From Rookie To Reality Case Study

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From Rookie to Reality Case Analysis and Rationale

Cassandra Young
EAD 505
Date 11/3/20

From Rookie to Reality Case Analysis and Rationale

Case Study Summary/Facts

Just starting out in the district as an assistant principal you were asked to move to another

school in the district to be an interim principal for the one that had to step out for illness. The

school you stepped into was known for high achievement and low behavior issues within the

district but has high parent involvement. Your principal from your original school district set you

up well for success and the new school to be a principal at a school. During your first few weeks

at the school you fit right in and followed the footsteps that were set in place from the principal

that had to step out. In the district there was a bomb threat at one of the schools where the

principal had to evacuate to keep everyone safe. It was on the forefront for each principal

because they did not know who had done it or why, so every school was on high alert. One

morning you were doing your normal routine of greeting the students when a parent and student

came running to you to tell you about something laying in the crosswalk that was unfamiliar. As

the principal you go investigate and find that it is like what was described to you from the bomb

squad of what the other package looked like.


As a school leader we need to know what it states in the handbook and the school specific

site plan about protocol if there was a bomb threat at the school or near the school. In accordance

with the handbook the protocol would be that we immediately do the reunification procedure.

This procedure includes the staff removing the students from the building and to a local park

where they will then be reunited with their parents. In the process of implementing this

procedure, we would have to look at how many students and staff are already at the school to

decide what we need to do with those already in the building. This would allow us to ensure that

everyone was safely away from the dangerous area.  There would also be a need to make a quick

choice to call a bomb squad to have the proper authorities to handle the situation. In the

meantime, there would be a need to make a perimeter around what is thought to be the bomb, so

no one gets too close for those that may still be trying to approach the campus. There would also

need to be an all call phone call home to warn parents of the situation and to avoid the school and

for the families that already dropped off their students of the reunification. Following the

reunification procedure and the directives that the bomb squad would be all that is needed to

handle this situation quickly and safely. 

Key Stakeholders

The stakeholders in the care are very vulnerable and depend on quick decision making to

happen. As the principal we are a stakeholder in this because we must make the quick decision of

what we should do to keep the school community safe. We also must decide how we are going to

keep all students and parents aware from the bomb that is sitting there. Another stakeholder that

we value is the students because their safety is key to us as the principal, we strive for them to be

safe. Our parents to the students are also part of this because we want to keep them safe and out

of harm's way. The community around the school is also a stakeholder in this issue because if the

bomb were to go off then it could hurt them as well. Safety personnel would also be a

stakeholder during this situation because they would need to investigate if it were a bomb or not.

Along with making sure that everyone around the site gets out safe including themselves.  The

principal needs to act fast to keep all stakeholders safe in the issue.


A solution to this situation would have to be quick decision making from the principal to

make sure we are thinking about the students and parents for the safety of everyone. The first

part of the solution process would be to call 911 to get the bomb squad at the school in a quick

manor, at the same time this was happening we would be over the loudspeaker getting everyone

inside ready for the reunification with families. The reunification gets everyone out of the

building and away from harm's way. After starting the process of these two things would be to

get the assistant principal along with our safety personnel to help put some type of perimeter

around the thought bomb that was in front of the school until the bomb squad got there.

However, as staff not getting close to the bomb in case it did go off we would not want them to

hurt either. Once the bomb squad got there I would join the school at the reunification to check

on staff and students, I would ask the counselor to support in making sure no students or staff are

shaken up about the situation. According to Lansing Charter Academies School Specific Site

Plan (2020), with any threat to the school building we evacuate to a safe location for parents to

pick up students. It also states that we call local authorities in the same process of getting

everyone out of the building, we do not investigate ourselves. 

Mission and Vision

At NHA our purpose is to “transform the lives of students and enrich communities by

delivering high quality educational choices to families. Our Vision: We will be recognized by

communities and parents as the leader in public education based on the academic success and

moral character of our students.” (National Heritage Academies. 2020)  My solution supports our

vision and mission by wanting to promote success of students and enrich their lives. We can not

do those things without making sure the safety of our students is being met as well. For students

to be able to learn and have high quality education for them we must have safety procedures in

place for situations that occur when we are not expecting them. 

Democracy, Equity, Diversity

The solution I propose supports democracy, equity, and diversity for our students due to

looking at their safety before looking at any personal feelings. As a principal sometimes we have

to make hard decisions that do not always go with the grain of what people want but we make

them for our students to have the best education possible and safety within the school. The

decision to implement the reunification process ensures that all students and families are equally

safe regarding this given situation.

Collaboration, Learning, and High Expectations

The solution I have suggested supports collaboration, learning, and high expectations for

staff and student’s safety while also wanting to keep safety as part of the plan. The collaboration

would have come in before this situation had occurred with the principal, safety person, and

some staff member coming together to collaborate on making the site plan for when these types

of issues occur. Learning occurs with how fast as a team we can react to a situation that is not a

drill when we need to act with urgency instead of practice, putting practice to learned memory

for the sake of the students. High expectations are always in place from the principal to staff

because we are always wanting the staff to promote expectations that are realistic to daily life.

During this situation we must promote expectations of safety and putting in place what we have

practiced along with being honest to the students of what is expected of them during this time.


Lansing Charter Academy. (2020). School Specific Site Plan. Author

National Heritage Academies. (2020). Teacher Handbook. Author

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