Lesson 15 Plan Add Two - Digit Numbers by Taking 10 Apart

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Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Hessa Topic or Theme: add two- digit numbers by taking 10 apart.

Class: 2/5 2/6 Date & Duration: 21/10/2020

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: Planning for learning: I will prepare the questions and activities before the
lesson. And let MST to check the questions and activities if it’s correctly and if matching the
learners levels.
Lesson Focus

Students will understand how to add two- digit numbers by taking 10 apart.

Lesson Outcomes

Term 1

Add two- digit numbers by taking 10 apart.

Links to Prior Learning

In Grade 1, they took addition and subtraction.

21st Century Skills

(1) Critical thinking and problem solving, cause students should take apart and add to make a nearest
ten’s. (2) Communication and collaboration, (3) Initiative and self-direction, (4) productivity and

Key vocabulary

Brake down

Take apart


Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

The students didn’t take apart an addend Teacher will explain and show for them several
to solve. example and solve with students step by step. .

Resources/equipment needed
- Lap top.

- Pictures.

- Video to help students understand.

- Power point

- Activity using meeting chat

- Live worksheet.

- Online timer

-Book work

- Exit ticket

& Time
15munites Teacher & Students will: o

Live Worksheet * Starting with make sure you have

your materials such as, pencil, eraser,
https://www.liv book.
eworksheets.co * Class rules.

Tr: oki grade 2 good morning

St: good morning miss Hessa.

Tr: prior knowledge (Brain thinking ), I

Power Point will tell students now we will do live
worksheet about what we took
Chat box yesterday I will send the link in the
chat and I want to click in the link and
send me in the chat your works.
Tr: you have 5 minutes.
Tr: now we will do a double
challenge cards for example write
in the chat 12+12=24, I want you to
write in the chat
St: will write in the chat to add two
numbers together.
Tr: you have 5 minutes

Tr: today we will learn about take

apart tens to add
I want you to write in the chat
count in 10’s.
St: will write in the chat

Tr: today we are going to learn take

apart tens to add.

Main activities
& Time
15munites Teacher & Students will:

Power point Tr: now we will see a video. And I

explain for them in each parts.
Pen St: will see and listening.

Timer 5 minutes
Tr: now I want to focus with me I
will explain for you. And I want
you to help me to add.
St: will count and add and write in
the chat.

Tr: now we will practice to gather, I

want to brake down number 36, so I
will took 2 number from 36 it will
be 34. and the number 28 its near to
30 because I go to the closest tens
so 28+2=30. Then, I will add 30 +
Tr: now its your turn I will give you
5 min to do question 3 and 4.
Tr: start put timer 5 min
St: solve the questions.
Tr: now the time is finish, lets
check the answers together.
& Time Plenary/Conclusion

10munites Teacher & Students will

Online timer
Tr: oki now I want you to think and
Exit ticket
wadd two digit numbers by taking
10,s apart and send to my your work.

Tr: Book work.

Tr: tell students to open book
Tr+st: will solve the book questions.

Homework Worksheet.

Assessment Exit ticket


☐Observation Student self- Oral questioning Peer assessment


Quiz ☐Student presentation ☐Written work and Verbal feedback


AAWC Lesson Reflection (Completed after EVERY lesson taught)

Select (S):

Identify a lesson and what standards are you addressing

The lesson has about add two- digit numbers by taking 10 apart. and I did a recap about what we
took yesterday and I send the link of live worksheet and I gave students 5 minutes to solve and
send their works in the chat. Also, I did for the challenging activity by let the students to write in
the chat double numbers. In addition, I used Pre-listening for students by introduce for them
video and I explain for them step by step to how to add two- digit numbers by taking 10 apart.

Describe (D):

Who is the lesson for?

The lesson will represent to grade 2-5&6 girls and boys.

Where did the lesson take place?

It was in the Microsoft teems online Math classroom. The lesson was about add two- digit numbers
by taking 10 apart. Besides, at the beginning of the lesson, we did live worksheet recap. And we
play the doubles number challenging. Then I start the lesson by presented questions and I explain
and solve with them and we saw a video.
What were you trying to achieve in your lesson?

I try to achieve the classroom managements like transitions. Also I want to achieve the lesson
deliver for students in good way to learn about how to about add two- digit numbers by taking 10
What did the students do?

They were attentive and focused during they did live worksheet and the challenging activity, also
they enjoy when they sow their friends during play a challenging game.

Analyze (A):

Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?

Because firstly I introduce for them what we took last class and they were able to remember and
they solve the worksheet. Some students they are response because their showed me their works
and some are not because the lesson it was a little tricky questions.
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding?

In grade one, the students learned about addition. I connected the lesson by activities and live
worksheet and challenging game. I found that this was effective, because most students were
able to add two- digit numbers by taking 10 apart.
How well did you engage the students?

The students were engage when they do live worksheet because they want to get 10 of 10. Also, I
let them to show me in the camera their works.

Appraise (A):

Explain the nature of the experience from the students’ perspective

Did your lesson meet your teaching goals?

My lesson matches the goals because I looked for lesson plane outcome and I make plane with
my teacher to help me by planning engagement online activity. Found that the online activities
were appropriate for each level because the students were able to answers. Although I had to
support students by checked their answers in the chat, also said for them oral feedback

Transform (T):

How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future?

In the future, I will let students to write the questions and the answers in the paper and let them to
open the camera and explain for us what they did. Also, I felt students need more questions to

What are the implications for your professional practice?

I could also use self assessment to know what students feel its good or they need more help.

Students Work

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