B325 - Managing Across Organizational & Cultural 1394464

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KEY: Take Home Exam for Final Assignment 2019-2020/Third_V2

B325 – Managing Across Organizational & Cultural Boundaries

Cut-Off Date : 26-08-2020 Cut off Time : 10.05 AM

Total Marks : 100 Duration : 48 Hours

Question1 ……………………………………………………………….………………………..…. 2
Question 2 ………………………………………………………....…….………………………..…. 2

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Answer 1
Pandemic of COVID-19 has forced the organization to work at online level. It has imposed the many
number of challenges to organization. This has also supported the organization to survive within the
many kinds of situations. Virtual teams particularly present the individual groups that work combinly
from many numbers of different geographical places as well as based on technology of
communication like email, conferencing through the video or voice services, and FAX for collaborate
at effective level (Hoch, and Kozlowski, 2014). Below discussion will cover the importance of virtual

 Cost savings

Virtual teams has supported the organizations to gain the associated advantages through cost saving.
This has enabled the organizations to outsource the operations regarding low cost regions. Cost of
production also minimized with reduced costs of operations, low wages and many more within the
geographical level locations (Jimenez, et al., 2017).

 Leverage global talent

This has supported the organizations to work with the talents beyond the nation of origin. It enables
to bring together talents as well as experts from around the globe for work combinly on a project.
This has improved the sharing of knowledge as well as bigger invention takes place for sharing the
understanding regarding international and national level market with the best practices of business.

 Improved the productivity with high number of profits

Virtual teams members tend to keep the high focus regarding operational task (Purvanova, 2014).
Virtual team’s practices support to work with the flatter structure of business. Members within the
virtual team have more time to perform operations at effective level. It overall leads to improve the
productivity that presents the high number of profits.


 Resources

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There is requirement to work with the technical level advancement which overall improve the
productivity through streamline collaboration with integrated communication tools of team. It enables
the employees to interact through connecting in ways that create the sense.

 Audio and visual conferencing

This is one of the important techniques to make the virtual team meeting as same as face to face
meeting. Technology of conferencing regularly works to increase that create the crystal clear video as
well as audio level of communication possible around the world (Krawczyk-Bryłka, 2016). It
overall provides many numbers of typical features of meeting like chalkboard, options of
presentation, chat and many more. There are also conferencing tools that regarded at high level which
involve Polycom Telepresence, Cisco Telepresence, etc. Other important tools within the area are
Skype, Zoom, and many more.

 Web based tools

This is effective as support the members of team to effectively access as well as store number of
documents on the central level hub. These allow the virtual team members to work individually on
particular files and collaborate simultaneously for produce the improved deliverables. Collaborative
tools are Dropbox, Google Drive, BOX and many more (Taras, et al., 2019).

Transferred business lines

One of the famous organizations in UAE known as the Condo Protego had started to transfer the
business online in pandemic of COVID-19. Changes within the organization conceptual structure
took place through turning the knowledgeable as well as experienced channel partners for align the
strategic business objectives with information management characteristics within the acquisition of
hardware, infrastructure of information technology and software of business. Conceptual structure
overall enables the company to work with the cognitive level of operations representation and

Role of translucence
Translucence has enabled the Condo Protego to work with the concentration on available options of
business. It had supported to use the appropriate functions through concentrating on the many
services designs. This is overall based on the concrete approaches that relied on the casting
procedures. It had ensured the organization to operate at effectively level with use of mounting
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There had been many number of challenges faced through the Condo Protego in transferring of
business line to online in pandemic of COVID-19. Following discussion will explain the challenges.

 Diminished focus

This had created the typicality for the organization to concentrate on the employees due to distance
and gape of communication. Employees not gain the information at direct level that overall minimize
the focus as well as productivity (Szewc, 2014).

 Lack of structure

Lack of explanation has created the huge number of disadvantages. Organization were not capable to
regularly review the procedure that overall minimize the understanding within the procedure of work

 Lack of organization culture

It was challenging and tricky for the organization to manage the operations due to inappropriate
office culture. Employees went to work with many numbers of days without speaking to each other.
This overall had minimized the level of ongoing conversations.

Answer 2
Goals are known as the areas as well as object that organizations and individuals focused to achieve
through the right practices. I will focus to open the business of café. Following discussion will cover
the goal setting procedure.

Write down goals

Firstly, there will be focus to generate the potential goals list. Writing down goals will enable to
create them tangible as well as provide them more number of forces (De Massis, and Kotlar, 2014).
Practices will be relying on the well thought out. Goals for running the business of café within the
UAE will be measurable, achievable, specific, time based, energizing, as well as relevant according
the practices of business.

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This is effective that goal has explainable endpoint which can be effectively evaluated. I will focus to
use the identifiable measures which present that when goal has been accomplished. Use of many
measures will enable to analyze the achievements which are important. New measurements will be
used for the effective procedures evaluations. These will provide the yardstick for progress
measurement to goal.

I will work to focus and develop the deadline for achieve the goal. Determine the time that support to
reach the goal and set the deadline which support to generate the real sense regarding urgency as well
as provide the motivation which is important for achieve the goal (Kirchmer, 2012). It will include
the priorities, prerequisites, reality, and measurements.

Identification of obstacles
Obstacles for achievement of the goal can come for me in form of expectations, skills, sources,
knowledge as well as people. These can be internal or external. Lack of resources can create the
difficulties for achieve the necessary goals. I will consider the whole potential obstacles in business of

Procedure to overcome obstacles

There will be focus to create the plan for identify the obstacles. Prioritization will be effective as
enable to set the priorities with direct attention to goals. Use of knowledge with reading and coaching
regarding operations procedures will support to reach the objectives. Full preparation will support to
provide the access regarding sources and enable to contribute effectively to Café business in UAE.
There will be fully focus on communication with the persistent. Flexibility to run the operations will
enable to focus on the achievement of goals through setting goal worksheet.

Reviewing list
Completion of the worksheet will enable to review and ensure that goals for run the business are
reasonable (Antony, Agus, and Hajinoor, 2012). Practices will be formulated as per the determination
of the additional level adjustments and relied on the important feedbacks from others.

Procedures of monitoring
For determination that goal has been achieved, measurement of the procedure to goal will enable to
identify the progress to goal. There will be focus to use the measurement that has gained for track the
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procedure to determine the important targets with the deadlines. Following points will be considered
due to possible reasons.

Time constraints
Often goals are not achieved because of the competing priorities within the business of café. There
are many numbers of reasons that minimize the chances to reach the goals. These can be lack of time
as well as competing level priorities. Insufficient time can lead to minimize the options to reach the
goal in business of café. Lack of considering for priorities can limit the options to reach the

Shift priority
Shifting the café business priorities will be important due to competitive business environment.
Reassessment of priorities will enable to focus on the significant goals.

Internal factors
Analysis of internal level operations as well as motivation will enable me to achieve the objectives.
Determination of the necessary success will support to remain motivated and work to achieve the
goal. Successful determination of working procedures in business of Café support to identify the
motivation approaches. This overall enables to provide support as well as motivation. There will be
full focus to remain motivate for preserver.

External factors
There are many numbers of external level factors which can limit the practices and procedures to
achieve goals (Peltier, 2016). I will focus to manage and operate the procedure of café business work.
Lack of resources and support with many other obstacles can create the goal achievement difficult.
There will be also focus to encounter the obstacles through identifying the important procedures to
overcome them.

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Antony, J., Agus, A. and Hajinoor, M.S., 2012. Lean production supply chain management as driver
towards enhancing product quality and business performance. International Journal of Quality &
Reliability Management, 25(08), 12-36.

De Massis, A. and Kotlar, J., 2014. The case study method in family business research: Guidelines
for qualitative scholarship. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5(1), pp.15-29.

Hoch, J.E. and Kozlowski, S.W., 2014. Leading virtual teams: Hierarchical leadership, structural
supports, and shared team leadership. Journal of applied psychology, 99(3), p.390.

Jimenez, A., Boehe, D.M., Taras, V. and Caprar, D.V., 2017. Working across boundaries: Current
and future perspectives on global virtual teams. Journal of International Management, 23(4), pp.341-

Kirchmer, M., 2012. Business process oriented implementation of standard software: how to achieve
competitive advantage efficiently and effectively. Springer Science & Business Media.

Krawczyk-Bryłka, B., 2016. Intercultural challenges in virtual teams. Journal of Intercultural

Management, 8(3), pp.69-85.

Peltier, T.R., 2016. Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Standards: guidelines for effective
information security management. CRC Press.

Purvanova, R.K., 2014. Face-to-face versus virtual teams: What have we really learned?. The
Psychologist-Manager Journal, 17(1), p.2.

Szewc, J., 2014. Selected success factors of virtual teams: literature review and suggestions for future
research. International Journal of Management and Economics, 38(1), pp.67-83.

Taras, V., Baack, D., Caprar, D., Dow, D., Froese, F., Jimenez, A. and Magnusson, P., 2019. Diverse
effects of diversity: Disaggregating effects of diversity in global virtual teams. Journal of
International Management, 25(4), p.100-689.

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End of Assessment

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