GRADE-7-curriculum Map
GRADE-7-curriculum Map
GRADE-7-curriculum Map
Content Content Performance Formation Learning Competencies Enduring Transfer Goal Assessments Performance Activities
Standard Standard Standard Understanding Task
and Essential
Numbers and The learner The learner is The learner …
Number Sense demonstrates able to 1.describes well-defined
understanding of formulate sets, subsets, universal sets,
key concepts of challenging and the null set and
sets and the real situations cardinality of a set.
number system. involving sets M7NS-Ia-1
and real 2. illustrates the union and
numbers and intersection of sets and
solve these in a difference of two sets.
variety of M7NS-Ia-2
strategies 3. uses Venn Diagrams to
represent sets, subsets and
set operations.
4. solves problems involving
5. represents the absolute
value of a number on a
number line as the distance
of a number from 0.
6. performs fundamental
operations on integers
7. illustrates the different
properties of operations on
the set of integers.