Baliga Technical Data

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The increasing demands of industry for dependable explosionproof lighting, motivated Baliga to pioneer the design
and manufacture of a quality line way back in 1962, when the first Indian Standards were just being formulated.
“Quality” and “Dependability” have been synonymous with Baliga products, ever since.

In order to maintain their poisition as market leaders,
Baliga have a continuous program of value engineering
and product development. This has ensured a
continuous flow of new ideas and new products. A
programe aided by the latest CAD, and photometric

Customers rely on Baliga as a very dependable source
and for good reason since each product goes through
regorous checks at every stage of manufacture with the
results docmented for traceability. And ofcourse Baliga
products have the stamp of approval of various
certifying authorities.
Self Sufficient Factory
Quality can only be achieved with matching production
facilities. Baliga products are manufactured in a completely self
sufficient factory in Madras with over 35,000 sq.ft. of
manufacturing space. A factory that houses a wide range of
machine tools for machining, sheet metal fabrication and
moulding of plastic components. In line with the polcy of
continuous upgradation of technology, a sophisticated epoxy
powder coating equipment was installed in 1982. And almost all
operations are computerised, right from order processing,
costing, production planning and designing. This gives the
customer, high-quality products delivered on time.

Customer Service
Baliga is proud to offer their extensive experience in lighting
hazarous areas, as another area of total commitment to the
customer. A nationwide network of experienced agents and
representatives are available to discuss any lighting or
Exproblem and arrive at the ideal cost effective solution. Baliga
– The name spells quality without a single compromise.
Introduction Flammable liquids generally have a low Flash Point. This is the
lowest temperature at which vapour is given off at a sufficient
It is an inevitable fact that the manufacture, processing and rate to form an explosive mixture with air. Therefore liquids
storage of petroleum products and chemicals in the liquid or with flash points below ambient temperature will automatically
vapour form, leads to the formation of highly explosive release vapour in sufficient quantities to provide an explosive
atmospheres due to the leakage of gases and vapours. When mixture.
these combine with the oxygen in the atmosphere, potentially
explosive mixtures comes into accidental contact with an Vapour Density is a measure of the density of the gas relative
electrical spark or hot surface, with the resulting explosion to air. A knowledge of this parameter is important as gases
causing extensive damage to life and property. Explosion lighter than air tend to rise up from the point of escape and may
protection is therefore the science of designing and developing therefore disperse easily. Heavier than air gases tend to sink
electrical products for safe use in these highly explosive areas. and accumulate over a period of time to form concentrations
between the LEL and UEL ready to explode as soon as a
Combustion Principles source of ignition is introduced.
Three basic conditions must be satisfied for a fire or explosion
When an explosive mixture of sufficient concentration has been
to occur :
developed, it can be ignited by a spark o sufficient energy or if
1. A flammable, liquid, vapour or combustible dust must be it is exposed to a surface at a sufficiently high temperature.
present in sufficient quantity. The lowest temperature which will cause the mixture to
explode is called the Ignition Temperature.
2. The flammable liquid, vapour or dust must be mixed with
air or oxygen in the proportions required to produce an Sources of Ignition
explosive mixture.
A source of energy is all that is required to touch off an
3. A source of energy must be applied to the explosive explosion where flammable gases or combustible dusts are
mixture. mixed in the proper proportion with air.
The application of the above principles involves a clear
understanding of the characteristics of the flammable gas or For ignition of gas mixture to take place, it is necessary that
liquid and the source of ignition. atleast a small portion of the mixture be raised to the ignition
temperature. By the burning of this portion, sufficient heat will
Flammable gas/vapour risk be evolved to cause the ignition of the whole volume. It follows
from this that any ignition source has two essential
To design or select an equipment for hazardous areas, it is characteristics.
essential to understand the various parameters which affect They are :
the explosive characteristics of the flammable gas/air mixture. Temperature : This must be equal to or higher than the
ignition Temperature.
The power of any explosion depends upon the inherent
properties of the gas and its concentration in the atmosphere. Energy : The source must supply sufficient energy at
Not all concentrations of the flammable gas in air will burn or a high enough rate, to raise enough gas
explode. mixture to the ignition point to start a self
sustaining explosion.
The Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) is the lowest concentration of
the gas in air which can cause an explosion. The different sources of energy can be effectively grouped into
3 categories.
The Upper Explosive Limit (UEL) is the maximum concentration a) Flames
of the gas in air beyond which no explosion can take place. b) Sparks - electric or percussive
c) Hot surfaces.
Upper and Lower Explosive Limits in Gases
Area Most Prone These usually have a temperature between 1000ºC and
LEL to ignition UEL 2000ºC. They are also capable of supplying energy at a high
rate and can therefore be effective sources of ignition.

Weak Ignition Strong Sparks

Mixture Area Mixture These have very high temperatures between 1000ºC and
3000ºC and are capable of supplying large amounts of energy
over short periods of time.
6% 14% 20% 40% 100%
Hydrogen (H2) 4% 14% 34% 76% One prime source of sparks is electricity. Equipment such as
Acetylene(C2H2) 1% 6% 12% 80% switches, motor starters and push button stations produce
Methane(CH4) 5% 8% 9% 15% arcs and sparks during normal operation.
Another source of sparks is static electricity. Present wherever Classification of Hazardous materials
there is a flow of liquids & gases through hoses and pipelines,
The NEC has classified all materials capable of forming an
the static charge accumulated can over a period of time
explosive atmosphere into three major classes :-
generate sparks of sufficient energy to initiate an explosion.
Class I : A Class I atmospheric hazard is an area
consisting of gases and liquids which have been
Non-electrical hazards such as sparking of metal can also
further divided into 4 groups.
easily cause an ignition. A hammer, file or other tools when
dropped on masonry or on a ferrous surface can cause a spark Class II : A Class II hazard covers 3 different groups of
with sufficient energy to trigger an explosion. combustible dusts based upon their resistivity
Class III : A Class III hazard covers locations where
Conditions for explosion combustible fibres or flyings are present.

% Zone Classification
Concentration Energy
Mechanical All hazardous areas can be classified into 3 zones according to
Heat Electrical the probability of there being an explosive gas air mixture
present .
EXPLOSIVE Zone O – Areas where an explosive gas atmosphere is
LEVEL continuously present.
Typical eg.: inside of containers or reactors.
EXPLOSIVE Zone 1 – Areas where an explosive gas atmosphere
is likely to occur under normal operation.
Typical eg.: areas surrounding Zone 0, areas
surrounding drains, discharge equipment.
It is therefore necessary that in order to ignite a given
Zone 2 – Areas where an explosive atmosphere is not
flammable atmosphere, sufficient energy has to be supplied to
likely to occur in normal operation and if it does
raise the temperature of gases locally to their ignition
it is only for short periods.
temperature. The minimum energy required to do this is
Typical eg.: areas surrounding flanged gaskets,
dependant upon the gas present and varies widely from one
areas surrounding Zone 0 or Zone 1.
gas to another. Because of this wide variation, it has been
found convenient to determine the Minimum Ignition Energy
Gas Grouping
for four gas groups classified I to IIC in the direction of their
increasing sensitivity to spark ignition. All gases and vapours can be classfied into 4 major gas
groups. The classification criteria is based upon laboratory
They are :
tests to determine the Maximum Experimental Safe Gap
Gas Group No. Minimum ignition Energy (MESG) and the Minimum Ignition Current (MIC). Gas group
classification for typical gases will be :
Methane I 280 µ
Propane IIA 260 µ IS2206
Ethylene IIB 85 µ EN 50018 USA
Hydrogen IIC 19 µ Representative Gas BS 5501 Pt 5 UL 698
IEC 79-1
Hot Surfaces GROUP GROUP
The third source of ignition is the surface temperature Methane (mining Use) I D
developed by the product during normal operation like in
Propane IIA D
lighting fixtures or motors.
Ethylene IIB C
Here the surface temperature may exceed the safe limits of Hydrogen IIC B
many flammable atmospheres, thereby initiating an explosion. Carbon Disulphide* IIC –
Other components of the electrical system can also become Acetylene* IIC A
potential sources of ignition in the event of insulation failures
for example : in transformers, impedance coils, solenoids and Gases belonging to the IIC group are the most dangerous with
in the basic wiring system. the severity decreasing down the scale to the IIA group. The
performance and testing requirements of electrical equipment
Electrical safety therefore, is of crucial importance and the is consequently more stringent for applications in areas
electrical installation must be designed to prevent the containing IIC gases that in areas consisting IIA gases.
accidental ignition of flammable liquids, vapours and dusts
released to the atmosphere. *IS 2206 has not yet classified these gases.
Classification of flammable liquids Any electrical equipment to be used in an hazardous area is
also tested and rated for its maximum surface temperature.
All flammable liquids vary in volatality and have a flash point
It now becomes relatively simple to ensure that the temperatre
below 93% and a vapour pressure not exceeding 2.81 kg/m2.
rating of the equipment is always compatible with temperature
These liquids can be divided into 3 classes.
classification of the gas.

Class A : Flammable liquids having a flash point below For example electrical equipment with a T5 rating can be used
23˚C. These liquids produce large volumes of in all areas where gases have a temperature rating from T1 to
vapour when released in appreciable quantities to T5 but not T6 cation.
the open.
IS 2206 currently requires temperature classification of Ex d
Class B : Flammable liquids having a flash point between
luminaires as X, Y or Z being the temperature rise of 125˚C,
23˚ and 65˚C. These liquids are heavier and less
75˚C and 50˚C respectively at an ambinet of 30˚C. This
volatile and have a flash point slightly below
standard is to be revised shortly.
normal ambient temperature. At elevated
temperatures, Class B liquids approach the
Types of Protection
characteristics of Class A liquids in vapour
release. The basic principles of providing explosion protection requires
Class C : Flammable liquids having a flash point between the use of a number of techniques to prevent the simultaneous
65˚ and 93˚C. These liquids have a low degree of availability of a gas air mixture of sufficient concentration and
hazard because the rate of release is nil at normal volume and an ignition source with sufficient energy. Where this
ambient temperature. These include a broad is unavoidable, then special measures are taken to contain any
range from cleaning solvents to heavy fuel oils in explosion.
commercial grades.
Worldwide, seven different types of protection are currently
recognised as effective techniques to prvent explosions. These
Temperature Class types of protection are listed below.
It is an essential requirement that for electrical equipment to
1. Ex i : Intrinsic Safety
work safely in an explosive atmosphere, the maximum surface
2. Ex d : Flameproof
temperature of the exposed surface of the equipment ust
3. Ex e : Increased Safety
always be lower than the ignition temperature of the gas
4. Ex p : Pressurised
5. Ex o : Oil Immersion
In order to properly select electrical equipment with regard to 6. Ex q : Powder filling
the ignition temperature, all gases are classified according to a 7. Ex n : Non sparking (basically in UK and India)
temperature classification scale shown below:
A new standard for providing protection using moulding
techniques – Ex m is under preparation.
EN 50014
Maximum BS 5501 Pt 1 Each type of protection however, can be used only in specific
Surface IS 8239 USA Zones. In Zone 0 for example, apparatus with Ex is category of
Temperature IEC 79-1 UL 698 protection can only be used. Ex n category of apparatus cn be
˚C used only in Zone 2 areas.

450 T1 T1 An apparatus certified for use in Zone 0 can also be used in

300 T2 – Zones 1 and 2. similarly those certified for use in Zone 1 areas
280 – T2A can be used in Zone 2 areas, but not in Zone 0 areas.
260 – T2B
Zone Type of Protection
230 – T2C
215 – T2D Zone 0 Ex ia
200 T3 T3 Zone 1 Ex ib
180 – T3A Ex d
165 – T3B Ex e*
160 – T3C Ex p
135 T4 T4 Zone 2 Ex n
120 – T4A Ex o
100 T5 T5 Ex q
85 T6 T6
* As per IS 5572, Ex e equipment may be used in zone 2 areas only.
As revision of this standard is under consideration.
Types of Protection

Type of protection Basic principle Schematic Applications

to IEC or European

flameproof A type of protection in which the parts, which Switchgear, control and
enclosure Ex ‘d’ can ignite an explosive atmosphere are indicating equipment,
placed in an enclosure, which can withstand control boards, motors,
the pressure developed during an internal transformers, light fittings
explosion of an explosion mixture and which and other spark-producing
prevents the transmission of the explosion parts.
to the explosive atmospheres surrounding
the enclosure.

increased safety A type of protection in which measures are Terminal and connection
Ex ‘e’ applied so as to prevent with a higher boxes, control boxes
degree of safety the possibility of excessive housing Ex-modules (of a
temperatures and of the occurance different type of protection)
of arcs or sparks in the interior and squirrel cage motors,
on the external parts of electrical light fittings.
apparatus, which does not produce
them in normal service.

pressurized apparatus A type of protection in which the entry of a as above, but especially for
Ex ‘p’ surrounding atmosphere into the enclosure large equipment and
of the electrical apparatus is prevented by complete rooms.
maintaining inside the said enclosure a
protective gas (air, inert or other suitable gas)
at a higher pressure than that of the
surrounding atmosphere. The overpressure
is maintained either with or without
continuous flow of the protective gas.

intrinsic safety Ex ‘i’ A type of protection in which the electrical Measurement and control
apparatus contains intrinsically safe circuits, equipment.
which are incapable of causing an explosion
in the surrounding atmospheres. A circuit or
part of a circuit is intrinsically safe, when no
spark or any thermal effect in this circuit,
produced in the test conditions prescribed
in the standard (which include normal
operation and specific fault conditions) is
capable of causing ignition.

oil immersion Ex ‘O’ A type of protection in which the electrical Transformers (only used rarely now)
apparatus are immersed in oil in such a way
that an explosive atmosphere, which may be
above the oil or outside the enclosure
cannot be ignited.

power filling Ex ‘q’ A type of protection in which the enclosure Transformers, capacitors, heater
of electrical apparatus is filled with a material strip connection boxes electronic
in a finely granulated state so that, in the assemblies.
intended conditions of service, any arc
occuring within the enclosure of an electrical
apparatus will not ignite the surrounding
atmosphere. No ignition shall be caused
either by flame or by excessive temperature
of the surfaces of the enclosure.

encapsulation Ex ‘m’ A type of protection in which the parts which only small capacity switchgera,
(in preparation) can ignite an explosive atmosphere are control gear, indicating equipment,
enclosed in a resin sufficiently resistant to sensors.
environmental influences in such a way that
this explosive atmosphere cannot be
ignited by either sparking or heating, which
may occur within the encapsulation.
IP Degree of Protection
All electrical apparatus, depending on the ultimate application, need to be protected to varying degrees from the effects of
contact with foreign bodies, dust and water. This degree of protection is shown in the table below.

1st figure : 2nd figure : 3rd figure :

protection against solid protection against liquids mechanical

IP tests IP tests IP tests

0 No protection 0 No protection 0 No protection

Protected against Protected against Impact energy

solid bodies larger vertically - falling 0.225 joule
1 than 50 mm 1 drops of water 1
(eg. : accidental (condensation)
contact with the

Protected against Protected against Impact energy

solid bodies larger drops of water 0.375 joule
2 than 12 mm 2 falling at up to 2
(eg. : finger of the 15˚ from the
hand) vertical

Protected against Protected against Impact energy

solid bodies larger drops of rain 0.500 joule
3 than 2.5 mm 3 water at up to 60˚ 3
(eg. : tools wires) from the vertical

Protected against Protected against Impact energy

solid bodies larger drops of rain 2.00 joules
4 than 1 mm 4 water from all 5
(fine tools and directions
small wires)

Protected against Protected against Impact energy

5 dust (no harmful 5 jets of water from 7 6.00 joules
deposit all directions

Completely Protected against Impact energy

6 protected against 6 jets of water of 9 20.00 joules
dust similar force to
heavy seas

The 3rd figure is specific to the French

Protected against standard U.T.E. 20 010
7 the effects of
immersion Standard EN 500 14 defines the impact
tests to be carried out according to
materials used and the groups to which
they belong.

Protected aginst
prolonged effects
8 of immersion
under pressure
Selection of Electrical Equipment Following any repair, adjustment or modification, those parts of
the installation that have been disturbed should be checked in
A number of logical steps are involved in the proper selection
accordance with the relevant items in the ‘initial’ column of the
of electrical equipment for hazardous areas.
inspection schedule.
Step 1 : Clearly identify the gas/vapour, its gas group and
If, at any time, there is a change in the area classification or in
temperature class.
the characteristics of the flammable material used in the area,
Setp 2 : Define the area Zone 0, 1, or 2 or if the apparatus is moved from one location to another, a
check should be made to ensure that the apparatus concerned
Step 3 : Select the type of protection appropriate to the
has the correct apparatus subgroup and temperature class and
that it complies with the relevant area classification.
Step 4 : For the given type of protection select the
A system should be established to record the results of all
equipment keeping in mind the gas group and the
inspections and the action taken to correct defects.
temperature rating

Step 5 : Depending on whether the equipment is to be Maintenance

installed indoor or outdoor, ensure the correct IP
No alteration that might invalidate the certificate or other
protection for the equipment
document relating to the safety of the apparatus should be
made to any apparatus without appropriate approval.
Guide to certification code
If replacement components such as cable glands, conduit or
Apparatus marking requirements normally include a
conduit accessories, are available only with thread forms which
certification code which includes the following elements.
differ from those provided on the apparatus, suitable adaptors
a. Symbol fr the type of protection having component approval should be employed.

b. The apparatus group Checks should be made for obstructions around flanges of
equipment. The dimensions of the gaps at flameproof joints
c. The temperature classification
should be checked periodically during maintenance to see that
EXAMPLE 1. Ex ‘d’ II B T5 they do not exceed the maximum figure specified in IS-2148.
This indicates a unit having flameproof type of protection ‘d’ At such intervals as experience may prove desirable, the
suitable for apparatus gas group IIA and II B and having a flanged joints should be separated and the faces examined for
maximum surface temperature classification of 100ºC (T5) possible defects resulting from corrosion, erosion or other
causes. If flanges are to be sealed, then new nonsetting grease
or tape should be used on reassembly.
This indicates a unit having non-sparking type of protection ‘N’
suitable for apparatus gas groups IIA, IIB and IIC (absence of Equipment enclosures and fittings should be examined to see
letter indicates all gas groups ) having maximum surface that all stopping plugs and bolts are in position and tight.
temperature classification of 85ºC (T6) Locking and sealing devices should be checked to confirm that
they are secured in the prescribed manner.
Inspection, maintenance and testing
Replacement cover securing fasteners, nuts, studs and bolts
The safe and satisfactory operation of electrical apparatus is should be types specified by the manufacturer for the particular
dependant on a high standard of inspection, maintenance and apparatus.
testing by trained and competent personnel.
No attempt should be made to replace or repair a glass in a
General recommendations for inspection, maintenance and flameproof enclosure e.g. in a luminaire or other enclosures,
testing given herein apply particularly to type of protection ‘d’ except by the complete assembly or part obtainable from the
flameproof enclosures. manufacturer, or complying with the flameproof certificate.

Initial and periodic inspections Repairs and refurbishing of apparatus with type of protection
‘d’ should be performed only by the original manufacturer, his
All electrical apparatus, systems and installations should be authorised agents or a repairer who is conversant with the
inspected prior to commissioning and after replacement in construction standards for flameproof equipment and
accordance with the ‘initial’ column of the inspection schedule. demonstrates the ability to understand certification restraints.
Sample Inspection Schedule

Inspection Category
Check that Initial Periodic Notes

Apparatus is appropriate to area classification A B

Surface temperature class is correct A B
Apparatus subgroup is correct A A
Apparatus carries the correct circuit identification A B Apparatus should be positively
identified with its circuit to ensure
that correct isolation can be
carried out.
Obstructions are not present near flanged joints A A
Enclosures, glasses and glass/metal seals are satisfactory A A
Gaps are free from corrosion, dirt and paint A B
Dimensions of gaps are correct A B
There are no unauthorized modifications A A
Bolts, glands and stoppers are complete and tight. A A
There is no undue accumulation of dust or dirt B B Accumulation of dust or dirt can
interfere with heat dissipation and
result in surface temperatures
higher than those permitted in the
hazardous area.
All conduits runs and fittings are tight and free from corrosion A B
Earthing is satisfactory A A
Electrical connections are tight A B
Motor fans and couplings are not rubbing on cowls/guards A A
Lamp rating and type are correct A B An initial inspection is necessary
after relamping
Stopper boxes and cable boxes are correctly filled A B
There is no leakage of compound from B B
stopper or cable boxes
There is no obvious damage to cables, A A
cable sheats or cable glands Particular attention should be paid to
flexible cables used with portable
Apparatus is adequately protected against corrosion, A A
the weather, vibration and other adverse fators
Guards, where used, are present and correctly located A B

*Category A inspections should be carried out in all cases and, where periodic, at intervals not exceeding two years. More
frequent and/or more detailed inspection will be necessary where there is corrosive or other adverse atmosphere, a high risk
of mechanical damage or vibration, or where there are other onerous circumstances. The need for more frequent inspection
may also be determined by operating experience.

The need for, the method, and the frequency of category B inspections is at the discretion of the engineer responsible. It is not
intended that periodic inspections should incur undue disturbances of apparatus, unless considered necessary by the engineer

The above chart is reproduced from BS 5345 Part I.

Indian Standards for Explosive Atmospheres / Areas

General specifications
IS4051/1967 – Code of practice for installation & maintenance of electrical equipment used in mines.
IS 5571/1979 – Guide for the selection of electrical equipments for hazardous areas.
IS 5572/1978 Part I – Classification of hazardous areas for electrical installation.
IS 7820/1975 – Method of test for ignition temperatures.
IS 8239/1976 – Classification of maximum surface temperatures of electrical equipment for use in
explosive atmospheres.
IS 8240/1976 – Guide for electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres.
IS 8241/1976 – Method of marking for identifying electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres.
IS9570/1980 – Classification of flammable gases according to their MESG/MIC
IS 9559/1980 – Guide for selection of electrical & electronic equipment for coal mines.
IS 13408/1992 Part I – Code of practice for the selection, installation and maintenance of electrical apparatus for
use in explosive atmospheres (other than mining applications).
IS 139417(Pt1)/1993 – Ingners Protection

Specification for the types of protection

IS 13346 / 1992 – General requirements for electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres
IS 2148 / 1981 – Specification for flameproof enclosures of electrical apparatus.
IS 5780 / 1980 – Intrinsically safe electrical apparatus and circuits.
IS 6381 / 1972 – Specification for construction & testing of electrical apparatus with type of protection ‘e’.
IS 7389 / 1976 Part I – Specification for pressurised enclosures of electrical apparatus for use
in explosive atmospheres.
IS 7693 / 1975 – Specification for oil immersed electrical apparatus for use in explosive gas atmospheres.
IS 7724 / 1975 – Specification for sand filled protection of electrical equipment for use in
explosive atmospheres.
IS 8289 / 1976 – Specification for electrical equipment with type of protection ‘n’
IS 11005 / 1984 – Specification for dust–tight ignition proof enclosures of electrical equipment

Product specifications
IS 2206/1984 Part I – Specification for FLP electric lighting fittings – Wellglass & Bulkhead
IS 2206 / 1976 Part II – Specification for FLP electric lighting fittings – using glass tubes
IS 2206 / 1987 Part IV – Specification for FLP electric lighting fittings – Portable flameproof hand lamps.
IS 4012 / 1967 – Dust proof electric light fittings.
IS 4013 / 1967 – Dust tight electric light fittings.
IS 4821 / 1968 – Specification for cable glands and cable sealing boxes for use in mines.
IS 6539 / 1972 – Intrinsically safe magneto telephones for use in hazardous atmospheres
IS 6789 / 1972 – Bolted flameproof cable couplers & adaptors
IS 8224 / 1976 – Specification for lighting fittings for Division 2 areas
IS 8945 / 1987 – Specification for electrical measuring instruments for explosive gas atmospheres
IS 9099 / 1979 Part I – Performance testing of powered industrial trucks working in hazardous areas
(IC – engine powered)
IS 9099 / 1980 Part II – Performance testing of powered industrial trucks working in hazardous areas
(battery operated)
IS 9628 / 1980 – Three phase induction motors with type of protection ‘n’

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