OIC-RD Rocafort Challenges Teachers To Upgrade To "Education 4.0"

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OIC-RD Rocafort challenges teachers to upgrade

to “Education 4.0”
Carlito D. Rocafort, now OIC-Regional “We have to synchronize our
Director of DepEd CALABARZON, stressed Education 4.0 to Industry 4.0,” the OIC-RD
that the level of basic education of today’s said.
generation should be levelled up to 4.0, in He exemplified the schools in Lipa
which students and teachers should be City which require students to buy tablets
equipped with the use of technology and if they passed the exam and consequently,
gadgets to make learning more accessible. the books and other sources of
Rocafort explained that if there is information they need in their studies can
industry 4.0 where machines and robots be made accessible as these are uploaded
are to be used in our industry more likely into their gadgets.
in agriculture, therefore, there must be “The students need to be trained,
evolution in our education. not taught. Dapat sila ay ma-train ng
“If they are talking of industrial 4.0, competencies, that’s why the 21st century
there must be DepEd 4.0, Regional learners, lalo na sa teaching-learning
Director 4.0, Superintendents 4.0, process, mas malaki ang performance
Principal 4.0, Teachers 4.0 and Students tasks, and consequently, they need to be
4.0. At mas dapat nating pagtuunan ng guided to develop their skills,” Rocafort
pansin ang Education 4.0,” Rocafort said. reasoned.
He also emphasized that education He added that students need to be
should keep up if the industry or the use of prepared for the next industrial revolution
machines undergoes revolution to lessen that will happen in the next fifteen years PERSUADE. OIC-Regional Director Carlito D.
people’s burden, and make the job easier from now in which the changes are much Rocafort encourages the teachers of DepEd
Quezon, third district to level up to ‘Education
for them, as in the case of Grab and Uber faster than the revolutions during the 17th 4.0’ in his speech as resource speaker during
for transportation, and Cloud, an online and 18th century. the Quezon Educators’ Research Convention
data storage. He went on to explain that In addition, quoting DepEd Secretary (QERC) 2019.
as what started from the type of education Leonor Briones, OIC-RD Rocafort said that
1.0 where everything is dictated and aligning education to the latest trends of conduct. Meanwhile, Rocafort praised
learning is very limited, nowadays, the 4.0 the industry and making learning more DepEd Quezon for having sustainability in
level of learning is everywhere with the empowered is learning how to balance the research program and existing association
help of technology and with the latest use social sciences and ICT knowledge among for research. (Jezaline E. Relao, Teacher,
of gadgets. 21st century learners in strengthening the Gumaca National High School, DepEd-
teaching of good manners and right Division of Quezon)

BonPen teachers convene for educational research

Over 3,000 teachers from the Agdangan (130), thus reaching a sum In this line, Dr. Juanito A. Merle
majority of the towns under the Bondoc of 3,011 participants for the first day of presented his research titled, “The
Peninsula District gathered for the the convention. Challenges Encountered by DepEd
Qu ez on Edu ca to rs R ese a rc h With the theme, “Humanizing Quezon Schools in the Initial
Convention (QERC) at the Southern Basic Education in the Advent Industry Implementation of Senior High School
Quezon Convention Center, Gumaca on 4.0 through Research Initiatives,” the Program: Basis for SHS Program
March 18. event aimed to improve the education Adjustments and Policy Formulation for
The participants of the said event landscape through research. It focused Enhanced SHS Program
w e r e f r o m th e s ou th e rn m os t on encouraging teachers to craft their Implementation.”
municipalities of Quezon, namely: San own researches to improve the Furthermore, previews of 30 other
Francisco (662), Catanauan (629), teaching-learning process in order to research studies conducted by
Macalelon (253), Mulanay (601), increase the level of learners’ teachers from different schools in
Pitogo (246), San Narciso (431), and performance. Quezon… Continued on page 2
Official Publication of Department of Education Region IV-A CALABARZON
Volume IV | Issue No. 21 | May 27-31, 2019

BonPen teachers convene... were dared DepEd Quezon to maintain its

showcased. Among the educational excellent and quality performance in
issues discussed by these researches the field of research.
focused on reading and literature, “I was inspired to conduct my own
numeracy, nutrition, science and research not only because of its
t echn olo g y , so ci al sci enc es , advantage in career promotion but also
remedial instruction, student discipline, for its incontestable contribution to the
school-community relationship, and advancement of the educational
inclusive education. system as a whole,” a newly hired
A s one of the d iv isi on ’s Senior High School teacher from Casay
frontrunners in the sustainability of National High School, San Francisco
research programs, Carlito D. Rocafort, District and first -time research
OIC -Regional Director of DepEd convention attendee commented.
CALABARZON and the event’s keynote The division hopes that through
speaker, challenged the participants to the QERC, more school personnel will
act as problem-solvers in their own be interested in conducting researches
classrooms by identifying the glitches and teachers will be able to magnify
that hinder students to flourish their strengths and overcome their
academically and non-academically weaknesses in research writing. (Art Dr. Juanito A. Merle discusses his research to the
teachers from third district of Quezon. Along with
and to come up with validated results Margaret V. Limpiado, Teacher, this, DepEd Quezon also showed different studies that
and data that will serve as basis for Gumaca National High School, DepEd- are made by the Teachers Researchers Association of
Quezon, Inc. (TRAQ).
decision making. Furthermore, he Division of Quezon)

Deped San Pablo intensifies ALS Literacy Mapping

Anchored with the main goal of participation of all barangay officials who monitoring team headed by the
determining the number of out of school assisted the ALS teachers during the Education Program Specialists for ALS:
youths who needed to complete basic conduct of the mapping. EPSA, Henrich Yason and Norton Asacta,
education and to acquire the functional During the conduct of the mapping, the said activity was indeed a great
literacy skills for a possible route to ALS Programs are carried out and success. (Lerma M. Baldonado, PSDS-
become a productive and responsible properly explained by ALS mobile Fule Almeda District, San Pablo City)
citizen, the Alternative Learning System teachers. The mapped out- of- school
(ALS) of the Division of San Pablo City youths are expected to enroll in ALS for
conducted a massive Literacy Mapping SY 2019-2020 with the hopes of
to survey all out-of-school youths (OSYs) providing them with substantial and
and adults in all the barangays of the sufficient set of learning materials for
city. every learning session until such time
With 19 dedicated ALS teachers that they become proficiently literate and
who conducted the said mapping, over ready to take the accreditation and
1117 out- of school- youths and adults equivalency test. Mostly, they are drop-
were included in the census which took outs from formal schools, deprived of
place from October 2018 to April 2019. education due to poverty and those who
This undertaking was also in great suffered from severe illnesses in their
support in the attainment of younger age or those living in
universalization of the Basic Education communities far from schools.
and the objectives of the Education for With the 100% accomplishment
All (EFA). It also involved the rate coupled with the competent

CALL OF DUTY. ALS Specialists went out of their way doing the comprehensive mapping for ALS prospect.
Official Publication of Department of Education Region IV-A CALABARZON
Volume IV | Issue No. 21 | May 27-31, 2019

DepEd Dasmariñas partners with Grolier for reading

and learning program
Dasmarinas City - Sharing the same well as the provision of relevant learning Aside from its book donation to
mission of educating the Filipino youth resources and books for pupils and schools, Grolier will also provide
by promoting the love for reading and students. This is where Grolier professional development resources and
learning, the Department of Education International makes its contribution. For references to the Division Learning
City Schools Division of Dasmariñas and two years, Grolier will visit all public Resource Center (DLRC) which will be
Grolier International signed a MOA on its elementary and secondary schools in officially open in July.
newest literacy campaign called Dasmarinas City to promote its literacy Representing DepEd Dasmarinas in
"Edutour: Reading and Learning Drive for drive and build book nooks. Aside from the MOA signing were SDS Diaz, CID
the Filipino Youth", May 15. donating books and learning materials, Chief Gemma Cortez and members of
"One issue that has been a Grolier will also conduct parent seminars the Learning Resource Management and
perpetual problem among educators is on multiple intelligence and home Development Section, EPS Leylanie
the increasing number of non-readers learning. This way, parents are expected Adao, Librarian Marites Chavez, PDO
and struggling readers not only in the to be more engaged in their children's Katrezia Macawile; and Social
elementary level but even in the education and supportive of their various Mobilization and Networking Section
secondary level," shared Christopher talents and interests. SEPS Anne Cortez. Representing Grolier
Diaz, Schools Division Superintendent. "Grolier has been present in homes International were its General Manager
In Dasmariñas alone, there were as and schools in the Philippines. As we Brian Maralit, Head of Sales Manny
many as 3,500 reported non-readers partner with DepEd, we hope to raise Santos, Head of Marketing Jane Aguirre,
and struggling readers in 2017. To more awareness among parents and Regional Sales Manager Edna Blanco,
address this concern, the Division other school stakeholders on the and Manager Cherish Ramos. (Anne
launched a "30-minute reading habit" importance of acknowledging our Katherine G. Cortez, Senior Education
program which aimed to develop pupils' children's multiple intelligence and Program Specialist/ Division Information
reading skills through story book reading supporting them in their chosen Offi cer, City Schools Divisio n of
and appreciation. disciplines or tracks in school," said Dasmarinas)
A crucial component of the program Brian Maralit, Grolier's General Manager.
is the presence of libraries in schools as

DepEd Dasmariñas and Grolier International representatives are all smiles after the MOA signing; L-R Maritez Chavez, Leylanie Adao, Gemma Cortez, SDS
Christopher Diaz, Brian Maralit, Jane Aguirre, Cherish Ramos, Manny Santos, and Edna Blanco. (Photo by Katrezial Macawile)

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