Genetic Technology

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Genetic Technology

 Changing the DNA in living organisms to create something new.

 These organisms are called GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM (GMO)
 Example: bacteria that produce human insulin
 Genetically modified organism are called transgenic organism; since genes are transmitted from
one organism to one another
Some genetic techniques are as follows :
1) Artificial selection
a) Selective breeding
b) Hybridization
c) Inbreeding
2) Cloning
3) Gene Splicing
4) Gel electrophoresis: analysing DNA

1. Artificial selection: breeders choose which organism to mate to produce offspring with
desired traits
 They cannot control what genes are passed
 When they get offspring with the desired traits, to maintain them

3 types of artificial selection

a) Selective breeding
b) Hybridization
c) Inbreeding
A. Selective breeding- when animals desired characteristics are mated to produce
offspring with those desired traits
 Passing important genes to next generation
 Example: champion horses, cows with tender meat, large juicy orange on a
 For example breed dogs for specific purposes
 Dachshund were once bred to hunt badgers and other burrowing animals
 They must be small to fit into the animals hole in the ground

B. Hybridization- two individuals with the unlike characteristics are crossed to produce
the best in both organisms
 Example : luther Burbank created disease resistant potato called Burbank
 Liger: lion and tiger mixed

C. Inbreeding- breeding of organism that genetically similar to maintain desired traits

 Dogs breeds are kept pure this way
 Its how Doberman remains a Doberman.
 It keeps each breed unique from others
 Risk: since both have the same genes, the chance that a baby will get recessive
genetic disorder high
 Risks: blindness, joint deformities
1. Variation –difference between individual species. The differences are in the genes but
we see the physical differences
For example: some humans have blonde hair and some have brown.
2. Cloning – creating an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another
How is cloning done?
A single cell is removed from a parent organism.
An entire individual is grown from that cell
Remember that one cell has all DNA needed to make an entire organism
Each cell in the body has the same DNA, but cells vary because different genes are
turned on each cell.
Benefits of cloning
1. You can make exact copies of organisms with strong traits
2. Increase food supply
3. Medical purposes: clone for organs
4. Bring back or stop species from going extinct
Risk of cloning
1. Decrease genetic diversity
2. If one of your clones get disease, they all get it: same immune system
3. Inefficient high failure rate: 90%
4. Expensive
3. Gene splicing-DNA is cut out of one organism and put into another organism
 A trait will be transferred from one another
 It can put into bacterial cell
 The bacterial will make now human insulin

 Insulin is cheaper
 There are no effects because it is human insulin
How are genes cut for genes splitting?
A bacterial plasmid is used.

Plasmid: circular DNA in a bacterial cell. It is very simple and easy to manipulate

A restriction enzyme: enzyme that cuts the DNA at a specific code.

There are thousands of restriction enzymes
Each cuts DNA at a different sequence


1. A restriction enzyme cuts the human insulin gene out of the DNA
2. A plasmid is removed from the bacteria and cut with restriction enzyme
3. The human gene is place into the bacteria plasmid
4. The plasmid is placed back in to the bacteria
 The cell now has directions (DNA) to make insulin
 That’s exactly what it does
 Its human insulin, bacteria do not make insulin on their own.
Transformation- when a gene from one organism is transferred to diff. organism
The organisms that have DNA transferred to them are called transgenic organisms
Trans : means different
Genic: refers to genes.

Genetic engineering has given rise to new technological field call biotechnology (technology of life)
1. Transgenic animals (GMO)- genes inserted into animals so they produce what human
(a) Transgenic cows- genes inserted to increase milk production
(b) Spider goat- gene from spider inserted to goat
(c) Glow in the dark cats- scientist used a virus to insert DNA from jellyfish.
(2) Transgenic bacteria- gene inserted to bacteria so they produce things humans need.
(3) Transgenic plants- plants are given genes so they meet human needs
a) Transgenic com- given a gene so corn produces natural pesticide. Now they
don’t have to be sprayed with cancer causing pesticides. 25% of corn is like this.
b) Venomous cabbage- gene from a scorpion tales inserted to cabbage
c) Banana vaccines- virus is injected to banana, the virus DNA becomes a part of
the plant.
A virus is often used to deliver DNA
 Gene therapy- when disease causing genes are cut out and insert good gene.
 Restriction enzymes are used to cut out bad genes
 Viruses are used to insert good genes
5. Gel electrophoresis- a technique used to compare DNA from two or more organisms
How is electrophoresis done?
a) The DNA is cut in to fragments with restriction enzyme.
b) The cut DNA is then put into the wells of a machine filled with gel
c) The machine is plugged in and the fragments get separated based on their size
Electricity provides energy
Why does DNA moved?
DNA has a negative charge
 Genetic engineering creates organisms with recombinant DNA
 Recombinant DNA: when DNA is combined from atleast two organisms
Which techniques create recombinant DNA
1. Sexual reproduction-natural
2. Selective breeding
3. Hybridization
4. Gene splicing
Does cloning creates organisms with recombined DNA?
No, the DNA from one organism is copied
DNA is not recombined.

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