UK Public Centre Entry Form: D D M M Y Y

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UK Public Centre Entry Form

for Solo or Duologue or Combined Format Graded Examinations


Before completing this form read the Instructions overleaf and refer to our current Guide for Centres and Teachers.

1. Centre details
a. Public centre name

b. Session number One Two Three c. Preferred date D D M M Y Y

d. If c. preferred examination date requested is not available do not enter learner in other date(s) in the session? yes / no

2. Learner(s) Details
e. Learner 1 Given Name f. Learner 1 Family Name


h. LAMDA PIN i. ULN j. Gender k. Ethnic Code l. Date of Birth

M / F N N D D M M Y Y

e. Learner 2 Given Name (for duologue/combined formats) f. Learner 2 Family Name (for duologue/combined formats)


h. LAMDA PIN i. ULN j. Gender k. Ethnic Code l. Date of Birth

M / F N N D D M M Y Y

3. Subject / Grade / Format and Entry Fee

Solo Introductory and Communication Subjects Performance Subjects m. Format

Subject Grade Subject m. Solo m. Duologue m .Combined

Solo Introductory Stage 1 2 3 Musical Theatre E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n/a

Speaking Verse and Prose E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Acting E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12345

Reading for Performance E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Devising Drama E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n/a

Speaking in Public E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Miming E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n/a

Entry fee due to LAMDA Ltd £ Paid by cheque attached / credit or debit card form attached / BACs

4. Learner(s) Special Needs or Reasonable Adjustments

Refer to the section Reasonable Adjustments in our Guide for Centres and Teachers.

New Previously submitted to

Learner Special Need
application LAMDA and granted
Learner 1  
Learner 2  
5. Entered by and Correspondence Contact Details
Miss / Mrs / Ms / Mr / Dr / Other Full Name

Relationship to learner(s) in 2. Learner Teacher Parent Guardian Administrator


Post Code

Telephone number e-mail

I the above named Correspondence Contact hereby agree that I am responsible for the payment of all fees and answering any queries
relating to this entry. I hereby declare that all persons named on this form agree to abide by the regulations and administration requirements
published in the current Syllabus Specifications and Guide for Centres and Teachers.

Signature of Correspondence Contact Date


• Before completing this form read the Instructions To Complete This Form below and refer to the section Entering Learners for Exami-
nation at UK Public Centres in our Guide for Centres and Teachers.
• Complete this form IN BLOCK CAPITALS ONLY using blue or black ink NOT PENCIL.
• Ensure this entry form is current. Current entry forms and fees are available from the LAMDA website
• A separate entry form is to be used for each examination a learner is being entered for. Entry forms for family members or friends, who
wish to be examined within a similar timeframe must be submitted at the same time and stapled together.
• Completed entry forms together with the full fee payment must be received by LAMDA by the closing date of the centre as stated in
the current UK Public Examination Centres Date List. Entry forms submitted that are incomplete, late, without fee payment or not
current will be returned. All fields are compulsory except for those marked * below in how to complete this form.
• For methods of payment please refer to the section Payment of Fees and Services in our Guide for Centres and Teachers.
• If you require a receipt for payment or acknowledgment of entry enclose a stamped self addressed envelope.
• All correspondence from LAMDA will be directed to the correspondence contact.
• Learners must be prepared to attend on any date in the session. We regret we are unable to guarantee preferred examination date
requests. Should a learner not be able to attend on any date or time in the session they should not be entered for that session.
• For Musical Theatre exams it is the responsibility of the learner and the person submitting the entry to provide sound or musical equip-
ment, pianos/keyboards and an equipment operator, accompanist or page-turner necessary to support their performance.
• Learners aged 16 years or older on the date of their examination must have their identity verified to ensure learner authenticity. Please
refer to the section Learner Authenticity in our Guide for Centres and Teachers.


Section 1. Centre Details
a. Public centre name: Enter the name of the Public Centre from the UK Public Examination Centres Date List you are entering the
Learner at, for example, ‘London (Romeo)’
b. Session number: Check there have been no changes to the session dates by downloading from the LAMDA website the latest UK
Public Examination Centres Date List and Circle the Session Number the entry is for
c. Preferred date: If you have a preferred examination date write it here *
d. If c. preferred examination date requested is not available do not enter learner in other date(s) in the session? If you do not
want the learner to be entered for a date in the examination session other than the preferred examination date requested in 1.c then
circle yes *
Section 2. Learner(s) Details
e. Learner Given Name: Enter the learner’s first name(s)
f. Learner Family Name: Enter the learner’s surname
Use of Correct Learner Name: The learner name you provide must be the correct legal name of the learner,
not a nickname or abbreviated name. This is to ensure that accurate learner records are maintained and
transmitted by LAMDA
Learner 1: Complete for all examinations
Learner 2: Complete for the learner partner when entering Duologue or Combined Format examinations
g. Learners taking more than one exam: Mark X in the check box  on the right of the family name if learner is taking more than one
examination in the same examination session
h. LAMDA PIN: Enter the learner’s 6 digit LAMDA PIN. Must be given if learner has taken a previous LAMDA examination
i. ULN: Enter the learner’s 10 digit Unique Learner Number (if known) *
j. Gender: Enter M or F
k. Ethnicity Code: Enter a code from the list below

10 White, UK heritage 40 Pakistani

11 White, European 50 Bangladeshi
12 White, other (known) 60 Chinese
19 White, type not known 80 Mixed Race
20 Black, Caribbean heritage 90 Other (known)
21 Black, African heritage 98 Parent/pupil preferred not to say
22 Black, other 99 Ethnic group information not sought
30 Indian
l. Date of Birth: Complete in numbers, in the format DD MM YY

Section 3. Subject / Grade / Format and Entry Fee

Solo Introductory and Communication subjects: Circle the grade for the subject entered
m. Performance subjects: Circle the grade entered for the Subject and Format entered
Entry fee: Write the current entry fee amount for the Subject and Grade/Format entered and circle the payment method

Section 4. Learner(s) Special Needs or Reasonable Adjustments

Refer to the section Reasonable Adjustments in our Guide for Centres and Teachers

Section 5. Entered by and Correspondence Contact Details

Complete in full, sign and date

LAMDA Examinations, 155 Talgarth Road, London W14 9DA

T +44 (0)844 847 0520 F +44 (0)844 847 0521 E [email protected]

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