Math 7 Week 12 SLM

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The key takeaways from this module are an introduction to sets, set operations like union and intersection, and an introduction to real numbers including integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers.

The main topics covered in this module include sets and set operations, the real number system including integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers.

Some examples of sets mentioned are the days of the week, months with 30 days, secondary colors, provinces in Region 12, and sets of planets.




SY 2021-2022


For inquires, Please contact me using the following


Contact #: 09755649674
Facebook Account: Mary Jossa Guzman Dizon
Email Account : [email protected]


La Salette of Quezon, Inc. SY 2021-2022 Junior High School


Content Performance Topic Most Essential Learning Competencies Time Frame
Standards Standards
The student The student is 1. Illustrate well-defined sets, subsets,
demonstrates able to universal sets, null set, cardinality
understanding formulate Set and of sets, union and intersection of
of challenging Set sets and different of two sets.
key concepts of situations Operations (M7NS-Ia-1) Weeks 1-2
sets involving sets 2. Solves problems involving sets
and the real and real with the use of Venn Diagram.
number system. numbers and 3. Represent the absolute value of a
solve these in a number on a number line as the
variety of distance of a number from 0. (M7NS-
strategies. Ic-1)
4. Perform fundamental operations Week 3
on integers. M7NSIc-d-1
5. Illustrate the different properties
of operations on the set of integers.
(M7NS-Id-2) Week 4
6. Express rational numbers from
fraction form to decimal form and
vice versa.
(M7NS- Ie-1)
Real 7. Perform operations on rational
Number numbers.
System (M7NS- If-1
& 8. Describe principal roots and tells Week 5
Square whether they are rational or
Root irrational. (M7NS-Ig-1)
9. Determine between what two
integers the square root of a
number is. (M7NS-Ig-2) Week 6
10. Estimate the square root of a
whole number to the nearest
hundredth. (M7NS-Ig-3)
11. Plot irrational numbers (up to
square roots) on a number line.*** Week 7
12. Illustrate the different subsets of
real numbers. (M7NS- Ih-1)
13. Arrange real numbers in increasing Week 8
or decreasing order and on a
number line.
14. Write numbers in scientific
notation and vice versa. (M7NS-Ii-
Scientific 1)
Notation Week 9
15. Represent real-life situations and
solves problems involving real


Expected Skills

To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following:

1. Answer all the exercises and process questions completely.
2. Study the explanations well.
3. Supplement yourself with other learning materials when available andnecessary.
4. Write down your thoughts to help you in processing information.
5. Keep in mind that your success in this module depends on how much effort youput into doing th
activities in this module


Here is a simple map of the above lessons you will cover:


This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master
the Sets. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations.
The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.

The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which
you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using. The
module contains lessons on:
• Lesson 1 – Sets
• Lesson 2 - Subset, Universal Sets, Null Set, Cardinality of Sets
• Lesson 3 – Union and Intersection of Sets and the Difference of Two Sets

Expected Skills:
To do well in this module, you need to remember and do the following:
1. Determine the union of two sets,
2. Find the intersection of sets,
3. Solve for the difference of sets,
4. Solve routine and non-routine problems involving sets and set operations.



Select the correct answer. Write the letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following is a well-defined set?
a. A set of beautiful sceneries c. A set of Philippine Presidents
b. A set of good basketball players d. A set of successful leader
2. List all the letters in the word “school”.
a. {s, c, h, o, o, l} d. {s, c, o, l}
b. {s, c, h, o, l}
c. {s, h, o, o, l}
3. Which of the following is the symbol of an empty set?
a. ∩ c. 
b. U d. 
4. Which of the following is a subset of A= {1,2,3}?
a. {0} c. {1,2}
b. {0,1} d. {2,3,4}
5. Given the set of letters in the word “mathematics”, what is the cardinality of the given set?
a. 11 c. 6
b. 8 d.
6. The following is a subset of R = {n, e, w}, EXCEPT?
a. {n, e, w} b. {e} c. {0} d. { }
7. Which of the following set has the cardinality equals to 5?
a. Set A is the set of counting numbers less than 5.
b. Set B is the set of letters in the word “RACER”.
c. Set C is the set of positive multiples of 5.
d. Set D is the set of names of the fingers.
8. Given A = {i, c, e} and B = {c, o, l, d}, find A∪B.
a. {c, o, l, d, i, e} c. {e}
b. {i, e} d. { }

9. Given C = {5, 10, 15, 20} and B = {25}, find A ∩ B.

a. {5, 10, 15, 20, 25} c. { }
b. {5, 10, 15, 20} d. {0}

10. Given E = {pig, goat, cow, horse} and F = {chicken, duck}, find E – F.
a. {pig, goat, cow, horse, chicken, duck} c. {chicken, duck}
b. {pig, goat, cow, horse} d. { }

Let’s Explore!

Activity 1: KWL Chart

Directions: Check your understanding of this lesson by doing the activity below. Fill in the K column with
the things you already know and W column of the things you still want to learn and wonder about the
topic. Write your answers in your LAS.

What I know about the topic What I want to learn about the What I have learned about the
topic topic

Activity 2: Group and Label

Directions: Group and label the objects below according to their characteristics.


After you label and group the objects, answer the following questions:
a. Why did you group the object as such? ___________________________________________________
b. How many groups are there? ___________________________________________________
c. What are the names of the groups created? ___________________________________________________
d. Why should you know how to organize things by groups or sets?
You have to know how to organize things because you will apply this skill of organizing by
groups or sets in all branches of mathematics.

Lesson Proper

Lesson 1: Set and Set Operations

In this lesson you will learn how to define and illustrate a well-defined set and to identify the
elements of the given set.

Sets. The groups are called sets. Set maybe thought as a collection of objects.

WELL – DEFINED SET. In mathematics, set is a well-defined group or collection of objects that share
common characteristics. The objects contained in the set are called elements.
A set can be named using capital letters like A, B, C, D,…Z and we use braces { } to group the elements of
set separated by commas. If a set contains many elements, we often use three dots, …, called ellipsis.

*Note: In listing the elements of the set, each distinct element is listed once and the order of the element
does not matter.

Example of well-defined sets.

Example of not well-defined sets.

1. The set of famous dancers. 3. The set of honest people
2. The set of punctual students in your class.

*Note: The sets given above are not well-defined since people will have different point of views on famous
dancers, punctual students and honest people.


Describing Sets

There are two ways of describing sets: The Roster Form and the Set-Builder Form.

1) Roster Form ( Listing the elements )

In the roster form, the elements are listed, separated by a comma (,) and enclosed in a pair of
brackets { }. The set of objects that one can be defined by listing all its elements.

Example 1 : Write each set described below in roster form.

a. Set E consists of the vowels of the English alphabet.

b. Set F consists of all the counting numbers.
c. Set G consist of the months of the year with less than 31 days.


a. E = { a, e, i, o, u }
b. F = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, …}
c. G = {February, April, June, September, November}

Firm Up

Now that you have practiced enough about the topics we have just studied,
get your LAS and answer your Activity #3 “SET IT UP”.

*Subsets, Universal Sets, Null Sets and Cardinality of Sets

In the past lesson, you have learned how to illustrate sets. Now, you will learn about Subsets,
Universal Sets, Null Sets and Cardinality of Sets.

UNIVERSAL SET. The universal set U is the set that contains all objects under consideration.
1. Set U contains the set of whole numbers.
U= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, …}
2. Set U contains the set of all letters of the English Alphabet.
U = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z}
3. Set U contains the set of days of the week.
U = {Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday}

SUBSETS. Given any two sets A and B, if every element in A is also an element in B, then A is a subset of
B. The symbol “A  B” is read A is a subset of B.
*Note: Every set is a subset of itself and empty set is also a subset of every set.
1. R = {1, 2}

2. O = {red, blue, yellow}

3. E = {m, a, t, h}
A set with no element is an empty set or null set. The symbol for empty set is { } or ∅.
1. Set T is the set of counting numbers between 1 and 2.
T = {} or T = ∅
2. Set I is the set of months with 35 days.
I = {} or I = ∅
3. Set M is the set of cars with 60 doors.
M = {} or M = ∅
4. Set B is the set of flying castles.
B = {} or B = ∅
5. Set E is the set of crying trees.
E = {} or E = ∅
The cardinal number of set A, denoted by n(A), is the number of elements in set A. Thus, in A = {1,3,5,7},
n(A) = 4 because set A contains 4 elements.

Find the cardinality of the following sets.

1. Set D is the set of vowels in English alphabet.

Solution: D = {𝑎,𝑒,𝑖,𝑜,𝑢}
Answer: n(D) = 5
2. Set R is the set of letters in the word “difficulty”.
Solution: R = {𝑑,𝑖,𝑓,𝑐,𝑢,𝑙,𝑡,𝑦}
Answer: n(R) = 8
3. Set M is the set of odd numbers between 1 and 3.
Solution: M = {} or M = ∅
Answer: n(M) = 0

Firm Up

Now that you have practiced enough about the topics we have just studied,
get your LAS and answer your Activity #4 “UNIVERSAL IT IS” and
Activity #5 “Where does corona virus outbreak started?”.

*Union and Intersection of Sets and the Difference of Two Sets

In Arithmetic, we have learned the four fundamental operations that help us combine
numbers. In sets, we are going to learn union and intersection of sets and the difference of two


The union of sets A and B, written as A ∪ B, is the set of elements that are members of A, or members of B,
or members of both A and B.
1. If A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6}, then
A ∪ B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
2. If A = {a, b, c, d, e} and B = {a, e, i, o, u}, then
A ∪ B = {a, b, c, d, e, i, o, u}

The intersection of two sets A and B, written as A ∩ B, is the set of all elements common to both sets A and
1. If A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6}, then A ∩ B = {1, 2}

2. If A = {a, b, c, d, e} and B = {a, e, i, o, u}, then A ∩ B = {a, e}

3. If A = {Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday} and B = {Saturday, Sunday}, then

A∩B = { } or ∅


The difference of set A and B, written as A – B, is a set of elements in A that are not in B.
1. If A = {1, 2, 3} and B = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6}, then A – B = {3} while, B – A = {4, 5, 6}.

2. If A = {a, b, c, d, e} and B = {a, e, i, o, u}, then A – B = {b, c, d}, while B – A = {i, o, u}.

Firm Up

Now that you have practiced enough about the topics we have just studied, get your
LAS and answer your Activity #6 HIDDEN MESSAGE!

End of Firm Up

In this section, the discussion was about the basic idea of sets. You also learned the basic operations of sets and
this experience gives you an idea about representing, organizing and processing information to help you solve
real life problems.


Let’s deepen your learning. You are now ready to apply what you have learned.

Get your LAS and answer Activity #7 “WHAT’S MORE”, Activity #8 “I CAN MAKE IT!,
BELIEVE ME I CAN !” and Activity #9 “ WHAT CAN I DO” for your deepening activities.

Your goal in this section is to apply your learning to real life situations. You will be given a practical task
that will demonstrate your understanding.

Get your LAS and answer Activity #10 “SUMMATIVE”

Activity #11: Performance Task

A kinder school canteen manager surveyed 100 pupils to find the most saleable sandwich and
most saleable juice drink available in the canteen. The result of the survey is shown below.


Your report will be evaluated based on the following rubrics:

STANDARDS 4 Excellent 3 Satisfactory 2 Developing 1Beginning

Feasibility The proposal The proposal The proposal The proposal

reflects an reflects an reflects reflects very
efficient use of efficient use of unnecessary inefficient use of
capital, projects a capital, projects a use of capital, capital, projects
highly profitable sustainable projects a break- negative returns,
income and income/profit, even return, and and suggests a
suggests a prime and suggests suggests a remote and
business location. a good business problematic inaccessible
location. business location. location.
Accuracy of Financial Financial Financial Financial
data details of the details of the details of the details of the
business plan business plan business plan have business are
are computed are computed some errors in the missing.
accurately and free accurately. computation.
from errors. It Computations are
shows step- by- free fromerrors.
step computations
that are easyto
Relevance The The The The
Application of Development of Development of Development of the Development of
Unit Concepts the shows the plan shows plan shows the plan shows
thoughtful, careful careful and appropriate irrelevant and
appropriate application of a few erroneous
and appropriate application of of the concepts application of a
application of the at least half of learned in the unit. limited number of
majority of the the concepts However, certain concepts learned in
concepts learned in learned in the errors are present the unit.
the unit. unit. in the application.


In this section, your task was to solve real-life problems using Venn diagrams. How didyou find the task?
Write your answer by accomplishing the 3-2-1 chart below.
Questions to Answer: How’ are your classification skills? What can you now say about your understanding of
the concepts of sets? How can sets be useful to solving real-life problems?

Things I Learned In This Lesson…
3 

Things I Found Interesting…
2 

Question I still Have…
1 

Remember, learning is a continuous process. Just keep on learning and soon you will make it to the
top. Good luck and God bless you always.

…Congratulations! You are done with weeks 1-2…

References and Website Links used in this Lesson:

Manalo, J.S., Mercado, and M.E., (2018) Next Century Second Edition Mathematics 7. Quezon City: The
Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.

College Algebra with Recreational Mathematics by Benjamin Concepcion, Chastine Najjar,

Prescilla Altares, Sergio Ymas, E-Math Worktext in Mathematics by Orlando Oronce and
Marilyn O. Mendoza


La Salette of Quezon, Inc. SY 2021-2022 Junior High School

Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________________________


1. 5. 9.
2. 6. 10.
3. 7.
4. 8.
Activity 1: KWL Chart
What I know about the topic What I want to learn about the What I have learned about the
topic topic

Activity 3 SET IT UP!

Directions: Write S if the given group or collection is a set and NS if it is not. Write
your answer on the space provided before each number.

1. Collection of students in your class whose surname starts with letter A.

2. Countries in Asia affected by covid-19
3. Collection of distinct letters of the word “PANDEMIC”
4. Group of cities in the province of Isabela
5. Group of enjoyable subjects in high school
6. Group of students in your class who wear mask
7. Collection of hygiene kits for sanitation
8. Group of major TV stations in the Philippines
9. Group of good schools in Santiago City
10. Cities in Metro Manila under ECQ(Enhanced Community Quarantine)

Activity 4. UNIVERSAL IT IS!

A. List all the elements on the universal set for the following sets
1. A = { a, b, c, d, e}
B = { a, e, i, o, u}
3. C= { letters of the word novel}
D = { letters of the word corona}
E = letters of the word virus}


3. F = { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
G = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
B. Identify a possible universal set from which the following sets could be chosen.
1. { basketball, volleyball, badminton, futsal, boxing}
Set of
2. { doctors, nurses, police, military, LGU}
Set of
3. { social distancing, stay at home, hand washing, wear mask, exercise}
Set of

Activity 5. Where does corona virus outbreak started?

To answer this, identify the cardinality of the following set. Match your answer from the choices on the
right and write the corresponding letter of the correct answer in the box at the left of number.

1. {a, e, i, o, u} N1. 9

2. {set of days in a week} I. 120

3. {set of vowels in the word “PANDEMIC”} H2. 12

4. { set of non-repeated consonant letters in the word H1. 3

5. {rice, coffee, powdered milk, sugar, noodles, sardines, corned C. 0
beef, soap, alcohol}
6. {empty set} U. 7

7. {set of months in a year} A1. 6

8. {100,200, 300, …….12000} W. 5

9. {USA, Italy, Spain, Germany, China, France, Iran, United A2. 11

Kingdom, Switzerland, Turkey}

10. {N95 mask, surgical gloves, goggles, medical gowns, aprons, face N2. 10
visors, face shields, respirators, protective clothing, helmets, biohazard
bags }


What is the hidden message written below despite this pandemic outbreak of corona virus? To
answer, shade the elements of the result of the difference of two sets on each of the following


Activity 7: What’s More
I. Perform the following operations on sets.
A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} C = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
B = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}

1. A ∩ C = __________________________________________________________
2. B ∩ C = __________________________________________________________
3. A ∩ B = __________________________________________________________
4. A ∪ B = __________________________________________________________
5. B ∪ C = __________________________________________________________
6. A ∪ C = __________________________________________________________
7. A – C = __________________________________________________________
8. B – C = __________________________________________________________
9. A – B = __________________________________________________________
10. C – A = __________________________________________________________


(Option A) (Option B)

(Option C)

Direction : A Venn diagram is already drawn for you just fill in the empty sets to correspond your answer
inside the universal set.

Online Actual


In a group of 35 students who joined the online activity in Math and Science webinar 28 of these students are
in Science club and 20 of them are in Math club
a. How many have joined in Science club only?
b. How many have joined in both Club?

Guide Questions:
1. In evaluating the sets what method did you use? Why?
2.Did you compare set A and Set B? What relationship exists between the two sets? How?
3.What symbol did you use to emphasize the intersection? Why?
4.What can you conclude regarding on the operation of sets? Why?

Activity 9. WHAT CAN I DO!

I. TRUE or FALSE: Given the sets below, write true if the statement is correct and false if it is wrong.
Write your answer in the space provided before the number.
S = {0,1,2,3,4,…,10} V = {5, 10, 15, 20, 25}
O = {d, a, y} I = {r, o, s, e}
L = {3,6,9,12} N = {roots, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits }
G = {Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune}

________________ 1. The cardinality of Set G is 8.

________________ 2. {5, 15, 25} is a subset of Set V.
________________ 3. {8} is a subset of Set L.
________________ 4. The cardinality of Set O is 7.
________________ 5. The number of elements in Set N is 5.
________________ 6. {s, u, n} is a subset of Set G.
________________ 7. An empty set or { } is a subset of Set N.
________________ 8. The cardinality of Set I is 10.
________________ 9. {5, 6, 7, 8, 9} is a subset of Set S.
________________ 10. One of the subsets of Set N and Set G is a ∅.

Activity 10. ASSESSMENT

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is the set of animals living in water?

a. A = {dolphin, whale, milk fish} c. C = {duck, chicken, turkey}
b. B = {lion, buffalo, deer} d. D = {eagle, parrot, dove}

2. Given: A = {b, i, o, d, e, g, r, a, d, a, b, l, e}, which of the following is INCORRECT?

a. It uses capital letter to name set. c. It uses braces.
b. It does not list the object once. d. It uses commas.

3. The set of provinces in Region 12.

a. E = {Aklan, Antique, Capiz, Guimaras, Ilo-ilo, Negros Occidental}
b. F = {South Cotabato, North Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani, General Santos}
c. G = {Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union, Pangasinan}
d. H = {Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Quezon}

4. The set of months containing 30 days.

a. I = {January, March, May} c. K = {June, July, August}
b. J = {February, April, June} d. L = {June, September, November}

5. The set of secondary colors.

a. M = {red, green, yellow} c. O = {green, orange, violet}
b. N = {brown, pink, blue} d. P = {white, black, grey}


6. The following are subsets of U= {5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50}, EXCEPT?
a. {10, 20, 30, 50} c. {5, 10, 25}
b. {5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 37, 40} d. { }

7. How many subsets does G = {t, e, a, m} have?

a. 4 b. 12 c. 16 d. 20

8. Given A= {s, e, a, t} and B= {s, t, a, n, d}, find A∪B.

a. {s, e, a, t, n, d} b. {s, a, t} c. {n, d} d. {e}

9. Given F = {o, r, a, n, g, e} and G = {y, e, l, o, w}, find F∩G.

a. {o, r, a, n, g, e, y, l, w} c. {y, e, l, o, w}
b. {o, r, a, n, g, e} d. {e, o}

10. Given X = {bus, jeepney, taxi, tricycle} and Y = {tricycle}, find the difference of Y and X.
a. {bus, jeepney, taxi, tricycle} c. {tricycle}
b. {bus, jeepney, taxi} d. { }

11. List all positive even numbers less than or equal to 10.
a. {2, 4, 6, 8} c. {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}
b. {1, 3, 5, 7} d. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

12. Which of the following is a subset of F = {c, a, n, d, y}?

a. {c, a, n, d, y} b. {c, a, n, e} c. {0} d. {e}

*For numbers 13 – 15, use the following:

A = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 } B = { 3, 5, 7, 8 }, C = { 0, 2, 6, 8}

13. Find A ∪ B.
a. {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} c. {3}
b. {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8} d. {0, 1, 2, 3, 4,3, 5, 7, 8}

14. Find B ∩ C .
a. {0, 2, 3} b. {0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8} c. {8} d. { }

15. Find A – C.
a. {0, 1, 2, 4} b. {1, 3, 4} c. {3} d. { }

Activity #11: Performance Task



Things I Learned In This Lesson…
3 

Things I Found Interesting…
2 

Question I still Have…
1 

---END OF LAS---

You return to me only your LAS which you will place in the Module Bag to be submitted to me when your
parent/guardian gets your Module Kit for week 3.


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