Summative Test in Dev RDNG Viii - First Quarter1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Negros Oriental
Jimalalud District


(First Quarter)
Name: ________________________ Date:____________________
Signature of Parent:___________ Score:___________________

TEST I. Directions: Read each statement carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct option to answer each
question. For items with blanks, write your answer on the space provided for.
1. What is author's purpose?
A. Author's purpose refers to how the author organizes the information in the text.
B. An author's purpose is the reason an author decides to write about a specific topic.
C. An author's purpose states the main idea and supporting details.
D. Author's purpose refers to the author's choice of graphical elements.
2. Do you want to be an artist? Just enroll in "The Awesome Artists" program. Don't let this opportunity
or your talent slip away. We guarantee you will be painting like the masters in two weeks for a low cost
of $59.95. What is the author's purpose?
A. To entertain you with a story about artists. C. To inform you how all artists become famous.
B. To persuade you to attend an art program. D. To explain how to paint a sunset.
3. The Food Group Pyramid tells how to eat healthy. It shows how food is divided into six groups. It is
important to eat foods that belong to each group every day. The pyramid helps show how much of
each you should eat. What is the author's purpose?
A. to entertain you with a story about pyramids C. to inform you about the Food Group Pyramid
B. to persuade you to eat vegetables D. to explain how to go shopping for food
4. Ted was anxious to try out for the basketball team. He had practiced and knew he was ready. Tryouts
made him a little nervous, but when he found out he made the team he knew that all the work had
paid off. What is the author's purpose?
A. to entertain with a story about a boy who worked hard
B. to inform someone how to play basketball
C. to persuade you to try out for the basketball team
D. to explain the rules of basketball
5. Beth and her mom went to the circus. This was a special day because she had never been to a circus
before. They bought peanuts and went to their seats. She saw clowns, jugglers, and people on
trapezes. There were elephants, lions, and tigers. It was a very exciting day for Beth. What is the
author's purpose?
A. to entertain with a story about a girl who enjoyed the circus
B. to inform you about the animals in the circus
C. to persuade you to visit the circus
D. to explain how much it costs to attend the circus
6. It's important to go to school. What you learn in school will help you later in life. It will also help you
get a job. If you work hard in school and make good grades, you may be able to go to college and have
a career. What is the author's purpose?
A. to entertain with a story about school C. to inform you how to get good grades
B. to persuade you to work hard in school D. to explain the best colleges
7. Rules are very important. They help keep things running smoothly. Rules let you know what you can
and cannot do whether you are playing a game or explaining how to act in class. You should follow
rules; they help people get along. What is the author's purpose?
A. to entertain with a story about people who follow the rules
B. to inform about the rules of games
C. to persuade people to follow the rules
D. to explain the rules of chess
8. An article arguing why Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player ever.
A. Persuade B. Inform C. Entertain D. Explain
9. A list of the 25 richest athletes in the world.
A. Persuade B. Inform C. Entertain D. Explain
10. An “X-men” comic book.
A. Persuade B. Inform C. Entertain D. Explain
11. A National Geographic article about the eating and breeding habits of the endangered bald eagle.
A. Persuade B. Inform C. Entertain
12. A website saying that a new shopping mall should not be built because it threatens an endangered
bald eagle’s home. The website also lists other reasons why the mall should not be built.
A. Persuade B. Inform C. Entertain D. Explain
13. A poem about bald eagles.
A. Persuade B. Inform C. Entertain D. Explain
14. A sign saying, “Rest Stop Five Miles Ahead.”
A. Persuade B. Inform C. Entertain D. Explain
15. A story about two girls that go on a crazy adventure.
A. Inform B. Entertain C. Persuade D. Explain
16. What is the author's purpose for writing a passage like the following?
A five-paragraph essay in which the author attempts to convince readers to recycle more and to be less
A. to inform B. to entertain C. to persuade D. to describe
17. A short story about a boy who never cleans his room and the horrible mess that accumulates
A. to inform B. to entertain C. to persuade D. to describe
18. On Tuesday, scientists announced that they have identified the fossil remains of the smallest dinosaur
ever to roam North America. The bones were discovered 30 years ago in Colorado.
A. To entertain B. To inform C. To persuade
19. Kids at Morning Star Elementary School, in Bozeman, Montana, turned ideas into actions. Their fifth-
grade class raised money for the Red Cross and Haiti. They collected more than $1,100.
A. To entertain B. To inform C. To persuade
20. The group turned down yet another hall that opened into a jungle-like area with flowers and small
trees and sunshine that filtered through skylights and floor-to-ceiling windows.
A. To entertain B. To inform C. To persuade
21. Tobacco companies should be forced to pay lucrative settlements to anyone who has become addicted
or adversely affected by the use of their products. Anyone who has a loved one who has succumbed to
the temptation to use cigarettes can attest to the way the product can swallow souls as well as
consumers' wallets. The clinical evidence of the devastation created by secondhand smoke is
compelling enough for legislators to consider legal action against the powerful corporations.
Unfortunately, tobacco companies have traditionally provided strong financial support for many
political candidates. Write your congressional representative and express your outrage!
A. To entertain B. To inform C. To persuade
22. I received a brochure from Disney World. What would be the purpose of the brochure?
A. Entertain with pictures of Mickey Mouse.
B. Inform me about Disney and entertain.
C. Inform me about Disney but also persuade me to take a trip there.
D. Inform me about Disney's attractions.
23. An expository essay on your best friend is written most likely to?
A. Inform readers about who and why they are your best friend.
B. Persuade readers to get a best friend.
C. Entertain the reader with a story about your best friend.
D. Express your feelings.
24. What is the author's purpose for a biography?
A. Persuade the reader to change your opinion.
B. Inform the reader about an important person's life.
C. Entertain the reader with a story.
D. Express the author's opinion about the person's life.

25. Why is it important to know the narrative point of view of a story? Choose the BEST answer.
A. Because who the narrator is determines what information the readers know and doesn't know.
B. Because characters are important.
C. Because Miss Whitman says so.
D. Because the point of view tells us the mood of the story.
26. A type of narrative perspective in which the author uses pronouns like ''your" and "you" to address the
A. Second Person B. Third Person Limited C. First Person D. Third Person Omniscient
27. How can you know that something is written in first person point of view?
A. The word "I" is used somewhere in the text.
B. The author is addressing the reader.
C. The narrator is not in the story.
D. The story is told from the perspective of one character in the text.
28. How to grill by Steven Raichlen
Once you have your grill assembled, the next thing to decide is where to put it. A grill puts out a lot of
heat, so you should position it several feet away from the side of the house or any plants or shrubbery.
You'll have an easier time with a spot that is sheltered from the wind. When positioning a grill on a
wooden deck, remember that sparks and live embers can fall from a charcoal grill.
A. first-person B. third person omniscient C. third person limited D. second-person
29. John looked nervously at Patty as she reached into the cage without hesitation. She seemed to not to
be scared of snakes in the slightest.
A. first person B. third person C. omniscient D. second person
30. The point of view, or perspective of a story is
A. the way the story makes you feel. C. a conversation between characters.
B. the sound of the story, or the author's voice. D. who is telling the story.
31. What POV is this passage?
As I stepped onto the shiny porch of my new house, I thought to myself, "This is going be a good day."
A. Second Person B. First Person C. Third Person D. Third Person Omniscient
32. What point of view is the following?
Cathy leaned into her computer screen with big eyes. She couldn't believe it- she had finally gotten a
100 on her math test! She knew her parents would be proud of her.
A. First person B. Third person C. Second person D. Fourth person
33. The Scarecrow found a tree full of nuts and filled Dorothy's basket with them, so that she would not
be hungry for a long time. She thought this was very kind and thoughtful of the Scarecrow, but she
laughed heartily at the awkward way in which the poor creature picked up the nuts. His padded
hands were so clumsy that he dropped almost as many as he put in the basket. But the Scarecrow
did not mind how long it took him to fill the basket, for it enabled him to keep away from the fire, as
he feared a spark might get into his straw and burn him up.
A. First person B. Second person C. Third person D. Fourth person
34. Remember, any tool that you can use against an enemy may also be used against you. Therefore it is
highly recommended that you build a course with your clan to practice keeping your wits about you
when something is trying to set you off course. Ninjas train on special courses that really mess with
their perception of space, but that doesn't mean you can't make your own mini gauntlet to increase
your skills in your own backyard.
A. First person B. Second person C. Third person D. Fourth person
35. Harry called their grand finale "Metamorphosis," which means "change in appearance." Harry would
tie Theo's hands behind his back with a rope, then put him in a sack and tie the top. The tied and
bagged Theo was then placed into the trunk which was locked and tied with ropes. A curtain was
drawn so that no one could see the trunk, although they could hear Theo banging around inside.
With great drama, Houdini told the audience, "When I clap my hands three times, behold a miracle!"
He moved behind the curtain, clapped three times, and out stepped Theo, arms raised triumphantly.
A. First person B. Second person C. Third person D. Fourth person
36. The farm next to ours is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Gregg. The Greggs have two children, both of them
boys. Their names are Philip and William. Sometimes I go over to their farm to play with them. I am a
girl and I am eight years old. Philip is also eight years old. Last week something very funny happened.
I am going to tell you about it as best as I can.
A. First person B. Second person C. Third person D. Fourth person
37. The next morning Mr. Sir marched the boys to another section of the lake, and each boy dug his own
hole, five feet deep and five feet wide. Stanley was glad to be away from the big hole. At least now he
knew just how much he had to dig for the day. And it was a relief not to have other shovels swinging
past his face, or the Warden hanging around.
A. First person B. Second person C. Third person D. Fourth person
38. When I was a child, I used to go to the seaside for the holidays.
(Beatrix Potter, "Tale of Little Pig Robinson")
A. First person B. Second person C. Third person D. Fourth person

TEST II. Directions: On the space provided before each item, write YES if the statement is True and NO if it is
__________ 39. The first person narrative uses the pronouns "I" and "you" exclusively.
__________ 40. The fire crackled. I stared across the flames at Janie and wondered what she was feeling" is an
example of first person narrative.
__________ 41. Deliver your remarks to a family member or close friend to begin to conquer your fear of public
speaking" is an example of a second person narrative perspective.
__________ 42. The second person narrative perspective uses the pronoun "you" and “me” exclusively.
__________ 43. 'My God, what have I just done?' he thought" is an example of third person narrative
__________ 44. Understanding the author's purpose helps the reader better understand the main idea of the
passage and follow the author's ideas as they progress.
__________ 45. When an author writes a text, he or she has a story for writing.
__________ 46. While authors may have many varied purposes for writing, when we talk about author's
__________ 47. When an author is persuading, he is attempting to convince the reader by presenting an
opinion and making an argument.
__________ 48. Identifying the author’s purpose is an important part of reading comprehension.

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