The Ecology of Meiolania Platyceps, A Pleistocene Turtle From Australia

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Asher Lichtig Spencer G. Lucas

New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science


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Lucas, S.G. and Sullivan, R.M., eds., 2018, Fossil Record 6. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 79.



New Mexico Museum of Natural History, 1801 Mountain Road NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104; -email: [email protected]

Abstract—The Australian Pleistocene turtle Meiolania platyceps was subjected to quantitative methods
of inference of paleohabitus. These are based on the shell, forelimb, and femur morphology. All methods
indicate that Meiolania was aquatic. This is further supported by the presence of a plastral fontanelle,
known only from one extant terrestrial turtle– Malacochersus torieri– and no fossil turtles infered to
be terrestrial, but known in many fossil turtles inferred to be aquatic. Further corroboration comes from
the shape of the femoral head and the chelydrid-like distribution of armor. This analysis serves as an
important reminder that qualitative analogies are no substitute for quantitative analysis of paleohabitus.

INTRODUCTION on qualitative analogy rather than quantitative comparisons to

Meiolania platyceps (Fig. 1) is a large turtle from the extant turtles.
Pleistocene of Lord Howe Island off the coast of Australia (Sterli, Sterli (2015), citing Gaffney (1996), pointed out several
2015). Meiolanids are a very basal group of turtles that survived similarities between Meiolania platyceps and testudinids,
almost to the present with extensive unique specializations that suggesting they indicated meiolanids were terrestrial. Several
render paleoecologic interpretation problematic. Sterli (2015) of these supposed similarities are open to question, as Gaffney
recognizes three valid species of Meiolania, but this paper only (1996) stated that Meiolania platyceps is similar to testudinids
addresses the morphology and habitus of Meiolania platyceps. in these regards, but also to other turtles, including the aquatic
This turtle has been inferred to be terrestrial in habitus, but its chelonioids, Chelydra and Glyptops. The features of similarity
habitus has never been analyzed by quantitative methods (Sterli, include: the possession of short coracoids, a large angle between
2015). This paper seeks to assess the paleoecology of Meiolania the dorsal process of the scapula and the acromion, similarly
based on several quantitative methods. shaped olenacron and sigmoid notches, spherical femoral
heads, limb osteoderms, a reduced manus digital formula of
HISTORY OF STUDY 2-2-2-2-2, short phalanges and a vaulted carapace. Of these, the
The first meiolaniid fossils were described by Owen (1880) short coracoid, large angle between the dorsal process of the
and, at that time, referred to the large varanid lizard Megalania scapula and the acromion, and the spherical femoral heads were
prisca. Owen (1886) later revised this based on the material noted by Gaffney (1996) to be present in aquatic turtles. Thus,
discovered on Lord Howe Island, naming Meiolania platyceps. Gaffney (1996) makes no ecological assertions based on these
Huxley (1887) was the first to argue that Meiolania is a cryptodire comparisons. Conversely, Sterli (2015) took these as strong
turtle rather than a lizard. Shortly after this, Boulenger (1887) indications of the terrestrial habitus of Meiolania platyceps.
suggested that Meiolania platyceps is a pleurodire. After this, QUANTITATIVE METHODS
Baur (1889) concluded that it is a cryptodire, for the first time
listing synapomorphies linking the two: (1), descending process Previous analyses of the habitus of meiolaniids have been
of the prefrontals reach vomer; and (2), processus trochlearis qualitative. But, several quantitative methods of inference of
present. This was followed and expanded upon by Gaffney turtle paleohabitats have been used. Joyce and Gauthier (2004)
(1979a, 1981, 1983, 1996; Gaffney et al., 2007), stating that proposed a method based on the relative lengths of the humerus,
meiolaniids are on the stem of Cryptodira. Conversely, Joyce ulna and manus of a turtle. They concluded that shorter handed
(2007) and Sterli (2015) suggested that meiolaniids are stem to turtles are more terrestrial. Benson et al. (2010) proposed a
both pleurodires and cryptodires. This difference of opinion was method of paleoecological inference based on the curvature of
greatly debated, but ultimately remains questionable. In either the carapace. Lichtig and Lucas (2018) introduced a method
case, meiolaniids are a very basal group of turtles that survived of paleohabitus inference based on two ratios of the shell
almost to the present with extensive unique specializations. dimensions. These are the length-to-height and the maximum
The inferred ecology of Meiolania platyceps has largely carapace-width-to-plastron-width at the abdominal-femoral
been based on inference from where it was found and qualitative sulcus. Lichtig and Lucas (2018) concluded that turtles with
assessments of its morphology (Anderson, 1925, 1930; Sterli, higher length-to-height ratios are more aquatic and turtles with
2015). The first assessment based on quantitative data was higher carapace-width-to-plastron-width measurements also are
presented by Lichtig and Lucas (2018), which found it to be more aquatic turtles.
aquatic, counter to almost all other authors. A recent description Zug (1971) discussed several patterns of variation in the
of the ecology of Meiolania platyceps and the reasoning for femora of extant testudines. One is that the intertrochanteric
such inferences was by Sterli (2015), which provided the fossa of aquatic turtles tends to be deeper than that of terrestrial
most detailed explanation of the reasoning of any author. She turtles (Fig. 2). This was used to create the femur-based method
listed several reasons to consider Meiolania a terrestrial turtle, of Lichtig and Lucas (2018). In turtles that primarily walk, rather
including the presence of limb and tail osteoderms, the shape of than swim, including bottom walking, the femoral head tends to
the humerus, the presence of a tail “club,” and the shape of the be more circular than elongate.
ungual phalanges. This is similar to the assertions of Anderson Scheyer (2007) examined the histology of Meiolania sp.
(1930), who suggested the terrestrial nature of Meiolania based and suggested this indicates that it was terrestrial. Scheyer
on limb proportions, the structure of the phalanges and its (2007) was not clear which species of Meiolania was studied,
heavily armored condition. Both of these analyses were based so his observations may be related to one of the other species

FIGURE 1. Reconstruction of Meiolania platyceps, modified from the reconstruction of Gaffney (1996), in left lateral (bottom) and
ventral (top) views.
of Meiolania. The details of Scheyer’s (2007) reasoning are and Lucas (2018) and entered into their equation (Fig. 4). In
not described, but the specimen lacks the internal cortex and addition, the method modified from the observations of Zug
is superficially similar to some semi-aquatic turtles such as (1971) in Lichtig and Lucas (2018) is used to infer its habitus
Platysternon. So, lacking further evidence we consider this based on the morphology of the femur (Fig. 2). This is then
assessment doubtful. In this paper, we attempt to use the compared to living turtles to indicate the most similar extant
reconstructions of Gaffney (1996) and images provided by turtles.
Juliana Sterli to assess the paleohabitus of Meiolania platyceps. RESULTS
METHODS The forelimbs of Meiolania platyceps are 34.6% humerus,
To assess the paleohabitus of Meiolania platyceps the 30.8% ulna, and 34.6% hand (Fig. 3). This coincides with the
limb proportions described in Joyce and Gauthier (2004) were aquatic range of Joyce and Gauthier (2004). The closest match
measured from the reconstruction of Gaffney (1996). Working of Meiolania platyceps among the species included in Joyce and
from reconstructions is not ideal, and an inherent result of Gauthier (2004) is Podocnemis sextuberculata, an aquatic turtle
this is the dependence of our results on the accuracy of the from northern South America. To move into the terrestrial range
used reconstructions. As a result we also address how far the these values would need to change at least 10%, more than can
measurements can vary before the results would change. These be explained by the angle of photography. Meiolania platyceps
data are then plotted on the graph of Joyce and Gauthier (2004) is also similar in hand proportions to Macrochelys (Fig. 3) and
for comparison (Fig. 3). The same images are used to calculate Platysternon. The femur-length-to-intertrochanteric-fossa-depth
the shell ratios of Meiolania platyceps as described in Lichtig ratio of Meiolania is 17.2; this is closest to the large, bottom-
and Lucas (2018). These are both plotted on the graph of Lichtig walking turtle Macrochelys temminckii.

FIGURE 2. Femur drawings of Zug (1971) showing the variation in the morphology of the proximal end of the femur that he linked
to their mode of locomotion and habitus. On right are Gaffney’s (1996) line drawing of the dorsal view of Meiolania platyceps
femur and below is a ventral view of the femur, MMF 13825 (photograph by Juliana Sterli). post. = posterior.
The shell ratios of Meiolania platyceps are carapace-width- aquatic, even though it was long considered a terrestrial turtle.
to-plastron-width 2.54, and carapace-length to total-height 2.00 Nevertheless, we consider this reasonable when reexamining
(Fig. 4). This carapace-width-to-plastron-width ratio is higher some of the arguments for the purported terrestrial habitus.
than in any extant terrestrial turtle by 0.72, or ~28% more 1. As suggested by Lichtig and Lucas (2018), the
(Lichtig and Lucas, 2018). This is a large difference and unlikely correlation of limb and tail osteoderms of turtles to a terrestrial
to be changed by any issues with the reconstruction. The length- habitus (Joyce, 2015; Sterli, 2015) has been overstated. The
to-height ratio is in the mid-range for either aquatic or terrestrial extant tortoises that bear the osteoderms this comparison is
turtles, not clearly providing an indication one way or another. based on have armor on the limbs and, in rare cases, only on
The discriminant function described in Lichtig and Lucas (2018) the dorsal side of the tail. This distribution of osteoderms results
results in a score for Meiolania platyceps of 1.73, well above the from a change in their function between defense while passive
dividing line between aquatic and terrestrial (Fig. 4). (limb osteoderms) and defense while mobile (tail osteoderms).
DISCUSSION Tortoise limb armor is used to defend soft body parts pulled
into the shell while immobilized. Chelydra’s spines provide
Our analysis indicates that Meiolania platyceps was defense while fully mobile and provide the benefits of a long,

FIGURE 3. Graph modified from Joyce and Gauthier (2004) showing the placement of Meiolania platyceps forelimb ratios relative
to the turtles examined by Joyce and Gauthier (2004).
hydrodynamically efficient tail while alleviating some of the platyceps is a terrestrial turtle. This does not appear to be the
predation risk this imposes. The distribution of limb osteoderms case, as testudinids usually have blunt, very rounded unguals
in Meiolania platyceps is unclear. But, given the large number (Hay, 1908), but those of Meiolania platyceps come to a well-
of specimens that show restriction of osteoderms to the manus developed point, giving them a more elongate shape similar to
and pes, we think an extensive covering of limb osteoderms is Chelydra. The dorsal side of the unguals of Meiolania platyceps
unlikely. Furthermore, the porous, lightly built structure of these bears a flexor tubercle that would be associated with walking,
osteoderms is not what would be expected in armor. Another either terrestrially or as a subaqueous bottom walker.
use of osteoderms in reptiles is as nutrient storage (Klein et al., 4. The short manus formula with only two phalanges
2009), which we consider a more probable function of these per digit has also been suggested to indicate that Meiolania
limb osteoderms in Meiolania platyceps. platyceps was terrestrial. Conversely, the ungual phalanges of
2. The presence of a tail club has been a recurring factor Meiolania platyceps are more elongate than in extant testudinids
in suggestions that fossil turtles are terrestrial (e.g., Joyce, 2015; (Crumly and Sánchez-Villagra, 2004), resulting in the relatively
Sterli, 2015). The assumption is that this structure is swung like long hand noted above. This results in a hand similar in length-
a flail at an enemy, as has been suggested for ankylosaurian to-width ratio to Trachemys but with thicker digits reducing
dinosaurs (Arbour and Zanno, 2018). This assumes spiny space for intra-digital webbing. This may have limited its fully
protrusions of the tail, such as those in Chelydra serpentina, buoyant mobility, but if it is a bottom walker like Chelydra
which are made of keratin, are a separate issue, though these serpentina this would have little impact as it would rarely be
would function in the same manner if made of bone. However, fully buoyant. Instead it would be slightly negatively buoyant,
such swinging would not work in the water, as the resistance walking against the substrate much like a terrestrial animal. This
of the water would prevent the accumulation of momentum elongation of the ultimate phalanges, rather than an increased
before impact. Nevertheless, the notion that these “clubs” in phalangeal count, may suggest that this is an aquatic animal
turtles would be swung into an adversary is questionable. This derived from a terrestrial animal that had lost these additional
is because the spines present on these tails would impede the phalanges, present in basal turtles, earlier in evolution. In other
“club” being swung into anything because they would hit an words, Meiolania has a long hand made out of fewer bones than
object first, softening the blow. We suggest, as did Lichtig and extant, long-handed turtles.
Lucas (2018), that these “clubs” are better interpreted as passive 5. The heads of the humeri of Meiolania platyceps and
defense (armor) to prevent injury to the posterior of the tail, testudinids are similar in their morphology. They have the
which could not be retracted and was thus vulnerable to attack. rounded shape, also seen in Chrysemys and Apalone. But,
3. The shape of the ungual phalanges was claimed the general form of the humerus more closely corresponds to
to be similar to those of testudinids to argue that Meiolania that of the bottom-walking turtles Chelydra and Kinosternon

FIGURE 4. Graph of the ratios of carapace width to plastron width on the horizontal axis and shell length to height on the vertical
axis based on 250 measured specimens in 94 modern species (from Lichtig and Lucas, 2017). Each dot on the graph represents a
specimen measured; the dot for Meiolania is labelled to the right. Outlines are minimum convex polygons for aquatic and terrestrial
turtles. Shaded area indicates overlap of these polygons. As in Lichtig and Lucas (2017), Homopus boulengeri and Malacochersus
tornieri were excluded from the terrestrial minimum convex polygon based on their unusual morphology. Line indicates the
discriminant function resulting from the analysis.
(Olsen, 1968). These are similar in their more robust shaft than Finally, some features of Meiolania platyceps not discussed
in Gopherus, or Chrysemys, and in the increased size of the previously in reference to paleohabitus, are suggestive of
anterior process of the humerus. an aquatic habitus. The most visually obvious of these is the
6. The morphology of the pectoral girdle of Meiolania plastral fontanelle in the adult Meiolania platyceps (Fig. 1),
platyceps was suggested to indicate terrestrial behavior (Sterli, which is only otherwise seen in adult sinemydids, Otwayemys
2015). Conversely, Gaffney (1996, p. 39) compared it to cunicularius, chelonioids, trionychids, thalassochelydians, and
testudinids and the paracryptodire Glyptops, a taxon generally platychelyids, universally suggested to be of aquatic habitus
inferred to be aquatic (Gaffney, 1979b). However, the presence (Brinkman, 2001) and Malacochersis tornieri, an extant
of similar pectoral morphology in both aquatic and terrestrial terrestrial turtle specialized for squeezing between rocks with
turtles excludes its use as a means of inference of paleohabitus. its thin, flexible shell (Mautner et al., 2017). Furthermore, in a
The large angle between the two processes of the scapula in terrestrial turtle a plastral fontanelle would be a vulnerability to
Meiolania platyceps was also suggested to be indicative of a predators, particularly if overturned. In addition, the relatively
terrestrial habitus (Sterli, 2015), but, as Gaffney (1996) pointed long tail of Meiolania platyceps is unlike that of any living
out, this is also seen in the bottom-walking chelydroids. Thus, it terrestrial turtle. Terrestrial turtles generally have a short tail
is not an indicator of terrestrial habitus. that can be sheltered by the carapace. Long, exposed tails
7. Spherical (or more accurately subspherical) femoral are generally seen in aquatic forms, including Chelydra spp.,
heads suggested by Sterli (2015), in her comparisons with Platysternon megacephalum, and Mauremys spp.
testudinids, to be indicative of terrestrial habitus were addressed This brings up an important question: if Meiolania platyceps
at length by Zug (1971), who she did not cite. Zug (1971) was a large aquatic herbivore, where was it living on the small
concluded that this was related to walking either terrestrially or Lord Howe Island? This is confounded by the fact that most
aquatic bottom walking, as in chelydrids (Fig. 2). Furthermore, existing streams on the island are low lying and would have
both Chelydra and Meiolania platyceps have the slightly less been under water at the time the fossils were buried (Woodroffe
perfectly circular shape of the head of the femur that Zug (1971) et al., 1995). As such, the sub-areal nearshore localities where
associated with bottom-walking turtles. Meiolania platyceps are excavated today were subaqueous when
8. It was long stated that Meiolania has a carapace the animals were living. This may indicate that Anderson’s (1925)
that is particularly high domed (Fig. 1), but it can be seen by interpretation that these turtles were nearshore marine in habitus
quantitative comparison with other turtles in our sample that it may not be so far from the truth. Meiolania platyceps likely took
is only modestly domed (Fig. 4). Thus, the “vaulted” carapace advantage of the shallow lagoons off either side of Lord Howe
of Meiolania platyceps (Gaffney, 1996; Sterli, 2015) can be Island, much as Amblyrhynchus cristatus (Marine Iguanas) do
seen from the length-to-height ratio (2.00) of this turtle to be today in the Galapagos islands. This may also explain the cause
not especially high domed or vaulted (Figs. 1, 4). Instead, it is of their abrupt extinction as the falling sea levels in more recent
average, not giving an indication of habitus one way or another. times would have caused a shrinking of these offshore lagoons
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