Method Statement For The Preparation of The Ground For Installation of Right of Way Fence at Marshy Areas

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Transport Development Project

Method Statement for the Preparation of the Ground for Installation of Right of Way Fence at Marshy Areas

Method Statement for the Preparation of the Ground for Installation of Right of
Way Fence at Marshy Areas

1.0 Introduction and General Information

This method statement provides the details of materials, equipment, procedure

and relevant documents related to the preparation of the ground for installation
of right of way fence at marshy areas, the quality control verifications, the
safety precautions to be implemented for this work and also measurement

1.1 Location of Works

The location of work at the designated areas of the project

2.0 Equipment & Tools

 Dump Trucks / Tractor trailer

 Excavator
 Minor equipments & tools

3.0 Materials & Labour

 Unclassified soil
 RUC 2 materials
 Unskilled labour

4.0 Safety Management and Control

 The operational conditions of the equipment and dump trucks to be

used for this work have to be thoroughly examined before the actual
start of work.
 The physical conditions of the crews, especially the Excavator
operators, truck drivers should also be physically fit, healthy and alert.
 All operators and workers will be properly brief / oriented beforehand
with the procedures to be undertaken for familiarization and ease of
 The working area shall be properly marked and no other operation will
be carried-out except the designated work.
 Suitable personal protective equipment shall be worn by workers at all
times when working, such as safety shoes, safety helmets, gloves,
safety belt, etc.
 A strict compliance with the daily safety checklist for all equipment
and trucks shall be undertaken.

Transport Development Project
Method Statement for the Preparation of the Ground for Installation of Right of Way Fence at Marshy Areas

5.0 Environmental Protection

To ensure proper care of the environment in general and the community in

particular, the following shall be observed at all times during constructions:

 No trees, shrubs or plants outside of the working area shall be cut,

damage or uprooted during this operation.
 Natural water ways and drains outside of ROW shall not be damaged
or blocked during the work.
 No materials will be allowed to fall beyond the ROW.
 No oil, lubricants and other petroleum products from the heavy
machinery and trucks shall be allowed to drip or flow outside the
working area more so into streams, creeks and other natural drains of
the environment.

6.0 Construction method and procedure.

Preparation of Ground for the Installation of the ROW fence in marshy areas

Locations with Access

 The unclassified soil will be filled using dump trucks & excavator at
the marshy area using the available accesses.
 Then levelling & surface compaction will be carried-out at the
unclassified materials laid area.

Locations without Accesses

 The RUC 2 materials brought as much as closer to the marshy areas

using dump trucks.
 Then RUC 2 materials will be filled at the marshy area using labour &
minor equipments.
 Surface compaction will be carried-out at the RUC 2 materials laid

7.0 Measurement Verification

 Measurements will be done jointly with the Engineer.

8.0 Quality Control

 Quality control will be done according to QAQC plan.

Transport Development Project
Method Statement for the Preparation of the Ground for Installation of Right of Way Fence at Marshy Areas

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