Ostracodes (Crustacea) From Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine/lagoon System and Geographical Distribution of The Mixohaline Assemblages in Southern and Southeastern Brazil

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Ostracodes (Crustacea) from Cananéia-Iguape estuarine/lagoon system and

geographical distribution of the mixohaline assemblages in southern and
southeastern Brazil

Article  in  Iheringia Série Zoologia · September 2007

DOI: 10.1590/S0073-47212007000300010


25 62

4 authors, including:

joão carlos Coimbra Ana Luisa Carreño

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Beatriz B. Eichler
University of São Paulo


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Ostracodes (Crustacea) from Cananéia-Iguape estuarine/lagoon system... 273

Ostracodes (Crustacea) from Cananéia-Iguape estuarine/lagoon system

and geographical distribution of the mixohaline assemblages in
southern and southeastern Brazil
João C. Coimbra1, Ana L. Carreño2, Eduardo A. Geraque3 & Beatriz B. Eichler3

1. Depto. de Paleontologia e Estratigrafia, Instituto de Geociências, UFRGS, Caixa Postal 15001, 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.
([email protected])
2. Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Circuito Exterior, C.U., Delegación de Coyoacán, 04510 D.F.
México. ([email protected])
3. Instituto Oceanográfico, USP, Praça do Oceanográfico, 191, Cidade Universitária, 05508-900 São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
([email protected]; [email protected])

ABSTRACT. The ostracode assemblages from Cananéia-Iguape estuarine/lagoon system (southernmost State of São Paulo) are here
discussed in detail for the first time. Thirty-four sites, approximately 1 km equidistant, were sampled along the system, including the
Cananéia Sea, Pequeno Sea, Cubatão Sea, Ribeira de Iguape River and Itapitangui River. The ostracodes throughout this area have poor
assemblages, with a total of 662 specimens of dead and living organisms. The majority of the ostracode fauna is composed of euryhaline
species, as follows: Cyprideis multidentata Hartmann, 1955 (174 specimens), Minicythere heinii Ornellas, 1974 (54 specimens), Tanella
gracilis Kingma, 1948 (96 specimens) and Whatleyella sanguinettiae Coimbra, Carreño & Ferron, 1994 (226 specimens). Although there
are few studies on the Brazilian mixohaline ostracode faunas, including the euryhaline marginal marine taxa, the published data show that
the group is best known in the south and southeast regions. Based on this review and with the new data presented in this paper, the
geographical distribution of eight mixohaline key species in southern and southeastern Brazil is also discussed.

KEYWORDS. Ostracoda, geographical distribution, ecology, marginal environments, Brazil.

RESUMO. Ostracodes (Crustacea) do sistema estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape e distribuição geográfica das

assembléias mixoalinas do sul e sudeste do Brasil. As assembléias de ostracodes do sistema estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape
são pela primeira vez aqui discutidas em detalhe. Foram coletadas amostras em trinta e quatro pontos, eqüidistantes aproximadamente 1
km, incluindo o mar de Cananéia, mar Pequeno, mar de Cubatão, rio Ribeira de Iguape e rio Itapitangui. A ostracofauna mostrou-se pouco
abundante e diversificada, contabilizando um total de apenas 662 espécimens entre vivos e mortos. As espécies mais abundantes são
eurihalinas: Cyprideis multidentata Hartmann, 1955 (174 espécimens), Minicythere heinii Ornellas, 1974 (54 espécimens), Tanella
gracilis Kingma, 1948 (96 espécimens) e Whatleyella sanguinettiae Coimbra, Carreño & Ferron, 1994 (226 espécimens). Embora
existam poucos estudos sobre ostracodes mixohalinos no Brasil - inclusive dos táxons marinhos marginais tipicamente eurihalinos - uma
revisão bibliográfica exaustiva mostrou que eles são melhor conhecidos nas regiões sul e sudeste. Com base nesta revisão e nos novos dados
aqui apresentados, discute-se a distribuição geográfica das oito espécies mais características das áreas mixohalinas do sul e sudeste do país.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE. Ostracoda, distribuição geográfica, ecologia, ambientes marginais, Brasil.

The Brazilian coast exhibits different types of The present paper represents a contribution to the
paralic environments: linear and small estuaries, complex knowledge of the Brazilian mixohaline Ostracoda, and in
estuarine-lagoon systems, close or open lagoons, large particular those assemblages living in the Cananéia-
tide-plains, swamps and deltas. These coastal Iguape esturine/lagoon system in the southern State of
ecosystems are inhabited by important groups of benthic São Paulo, reported here for the first time. The
invertebrates, ostracodes being among the most common geographical distribution of the mixohaline dominant
and abundant. Typically, the mixohaline species of species recorded throughout the southern and
ostracodes tolerate the high salinity changes of these southeastern Brazilian coast is discussed.
coastal regions. Being sensitive to environmental The first ecological approach of Brazilian
changes, these microcrustaceans have carapaces that are Ostracoda populations from transitional environments
relatively easily diagnosed (i.e., with great morphologic was on living mixohaline Ostracoda from the channel from
variability), are abundant, small, easy to collect, thus the estuarine/lagoon system of Tramandaí (State of Rio
allowing low cost analyses and easy storage. Due to all Grande do Sul) to the Atlantic Ocean (ORNELLAS, 1974).
these characteristics, the ostracodes have been identified This association is dominated by Cyprideis spp.,
as one of the best benthic organisms for environmental Perissocytheridea kroemmelbeini Pinto & Ornellas, 1970,
analyses (RUIZ et al., 2000; PALACIOS-FEST et al., 2001). Cytherura sp., and Minicythere heinii Ornellas, 1974.
However, most of the studies dealing with Recent and The same ostracode species were found by ORNELLAS
sub-Recent Brazilian ostracodes have been focused on the (1974) in samples of dry sediments of the southernmost
taxonomy and zoogeography of shelf marine assemblages mixohaline channel in the Patos Lagoon, state of Rio
(AIELLO et al., 2004; COIMBRA et al., 2004). The bathyal and Grande do Sul.
the mixohaline Ostracoda assemblages have scarcely been ORNELLAS (1974) reported in Laguna town, State of
investigated (WÜRDIG, 1988; BERGUE et al., 2006). Santa Catarina, the same living mixohaline assemblage. It

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274 COIMBRA et al.

is important to note that empty carapaces and valves of the first author. The comparison between some species
marine ostracodes, in particular of Cytheretta punctata identified by those authors in open nomenclature (or
Sanguinetti, 1979, have been recorded at Tramandaí, Patos erroneously) and the same species identified in this work,
Lagoon and Laguna town. reveals some discrepancies. Perissocytheridea sp. 1 and
WÜRDIG (1983, 1988), WÜRDIG & FREITAS (1988), Perissocytheridea sp. 2 from DIAS-BRITO et al. (1988) are
WÜRDIG et al. (1990) and WÜRDIG & PINTO (1999) have herein identified as Perissocytheridea kroemmelbeini
published on the systematics, biology and ecology of Pinto & Ornellas, 1970, while Perissocytheridea sp. 3 fits
the fresh-water and mixohaline ostracodes from the in with Whatleyella sanguinettiae and Cyprideis
estuarine/lagoon system of Tramandaí. In these papers riograndensis Pinto & Ornellas, 1965 is a junior synonym
several freshwater species are described. Data on of Cyprideis multidentata Hartmann, 1955. On the other
seasonal and geographical distribution of each species hand, Callistocythere sp. 1 is conspecific with
in relation to temperature, salinity, pH, and types of Callistocythere ornata (Hartmann, 1956) (COIMBRA et al.,
substrate were provided by those authors, enabling the 1994); Cytherura sp. is better identified as Cytherura
recognition of four ostracode associations: polyhaline purperae Ornellas & Fallavena, 1978; Cytheretta sp. fits
(18 - 35‰), mesohaline (0.5 - 18‰), oligohaline (< 3‰), in with Cytheretta punctata Sanguinetti, 1979; and
and limnic (with 0‰). Those authors included the Cyprideis spp. represent a group of two species,
polyhaline and the mesohaline species in the typically Cyprideis multidentata Hartmann, 1955 and Cyprideis
mixohaline assemblage which comprises Cyprideis salebrosa hartmanni Ornellas & Würdig, 1983.
riograndensis Pinto & Ornellas, 1965, C. salebrosa
hartmanni Ornellas & Würdig, 1983, M. heinii, P. MATERIAL AND METHODS
kroemmelbeini and Cytherura purperae Ornellas &
Fallavena, 1978. Ostracodes used for the present study came from
At Sepetiba Bay, situated near Rio de Janeiro City, samples taken from a marginal marine environment, the
DIAS-BRITO et al. (1988) recognized ten ostracodes and Cananéia-Iguape estuarine/lagoon system (Lat. ~ 25°S),
seven foraminifera biofacies. From the ten ostracode located in São Paulo near the border with the state of
biofacies, those authors considered four as typically Paraná (Fig. 1) and extensively described by EICHLER et
mixohaline and two as having lower variations in salinity. al. (1995) and MIRANDA et al. (2002). This system is
On the basis of these biofacies, DIAS-BRITO et al. (1988) dominated by mangroove swamps in its edges, being the
considered the area as a lagoonar ecosystem dominated species Laguncularia racemosa, Rhizophora magle, and
by six euryhaline species: Perissocytheridea sp. 1, C. Avicennia shauleriana the most abundant. There are
riograndensis, C. salebrosa hartmanni, Minicythere aff. north, center and south connections with the Atlantic
M. heinii, Callistocythere sp. 1 and Tanella sp., being Ocean throughout the Icapara, Cananéia (Fig. 1) and
Perissocytheridea sp. 1 the most abundant and widely Ararapira mouths, respectively. The Trapandé Bay, which
distributed throughout the bay. is bounded to the south by the Cardoso Island and to
GHISELLI JR. et al. (2001) presented a first approach the north by the Cananéia Island, has the greatest marine
of the ecology of marine and mixohaline ostracodes from influx in this system. Three water bodies ranging
the Bertioga channel, near Santos City, southern State of approximately from 1 to 3 km in width and with a mean
São Paulo. The 5,589 identified specimens are distributed, depth of 6 m constitute the system: the Cubatão Sea,
both in the summer and in the winter, into three main Cananéia Sea and Pequeno Sea (separated from the ocean
areas throughout the Bertioga channel, with the most by the Comprida Island) (Fig. 1).
abundant and diverse occurrence in the northern area, The system at the northern area receives freshwater
dominated by a marine influx. The marine assemblages from the Vale Grande stream, artificially opened in 1830,
were concentrated in the two mouths of the channel, where which connects the Ribeira de Iguape River to the
the water presents few salinity changes along the year. Pequeno Sea. The whole area is subject to a very high
The dominant species was Cytheretta punctata rainfall regime throughout the year that contributes with
Sanguinetti, 1979 (2,036 specimens) followed by a significant volume of freshwater to the system. The
Cytherella sp., Callistocythere litoralensis (Rossi de tidal regime in the system is semi-diurnal with measured
García, 1966) and Caudites ohmerti Coimbra & Ornellas, amplitude of 0.82 cm. The marine inflow comes into the
1987. In the central area, typically mixohaline, the system through the Cananéia mouth and the tidal wave
dominant species were C. salebrosa hartmanni and goes into the esturine/lagunar system following two ways:
Cyprideis cf. C. maxipunctata Sanguinetti et al., 1992, one toward the Cananéia Sea, and the other, toward the
whereas Whatleyella sanguinettiae Coimbra, Carreño & Cubatão Sea throughout the Trapandé Bay. The tidal wave
Ferron, 1994, P. kroemmelbeini and M. heinii were less that penetrates the Icapara mouth in the north, reaches
abundant. Recently, R. Ghiselli Jr. (pers. comm.) recorded the Pequeno Sea in its southernmost portion at the Tombo
the presence of Cyprideis spp. in mixohaline areas of the Rock, and then the wave flood process is finished.
Paranaguá Bay, state of Paraná. Thirty-four sites, equidistant approximately 1 km,
The ostracodes identified by ORNELLAS (1974), were sampled in Cananéia-Iguape system, including the
DIAS-BRITO et al. (1988), WÜRDIG (1983, 1988), WÜRDIG & Cananéia Sea, Pequeno Sea, Cubatão Sea, Ribeira de
FREITAS (1988) and WÜRDIG et al. (1990) were examined by Iguape River (reaching the Vale Grande stream) and

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Itapitangui River (Fig. 1). All 34 sites were located in the that regulate the amount of available CaCO3 in the
main water circulation channels, and were sampled in environment, did not present major changes in the study.
November 1994, employing a Petersen grab. Two samples, The average value of 7 throughout an annual period
number 1 and 28, were discarded due to problems of suggests that it does not influence the precipitation of
contamination in the field. Of the 32 remaining samples, only the ostracode carapaces in the region (Fig. 4).
18 contained ostracodes, with a total of 662 specimens. The studied region shows a predominance of sandy
At each station 150 ml of sediment were collected sediments, with the exception of five samples (4, 20, 21,
from the superficial layer and stored in bottles with two 27 and 31) where bottom sediments are muddy silt. The
highest value of TOC (Total Organic Matter) was 17.9%
drops of buffered formaldehyde (4%), for the study of
in sample 4 (Trapandé Bay), and the least in sample 22
living ostracodes. For the grain size analysis we used 30 g of
(Pequeno Sea), with only 1.67%.
sediment and followed the methodology proposed by
The distribution of ostracodes throughout the
SUGUIO (1973). One third of the fraction was also separated
Cananéia-Iguape region reveals poor assemblages both
for the organic carbon analysis based on the method of
in specimens and species, with a total of 662 specimens
GAUDETTE et al. (1974). The measures of pH, temperature
(Tab. I). Most of them correspond to euryhaline species,
and salinity were taken monthly in 1994 at each station,
as discussed by COIMBRA et al. (1994) and WÜRDIG (1988).
according to the usual methods of aquatic ecology.
They are Cyprideis multidentata (174 specimens),
The statistical analyses of multiple correlation were
Minicythere heinii (54 specimens), Tanella gracilis,
processed in the program Statistics for Windows 2.0, with
Kingma, 1948 (96 specimens) and Whatleyella
the index of Spearman. Only the values of p for alpha <
sanguinettiae (226 specimens). Very few living or empty
5% were considered. The diversity was measured by the
carapaces and valves of typically marine genera such as
equation of Shannon-Weaver (DOOD & STANTON JR., 1981).
Copytus, Cytherella, Cytheretta, Cytherois, Cytherura,
The material used in this study is held in the
Hemicytherura, Hulingsina, Keijella, Loxoconcha,
collections of the Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade
Neocaudites, Neocytherideis, Papillosacythere,
de São Paulo, Section of Microfossils.
Pellucistoma and Semicytherura were collected in the
Trapandé Bay, and most of them had characteristics of
post-mortem transport. Two allochthonous empty
carapaces of the fresh-water genus Ilyocypris were found
The salinity in the study region showed higher
in typically mixohaline areas. The most frequent species
values in the areas under marine influence, viz. the throughout the study area was Whatleyella sanguinettiae,
Trapandé Bay, Cubatão Sea and Cananéia Sea (Fig. 2). present in nine of the 18 samples with ostracodes. Its
The salinity decreased between the Pequeno Sea and the highest occurrence was in the Trapandé Bay where
mouth of the Ribeira de Iguape River. In samples 24, 25, 212 specimens, from a total of 226, were recorded,
26, 27 and 28, collected in the Ribeira de Iguape River, representing 34% of the total ostracode relative
typically limnic conditions prevailed. In the Itapitangui abundance in the area. It is considered as the dominant
River the salinity also diminished upstream, but it never species in the Cananéia-Iguape system (Tab. I, Fig. 5).
reached zero. Sample 11, the most distant of the mouth of Also abundant throughout the area are Cyprideis
the Itapitangui River, registered a salinity of 11‰. multipunctata, Tanella gracilis and Minicythere heinii,
The bottom water temperature varied from 27.7°C which, together with W. sanguinettiae, are considered
in January to 19.8°C in July (Fig. 3). The values of pH, characteristic of mixohaline assemblage.

Fig. 1. Location of the Cananéia-Iguape estuarine/lagoon system, São Paulo, Brazil. 1-34, samples sites.

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276 COIMBRA et al.

In the Trapandé Bay, where the marine inflow is

greater, epineritic species as Cytheretta punctata, Keijella
dyction (Bold, 1966) and Loxoconcha bullata Hartmann,
1956 occurred with 17, 35 and 15 specimens, respectively.
Other marine species represent only 5% of the total
studied here, and all of them have allochthonous
characteristics as mentioned above.
The correlation between environmental factors and
biological ones shows that the salinity is the factor with
greatest influence on the ostracode population structure.
The sediments, depth, temperature and pH played a minor
Fig. 2. Bottom salinities along the year of 1994 in the studied
role in the distribution and abundance of these samples of the Cananéia-Iguape estuarine/lagoon system, São
assemblages (Tab. II). Paulo, Brazil.

Table I. Ostracode distribution in the Cananéia-Iguape estuarine/lagoon system, São Paulo, Brazil. * = sample with juveniles.
Shannon-Weaver index

Hemicytherura sp.

Neocytherideis sp.

Semicytherura sp.
Nº of Specimens

W. sanguinettiae
C. multidentata

N. triplistriatus
Hulingsina sp.

P. cf. elongata
Cytherella sp.

Ilyocypris sp.
Cytherura sp.
Nº of Species

Cytherois sp.

P. parallela
C. punctata

Copytus sp.
Depth (m)

K. dictyon

T. gracilis
L. bullata

M. heinii

2 5.5 15 6 1.54 2 5 1 1 5
3 6.7 73 7 1.29 29* 5* 1 4 1 2 * 31*
4 10 87 8 1.39 22* 1 4* 1 1 1 20* 37*
5 15.3 205 12 1.50 7* 7* 3* 1 7 1 7* 26* 9* 1 51* 104*
6 1.5 10 4 1.28 2 4 1* 3*
7 7 0
8 3 0
9 0
10 1 82 5 1.00 44* 30* 1 1 6*
11 36 3 0.92 16* 17* 3*
12 11 1 1 1*
13 3.5 20 5 1.31 8 1 1 4 7*
14 2.5 0
15 2.7 4 3 1 1 2
16 4.5 7 2 0.41 6* 1
17 4 0
18 4.4 21 1 21*
19 2.1 2 1 2*
20 3.8 1 1 1
21 4.9 0
22 4 2 2 0.69 1 1 1
23 1.8 1 1
24 5.5 0
25 6 0
26 6.9 0
27 6 0
28 0
29 3 0
30 1.6 1 1 1
31 2 0
32 3.7 3 1 3
33 1.4 0
34 4 64 8 1.42 13* 1 1 2* 6* 1 12* 32*
TOTAL 174 1 8 3 3 8 1 2 4 2 38 22 54 1 2 2 1 5 9 6 226

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Table II. Significant correlations between biological and environmental factors (for values of p < 5%) along the year of 1994 in Cananéia-
Iguape estuarine/lagoon system, São Paulo, Brazil (Di, diversity; Ab, abundance; Do, dominance; Eq, equitability).

W. L. C. C. K. T. Neocytherideis P. Hemicytherura Di Ab Do Eq
sanguinettiae bullata punctata multidentata dictyon gracilis sp. paralella sp.
Depth 0.29
Salinity 0.61 0.61 0.41 0.50 0.46 0.44 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.53 0.61 0.39 0.39
°C -0.46 -0.41 -0.34
Clays 0.38

Fig. 3. Bottom temperatures along the year of 1994 in the studied Fig. 4. The average values of pH along the year of 1994 in the
samples of the Cananéia-Iguape estuarine/lagoon system, São Paulo, studied samples of the Cananéia-Iguape estuarine/lagoon system,
Brazil. São Paulo, Brazil.

temperature variations, ranging from less than 10°C at

night and up to 20°C at midday. These seasonal changes
cause significant oscillations in the water temperature of
the estuarine/lagoon systems in the southern extreme of
the country, as already discussed by WÜRDIG (1983, 1988).
Besides, this coastal region is under great marine influence
of cold waters coming from southern South America.
Whatleyella sanguinettiae is the most ubiquitous
and abundant ostracode species both in the Sepetiba
Bay (State of Rio de Janeiro) and in the Cananéia/Iguape
estuarine/lagoon system, where the seasonal bottom
salinity variations are more pronounced than in the
Bertioga channel (Tab. III). As a warm water species, it is
absent in the colder southernmost coastal region of Brazil.
Fig. 5. The most abundant ostracode species in the Cananéia- In spite of its absence from the States of Santa
Iguape estuarine/lagoon system, São Paulo, Brazil. See text for Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, the warm water
species names. cosmopolitan ostracode Tanella gracilis shows a wide
distribution, being formerly recorded in the Pacific Ocean
DISCUSSION since the Neogene (Sumatra and Java). It is a very common
species in bays and epineritic marine environments and
Due to the scarcity of papers dealing with the study very scarce in mixohaline waters. In accordance with its
of Brazilian mixohaline ostracodes, there is a fossil record, it seems that this latter environment was
discontinuous record on the geographic distribution of colonized during the Quaternary.
some ecologically more restricted species throughout the On the contrary, Cytherura purperae seems to be
south and southeast of Brazil. It is evident that the restricted to the south with records that include from the
distribution of different species are largely related to mouth of Patos Lagoon (Lat. 32°06’S), Rio Grande do
temperature variations occurring in lagoons and estuaries Sul, throughout the mixohaline environments nearby
in the southern coastal regions of the two southernmost Laguna town (Lat. 28°29’S), Santa Catarina. Moreover,
states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. In these Cyprideis maxipunctata, a late Pliocene/Pleistocene
two states the seasonal variation is very marked. During species known from the Pelotas Basin (Rio Grande do
the summer the temperature can reach up to 38°C and Sul), was recorded (identified as C. cf. C. maxipunctata)
frequently it is not less than 30°C during the day. In the for the first time living in the mixohaline area of the
winter the coastal regions of these two states have large Bertioga Canal by GHISELLI J R. et al. (2001). If in fact

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278 COIMBRA et al.

Table III. Geographic distribution of the more typical mixohaline species along the South/Southeast coastal regions of Brazil. (States: RJ,
Rio de Janeiro; SP, São Paulo; SC, Santa Catarina; RS, Rio Grande do Sul).

Localities (from north to south) Dominant species in the mixohaline waters Other frequent ostracod species
Sepetiba Bay (near Rio de Janeiro town, RJ) Whatleyella sanguinettiae Cyprideis salebrosa hartmanni
DIAS-BRITO et al. (1998); Cyprideis multidentata Perissocytheridea kroemmelbeini
COIMBRA et al. (1994) Minicythere heinii
Tanella gracilis
Bertioga Channel (near Santos town, SP) Cyprideis cf. C. maxipunctata Perissocytheridea kroemmelbeini
GHISELLI JR. et al. (2001) Cyprideis salebrosa hartmanni Whatleyella sanguinettiae

Cananéia/Iguape Estuary (SP) Whatleyella sanguinettiae Cyprideis multidentata

Minicythere heinii
Tanella gracilis
Laguna (SC) Cyprideis multidentata Perissocytheridea kroemmelbeini
ORNELAS (1974) Cyprideis salebrosa hartmanni Minicythere heinii
Cytherura purperae
Tramandaí Estuarine/Lagoon System (RS) Cyprideis multidentata Perissocytheridea kroemmelbeini
ORNELAS (1974); WÜRDIG (1983, 1988); Cyprideis salebrosa hartmanni Minicythere heinii
WÜRDIG & FREITAS (1988); WÜRDIG et al. (1990); Cytherura purperae
W ÜRDIG & PINTO (1999)

these two taxa are the same species then this new record shelf of the Southwestern Atlantic and at least in two
suggests migration during the Quaternary, from south mixohaline areas: the cold waters of the Uruguayan/
(today absent) to the north, where it is now extant. On Argentinean estuary of La Plata (WHATLEY & MOGUILEVSKY,
the other hand, more eurythermic species as Cyprideis 1975) and in the Sepetiba Bay (COIMBRA et al., 1994).
multidentata, Cyprideis salebrosa hartmanni, Moreover, this species is absent from the other mixohaline
Minicythere heinii and Perissocytheridea environments studied herein. The shelf marine distribution
kroemmelbeini are recorded in both south and southeast and fossil record of these two species of Callistocythere
mixohaline areas of the Brazilian coast. WÜRDIG (1983) are discussed by COIMBRA et al. (1995).
presents an interesting discussion on the ecology of
these species in the Tramandaí estuarine/lagoon system Acknowledgments. We are particularly grateful to Dr.
in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The geographic Carla Bonetti for suggesting improvements during this work, and
distribution (see Tab. III) of this group comprising the to Dr. Stephen Eagar and Dr. Cristianini Trescastro Bergue for
eight more typically mixohaline ostracode species along the English revision and suggestions on the final manuscript.
the South and Southeast of Brazil. The first author is indebted to FAPERGS (Fundação de Amparo à
Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul) and CNPq (Conselho
Cyprideis salebrosa is a pandemic species with Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico), grants
two subspecies, one South American and the other known numbers 132572/2002-8 and 475313/2003-8, respectively. Also,
from the Caribbean and North America (SANDBERG, 1964) thanks are extended to Demétrio D. Nicolaidis (UFRGS) for his
where this species has its older record (Pliocene, Florida). help with some figures and tables.
The South American subspecies C. s. hartmanni is REFERENCES
distributed from Argentina (RAMIREZ, 1967; FERRERO, 1996)
AIELLO, G.; COIMBRA, J. C. & BARRA, D. 2004. Ruggiericythere, a
to the State of Rio de Janeiro (DIAS-BRITO et al., 1988). new shallow marine ostracod genus from Brazil. Bollettino
This species and Cyprideis multidentata are more della Società Paleontologica Italiana 43(1-2):71-90.
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Recebido em fevereiro de 2006. Aceito em dezembro de 2006. ISSN 0073-4721

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Iheringia, Sér. Zool., Porto Alegre, 97(3):273-279, 30 de setembro de 2007

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