LAMDA COVID-19 Examinations Guide

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Policy or Procedure

Version: 1 LAMDA Guide to conducting in person examinations

Owner: LAMDA under COVID-19 restrictions
Created: 03.06.2020
Amended: 25.02.2021

LAMDA Guide to conducting examinations under COVID-19 restrictions

As social distancing rules are eased and public spaces, including LAMDA Examination Centres
reopen, LAMDA has created this document as a guide for Centres to conduct examinations safely
whilst maintaining social distancing rules and following hygiene guidelines.

Below is a list of recommendations for LAMDA Centres to consider and follow when conducting in
person examinations:

• Risk Assessment
All venues are required to perform their own risk assessments and ensure COVID restrictions
are in place. LAMDA will request evidence of risk assessments for Public Centre venues and
reserve the right to cancel events if COVID safety cannot be assured.
• Maximum capacity of venues and rooms
A calculation should be performed to ascertain the maximum occupancy for each venue and
waiting room. LAMDA London Public Centre has a maximum occupancy of 150, with waiting
rooms of between 5 and 10 Learners (plus one parent / guardian).
• Minimising the number of examination attendees
LAMDA will inform customers that only one adult or guardian per Learner is permitted
(exception: an accompanist for Musical Theatre exams and any third persons who are
authorised as part of a Learner’s Reasonable Adjustment are permitted). Any other family
members (siblings) or teachers will not be permitted in the building.
• Customer arrival times
Customers will be allowed entry to the examination venue no earlier than 20 minutes prior to
the Learner’s examination time (as indicated on their Learner Examination Report). Those
who arrive early, will be asked to return 20 minutes before the examination start time.
• Travel recommendations
LAMDA will recommend that customers allow extra time for traveling to and from examination
venues, especially when using Public Transport. Unfortunately, the LAMDA London Public
venue does not have publicly available parking spaces. If travelling by Public Transport,
please ensure you follow current COVID safety guidelines.
• Face coverings
Following Government guidance for the public to wear face coverings when entering shops,
LAMDA require all those attending London Public examination events to wear face coverings.
Face coverings can be masks or any materials which cover both the nose and mouth. If
customers arrive without face coverings, LAMDA will provide masks where available.
Learners cannot wear face coverings in the examination room as it impacts their ability to be
accurately and fairly assessed. Face coverings should not be used by children under the age
of 3, and are not required for children under 11, those with breathing difficulties or those who
may find it difficult to manage them correctly.
• COVID testing - Examiners
LAMDA Examiners assigned to a face-to-face event will be strongly encouraged to take a
COVID test a maximum of 72 hours prior to the first examination date they are due to work
within an event. Examiners will also follow any Centre-specific rules. Please contact us ahead
of time if you require an Examiner to arrive early at a venue for testing prior to the start of the
event. If an Examiner is unable to take a COVID test prior to the examination date, LAMDA
will liaise with the Centre Co-ordinator to confirm whether they are happy to proceed or they
would prefer to work with LAMDA to find an alternative solution. All
Examiners will be encouraged to take a COVID test, regardless of their vaccination status.
• COVID testing - London Publics
LAMDA will highly recommend that all Examiners, staff, and stewards take a COVID test a
maximum of 72 hours prior to the first examination date they are due to work at any London
Public examinations event. LAMDA may ask for proof of a negative test result. However,
individuals are under no obligation to disclose this information. These team members will be
encouraged to take a COVID test regardless of their vaccination status.
• COVID testing - Public and Private Centres
LAMDA will also highly recommend all Centre Co-ordinators, Representatives, Stewards, and
staff at a Centre are tested for COVID a maximum of 72 hours prior to the first examination
date they are due to work for any in-person examinations event.
• COVID testing - Customers
LAMDA are unable to provide COVID tests for customers. However, customers attending
LAMDA examination events will need to follow the rules of the venue, practice social
distancing, wear face coverings (unless exempt), wash their hands or use hand sanitiser, and
keep contact to a minimum.
• Post-testing/vaccination behaviour
Anyone attending a LAMDA examination event should continue to follow social distancing
rules, wear face coverings, and wash their hands or use hand sanitiser, regardless of their
vaccination status or receipt of a negative COVID test result. The advice is for anyone
interacting with others outside their homes is to act as though they have COVID and keep
contact to a minimum.
LAMDA will provide hand sanitiser in all rooms and access to hand washing facilities at all
Public Centre events. Customers will be asked to wash their hands upon arrival at the nearest
hand wash facility or use the hand sanitiser provided at the main entrance.
• Steward requirements
Additional Stewards are recommended for entrances and exits. Stewards at these locations
will ensure customers arrive at the correct time, follow social distancing rules, and wash their
hands or use hand sanitiser upon arrival.
• Venue signage
LAMDA London Public venue will include additional signage regarding examination arrival
times, social distancing rules, hand washing requirements and one-way travel guidance.
• One-way travel at the Centre
LAMDA London Public will introduce a one-way travel policy within the building. This will
reduce the risk of customers passing each other on stairs and hallways.
• Registering your Attendance
Upon arrival, customers will need to register. LAMDA London Public will construct a Perspex
screen behind which the Head Steward will register Learners.
• Escorting Learners to examination rooms
LAMDA will request that Stewards stay 2 metres away from customers when escorting them
within the building. This also includes waiting outside examination rooms.
• Use of equipment
Any equipment used or moved during the examination (desks, chairs etc.) will be sanitised
after use.
• Registering your arrival at the Centre
The customer should confirm the Learner’s name and examination verbally for the Steward.
Any photographic ID shown as proof of identity (for Learners aged 16 and over) should be
done at a 2m distance.
• Handover of paperwork/forms
Where possible, paperwork should not be shared and transferred between the Learner and
Steward/ Examiner. Learners should bring two copies of their pieces, one for the Examiner
and one for themselves. When entering the exam room, Learners should place the
Examiner’s copy on a designated table, positioned close to the examination room’s door
entrance. This is to ensure social distancing is observed at all times.
• Lunch, tea, and coffee breaks
LAMDA will instruct Examiners and Stewards to bring in their own
lunch or purchase lunch themselves during their breaks when at an examination session.
Examiners and Stewards will also be asked to bring in their own water bottle and cup for any
hot drinks.
• Bags and coats
LAMDA will not provide a cloakroom for customers, Examiners or staff to leave their personal
belongings. Anyone attending examinations will be asked to keep their personal belongings
with them at all times.
• Examiner guidance
LAMDA will create Examiner guidance documents to ensure Examiners maintain social
distancing restrictions and hand washing requirements. This includes opening and closing the
examination door for Learners.
• Leaving the venue
Customers, Examiners and Stewards will be asked to take all their belongings with them
when they leave the venue, including any rubbish.
• Musical Theatre or assessments containing signing elements
Following additional guidance and research into how singing can increase the risk transition
of COVID-19 through small droplets and aerosols, LAMDA will allow assessments which
contain singing elements (Musical Theatre Solo, Duologue and Group) to be conducted if the
following rules can be assured:
a. Anyone singing must be a minimum of 3 metres away from another person (another
learner, the examiner, the accompanist/technician).
b. The room must be at least 5 metres x 5 metres and naturally ventilated or
mechanically ventilated with fresh air (e.g., open the windows or make sure any air
handling units are set fresh air only, the building manager should know how to do
c. Both the Examiner and the accompanist/technician should wear a face visor, which
they will provide themselves.
d. Singers should not face each other when singing, they should face the same direction
or opposite directions.
e. Performers should not wear face coverings or visors during the assessment.
• Group Examinations
Following additional Government guidance and the re-opening of educational institutions,
LAMDA will allow Group assessments of up to 15 learners to be conducted if the following
rules can be assured:
a. Anyone attending must be a minimum of 2 metres away from another person
(another learner, the examiner, the accompanist/technician).
b. The room must be of sufficient size to allow Learners to be 2 metres away from each
other. As an example, group of 15 Learners will need the room to be 10 x 10 metres.
c. The room must be naturally ventilated or mechanically ventilated with fresh air (e.g.,
open the windows or make sure any air handling units are set fresh air only - the
building manager should know how to do this).
d. The Examiner and the accompanist/technician should wear face visor, which they will
provide themselves.
e. Performers should not face each other when performing, they should face the same
direction or opposite directions.
f. Performers should not wear face coverings or visors during the assessment.
g. If you have any queries or intend to enter a group of over 7 learners, please contact
[email protected]

The advice is for Teachers to prepare Learners to be assessed under social distancing restrictions.
Learners should also be aware that the Examiner will be wearing a visor whilst assessing.

LAMDA reserves the right to cancel or postpone examinations if the health and safety of Learners,
Examiners or staff are at risk or if the official COVID-19 guidance changes.
Disclaimer: the guidance given in this documentation should be used as an
aid for Centres to conduct examinations and may not be suitable for all venues. All Centres should
conduct their own risk assessments and apply their own social distancing and hygiene rules.

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