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Segue Technologies, Inc.

Critical to the Quality of Software Products
Version 1.0
Published 2014 by Segue Technologies, Inc.

Cover Design, Layout, and Illustrations created by

Segue Technologies.

All links featured in this book can be found at

About Segue Technologies

Segue has developed innovative, dependable, and user-friendly
applications since our founding in 1997. We provide a wide range of
Information Technology services, focusing on Software Engineering,
Information Management, Quality Assurance, and Systems Integration.
We are a growing small-business, supporting Federal, Commercial, and
Non-Profit clients.

4 Foreword

6 Infographic: The Rising Costs of Defects


7 Defining Quality Control and Quality Assurance

11 What is Quality Control as a Service?

17 Different Methods of Software Testing


21 For Great Quality, Bring Your Software Testers in Early

25 Automation Testing: Problems, Myths, and Misconceptions to Consider

29 How Important is Test Automation in a Software Project?


34 Quality Control: Kills Bugs Dead

37 Straightforward Bug Tracking for Quality Control

41 Rising Cost of Defects


45 Why is CMMI Appraisal important for Software Development Companies?

50 What Does it Mean to be Appraised as CMMI-DEV Level 3?


Is Quality Control (QC) an important part of the software de-

velopment lifecycle? Can’t you just develop something correctly
and save money? SQS compiles an annual list of the world’s top
ten software failures, and this year’s launch of
was number one. This is a large and very public example of the
importance of QC in software development and how neglect-
ing it can be very costly. This highly publicized website fiasco
brought QC to the forefront of the news and made it a prime
water cooler topic. Lorinda Brandon, Quality Evangelist wrote:

“Suddenly, Americans are sitting at their kitchen tables – in

suburbs, in cities, on farms – and talking about quality issues
with a website. The average American was given nightly tuto-
rials on load testing and performance bottlenecks when the site
first launched, then crumbled moments later. We talked about
whether the requirements were well-defined and the project
schedule reasonably laid out. We talked about who owns the
decision to launch and whether they were keeping appropri-
ate track of milestones and iterations. ...When the media went
from talking about the issues in the website to the process used
to build the website was when things really got interesting.
This is when software testers stepped out of the cube farm
behind the coffee station and into the public limelight.”

Foreword Version 1.0 4

QC is one of the most important parts of the software develop-
ment lifecycle. It is a key contributor to the ultimate quality of a
product. QC activities are not just about finding issues, but also
about using testing to verify and validate that the product meets
the stated requirements, design, and technical specifications.
Quality improvements help a business to reduce post release
costs of support and service, while boosting customer confidence
and generating a good reputation that could translate into greater
revenue opportunities. A sufficient investment in QC would have
solved numerous problems with the website, from
the function of the site itself, to the tremendous political and
media turmoil that resulted.

This eBook, written by our technical experts, is based on ex-

periences that have helped us achieve quality goals and highly
effective software products for our customers. We have grouped
the content into three sections:

• Quality Control and Quality Assurance: Defines QC, QA

and some testing methods
• Automation and Manual: Best Practices and tips for testing
• Bugs and Defects: The importance of tracking and finding

Is QC important? It’s absolutely critical! And, I’m excited that

Software quality has been brought into the spotlight.

5 Foreword Version 1.0



$140 Requirements
$450 Design
$975 Coding
$7,100 Testing

$14,100 Maintenance


Software Development
Percent of
8 % 35 % Defects
4. USER MANUALS Introduced
5. BAD FIXES 12%
SOURCE: Computer Finance Magazine
Chapter 1

Quality Control
and Quality

Defining Quality Control and Quality


Quality Assurance and Quality Control are often seen as loath-

some corporate entities, assigning blame, slowing down the
production process with excessive control measures, and creating
tons of “useless” documentation. This perception is unfortunately
the result of years of bad corporate QA and QC implementation,
where upper management groups impose policy (without process
user input) to define adequate “Controls”, untrained or unquali-
fied personnel leading QA and QC activities, and poor communi-
cation about vision and goals.

Quality Control and Quality Assurance 7

It is far too common for companies to approach QA and QC the
wrong way, thereby spoiling their staff on the concept and limit-
ing the benefits that can be gained not only for customers, but for
internal quality of work environment.

To effectively implement QA and QC, you must first properly

define “Quality” and then the role that each (QA and QC) play in
achieving quality. There are two general views of Quality:

• The Customer view of Quality: Is the external view that means

that the product or service they receive satisfies their needs
• The Producer view of Quality: Is the internal view that is based
on whether or not a product satisfies the stated requirements


QC focuses on the product produced. This focus is two-fold, en-

suring that both customer and producer share the same vision of
quality, and that work is objectively reviewed to eliminate defects.

Unfortunately the two views of quality (customer and producer)

are not always in sync; therefore QC’s first goal is to reduce the
“Quality Gap”, the gap between customer expectations (not neces-
sarily stated) and the development team’s understanding of the ex-
plicit requirements. By minimizing the quality gap, QC ensures an
end product that matches the customer’s needs and expectations.

8 Quality Control and Quality Assurance

The second goal of the Quality Control entity is to find defects
before they reach the customer. This effort maximizes customer
satisfaction when the product or service is delivered. In a perfect
world, every requirement analyst and developer would objective-
ly check their work and communicate efficiently, both with the
customer and with each other. They would therefore produce a
perfect product for the customer the first time. Real world expe-
rience shows that self-checks are insufficient tools for discovering
and rectifying errors and that breakdowns in communication occur
in even the most in-tune organizations. As a result, Quality Control
serves as an objective 3rd party entity to execute the proper checks
at each critical point of the development process, thereby provid-
ing sufficient feedback to the producer (Analyst, Developer, etc.)
to correct defects and avoid a cascading effect of negative conse-
quences. In a word, Quality Control is the second look, the “spell-
checker,” that helps to ensure that work is on the right track from
the start through the finish.


QA focuses on processes and their continuous improvement.

Its goal is to reduce variance in processes in order to predict the
quality of an output (final or interim product), gather best practic-
es for the company, reduce cost, and reduce time to market. QA is
strongly linked to innovation and creativity. Quality Assurance nei-
ther imposes nor defines processes for other people, but it provides
advice and support to the process owner, which leads to the ability
to measure success and make decisions based on facts.
A well-known approach to Quality Assurance is the PDCA
(Plan Do Check Act) Cycle:

Quality Control and Quality Assurance 9

1. Plan: Define the mission, vision, and goals to be achieved by an
activity or a process. Identify the procedures, methods, and tools
needed to achieve the goals. Define the measures to be used to
check the results of the process.
2. Do: Execute the plan, train users to methods, deploy products,
and use tools to perform scheduled tasks.
3. Check: Evaluate whether or not the goal has been achieved by
using measures, metrics, and facts.
4. Act: When gaps are defined, identify the origin of the problem
and define an approach to correct or close the gap (Return to the
Plan phase).

In conclusion, neither QA nor QC focus on people, as they do not

care “whose fault it is” (although they do care when there is some-
thing valuable to be remembered!). The goal of a good QA and QC
implementation, in any organization, is to make things better. It
requires good communication between the QA/QC groups and
process owners. It also requires QA/QC lead(s) to communicate
and explain why, when, how, and what is being done. Key attri-
butes for success of QA/QC implementation are:

• Participation: Both process owners and users need to provide

their expert input on how things “should” work, and define it. QA
should be a support function for process related questions.
• Transparency: Open communication and the ability to look at
all aspects of the process are critical to fully understand and identi-
fy both what works and what doesn’t
• Clear Goals: The entire team should not only know how QA/
QC is implemented, but also the intended results

10 Quality Control and Quality Assurance

What is Quality Control
as a Service?

Segue has defined a service-based delivery model for Quality Con-

trol (QC). This service has been CMMI Level 2 appraised and it
is the methodology by which we conduct software quality control
testing processes. QC involves the measurement of actual quality
and determination of defects in a given program. Our QC service
is carried out in four main stages: service request, service agree-
ment, service delivery, and service delivery completion, which is
followed by a test report.



Figure 1

Quality Control and Quality Assurance 11


The service request is submitted to the QC manager by the cus-

tomer through a completed service request form. The QC manager
reviews the request and makes the estimate for the service based
on the scope and level of activities requested by the customer.
Determination of the estimates is a negotiated deal between the
QC manager and the customer and leads to the computation of the
budget for QC for the project.

Different levels of service are shown in below:

• Smoke/Quick: Tests basic Navigation High-level functionality

for obvious visual bugs.
• Sanity/Partial Regression: Confirms that a recent program
or code change has not adversely affected existing features, and
executes Test Cases based on criticality.
• Full Regression: Confirms that a recent program or code
change has not adversely affected existing features. Test Cases
are executed for all areas regardless of criticality.
• Requirements Verification: Examines proposed require-
ments, features, and changes to ensure they are testable.
• Performance Monitoring: Observes response times and
lapses, and reports anything that is unusually long.
• Installation: Tests your application installation instructions.
• Adhoc/Exploratory: Performs an informal assessment of the
• Functional: Assures that each element of the application meets
the functional requirements cases.

12 Quality Control and Quality Assurance

• System: After receiving the fully integrated application (All
features are released to testing), performs End-to-End scenario
testing of the completed application.
• Stress/Load: This type of service only focuses on load and
stress of a stable system to evaluate its robustness compared to a
defined standard or target.



Segue’s internal service level agreement (SISLA) represents the

agreement made between the Project Manager (PM) and the QC
manager to facilitate effective coordination and adherence to the
stated requirements. The agreement is initiated by the start of a QC
effort for a Segue project and ends when either the project manag-
er or QC manager decides to terminate it. The decision to termi-
nate the agreement may result from a change of responsibilities or
failure to adhere to project requirements by either of the agreeing
parties. Disputes arising from non-compliance with the terms and
conditions of a SISLA are resolved by executive management.

A SISLA specifies the requirements of the customer and the re-

quirements of the QC manager that facilitate a complete execution
of the service request. It is the PM’s primary duty to provide the
QC team with all the system requirements, including the business
rules and tool requirements. In addition, the PM has a duty to
inform the QC team about technical requirements of the system,
which include the database design, database platform, browser
type(s), SW language, operating system, and hardware. The QC

Quality Control and Quality Assurance 13

lead, on the other hand is responsible for updating the PM and
providing a plan for execution of the SISLA and service require-
ments. The QC lead also conducts a series of tests to measure the
quality of and identify any defects in the system.


Service delivery is a series of activities and tests conducted by the

QC team to ensure the full execution of the SISLA and service
requirements. This process begins soon after the approval of the
service request. The QC manager verifies the level of skills and the
available human resources to carry out the specified tasks. Based
on the available resources, the QC manager designs the Test Strat-
egy Document, which facilitates execution of all required tasks.
This is followed by task analysis, which involves identification of
the level of testing needed, task plan, suitable time allocation. The
QC manager assigns the tasks to the members of the QC team ac-
cording to their knowledge and skills. Once the tasks are assigned
to QC team members, the QC lead designs the test by performing
three major tasks, namely requirement verification, functional risk
verification, and test case generation. The team sets up a produc-
tion-like environment, which helps in management of test data.

14 Quality Control and Quality Assurance

The test team uses the test risk analysis results and test strategy
to perform the actual tests. The test execution cycle consists of
three phases, which include entry criteria, core validation, and exit
criteria. The test team conducts a “lessons learned” exercise that
is scheduled two days after completion of every test cycle. The les-
sons learned session helps in collection of critical information for
improving testing for subsequent cycles and/or projects, such as:

• Factors that resulted in extemporary performance of some tests

• Issues arising from the transition between development and
testing phases
• Detection of recurring defects and risks missed from the previous
test cycles
• The makeup of the level of training needed

Solutions for resolving defects are identified and a decision for

improvements in the subsequent cycle made.


After completing the service delivery phase, the team submits a QC

report to the PM to furnish them with information regarding the
state of the system and lessons learned during the test. Delivery
of the Test Project Report by the QC manager/lead and its recep-
tion by the PM, finalizes the service delivery process unless a new
service request is made to initiate a new agreement.

Quality Control and Quality Assurance 15

Different Methods of Software

People interact with different variations of software on a daily

basis. It may be an application you access from your smartphone
(or tablet), a web page you access using a browser, or a stand-
alone desktop application. However, what you might not know
is that each of these examples has undergone several rounds of
software testing. Software testing is the exercise of verifying that
the code being deployed will meet the users’ functional require-
ments. Software development can be a challenging endeavor, and
involves taking requests from the customer and turning those
requirements into actionable code. To ensure that this translation
has been successful, software companies enlist several different
software testing methods. These methods include smoke testing,
alpha/beta testing, and regression testing.


Smoke testing is the practice of performing basic functionality

and workflow actions against the deployed code. This verifies that
additional testing can be conducted, and that the code build is
working as intended at a basic level.

16 Quality Control and Quality Assurance

Figure 2

Smoke testing is typically performed by an internal team, sever-

al times over the course of a software development project. For
example, when a new version of a software application is released,
testers will smoke test the new version to ensure basic functional-
ity (e.g. a login page) works as intended.


Alpha or Beta testing is performed by a small external group of us-

ers against a deployed software application. These testers perform
actions to verify the functionality, look and feel, and workflow of
the application before its wide release.

Quality Control and Quality Assurance 17

It’s common now for software slated for a wide commercial
audience (e.g. Microsoft Operating Systems) to have a set of
alpha testers perform initial testing. Feedback from that group of
alpha testers is used to correct bugs and improve functionality. A
subsequent version of the software is then released to a wider, but
still limited, audience. This round of testing is considered “beta
testing”, which should allow for any remaining bugs and errors to
be identified before final release.


Over the course of a software development project, several releas-

es (or builds) of the application are deployed. These releases can
cover new functionality to the application, or correct existing bugs.
Regression testing is the practice of ensuring each build not only
successfully meets the application’s functional requirements, but
that it did not break functionality which was deployed in previous

Here is an example: Build “A” is released and tested, then build

“B” is released but during testing functionality from build “A”
didn’t work. Regression testing verifies functionality of build “B”
and build “A”. For more information on regression testing check
out Regression Testing: Why You Should Incorporate It Into
Your Quality Assurance Process.

18 Quality Control and Quality Assurance

This is just a few of the software testing actions that applications
can undergo. Each type of testing provides a greater opportunity
for the application to not only meet the customer’s needs, but also
ensure that the efforts of the project development team are met
with success. Segue provides several of these testing methods for
our external customers, or for our software developed in-house.

Quality Control and Quality Assurance 19

Chapter 2

and Manual
For Great Quality, Bring Your
SoftwareTesters in Early

Many clients come to us at Segue and are debating when to

start testing as they’re developing new software. In just about
all cases, software testing should start as soon as the design and
requirements are being baselined. Involvement in the begin-
ning of a project makes testers more efficient by enabling them
to learn more about the product they will be testing. Having a
more thorough understanding of the product and business rules
allows the tester to design test plans and cases more efficiently.
This early start provides several advantages which improve the
overall efficacy of software testing.

Automation and Manual Testing 20

During the design and requirements phase, testers can work with
developers to determine what aspects of a design are testable and
what areas have higher risk. This knowledge will help prevent test-
ing errors and make testers better equipped to design test cases
and identify defects.

Figure 3


Identifying defects earlier in the process is less expensive. For ex-

ample, if a tester is verifying a requirement and sees that an error
message is missing, they can identify this defect before a developer
has spent time coding under the impression that there is no error,
thus saving money on work that may need to be redone. The im-
portance of early involvement is illustrated by a variety of studies
which show that catching a fault early in the requirements and
design stages is more cost effective than catching it after a system

21 Automation and Manual Testing

has been released. The ratios vary between a 5:1 and 100:1 differ-
ence in cost, but all studies say it costs a lot more in resources to fix
a system after release. These costs for fixing the application do not
take into account the risks to an organization’s reputation and the
workaround costs associated with faults and missing functionality,
so the true cost is much higher.

Delayed involvement limits how many issues are identified, due to

both lack of time to test and the testers’ lack of understanding the
requirements. Waiting to bring in testers at the end of a project is
a characteristic of the Waterfall Model. The Waterfall Model is the
idea that each sequence should be completed before proceeding to
the next. With the Waterfall Model, Quality Control is not involved
until the end and therefore issues are found very late in the devel-
opment life cycle. This is one of the reasons the Verification and
Validation method is one of the preferred methodologies. Verifica-
tion and Validation (V&V) is the process of ensuring that the prod-
uct or system in development conforms to customer expectations
as captured by the system requirements.

Segue’s verification techniques include:

• Requirement Specification Verification

• Functional Design Verification
• Verification of the Data Migration Plan
• Reviews, Audits, Walkthroughs and “Buddy Checks”

V&V Quality Control activities are carried out in parallel to

requirement, design and development activities to ensure a higher
level of quality. The V-Model illustrates that testing activities

Automation and Manual Testing 22

(Verification and Validation) can be integrated into each phase of
the product life cycle. The Validation part of testing is integrated
into the earlier phases of the lifecycle, which includes review-
ing end user requirements and design documents. The specific
methodologies used for testing may vary from project to project,
but there is a role for testing in every phase of your project and
throughout the lifetime of the application.

The goal of Quality Control (QC) is to ensure the delivery of reli-

able products that satisfy the stated requirements and meet the
intended business need(s) of the client. To meet this goal, Segue
ensures that Quality Control is involved early in the Software
Development Life Cycle.

23 Automation and Manual Testing

Automation Testing: Problems,
Myths, and Misconceptions
to Consider

Automated testing is a great complement to manual testing in that

it provides reusability and repeatability to the test process, saving
you money and time. Automation can help you quickly perform
regression tests of the environment, which quickly determine the
stability and usability of the underlying code. However, there are
many misconceptions and pitfalls associated with Automated
Testing. These misconceptions include the idea that Automation

• replaces manual testing,

• is developed early in the Product Life Cycle,
• can test everything, and
• always indicates bugs in the code.

Here are the reasons why these beliefs are simply myths.



Automation can never fully replace manual testing. Instead, auto-

mation’s most basic function is to actually determine if the code is
operational. However, automation can never replace human intu-

Automation and Manual Testing 24

ition and unpredictable behavior. Furthermore, automated tests
require manual intervention to create, setup, run, and interpret the
test results.

As our new Automation Test Engineer here at Segue, I have hit the
ground running, providing automation to several projects. Rather
than replacing the Manual Testing, though, I work in conjunction
with the Quality Control team to automate the stable, high-priority
tests where appropriate.



To actually use Automated Testing early in the process is usually

not possible as the environment typically changes rapidly, causing
automated tests to easily break. Instead of creating automated
tests early in the process, involve the automation team to guide
development team to create code that is more conducive to auto-
mation, such as including unique DOM IDs.


Usually, it’s best to focus automation on repetitive, predictable,

and simple tasks for high-level, mile-wide, inch-deep regression
testing. Automation is also great for multi-user performance
testing. However, as I mentioned before, automated tests can
never replace the flexibility and adaptability of human testing that
incorporates intuition.

25 Automation and Manual Testing


Although that may be the case, automated test tools can fail due to
changes in the development environment from moved or renamed
fields, underlying database changes, new data constraints, or test
scripts that run too fast. For example, an automated test may try
to click on a button before the page containing the button finishes

Figure 4

Automation and Manual Testing 26

In summary, automated testing is a fantastic complement to
manual testing but will never replace human testers. Automation
successfully tests predictable and repeatable sequences of steps.
These automated tests are easily repeatable and quickly executed.
However, an end user’s behavior is never predictable! So make
sure to use automation for the expected and manual testing for the
unexpected. Now that you understand a few pitfalls of Automated
Testing, you can better incorporate Automation in your Testing
Process with realistic goals and expectations.

27 Automation and Manual Testing

How Important is Test Automation in
a Software Project

Software projects, especially large and complex ones, require a

significant investment in testing to ensure that they are successful.
This specific investment is in time, staff resources, and additional
costs, which can quickly add up and make the cost of testing in-
crease the overall scope of the development project. Luckily, auto-
mation testing can often be implemented to speed up the process
and reduce these costly testing investments. Automation testing is
testing without using manual labor or testing that creates auto-
mated scripts for previous repetitive, but necessary, testing in a
formalized testing process already in place. It also adds additional
testing that would be difficult to perform by hand.

An example of this would be a scenario in which your team is

building a new product from scratch. For each development
iteration, you have to verify new requirements, implement new
features and ensure that whatever you have built and tested
successfully previously continues to work properly. This is where
automation comes in; it not only acts as a safety net against old
features or regression tests, but most importantly, it totally frees
up precious developer and tester time, allowing them to focus on
the tasks at hand more efficiently.

Automation and Manual Testing 28


Since not all projects require automation, you need to consider the
efficiency of manual tests and see how much coverage the proj-
ect entails. For instance, if the project is a small one, automation
testing should not be a requirement since you may not have the
money or resources needed to complete the project and hire an
automation specialist. However, for larger projects, bringing in an
automation expert is a necessary step in testing, even if it may be
a little costly. Using simple automated scripts instead of manual
tests with certain projects that use websites could be both cost
and time effective. This would ultimately reduce the time spent on
testing as a whole.

Figure 5

29 Automation and Manual Testing


An automation specialist is a more highly skilled person than a

regular tester, since he/she would already be an experienced man-
ual tester with additional automation skills. Bringing in a person
with these kinds of skills would enhance the testing process even
more by reducing manual testing hours and decreasing the number
of test cases and test data. Furthermore, the tools and frameworks
you use to achieve automation can become a dependable resource
for larger projects if there is a budget to cover that aspect of test-
ing. Manual testing should still occur for a while even though au-
tomation helps speed up the testing process as a whole. However,
automation in general should not be the real goal of your testing
efforts for a big project, because if you focus on the whole picture,
the main goal should be to support new development efforts by
providing quick feedback to the whole team.


1. Cost and Resources: What is your budget and how many

resources can you afford?
2. Stakeholders: Who is involved in the project? (i.e. Project
Management, Quality Control, Development, Requirements)
3. Manageability: What is the scope of the project? Can Auto-
mation be included and be still be cost effective?
4. Execution Time: Manual vs. Automation. How much time
can you save with automated tests vs. manual?

Automation and Manual Testing 30

In addition, it is also important to keep your test cases/scripts and
test data independent of the selected test automation tool due to
the changes in format, layout, design, technical changes and up-
dates to the code. For example, creating tests with hard-coded test
data, system configuration, and properties makes them difficult to
maintain, because in the long run, configuring the test data makes
it difficult to change your test updates midway through a project if
you were to run into any unanticipated issues and problems. Keep
in mind that the most important part of your automation is the


A lot of project teams spend most of their time and effort creating
a nice framework with a lot of features but forget about the tests.
Don’t let the main code become more important than the test code
since what you use to test should be the main priority. The real val-
ue of any automated testing effort is derived from the test results it
produces, instead of the quantity of automated test scripts. Addi-
tionally, you should not automate just for the sake of automation.
Consider the costs involved, the resources and stakeholders, and
the main concerns like maintainability and execution time before
adding new tests. Automated tests reduce the testing time as a
whole, but you need to comprehend that they become part of the
production code base and therefore must be maintained just like
the rest of the code, for the entire life of the application. Adding
tests that are overly complex or difficult to maintain can slow down
the feedback cycle to the team and should be avoided, which would
lessen the importance of automation.

31 Automation and Manual Testing

Here at Segue, we have seen the benefits of doing automation
testing firsthand. For instance, a recent Segue customer was very
appreciative of the fact that automated tests were performed at a
high level on their project, which enhanced their testing abilities.
Implementing automation testing in the beginning of the project
cut their scope in half, despite the fact that their testing team was
having trouble coming up with a tool to decrease manual testing
time initially. They were able to release their project on schedule
and also grasp the idea of automation to integrate into their
other testing phases. This in fact reduced costs, man hours, and

Customer satisfaction is the key and automated tests can be of

great value, especially when time is of the essence. Testing perfor-
mance in a faster, timed manner greatly decreases the chances of
having to do a rework and provides you with results much more

Automation and Manual Testing 32

Chapter 3

Bugs and
Quality Control: Kills Bugs Dead

What type of person is a Quality Control (QC) Tester? There are

many kinds of professions out there. For instance, some people
are movie critics, video game testers, teachers, scientists, mystery
shoppers, food tasters, and stockbrokers. All of these occupations
have something in common: looking for the best quality in a

As a Quality Control Tester, one comparable occupation that

comes to mind is an Exterminator. Both positions require someone
who has just one goal in mind: to locate all types of bugs. In order
to find all the bugs, the Exterminator has to test the premises, the
surroundings, and numerous environments to see whether or not

Bugs and Defects 33

the bugs are spreading from one place to another. Of course, in
doing so, all of this comes at a cost. Most Quality Control costs are
associated with preventing, finding, and correcting defective work
(bugs). These costs can range in price from low to high, depend-
ing on the customer’s specific needs. Many of these costs can be
significantly reduced or even avoided based on the quality of the
product and time constraints.

Figure 6

There are many ways of locating and eliminating the bugs in the
QC world. Some customers like to bring in a highly decorated
expert to identify and eliminate the defects. They have testing ap-
plications and software tools that will help locate the bugs from a
system. In comparison to an Exterminator, a customer will call for

34 Bugs and Defects

an expert to get rid of all necessary bugs with their high-tech tools,
to do all of the dirty work to ensure a safe and bug free zone.

The Exterminator and the QC tester both require a specialized

toolset to do their work. For the Exterminator, some of these may
include such materials as bug sprays, chemical mixtures, traps,
and possibly baits in order to hunt down the bugs. The same goes
for a QC Tester in needing various testing techniques, testing tools,
and resources in order to identify and report the bugs (also known
as defects).

The QC Exterminator’s job is to ensure the quality of the interface

and its environment. He then validates the final product in order to
meet the customer’s needs and requirements (to include no bugs!).
This will help test the surroundings and guarantee the
best quality.

In conclusion, in addition to a passion for hunting down and elim-

inating bugs, a person who is a good QC Tester requires both func-
tional and technical knowledge. Provided with an ample amount
of time and the proper set of testing tools, a person with precision,
innate skills, methodical thinking, and a desire to solve puzzles in a
scientific manner would make a great Quality Control Tester.

Bugs and Defects 35

Straightforward Bug Tracking for
Quality Control

According to Joel Spolsky (a.k.a. Joel on Software), “keeping a

database of bugs is one of the hallmarks of a good software team.”
However, it’s amazing how few software shops fully utilize this
strategy yet tout the importance of software quality control. Bug
tracking is the process of finding defects in a product and making
new versions of that product that fix the defects. Bug tracking is
important as complex software systems typically have numerous
bugs so managing, evaluating, and prioritizing bugs is a difficult


Before you can track software bugs, let’s define what exactly
constitutes a software bug. Examples of obvious software bugs
are when an application crashes or displays the dreaded “404
Not Found” web page. Clearly, these are bugs, but what about
other problems such as pages that are not visually appealing, are
missing data, or are displaying the wrong content? Anything that
requires someone on the team to make a change to the software
product should be considered a bug, whether that means a change
to the code, a cascading style sheet, or the content management

36 Bugs and Defects


The Quality Control (QC) team tests software to ensure quality

through verification and validation. Verification and validation
assures that a software system meets a user’s needs. Verification
answers the question: “Are we building the product correctly?” The
software should conform to its specification. On the other hand,
validation answers the question: “Are we building the right prod-
uct?” and when to verify. If a test fails and can be duplicated, a bug
is reported.



Communication between teams is greatly enhanced by the simple

task of tracking software bugs. How else does your QC team know
why their tests are broken? Once a bug is fixed, then QC knows to
re-run their test to confirm that the bug is actually fixed. Further-
more, documenting software bugs provides an invaluable historical

OK, so now what? How do you avoid getting bogged down by the
task of tracking bugs? Simplification! First, use a database to log
your bugs, preferably backed with a simple bug flow process. There
are oodles of bug tracking databases you can buy. Here at Segue,
we use Seapine’s Test Track which tracks defects, feature requests,
change requests, tasks, and more. Once you have a bug tracking
process in place, ensure that all your teams consistently follow that

Bugs and Defects 37


It’s pretty easy to remember the rule for a good bug report. Every
bug report needs exactly three things:

1. Steps to reproduce
2. The expected results
3. The actual results

For more information on bug reports, read “How to Effectively

Report Software Defects” by Quality Control Manager LaTonya




Figure 7

38 Bugs and Defects


Once a bug is fixed, a tester verifies the fix by following the steps
to reproduce the bug. If the actual results now match the expected
results, then the test passes and the bug report can be closed. Oth-
erwise, the bug report is reopened.

Joel also says, “Remember that the only person who can close
a bug is the person who opened it in the first place. Anyone can
resolve it, but only the person who saw the bug can really be sure
that what they saw is fixed.” At Segue, we’ve found that while the
time invested in bug tracking is minimal, software quality control
and communication among teams is greatly improved.

Bugs and Defects 39

The Rising Costs of Defects

The early detection of defects, in a process, is important for the

successful execution of a project. However, the detection and pre-
vention of defects is a significant challenge in the software indus-
try. A large portion of the cost of software development consists of
error removal and reworking on projects. The reworking process
costs more than the initial process so early detection of defects
during the design and requirements phase is necessary to avoid
this extra expense. A large number of defects usually occur in the
initial stages of a project and early defect detection will lower the
overall cost of the project.


The cost of finding and fixing defects rises considerably across the
life cycle. This is because the requirements and design specifica-
tions will require rework before changes can be made to the code.
Also, a single defect in the requirements may well propagate into
several places in the design and code and, because of that, all the
testing work done up until that point will need to be repeated in
order to reach the confidence level in the software that we require.
It is often the case that defects detected at a late stage,
depending on how serious, are not corrected because the cost
is too expensive.

40 Bugs and Defects

Figure 8


“It is better to try to keep a bad thing from happening than it is

to fix the bad thing once it has happened.” This proverb definitely
applies to defects in the software development life cycle. IEEE
Software reports that rigorous reviews commonly remove up to
90% of errors from a software product before the first test case is
run. Rigorous reviews are more effective, and more cost effective,
than any other error-removal strategy, including testing. But they
cannot and should not replace testing (IEEE, 2001). The Systems
Sciences Institute at IBM has reported that the cost to fix an error
found after product release was four to five times as much as one
uncovered during design, and up to 100 times more than one iden-

Bugs and Defects 41

tified in the maintenance phase (Figure 9). A review or inspec-
tion during the design phase can identify a significant number of
errors. According to Crosstalk, the Journal of Defense Software
Engineering, most failures in software products are due to errors
in the requirements and design phases – as high as 64 percent of
total defect costs (Figure 10).

Figure 9

Figure 10

42 Bugs and Defects


It can be concluded that defect identification is an important

process in software development. At Segue, we conduct reviews to
evaluate all phases of a project or software development. We focus
our efforts on reviews conducted during the earlier stages of soft-
ware development for defect detection that are more cost efficient
than those at the later stages. Early defect detection allows our
project managers to achieve the shortest schedules of projects and
provide high quality products to the customers.

At Segue Technologies we believe that quality control activities

should be implemented throughout the product life cycle, not
just at the end. For more information on when to begin quality
control, please check out my blog, For Great Quality, Bring Your
Software Testers in Early.

Bugs and Defects 43

Chapter 4


Why is CMMI Appraisal Important for

Software Development Companies?

As a software development professional that has been in the

IT industry for over 30 years, I think it is fair to say I have a
qualified perspective on the effect that process and standardiza-
tion have on producing software products and services. Back in
the day, however, I didn’t always understand the need for these
formalities. I would ask questions like, “Is it really necessary to
‘document’ my code?” or “Do we really need to do ‘that’ on ‘all’
of our deliverables?” or say, “I can get so much more done if I
didn’t need to worry about ‘dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s.’”
I make sure my code is documented and tested; why do I have

Process Improvement 44
to consider other approaches?” It all just seemed to be a waste of
time and money to me.

Well, that was me as a coder, many moons ago, and I’m sure that
these types of concerns still resonate with others today. Now
I have a different perspective as an owner and partner of
Segue Technologies, and the current Director of Software
Engineering. There are a whole host of challenges that arise with
answering those core questions while still maintaining produc-
tivity and quality across the enterprise of services and develop-
ment platforms. As a business owner, I am fully cognizant of the
acronym ROI (Return on Investment) and how most decisions, if
not all, are based on what the ROI expectations tell us. This both
applies to the operations and success of Segue, and to the value
and quality of our services for our customers.

Can a balance be achieved between administration and manage-

ment costs and just “cranking out the code?” Should a formal
analysis be conducted and investments made with the hope of the
coveted ROI? Or was I right in my junior years? As an organiza-
tion, you can start to find this balance by delving into process orga-
nizations whose whole mission in life is centered on identifying ev-
erything under the sun coupled to “best practices.” You know who
they are: ISO, ITIL, Six Sigma, IEEE, and a host of others. They
all have white-papers and checklists that are truly inspirational
and offer practical guidance in possibly achieving that necessary

45 Process Improvement

CMMI stands for “Capability Maturity Model Integration” and is

a model that provides appraisal and training for process improve-
ment in organizations. CMMI was created by the Software Engi-
neering Institute (SEI) as a result of research into organizations
that would consistently deliver quality software on time and within
budget. SEI wanted to know what it was that distinguished these
high performing organizations from the majority who produced
inconsistent or failed results. The CMMI developed as a documen-
tation of the attributes shared by the successful organizations.
Additionally, it organizes these attributes into Practice Areas, each
with goals and specific practices that form a roadmap to how to
become one of these high performing organizations. CMMI can
improve capability in people, processes in a single project, depart-
ment, or entire organization.


Through experience and (dare I say) wisdom, I have seen first-

hand the benefits that CMMI accreditation has brought to our
organization, to include:

1. Expectation of Sustainment for the long haul

2. A balance between productivity and process by aligning our
internal processes, with the Process Areas called out in the CMMI

Repeatability is the key for process success, and as they have now
become the norm and not painful, everyone is in sync with the

Process Improvement 46
expectations. Without an appraisal, it is doubtful that our organi-
zation would have implemented a sustainable and measurable pro-
cess that everyone is aware of and that drives operations. We have
seen ROI through optimization of tasks, estimation techniques,
ownership/accountability, management, and how all corporate
components play a role in quality through a consistent work-flow,
just to list a few!


The beauty of CMMI is its different levels of maturity. These help

guide an organization to continually improve and implement prac-
tices in chunks rather than having to deal with everything at once.
We can now progress and refine improvement as we mature by
building on the CMMI foundation we have established.

Figure 11

47 Process Improvement
The more mature your organization becomes, following the CMMI
progression/capability levels, the more you become competitive
through optimization and quality. Most important to my business
and to the value I can provide my customers, is continually
improving ROI.

Process Improvement 48
What Does it Mean to be Appraised
as CMMI-DEV Level 3?

Software Development can cover a broad range of projects with

a wide range of complexity and costs. From a quick project that
can be completed in a week with a single knowledgeable devel-
oper, like a simple website, to multi-year enterprise development
projects with large teams broken into requirements, development,
testing, and other key areas. A lot of companies provide Soft-
ware Development as one of their service areas, but even looking
at their experience and self-described capabilities, how can a
customer tell if their development contractor has a proven and
repeatable approach? This blog will describe what it means for a
Software Development company to be appraised as CMMI-DEV
v1.3 (Staged): Maturity Level 3 and the benefits of conducting
business with a company that has been appraised at CMMI level 3.


The CMMI version 1.3 contains three “constellations” or models:

services (CMMI-SVC), acquisition (CMMI-ACQ), and develop-
ment (CMMI-DEV). The CMMI-SVC model provides guidance for
organizations that provide services within their organization and
to external customers. The CMMI-ACQ model provides guidance
to organizations to enable their leadership to make informed and
decisive acquisitions. The CMMI-DEV model is used for process

49 Process Improvement
improvement in organizations that develop products. CMMI for
Development contains practices that cover project management,
process management, systems engineering, hardware engineer-
ing, software engineering, and other supporting processes used in
development and maintenance (CMMI Institute).

CMMI-DEV provides guidance for process improvement across a

project, department, or organization that will lead to lower costs,
improved quality, and on time delivery of products and services.
CMMI-DEV guidance covers the life cycles of products from
conception through delivery and maintenance. CMMI-DEV best
practices are flexible enough to apply to a variety of industries,
yet stable and consistent enough to provide a benchmark against
which your organization can measure and compare itself. There-
fore, when a company is appraised at CMMI for Development,
it means that the company has been trained, assessed, and ap-
praised in the areas of product and service development.

Within CMMI-DEV there are five maturity levels, of which an

organization can be appraised at level 2 through 5. Below is a
graphic representation of what each of the levels mean:

Process Improvement 50
Figure 12

In order to be appraised at a level, an organization must meet all

the Process Areas within that level and all the Process Areas in the
levels below:

Maturity Level 2 (ML 2) in CMMI-DEV includes the

following Process Areas:

• Configuration Management (CM)

• Measurement and Analysis (MA)
• Project Monitoring and Control (PMC)
• Project Planning (PP)
• Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA)
• Requirements Management (REQM)
• Supplier Agreement Management (SAM)

51 Process Improvement
Maturity Level 3 (ML 3) in CMMI-DEV includes the
following Process Areas:

• Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR)

• Integrated Project Management (IPM)
• Organizational Process Definition (OPD)
• Organizational Process Focus (OPF)
• Organizational Training (OT)
• Product Integration (RD)
• Requirements Development (RD)
• Risk Management (RSKM)
• Technical Solution (TS)
• Validation (VAL)
• Verification (VER)

When Segue Technologies was appraised CMMI-DEV v1.3

(Staged): Maturity Level 3, it means that we have a detailed pro-
cess that guides the product lifecycle from its conception through-
out to its delivery and maintenance (Institute, 2014), which is
shown by our adherence to the Process Areas in both ML 2 and ML
3. It means that, as a company, Segue uses the CMMI best practic-
es for its product and service development.



Doing business with a company that is appraised for CMMI for

development has many advantages. First, since CMMI for develop-
ment leads to better quality products, doing business with such a
company means that the products provided will be of high quality.

Process Improvement 52
Another benefit of doing business with such a company is that they
can provide more accurate schedules and realistic timelines,
leading to more realistic deadlines for product releases. The
CMMI-DEV will therefore provide the best practices throughout
the product lifecycle to ensure timely delivery and quality

Figure 12

53 Process Improvement

LaTonya Pearson is the Quality Control Manager for Segue Technolo-

gies. She is responsible for assuring that software development complies
with the Quality standards defined by Segue Technologies and follows
the CMMI recommendations. The QC Manager is also responsible for
managing QC resources, assessing product risks, and test planning.
They will regularly provide status reports regarding product devel-
opment and process performance to the Board of Directors. Monitors
and improves the Quality Control Process. Evaluates risk, based on the
testing effort and need. Defines and manages test planning. Defines test-
ing priorities, approach, methodology, and strategies. Manages testing
resources and assigns testing roles and responsibilities to the QC team.
Works directly with project managers to solve any organizational issues.
Provides training and education material to the QC team. LaTonya
Pearson has a Bachelor’s of Science and a Master’s degree in Business
Administration. She also has a Certification for Capability Maturity
Model Integration (CMMI) for Development, as well as a Certification
from the American Software Testing Qualifications Board.

Ann Millikin is the Quality Control Test Automation Engineer for Segue
Technologies. She is responsible for creating automated test scripts
to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and coverage of your software
testing and to perform other repetitive tasks such as data loading. When
she’s not writing automated scripts using a combination of Selenium,
Java, and TestNG, Ann Millikin develops requirements detailing the
specifics for the software developers. Ann Millikin has a Bachelor’s of
Science in Management Science and Decision Support Systems from Va
Tech. She also has completed software testing and java courses.

Mike Behrmann has over 30 years of experience in software develop-
ment and design, database architectures, and emerging Internet and
enterprise-computing technologies. His IT roles have included software
engineer, database architect, and project/program manager. He began
his career as a computer programmer in the mainframe environment
during the early 1980s and transitioned through the DOS and MS Win-
dows evolution to the web development choices of today. Mike has guid-
ed the establishment of an Agile development approach, and formalized
the Requirements and Testing teams of Segue’s Software Engineering
division. His efforts in process definition and continual improvement
have resulted in Segue’s CMMI-Dev Level 3 appraisal.

About the Authors 54


Thank you for reading our eBook. We hope you found it informa-
tive and interesting. If you are interested in working with Segue,
please contact us so we can learn about your needs and plan a
development path that works for you.

Segue Technologies provides:

• Custom Application Development
• User Interface Design
• Content Management Systems

• Business Intelligence
• Data Quality and Profiling
• Enterprise Data Management

• iOS Development
• Android Development
• Mobile Web


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