Importance of Research and Development
Importance of Research and Development
Importance of Research and Development
The importance of research and development has become more evident everyday among the
factors that directly related to the good economic performance of the emerging countries of
21st centuries. In any well-run company, research and development have commercial functions
to enhance the company’s business objectives by creating better and innovative products, to
improve operational processes and to provide expert advice to the rest of the company and to
In any industry whether an old or emerging,must continually revise their design and range of
products.This is necessary because of continuous technology change and development as well
as other competitors and the changing preferences of customers everyday which is not possible
without an R&D program.
The future economic progress for any country will be driven by the invention and application of
new technologies.The importance of research and development lies there,as it is one category
of spending that develops and drives these new technologies.R&D plays an important role in
enhancing the capability of companies because they stimulate innovative methods of
production,reduce costs and improve product quality.
There are some large companies that allocates a significant part of their budget for R&D
activities,improving performance and increasing profitability.In present day, R&D is a core part
of the modern business world. The major decision in firms are made on basis of the importance
of research and development.Product research and development goes hand in hand with
market research and development.The product researchers use marketing information which
helps them to develop products or services and chooses suitable designs.The subject of R&D
has gradually become more visible in economic literature and many studies cover its
intermixing values.It is a source of information and it updates the organization and insist the
organization to tell change in the environment.
Research and Development is of great importance in business as the level of competition,
production processes and methods are rapidly increasing.It is of special importance in the field
of marketing where companies keep an eagle eye on competitors and customers in order to
keep pace with modern trends and analyze the needs,demands and desires of their
customers.If a company has made some significant contribution in R&D, the results are bound
to be good but higher R&D spending does not signify more creativity, higher profit or a greater
market share.