A Step-By-Step Guide To The Black-Litterman Model Incorporating User-Specified Confidence Levels
A Step-By-Step Guide To The Black-Litterman Model Incorporating User-Specified Confidence Levels
A Step-By-Step Guide To The Black-Litterman Model Incorporating User-Specified Confidence Levels
Thomas M. Idzorek*
PO Box 12368
775.588.8426 Fax
Senior Quantitative Researcher, Zephyr Associates, Inc., PO Box 12368, 312 Dorla Court Ste. 204,
Zephyr Cove, NV 89448, USA. Tel.: 1 775 588 0654; e-mail: [email protected].
regarding the performance of various assets with the market equilibrium in a manner that
results in intuitive, diversified portfolios. This paper consolidates insights from the
relatively few works on the model and provides step-by-step instructions that enable the
reader to implement this complex model. A new method for controlling the tilts and the
final portfolio weights caused by views is introduced. The new method asserts that the
magnitude of the tilts should be controlled by the user-specified confidence level based
model, none of the relatively few articles provide enough step-by-step instructions for the
average practitioner to derive the new vector of expected returns.1 This article touches
various works on the Black-Litterman model, and focus on the details of actually
combining market equilibrium expected returns with “investor views” to generate a new
vector of expected returns. Finally, I make a new contribution to the model by presenting
a method for controlling the magnitude of the tilts caused by the views that is based on an
intuitive 0% to 100% confidence level, which should broaden the usability of the model
The Black-Litterman asset allocation model, created by Fischer Black and Robert
optimization are the most likely reasons that more practitioners do not use the Markowitz
paradigm, in which return is maximized for a given level of risk. The Black-Litterman
model uses a Bayesian approach to combine the subjective views of an investor regarding
the expected returns of one or more assets with the market equilibrium vector of expected
returns (the prior distribution) to form a new, mixed estimate of expected returns. The
with sensible portfolio weights. Unfortunately, the building of the required inputs is
Litterman (1990), expanded in Black and Litterman (1991, 1992), and discussed in
greater detail in Bevan and Winkelmann (1998), He and Litterman (1999), and Litterman
(2003).2 The Black Litterman model combines the CAPM (see Sharpe (1964)), reverse
optimization (see Sharpe (1974)), mixed estimation (see Theil (1971, 1978)), the
universal hedge ratio / Black’s global CAPM (see Black (1989a, 1989b) and Litterman
model and the process of building the required inputs. Section 3 develops an implied
confidence framework for the views. This framework leads to a new, intuitive method
for incorporating the level of confidence in investor views that helps investors control the
1 Expected Returns
According to Lee (2000), the Black-Litterman model also “largely mitigates” the problem
returns; however, Best and Grauer (1991) demonstrate that a small increase in the
expected return of one of the portfolio's assets can force half of the assets from the
portfolio. In a search for a reasonable starting point for expected returns, Black and
Litterman (1992), He and Litterman (1999), and Litterman (2003) explore several
alternative forecasts: historical returns, equal “mean” returns for all assets, and risk-
adjusted equal mean returns. They demonstrate that these alternative forecasts lead to
extreme portfolios – when unconstrained, portfolios with large long and short positions;
and, when subject to a long only constraint, portfolios that are concentrated in a relatively
Equilibrium returns are the set of returns that clear the market. The equilibrium returns
are derived using a reverse optimization method in which the vector of implied excess
Π = λΣwmkt (1)
It is the rate at which an investor will forego expected return for less variance. In the
reverse optimization process, the risk aversion coefficient acts as a scaling factor for the
reverse optimization estimate of excess returns; the weighted reverse optimized excess
To illustrate the model, I present an eight asset example in addition to the general
model. To keep the scope of the paper manageable, I avoid discussing currencies.6
Table 1 presents four estimates of expected excess return for the eight assets – US
Small Value, International Developed Equity, and International Emerging Equity. The
first CAPM excess return vector in Table 1 is calculated relative to the UBS Global
Securities Markets Index (GSMI), a global index and a good proxy for the world market
portfolio. The second CAPM excess return vector is calculated relative to the market
other vectors. The first CAPM Return Vector is quite similar to the Implied Equilibrium
for Π (representing the vector of Implied Excess Equilibrium Returns) leads to Formula 2,
w = (λΣ ) µ
In Table 2, Formula 2 is used to find the optimum weights for three portfolios based
on the return vectors from Table 1. The market capitalization weights are presented in the
Those not familiar with mean-variance optimization might expect two highly correlated
Equilibrium Return Vector ( Π ), the return vectors produce two rather distinct weight
vectors (the correlation coefficient is 66%). Most of the weights of the CAPM GSMI-
based portfolio are significantly different than the benchmark market capitalization-
weighted portfolio, especially the allocation to International Bonds. As one would expect
(since the process of extracting the Implied Equilibrium returns using the market
back to the market capitalization-weighted portfolio. In the absence of views that differ
from the Implied Equilibrium return, investors should hold the market portfolio. The
Implied Equilibrium Return Vector ( Π ) is the market-neutral starting point for the
Black-Litterman model.
provide a brief description of each of its elements. Throughout this article, K is used to
represent the number of views and N is used to express the number of assets in the
formula. The formula for the new Combined Return Vector ( E[R] ) is
E[ R ] = (τΣ ) + P ' Ω −1 P
] [(τΣ )
−1 −1
Π + P ' Ω −1Q ] (3)
More often than not, investment managers have specific views regarding the
expected return of some of the assets in a portfolio, which differ from the Implied
either absolute or relative terms. Below are three sample views expressed using the
View 1 is an example of an absolute view. From the final column of Table 1, the
Views 2 and 3 represent relative views. Relative views more closely approximate
the way investment managers feel about different assets. View 2 says that the return of
International Bonds will be 0.25% greater than the return of US Bonds. In order to gauge
whether View 2 will have a positive or negative effect on International Bonds relative to
two assets in the view. From Table 1, the Implied Equilibrium returns for International
Bonds and US Bonds are 0.67% and 0.08%, respectively, for a difference of 0.59%. The
view of 0.25%, from View 2, is less than the 0.59% by which the return of International
portfolio away from International Bonds in favor of US Bonds. In general (and in the
absence of constraints and additional views), if the view is less than the difference
between the two Implied Equilibrium returns, the model tilts the portfolio toward the
underperforming asset, as illustrated by View 2. Likewise, if the view is greater than the
difference between the two Implied Equilibrium returns, the model tilts the portfolio
View 3 demonstrates a view involving multiple assets and that the terms
assets need not match the number of assets underperforming. The results of views that
involve multiple assets with a range of different Implied Equilibrium returns can be less
intuitive. The assets of the view form two separate mini-portfolios, a long portfolio and a
proportional to that asset’s market capitalization divided by the sum of the market
to that asset’s market capitalization divided by the sum of the market capitalizations of
the other nominally underperforming assets. The net long positions less the net short
positions equal 0. The mini-portfolio that actually receives the positive view may not be
the nominally outperforming asset(s) from the expressed view. In general, if the view is
greater than the weighted average Implied Equilibrium return differential, the model will
Small Growth and the nominally “underperforming” assets are US Large Value and US
Small Value. From Table 3a, the weighted average Implied Equilibrium return of the
mini-portfolio formed from US Large Growth and US Small Growth is 6.52%. And,
from Table 3b, the weighted average Implied Equilibrium return of the mini-portfolio
formed from US Large Value and US Small Value is 4.04%. The weighted average
Because View 3 states that US Large Growth and US Small Growth will
outperform US Large Value and US Small Value by only 2% (a reduction from the
current weighted average Implied Equilibrium differential of 2.47%), the view appears to
Growth relative to US Large Value and US Small Value. This point is illustrated below
in the final column of Table 6, where the nominally outperforming assets of View 3 – US
Large Growth and US Small Growth – receive reductions in their allocations and the
One of the more confusing aspects of the model is moving from the stated views
to the inputs used in the Black-Litterman formula. First, the model does not require that
investors specify views on all assets. In the eight asset example, the number of views (k)
is 3; thus, the View Vector ( Q ) is a 3 x 1 column vector. The uncertainty of the views
with a mean of 0 and covariance matrix Ω . Thus, a view has the form Q + ε .
Q1 ε1 5.25 ε1
Q + ε = M + M Q + ε = 0.25 + M
Qk ε k 2 ε k
in the expressed view, the error term ( ε ) is a positive or negative value other than 0. The
Error Term Vector ( ε ) does not directly enter the Black-Litterman formula. However,
the variance of each error term ( ω ), which is the absolute difference from the error
term’s ( ε ) expected value of 0, does enter the formula. The variances of the error terms
( ω ) form Ω , where Ω is a diagonal covariance matrix with 0’s in all of the off-diagonal
positions. The off-diagonal elements of Ω are 0’s because the model assumes that the
views are independent of one another. The variances of the error terms ( ω ) represent the
uncertainty of the views. The larger the variance of the error term ( ω ), the greater the
ω1 0 0
Ω = 0 O 0
0 0 ω k
Determining the individual variances of the error terms ( ω ) that constitute the
The expressed views in column vector Q are matched to specific assets by Matrix
matrix. In the three-view example presented in Section 2.2, in which there are 8 assets, P
is a 3 x 8 matrix.
Example (Based on
General Case: Satchell and Scowcroft (2000)): (6)
p1,1 L p1,n 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
P= M O M P = − 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
pk ,1 L pk ,n 0 0 .5 − .5 .5 − .5 0 0
The first row of Matrix P represents View 1, the absolute view. View 1 only
Developed Equity is the 7th asset in this eight asset example, which corresponds with the
“1” in the 7th column of Row 1. View 2 and View 3 are represented by Row 2 and Row
3, respectively. In the case of relative views, each row sums to 0. In Matrix P, the
Methods for specifying the values of Matrix P vary. Litterman (2003, p. 82)
assigns a percentage value to the asset(s) in question. Satchell and Scowcroft (2000) use
system, the weightings are proportional to 1 divided by the number of respective assets
each of which receives a -.5 weighting. View 3 also contains two nominally
outperforming assets, each receiving a +.5 weighting. This weighting scheme ignores the
market capitalization of the assets involved in the view. The market capitalizations of the
US Large Growth and US Large Value asset classes are nine times the market
capitalizations of US Small Growth and Small Value asset classes; yet, the Satchell and
Scowcroft method affects their respective weights equally, causing large changes in the
two smaller asset classes. This method may result in undesired and unnecessary tracking
Contrasting with the Satchell and Scowcroft (2000) equal weighting scheme, I
prefer to use to use a market capitalization weighting scheme. More specifically, the
underperforming assets of that particular view. From the third column of Tables 3a and
3b, the relative market capitalization weights of the nominally outperforming assets are
0.9 for US Large Growth and 0.1 for US Small Growth, while the relative market
capitalization weights of the nominally underperforming assets are -.9 for US Large
Value and -.1 for US Small Value. These figures are used to create a new Matrix P,
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
P = − 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 .9 − .9 .1 − .1 0 0
Once Matrix P is defined, one can calculate the variance of each individual view
N row vector from Matrix P that corresponds to the kth view and Σ is the covariance
matrix of excess returns. The variances of the individual view portfolios ( pk Σpk' ) are
important source of information regarding the certainty, or lack thereof, of the level of
confidence that should be placed on a view. This information is used shortly to revisit
the variances of the error terms ( ω ) that form the diagonal elements of Ω .
2 p2Σp '
3 p3Σp '
Implied Equilibrium Return Vector ( Π ) and the View Vector ( Q ), in which the relative
weightings are a function of the scalar ( τ ) and the uncertainty of the views ( Ω ).
Unfortunately, the scalar and the uncertainty in the views are the most abstract and
difficult to specify parameters of the model. The greater the level of confidence
(certainty) in the expressed views, the closer the new return vector will be to the views.
The scalar ( τ ) is more or less inversely proportional to the relative weight given
for setting the scalar’s value is scarce. Both Black and Litterman (1992) and Lee (2000)
address this issue: since the uncertainty in the mean is less than the uncertainty in the
return, the scalar ( τ ) is close to zero. One would expect the Equilibrium Returns to be
Lee, who has considerable experience working with a variant of the Black-
Litterman model, typically sets the value of the scalar ( τ ) between 0.01 and 0.05, and
then calibrates the model based on a target level of tracking error.9 Conversely, Satchell
and Scowcroft (2000) say the value of the scalar ( τ ) is often set to 1.10 Finally, Blamont
and Firoozye (2003) interpret τΣ as the standard error of estimate of the Implied
number of observations.
departure from an asset’s market capitalization weight if it is the subject of a view. For
assets that are the subject of a view, the magnitude of their departure from their market
capitalization weight is controlled by the ratio of the scalar ( τ ) to the variance of the
error term ( ω ) of the view in question. The variance of the error term ( ω ) of a view is
inversely related to the investor’s confidence in that particular view. Thus, a variance of
the error term ( ω ) of 0 represents 100% confidence (complete certainty) in the view.
The magnitude of the departure from the market capitalization weights is also affected by
about the value of the scalar ( τ ). He and Litterman (1999) calibrate the confidence of a
view so that the ratio of ω τ is equal to the variance of the view portfolio ( pk Σpk' ).
Assuming τ = 0.025 and using the individual variances of the view portfolios ( pk Σpk' )
from Table 4, the covariance matrix of the error term ( Ω ) has the following form:
( )
p1Σp1' *τ 0 0 0.000709 0 0
Ω= 0 O 0 Ω= 0 0.000141 0
0 0 ( '
pk Σpk *τ 0 0 0.000866
When the covariance matrix of the error term ( Ω ) is calculated using this method,
the actual value of the scalar ( τ ) becomes irrelevant because only the ratio ω / τ enters
the model. For example, changing the assumed value of the scalar ( τ ) from 0.025 to 15
dramatically changes the value of the diagonal elements of Ω , but the new Combined
Having specified the scalar ( τ ) and the covariance matrix of the error term ( Ω ),
all of the inputs are then entered into the Black-Litterman formula and the New
Combined Return Vector ( E[R] ) is derived. The process of combining the two sources of
N ~ (Π, τΣ ) N ~ (Q, Ω )
( [
N ~ E[ R], (τΣ ) + (P ' Ω −1 P )
* The variance of the New Combined Return Distribution is derived in Satchell and Scowcroft (2000).
Even though the expressed views only directly involved 7 of the 8 asset classes,
the individual returns of all the assets changed from their respective Implied Equilibrium
returns (see column 4 of Table 6). A single view causes the return of every asset in the
portfolio to change from its Implied Equilibrium return, since each individual return is
linked to the other returns via the covariance matrix of excess returns ( Σ ).
Combined Return Vector ( E[R] ). One of the strongest features of the Black-Litterman
model is illustrated in the final column of Table 6. Only the weights of the 7 assets for
which views were expressed changed from their original market capitalization weights
From a macro perspective, the new portfolio can be viewed as the sum of two
Portfolio 2 is a series of long and short positions based on the views. As discussed
earlier, Portfolio 2 can be subdivided into mini-portfolios, each associated with a specific
view. The relative views result in mini-portfolios with offsetting long and short positions
that sum to 0. View 1, the absolute view, increases the weight of International Developed
Equity without an offsetting position, resulting in portfolio weights that no longer sum to
investment constraints, such as constraints on unity, risk, beta, and short selling. He and
Litterman (1999) and Litterman (2003) suggest that, in the presence of constraints, the
investor input the New Combined Return Vector ( E[R] ) into a mean-variance optimizer.
One can fine tune the Black-Litterman model by studying the New Combined
Return Vector ( E[R] ), calculating the anticipated risk-return characteristics of the new
portfolio and then adjusting the scalar ( τ ) and the individual variances of the error term
( ω ) that form the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix of the error term ( Ω ).
Bevan and Winkelmann (1998) offer guidance in setting the weight given to the
View Vector ( Q ). After deriving an initial Combined Return Vector ( E[R] ) and the
subsequent optimum portfolio weights, they calculate the anticipated Information Ratio
of the new portfolio. They recommend a maximum anticipated Information Ratio of 2.0.
the value of the scalar and leave the diagonal elements of Ω unchanged).
produced by the New Combined Return Vector).12 Overall, the views have very little
effect on the expected risk return characteristics of the new portfolio. However, both the
Sharpe Ratio and the Information Ratio increased slightly. The ex ante Information Ratio
Next, the results of the views should be evaluated to confirm that there are no
unintended results. For example, investors confined to unity may want to remove
Investors should evaluate their ex post Information Ratio for additional guidance
when setting the weight on the various views. An investment manager who receives
“views” from a variety of analysts, or sources, could set the level of confidence of a
Most of the examples in the literature, including the eight asset example presented
here, use a simple covariance matrix of historical returns. However, investors should use
the best possible estimate of the covariance matrix of excess returns. Litterman and
Winkelmann (1998) and Litterman (2003) outline the methods they prefer for estimating
Qian and Gorman (2001) extends the Black-Litterman model, enabling investors to
the covariance matrix of returns. They assert that the conditional covariance matrix
how to specify the diagonal elements of Ω , representing the uncertainty of the views, is a
common question without a “universal answer.” Regarding Ω , Herold (2003) says that
the major difficulty of the Black-Litterman model is that it forces the user to specify a
probability density function for each view, which makes the Black-Litterman model only
suitable for quantitative managers. This section presents a new method for determining
the implied confidence levels in the views and how an implied confidence level
in each view to determine the values of Ω , which simultaneously removes the difficulty
Earlier, the individual variances of the error term ( ω ) that form the diagonal
elements of the covariance matrix of the error term ( Ω ) were based on the variances of
the view portfolios ( pk Σpk' ) multiplied by the scalar ( τ ). However, it is my opinion that
there may be other sources of information in addition to the variance of the view portfolio
( pk Σpk' ) that affect an investor’s confidence in a view. When each view was stated, an
intuitive level of confidence (0% to 100%) was assigned to each view. Presumably,
additional factors can affect an investor’s confidence in a view, such as the historical
accuracy or score of the model, screen, or analyst that produced the view, as well as the
difference between the view and the implied market equilibrium. These factors, and
perhaps others, should be combined with the variance of the view portfolio ( pk Σpk' ) to
produce the best possible estimates of the confidence levels in the views. Doing so will
100% confidence in all of the K views. Ceteris paribus, doing so will produce the largest
departure from the benchmark market capitalization weights for the assets named in the
views. When 100% confidence is specified for all of the views, the Black-Litterman
formula for the New Combined Return Vector under 100% certainty ( E[ R100% ] ) is
To distinguish the result of this formula from the first Black-Litterman Formula (Formula
3) the subscript 100% is added. Substituting E[ R100% ] for µ in Formula 2 leads to w100% ,
illustrated in Figure 2.
10% w100 %
US Int'l US US US US Int'l Int'l
Bonds Bonds Large Large Small Small Dev. Emerg.
Growth Value Growth Value Equity Equity
When an asset is only named in one view, the vector of recommended portfolio
100% level of confidence for each view. In order to do so, one must solve the
unconstrained maximization problem twice: once using E[R ] and once using E[ R100% ] .
The New Combined Return Vector ( E[R ] ) based on the covariance matrix of the error
term ( Ω ) leads to vector ŵ , while the New Combined Return Vector ( E[ R100% ] ) based
on 100% confidence leads to vector w100% . The departures of these new weight vectors
from the vector of market capitalization weights ( wmkt ) are wˆ − wmkt and w100% − wmkt ,
respectively. It is then possible to determine the implied level of confidence in the views
individual view portfolios derived in Table 4, is in the final column of Table 7. The
implied confidence levels of View 1, View 2, and View 3 in the example are 32.94%,
43.06%, and 33.02%, respectively. Only using the scaled variance of each individual
view portfolio to determine the diagonal elements of Ω ignores the stated confidence
Given the discrepancy between the stated confidence levels and the implied
confidence levels, one could experiment with different ω ’s, and recalculate the New
Combined Return Vector ( E[R] ) and the new set of recommended portfolio weights. I
the user-specified confidence levels and that results in portfolio tilts, which approximate
Furthermore, in the absence of other views, the approximate recommended weight vector
wk ,% is the target weight vector based on the tilt caused by the kth view (N x 1
column vector).
1. For each view (k), calculate the New Combined Return Vector ( E[ R100% ] ) using
the Black-Litterman formula under 100% certainty, treating each view as if it was
E[ Rk ,100% ] = Π + τΣpk' pkτΣpk' ) (Q − p Π )
k k (12)
*Note: If the view in question is an absolute view and the view is specified as a
total return rather than an excess return, subtract the risk-free rate from Qk .
2. Calculate wk ,100% , the weight vector based on 100% confidence in the kth view,
Note: The asset classes of wk ,100% that are not part of the kth view retain their
original weight leading to a value of 0 for the elements of Dk ,100% that are not part
of the kth view.
confidence ( Ck ) in the kth view to estimate the desired tilt caused by the kth view.
Tilt k is the desired tilt (active weights) caused by the kth view (N x 1
column vector); and,
Ck is an N x 1 column vector where the assets that are part of the view
receive the user-specified confidence level of the kth view and the
assets that are not part of the view are set to 0.
5. Estimate (pair-wise addition) the target weight vector ( wk ,% ) based on the tilt.
6. Find the value of ω k (the kth diagonal element of Ω ), representing the uncertainty
in the kth view, that minimizes the sum of the squared differences between
wk ,% and wk .
subject to ω k > 0
Note: If the view in question is an absolute view and the view is specified as a
total return rather than an excess return, subtract the risk-free rate from Qk .13
7. Repeat steps 1-6 for the K views, build a K x K diagonal Ω matrix in which the
diagonal elements of Ω are the ω k values calculated in step 6, and solve for the
as Formula 19.
E[ R ] = (τΣ ) + P ' Ω −1 P
] [(τΣ )
−1 −1
Π + P ' Ω −1Q ] (19)
Throughout this process, the value of scalar ( τ ) is held constant and does not
affect the new Combined Return Vector ( E[ R] ), which eliminates the difficulties
associated with specifying it. Despite the relative complexities of the steps for specifying
the diagonal elements of Ω , the key advantage of this new method is that it enables the
Alternative methods for specifying the diagonal elements of Ω require one to specify
these abstract values directly.14 With this new method for specifying what was
easier to use and more investors should be able to reap its benefits.
model, which enables investors to combine their unique views with the Implied
Equilibrium Return Vector to form a New Combined Return Vector. The New
parameters of the Black-Litterman model that control the relative importance placed on
the equilibrium returns vs. the view returns, the scalar (τ ) and the uncertainty in the
views ( Ω ), are very difficult to specify. The Black-Litterman formula with 100%
certainty in the views enables one to determine the implied confidence in a view. Using
this implied confidence framework, a new method for controlling the tilts and the final
portfolio weights caused by the views is introduced. The method asserts that the
magnitude of the tilts should be controlled by the user-specified confidence level based
helping users to realize the benefits of the Markowitz paradigm. Likewise, the proposed
new method for incorporating user-specified confidence levels should increase the
I am grateful to Robert Litterman, Wai Lee, Ravi Jagannathan, Aldo Iacono, and
Marcus Wilhelm for helpful comments; to Steve Hardy, Campbell Harvey, Chip Castille,
and Barton Waring who made this article possible; and, to the many others who provided
me with helpful comments and assistance – especially my wife. Of course, all errors and
Best, M.J., and Grauer, R.R. (1991). “On the Sensitivity of Mean-Variance-Efficient
Portfolios to Changes in Asset Means: Some Analytical and Computational Results.” The
Review of Financial Studies, January, 315-342.
Bevan, A., and Winkelmann, K. (1998). “Using the Black-Litterman Global Asset
Allocation Model: Three Years of Practical Experience.” Fixed Income Research,
Goldman, Sachs & Company, December.
Black, F. (1989a). “Equilibrium Exchange Rate Hedging.” NBER Working Paper Series:
Working Paper No. 2947, April.
Black, F. and Litterman, R. (1990). “Asset Allocation: Combining Investors Views with
Market Equilibrium.” Fixed Income Research, Goldman, Sachs & Company, September.
Black, F. and Litterman, R. (1991). “Global Asset Allocation with Equities, Bonds, and
Currencies.” Fixed Income Research, Goldman, Sachs & Company, October.
Fusai, G. and Meucci, A. (2003). “Assessing Views.” Risk, March 2003, s18-s21.
Grinold, R.C. (1996). “Domestic Grapes from Imported Wine.” Journal of Portfolio
Management, Special Issue, 29-40.
Grinold, R.C., and Kahn, R.N. (1999). Active Portfolio Management. 2nd ed. New York:
Grinold, R.C. and Meese, R. (2000). “The Bias Against International Investing: Strategic
Asset Allocation and Currency Hedging.” Investment Insights, Barclays Global
Investors, August.
Lee, W. (2000). Advanced Theory and Methodology of Tactical Asset Allocation. New
York: John Wiley & Sons.
Litterman, R. and the Quantitative Resources Group, Goldman Sachs Asset Management.
(2003). Modern Investment Management: An Equilibrium Approach. New Jersey: John
Wiley & Sons.
Markowitz, H.M. (1952). “Portfolio Selection.” The Journal of Finance, March, 77-91.
Sharpe, W.F. (1964). “Capital Asset Prices: A Theory of Market Equilibrium.” Journal
of Finance, September, 425-442.
Sharpe, W.F. (1974). “Imputing Expected Security Returns from Portfolio Composition.”
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, June, 463-472.
Zimmermann, H., Drobetz, W., and Oertmann, P. (2002). Global Asset Allocation: New
Methods and Applications. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
E (r ) − r f
λ =
Those who are interested in currencies are referred to Litterman (2003), Black and
Litterman (1991, 1992), Black (1989a, 1989b), Grinold (1996), Meese and Crownover
(1999), and Grinold and Meese (2000).
Literature on the Black-Litterman Model often refers to the reverse-optimized Implied
Equilibrium Return Vector ( Π ) as the CAPM returns, which can be confusing. CAPM
returns based on regression-based betas can be significantly different from CAPM returns
based on implied betas. I use the procedure in Grinold and Kahn (1999) to calculate
Σwmkt Σwmkt
β= =
wmkt Σwmkt σ2
The vector of CAPM returns is the same as the vector of reverse optimized returns when
the CAPM returns are based on implied betas relative to the market capitalization-
weighted portfolio.
The intuitiveness of this is illustrated by examining View 2, a relative view involving
two assets of equal size. View 2 states that p2 ⋅ E [R ] = Q2 + ε 2 , where
Q2 = E [RInt 'l .Bonds ] − E[RUSBonds ] . View 2 is N ~ (Q2 , ω 2 ) . In the absence of additional
information, one can assume that the uncertainty of the view is proportional to the
covariance matrix ( Σ ). However, since the view is describing the mean return
differential rather than a single return differential, the uncertainty of the view should be
considerably less than the uncertainty of a single return (or return differential)
represented by the covariance matrix ( Σ ). Therefore, the investor’s views are
represented by a distribution with a mean of Q and a covariance structure τΣ .
This information was provided by Dr. Wai Lee in an e-mail.
Satchell and Scowcroft (2000) include an advanced mathematical discussion of one
method for establishing a conditional value for the scalar ( τ ).
The fact that only the weights of the assets that are subjects of views change from the
original market capitalization weights is a criticism of the Black-Litterman Model.
Critics argue that the weight of assets that are highly (negatively or positively) correlated
with the asset(s) of the view should change. I believe that the factors which lead to one’s
view would also lead to a view for the other highly (negatively or positively) correlated
assets and that it is better to make these views explicit.
Residual Return θ P = E[ RP ] − β P ∗ E[ RB ]
Residual Risk ω P = σ P2 − β P2 ∗ σ B2
Active Return E[ RPA ] = E[ RP ] − E[ RB ]
Active Risk ΨP = ω P2 + β PA
∗ σ B2
Active Portfolio Beta β PA = ( β P − 1 )
Having just determined the weight vector associated with a specific view ( wk ) in Step
6, it may be useful to calculate the active risk associated with the specific view in