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Non-Antibiotic Antimony-Based Antimicrobials
Nikolay Gerasimchuk 1, * , Kevin Pinks 1 , Tarosha Salpadoru 2 , Kaitlyn Cotton 2 , Olga Michka 2 ,
Marianna A. Patrauchan 2, * and Karen L. Wozniak 2

1 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Temple Hall 456, Missouri State University,
Springfield, MO 65897, USA
2 Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA
* Correspondence: [email protected] (N.G.); [email protected] (M.A.P.);
Tel.: +1-(417)-836-5165 (N.G.); +1-(405)-744-8148 (M.A.P.)

Abstract: A series of the eight novel organoantimony(V) cyanoximates of Sb(C6 H5 )4 L composition

was synthesized using the high-yield heterogeneous metathesis reaction between solid AgL (or TlL)
and Sb(C6 H5 )4 Br in CH3 CN at room temperature. Cyanoximes L were specially selected from a
large group of 48 known compounds of this subclass of oximes on the basis of their water solubility
and history of prior biological activity. The synthesized compounds are well soluble in organic
solvents and were studied using a variety of conventional spectroscopic and physical methods.
The crystal structures of all reported organometallic compounds were determined and revealed the
formation of the distorted trigonal bipyramidal environment of the Sb atom and monodentate axial
binding of acido-ligands via the O atom of the oxime group. The compounds are thermally stable
in the solid state and in solution molecular compounds. For the first time, this specially designed
series of organoantimony(V) compounds is investigated as potential non-antibiotic antimicrobial
agents against three bacterial and two fungal human pathogens known for their increasing antimi-
crobial resistance. Bacterial pathogens included Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus. Fungal pathogens included Cryptococcus
Citation: Gerasimchuk, N.; Pinks, K.; neoformans and Candida albicans. The cyanoximates alone showed no antimicrobial impact, and
Salpadoru, T.; Cotton, K.; Michka, O.; the incorporation of the SbPh4 group enabled the antimicrobial effect. Overall, the new antimony
Patrauchan, M.A.; Wozniak, K.L. compounds showed a strong potential as both broad- and narrow-spectrum antimicrobials against
Non-Antibiotic Antimony-Based selected bacterial and fundal pathogens and provide insights for further synthetic modifications of
Antimicrobials. Molecules 2022, 27, the compounds to increase their activities.
Keywords: cyanoximes; organometallic compounds of antimony(V); crystal structures; antimicrobial
Academic Editor: Carlo Santini activity; antibacterial activity; antifungal activity

Received: 19 September 2022

Accepted: 14 October 2022
Published: 23 October 2022
1. Introduction
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
Microbial infections are associated with considerable morbidity and costs. The con-
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
tinuous spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) among bacterial and fungal pathogens
published maps and institutional affil-
imperils the usefulness of antibiotics and antifungals, which previously revolutionized
and enabled medical interventions. The increasing AMR is manifesting as multidrug
resistance (MDR), leading to a global crisis that, if not addressed, will soon have a huge
adversarial impact on human race. The main causes of the rapid increase in AMR include
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
an overuse of antimicrobials, inappropriate prescribing, and the inability of patients to
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. follow the prescribed drug regimen. Extensive use of antibiotics in agricultural settings and
This article is an open access article the wide availability of some antibiotics are also important factors. This situation led to the
distributed under the terms and appearance of antibiotic resistant bacterial pathogens, exemplified by methicillin-resistant
conditions of the Creative Commons Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), which are be-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// coming increasingly difficult to treat with the current range of available antibiotics. Fungal pathogens Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida albicans are also becoming increasingly
4.0/). resistant to antifungal drugs, and different Candida species with natural drug resistance,

Molecules 2022, 27, 7171.

Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 2 of 20

such as Candida auris, are evolving in hospital settings and becoming major pathogens.
The MDR phenomenon is one of the greatest global public health challenges that hu-
manity is currently facing. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) report on antimicrobial resistance conducted in 2019, annually, there are more than
2.8 million antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections, from which more than 35,000 people
die in the US. Although fungal drug-resistant strains are more difficult to track, current
estimates indicate that fungal infections lead to more than 1.5 million deaths annually
worldwide. Additionally, the economic impact due to treating these infections, as well
as the loss of productivity, is astronomical—about 4.6 billion USD annually for bacterial
infections and about 7.2 billion USD annually for fungal infections.
With modern medicine’s reliance on antimicrobials in treating diseases such as pneu-
monia, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, and bloodstream infections, the problem
with AMR is that, soon, no current treatments will be effective. Therefore, the development
of new antimicrobial agents is imperative. The critically important progress in this field
requires the development of new chemical compounds that would inhibit bacterial and/or
fungal growth while not being toxic to human tissues. Pure organic compounds, which
classic antibiotics are, cannot meet these criteria, as they can be metabolized by microorgan-
isms or lead to the development of resistance. In contrast, inorganic salts and Werner-type
complexes may offer an alternative with the required properties.
The successful application of metal complexes and organometallic compounds in the
treatment of numerous human diseases is a vigorously expanding area in both biomedical
and bioinorganic chemistry research. Remarkably, the group XV elements in the periodic
table—pnictogens—contain all biologically active elements. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus
(P) are crucial for life on the planet, while arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), and bismuth (Bi)
possess very useful properties for various biomedical applications. Paul Ehrlich, widely
known as the father of antimicrobial chemotherapy and bioinorganic chemistry, found the
“magic bullet” (compound 606) capable of treating the highly infectious bacterial pathogen
Treponema pallidum without hurting the host. This compound is a heterocyclic arsenic-based
small molecule (C12 H13 As2 Cl N2 O2 ) that was used to successfully treat syphilis and was
marketed as Salvarsan (“lifesaving”) [1]. Despite the well-known toxicity of arsenic, this
drug saved >560,000 lives within 50 years [2]. Bismuth, contrary to arsenic, is not toxic and
is widely used as subsalicylate (C7 H5 BiO4 ) in the well-known drug Pepto-Bismol [3]. In
turn, antimony has been used since early Egyptian’s civilization [4]. For example, NaSbO3
was commonly used as an emetic compound until the late 1700s [5]. The other success-
ful application of Sb is the treatment of leishmaniosis, caused by a protozoan parasite
Leishmania transmitted through the bite of infected sandflies in South and Central America,
Bangladesh, southern Europe, and North Africa. The active compounds against the dis-
ease were found to be several Sb(V) carbohydrates, such as sodium antimony gluconate
(Pentostam) and meglumine antimonate (Glucantime). These have been in use for more
than six decades to treat leishmaniosis [6]. In all these active Werner-type complexes, there
is an [SbO6] environment. Furthermore, several organoantimony compounds have been
studied and shown to possess antimicrobial, antifungal, and antitumor activities [7–13]. In
such case, the chemical (toward hydrolysis) and thermodynamic stability of the Sb–C bond
seems to be a favorable factor for biological activity and lessening of side-effects contrary
to the abovementioned Sb-carbohydrates.
Cyanoximes (Figure 1) represent a new subclass of small organic molecules—oximes,
the chemistry and applications of which have been intensely developed during the last
two decades [14–17]. Cyanoximes and their metal salts and Werner-type complexes demon-
strate a large spectrum of biological activity: pesticide antidotes [18,19], antimicrobial [20,21],
and growth regulation in plants [22,23]. Recently, it was discovered that Sb(V) cyanoximates
are thermally and chemically stable in both solid state and solutions [24].
Molecules 2022, 27, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 21

C-C-C oximes
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 C-N and N-C-N oximes 3 of 20
Molecules 2022, 27, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 21

aldehydes ketones acetonitriles

C-C-C oximes
H R R' R NC R N R and N-C-N
N oximes
aldehydes ketones
H2 acetonitriles H2 H2
H2 H2 H2

aldoximes ketoximes
aldoximes cyanoximes
ketoximes cyanoximes aminoamino
& imido oximes
& imido oximes
Figure 1. Types of oximes and their
Figure 1. Types precursors.
of oximes and their precursors.
Figure 1. Types of oximes and their precursors.

In addition, no In addition,in
intrinsic novitro
intrinsic in vitro cytotoxicity
cytotoxicity was was detected
detected for free cyanoximes, or-
In addition, ganic ligands usedin vitro cytotoxicity
to synthesize was detected
organoantimony(V) for for
[25–27]. Thus,organic
it is an
ganic ligands used
ligands used to synthesize to synthesize
attractive idea organoantimony(V)
to explore the potential compounds compounds
synergistic effect [25–27].
of bothThus, Thus,
it is an the
by combining it is
known an
idea to explore idea tothe explore
potential the potential
activity synergistic
of cyanoximes
synergistic withof
effect effect
theboth of combining
by both by combining
medical usethe the biologi-
of antimony(V)
known known
cal activityactivity of cyanoximes
of cyanoximes Thewith
aim of thewith
this the was
established established
tomedical new,
use of use of antimony(V)
antimony(V) antimicrobial
compounds. com-
pounds. The aim pounds
of this thatstudy
was inhibit
to pathogenicnew,
develop bacteria and fungi. On the
non-antibiotic basis of our previous
antimicrobial com-
The aim of this study was to develop new, non-antibiotic antimicrobial compounds that
biomedical investigations of 48 currently known cyanoximes [14], we selected eight cyan-
efficiently that efficiently
inhibit oximes inhibit
shown in pathogenic
Figure 2and bacteria
for thefungi. Onand
preparation, fungi.
the basisOn the basis
of our
characterization, previousof our
and subsequent previous
biomedical investigations
investigations of 48 currently
crobial of 48
studies known currently known cyanoximes
cyanoximes [14], wecyanoximates.
of new tetraphenyl-antimony(V) [14],
selected eightwe selected
Thecyanoximes eight
choice of theseshowncyan-
in Figure shown
2 for intheFigure
ligands was2 for thecharacterization,
preparation, founded preparation, characterization,
primarily on their water solubility
and subsequent and and subsequent antimi-
biological activity.
antimicrobial Further-
of new studies ofmore,
tetraphenyl-antimony(V) the series of novel organoantimony
cyanoximates.cyanoximates. compounds,
The choice ofThe we
these initiated
choice the investiga-
of these
acido-ligands acido-
tion of the structure (biological)–activity relationship (SAR), focusing on the effect of O
foundedwas founded
primarily on primarily
their water on their
solubility water
and solubility
biological and biological
activity. activity.
vs. S atoms in the structure, bulkiness of the cyanoxime, or effect (if any) of cyclic groups Further-
using the
series of using
novel the series of
organoantimony novel organoantimony
compounds, we compounds,
initiated the we initiated
vs. alkyl groups present in the ligand. In this paper, we present the preparation, charac- ofthe
the investiga-
tion of the structure
(biological)–activity (biological)–activity
terization, and biological
relationship (SAR), activityrelationship
focusing the (SAR),
of the first focusing
effect of O vs. on theas
S atoms effect
inG1) of
ture, S bulkiness
atoms in the tetraphenyl-antimony(V)
of the cyanoxime, bulkiness cyanoximates
of the
or effect (if any) SbPh
cyanoxime, 4L.
of cyclicorgroups
effect vs.
(if any)
cyclic present
in the
vs. alkyl
rationale: ligand.
O vs S In present
atom this paper, in theweligand.
presentInthe preparation,
this paper, we presentcharacterization,
the preparation,and biological
activity studies
terization, of the firstactivity
and biological O studies
generation (designated
of the first asgeneration
G1) of new(designated
as G1)N of new
SbPh 4 L. cyanoximates SbPh 4 L. N
rationale: O atom vs S NC NC N NC N NC N
NC rationale: H atoms vs CH3 NC N NC N NC N
N NC Nrationale: known
biological activity N as lipophylic
groups NCeffect, N NC N rationale: known
rationale: water biological activity rationale: isomeric compounds
OH water solubility water solubility solubility OH
& water solubility OH
for structure/activity studies OH

rationale: known rationale: H atoms vs CH3 rationale: known

biological activity groups as lipophylic effect, rationale: water biological activity rationale: isomeric compounds
water solubility water solubility solubility & water solubility for structure/activity studies

Figure 2. Chemical structures of cyanoximes used in this work, together with their commonly
adopted abbreviations, and rationalized choice for these specific compounds.
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 4 of 20

2. Results and Discussion

Chemical Aspect
The starting compound SbPh4 Br is only one commercially available source of pentava-
lent antimony with four organic groups attached. In this project, we used this compound for
the preparation of the first series (G1) of organoantimony(V) cyanoximates for systematic
antimicrobial studies. In the past, we found that the metathesis reaction of beforehand
prepared Ag(I) of cyanoxime salts with other organoelemental compounds of Te(IV) [28],
Sn(IV) [26,29], and Sb(V) [24] was a very successful approach for the high-yield synthesis
of desired elementorganic cyanoximates (Scheme 1). Quantitative preparation of silver(I)
cyanoximates has been developed in our group [30–33] (Scheme 2A). In this work, we ex-
panded the utility of the metathesis reaction in dry organic solvents with Tl(I) cyanoximates
(Scheme 1) and applied it to synthesize a series of Sb(V) compounds. These compounds
6. Observedpractically quantitatively
correlation in geometry ofinthe
warm aqueousenvironment
antimony(V) solutions using Tl2out–of–plane
such as CO3 as the
andthe heavy-metal
acidity cationto[16,34,35]
of coordinated (Scheme
it cyanoxime moiety.2B). Thus, we showed that the use of
Tl(I) salts is equally useful and convenient when desired Ag-salts for other cyanoximates
are either we performed
not obtainable recording
or difficult to handleof because
the UV/visible
of theirspectra of all
high light colorlessand
sensitivity or-
ganoantimony(V) cyanoximates in selected solvents from room temperature to
thermal instability. Moreover, thallium(I) is not an oxidizer contrary to silver(I) salts, while80 °C in
10 °Ccompounds
Tl(I) intervals. Theare results indicate
not light theand
sensitive absence of appreciable
thermally ionization
stable [36], of cyanoximes
yet quantitatively form
in solutions even
halogenides at elevated
insoluble in watertemperatures
and common (Figure 7). This
organic assures
solvents. thatfactors
These the observed anti-
make work
with effects are attractive;
Tl(I) derivatives associatedhowever,
with theallmolecular
precautionsof should
the parent compound
be taken due to
SbPh4toxicity as explained
L (L = studied in the Safety
cyanoximes anion)Note
andin Section
not 3.
to separate SbPh4+ and L− ions.

Scheme 1.
Scheme 1. Representation
Representation of
of the
the color
color gain
gain of
of solutions
solutions of
of organoantimony(V)
organoantimony(V) cyanoximates
cyanoximates in
in the
case of the compounds covalent integrity breaking
case of the compounds covalent integrity breaking down.down.

Crystal structures were determined for all eight obtained organoantimony(V) com-
pounds, but only six are presented in this work (Figure 3). Two structures with thioamide-
cyanoximes TCO− and TDCO− showed interesting peculiarities (polymorphism) and will
be published in a more specialized in crystallography journal. However, both structures
are only briefly presented in the Supporting Information section SI S22. In light of the
description of this new family of Sb-based organometallic compounds, it is necessary
to mention that previous biomedical research with this element focused only on com-
pounds with traditional donor–acceptor or covalent Sb–O bonds. Thus, Sb–C bonding
in organoantimony compounds is different from classic complexes and is significantly
stronger (Figure 4). Organometallic compounds have great advantages in such a situation.
according to the published procedures for HACO [30], HTCO [21], HTDCO [47], HECO
[48], HMCO [31], and isomeric pyridyl-cyanoximates [35]. The source of antimony was
bromide of tetraphenyl-antimony(V). We determined that the best synthetic route to or-
ganometallic cyanoximates is a metathesis reaction of Ph4Br with silver or thallium cyan-
oximates, as shown in Scheme 2. The latter salt was used for the S-containing cyanoximes
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 HTCO and HTDCO for which corresponding silver(I) salts do not exist due to fast decom- 5 of 20

position with the formation of Ag2S, while Tl(TCO) and Tl(TDCO) [34,47] can be easily
obtained and are thermally and light stable. The typical preparation is given only for two
This makes these compounds
tetraphenyl-antimony(V) stable with respect to hydrolysis reactions in aqueous media.
In allSilver(I)
eight obtained and studied
salts of ligands tetraphenyl-antimony(V)
listed in Scheme 2 are light-stablecyanoximates,
and were obtainedthe anion
in aque-is
ous to the central
solutions in two atom
asmonodentate fashion
shown in Scheme 3Avia the oxygen
using AgNO3 atom of the
[32,49], oxime
while twogroup
(Figure 3) as were
lium(I) salts can be judged from
prepared from longer
Tl2CO3N–O bonds
(Scheme inThe
3B). comparison with the C–N
actual appearance bond in
of dark-yel-
the cyanoxime molecule.
low and orange TlL (L = TCO, TDCO) can been in Supporting Information, S1.

Sb + ML = MBr + Sb
R R.T.
Br L R
R M = Ag; L = ACO, MCO, ECO, 2PCO, 3PCO, 4PCO
M = Tl; L = thioamides HTCO and HTDCO
R = H, alkyl group
Molecules 2022, 27, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 21
Scheme 2. Synthetic
Scheme 2. Synthetic route
route to
to organoantimony(V) cyanoximates.
organoantimony(V) cyanoximates.


Figure 3. Cont.
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 6 of 20


Figure 3. The ASU in the structures of SbPh4 (2PCO) (A), SbPh4 (3PCO) (B), SbPh4 (4PCO) (C), and
SbPh 4 (MCO)
Figure 3. The(D);
ASU only
in one of two independent
the structures molecules
of SbPh4(2PCO) (A),isSbPh
4(3PCO) SbPh
(B),4 (ECO) (E) (only(C),
SbPh4(4PCO) oneand
Molecules 2022, 27, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4(MCO) (D);molecules
independent only one ofpresent)
two independent
and SbPh4molecules
(ACO) (F),isshowing
displayed. SbPh4(ECO)
numbering (E) (onlyatoms
of principal one 6ofof 21
two independent
only. Details of themolecules
geometry present)
of crystaland SbPh4(ACO)
structures (F), showing
are presented in SI numbering of principal
section. H-atoms atoms
are omitted
for Details of the geometry of crystal structures are presented in SI section. H-atoms are omitted
for clarity.

Figure Simplifiedtypes
bonding found
bonding in coordination
found andand
in coordination organometallic compounds.
organometallic compounds.

The best description of the geometry of molecular geometries of all studied SbPh4 L
The best description of the geometry of molecular geometries of all studied SbPh4L
(L = cyanoxime from Figure 2) is distorted trigonal bipyramid (Figure 3). The central Sb-
(L = cyanoxime from Figure 2) is distorted trigonal bipyramid (Figure 3). The central Sb-
atom is outside of the equatorial plane in all structures and shifted toward the axial phenyl
atom isThus,
group. outside of the
there is a equatorial plane indistance
certain “off-plane” all structures
in theand shifted
[SbC3] towardenvironment.
equatorial the axial phenyl
The Thus, there
geometries and isthea certain “off-plane”
environment distanceininallthe
of Sb-centers [SbC3] equatorial
compounds reportedenvironment.
here are
The geometries and the environment of Sb-centers in
presented in detail pages of Supporting Information section SI S14–S22. all compounds reported here are
detail pages
of theofcrystal
Supporting Information
structures revealed section SI 14–22.
a correlation between structures
and pK Further
valuesanalysis of the coordinated
of cyanoximes crystal structures revealed aatom
to the metalloid correlation
5 and 6). structures
an pK values
inverse from ofthecyanoximes
expected trend coordinated
was observed;to thea metalloid
more acidic atom (Figures
cyanoxime 5 andto6).
bound theThus,
metalloid led to a longer Sb–O bond length (Figure 5). Similarly, an inverse
an inverse from the expected trend was observed; a more acidic cyanoxime bound to the from expected
trend was observed
metalloid during
led to a longer analysis
Sb–O bondoflength
the acidity
(Figureof 5).
cyanoximeanand deviation
inverse from from
trend was of observed
the [SbC3]during
base. Here, a more
analysis acidic
of the cyanoxime
acidity of thebound to the and
cyanoxime metalloid led tofrom
the Sb-atom
planarity ofbeing more pushed
the [SbC3] insidea the
base. Here, trigonal
more acidicpyramidal
cyanoxime cage toward
bound to the
the axial phenylled to
group (Figure 6).
the Sb-atom being more pushed inside the trigonal pyramidal cage toward the axial phe-
nyl group (Figure 6).
To continue characterization of the new family of new compounds, we investigated
the thermal stability of synthesized SbPh4L both in solutions and in a solid state. This is
important for two reasons: (1) application of these new antimicrobial compounds may
include using them as additives in surface coating and making wound dressing materials
suitable for thermal sterilization; (2) the stability and chemical integrity in solutions at
variable temperatures are important for their shelf lifetime and usability. We determined
that compounds are soluble in a variety of solvents and form molecular solutions with no
electrical conductivity.
Molecules 2022, 27, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 21
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 7 of 20

Molecules 2022, 27, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 21

Figure 5. Observed trend in geometry of the antimony(V) environment and acidity of coordinated
Figure Observedmoiety:
bond to5.cyanoxime trend in geometry
Sb–O ofacidity
bonds vs. the antimony(V) environment and acidity of coordinated
of the cyanoxime.
bond to cyanoxime moiety: Sb–O bonds vs. acidity of the cyanoxime.
The results evidenced a satisfactory stability of pure solid samples of all eight SbPh4L
at ~150 °C, which makes them suitable for applications that require heating or heat steri-
lization. The TG/DSC traces for one compound showing phase transition (melting) are
presented in SI 23, accompanied by the summary of thermal stability of studied com-
pounds. Similarly, synthesized compounds were stable in high-boiling-point solvents
such as DMSO and propionitrile. More specifically, the method of variable-temperature
UV/visible spectroscopy was used in this study. Thus, all obtained organoanimtony(V)
cyanoximates represent colorless compounds (except for SbPh4(TCO) and SbPh4(TDCO),
which were yellow because of the color of the thio–cyanoxime ligands TCO− and TDCO−
(SI 1)). However, cyanoxime anions ACO−, ECO−, and MCO−, and isomeric pyridyl–cyan-
oximes 2PCO−, 3PCO−, and 4PCO− in chosen solvents appeared rose-pink due to the n→π*
transition in the visible region of the spectrum [37], which is sensitive to the nature of the
solvent. Therefore, the appearance of color in colorless solutions of our SbPh4L would be
indicative of their dissociation and liberation of the colored anion in solution (Scheme 1).

Figure 6. Observed correlation in geometry of the antimony(V) environment such as out–of–plane

Figure 6.and
distance Observed
aciditycorrelation in geometry
of coordinated of the antimony(V)
to it cyanoxime moiety.environment such as out–of–plane
distance and acidity of coordinated to it cyanoxime moiety.
To continue characterization of the new family of new compounds, we investigated
the thermal we of
stability performed recording
synthesized SbPhof4 Lthe
bothUV/visible spectra
in solutions andof in
allacolorless or- This is
solid state.
ganoantimony(V) cyanoximates in selected solvents from room temperature
important for two reasons: (1) application of these new antimicrobial compounds to 80 °C in may
10 °C intervals. The results indicate the absence of appreciable ionization of cyanoximes
include using them as additives in surface coating and making wound dressing materials
in solutions even at elevated temperatures (Figure 7). This assures that the observed anti-
suitable for thermal sterilization; (2) the stability and chemical integrity in solutions at
microbial effects are associated with the molecular structure of the parent compound
variable temperatures are important for their shelf lifetime and usability. We determined
SbPh4L (L = studied cyanoximes anion) and not to separate SbPh4+ and L− ions.
that compounds are soluble in a variety of solvents and form molecular solutions with no
electrical conductivity.
The results evidenced a satisfactory stability of pure solid samples of all eight SbPh4 L
at ~150 ◦ C, which makes them suitable for applications that require heating or heat ster-
ilization. The TG/DSC traces for one compound showing phase transition (melting) are
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 8 of 20

presented in SI S23, accompanied by the summary of thermal stability of studied com-

pounds. Similarly, synthesized compounds were stable in high-boiling-point solvents
such as DMSO and propionitrile. More specifically, the method of variable-temperature
UV/visible spectroscopy was used in this study. Thus, all obtained organoanimtony(V)
cyanoximates represent colorless compounds (except for SbPh4 (TCO) and SbPh4 (TDCO),
which were yellow because of the color of the thio–cyanoxime ligands TCO− and TDCO−
(SI S1)). However, cyanoxime anions ACO− , ECO− , and MCO− , and isomeric pyridyl–
cyanoximes 2PCO− , 3PCO− , and 4PCO− in chosen solvents appeared rose-pink due to the
Molecules 2022, 27, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 21
n→π* transition in the visible region of the spectrum [37], which is sensitive to the nature of
the solvent. Therefore, the appearance of color in colorless solutions of our SbPh4 L would
Allbe indicative
synthesized of their dissociation
tetraphenyl-antimony(V) and liberation
compounds of the colored
were characterized by 13C{anion
1H}- in solution (Scheme 1).
NMR spectroscopy. First of all, we performed
we should note that,recording of the UV/visible
despite considerable concentrations spectra of all colorless
of complexes used during the NMR
organoantimony(V) analysis, we had
cyanoximates indifficulties
selected in obtainingfrom
solvents room temperature to 80 ◦ C in
tion and good-quality spectra even after ~12 h of accumulation. We attribute this unex-
10 ◦ C intervals. The results indicate the absence of appreciable ionization of cyanoximes in
pected difficulty to the effect of quadrupole nuclei of 121Sb (57.3% abundance; I = +5/2) and
123Sb (42.7 evenI =at
% abundance; elevated
+7/2) isotopestemperatures (Figureaffected
that most likely adversely 7). This theassures
relaxation that the observed antimi-
times ofcrobial effects are associated with the molecular structure of the parent compound SbPh4 L
carbon nuclei.
(L = studied cyanoximes anion) and not to separate SbPh4 + and L− ions.


Figure 7. (A) An overlay of fragments of the UV/visible spectra of SbPh4(2PCO) in DMSO at two
Figure 7. (A) An overlay of fragments of the UV/visible spectra of SbPh4 (2PCO) in DMSO
terminal temperatures; (B) an overlay of fragments of the UV/visible spectra of SbPh4(4PCO) in pro-
pionitriletwo terminal
at the same twotemperatures; (B) an overlay of fragments of the UV/visible spectra of SbPh4 (4PCO)
terminal temperatures. in
propionitrile at the same two terminal temperatures.
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 9 of 20

All synthesized tetraphenyl-antimony(V) compounds were characterized by 13 C{1 H}-

NMR spectroscopy. First of all, we should note that, despite considerable concentrations of
complexes used during the NMR analysis, we had difficulties in obtaining high-resolution
and good-quality spectra even after ~12 h of accumulation. We attribute this unexpected
difficulty to the effect of quadrupole nuclei of 121 Sb (57.3% abundance; I = +5/2) and 123 Sb
(42.7 % abundance; I = +7/2) isotopes that most likely adversely affected the relaxation
times of carbon nuclei.
Since it was such an unusual finding, we validated the observations by independently
recording 13 C{1 H}-NMR spectra at different locations (Courtesy of Dr. Sergiy Tyukhtenko,
Center for Drug Discovery, Northeastern University), but unfortunately with the same
result. In comparison to a typical 13 C-NMR spectrum displayed in SI S9–S11, we observed
an interesting correlation between position of the ipso-carbon atom of the phenyl-groups
in SbPh4 L (L = cyanoximes from Figure 2) and pKa values of the coordinated to Sb-center
cyanoximes as shown in SI S24. There were two clearly different trends: one for isomeric
heterocyclic cyanoximes and another for other carboxylates and amides. No immediate
rationale for the observed behavior is available at the moment.
Biological Aspect
Antibacterial potential of new tetraphenyl-antimony(V) cyanoximates. It should be
especially mentioned that the new cyanoximates synthesized and characterized in this work
represent organometallic compounds with relatively strong Sb–C covalent bonds. They
do not undergo hydrolysis in the cell contrary to previously known above-cited Werner-
type complexes containing labile Sb–O bonds. The presence of lipophilic organometallic
fragment provides different and favorable kinetics for the intake of tetraphenyl-antimony(V)
cyanoximates into cells, which helps in the delivery of biologically active cyanoxime.
Furthermore, these types of small-molecule compounds were never previously exposed
to pathogenic microorganisms, which is an advantage of using these new antimicrobial
compounds until resistance to them is potentially developed decades later.
To determine the antibacterial potential of the novel antimony compounds, we se-
lected three human pathogens: Gram-negative E. coli and P. aeruginosa, and Gram-positive
S. aureus. The Shiga toxin-producing E. coli strain S17 (O113:H4) was isolated from a chick
liver with septicemia [38], the lab-adapted P. aeruginosa strain PAO1 was originally isolated
from a burn-wound infection [39], and the methicillin-resistant S. aureus strain NRS70 was
isolated from a respiratory infection [40]. These pathogens represent different infection
profiles. Both P. aeruginosa and S. aureus are becoming increasingly resistant to currently
available antibiotics [41,42] and were recognized by the CDC as critically important for
discovering novel therapeutics. All three strains were subjected to disc-diffusion assay
(Table 1, SI S25).

Table 1. Antibacterial effect of new tetraphenyl-antimony(V) cyanoximates determined by disc-

diffusion assay. The zones of clearance (mm) surrounding the discs are reported as the averages from
three samples ± SEM. ND, no clearance zone detected.

Compound/Clearance Zone, mm E. coli P. aeruginosa S. aureus

Sb Compounds
SbPh4 (ACO) 2.5 ± 0.2 5.6 ± 0.7 4.7 ± 0.7
SbPh4 (ECO) 4.7 ± 0.2 2.2 ± 0.3 9.4 ± 0.1
SbPh4 (MCO) ND 5.7 ± 0.2 6.1 ± 0.1
SbPh4 (TDCO) ND ND 2.0 ± 0.5

Among the antimicrobial compounds tested, SbPh4 (ACO) and SbPh4 (ECO) showed ac-
tivity against all three bacterial pathogens. SbPh4 (MCO) was effective against P. aeruginosa
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 10 of 20

and S. aureus, and SbPh4 (TDCO) showed activity only against S. aureus (Table 1, SI S26).
Three control compounds H(ACO), H(ECO), and H(MCO) were tested and showed no
antimicrobial effect. The results showed that the cyanoximates alone have no antimicrobial
impact, and the incorporation of the SbPh4 fragment into selected backbones enables the
antimicrobial potential. Comparison of two (twofold and fourfold) dilutions for each com-
pound reflected concentration-dependent growth inhibition for most of the compounds,
except for SbPh4 (ACO) (E. coli), SbPh4 (ECO) (P. aeruginosa), and SbPh4 (TDCO) (S. aureus)
(SI S27). This may reflect a time-dependent antimicrobial affect [43]. According to the
inhibition profile, SbPh4 (ACO), SbPh4 (ECO), and SbPh4 (MCO) do not discriminate be-
tween Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, suggesting that their broad impact
on bacterial cells is independent of the presence or absence of the outer membrane of
Gram-negative cells and peptidoglycan of Gram-positive cells. The SbPh4 (TDCO) activity
only against Gram-positive S. aureus suggests that the outer membrane of Gram-negative
E. coli and P. aeruginosa presents a sufficient protective barrier for this compound. These
results confirm that the new antimony compounds have strong potential as both broad- and
narrow-spectrum antimicrobials and provide insights for further synthetic modifications of
the compounds to increase their activities.
Antifungal potential of new tetraphenyl-antimony(V) cyanoximates. To determine
the antifungal potential of the novel antimony compounds against fungal pathogens, we
selected two human fungal pathogens—Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida albicans. Both
C. neoformans and C. albicans are becoming increasingly resistant to currently available
antifungals [13,44–46], and resistance is being tracked through the CDC’s Emerging Infec-
tions Program (EIP). Both strains were subjected to a disc-diffusion assay (Table 2). Among
the compounds tested, SbPh4 (MCO) was the only compound to inhibit the growth of
both fungal pathogens C. neoformans and C. albicans. The remaining compounds inhibited
the growth of C. neoformans but not C. albicans (Table 2, SI S28). These results confirm
that the new antimony compounds have a strong potential, especially against the fungal
pathogen C. neoformans, but they may need further synthetic modifications to be active
against C. albicans.

Table 2. Antifungal effect of new tetraphenyl-antimony(V) cyanoximates determined using a disc-

diffusion assay. The zones of clearance (mm) surrounding the discs are reported as diameters
averaged from three samples ± SEM. ND, no clearance zone detected.

Compound/Clearance Zone, mm C. neoformans C. albicans

Sb Compounds
SbPh4 (ACO) 6.7 ± 1.3 ND
SbPh4 (ECO) 9.7 ± 4.4 ND
SbPh4 (MCO) 5.0 ± 1.3 2.9 ± 1.2
SbPh4 (TDCO) 2.0 ± 1.0 ND
SbPh4 (TCO) 2.7 ± 1.3 ND

We observed a pronounced synergistic effect of the presence of organoantimony(V)

and cyanoxime moieties in these molecular compounds. The results of the conducted inter-
disciplinary research warranted filing full patent application No. 63/152,490 “Organoanti-
mony(V) cyanoximate compounds and methods of production and use thereof”, filed on
23 February 2022. On 6 September 2022, the US Patent and Trademark Office informed us
that the above-referenced PCT application was published as International Publication No.
WO2022/182719 A1, with an International Publication Date of 1 September 2022.
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 11 of 20

3. Materials and Methods

General Considerations. Cyanoximes selected for current studies were obtained
using published procedures from starting substituted acetonitriles [14], and their purity
was verified using TLC, NMR spectroscopy, and elemental analyses of C, H, N content
using combustion method (Atlantic Microlab, Norcross, GA). Starting compounds with
sulfur-containing cyanoximes Tl(TCO) and Tl(TDCO) were also prepared as we described
earlier [34,47]. The source of organoantimony, ~95% purity, was Sb(C6H5)4Br purchased
from Aldrich. All other chemicals and organic solvents—i-PrOH, CH3 CN, ether, NaNO2 ,
H2 SO4 , and HCl from Fisher Scientific and sodium metal from Fluka—were of sufficient
quality and used without additional purification. Melting points and thermal decompo-
sition profiles were obtained using thermal analysis method presented below. Electrical
conductivity of 0.001 M solutions of SbPh4 L (L = cyanoximes shown in Figure 2) was
measured in CH3 CN and DMSO at 296 K with aid of the YSI 3100 conductivity meter with
Pt-electrode using N(CH3 )4 Br and P(C6 H5 )4 Cl salts as calibrants.
Chemical Synthesis. Preparation of cyanoximes shown in Figure 2 was conducted
according to the published procedures for HACO [30], HTCO [21], HTDCO [47], HECO [48],
HMCO [31], and isomeric pyridyl-cyanoximates [35]. The source of antimony was bromide
of tetraphenyl-antimony(V). We determined that the best synthetic route to organometallic
cyanoximates is a metathesis reaction of Ph4Br with silver or thallium cyanoximates, as
shown in Scheme 2. The latter salt was used for the S-containing cyanoximes HTCO and
HTDCO for which corresponding silver(I) salts do not exist due to fast decomposition with
the formation of Ag2 S, while Tl(TCO) and Tl(TDCO) [34,47] can be easily obtained and
are thermally and light stable. The typical preparation is given only for two tetraphenyl-
antimony(V) cyanoximates.
Silver(I) salts of ligands listed in Scheme 2 are light-stable and were obtained in
aqueous solutions in two steps as shown in Scheme 3A using AgNO3 [32,49], while
two thallium(I) salts were prepared from Tl2 CO3 (Scheme 3B). The actual appearance
of dark-yellow and orange TlL (L = TCO, TDCO) can been in Supporting Information, S1.
SbPh4 (MCO). The preparation of SbPh4 (MCO) was conducted by dissolving 0.201 g
(0.394 mM) of SbPh4 Br in 10 mL of dry acetonitrile in a 25 mL Erlenmeyer flask to which
0.120 g (0.413 mM, being in slight excess because of heterogeneous reaction) of finely ground,
solid Ag(MCO) [31] was added in small portions under stirring at room temperature.
This reaction requires red-light (or dark) conditions to prevent photodecomposition of
the light-sensitive byproduct AgBr. Use of an ultrasound bath is necessary to assure
proper reagent mixing in this heterogeneous reaction. Following sonication, removal of
the white AgBr precipitate was found to be the most convenient by centrifugation using
nylon 0.45 micron membrane inserts into 5 mL Eppendorf tubes (SI S2). Thus, the cloudy
reaction mixture of the desired organoanimtony(V) cyanoximate in CH3 CN solution and
fine powder of AgBr was transferred into nylon Eppendorf tubes and centrifuged in a
Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legends Micro 17 at 10,000 rpm for 3 min. The colorless and
transparent solution containing SbPh4 (MCO) was carefully pipetted from the tube into
25 mL beaker placed into a charged with a paraffin (for absorption of CH3 CN) vacuum
desiccator for further crystallization. After 1 week, colorless block-type crystals of the
complex suitable for the X-ray analysis were harvested from the beaker.
spectra were needed, a high-precision Peltier Quantum Northwest thermocontroller was
used with 1 cm quartz cuvettes.
NMR spectra. The 1H- and 13C{1H}-NMR spectra were obtained on a Varian Inova-
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 400 MHz spectrometer at room temperature in CD2Cl2 containing TMS as an internal ref-
12 of 20
erence. Data are tabulated in SI 6–8, whilst several selected spectra are displayed in SI 9–

2 + K2CO3 2 + CO2 + H2O

R = -NH2 for ACO, -OC2H5 for ECO + AgNO3

for MCO
O for MCO, or 2-, 3-, 4-pyridyl
groups for heterocyclic ligands R CN
+ KNO3
precipitate for thorough drying

X2N CN +50oC X2N CN
2 + Tl2CO3 2 + CO2 + H2O

X = H, CH3

crystallization to solid TlL

Scheme 3.
3. Preparation
Preparation of precursors—silver and
of precursors—silver and thallium
thallium salts—for
salts—for synthesis
synthesis of
of SbPh
Scheme 4 L.

SbPh (TCO). Synthesis of this compound involved 0.250 g (0.490 mM) of SbPh4 Br and
g (0.511structures
mM, slight were determined
excess for all the eight
due to heterogeneous organoantimony(V)
reaction condition) of a compounds.
yellow pow-
der single mixed
of Tl(TCO) crystalstogether
of organoantimony(V)
with 10 mL of dry cyanoximates
CH3 CN in awere25 mLgrown
°C exclu-
sively using
perature. The the vapor diffusion
preparation of Tl(TCO)method. Briefly,
is described acetonitrile Information
in Supporting solutions of section
SI S3,
were placed
while Tl(TDCO)into synthesis
the inner tube, and vapors
was carried of anhydrous
out according ether wereprocedure
to a published used as the[30]
lizing agent from the outer tube with a screw cap. Normally within 2–3 weeks
results of the elemental analysis displayed in SI S1. Since Tl(I) salts are non-oxidizers after setting
up, transparent
not well-shaped
light-sensitive, crystals
the reaction suitableout
was carried for crystallographic
conveniently on studies
a benchappeared on the
top. Thorough
walls inof
mixing the inner tube.
reagents Allheterogeneous
in this crystals suitable for studies
reaction were placed
was performed in on
an plastic MiTeGen
ultrasound bath
within min. The to content
the copper pinbeaker
of the on theasgoniometer
a fine yellowhead of the Bruker
suspension APEX-2
was placed indiffrac-
dorf tubes
tometer, and centrifuged
equipped within CCD
with a SMART 3 minarea
at 10,000 rpm,
detector. leading
The to clean
intensity data separation of the
were collected at
white TlBr and transparent yellow solution of target compound. Careful pipetting of this
solution into another beaker followed by its concentration in a vacuum desiccator, charged
with paraffin to absorb CH3 CN, afforded light-yellow transparent plates (SI S4).
Other compounds were prepared in a similar fashion. Information regarding the
synthesized compounds’ color, yield, and results of elemental analyses presented in Table 3.
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 13 of 20

Table 3. Yield, color, and composition of the obtained tetraphenyl-antimony(V) cyanoximates and
two of their precursors: Tl(I) salts.

Formula, Property Elemental Analyses Data, %: Calculated (Found)

Compound Color Yield, % C H N S
SbPh4 (ACO) Colorless 79 59.81 (58.39) 4.09 (4.16) 7.75 (7.29) -
SbPh4 (ECO) Colorless 91 60.86 (60.59) 4.58 (4.44) 4.89 (4.94) -
SbPh4 (TCO) Yellow 51 58.04 (57.93) 3.97 (3.84) 7.53 (7.42) 5.74 (5.59)
SbPh4 (TDCO) Golden-orange 56 59.40 (58.84) 4.47 (4.37) 7.17 (6.20) 5.47 (5.18)
SbPh4 (MCO) Colorless 90 60.81 (59.48) 4.61 (4.52) 8.86 (6.47) -
SbPh4 (2PCO)·H2 O Colorless 45 64.61 (64.34) 4.20 (4.07) 7.29 (7.19) -
SbPh4 (3PCO) Colorless 84 64.61 (62.17) 4.20 (3.99) 7.29 (6.51) -
SbPh4 (4PCO) Colorless 46 64.61 (63.93) 4.20 (3.93) 7.29 (7.31) -
Tl(TCO) Yellow 93 10.84 (10.77) 0.61 (0.54) 12.64 (12.71) 9.64 (9.52)
Tl(TDCO) Orange-red 82 16.66 (16.61) 1.68 (1.55) 11.65 (11.53) 8.89 (8.77)

Safety Note: Although we did not encounter any problems during many years of laboratory work
and handling, special care should be taken during work with thallium compounds because of their
high toxicity [50–52]. Both Tl(I) carbonate and cyanoximates are water-soluble compounds, which
emphasizes the absolute necessity of always wearing protective gloves when working with these
compounds. However, no respiratory tract covers are required since Tl(I) compounds are ionic and
not volatile.
Spectroscopic Studies.
Vibrational spectra. The IR spectra of all the prepared compounds reported herein
were recorded at ambient laboratory temperature using small quantities (5–10 mg) of solid
samples of studies compounds with the help of a Bruker ATR FT spectrophotometer. The
resolution was set to 4 cm−1 with 64 scans in the range of 400–4000 cm−1 . An atmospheric
compensation and baseline correction were applied for data treatment. Raman spectra
were recorded on the Bruker R70 FT-IR/Raman complex at room temperature. The power
of the laser and the number of repetitions were varied depending on the sample in the
ranges of 100–250 mW and 64–1024 scans, respectively. The combined results of vibrational
spectroscopy as assigned peaks of the most important vibrations in spectra are presented
in Table SI S5.
UV/visible spectra. The electronic spectra of the compounds were recorded in so-
lutions using the HP 8354 diode array UV/visible spectrophotometer operating in the
range of 200–1100 nm, typically at room temperature. In cases where variable-temperature
spectra were needed, a high-precision Peltier Quantum Northwest thermocontroller was
used with 1 cm quartz cuvettes.
NMR spectra. The 1H- and 13C{1H}-NMR spectra were obtained on a Varian Inova-400 MHz
spectrometer at room temperature in CD2 Cl2 containing TMS as an internal reference. Data
are tabulated in SI S6–S8, whilst several selected spectra are displayed in SI S9–S11.
X-ray crystallography.
Crystal structures were determined for all the eight organoantimony(V) compounds.
Suitable single crystals of organoantimony(V) cyanoximates were grown at 4 ◦ C exclusively
using the vapor diffusion method. Briefly, acetonitrile solutions of compounds were placed
into the inner tube, and vapors of anhydrous ether were used as the crystallizing agent
from the outer tube with a screw cap. Normally within 2–3 weeks after setting up, trans-
parent well-shaped crystals suitable for crystallographic studies appeared on the walls in
the inner tube. All crystals suitable for studies were placed on plastic MiTeGen holders
attached to the copper pin on the goniometer head of the Bruker APEX-2 diffractometer,
equipped with a SMART CCD area detector. The intensity data were collected at low tem-
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 14 of 20

perature. Data collection was performed in ω scan mode using the Mo tube (Kα radiation;
λ = 0.71073 Å) with a highly oriented graphite monochromator. Intensities were integrated
from four series of 364 exposures, each covering 0.5◦ steps in ω at 20–60 s of exposure
time depending on the crystal diffracting power, with the total dataset being a sphere.
The space group determination was conducted with the aid of the XPREP software. The
absorption correction was performed in a few cases by a crystal face indexing procedure
with the help of a video microscope (SI S12,S13), followed by numerical input into the
SADABS program. Ultimately, in the case of a small crystal specimen and their irregular
shape, we used the multi-scan method. Both cited programs are included in the Bruker
AXS software package [53]. All structures were solved using direct methods and refined
by least squares on weighted F2 values for all reflections using the SHELXTL program. In
several structures, due to the high crystal quality, it was possible to identify all H-atoms on
the electron density map. However, in some structures, H-atoms were placed in calculated
positions in accordance with the hybridization state of a hosting carbon atom and were
refined isotropically. No apparent problems or complications were encountered during
the structure solutions and refinement as evident from very positive PLATON checkCIF
reports. The crystal data for six structures of Sb-cyanoximates are presented in Table 4,
while their ASUs are shown in Figure 3. Values of selected bond lengths and valence angles
are presented in the respective figures in SI S14–S22. All drawings of the crystal structures
were completed using the ORTEP 3v2 [54] and freely available CCDC Mercury software
packages. All determined crystal structures were deposited at CCDC (England) under the
following numbers: SbPh4 (MCO)—2012156 (as refcode SURYIQ); SbPh4 (ECO)—2012153
(as SURXUB), SbPh4 (4PCO)—2011863 (as SUPPAX), SbPh4 (3PCO)—2011860 (as SUPNID),
SbPh4 (2PCO)—2011861 (as SUPNOJ), and SbPh4 (ACO) (as ZASVUK02). The PLATON
checkCIF reports are presented at the end of the Supporting Information (SI S29).

Table 4. Crystal data for tetraphenyl-antimony(V) cyanoximates.

Data/Parameter SbPh4 (ACO) SbPh4 (ECO)

Chemical formula C27 H22 N3 O2 Sb C29 H25 N2 O3 Sb
Formula weight, g/mol 542.22 571.26
Temperature, K 100(2) 120(2)
Wavelength, Å 0.71073 Å (Mo) 0.71073 Å (Mo)
Crystal habit Clear colorless block Clear colorless block
Crystal system Monoclinic Monoclinic
Space group P21 /c Pn
a = 14.8336(8) α =90◦ a = 9.7871(6) α = 90◦
Unit cell dimensions, Å, b = 9.9060(6) β = 112.7130(10)◦ b = 14.9208(9) β = 94.6130(10)◦
c = 17.3977(10) γ = 90◦ c = 17.6984(11) γ = 90◦
Volume, Å3 2358.2(2) 2576.1(3)
Z 4 4
Density (calculated), g/cm3 1.527 1.473
Absorption coefficient µ, mm−1 1.199 1.103
F(000) 1088 1152
Θ range for data 1.49◦ to 33.02◦ 1.37◦ to 33.08◦
Total reflections collected 38365 9092
Independent reflections 8465 [R(int) = 0.0278] 8454 [R(int) = 0.0261]
1.193 [absolute structure
Goodness of fit on F2 1.173
parameter 0.5(0)]
Final R indices R1 = 0.0288, wR2 = 0.0634 R1 = 0.0351, wR2 = 0.0709
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 15 of 20

Table 4. Cont.

Data/Parameter SbPh4 (ACO) SbPh4 (ECO)

All data R1 = 0.0391, wR2 = 0.0724 R1 = 0.0404, wR2 = 0.0774
Largest diff. peak and hole, eÅ−3 2.183 and −0.805 2.218 and −1.311
Structure takes volume, Å3 (%) 1507.45 (63.92) 1615.90 (62.73)
Chemical formula C31 H28 N3 O3 Sb C31 H24 N3 OSb
Formula weight, g/mol 612.31 576.28
Temperature, K 100(2) 100(2)
Wavelength, Å 0.71073 Å (Mo) 0.71073 Å (Mo)
Crystal habit Clear colorless block Clear colorless block
Crystal system Monoclinic Monoclinic
Space group P21 /c P21 /n
a = 17.6451(4) α = 90 a = 12.6027(8) α = 90◦
Unit cell dimensions, Å, o b = 10.8777(3) Å β = 94.8360(10)◦ b = 14.4415(10) β = 104.9644(10)◦
c = 28.3876(7) Å γ = 90◦ c = 14.6694(10) γ = 90◦
Volume, Å3 5429.3(2) 2579.3(3)
Z 8 4
Density (calculated), g/cm3 1.498 1.484
Absorption coefficient µ, mm−1 1.054 1.098
F(000) 2480 1160
Θ range for data 1.16 to 26.52◦ 1.90 to 26.71◦
Total reflections collected 75269 30635
Independent reflections 11251 [R(int) = 0.0612] 5458 [R(int) = 0.0520]
Absorption correction multi-scan multi-scan
Data/restraints/parameters 11,251/0/750 5458/0/421
Goodness of fit on F2 1.114 1.039
Final R indices R1 = 0.0447, wR2 = 0.1034 R1 = 0.0329, wR2 = 0.0740
All data R1 = 0.0584, wR2 = 0.1109 R1 = 0.0444, wR2 = 0.0792
Largest diff. peak and hole, eÅ−3 2.081 and −0.653 1.518 and −0.437
Structure takes volume, Å3 (%) 3438.33 (63.33) 1625.16 (63.01)
Chemical formula C31 H24 N3 OSb C31 H24 N3 OSb
Formula weight, g/mol 576.28 576.28
Temperature, K 296(1) 100(2)
Wavelength, Å 0.71073 Å (Mo) 0.71073 Å (Mo)
Crystal habit Transparent clear prisms Transparent colorless prisms
Crystal system Triclinic Monoclinic
Space group P-1 P21 /c
a = 10.0228(4) α = 69.324(1) a = 15.3352(10) α = 90◦
Unit cell dimensions, Å, o b = 10.4598(4) β = 72.086(1) b = 9.7848(6) β = 119.272(4)◦
c = 13.8258(5) γ = 83.971(1) c = 19.6576(9) γ = 90◦
Volume, Å3 1290.34(9) 2573.0(3)
Z 2 4
Density (calculated), g/cm3 1.483 1.428
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 16 of 20

Table 4. Cont.

Data/Parameter SbPh4 (ACO) SbPh4 (ECO)

Absorption coefficient µ, mm−1 1.098 1.099
F(000) 579 1068
Θ range for data 1.15 to 28 1.50 to 33.08
Total reflections collected 22487 42357
Independent reflections 6218 [Rint = 0.0284] 9309 [Rint = 0.0223]
Absorption correction multi-scan numerical
Data/restraints/parameters 6218/0/421 9309/0/417
Goodness of fit on F2 1.042 1.010
Final R indices R1 = 0.0241, wR2 = 0.0543 R1 = 0.0286, wR2 = 0.0543
all data R1 = 0.0276, wR2 = 0.0560 R1 = 0.0368, wR2 = 0.0603
Largest diff. peak and hole, eÅ−3 0.53 and −0.34 1.91 and −0.72
Structure takes volume, Å3 (%) 813.46 (63.04) 1639.12 (63.7)

Thermal Analysis. Thermal stability of the obtained metal complexes was assessed
using a Q-600 TG/DSC analyzer (TA Instruments) under N2 flow of 100 mL/min at a
10 ◦ C/min heating rate. Heating of samples was carried out to 800 ◦ C, at which complete
decomposition of the samples was attained. The final product of decomposition is elemental
antimony, which appears as a spongy mass inside the crucible.
Biological studies.
Susceptibility testing for bacteria and fungi using disc-diffusion assay. Discs to be
tested were prepared by applying the synthesized compounds dissolved in acetonitrile
at a concentration of 0.05 µM onto 100% cotton paper discs of 7 mm width that were
pre-dried in a desiccator over H2 SO4 . The loaded discs were then placed on a Teflon
block to allow them to dry completely. Five Sb compounds, SbPh4 (ACO), SbPh4 (ECO),
SbPh4 (MCO), SbPh4 (TDCO), and SbPh4 (TCO), and three control compounds, H(ACO),
H(ECO), and H(MCO), were included. Dried discs with no material loaded were used as
negative controls.
Bacterial strains and growth media. Low-salt Luria–Bertani (LB) medium was used
for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. The bacterial stains included Gram-negative
Escherichia coli strain S17(O113:H4) isolated from a chick liver with septicemia and lab-
adapted burn-wound isolate Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO1, and Gram-positive me-
thicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus strain NRS70. All strains were maintained in 10%
skim milk at −80 ◦ C. Before each experiment, the bacterial strains were inoculated onto LB
agar from frozen stocks and grown overnight at 37 ◦ C, from which isolated colonies were
picked for inoculating LB broth and the subsequent testing.
Susceptibility testing for bacteria. Discs to be tested were prepared as described
above. Bacterial cultures were grown in LB broth shaking at 200 rpm for 12 h at 37 ◦ C. The
optical density of the cultures at 600 nm (OD600 nm ) was measured and adjusted to 0.1 in
LB broth, and 100 µL of the cultures were spread on LB plates. The plates were allowed
to dry for 10 min before impregnating filter paper discs containing test compounds using
sterile forceps. As a control, 10 µL of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) was applied onto the
discs. The plates were incubated at 37 ◦ C for 24 h. Antibacterial activity was determined
by measuring the clearance zones surrounding the discs. Considering irregular shapes of
some clearances, three measurements for each sample were performed and averaged. Each
experiment was conducted using three biological replicates, and the clearance zones were
reported as the mean + standard error of the mean (SEM).
Fungal strains and growth media. Cryptococcus neoformans strain H99 (serotype A,
mating type α) and Candida albicans strain SC5314 were recovered from 15% glycerol stocks
Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 17 of 20

stored at −80 ◦ C and were cultured on yeast extract–peptone–dextrose (YPD) plates (BD
Difco; Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA).
Susceptibility testing for fungi. Discs to be tested were prepared as described above.
Fungal cultures were taken from YPD plates and grown in YPD broth shaking at 180 rpm
for 18 h at 30 ◦ C. Cells were centrifuged and washed 3× with sterile PBS. Cells were
quantified on a hemacytometer using trypan blue dye exclusion, and cultures were adjusted
to 1 × 106 cells/mL in PBS. A volume of 100 µL of the culture was spread onto each YPD
plate. The plates were allowed to dry for 10 min before placing filter paper discs containing
test compounds using sterile forceps. A volume of 10 µL of PBS was applied to each disc
to aid in diffusion. The plates were incubated at 30 ◦ C for 48 h. Antifungal activity was
determined by measuring the clearance zones surrounding the discs. Three measurements
for each sample were performed and averaged, and each experiment was conducted using
three biological replicates. Clearance zones are reported as the mean ± SEM.

4. Conclusions
For the first time, a series of novel organoantimony(V) cyanoximates with specially
selected features was obtained and thoroughly studied in this interdisciplinary research
aimed at a search for new non-antibiotic antimicrobials. As a summary of the conducted
investigations, we report the following:
(1) We designed high-yield synthesis of a series of eight novel tetraphenyl-antimony(V)
cyanoximates of SbPh4(L) composition using an effective and clean heterogeneous metathe-
sis reaction involving solid silver(I) or thallium(I) compounds in acetonitrile solutions.
(2) The prepared complexes represent crystalline white molecular solids (two compounds
with thioamide-cyanoximes TCO− and TDCO− are yellow) well soluble in organic solvents.
(3) All the synthesized compounds were characterized by 1 H- and 13 C-NMR, vibrational
spectroscopy (IR and Raman), variable-temperature UV/visible spectroscopy, thermal
analysis, and X-ray analysis.
(4) Several correlations between pKa values of starting cyanoxime and solid-state struc-
tures of SbPh4 (L) were determined (a) between off-plane Sb–O distance in trigonal
bipyramids of compounds and (b) between Sb–O distances.
(5) The crystal structures were determined for all eight new tetraphenyl-antimony(V)
cyanoximates and show monodentate O-binding of the anion to the central atom.
(6) All synthesized compounds were thermally stable in the solid state and in solutions
up to 140 ◦ C, which is an important property in light of their thermal sterilization for
intended applications as topical antimicrobial agents added to coating and paints.
(7) For the first time, a series of organometallic Sb-compounds of SbPh4 L composition
were carefully designed for in vitro antimicrobial testing.
(8) When tested for antibacterial potential, SbPh4 (ACO) and SbPh4 (ECO) showed activity
against three selected bacterial pathogens, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and S. aureus. known
for their outstanding antibiotic resistance. SbPh4 (ACO), SbPh4 (ECO), and SbPh4 MCO
showed a broad impact against the three bacteria, and SbPh4 (TDCO) was active only
against Gram-positive S. aureus.
(9) Antifungal studies showed that SbPh4 (MCO) was the only compound to inhibit the
growth of both fungal pathogens C. neoformans and C. albicans, also known for their
increasing resistance to antimicrobials. The other compounds inhibited the growth of
C. neoformans but not C. albicans.
Table of content picture (General formula for the first series of new non-antibiotic
antimicrobial compounds.):
Molecules 2022, 27, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 21

Molecules 2022, 27, 7171 18 of 20

Table of content picture(General formula for the first series of new non-antibiotic an-
timicrobial compounds.):

R N N O- N O- N O- O N O-
Sb L O
O N O- S N O- S N O- S N O-
new non-antibiotic antimicrobials!
For the first time, a series of novel organoantimony(V) cyanoximates with specially
For the first time, a series of novel organoantimony(V) cyanoximates with specially
selected features was obtained and thoroughly characterized using spectroscopic meth-
selected features was obtained and thoroughly characterized using spectroscopic methods,
ods, as well as thermal and X-ray analyses. Compounds were found to be stable in the
as well as thermal and X-ray analyses. Compounds were found to be stable in the solid
solid state and in solutions, representing new non-antibiotic compounds active against
state and in solutions, representing new non-antibiotic compounds active against both
both pathogenic microorganisms and fungi.
pathogenic microorganisms and fungi.
Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at S1. Actual
Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at
photographs of TlL (L = thioamide-cyanoximes) and results of elemental analysis; S2. Instrumenta-
.3390/molecules27217171/s1: S1. Actual photographs of TlL (L = thioamide-cyanoximes) and results
tion and accessories for the isolation of SbPh4L; S3. Details of synthesis of Tl(TCO) and its elemental
of elemental analysis;
composition; S2. Instrumentation
S4. Microscope photographs ofand accessories
crystals of SbPhfor the isolation of SbPh4 L; S3. Details
4L (L = thioamide-cyanoximes); S5. Ta-
ble of IR frequencies of all SbPh4L compounds; S6. Data of CNMR spectraphotographs
of synthesis of Tl(TCO) and its elemental composition; S4. Microscope of crystals
of chemical shifts of
of phe-
SbPh L
4 (L = thioamide-cyanoximes); S5. Table of IR frequencies of all SbPh L compounds;
in SbPh4L; S7, S8. Chemical shift values in the CNMR spectra of4 cyanoximes in SbPh4L; S6. Data
S9–11. spectra
Actual of chemical
13C{1H}-NMR shiftsS12,
spectra; of phenyl-groups
S13. Face-indexed in SbPh
single4 L;crystals
S7, S8. ofChemical shift valuesfor
several compounds in
the CNMR spectra of cyanoximes in SbPh L; S9–11. Actual 13 C{1 H}-NMR spectra; S12, S13. Face-
proper absorption correction; S14–S22. Details 4 of crystallographic characterization of synthesized
indexed single crystals
organoantimony(V) of several S23.
compounds; compounds
Examplefor proper absorption
of TG/DSC traces of onecorrection; S14–S22. Details
of the compounds showing of
phase transition; characterization
S24. Correlationsof synthesized
between organoantimony(V)
pKa values of cyanoximes compounds;
and 13C chemicalS23. shift
Example of
S25, S26. Thetraces of one ofzones
clearance the compounds
determinedshowing phase transition;
by the disc-diffusion assay;S24. Correlations
S27, between pK
S28. Representative im-a
ages ofof cyanoximes
discs in diffusion 13 C chemical
andassay; S29. Theshift values;reports
checkCIF S25, S26.
of The clearance crystal
all presented zones determined
structures. by the
disc-diffusion assay; S27, S28. Representative images of discs in diffusion assay; S29. The checkCIF
Author Contributions: K.P. prepared and chemically characterized all studied compounds; N.G.
reports of all presented crystal structures.
initiated the project and provided its overall supervision; T.S. and O.M. performed antibacterial
studies; Contributions:
Author M.P. directed the antibacterial
K.P. prepared andstudies and edited
chemically the manuscript;
characterized K.C. performed
all studied compounds; antifun-
gal studies; K.L.W. directed the antifungal studies and edited the manuscript. All
initiated the project and provided its overall supervision; T.S. and O.M. performed antibacterial stud- authors read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
ies; M.A.P. directed the antibacterial studies and edited the manuscript; K.C. performed antifungal
studies; K.L.W.
Funding: N.G. directed
receivedthe antifungal
partial fundingstudies
from and
the edited the manuscript.
MSU Graduate CollegeAll asauthors have read
FRG; M.P.’s and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
was supported by the NIH P20GM103648 award; K.C. would like to thank the Lew Wentz Founda-
tion and the
Funding: Niblack
N.G. Research
received partialScholars program
funding from for partial
the MSU support
Graduate during
College this investigation.
as FRG; M.P.’s research was
supported by the NIH P20GM103648 award; K.C. would like to thank the Lew
Data Availability Statement: All results of this study and data from the Supporting Wentz Information
and the Niblack Research Scholars program for partial
are available to the public via the journal’s portal. support during this investigation.
Data Availability Statement:
Acknowledgments: All results
N.G. is thankful to of
Dr.this study
Sergiy and data from
Tyukhtenko the Supporting
(Northeastern Information
University, are
available to the public via the journal’s portal.
MA) for his generous help with recording NMR spectra of several new organoantimonials at his
research facility, and N.G.
Acknowledgments: to Dr.isIlia Guzei (University
thankful of Wisconsin-Madison,
to Sergiy Tyukhtenko (NortheasternWI) for high-intensity
University, data
Boston, MA)
collection for onehelp
for his generous of the compounds.
with recording K.P.
NMR would likeoftoseveral
spectra thank the
newMSU Graduate College
organoantimonials for research
at his support
facility, this
to Ilia Guzei (University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI) for high-intensity data collection
for one of of
Conflicts theInterest:
compounds. K.P. would
The authors likeno
declare to conflicts
thank theofMSU Graduate College for support during
this investigation.
Sample Availability: Samples of the compounds might be available from the authors upon supply
of SbPh4Brof(or
Interest: The
chloride) authors
from declare no
an interested conflict
party of interest.
for the preparation of desired compounds.
Sample Availability: Samples of the compounds might be available from the authors upon supply
References of SbPh4 Br (or chloride) from an interested party for the preparation of desired compounds.
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