P. Balamurugan Deep Learning - Theory and Practice

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Deep Learning - Theory and Practice

IE 643
Lecture 1

August 14, 2020.

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1 Credit Requirements

2 Audit Requirements

3 Programming skills required

4 Study materials and References

5 Teaching Assistants

6 Introduction

7 Perceptron

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Credit Requirements

Credit Requirements

Course Project: 40%

I Topics will be floated soon - selection to be done only from the list of
topics floated.
I Team size: Limited to maximum of 3 members. (strict limit)
I 30% for mid-term evaluation, 70% for final evaluation.
I Typical activities in project: reading research papers, implementing
algorithms, trying some improvements with ideas designed by the
teams (or suggested by Instructor).
I More details will be provided soon.

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Credit Requirements

Credit Requirements

Mid-Term Exam: 20% (tentative)

Quiz: 10%
I Quizzes would be held during the live interaction time slots.
Assignments (Theoretical, Programming): 10%
Scribing, class participation, other activities: 10%
Homework problems, practice questions will be provided
regularly. (Will not be graded!)

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Credit Requirements

Credit Requirements

Challenge Programming contests: 10%

I Problem description and solution requirements along with training and
validation data sets will be posted.
I Students can form teams of maximum size 3.
I Teams can propose solutions based on the problem description and
solution requirements.
I Submissions will be ranked based on their performance on private test
data sets.
I Marks will be provided as percentiles.
I Students who provide top 3 best performing solutions for each
programming contest would be given extra marks, and their ideas will
deserve special mention during the course.

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Audit Requirements

Audit Requirements

Course Project must be executed to completion.

Assignments must be solved and submitted.
Pass marks in Mid-term exam (≥ 100 ) (Tentative)
Quizzes are optional and will not be considered for evaluation.
I However auditing students are strongly encouraged to participate in
Auditing students are encouraged to participate in programming
contests, but this is optional.
Auditing students will not be given scribing activity.

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Programming skills required

Essential Programming Skills

Knowledge of Python programming language is essential

No special training for Python programming language will be provided

You must learn Python on your own. Start now !

However some practice codes will be given for those who wish to
refresh their Python.

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Programming skills required

Request to participants

If you are completely new to Python

If you are a sophomore B.Tech (or) B.S. student
If you have already credited a different Deep Learning course in IITB

Please de-register !!!

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Study materials and References

Materials for self-study and Reference Texts

Materials for self-study

Lecture slides, scribes and related research papers will be posted in

Ref. Book-1
Deep Learning. Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville. An
MIT Press book. https://www.deeplearningbook.org/

Ref. Book-2
Deep Learning with Python. François Chollet. Manning Publications.

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Study materials and References

Reference Texts

Ref. Book-3
Linear Algebra and Learning from Data. Gilbert Strang.
Wellesley-Cambridge Press.

Web Resources
Code repository: https://github.com

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Teaching Assistants

Teaching Assistants for the course

Kunal Apurva ([email protected])

Saurav Pathak ([email protected])

Ritesh Dattu Takole ([email protected])

Shubham Uttam ([email protected])

Akash Saha ([email protected])

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Deep Learning - Motivating Applications

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Deep Learning Applications

Handwritten Character Recognition

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Deep Learning Applications

Object Recognition

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Deep Learning Applications

Action Recognition

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Deep Learning Applications

Machine Translation

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Deep Learning Applications

Image Generation

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Deep Learning Applications

Real time object Recognition

Click for video

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Deep Learning Applications

Real time notes to music

Click for video

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Biological Motivation

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Key Assumptions
Stimuli which are similar will tend to form pathways to some sets of
response cells.

Stimuli which are dissimilar will tend to form pathways to different

sets of response cells.

Application of positive or negative reinforcements may facilitate or

hinder the formation of connections.

Similarity of stimuli is a dynamically evolving attribute.

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