Lesson 2:: What Are The Major Sources of Pollution?
Lesson 2:: What Are The Major Sources of Pollution?
Lesson 2:: What Are The Major Sources of Pollution?
1 Activity Activity 2
Listen to the following conversation. Then put the Complete the following sentences with the words given below.
sentences in the correct order.
fertilizer landfill raw sewage
transportation oil spills
___ A: Neris! Here is the river that we used to
swim in as a kid. Lets get in!
1. A _____________ is where all of our trash
___ A: There should be regulations to stop this kind goes, and sometimes it is buried.
of destruction to our country’s natural
resources. 2. Exon has been known to have many accidents at
___ A: Really? It doesn’t look bad. I don’t see any sea causing _____________.
trash or anything.
3. Most farmers use _____________ on their
___ A: Definitely. I want our children to be able to crops which can poison rivers.
swim here the way I did when I was a kid.
___ B: No, it’s not dirty with trash but about a mile 4. _____________ is water that comes from
up they built a new battery factory, and all of pipes that has not been treated.
the lead from the factory gets pushed 5. _____________ is a big cause of pollution
down into the river. because of the carbon monoxide that is emiltled
___ B: Yes, there should be. It’s so sad. If you want, into the atmosphere.
we can investigate it more and see what we
can do to change the situation.
___ B: Domingo, didn’t you hear that this river has
Activity 3
been tested and is now contaminated
to swim in? Write the past participle of the following verbs.
1. freeze ___________________
2. answer ___________________
3. dance ___________________
4. climb ___________________
5. discover ___________________
6. hear ___________________
7. love ___________________
8. enjoy ___________________
9. cook ___________________
10. learn ___________________
Tenth Grade - English