Diversity Lesson Plan

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Diversity Lesson Plan: Disability Awareness

Book Title: Hello, My Name Is Max and I Have Autism: An Insight Into the Autistic Mind
Author: Max Miller
Published: June 2014
Grade Level: 3rd grade
Subject: Reading and Language

Social Justice Standards:

 Diversity 7 (D.I. 3-5.7): I have accurate, respectful words to describe how I am similar to
and different from people who share my identities and those who have other identities

 Diversity 9 (D.I. 3-5.9): I feel connected to other people and know how to talk, work, and
play with others even when we are different or when we disagree.

Nevada Academic Content Standards:

 Reading Standard for Literature (Key Ideas and Details) #3: Describe characters in a
story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute
to the sequence of events.
 Students will be able to identify, understand, and relate to disabilities that others have by
experiences and class presentations with 90% accuracy.
 “Hello, My Name Is Max and I Have Autism: An Insight Into the Autistic Mind” By Max
 Reading Notebook
 Pencil
 Poster board (will be given to students)
 Marker, colored pencils, crayons
Introduce Ask the students if they have any predictions about what the book will be about.
: Ask students if they know what a disability is and if they know anyone who has a
Read: Whole Group- Students will listen as the teacher reads the story
Discuss: Questions 1-3 will be discussed as a Think-Pair-Share and questions 4-6 will be
written down answers in Reading Notebook individually
1. Who is the main character?
2. Why does Max struggle at times?
3. What did Max use to communicate his feelings?
4. What makes Max different from you?
5. How is Max is the same as you?
6. Has there been a time in your life when you have felt different? Explain
when and why you felt different.
Activities: Think-Pair-Share: Students will discuss questions 1-3 with one other classmate.
Students will be separated around the classroom. The teacher will first read the
question, then students will have 30 seconds to think and 10 seconds to pair up
with a classmate. Lastly, students will each have 1 minute to share their answers.
Class Presentations: Students will use their previous and current knowledge and
what they have learned from the book to create a poster board about Autism and
other disabilities. On the poster board, students should include the definition of a
disability, similarities, and differences between themselves and someone with
disabilities, and a time when they have struggled with something in their lives.
Students must also include 2 school appropriate pictures on the poster board.
(pictures can be brought from home, found on google, or drawn)

 The teacher will assess student’s knowledge and understanding of the book and
disabilities based on their class presentations of the definition of a disability, similarities
and differences between themselves and someone with disabilities, and a time when they
have struggled with something in their lives.

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