28 XX 9,385.00 141 2,023.84 2,164.84
7 256 Kbps 28 XX 9,385.00 141 4,047.67 4,188.67
8 384 Kbps 28 XX 9,385.00 141 6,071.51 6,212.51
9 512 Kbps 28 XX 9,385.00 141 8,095.34 8,236.34
10 768 Kbps 28 XX 9,385.00 141 12,143.01 12,284.01
11 1024 Kbps 28 XX 9,385.00 141 16,190.68 16,331.68
Note: The customer will be charged subscription fee for each DTU, and for center and branch
dedicated point -to-point circuit access speed starts from 64 Kbps.
Dedicated point –to- multi point (Frame Relay) circuit access for internet customers, only internet
leased tariff will be added on top of the point-to-point tariff and its speed starts from 8 Kbps.

Point- to- point and point -to- multi point (FR) circuits -center will be charged monthly rental
only for the CPE cost

27 XX DTU (i.e. 2701 and 2703) - 2701 supports maximum. up to 64 Kbps while 2703 supports
maximum up to 128 Kbts.

28xx DTU i.e. 2801 supports 128 Kbps and above

15% VAT will be added on all charges

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

4.3.12 Broad Band-VSAT Services

A) Non- internet /data services
Table 4.65 Charges for non-internet/ data users
Initial payment Monthly rent
No speed (Birr) (Birr)

80.786 4,614

Note: The tariff does not include VAT

The monthly rent does include usage charge for fixed telephone and fax (i.e. customers will be
charged according to their usage bill).

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

B) Internet /data services
Table 4.66 Charges for internet/ data users
No Initial payment Monthly rent
Access Speed (Birr) (Birr)
1 128 Kbps 83,220 8,683
2 256Kbps 85,654 14,475
3 512Kbps 90,522 26,059

Note: The tariff doesn’t include VAT.

The monthly rent does include usage charge for fixed telephone and fax (i.e. customers will be
charged according to their usage bill).But charges for internet usage is included in the above
The charges include cost for CPE and installation.

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

4.3.13 Narrow Band-VSAT Services

Table 4.67 Temporary charges for dial away (two channel) narrow band VSAT

Subscription Fee Monthly rent

(Birr) (Birr)
118,120.00 748.00

Note: VAT is not included in the above charges

Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Table 4.68 Temporary charges for far away (eight channel narrow band VSAT)

Subscription Fee Monthly Rental

(Birr) (Birr)
118,120.00 748.00

Note: VAT and Telephone charges are not included

The above charges should be adjusted by zone and regional offices when the actual tariff will be set
Source: Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation (ETC)

Part 5: TAXES
The principal types of taxes are customs duty, value added tax /VAT/, excise tax, profit
tax on business, income tax from employment, income tax from dividends and royalty tax.

5.1 Customs Duty

Custom duties, which currently range from 0-35%, are payable on imports by all persons
and entities which have no duty-free privileges. According to the Tariff Regulations, 2002
items are classified according to a schedule of 97 chapters, based on the Harmonized
System of Tariffs Classification Code. Customs duty rates of some selected goods are
shown in the following table.

Table 5.1 Custom duty rates of some selected goods:

No. Items Custom duty (%)
1 Live animals and products 20
2 Vegetables, fruits and cereals 20
3 Prepared food products 30
4 Beverages 35
5 Pharmaceuticals 5
6 Organic chemicals 10
7 Wood and articles of wood 20
8 Tanning or dyeing extracts, dyes, pigments and other coloring materials, paints 10
and varnishes, putty and other mastics, inks
9 Primary cells and primary batteries 20
10 Leather and leather articles -
11 Plastic and articles thereof 30
12 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted 35
13 Footwear, gaiters and the like 35
14 Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials 20
15 Ceramic products 20
16 Glass and glassware 20
17 Optical, photographic, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus, parts 20
there of
18 Iron and steel and articles thereof 10
19 Wire, rods, tubes, plates, electrodes and similar products of base metal or of 10
metal carbides used for soldering, brazing, welding or deposition of metal or
metal carbides, wire and rods of agglomerated base metal powder used for
metal spraying
20 Boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances, parts thereof 10
21 Electrical machinery, equipment, parts thereof 20
22 Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more persons including the driver and
motor vehicles for the transport of goods not exceeding 1,500 kg. 35
23 Paper and printed materials 10
24 Fertilizers Free of tax
Note: The rates are not actual but they are averages of various products under one title.
For Example NO.1 “Live animals and products” has 15% =13 items, 10%=11items,
20%=111, items and 30%=82, items. So we considered the 20%rate as an average of all
since it has the larger number of items. Same to others items.
Source: Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority

5.2 Value Added Tax (VAT)
In the Value Added Tax (VAT) Proclamation No.285/2002, it is indicated that sales tax is
replaced VAT to enhance economic growth and improve the ratio relationship between
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and government revenue. VAT is paid at a rate of 15% of
the value of every taxable transaction by a registered person and all imports of goods and
services other than those exempted.
Exemptions and Zero- ratings
A) Exempted Items
The following types of supplies of goods (other than by way of export) or rendering of
services are exempt from the payment of VAT:
• The sale orf transfer of used dwelling, or its lease;
• Financial services;
• The supply or import of national or foreign currency;
• Import of gold to be transferred to the National Bank of Ethiopia;
• The rendering of religious or church related services by religious organizations;
• Import of prescription drugs specified in the directives issued by the Ministry of Health
and the rendering of medical services;
• The rendering of educational services by educational institutions, as well as import of
goods transferred to state agencies and public organizations for the purpose of
rehabilitation after natural disasters, industrial accidents and catastrophes;
• The supply of electricity, kerosene, and water;
• Goods imported by the government or by organizations, institutions or projects
exempted from duties and other import taxes;
• Supplies by the post office authorized under the Ethiopian Postal Service
Proclamation, other than services rendered for a fee of commission;
• The provision of transport;
• The issuing of permits and licenses;
• The supply of goods or services by a workshop 60% of whose employees are disabled
• The import or supply of books and other printed materials to the extent provided in

B) Zero-rated items
The following transactions shall be charged with VAT at a rate of 0 %:

• The export of goods or services to the extent provided in regulations;

• The rendering of transport or other services directly connected with international
transport of goods or passengers, as well as the supply of lubricants and other
consumable technical supplies taken on board for consumption during international
• The supply of gold to the National Bank of Ethiopia;

• The supply by a registered person to another person in a single transaction of
substantially all of the assets of a taxable activity or an independent functioning
part of a taxable activity as a going concern, provided a notice in writing signed by
the transferor and transferee is furnished to the Ethiopian Revenue and Customs
Authority (ERCA) within 21 days after the supply takes place and such notice
includes the details of the supply;
• Goods and services supplied to or imported by accredited diplomats.

5.3 Turnover Tax

In Ethiopia turnover tax is paid by those who are not registered for VAT and whose value
of annual taxable transaction is less than 500 thousand Birr.
The turnover tax rates are:
§ 2% on goods sold and services rendered locally;
§ 2% on contractors, grain mills, tractors and combine harvesters;
§ 10% on others.

Note: The ministry of Finance and Economic Development has exempted, by its
directives, the following products from turnover and value added taxes.
o Bead and milk;
o Medicine, medical supplies and medical services.

5.4 Excise Tax

Excise Tax Proclamation No. 286/2002 indicates that, excise tax is levied on selected
items when produced locally or imported. The tax rate ranges from 10% to 100%
depending on the nature of the goods. List of all goods currently liable to excise tax along
with their tax rates is shown below:
Table 5.2 Excise tax rates by types of goods
No. Items Excise tax (%)
1 Any type of sugar in solid form excluding molasses 33
2 Drinks
2.1 All types of liquid soft drinks except fruit juices 40
2.2 Powder soft drinks 40
23 Bottled or canned water 30
2.4 Alcoholic Drinks
2.4.1 All types of beer and stout 50
2.4.2 All types of wine 50
2.4.3 Whisky 50
2.4.3 Other Alcoholic drinks 100
3 All types of pure alcohol 75
4 Tobacco and tobacco products
4.1 Tobacco leaf 20
4.2 Cigarettes, cigar, cigarillos, pipe tobacco, snuff and other products 75
5 Salt 30

No. Items Excise tax (%)

6 Fuel-Super Benzene, Regular Benzene, Petrol, Gasoline and other 30

Motor Spirit
7 Perfumes 100
8 Textile
8.1 Textile fabrics, knitted or woven of natural silk, 10
rayon, wool or other similar materials
8.2 Textile of any type partly or wholly made from 10
cotton, which is gray, white, dyed or printed, in
pieces of any length or with (except "Abudgedid")
and including blankets, bed-sheets, counterpanes,
towels, table clothes and similar articles

8.3 Garments 10
9 Dish washing machines of a kind for domestic use 80

10 Washing machine of a kind for domestic purposes 30

11 Video decks, television or video cameras 40
12 Television broadcast receiver whether or not combined with 10
gramophone, radio, or sound receivers and reproducers
14 Motor passenger cars, Station Wagons, utility cars, and similar vehicles
(including motorized caravans), whether assembled, together with their
appropriate initial equipment:
15.1 Up to 1,300 c.c. 30
15.2 From 1,301 c.c. up to 1,800 c.c. 60
15.3 Above 1,800 c.c. 100
15 Carpets 30
16 Asbestos and asbestos products 20
17 Clocks and Watches 20
18 Dolls and Toys 20

Source: Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority

5.5 Business Income Tax

According to Proclamation No.286/2002, taxable business income shall be determined
per tax period on the basis of the profit and loss account or income statement which shall
be drawn in compliance with the generally accepted accounting standards provisions of
directives issued by ERCA.
5.5.1 ncome Tax on Individual Entities /Unincorporated Business/
According to Income Tax Proclamation No. 286/2002, taxable business income of
unincorporated businesses shall be taxed in accordance with the following table:

Table 5.3 Income tax rates of unincorporated businesses by income category
NO Annual taxable income Income tax payable
( Birr) (%)
1 Up to 1,800 Exempt
2 1,801 – 7,800 10
3 7,801 - 16,800 15
4 16,801 – 28,200 20
5 28,201 - 42,600 25
6 42,601 – 60,000 30
7 Over 60,000 35

Source: Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority

5.5.2 Corporate Income Tax
Corporate income tax or profit tax payable by business organizations or companies is
30% of their taxable income.

5.6 Rental Income Tax

Income derived from renting of houses or office buildings, manufacturing plants, materials
and goods, etc. is taxable in accordance with the following table.
Table 5.4 Rental tax rates by income category
No. Annual income Income tax payable (%)

1 Up to 1,800 Exempt

2 1801 – 7,800 10

3 7,801 – 16,800 15

4 16,801 – 28,200 20

5 28,201 – 42,600 25

6 42,601 – 60,000 30

7 Over 60,000 35

Source: Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority

5.7 Personal Income Tax
Any income derived from employment, including any payments or gains in cash or in kind
is taxable in accordance with the following schedule.

Table 5.5 Personal income tax rates by income category
No. Employment monthly Tax rate (%)
Income (Birr)
1 The first 150 Exempt threshold
2 151 – 650 10
3 651 - 1,400 15
4 1,401 - 2,350 20
5 2,351 - 3,550 25
6 3,551 – 5,000 30
7 Over 5,000 35
Source: Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority

5.8 Export Tax

With the exception of few products (e.g. semi-processed hides and skins), there are no
taxes on export products.
5.9 Mining Income Tax
According to the Mining Tax Proclamation No. 23/1996 (Amendment), a holder of large-
scale or small -scale mining license shall pay 35% income tax on the taxable income
5.10 Other Income Taxes
Table 5.6 Incomes tax rates by type of income
No. Taxable income Tax rate(%)

1 Royalties 5
2 Income from technical services rendered outside Ethiopia 10
3 Income (except less than Birr 100) from games or chance 15
4 Dividends… 10
5 Income from rental of property (land, buildings, 15
or moveable asset not related to business
6 Interest income 5
7 Gains from the transfer of property
§ On business building, factories and offices 15
§ on shares of companies 30

5.11 Withholding Tax

Withholding taxes are government imposed deductions from dividends, salaries, wages
and other incomes. They are levied at the point of disbursement or incomes and are
passed on to the government by the entities collecting them.
In Ethiopia, the withholding tax rates are:
a. 3% of the total value of CIF prices of imported goods;
b. 2% on the cost of supplying goods involving more than Birr 10,000 in any one
transaction or a contract or service involving more than Birr 500 in one transaction.
The services that are subject to withholding taxes are:
w consultancy;
w designs, written materials, lectures and dissemination of information;
w the services of lawyers, accountants, auditors, etc.
w salesmanship, arts and sports professionals and brokers, including insurance
brokers and other commission agents;
w advertisements and entertainment programmes for television and radio
w construction;
w advertisement services;
w patents for scientific and intellectual works;
w rent for lease of machineries, buildings and other equipment including
w maintenance services;
w tailoring;
w printing;
w insurance.

5.12 Stamp Duty

The stamp duty charges are either fixed or depend on the values of the right or obligation
executed by means of the instrument. The list of instruments liable to stamp duty and
their corresponding rates are presented below.

Table 5.7 Stamp duty charges by types of instruments

No. Instruments Basis of Stamp duty charges
1 Memorandum and Articles of Association of
any business organization or any
(a) Upon first execution Flat Birr 350
(b) Upon any subsequent execution Flat Birr 100
2 Memorandum and Articles of cooperatives
(a) Upon first execution Flat Birr 35
(b) Upon subsequent execution Flat Birr 10
3 Award On Value (a) With determinable value 1 %
(b) With undeterminable value
Birr 35
4 Bonds On Value 1 % of value
5 Warehouse Bond On Value 1 % of value
6 Contracts and agreements and memoranda Flat Birr 5
7 Security Deeds Flat 1 % of value
8 Collective Agreement
(a) On first execution Flat Birr 350
(b) On any subsequent execution Flat Birr 100

No. Instruments Basis of Stamp duty charges
9 Contract of Employment Salary 1 % of salary
10 Lease including sub-lease and transfer On Value 0.5% of value
11 Material Act Flat Birr 5
12 Power of Attorney Flat Birr 35
13 Register title to property On Value 2 % of value

Source: Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority

Table 5.8 Special customs tariff rates applicable to goods produced in and
imported from COMESA member countries
No. Regular Customs Tariff Rate (%) COMESA Tariff Rates%
1 5 4.5
2 10 9
3 20 18
4 30 27
5 35 36

Source: Ethiopian Revenues and Customs Authority.

6.1 Road Transport Tariffs
6.1.1 Dry Cargo Transport Changes
Freight transport charges vary from place to place and are determined by agreement
between private dry cargo companies / owners and their customers.
6.1.2 Passenger Transport Charges
Passenger transport charges from Addis Ababa to some selected towns of the country
are presented in the following table.
Table 6.1 Passenger transport charges by destination and grade transportation

Distance Grade 2 Grade 3

Departure Arrival (Kms) charge charge
(Birr / person) (Birr / person)

Addis Ababa Adarkay 927 203.47 199.83

Addis Alem 55 11.70 11.42
Adigrat 898 190.97 186.48
Adwa 1006 220.54 216.54
Akaki 20 4.25 4.15
Alemaya 507 107.82 105.28
Arba Minch 505 107.39 104.87
Asayita 670 145.23 142.31
Asebe Teferi 326 69.33 67.70
Assala 175 37.22 36.34
Assosa 661 140.57 137.26
Awassa 273 58.06 56.69
Axum 1024 221.98 217.53
Bahir Dar 487 113.38 112.49
Bure 411 87.40 85.35
Chagni 504 109.09 106.87
Chancho 40 8.51 8.31
Combolcha 376 79.96 78.08
Debarik 841 182.30 178.64
Debre Birihan 130 27.65 27.00
Debre Markos 299 63.59 62.09
Debre Zeit 47 10.00 9.76
Dejen 229 48.70 47.55
Desse 401 85.28 83.27
Dilla 359 76.34 74.55
Dire Dawa 515 109.52 106.94
Dukem 37 7.87 7.68
Gambella 766 179.45 177.34
Gebre Guracha 156 33.17 32.39
Ginchi 89 18.93 18.48
Goba 427 99.25 98.44
Gonder 738 156.94 153.25
Gore 625 137.47 135.06

Distance Grade 2 Grade 3
Arrival (Kms) charge charge
(Birr / person) (Birr / person)
Hagere Mariam 467 99.31 96.98
Harar 526 111.86 109.23
Jimma 346 73.58 71.85
Kaliti 15 3.19 3.11
Kibre Mengist 471 105.19 103.62
Kulibi 464 98.67 96.35
Lalibella 701 155.10 152.55
Mekele 783 166.51 162.60
Metehara 193 41.04 40.08
Metema 929 197.56 192.92
Metu 600 131.31 128.90
Mille 531 112.92 110.27
Mizan Teferri 561 126.50 124.83
Mojo 73 15.52 15.16
Addis Ababa Moyale 771 163.96 160.11
Nazereth 98 20.84 20.35
Nekemite 328 69.75 68.11
Robe 412 95.56 94.74
Semera 588 125.04 122.10
Shakiso 495 111.10 109.54
Shashemene 253 53.38 52.12
Sodo 383 81.45 79.53
Woldiya 521 110.80 108.19
Wondo 337 72.20 70.60
Zal Anbessa 933 198.41 193.75
Ziway 163 34.66 33.85

Source: Road Transport Authority.

6.2 Sea Transport Tariffs

Generally, freight rates are subject to market changes, nature of goods transported and
currency adjustment factors. The following are current freight rates for containerized and
conventional cargoes of exported and imported goods for some trade routes. For all
routes, the ports indicated are destinations in case of imports and origins in case of

Table 6.2 Revised FOB tariff rates
No. Country/port of loading Charge ( USD)
1 Turkey 20'DV 40'DV
2 Ambarli 1600 2650
3 Evyap 1650 2650
4 Gemlik 1775 2875
5 Hydrapassa 1600 2650
6 Istanbul 1600 2650
7 Kumport 1600 2650
8 Izmir 1700 2950
9 Izmit Korfezi 1650 2650
10 Mersin 1750 2875
11 Greece
12 Pireaus 1475 2700
13 Thessaloniki 1700 2800
14 Spain
15 Bilbao 1750 3050
16 Castellon 1350 2750
17 Barcelona 1625 2800
18 Valencia 1650 2800
19 Taragona 1600 3250
20 Italy
21 Genoa 1400 2475
22 Gioia Tauro 1400 2525
23 Revenna 1625 2725
24 Trieste 1625 2725
25 Livorno/Leghorn 1625 2725
26 Naples 1400 2475
27 Venice 1625 2725
28 Ancona 1625 2725
Note: DV- dry van, HC-high cube container
BAF- Banker adjustment factor will be levied as per prevailing rate, currently 4%.
CAF- Currency adjustment factor will be levied as per prevailing rate, currently 2.5%.
40'HC -USD 100 additional on basic freight of 40'DV.
Open top/flat rack- USD 600/TEU additional, if within gauge.
For open top and flat rack out of gauge cargo, to be negotiated on case by case basis.
SOC-For shippers own container, a discount of USD 100/20 ' and USD 150/40’.
IMCO (international maritime code) Sur charge:
-for IMCO class, other than 1.1 and 5.1, USD 200/TEU additional on basic freight
-for IMCO class 5.1 cargo, 40% additional on basic rate of 20'and 40'DV
-for IMCO class 1.1 cargos, rate shall be advised on case by case basis
Source: Ethiopian Shipping Lines S.C

Table 6.3 FOB tariff rates (UK ports)
No Country/port of Charge (USD)
UK 20'DV 40'DV
1 Felixtowe 1500 2600
2 Grangmouth 1950 3175

Note: BAF- Banker Adjustment Factor will be levied as per prevailing rate, currently 4%.
CAF- Currency Adjustment Factor will be levied as per prevailing rate, currently 2.5%.
40'HC -USD 100 additional on basic freight of 40'DV.
Open Top/Flat Rack- USD 600/TEU additional, if within gauge.
For Open Top and Flat rack out of gauge cargo, to be negotiated on case by case basis.
SOC-For Shippers own Container, a discount of USD 100/20 '& USD 150/40’.

IMCO (international maritime code) Sur charge:

-for IMCO class, other than 1.1 and 5.1, USD 200/TEU additional on basic freight
-for IMCO class 5.1 cargo, 40% additional on basic rate of 20'&40'DV
-for IMCO class 1.1 cargos, rate shall be advised on case by case basis
Source: Ethiopian Shipping Lines S.C

Table 6.4 FOB tariff rate (NC ports)

NO. Country/port of loading Charge (USD)

1 Denmerk 20'DV 40'DV
2 Aahrus 1600 2875
3 Copenhagen 1800 3200
4 Belgium
5 Antwerp 1450 2475
6 Zeebruges 1450 2475
7 lreland
8 Belfast 1800 3175
9 Dublin 2075 3375
10 Cork 2075 3375
11 Germany
12 Hamburg 1450 2475
13 Bremerhaven 1450 2475
14 France
15 Fos Sur Mer 1500 2475
16 Marsielle 1400 2575
17 Le-Havre 1500 2475
18 Polland
19 Gdansk 1600 2950
20 Finland
21 Helsinki 1775 2775
22 Kotka 2175 3275
23 Portugal
24 Lisboa/Lisbon 2050 3200
25 Lexioes 1800 2900
26 Sweden

27 Gothenburg 1675 2875

28 Helsinborg 1925 3200

NO. Rate (USD)
Country/port of loading
29 Norway
30 Oslo 1775 2875
31 Slovenia
32 Koper 1500 2550
33 Netherlands
34 Rotterdam 1450 2475
35 Russia
36 St.Petersburg 2175 3375
37 Australia
38 Sydney 2150 4000
Note: BAF- Banker Adjustment Factor will be levied as per prevailing rate, currently 4%.
CAF- Currency Adjustment Factor will be levied as per prevailing rate, currently 2.5%.
40'HC -USD 100 additional on basic freight of 40'DV.
Open Top/Flat Rack- USD 600/TEU additional, if within gauge.
For Open Top and Flat rack out of gauge cargo, to be negotiated on case by case basis.
SOC-For Shippers own Container, a discount of USD 100/20 '& USD 150/40’.
IMCO (international maritime code) Sur charge:
-for IMCO class, other than 1.1 and 5.1, USD 200/TEU additional on basic freight
-for IMCO class 5.1 cargo, 40% additional on basic rate of 20'&40'DV
-for IMCO class 1.1 cargos, rate shall be advised on case by case basis
Source: Ethiopian Shipping Lines S.C
Table 6.5 Freight rates
No Route Item Type of cargo Freight rates (USD)
1 Pre-paid Collect
South East and Containerized per 20ft 1775=BAF 1775+BAF+CAF
Far East Asian (TEU) 40ft 3425+BAF 3425+BAF+CAF
trade route Break bulk (per ton) 85+BAF 85+BAF+CAF
Import Vehicle (per Cbm) 85 85
Containerized (per 20ft 900 900
Export TTEU) 40ft 1400 1400
2 Containerized (per 20ft 1500+BAF 1500+BAF+CAF
North Europe TEU) 40ft 2500+BAF 2500+BAF+CAF
and Break bulk (per Ton) 75+BAF 75+BAF+CAF
Mediterranean Import Vehicle (per Cbm) 72+BAF 72+BAF+CAF
trade route Containerized (per 20ft 900 900
Export TEU) 40ft 1400 1400
3 Containerized (per 20ft 1100=BAF 1100+BAF+CAF
TEU) 40ft 2000+BAF 2000+BAF+CAF
Gulf and Red Break bulk (per Ton) 35+BAF 35+BAF+CAF
Sea trade route Import Vehicle (per Cbm) 55+BAF 55+BAF+CAF
20ft - -
Export Containerized (per Teu) 40ft - -

No Route Item Type of cargo Freight rates (USD)
4 Indian Sub - Import Containerized (per
continent trade TEU) 20ft 1550+BAF 1550+BAF+CAF
route 40ft 2575+BAF 2575+BAF+CAF
Break bulk (per ton) 55+BAF 55+BAF+CAF
Vehicle (per Cbm) 55+BAF 55+BAF+CAF
20ft 850 850
Export Containerized (per Teu) 40ft 1150 1150
Note: BAF- Banker adjustment factor
CAF- Currency adjustment factor
TEU- Twenty equivalent
Cbm-cubic meter
Source: Ethiopian Shipping Lines S.C

6.3 Clearance and Delivery Costs

Estimates of The Maritime and Transit Services Enterprise consolidated port and inland
import and export cargos and handling and clearing transit charges are shown in the
following tables.

Table 6.6 charges for import cargo

Cargo type Birr

Import Cargoes 7945/20 feet container
15815/40 feet container
General Cargo 1357/packages

Note: The above charges do not include transport, storage and survey Charges.

Table 6.7 Charges for export cargo

Cargo type

4636/20 feet container

Export general cargoes 514/document
9189/40 feet container
Note: Bill of lading fee at cost
• Any additional fee incurred at cost, if any
• The above charges doesn’t include transportation fee from client warehouse to Djibouti Port.

Source: Maritime and Transit Services Enterprise.

6.4 Air Transport Tariffs

Freight rates are subject to the nature of goods transported and the market situation. The
following tables show the freight charges for international flights from Addis Ababa.

Table 6.8 Freight air transport charges to Europe/ America
Region and Price / kg (USD)
No. Wash
Weight Paris Frankfurt Rome London Amsterdam ingto
Export Item (kg) n
1 +100 1.85 2.00* 2.00* 2.00* 2.20 - -
+250 1.35 - - - - - -
Food stuff +300 - - - - 2.00 - -
+500 1.25 1.85* 1.80* 1.80* 66.00 - -
+1000 1.15 - - - - - -
2 +100 - - - - - - 2.50*
+300 - - - - - - 2.00*
+1000 - - - - - - 1.75*
+2500 - - - - - - 1.65*
+3000 - - - - - - 1.55*
+5000 - - - - - - 1.45*
+10000 - - - - - - 1.35
3 +45 1.90* - - 2.65* 2.50 - -
+100 - 2.00* 2.00* 2.00 1.85 - 2.50*
+300 - - 1.80* - 1.65 - 2.00*
Leather and +500 - - - 1.30* 1.35 - -
Leather +1000 - - - 1.25* 1.50* - 1.75*
Products +2500 - - - - - 1.65*
+3000 - - - - - 1.55*
+5000 - - - - - 1.45*
+10000 - - - - - 1.35*
4 +45 - - - - 2.50* - -
+100 - - 1.95* - 2.00* - -
Flower +200 1.65* 1.85* 1.90* 1.85* 1.85* - -
Fruits and +300 - - 1.85* - - - -
vegetables +500 - - 1.40* 1.65* - - -
+1000 - - - 1.45* 1.60* - -
+1500 - - - - 1.55* - -
5 +100 - - 2.00* 2.00* 2.20 - 2.00*
and +200 - - - 1.90* 2.00 - -
Traditional +250 - - 1.90* 1.80* - - -
+500 - - 1.80* - - - -
6 +100 - - 2.00* 2.00* 1.45 - -
Coffee +500 - - 1.80* 1.80* 1.40 - -
+100 - - 1.65* 1.65* 1.25 - -
+100 1.85 - - - - - -
+200 - - 1.95* - - - 2.00*
Injera +250 1.35 - - - - - -
+500 1.25 - - - - - -
+1000 1.15 - - - - - 1.75*
Chat +100 - - - - 2.20 - -

Note: Rates with * are inclusive of fuel and insurance sur charges.

Table 6.9 Freight air transport charges to Africa
No. Export Item Weight in Region and price per kg (USD)
Kharto Brazzav Johannes Dar es
Kinshasa Nairobi Luanda
um ille burg Salaam
1 +100 1.20* - - - - - -
General Cargo
+500 0.90* - - - - - -
2 Meat +1000 - 1.45 - - - - -
3 Fruits & - - - - - - -
Vegetables - - - - - - -
4 +100 - - 1.10 - - - -
Handicrafts +500 - - 1.00 - - - -
+1000 - - 0.85 - - - -
5 Flower +200 - - 1.40* - - - -
6 +500 - - 1.15 - - - -
+1000 - - 1.00 - - - -
7 Sanitary - - - - - - -
Napkin - - - - - - -
8 +45 - - - - 1.10 - -
+100 - - - - 0.80 2.40* -
+250 - - - - 0.70 - -
Note: Rates with * are inclusive of fuel and insurance surcharges.
Table 6.10 Freight air transport charges to the Middle East and Asea
Weight in Region and Price per kg (USD)
No. Export Item kg Dubai Jeddah Bombay Sanaa Beirut
1 Meat +1000 0.70* 0.70* - - -
2 +300 0.70* - - - -
+500 0.65* - - - -
3 - - - - - -
- - - - - -
4 +100 1.20* 1.30 - - 1.20
+250 1.00* - - - -
+500 0.95* 1.00* - - -
Flower +1000 0.85* 0.90* - - -
+2000 - 0.70* - - -
+2500 0.75* - - - -
+5000 0.60* - - - -
5 +100 - 1.30 - - -
Food Stuff +1000 - 0.90* - - -
+2000 - 0.70* - - -
6 Honey +100 - 1.30 - - -
+1000 - 0.90* - - -
+2000 - 0.70* - - -
7 +100 - - - - 1.20
Fruits &
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
8 General Cargo +45 - - - 1.10* -
9 +100 - - 0.85* 1.00* -
M 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00
10 -100 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50
+100 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.45 2.45
M 40.00 47.00 - - -
-100 3.50 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.00
11 +100 2.45 2.30 2.30* 2.30* 2.60*
+500 - - 2.00* 2.00* 2.00*
+1000 - - 1.75* 1.75*

Note: Rates with * are inclusive of fuel and insurance surcharges.

Source: Ethiopian Air Lines

The government revises fuel prices (except butane) every month in accordance with the
price changes in the world market. Fuel prices in Addis Ababa starting from November 6,
2010 for the 1 month are as follows:

Table 7.1 Fuel retail prices for one month in Addis Ababa as of
November 7, 2010

NO. Product Retail price Birr/Liter

Benzene (ethanol
1 blended) 14.87
2 Automotive diesel oil 12.69
3 Industrial light fuel oil 11.67
4 Industrial heavy fuel Oil 11.30
5 Kerosene 11.27
6 Air plane fuel oil 14.53

Note: Fuel prices for other towns vary depending on their distances from the sea port.
Fuel prices are revised monthly.
Source: Ministry of Trade and Industry.

8.1 Hotel Room Charges
Charges for hotel rooms are usually negotiable and visitors who stay long may benefit
from special discounts. Room charges for some hotels in Addis Ababa are presented in
the following table:

Table 8.1 Hotel room charge by type of room

Room charge ( including room rate, service charge, VAT and
No. Hotel Single Double Suite Twin Class Phone
1 AdotTina Hotel 100.00 125.00 Ex.suite 125.00 4 star 0114674101
2 Addis View Hotel 70.00 80.00 - - - 0111249766
3 Ararat Hotel 50.00 70.00 98.00 - 3 star 0116461166
4 Atlas Int. Hotel 50.00 55.00 125.00 55.00 2star n.a
5 Awraris Hotel 30.00 40.00 - 50.00 n.a 0116614933
6 Axum Hotel 52.00 63.00 106.27 94.00 n.a 0116613916
7 Ayma Int. Hotel 60.00 80.00 100.00 - n.a 0116604265/66
8 Beer Garden Inn 76.00 101.00 - 101.00 n.a n.a
9 Beshale Hotel 75.00 90.00 140.00 110.00 4 star n.a
10 Bole nternational Hotel 40.00 45.00 50.00 50.00 n.a n.a
11 Bole Rock 68.75 - 93.75 81.25 n.a 0116188171
12 Central Shewa Hotel 40.00 - - 50.00 3 star 0116611454
13 Ceasars Court Hotel 75.00 - 100.00 - n.a n.a
14 DE Leopol Hotel 86.00 96.00 150.00 - 4 star n.a
15 Damu Hotel 60.00 72.50 110.00 100.00 n.a 0115509828
16 Desalegne Hotel No.2 66.00 132.00 - 80 .00 3 star 0116624524
17 Desalegne Hotel No.3 66.00 132.00 - 80.00 n.a 0116183030
18 Dreamliner Hotel 100 .00 114.00 284.00 132.00 n.a n.a
19 Ethiopia Hotel 50.00 70.00 85.00 - 3 star 0115517400
20 Embilta Hotel 63.25 - 101.20 75.90 n.a n.a
21 Faro Hotel 93.80 106.30 - 162.50 n.a n.a
22 GG. Roual Hotel 45.00 50.00 65.00 55.00 1 star n.a
23 Global Hotel 84.00 92.00 122.00 -- 4 star n.a
24 Ghion Hotel 77.00 89.00 117.00 - 4 star 0115513222
25 Harmony Hotel 120.00 150.00 260.00 150.00 4 star 0116183100
26 Hilton Addis Ababa 220.00 250.00 345.00 - 5 star n.a
27 Hotel De france 45.00 - 55.00 65.00 n.a n.a
28 Ibex Hotel 52.00 60.00 77.00 60.00 3 star n.a
29 Imperial Hotel 80.00 100.00 125.00 - 4 star n.a
Sheraton Addis (luxury
30 collection) 449.08 626.18 1328.25-8987.83 5 star 0115171717
Source: Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the hotels.

8.2 Housing Rental Charges

The government and the private sector are engaged in renting dwelling houses and office buildings. Rental
charges may vary from location to location or from building to building depending on the quality of the
building and the distance from the center of town. The minimum rental prices set by the Agency for
Government Houses are shown in the following tables.

Table 8.2 Minimum rental prices of dwelling houses
No. 2) 2
Area (M Birr/ M /month

1 Up to 60 750

2 61-100 1180

3 >100 2870

Source: Calculated from the data supplied by Agency for Government Houses

Table 8.3 Discounts for dwelling house by grade of housing and location
No. Housing Discount Location Discount
grade grade
st st
1 1 - 1 -
nd nd
2 2 15% 2 15%
rd rd
3 3 30% 3 30%

Source: Agency for Government Houses.

Table 8.4 Minimum rental prices of business buildings

NO 2
Area( M2) Birr/ M /month
1 Below 30 1950.00
2 30-60 1951.00-2632.50
3 61-100 2633.00-3160.00
4 101-160 3161.00-4000.00
5 Above 160 4000.00

Source: Calculated from the data supplied by Agency for Government Houses

Table 8.5 Discounts for business buildings by grade of location

No. Location Discount
1 1 -
2 2 15%
3 3 30%

Source: Agency for Government Houses.

9.1 Advertising on Television
Table 9.1 Amharic and English
Local Products Foreign products
level 1 Level 2 Level 3
NO. Type Birr for 30 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Birr for Birr for Birr for
Birr/sec. seconds Birr per Birr Birr
30 30 30
(with VAT) sec. per sec per sec
seconds seconds seconds
1 PT1 69.33 2,392.00 97.50 3,363.75 86.66 2,990.00 75.83 2,616.25
2 PT2 54.82 1,891.18 91.00 3,199.50 75.83 2,616.25 72.58 2,504.13
3 NT1 47.66 1,644.50 81.25 2,803.13 67.17 2,317.25 65.00 2,242.50
4 NT2 30.25 1,043.63 65.00 2,242.50 59.58 2,055.63 54.17 1,868.75
5 SR 86.66 2,990.00 108.33 3,737.50 108.33 3,737.50 108.33 3,737.50

Note: PT- Prime time (after news)

NT- Normal time
PT1- 8:00-9:25 evening, between football match, Ethiopian Epiphany, Mauled and Arafa holidays
Eve, and public holidays.
PT2- 9:30-9:55 evening, Saturday 01:00-6:00 day and Sunday 06:00 morning - 06:00 evening.
NT1-9:55-10:30 evening, 01:00- 02:00 day Monday through Friday; 06:00 morning - 01:00 day
NT2-Monday-Friday morning 06:00-01:00, and day 02:00-06:00; Monday-Sunday evening 10:30-
morning 06:00
SR- Monday-Sunday evening 10:30- morning 06:00
Source: Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency

Table 9.2 Tigrigna and Oromiffaa

Birr for
No Type Birr/ second 30seconds
(with VAT)
1 PT 27.50 948.75
2 NT 22.50 776.25
Source: Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency

Table 9.3 Frequency discount

No. Number of spots Discount
1 1-15 No
2 16-30 5%
3 31-50 10%
4 51-80 15%
5 81 and Above 20%
Source: Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency

Table 9.4 Production charges

Type of production ( Birr)
1 Editing 1,782.50
2 Script (caption) 575.00
3 Dramatized advertising 3,047.50
4 Full production 2,357.50
Source: Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency

9.2 Advertising by Radio

9.2.1 National Service
Table 9.5 Amharic
Local products
Normal time Foreign products
(NT) Prime time (PT)
Transmi- Birr Birr for Birr Birr for
Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3
ssion /sec. 30 /sec. 30
Birr Birr for Birr Birr for Birr Birr for
day seconds seconds
/sec. 30 /sec 30 /sec 30
(with (with
seconds seconds seconds

Monday -
Friday 14.16 488.75 23.33 805.00 25.00 862.50 23.33 805.00 22.50 776.25
Sunday 15.00 517.50 25.83 891.25 26.91 928.62 25.25 871.13 23.58 813.63
Wish 25.00 1,725.00 25.00 1,725.00 25.00 1,725.00 25.00 1,725.00 25.00 1,725.00

Source: Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency

Table 9.6 Other Languages

Local products Foreign products
Normal time (NT) Prime time (PT)
Transmi- Birr for Birr for
Birr Birr for
ssion day 30 30
Birr / sec. Birr 30
seconds seconds
/sec /sec. seconds
(with (with
(with VAT)
Monday -
Friday 9.16 316.25 -- -- 10.00 345.00
Sunday -- -- 10.00 345.00 10.00 345.00

Source: Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency

9.2.2 FM Addis 97.1
Table 9.7Amharic
Local Products Foreign products
Normal Time (NT) Prime Time (PT)
Transmission Birr Birr for Birr Birr for Birr Birr for
day /sec 30 / sec. 30 /sec. 30
seconds seconds seconds
(with (with (with
Monday -Friday 10.50 362.25 - - 12.50 431.25
Saturday and
Sunday - - 11.66 402.27 12.50 431.25
Source: Ethiopian Radio and Television Agency

9.3 Advertising in Newspapers

Advertising charge in a newspaper may vary from newspaper to newspaper depending
on whether the newspaper is owned by the government or the private sector.
Charges for advertising in the government-owned Ethiopian Herald and Addis Zemen
(Amharic) newspapers are shown in the following table.
Table 9.10 Charges for advertising in the Ethiopian Herald and Addis Zemen
No. Page size Charge with VAT
Normal Urgent
1 Full page 10,626.00 13,282.50
2 Half page 5,409.60 6,762.00
3 Quarter page 2,704.80 3,381.00

Source: Ethiopian Press Agency

There are a number of private newspapers which provide advertising services. Among these is the weekly
Fortune newspaper. Charges for advertising in Fortune newspaper is presented below.

Table 9.11 Charges for advertising in Fortune News Paper

No Size Charge
Space (height x width) (Birr)
1 Ear front colour 5x6 1322.5
2 Quarter inside 17 x 13.5 1058.00
3 Half inside 17 x 26 1983.75
4 Full inside 34 x 26 3703.00
5 Full back colour 34 x 26 9200.00
Source: Fortune

Postal services are operated mainly by a government institution, the Ethiopian Postal
Service. A few private companies also operate courier services. The postage rate is
indicated below:
10.1 Domestic Postal Service Charges
Table 10.1 Ordinary postal service charges
No Item Weight Charge(Birr)
1 Letters Up to 20 0.80
Over 20 but not exceeding 50 1.55
Over 50 but not exceeding 100 1.60
Over 100 but not exceeding 250 1.65
Over 250 but not exceeding 500 1.80
Over 500 but not exceeding 1000 2.10
Over 1000 but not exceeding 2000 2.70
2 Post card 1.50
3 Printed papers Up to 20 1.50
Over 20 but not exceeding 50 1.55
Over 100 but not exceeding 250 1.65
Over 250 but not exceeding 500 1.80
Over 500 but not exceeding 1000 2.10
Over 1000 but not exceeding 2000 2.70
for each additional 1000 2.10
4 Small packets Up to 100 4.40
Over 100 but not exceeding 250 4.50
Over 250 but not exceeding 500 4.70
Over 500 but not exceeding 1000 5.00
Over 1000 but not exceeding 2000 5.65
5 Aerogramme - 1.20
Source: Ethiopian Postal Service

Table 10.2 Charges for documents
Weight (Birr)
For the 1 ½ KG 30.00
For each additional ½ KG 5.00

Weight 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
Birr 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125

Weight 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 19.5 20
Birr 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225

Source: Ethiopian Postal Service

Table 10.3 Charges for packages
Weight Birr
For the 1 ½ KG 35.00
For each additional ½ KG 10.00

WEIGHT 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
Birr 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175 185 195 205 215 225

WEIGHT 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 19.5 20
Birr 235 245 255 265 275 285 295 305 315 325 335 345 355 365 375 385 395 405 415 425

Source: Ethiopian Postal Service

Table 10.4 Charges for other postal services
No. Service type Charge ( Birr)
1 Registration (per item) 2.55
2 Express (per item) 24.65
3 Advice of delivery 1.50
4 Withdrawal of letter post item or 2.20
alteration of address
5 Power of attorney for collection of mail 20.00
6 Inquiry Free
7 Request of redirection Free
8 Unpaid or underpaid Double the amount of
ordinary letter post item deficiency in postage
9 Indemnity for a registered letter 25.00
Note: A parcel when requested to be returned from the delivery area it will be charged the original amount
plus its transport cost
Source: Ethiopian Postal Service

10.2 International Postal Service Charges

Table 10.5 Ordinary postal service charges
Air mail
NO Item Weight International zones
. (gms) Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
(Birr) (Birr) ( Birr)
1 Letters Up to 20 3.35 3.60 4.30
Over 20 but not exceeding 50 5.90 6.75 9.15
Over 50 but not exceeding 100 9.95 11.75 16.90
Over 100 but not exceeding 250 20.10 24.30 36.35
Over 250 but not exceeding 500 40.45 49.40 75.25
Over 500 but not exceeding 1000 78.55 96.45 148.20
Over 1000 but not exceeding 2000 154.75 190.55 294.05
2 Post card 3.35 3.60 4.30
3 Printed papers Up to 20 3.35 3.60 4.30
4 Over 20 but not exceeding 50 5.90 6.75 9.15
Over 50 but not exceeding 100 9.95 11.75 16.90
Over 100 but not exceeding 250 20.10 24.30 36.35
Over 250 but not exceeding 500 40.45 49.40 75.25
Over 500 but not exceeding 1000 78.55 96.45 148.20
Over 1000 but not exceeding 2000 154.75 190.55 294.05
For each additional 1000 78.55 96.45 148.20
5 Small packets Up to 100 9.50 10.70 14.15

Over 100 but not exceeding 250 22.20 26.35 38.45

Over 250 but not exceeding 500 42.50 51.45 77.35
Over 500 but not exceeding 1000 80.60 98.50 150.30
Over 1000 but not exceeding 2000 156.85 192.60 296.15
6 Aerogramme - 2.70 2.80 3.10
Note: Zone 1: Africa
Zone 2: Middle East & Europe
Zone 3: America, Far East and others

Source: Ethiopian Postal Service

Table 10.6 Charges for packages
TYPE OF ITEM (Birr) (Birr) (Birr) (Birr) (Birr)
For the 1 ½ KG 204.00 205.00 222.00 215.00 233.00
For each additional ½ KG 60.00 72.00 107.00 111.00 127.00

Source: Ethiopian Postal Service

Table 10.7 Inclusive charges for packages(Birr)
WEIGHT 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
ZONE A 204 264 324 384 444 504 564 624 684 744 804 864 924 984 1044 1104 1164 1224 1284 1344
ZONE B 205 277 349 421 493 565 637 709 781 853 925 997 1069 1141 1213 1285 1357 1429 1501 1573
ZONE C 222 329 436 543 650 757 864 971 1078 1185 1292 1399 1506 1613 1720 1827 1934 2041 2148 2255
ZONE D 215 326 437 548 659 770 881 992 1103 1214 1325 1436 1547 1688 1769 1880 1991 2102 2213 2324
ZONE E 233 360 487 614 741 868 995 1122 1249 1376 1503 1630 1757 1884 2011 2138 2265 2392 2519 2646

WEIGHT 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 19.5 20
ZONE A 1404 1464 1524 1584 1644 1704 1764 1824 1884 1944 2004 2064 2124 2184 2244 2304 2364 2424 2484 2544
ZONE B 1645 1717 1789 1861 1933 2005 2077 2149 2221 2293 2365 2437 2509 2581 2653 2725 2797 2869 2941 3013
ZONE C 2362 2469 2576 2683 2790 2897 3004 3111 3218 3325 3432 3539 3646 3753 3860 3967 4074 4181 4288 4395
ZONE D 2435 2546 2657 2768 2879 2990 3101 3212 3323 3434 3545 3656 3767 3878 3989 4100 4211 4322 4433 4544
ZONE E 2773 2900 3027 3154 3281 3408 3535 3662 3789 3916 4043 4170 4297 4424 4551 4678 4805 4932 5059 5186

Source: Ethiopian Postal Service

Table 10.8 Charges for documents
TYPE OF ITEM (Birr) (Birr) (Birr) (Birr) (Birr)
For the 1 ½ KG 195.00 196.00 212.00 206.00 224.00
For each additional ½ KG 55.00 57.00 77.00 76.00 97.00

Source: Ethiopian Postal Service

Table 10.9 Inclusive charges for documents (Birr)

WEIGHT 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10
ZONE A 195 250 305 260 415 470 525 580 635 690 745 800 855 910 965 1020 1075 1130 1185 1240
ZONE B 196 253 310 367 424 481 538 595 652 709 766 823 880 937 994 1051 1108 1165 1222 1279
ZONE C 212 289 366 443 520 597 674 751 828 905 982 1059 1136 1213 1290 1367 1444 1521 1598 1675
ZONE D 206 282 358 434 510 586 662 738 814 890 966 1042 1118 1194 1270 1346 1422 1498 1574 1650
ZONE E 224 321 418 515 612 709 806 903 1000 1097 1194 1291 1388 1485 1582 1679 1776 1873 1970 2067

WEIGHT 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5 16 16.5 17 17.5 18 18.5 19 19.5 20
ZONE A 1295 1350 1405 1460 1515 1570 1625 1680 1735 1790 1845 1900 1955 2010 2065 2120 2175 2230 2285 2340

ZONE B 1336 1393 1450 1507 1564 1621 1678 1735 1792 1849 1906 1963 2020 2077 2134 2191 2248 2305 2362 2419

ZONE C 1752 1829 1906 1983 2060 2137 2214 2291 2368 2445 2522 2599 2676 2753 2830 2907 2984 3061 3138 3215

ZONE D 1726 1802 1878 1954 2030 2106 2182 2258 2334 2410 2486 2562 2638 2714 2790 2866 2942 3018 3094 3170

ZONE E 2164 2261 2358 2455 2552 2649 2746 2843 2940 3037 3134 3231 3328 3425 3522 3619 3716 3813 3910 4007

Source: Ethiopian Postal Service

Table10.10 Lists of countries and postal zones


Source: Ethiopian Postal Service

10.3. Charges for Other Mail Services
Rental charges for:
• small size box ( out of Addis Ababa) : Birr 48 per year
• medium size box: Birr 85 per year for Individuals and Birr 170 per year for
• large size box: Birr 170 per year for Individuals and Birr 340 per year for
Charge for modification of lock : Birr 15
Key deposit : Birr 15
Source: Ethiopian Postal Service

The Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia (QSAE) is a government organ that is
responsible for certifying and assuring the quality, safety and durability of products and services
in accordance with the published and valid Ethiopian standards. The unit inspection and marking
fees for some selected goods are shown below:

Table 11.1 Inspection and marking fees by type of products

No. Unit inspection and marking
Product type fee (% of products unit selling
1 Oil seeds 0.2
2 Pulses 0.2

3 Edible Oil 0.2

4 Green coffee beans 0.05

5 Non- alcoholic beverages 0.3

6 Polymeric products 0.5

7 Leather and leather products 0.2

8 Soap and detergents 0.2

9 Cement and cement products 0.5

10 Safety matches 0.02

11 Iron sheet products 0.8

12 Paper 0.8

13 Fertilizer 0.2

14 Beer 0.2

15 Natural wine 0.4

16 Citrus squash 0.3

17 Edible salt 0.2

18 Cotton yarn 0.3

19 Industrial safety eye protector 0.5

20 Filing articles 0.8

Source: Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian Investment Agency (EIA) provides one-stop shop services for foreign investors.
The charges for the different services it renders are shown in the following table.
Table 12.1 Service charges by types of services and delivery time
Delivery Fee
No. Service type time ( Birr)
( hours)
1 Issuance of Investment permit
§ New investment 4 600
§ Expansion investment 4 300
2 Renewal of Investment permit
§ New investment 1 200
§ Expansion investment 1 100
3 Substitution of lost / damaged investment permit 1 100
4 Issuance of trade registration certificate
§ Principal registration 4 80
§ Summary registration 4 10
5 Issuance of business license 4 80
6 Issuance of work permit 1 600
7 Notarization of memorandum and articles of associations 4 600
8 Investment permit amendment/ change 3 100
9 Construction contracting grading 2 -
10 Investment permit revocation 2 -
11 Registration of technology transfer agreement 2 200
12 Renewal of technology transfer agreement 1 50
13 Registration of non- equity forms of foreign enterprise 1 100
14 Renewal of non- equity forms of foreign enterprise 1 50
15 Issuance of domestic status certificate to a foreign national 1 100
permanently residing in Ethiopia taken for domestic investor

The National Bank of Ethiopia serves as the central bank while the government owned
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Construction and Business Bank, Development Bank of Ethiopia
and several other private banks perform commercial banking functions. Banking charges
levied by the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia are shown in tables 13.1 and 13.2 below.
13.1 Banking Charges
The current banking charges by the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia are presented in the
following tables.

Table 13.1Domestic banking charges

No. Charges (in Birr and %)
Telephone service Total
Service type charge Commission charge charge
1 Transfer of funds
1 / million
§ Telegraph transfer 10 minimum 3 - > 13.00
1 / million
§ Demand draft transfer - minimum 3 - > 13.00
§ Mail transfer - - -
2 Cash payment order and certified checks
- in cash 15.00 15.00
- from A/C - 5.00 - 5.00
3 Replacement of lost saving passbook - - 25.00 25.00
4 Stop payment orders - - 10.00 10.00
5 Re- transfer of funds 10.00 - 10.00 20.00
6 Cancellation and /or amendment on
transfers 10.00 - 10.00 20.00
7 Standing instructions within same branch
and same customer (inter- account), and
for loan repayment purpose - - - -
8 Standing instructions for transfers
between branches within same location
(city) - - 10.00 10.00
9 cancellation and / or refunding of
demand draft lost - - 50.00 50.oo
10 Cancellation and /or refunding of CPO
lost - - 50.00 50.00
11 Opening and closing an account - - - -
12 Interest Rate
§ Saving deposit - 4% - -
§ Demand deposit - - - -
§ Special demand deposit - - - -
§ Time deposit
o Up to 1 Year - 4% - -
o 1-2 Years - 4% - -
o Over 2 Years - 4% -
Source: Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

Table 13.2 Foreign banking charges
No Category Services Existing Charges (Birr) Remark
Advising commission
1 Export Extension commission
letter of Amendment Free
credit Confirmation
Negotiation commission
2 Opening commission 0.50% (Min=100)
Per Quarter
or part there
Service charge 1% (Min=100) of
For Values:
letter of per Quarter
A) up to 1,000,000=0..250%
credit of part
B) 1,000,001-4,000,000=0.245% thereof
C)Over 4,000,000=0240%
Extension commission D)Min =30
Amendment Flat 30
Cancellation Flat 30
3 Service Charge upon purchase order
approval 0.25% (min+50
Service charge upon collection of the
Inward bill document 1%(min=50)
collection per. Quarter
or part
Extension commission for expired pos 0.25%(min=50) thereof
Documents Released free of payments Flat 10
4 Type A
- UP to USD 200,000 0.5% for 3 months or part there of
- USD 200,001-400,000 0.333% " " " " " "
- USD 400,001-600,000 0.25% " " " " " "
- Over 600,001 USD 0.20% " " " " " "
- Extension 0.20%For months or part there of
- Other terms of Guarantee USD 10
Guarantee Type B
- Bid bond passed by us with our
authentication USD 10 Per bond
Type C
Indirect foreign bid bond at request of
local customer
0.125% for 3 months or part
- Against 100% deposit thereof minimum 20 USD
0.5 % for 3 months or part thereof
- with credit facilities minimum 20 USD
5 Outgoing transfer 1% (Minimum = 10)
Cheque & Traveler’s Cheque
Foreign - Service Charge 1% (Min=5)
Transfer - Commission 1% (Min =5)
Incoming Transfer
Cheques Negotiated Service charge 0.5%(Minimum = 5)
Source: Commercial Bank of Ethiopia

13.1 Lending Rates
The Development Bank of Ethiopia (DBE) provides mainly long and medium- term loans
for agricultural, agro- processing and manufacturing investment projects which are preferably
export focused. It also avails short term working capital loan for its clients. Its
current interest rate is 7.5%.
On the other hand the existing interest rate of the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia for short, medium and log term
loans is 8.5%. However, the bank may apply different interest rates based on customer classification, type and
nature of credit product, customer’s credit risk rate and collateral position.

The wholesale exchange rate is determined through auction in which the National Bank of
Ethiopia (NBE) sales foreign currency to private and government commercial banks, investors
intending to import goods for investment and to effect invisible payments. The Commercial
Bank of Ethiopia and private commercial banks participate in the selling and buying of foreign
currency. In the Inter-bank foreign exchange market there is a slight variation of exchange rate
between banks.

Table 14.1 Indicative exchange rates for major currencies against the Birr
(Applicable on 2010-11-09)
No. Currency code Buying rate Selling rate
1 South African Rand 2.3957 2.4005
2 EURO 22.9075 22.9108
3 SDR 25.904511 25.904511
4 Saudi Riyal 4.387 4.3874
5 UAE Dirham 4.4792 4.4796
6 Canadian Dollar 16.3993 16.4108
8 Australian Dollar 16.641 16.6492
9 Kenyan Shilling 0.2041 0.2049
10 Japanese Yen 0.202958 0.202983
11 Indian Rupee 0.370453 0.370536
12 Norwegian Kroner 2.8326 2.8373
13 Danish Kroner 3.0727 3.075
14 Swiss Franc 17.0273 17.0361
15 Swedish Kroner 2.4679 2.4682
16 US Dollar 16.4518 16.6163
17 Pound Sterling 26.5713 26.5795
Source: National Bank of Ethiopia,


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