MGT 3329-02 Spring 2020 Syllabus Cravens Updated

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Spring 2020
Online Class

Professor: Dr. Dan Cravens OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment

OFFICE: Business Admin. RM 334

TELEPHONE: 282-4694 (Cell # 208 380-3075)
REQUIRED TEXT: Operations Management and Supply Chain Management, 14th Edition, By Chase, Jacobs

Course text available from the ISU Bookstore, or on

Course Lectures on Moodle’s course page

PREREQUISITES: MGT 2217, and co-requisite INFO 3301


Operations Management 3329 is an introductory course describing the management and control of the processes that create
and deliver the goods and/or services of the firm. The operating end of the business is where resources are transformed into
goods, where services are provided, where most of the firm’s money is spent and where most of the people are employed.
This course is designed to expose students to the terminology, problem solving tools and methodologies used in operations
management. Operations management will acquaint all business students with the various operations responsibilities and
how those responsibilities integrate with other functional areas. Operations management uses analytical thinking to deal
with real-world problems. In addition, operations management provides interesting career opportunities. To be successful in
your business career, regardless of your major area of study, you should understand the operations function.

1. Students should be able to identify operations issues:
a. The student should be able to recognize that operations management is centrally about the transformation
process. (e.g., those issues associated with the processes that satisfy the customer through transforming inputs
into desired outputs in either manufacturing, service, distribution.
b. The student should recognize that improvement/development of processes can be aimed at efficiency and or
effectiveness (e.g., from jobshop/workcenter (project driven operations) to continuous flow processes, etc.)
2. To introduce students to management of the primary transformation processes of an organization controlled by
operations managers. The students will be informed of the importance of balancing the efficiency and effectiveness
of these processes and how they relate to international and ethical issues.
3. To describe the operations management functions and the nature of the operations manager's job.
4. To identify current production/operations problems, issues and trends faced by managers.
5. To develop a basic set of tools (qualitative and quantitative) to enhance managerial abilities and problem solving
6. To define inventories and describe the objectives and requirements of effective inventory management.
7. To define quality management, including the elements of the quality control process, and explain why it is important
to the organization.
8. To understand how to manage the firm’s supply chains.
9. To understand the processes and tools of project management becoming evermore essential in this quickly changing
global economy.


1. No make-up or early exams will be given except in emergency situations.
2. Students must have completed the required prerequisite courses before taking this class, unless special permission
has been granted by the department chair.
3. All assignments/quizzes are due in class on the specified due date. Late assignments will be reduced by one letter
grade for each day late.
The student’s grade will be based on three exams including the final, a paper, quizzes, and discussion forums. Any student
failing to take a scheduled exam at the specified time will receive an ‘F’ on the exam, unless the instructor has granted prior

Students during the first week of the course will be asked to introduce themselves to the rest of the class. This assignment
will be worth a total of five points.

Students each week will take a quiz. This quiz will be posted on Moodle and will cover material from the textbook and
PowerPoint lectures posted on Moodle. The total points awarded for these quizzes will 200 points. Quizes are not to be
completed in groups, they are an individual effort. However, one may use their textbook and notes to answer the questions.

Students enrolled in MGT 3329 will be required to write a five page paper on a topic covered in this course, subject to
approval of the instructor. The paper is to be written following APA format, with citations of the sources used. Students
enrolled in the MBA 6614 section of this course will write an eight page paper using APA format, with citation of the sources
used. The due date of this paper will be announced later in the semester.

Course grades will be assigned based on the following points: (not rounding will be utilized for the final grade)
Weights: Points: Scale:
Reading Quiz Total 200 pts A range 90%-100% (A : 93 –100%, A-: 90 – 92.99%)
Exam # 1 100 pts B range 80%-89% (B+: 87 – 89.99%, B: 83 – 86.99%, B-: 80 – 82.99%)
Exam # 2 100 pts C range 70%-79% (C+: 77 – 79.99%, C: 73 – 76.99%, C-: 70 – 72.99%)
Exam # 3 100 pts D range 60%-69% (D+: 67 – 69.99%, D: 64 – 66.99%, D-: 60 – 62.99%)
Paper 130 pts F range Below 60%
Discussion Forum 5 pts
Deming Reflection Paper 25 pts
620 pts or more, if assignments are added

The instructor may adjust the grades based on the performance of the class as a whole.

Academic integrity is expected at ISU and the College of Business. All forms of academic dishonesty, including cheating
and plagiarism, are strictly prohibited, the penalties for which range up to permanent expulsion from the university with
“Expulsion for Academic Dishonesty” noted on the student’s transcript. If you are unclear as to what constitutes academic
dishonesty, you can get a copy of the College of Business Policy on Academic Integrity from the College of Business office
in BA 202, or from the College of Business website at, or refer to the ISU Faculty/Staff Handbook policy
on academic dishonesty at:

Our program is committed to all students achieving their potential.  If you have a disability or think you have a
disability (physical, learning disability, hearing, vision, psychiatric) which may need a reasonable accommodation,
please contact the ADA Disabilities & Resource Center located in Graveley Hall, Room 123, and 282-3599 as early as
Certain Chapters/material may be added/deleted depending on time available. Schedule may be subject to change.
Date Topic Guide Text Material
Week 1: Course outline and Introduction
Introduction Operations Management Chapter 1

Week 2: Operations Strategy(Global Perspective) Chapter 2

Week 3: Project Management Chapter 4

Note: 1/20 Holiday, no classes

Week 4: Product Process (MFG) Chapter 7

Week 5: Product Process (MFG) Continued

Facility Layout Chapter 8

Week 6 Service Processes Chapter 9

Week 7: Six Sigma (TQM) Chapter 12

Exam I, 100 Points (Chapters 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9 (time permitting), and 12

Note: 2/17 No class, Holiday

Week 8: Process Capability and SPC Chapter 13

Deming reflection paper due

Deming Videos Watch to Prepare for Deming Short Paper

(Deming videos) youtube 9.34 minutes 2.21 minutes 4.2 minutes 24.25 minutes How red bead experiment used at Mayo Clinic 2.3 minutes How Deming demonstrated red bead experiment
Create a two page reflection paper worth 20 points (have a title page and then two pages for full points)

Week 9:
Supply Chain Strategy (National and Global/Ethics) Chapter 14 Time permitting
Logistics and Facility Location (Local, Regional, Global) Chapter 15

Logistics and Facility Location (Local, Regional, Global) Chapter 15

Quiz # 2 (30 Points in class)

Exam II, 100 Pts (Chaps 12, 13, 14 (time permitting), 15, (Due end of Week 9)

3/23 – 3/27 Spring Break

Week 10: Forecasting Chapter 18

Week 11: Inventory Control Chapter 20

Week 12: MRP (Dependent Demand) Chapter 21 (Quiz Due End of Week)

Week 13: Constraint Management Chapter 23

Health Care Chapter 24

Week 14: Operations Consulting Chapter 25

Course Wrap-up
Finals Week - See University Schedule – Final Exam 100 points (Chapters18, 20, 21, 23, 24 and 25) - Final Paper Due
May 1st

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