God, Whose Love Is Reigning O'er Us

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Tune: God Of Grace and God of Glory

1. God, whose love is reigning o’er us, source of all, the ending true;
Hear the universal chorus, raised in joyful praise to you:
Alleluia, Alleluia, worship ancient, worship new, (repeat underlined)
† 2. Word of God from nature bringing spring-time green and autumn gold;
Mountain streams like children singing, ocean waves like thunder bold:
Alleluia, Alleluia, as creation’s tale is told,
3. Holy God of ancient glory, choosing man and woman, too;
Abram’s faith and Sarah’s story formed a people bound to you:
Alleluia, Alleluia, to your covenant keep us true,
4. Covenant, new again in Jesus, Star-child born to set us free;
Sent to heal us, sent to teach us, how love’s children we might be.
Alleluia, Alleluia, risen Christ, our Savior be!
5. Lift we then our human voices, in the songs that faith would bring;
Live we then in human choices lives that, like our music, sing:
Alleluia, Alleluia, joined in love our praises ring!

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