Film Pitch

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Explain your GENRE

2. Film NARRATIVE (beginning, middle and end)
3. STARS and why you have chosen them
4. DIRECTOR and why they are suitable
5. COMPARISON of your film to other films
6. LOGLINE with 200 words that really sell your
The genre that I have chosen for my film is action, the codes and
conventions of my film are listed under these categories.

Props: Setting:
-Guns -Urban
-Explosions (mostly common,
-Cars City)
-Body Armour
(in some films)

-Danger Characters:
-Revenge -Protagonist
-Terrorism -Antagonist
-Espionage -Support
-Desperation -Damsel in distress
Film Narrative
Equilibrium (Beginning of film)
2 cops (detective Phillips and detective Lawrence) profession
lies within a secret unit which specializes itself in double
agency, when trouble is present e.g. they find out by their
Intel that a drug deal is present, these two officers conceal
themselves as the villains in order to blend in. They then
would bust the criminals and put them behind bars. One cop
indulges the cop lifestyle however one of them is eager to get
out to live a prosperous life with his wife and new baby he is
going to have. The agency is safe and secure.
Film Narrative
Disruption and recognition
(middle and climax of film)
Criminals are planning a large scale plot
The hosts of the large scale operation are introduced.
Pentagon Eradication is clearly shown to the
audience as the target, the cops find out about this
information from there Intel source, a friend
(support, David Krumkoltz). They then attend the
scene in order to stop the plot.
Film Narrative
Attempt to repair disruption
(End of film)

The cops attempt to stop the criminals pinning

them down to an old warehouse were they have
civilians held at in captivity. The cops bust the
criminals and one cop finds a love interest for one
of the girls (damsel in Distress) from the help of
their new friend and their supporting characters
information they realize that it is bigger than they
once believed, their cop organisation had gone
corrupt and some individuals were in on this plot
to eradicate the pentagon, the cops finally bust
them with the help of the supporting characters.
Protagonist includes Will Smith and Samuel L
I have chosen Samuel L Jackson
I have chosen Will Smith to be my key to be my other leading
character (detective Phillips) because protagonist (detective Lawrence)
he has shown on various occasions because he plays quite a serious
that he works well in any role that is however comedic role in his films,
given to him, he also plays protagonist this comedic element used in his
characters in most of the films he is films will work well with my
in, films such as IRobot, I Am Legend, target audience (15). His exquisite
Seven Pounds. etc. He also has a performance in Pulp Fiction
similar role in Bad Boys (1995) were (1994) gave him an Oscar and
he is featured as a cop, I have taken since then he has proven to be
this information and utilized it. quite the action archive in films
such as the long kiss goodnight
(1996) and Die Hard: With a
Vengeance (1995).
The key Antagonist will be played by Alan Rickman, the damsel in distress by
Kerry Washington and the Support, David Krumkoltz
I have chosen Alan Rickman as my antagonist generally because of he's amazing
acting. I took a keen eye in his character “Snape” in Harry Potter. This sinister,
devious like character is the type of character I would like to use in my film.
He has also been the antagonist in other action films such as Die Hard. He
performed his role as the leader of a terrorist group. This powerful role Is similar
to the character I am trying to capture. The leader of an organisation.

I have chosen David Krumkoltz for the supporting character because he

has experience in witty fun films. He has played roles in crude hilarious
films Such as Harold and Kumar as well as playing a role in family films
such as Santa Clause. The way he can play many different characters in
a variety of films and pull it off is astonishing.

I have chosen Kerry Washington because she is a good looking actress who
in her past has been in apart of countless films including the brilliance
Fantastic four and the last King of Scotland. I also chose her because I
believe she will fit the role perfectly.
I have chosen John McTiernan to be my director because he is
a profound Action director who has in his past directed films
such as, Die Hard, Die Hard with a Vengeance and Predator.
With his experience in the genre I am sure he will do this film
My Film The Heist could be compared to a style similar to
Bad Boys because its theme of the cops busting the criminals.
Bad Boys also has Will Smith which similar to my film.
However my film could be compared to the likes of Die Hard
because of its fast paced and coerced action sequences. The
director is also the same as in Die Hard.
Two heroic officers keep the sanctity of the city
alive by preventing crime on a daily basis.
However, when the Pentagon Eradication is at
risk, its a whole new game.

• Reference to characters
• It answers the question, what is your film about? (but at
the same time keeps some intrigue)
• May signal the genre of the film
• Communicates the narrative (elements of the story line)
1. Explain your GENRE
2. Film NARRATIVE (beginning, middle and end)
3. STARS and why you have chosen them
4. DIRECTOR and why they are suitable
5. COMPARISON of your film to other films
6. LOGLINE with 200 words that really sell your film
200 Word Pitch
Two heroic officers keep the sanctity of the city alive by preventing crime on a
daily basis, however when the Pentagon Eradication is at risk, its a whole new
game. The Heist is a full on action extravaganza which holds qualities such as its
fast paced action sequences, its comedic elements and its gripping twists that will
keep you watching until the last bullet is fired. The film will carry a dedicated cast
such as Will Smith, and Samuel L Jackson playing the leading roles as the
protagonists, Alan Rickman the Antagonist formally renown for his performance in
Sweeney Todd, Die hard and the recently released Alice in Wonderland, and Kerry
Washington as the Damsel in Distress. The utilization of these entertaining actors
will give us the potential to grab the audiences attention and consequently
increase publicity. My film will ideally be directed by John McTiernan who has
clearly demonstrated he can perform in an action genre due to his directing
authority in films such as Die Hard and Predator. The film will be made on a budget
of £130,million and will be released in the summer on a certificate of 12A, this will
ensure maximisation viewer ship with Teens as well as adults.

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