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Poster Abstracts

May 11-13, 2009

Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science
Beijing, China
Computing Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition via
Triangular Decomposition

Changbo Chen, Marc Moreno Maza, Bican Xia and Lu Yang

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Cylindrical algebraic decomposition is one of the most important tools for

computing with semi-algebraic sets, while triangular decomposition is among
the most important approaches for manipulating constructible sets. In this
paper, for an arbitrary finite set F ⊂ R[y1 , . . . , yn ] we apply comprehen-
sive triangular decomposition in order to obtain an F -invariant cylindrical
decomposition of the n-dimensional complex space, from which we extract
an F -invariant cylindrical algebraic decomposition of the n-dimensional real
space. We report on an implementation of this new approach for construct-
ing cylindrical algebraic decompositions.

Implicitization and Parametrization of Steiner Surfaces

Using Moving Surfaces

Falai Chen and Xuhui Wang

University of Science and Technology of China, China
Email: [email protected],[email protected]

A Steiner surface is a quadratically parametrizable surface without base

points. To make Steiner surfaces more applicable in Computer Aided Geo-
metric Design and Geometric Modeling, this paper discusses implicitization,
parametrization and singularity computation of Steiner surfaces using the
moving surface technique. For implicitization, we prove that there exist two
linearly independent moving planes with total degree one in the parametric
variables. Unifying with the work of Cox et al. (2000), the implicit equation
can be expressed as a 3 × 3 determinant. Inversion formula and singularities
for the Steiner surface can also be easily computed from the moving planes.
For parametrization, we first compute the singularities of the Steiner surface
in implicit form. Based on the singularities, we can find some special moving
planes, from which a quadratic parametrization of the Steiner surface can
be retrieved.

A Speed-Up of the Hermite Reduction for
Rational Functions

Shaoshi Chen Ziming Li

Key Lab of Mathematics Mechanization, AMSS,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

The Hermite reduction decomposes a rational function f (x) into two rational
functions g(x) and h(x) such that

f= + h,
and that h has a square-free denominator. The reduction is a basis for many
algorithms in symbolic integration.
Let K be the coefficient field of rational functions. During the Hermite
reduction, the following two calculations frequently occur:

• Given b, a1 , . . . , am in K[x], compute r in K[x] such that

deg(r) < deg(b) and a1 · · · am ≡ r mod b.

• Given b, a1 , . . . , am in K[x] with gcd(b, ai ) = 1 for i = 1, . . . , m, com-

pute s, t ∈ K[x] such that

deg(s) < deg(b) and s a1 · · · am + t b = 1.

The first calculation requires polynomial division, and the second requires
the extended Euclidean algorithm (EEA). Instead of expanding a1 · · · am or
using division and EEA naively, we compute r, s, and t using the factors.
Importing this trick into the Hermite reduction algorithm (linear version)
in [1], we gain a significant speed-up when K is a field of rational functions
in other variables.
The poster outlines our idea, reports experimental results, and presents
an application in the construction of Zeilberger pairs for bivariate rational

[1] M. Bronstein. Symbolic Integration I: Transcedental Functions, second
edition, Springer-Verlag, 2005.

Ambient Isotopic Meshing of

Implicit Algebraic Surface with Singularities

Jin-San Cheng1,2 , Xiao-Shan Gao1 , Jia Li1

1 Key Lab of Mathematics Mechanization, AMSS, CAS, China
2 Loria, INRIA Nancy, France

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

A complete method is proposed to compute a certified, or ambient isotopic,

meshing for an implicit algebraic surface with singularities. By certified,
we mean a meshing with correct topology and any given geometric preci-
sion. We propose a symbolic-numeric method to compute a certified mesh-
ing for the surface inside a box containing singularities and use a modified
Plantinga-Vegter marching cube method to compute a certified meshing for
the surface inside a box without singularities. Nontrivial examples are given
to show the effectiveness of the algorithm. To our knowledge, this is the
first method to compute a certified meshing for surfaces with singularities.

m-Hilbert Polynomial and Arbitrariness of

the General Solution of Partial Differential Equations

Qi Ding and Hongqing Zhang

Dalian University of Technology, China
Email: [email protected],[email protected]

Using the framework of formal theory of partial differential equations, we

consider a method of computation of the m-Hilbert polynomial (i.e. Hilbert
polynomial with multivariable), which generalizes the Seiler’s theorem of
Hilbert polynomial with single variable. Next we present an approach to
compute the number of arbitrary functions of positive differential order in
the general solution. Finally, as applications the Maxwell equations and
weakly overdetermined equations are considered.

Efficient Characteristic Set Algorithms for
Equation Solving in Finite Fields

Xiao-Shan Gao and Zhenyu Huang

Institute of Systems Science, AMSS, CAS, China
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Efficient characteristic set methods for computing solutions of a polynomial
equation system in a finite field are proposed.
We introduce the concept of proper triangular sets and prove that proper
triangular sets are square-free in certain sense. We present an improved
algorithm which can be used to reduce the zero set of an equation system
in general form as the union of zero sets of proper triangular sets. As a
consequence, we can give an explicit formula for the number of solutions of
an equation system.
We also give a characteristic set method for equation solving in F2 with
better complexity bounds than the general characteristic set method. The
methods are implemented and extensive experiments show that they are
quite efficient for solving a class of equations raised in analyzing stream
Keywords: Characteristic set, ascending chain, finite field, Boolean func-

Multiple Small-Amplitude Limit Cycles for

Polynomial Lienard Systems

Bi He1 , Suqing Lin 2 Zhengyi Lu1,2 and Yong Luo1

1 Wenzhou University, China
2 Sichuan Normal University, China

Email: [email protected]
Consider a Liénard system
ẍ + f (x)ẋ + g(x) = 0,
where f (x) and g(x) are polynomials. Let F 0 (x) = f (x), ẏ = −g(x), we can
rewrite it into a two-dimensional form
ẋ = y − F (x), ẏ = −g(x). (1.1)

Let H(i, j) denote the maximumal number of limit cycles, where i is
the degree of f and j the degree of g. In 1977, Lins, de Melo and Pugh
considered system (1.1) and proved that H(2,1)=1. They conjectured that
if i = 2n or 2n + 1, there could be no more than n limit cycles for system
(1.1). Coppel proved that H(1,2)=1. In 1996 and 1997, Dumortier and Li
proved that H(1,3)=1 and H(2,2)=1.
The global results for the maximal number of limit cycles for system
(1.1) are relatively few. In recent years many results have been obtained for
small amplitude limit cycles for system (1.1). We use Ĥ(i, j) to denote the
maximal number of small amplitude limit cycles, which can be bifurcated
within a small neighborhood of the origin for system (1.1).
As we all known, the first step for constructing small amplitude limit
cycles is to compute the Liapunov quantities (or focal values) for a system
and then to solve the principal unknown from the corresponding polynomial
of Liapunov quantities after triangularizing all of them. In this paper, we
shall deal with the triangularized polynomials of Liapunov quantities by an
algorithm of real root isolation without solving the principal unknowns and
then construct small amplitude limit cycles based on the independence of
these Liapunov quantities.
Based on an algorithm for computing focal values given by Chicone C.
and Jacobs M.[1] and an algorithm of real root isolation for multivariant
polynomials by Lu Z.Y., He B. and Luo Y. [4], an algorithmic construction
of small amplitude limit cycles for a class of Liénard systems is proposed.
The maximal number of small amplitude limit cycles for a class of Liénard
systems are obtained.
THEOREM 1. [2, 3, 4] Ĥ(7, 4) = 8, Ĥ(7, 5) = 9, Ĥ(8, 4) = 9, Ĥ(5, 5) =
6, Ĥ(6, 5) = 8, Ĥ(4, 6) = 7, Ĥ(5, 6) = 8, Ĥ(4, 7) = 8, Ĥ(4, 8) = 9, Ĥ(8, 5) =
Furthermore, we have a result for some general value Ĥ(n, m) .
» ¼ » ¼
n+2 n+2
THEOREM 2. [4] n+1− ≤ Ĥ(n, m) ≤ n+m−1− .
m+1 m+1

[1] Chicone C. and Jacobs M., Bifurcation of critical periods for plane
vector fields, Tran. AMS, 1989, 433-486.

[2] He B. Lin S. Lu Z., The Construction of Small-amplitude Limit Cycles
for Liénard Systems Based on an Algorithm of Real Root Isolation,
[3] Lin S. Lu Z., The Number of Small Amplitude Limit cycles for a
polynomial Liénard system with degrees (8,5), preprint.
[4] Lu Z.Y., He B., Luo Y. An algorithm of real root isolation for poly-
nomial systems, Sci. Press, 2004 (in Chinese).

Quasi-Classical Semantics and Tableau Calculus of

Description Logics for Paraconsistent Reasoning in
the Semantic Web

Hui Hou1 and Jinzhao Wu1,2

1 Chengdu Institute of Computer Applications,CAS, China
2 Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

The forthcoming Semantic Web evolving from the current World Wide Web
is designed to define the semantics of information and services on the web,
thereby endowing the web with intelligence to automatically reason about
the web contents. Description Logics (DLs) play a substantial role in the
Semantic Web, since they underlie the W3Crecommended Web Ontology
language (OWL), which is derived from ontology research in Artificial Intel-
ligence (AI) in order to achieve the goal of the Semantic Web. However, the
knowledge and data in the Semantic Web are large-scale, dispersive, multi-
authored and therefore usually inconsistent. It is reasonable and imperative
to develop practical reasoning techniques for inconsistent ontologies. In this
paper, we propose a new type of paraconsistent description logics based on
Hunters Quasi- Classical Logic (QCL), which are termed as Quasi-Classical
Description Logics (QCDLs). QCDLs avoid logical explosion. We construct
a semantic tableau calculus for QCDLs. Furthermore, we define a sound,
complete and decidable consequence relation based on the calculus. These
enable an complete framework for paraconsistent reasoning in the Seman-
tic Web. A comparison with other key paraconsistent description logics is
also given. It is shown that QCDLs possess more expressive semantics and
stronger reasoning capability, and that its connectives behave classically at
the object level.

A New Advance in Dense Packing of Equal Circles in a Circle
( In honor of Prof. Wen-Tsun Wu’s ninetieth birthday )

Wenqi Huang and Tao Ye

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Email: [email protected]

The problem is to find a densest packing of N (N = 1, 2, 3, ...) equal disks

which can be put in a possibly smallest circular container.
A quasi-physical descent strategy and a quasi-physical basin-hopping
strategy are proposed. By a combining of these two strategies, a global
optimization algorithm is formed to solve the problem.
The best-known packings of N (N = 1, 2, 3, ..., 150) equal circles in a
circle were used to test this algorithm.
The algorithm achieved 33 new packings which are better than the best-
known ones in literature.
Keywords: packing; equal circles; quasi-physical algorithm; combinato-
rial optimization.

Exact Certification in Global Polynomial Optimization via

Sums-of-Squares of Rational Functions with
Rational Coefficients

Erich Kaltofen1 , Bin Li2 , Zhengfeng Yang3 and Lihong Zhi2

1 North Carolina State University, USA
[email protected]; http://www.kaltofen.us
2 Key Laboratory of Mathematics Mechanization, AMSS, China
{bli,lzhi}@mmrc.iss.ac.cn; http://www.mmrc.iss.ac.cn/~lzhi/
3 East China Normal University, China
[email protected]

We present a hybrid symbolic-numeric algorithm for certifying a polynomial

or rational function with rational coefficients to be non-negative for all real
values of the variables by computing a representation for it as a fraction of
two polynomial sum-of-squares (SOS) with rational coefficients. Our new
approach turns the earlier methods by Peyrl and Parrilo at SNC’07 and ours

at ISSAC’08 both based on polynomial SOS, which do not always exist, into
a universal algorithm for all inputs via Artin’s theorem.
Furthermore, we scrutinize the all-important process of converting the
numerical SOS numerators and denominators produced by block semidefi-
nite programming into an exact rational identity. We improve on our own
Newton iteration-based high precision refinement algorithm by compressing
the initial Gram matrices and by deploying rational vector recovery aside
from orthogonal projection. We successfully demonstrate our algorithm on
1. various exceptional SOS problems with necessary polynomial denomina-
tors from the literature, on 2. very large (thousands of variables) SOS lower
bound certificates for Rump’s model problem (up to n = 18, factor degree
= 17) and on 3. a proof of the monotone column permanent (MCP) con-
jecture for dimension 4, which is sufficient to show that 4 polynomials are
nonnegative for all real values of the variables.

Analysis of Mechanized Topology

(Extended Abstract)

Hidetsune Kobayashi1 , Yoko Ono2 and Zhengbing Zeng3

1 Nihon University, Japan
2 Niigata University of International and Information Studies, Japan
3 East China Normal University, China

Email: hd [email protected], [email protected]

Mathematics mechanization has got great success in past three decades in

many areas including geometry, real algebra, and dierential equations there
the the- orem proving can be reduced to the symbolic manipulation for
algebraic equa- tions and inequalities. But mechanization for mathematical
elds like topology the rst diculty we need to overcome in the beginning is
how to semantically represent the abstract concepts like neighborhood and
open sets in appropri- ate forms. A feasible tool available for doing this
knowledge representation job would be the formalization language. The
formalization system was originally developed as proof checker and soon
after a wide variety of application was found in pure mathematics, verication
of industrial hardware. ProofGeneral made it possible to make interactive
theorem proving. Several successful works have been done for formalization
of set theory, abstract algebra, valuation the- ory and many branches of
mathematics with using of Formalization system and its various dialects

like Isabelle, Coq and Mizar. The formalization of machine proof to four
color theorem and the Kepler’s conjecture can also be considered as specic
examples of this category.
In this poster we present our joint work on formalized topology in Is-
abelle/HOL. We see propositions and proofs to them step by step with logical
calculation exe- cuted according to given proof methods and propositions.
Since the proofs allow no logical gaps, most of those proofs are tedious. In
addition, unless enough formalized background knowledge, the main proof
stream is disturbed by that of preliminary facts, and this makes a proof
complicated. Even though the proof is correct, if it is too hard to read then
it is not helpful for us. Therefore we have to give concise proofs.
We analyze structure of mechanized topology, and present some points
to make short mechanized proofs running with the aid of automated reason-
ing. In section 1 we present a part of mechanized topology to show how a
lemma in topology is formalized. In section 2 we discuss maturity of formal-
ization language. In human language we have several expressions for one
object and we can use those expressions representing the same object freely.
But, in formalized mathematics, it takes long steps to see one expression
is the same as another one, even if we can see apparently these have the
same contents. In section 3 we discuss cutting out preliminary properties.
Proving such preliminary properties in advance and put them in some le,
we can write clear proof. In section 4 we discuss key ideas and a total idea
of a proof. Some lemmas can be proved only after giving a key idea found
by a/some mathematician/s. If a proof to a lemma requires long step, it is
quite hard to prove the lemma automatically, even conning to a part of the
proof it is also very hard to prove it automatically. If we have a mechanism
to interpret key ideas and a total idea of a proof, then it will be useful to
make an automated reasoning system. In section 5 we explain the proof
given in section 1 and discuss possibility of automated reasoning system.

The Selection of c in the Extension Ideal of I

Jinwang Liu and Dongmei Li

Hunan University of Science and Technology, China
Email: [email protected]
1. Introduction
Let k[x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ] be a polynomial ring in the variables x1 , x2 , . . . , xn
with coefficients from an arbitrary field k. I is a zero-dimensional ideal

in k[x1 , · · · , xn ]. We can quickly obtain the primary decomposition of I
when I is normal position with respect to a variable. Otherwise, when
I is not normal with respect to every variable, a general method is that
introduce a new variable z and pick c = (c1 , · · · , cn ) ∈ k n , then let g =
z − c1 x1 − · · · − cn xn ∈ k[x1 , · · · , xn , z], J =< I, g >,we get the extension
ideal J of I. And J is normal position with respect to the variable z. But
the selection of c in the extension ideal of I is an important and difficult
problem in the primary decomposition of I. In this paper we discuss this
problem and give an efficient method to pick c.

2. main method.
Let K is the algebraic closed field of k,Z1 , Z2 , · · · , Zr+s ∈ K n are the
zeroes of the ideal I. Assume that

Zi = (Zi1 , Zi2 , · · · , Zin ), i = 1, 2, · · · , r + s

The key of the method is to find a list of c = (c1 , · · · , cn ) such that

X n
ci Zji 6= ci Zki (1)
i=1 i=1

Here Zj 6= Zk , j, k = 1, 2, · · · , r + s. Let

 Z11 c1 + Z12 c2 + · · · + Z1n cn = b1

 .

 ..

Zr1 c1 + Zr2 c2 + · · · + Zrn cn = br (2)

 ..

 .

Zr+s,1 c1 + Zr+s,2 c2 + · · · + Zr+s,n cn = br+s
We request only b1 , b2 , · · · , br+s are pairwise different.We regard Z1 , Z2 , · · · ,
Zr+s as r+s vectors in K n . Without loss of generality, we assume Z1 , Z2 , · · · , Zr
is a maximal linear independent subset of Z1 , Z2 , · · · , Zr+s , then Pr we know
Pr we only need select b 1 , · · · , b r pairwise different such that i=1 bi aji 6=
b a
i=1 i li =
6 b k , then b ,
1 2b , · · · , b r+s are pairwise different,here 1 ≤ j 6= l ≤
s, 1 ≤ k ≤ r. Solving equation (2), we shall obtain c.

3. main result.
We proved that we can pick the above b1 , b2 , · · · , br . When s = 0, we
only need pick pairwise different b1 , b2 , · · · , br and solve(2),then We can eas-
ily get the requisition c1 , c2 , · · · , cn . When the value of s is little,picking

b1 , b2 , · · · , br is also easy. Since r ≤ n, so the number of bi (1 ≤ i ≤ r) is no
more than ci (1 ≤ i ≤ n), some time is much less. So we pick bi is much easy
than select ci directly. So our method is more easy than Beck’s find out a
list of c = (c1 , · · · , cn ).

Comparison Between JPEG2000 and H.264 for

Digital Cinema

Boxin Shi, Lin Liu and Chao Xu

Peking University, China
Email: [email protected]

JPEG2000 and H.264 are the latest image and video coding standards re-
spectively. Digital cinema is a new kind of application for super high def-
inition video. The DCI (Digital Cinema Initiative) specification published
in 2005 has selected JPEG2000 instead of H.264 as the video coding stan-
dard for digital cinema. In this paper, based on JPEG2000, H.264 intra and
inter-frame coding, we compare the coding efficiency and subjective image
quality on multiple series of test sequences from low to super high resolu-
tions. The experiment results demonstrate some regularity for JPEG2000
and H.264 video coding, and reveal JPEG2000 is more suitable for digital

Differential Characteristic Set Algorithm for

the Complete Symmetry Classification of
(Partial) Differential Equations

Chaolu T
Shanghai Maritime University
Email: [email protected]

A differential polynomial characteristic set algorithm for the complete sym-

metry classification of (partial) differential equations with some parameters
is given, which makes solution of the complete symmetry classification prob-
lem for (partial) differential equations become direct and systematic; As an
illustrative example, the complete potential symmetry classifications of non-
linear and linear wave equations with an arbitrary function parameter are

presented. This is a new application of differential form characteristic set al-
gorithm (differential form Wu’s method) in the field of differential equations.

The Formula for Non-uniform B-Spline Basis Function with

Multiple Parameters

Guozhao Wang
Zhejiang University, China
Email: [email protected]

B-spline curve is a very important tool in computer aided design. The

B-spline curves which use the B-spline basis function with parameters are
called as the B-spline with parameters. Their advantage is to provide more
flexibility of curve adjustment.
There is a method to construct uniform B-spline basis function with
multiple parameters, and a method to construct non-uniform B-spline basis
function with one parameter.
In this paper, we give a formula for non-uniform B-spline basis function
with multiple parameters. The formula is a new one. The idea of the formula
is based on the degree elevation of B-spline curves and corner cutting. The
basis functions propose the properties of B-spline curve, such as positivity,
local support, decompose of unity.
The non-uniform B-spline with multiple parameters is extension of B-
spline. The curve defined by these basis functions proposes the properties of
B-spline curve, such as shape preservation, V.D. They provide a way which
can adjust the shape of B-spline curve greatly without changing the control
Keywords: B-spline curve with parameter; degree elevation; B-spline.

Results and Problems on Factorizations of

n − D Polynomial Matrices

Mingsheng Wang
Institute of Software, CAS, China
Email: mingsheng [email protected]

Multivariate (nD) polynomial matrix factorizations are basic research prob-

lems in multidimensional systems theory.

Let n be an integer with n ≥ 1. Let k be a field, R = k[z1 , . . . , zn ] be
the polynomial ring in variables z1 , . . . , zn over k, and Q(R) be its fraction
field. Rl×m denotes the free module of l × m matrices with entries in R. We
also write R1×m as Rm which is a free module of rank m over R.
Let F ∈ Rl×m be of full row rank, we denote the greatest common divisor
of all the i × i minors of F by di (F ), i = 1, . . . , l. We set d(F ) = dl (F ), and
ρ(F ) denotes the submodule generated by rows of F .
In order to state the research problems, some basic definitions are needed:

Definition 0.1 Let F ∈ Rl×m be of full row rank. Then F is said to be:
(i) zero left prime (ZLP) if all the l × l minors of F generate the unit
ideal R;
(ii) minor left prime (MLP) if all the l × l minors of F are relatively
prime, i.e., d(F ) is a nonzero constant;
(iii) factor left prime (FLP) if in any polynomial matrix factorization
F = F1 F2 in which F1 is a square matrix, F1 is necessarily a unimodular
matrix, i.e., det F1 is a nonzero constant in k.

Zero right prime (ZRP), and minor right prime (MRP) etc. can be
similarly defined for matrices F ∈ Rm×l with m ≥ l.
Notice that ZLP ⇒ MLP ⇒ FLP. When n ≥ 3, these concepts are
pairwise different, when n = 2, ZLP is not equivalent to MLP, but MLP is
the same as FLP, when n = 1 all three concepts coincide.

Definition 0.2 Let F ∈ Rl×m be of full row rank, and f be a divisor (not
necessarily the gcd) of d(F ), that is, ai = f bi , where a1 , . . . , aβ are all
the l × l-minors, and bi ∈ R, i = 1, . . . , β. We say that F has a matrix
factorization with respect to f if F can be factorized as

F = G 1 F1 (1)

such that F1 ∈ Rl×m , G1 ∈ Rl×l with det G1 = f .

In above Definition, when l < m, and f = d(F ), (1) is called an MLP

factorization of F ; if F1 is ZLP, then (1) is called a ZLP factorization of F ;
when F1 is FLP, we say that (1) is a FLP factorization of F with respect to
The aim of this poster is to survey recent research results and problems
for n − D polynomial matrix factorizations.

A Bivariate Preprocessing Paradigm for
Buchberger-Möller Algorithm

Xiaoying Wang, Shugong Zhang and Tian Dong

Jilin University, China
Email: [email protected]

For the last almost three decades, since the famous Buchberger-Möller (BM)
algorithm emerged, there has been wide interest in vanishing ideals of affine
points and associated interpolation polynomials. For the sake of reducing
the complexity of BM algorithm, we propose a preprocessing paradigm for
BM algorithm in bivariate cases. First, we will give an estimation of certain
aspect of the geometry of the points. Next, we will introduce our main al-
gorithm for finding a maximal lower subset of the original points and then
constructing associated Newton-type polynomials that are part of the out-
put of BM algorithm w.r.t. some rearrangement of the order of the points.
These results can be used by BM procedure directly hence simplify the com-

On Invariance of Dynamic Model Checking in

Iterative Designs of Flow Control Oriented

Jinzhao Wu1 , Shihan Yang2 and Hui Hou2

1 Beijing Jiaotong University, China
2 Chengdu Institute of Computer Applications, CAS, China

Email: [email protected]

Model checking is a promising approach to verifying digital hardware sys-

tems, in which a state-transition graph model of the sys- tem behavior is
compared with a temporal logic formula. Iteration is a common strategy
in digital hardware design. However, it is expensive and impractical to use
model checking technologies along iterative pro-cesses because of the high
cost of rechecking. One solution to this is the methodology of so-called dy-
namic model checking (informally, a sequence of common model checking)
forthcoming in recent years, where a key is- sue is to seek the invariance
of dynamic model checking. A predicate that, if true, will remain true

throughout a specic sequence of model checking, is called an invariance to
the sequence. The invariance can dramatically avoid the checking repeat-
edly. In this paper, we rst construct a formal framework of dynamic model
checking, and then propose an invariance theory of dynamic model checking
based on an iterative design process of ow control oriented hardware systems
(FC-oriented HS for short) described by Moore machines. The FC-oriented
HS is a kind of sequen- tial circuit system stressing to handle data trans-
formation. Furthermore, we show that some non-trivial CTL properties are
preserved in the it- eration. To our best knowledge, this is the rst research
on invariance of dynamic model checking along the iterative hardware sys-
tems design process. This theory is an extension and a supplement of the
classical CTL case.
Key words:dynamic model checking, invariance, iterative design, ow con-
trol oriented hardware system.

An Algorithm for
Vector Valued Osculatory Rational Interpolation
Based on Groebner Bases of R-modules

Peng Xia, Na Lei and Shugong Zhang

Jilin University, China
Email: [email protected]

In this paper we convert the task of seeking the weak solution (~a(X), b(X))
of vector valued osculatory rational interpolation into computing the Groeb-
ner bases of R-submodule M of the free module over the polynomial ring.
We compute the Groebner bases recursively so that the algorithm for ra-
tional interpolation is Newton-type. Complexity is measured in terms of
max{deg(~a), deg(b) + ξ}, where ξ is a given integer used in defining the term
order of the R-module.
Keywords: Groebner bases, modules, weak interpolations, vector valued
osculatory rational interpolation.

Balanced Dense Polynomial Multiplication on Multi-cores

Yuzhen Xie and Marc Moreno Maza

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Email: [email protected]

We discuss strategies for parallel multiplication of dense polynomials over

finite fields based on FFT-techniques. We show how multivariate (and uni-
variate) multiplication can be efficiently reduced to balanced bivariate mul-
tiplication. This approach substantially improves parallel running time for
irregular input data. In addition, even if the implementation relies on serial
one-dimensional FFTs, we obtain satisfactory speed-up factors on multi-
cores. This allows us to use efficient non-standard FFT techniques, such as
Truncated Fourier Transform, which are hard to parallelize.

Infinite Series Symmetry Reduction Solutions to

the Modified KdV-Burgers Equation

Ruoxia Yao1,2 , Xiaoyu Jiao1 and Senyue Lou1,3

1 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2 Shaanxi Normal University, China
3 Ningbo University, China

Email: [email protected]

From the approximate symmetry point of view, the modified KdV-Burgers

(mKdV-Burgers) equation with weak dissipation is investigated. The sym-
metry of a system of the corresponding PDEs which approximates the per-
turbed mKdV-Burgers equation is constructed and the corresponding gen-
eral approximate symmetry reduction is derived, which enables infinite series
solutions and general formulae. Study shows that the zero order similarity
solutions satisfy the Painlevè II equation. Also, at the level of travelling wave
reduction, the general solution formulae are given for any travelling wave
solutions of the unperturbed mKdV equation. As an illustrating example,
while choosing the zero order tanh profile solution as initial approximate,
the physical approximate similarity solutions are obtained recursively under
appropriate choices of parameters occurred during the computations.

Keywords: mKdV-Burgers equation, approximate symmetry reduction,
series reduction.

Solving Under-constrained Geometric Constraint Problem

Based on Connectivity Analysis of Graph

Gui-Fang Zhang
Beijing Forestry University, China
Email: [email protected]

In this paper, we present a method based on connectivity analysis of graph

to solve structurally under-constrained constraint problems frequently oc-
curred during design process in parametric CAD. With this method, a con-
nected, bi-connected or tri-connected structurally under-constrained prob-
lem can be transformed into a structurally well-constrained one by adding
additional constraints automatically during the process to decompose it into
a decomposition tree.

Principle of Duality and its Applications in

Solving Some Kinds of Systems of PDEs

Hongqing Zhang and Jianqin Mei

Dalian University of Technology, China
Email: [email protected]

In this paper, the invariance principle and principle of duality are intro-
duced. The uniform definition of adjoint operators of general operators
has been presented. As the applications, some systems of PDEs have been
solved, including linear PDEs with variable coefficients and some kinds of
nonlinear PDEs.

Hybrid Divide-and-Conquer Method for
Solving Deficient Polynomial Systems
(In honor of Prof. Wen-Tsun Wu’s ninetieth birthday)

Jintao Zhang, Bo Dong and Bo Yu

Dalian University of Technology, China
Email: [email protected]

Homotopy method is a reliable and efficient numerical algorithm for solving

a polynomial system. The standard homotopy generates Bezout number
of paths while typical practical polynomial systems are deficient, i.e., they
have less number of solutions than their Bezout numbers. Constructing ef-
ficient homotopy methods for solving deficient polynomial systems is the
main task in the study of homotopy methods. Linear product homotopy,
polyhedral homotopy and coefficient parameter homotopy (cheater’s homo-
topy) are some efficient homotopies exploiting multi-homogeneous structure,
structure of solution set at infinity, Newton polytopes and parameter struc-
ture respectively.
Linear product homotopy is very easy to implement, however, sometimes
it destroys the sparse structure of the system. Polyhedral homotopy is very
powerful, however, for big system, computation of mixed volume and mixed
subdivision of Newton polytopes is too expensive.
In this paper, for general deficient polynomial systems, a hybrid divide-
and-conquer method is proposed. At first, a hybrid homotopy is constructed.
Some components of the start system are linear products while the others
keep almost the same as that of the the target system so that it can preserve
the sparse structure. Such a start system is not trivial to solve, however,
it can be decomposed and reduced into some smaller subsystems which are
much more easier to be solved by a polyhedral homotopy method. The
collection of all solutions of these subsystems will serve as start points of
the hybrid homotopy.
Some criterions are given for determining the partial linear product struc-
ture of the hybrid homotopy so that it is more efficient.

A Human Eye Location Algorithm Based on
the Quasi Binary Image

Lina Zhao and Yan Gao

Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China
Email: [email protected]

A method for eyes localization is described in this paper. Its based on twice
binary images and twice vertical projection. Firstly, the original image is
decomposed with 8-level of wavelet , and then by vertical and horizontal
projection, the main area for eyes is gotten. Secondly, the given image is
decomposed with SVD again and 35% of the max singular value is set to be
a new threshold and to reconstruct the original image for obtaining the quasi
binary image which embodies eyes better. At last, eyes area is intercepted
from less-noise quasi binary image by already known coordinates and finally,
accurate position of eyes are achieved by vertical projection once again. Ex-
perimental results indicate that the proposed method is easy, feasible, and
fairly precise for eye localization.

Maximal Equation Satisfying Problem Solving in

F2 Equations System by Particle Swarm Algorithm
(In honor of Professor Wen-Tsun Wu’s ninetieth birthday)

Xinchao Zhao
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
Email: [email protected]

Boolean Equation system to be solved:

AX = b, where A ∈ F2m×n , X ∈ F2n×1 , b ∈ F2m×1 and m À n.

Goal: It’s obvious that there are NO exact solutions satisfying all the
equations. So our goal is to find a vector X ∈ F2n×1 which satisfies as many
equations as possible.

Method: Population heuristic particle swarm algorithm(PSA) is used.
As far as I know, it’s the first time to adapt the PSA to solve such discrete
equations in F2 .
Results: An improved random disturbed PSA is proposed for the equa-
tions solving problem. Four randomly generated equations are solved with
sizes A ∈ F2100×20 , A ∈ F2300×50 , A ∈ F2500×100 and A ∈ F21000×200 .


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