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published: 08 June 2017

doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00240

Role of Bacterioferritin & Ferritin in

M. tuberculosis Pathogenesis and
Drug Resistance: A Future
Perspective by Interactomic
Divakar Sharma * and Deepa Bisht

Department of Biochemistry, National JALMA Institute for Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases, Agra, India

Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, one of the most successful and

deadliest human pathogen. Aminoglycosides resistance leads to emergence of extremely
drug resistant strains of M. tuberculosis. Iron is crucial for the biological functions of the
cells. Iron assimilation, storage and their utilization is not only involved in pathogenesis
but also in emergence of drug resistance strains. We previously reported that iron storing
proteins (bacterioferritin and ferritin) were found to be overexpressed in aminoglycosides
resistant isolates. In this study we performed the STRING analysis of bacterioferritin &
ferritin proteins and predicted their interactive partners [ferrochelatase (hemH), Rv1877
(hypothetical protein/probable conserved integral membrane protein), uroporphyrinogen
decarboxylase (hemE) trigger factor (tig), transcriptional regulatory protein (MT3948),
hypothetical protein (MT1928), glnA3 (glutamine synthetase), molecular chaperone
GroEL (groEL1 & hsp65), and hypothetical protein (MT3947)]. We suggested that
Edited by:
Susu M. Zughaier, interactive partners of bacterioferritin and ferritin are directly or indirectly involved
Emory University, United States in M. tuberculosis growth, homeostasis, iron assimilation, virulence, resistance, and
Reviewed by: stresses.
Jiaoyu Deng,
Wuhan Institute of Virology (CAS), Keywords: bacterioferritin, ferritin, protein-protein interaction, aminoglycosides resistance, M. tuberculosis
Anna Upton,
TB Alliance, United States INTRODUCTION
Divakar Sharma Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the causing factor of tuberculosis (TB) etiology and remains
[email protected] one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide in 2015. Recently WHO reported 10.4 million
new TB cases and 1.8 million deaths worldwide (WHO Report, 2016). Due to disappointment
Received: 31 March 2017 of BCG vaccine in adults, chemotherapy through potent anti-TB drugs is the last option to
Accepted: 24 May 2017 reduce prevalence and mortality but unfortunately, emergence of drug resistant tuberculosis such
Published: 08 June 2017 as multi drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR-
Citation: TB) and totally drug resistant tuberculosis (TDR-TB) have made chemotherapy complicated.
Sharma D and Bisht D (2017) Role of Aminoglycosides are the second line drugs of choice used especially for the treatment of MDR-
Bacterioferritin & Ferritin in M.
TB along with the fluoroquinolones. Aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones are the only option
tuberculosis Pathogenesis and Drug
Resistance: A Future Perspective by
for the treatment of MDR-TB (with some side effects as well as less efficacy as compared to
Interactomic Approach. first line drugs). When the usual treatments are not possible than recently approved drugs
Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 7:240. (bedaquiline and delamanid) have been used for the treatment of MDR TB, XDR-TB and
doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2017.00240 TDR-TB (with more side effects as compared to first and second line drugs). In M. tuberculosis

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 1 June 2017 | Volume 7 | Article 240
Sharma and Bisht Iron Storage Proteins vs. Aminoglycosides Resistance

they typically inhibit protein synthesis by interacting with protein concentration of iron. They depicted that increasing iron
translational machinery. Two dimensional gel electrophoresis concentration (absence of bacterioferritin and ferritin) decreased
coupled with mass spectrometry is the best accepted approach resistance to various anti-TB drugs including aminoglycosides
for expression proteomics (Lata et al., 2015a,b; Sharma et al., as well as fluoroquinolones (Pandey and Rodriguez, 2012)
2015b, 2016b; Sharma and Bisht, 2016). Since last decade and suggested that ferritin and bacterioferritin are not only
a panel of proteomics and bioinformatics studies related to mandatory to maintain iron homeostasis but also make
aminoglycosides resistance have been accumulated (Sharma M. tuberculosis resistant to aminoglycosides. Kurthkoti et al
et al., 2010, 2014, 2015b,a, 2016a,b; Kumar et al., 2013; suggested that iron-dependent regulator IdeR induces ferritin
Sharma and Bisht, 2017a,b). Here we emphasized on the M. (bfrB) expression by alleviating Lsr2 repression in M. tuberculosis
tuberculosis iron storage proteins (bacterioferritin and ferritin) (Kurthkoti et al., 2015). WhiB7 (Rv3197A) is Fe-S cluster-bound
and their interactive protein partners which might be involved protein (transcriptional regulatory protein), which not only
in pathogenesis, virulence and drug resistance. associates with aminoglycosides resistance but also predicted to
Iron is an essential entity for metabolism of the biological cells be in the IdeR|Rv2711 regulon (Gold et al., 2001; Morris et al.,
and hence crucial for the chemistry of life. Iron assimilation, 2005). Recently Kuberl et al. (2016) suggested that pupylation
storage and their utilization play a crucial role not only machinery maintains the iron homeostasis by targeting iron
in pathogenesis/pathobiology (growth, survival, virulence and storage proteins (Kuberl et al., 2016).
latency) but also in emergence of aminoglycosides drug In our previous studies of expression proteomics we
resistance strains of M. tuberculosis (Reddy et al., 2012; Kumar have discovered, that bacterioferritin (Rv1876) and ferritin
et al., 2013; Sharma et al., 2015b). Recently, Khare et al. (Rv3841) were overexpressed in aminoglycosides (amikacin and
(2017) reported that iron storage proteins are involved in kanamycin) resistant M. tuberculosis clinical isolates (Kumar
maintaining iron homeostasis in M. tuberculosis (Khare et al., et al., 2013; Sharma et al., 2015b). Molecular docking revealed
2017). Bacterioferritin (Rv1876) and ferritin (Rv3841) are unique that aminoglycosides drugs (AK and KM) bind to conserved
to maintain iron storage as well as homeostasis in M. tuberculosis. bacterioferritin domain of Rv1876 and ferritin domain of Rv3841
In mycobacteria, various genes products and their interactive and suggested that overexpression of these proteins might be
partners required for high affinity iron acquisition have been to neutralize/modulate the drug effect and could be involved
identified such as siderophore production, uptake of ferric- in aminoglycosides resistance mechanisms of M. tuberculosis
siderophores, production of iron storage proteins and uptake (Kumar et al., 2013; Sharma et al., 2015b). Although the enzymes
of heme. Production, storage and function of iron uptake and their connected pathways involved in iron metabolism
mechanisms are controlled by a regulatory protein IdeR (Gold in M. tuberculosis are well recognized, still our information
et al., 2001). Heme is the preferable iron source for M. related to iron transportation, trafficking, iron dependent
tuberculosis and its acquisition is done by a biosynthetic enzyme post-transcriptional & translational regulations and protein-
ferrochelatase (Rv1485). Rv1485 catalyzes the last step of heme protein interactions in mycobacteria is inadequate. Recently
biosynthesis in which iron is interleaved to protoporfhyrin IX Sharma et al. (2016a) reported that inducible overexpression
to form protoheame (Dailey and Dailey, 2002). It is essential of recombinant ferritin in E. coli (BL21) leads to shift in MIC
because it supplies the heme which is a preferred iron source of AK & KM and suggested their probable roles in conferring
for M. tuberculosis (Parish et al., 2005) and serves as a cofactor aminoglycosides resistance (Sharma et al., 2016a). Consequently,
for various metabolic enzymes such as catalase-peroxidase and proteins involved in iron storage, assimilation, regulation, uptake
DosS/DosT two component system [active sites contains heme] and their utilization can be a promising anti-mycobacterial
(Svistunenko, 2005). targets against the drug resistant tuberculosis.
In pathogenic mycobacteria, usually high affinity systems
are essential for maintenance of an infection, virulence BACTERIOFERRITIN AND FERRITIN
and resistance. Greater definition of the functions of both
the identified genes and their products, ferritin (bfrB) and
bacterioferritin (bfrA) will refine our understanding of UNLOCK THE SECRETS OF IRON
mycobacterial iron acquisition and the interplay between RELATED PATHWAYS IN
components of the iron systems have increased intensities AMINOGLYCOSIDES DRUG RESISTANCE
under iron-rich and decreased intensities under iron deprived
conditions (Pandey and Rodriguez, 2012). Under iron-rich STRING-10 is an online server which is used to predict the
conditions, M. tuberculosis represses iron acquisition and interacting partners of the iron storage proteins [bacterioferritin
induces iron storage proteins suggesting the significant role (Rv1876) and ferritin (Rv3841)] (Sharma et al., 2016a,b;
of iron storage proteins in iron homeostasis. M. tuberculosis Sharma and Bisht, 2017a). “STRING uses a combination
usually synthesizes two iron storage proteins: ferritin (bfrB) of prediction approaches and an integration of other
and bacterioferritin (bfrA). BfrB is mandatory to overcome information (neighborhood, transferred neighborhood,
iron limitation and defense against oxidative stress, whereas gene fusion, co-occurrence, co-expression, experiments,
bfrA is superfluous for victorious adaptation to those stresses. databases, text mining). Network was made at medium
Studies of M. tuberculosis lacking bfrB gene (which encode the confidence level (0.400) allowing all active prediction methods,
ferritin an iron storage protein) reported increased intracellular which corresponds to approximately 50% possibility of

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 2 June 2017 | Volume 7 | Article 240
Sharma and Bisht Iron Storage Proteins vs. Aminoglycosides Resistance

FIGURE 1 | (A) STRING analysis reveals the interaction partners of M. tuberculosis H37Rv bacterioferritin and ferritin protein. (B) The score for each interaction
partner is assigned and shown in the table inbuilt in figure. The highest score for hemH association was found to be 0.816 followed by Rv1877, a probable transporter
(its confidence score of association was 0.616). The confidence score for association for tig corresponds to 0.577, and for molecular cheprone (groEL1 & hsp65) was
found to be 0.469.

association” (Sharma et al., 2016a,b). In the network display, DISCUSSION

each node represents a protein, and each edge represents an
interaction. Emergence of extensively-drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB)
STRING analysis predicted (Figure 1) that ferrochelatase is the consequence of interrupted treatment of multi-drug
(hemH), Rv1877 (hypothetical protein/probable conserved resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) with second line anti-
integral membrane protein), uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase tubercular drugs (aminoglycosides and fluoroquinolones).
(hemE) trigger factor (tig), transcriptional regulatory protein Proteins engage in iron storage, assimilation, regulation,
(MT3948), hypothetical protein (MT1928), glnA3 (glutamine uptake and their utilization could not only be involved in
synthetase), molecular chaperone GroEL (groEL1 & hsp65), and M. tuberculosis pathobiology, growth, virulence and latency
hypothetical protein (MT3947) were functional partners of the but also in aminoglycosides drug resistance and might be
bacterioferritin and ferritin at medium confidence level (0.400) potential anti-mycobacterial drug target against the drug
allowing all active prediction methods. Interactome analysis resistant tuberculosis (Reddy et al., 2012; Kumar et al., 2013;
suggested that molecular chaperone GroEL (groEL1 & hsp65) and Sharma et al., 2015b, 2016a; Khare et al., 2017). Pandey and
trigger factor (tig) were co-expressed as well as experimentally Rodriguez also suggested that ferritin is not only mandatory to
reported. In silico analysis predicted trigger factor (tig) protein as maintain iron homeostasis in M. tuberculosis but also ferritin
a novel target for interaction with ferritin protein. Trigger factor deficient bacilli are more susceptible to killing by antibiotics
(tig) is not only involved in eliciting the expression of proteins & (Pandey and Rodriguez, 2012). Our previous studies reported
their export but also helps in maintaining the open conformation that bacterioferritin (Rv1876) and ferritin (Rv3841) were
of newly synthesized protein (chaperone activity). overexpressed in aminoglycosides (amikacin and kanamycin)
resistant M. tuberculosis clinical isolates and suggested their
involvement in resistance (Kumar et al., 2013; Sharma et al.,
PREDICTION OF PUPYLATION SITES 2015b). Recently Sharma et al. (2016a) reported that inducible
over expression of recombinant ferritin in E. coli (BL21)
Using the default threshold (medium) with cutoff 2.452; GPS- increased the MIC shift of AK & KM and make the bacteria
PUP predicted pupylation sites in bacterioferritin and ferritin more resistant against the aminoglycosides drugs (Sharma et al.,
proteins which were tabulated in Table 1. 2016a). These findings suggested its probable roles in conferring
Interactome analysis of bacterioferritin (Rv1876) and ferritin
TABLE 1 | Predicted / identified pupylation sites in bacterioferritin and ferritin (Rv3841) by STRING-10 also suggested that bacterioferritin
proteins. and ferritin protein interacted with their partners such as
ORF no. Position of lysine Peptides Score Cut-off
ferrochelatase, hypothetical protein (Rv1877), uroporphyrinogen
residue undergoes decarboxylase, trigger factor, transcriptional regulatory
pupylation protein (MT3948), hypothetical protein (MT1928), glutamine
synthetase, Molecular chaperones (groEL1 & Hsp65), and
Rv1876 122 TSAVLLEKIVADEEE 2.819 2.452
hypothetical protein MT3947 which were involved in
Rv3841 10 EYEGPKTKFHALMQE 2.732 2.452 intermediary metabolism and respiration, cell wall and cell
K-Lysine undergoes pupylation. processes, virulence, detoxification, adaptation, conserved

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Sharma and Bisht Iron Storage Proteins vs. Aminoglycosides Resistance

hypotheticals and regulatory proteins. Hypothetical protein (Sharma et al., 2015b) and suggested that trigger factor
(Rv1877), a Probable conserved integral membrane protein, might trigger expression of bacterioferritin and ferritin
ferrochelatase and trigger factor might be potential novel and their interactive partners which could be involved in
targets predicted by bacterioferritin and ferritin protein- aminoglycosides drug resistance. We suggested that cumulative
protein interaction. Rv1877 having 14-transmembrane helixes effect of iron storage proteins (bacterioferritin and ferritin)
(TMH), possibly involved in transport of drug across the and their interactive partners {hypothetical protein (Rv1877),
membrane and could be a potential drug target against the ferrochelatase, trigger factor and others} might be involved in
aminoglycosides drug resistance. Rv1877 is the homologous various stress, and aminoglycosides drug resistance. Predicted
of lfrA and deletion of this gene increased the susceptibility pupylation sites in bacterioferritin and ferritin also suggested
against various antibiotics including the aminoglycosides in its involvement not only in iron homeostasis but also in
mycobacteria (Li et al., 2004). Recently, Mehra et al. (2016) aminoglycosides resistance (Kuberl et al., 2016; Sharma et al.,
reported that Rv1877 is the part of ABC transporter and 2016a). Further detailed and in-depth investigations of these
predicted its involvement in drug resistance (Mehra et al., interactome and pupylome could explore the aminoglycosides
2016). Ferrochelatase involved in heme biosynthetic pathways resistance and might be used as potential drug targets against
is a preferred iron source for M. tuberculosis. Trigger factor this issue.
which not only having chaperone activity but also involved
in eliciting the protein expression and their export which AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
could maintain the 3D conformation of newly synthesized
proteins and prevents misfolding as well as promotes the DS design the concept and wrote the manuscript. DS and DB
refolding of unfolded polypeptides generated under stressed finalized the manuscript.
conditions. Bhuwan et al. (2016) reported and validated the
STRING in the interaction of RipA with Chaperone MoxR1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(Bhuwan et al., 2016). Sharma et al. (2015b) reported that
trigger factor, bacterioferritin and ferritin were overexpressed The authors are grateful to Director, NJIL, & OMD for the
in aminoglycosides resistant M. tuberculosis clinical isolates support. DS is ICMR-PDFs (ICMR, New Delhi).

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K., et al. (2010). Proteomic analysis of streptomycin resistant and reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 5 June 2017 | Volume 7 | Article 240

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