Experts in Coaching & Coach Training
Experts in Coaching & Coach Training
Experts in Coaching & Coach Training
The creation of Kim Morgan, one of the UK’s first Barefoot Coaching pioneered the development of University
executive coaches, Barefoot Coaching has been at the accredited coach education in the UK and we are as passionately
committed to it today as we always have been.
forefront of the industry for over 25 years. We are experts
in coaching and coach training for organisations and Our courses combine psychological depth, academic rigour and
a highly practical focus to offer every delegate a memorable, relevant
individuals operating at every level.
and highly-respected learning experience:
Coaching supervision for in-house coaches World class speakers and published authors sharing
their coaching expertise
Expert partnering/consultancy to develop
a coaching culture
Visit our website for a full list of course dates
Our flagship course, accredited by the University of Chester and the A University accredited postgraduate qualification offering high-level
ICF, has been the coach training of choice for thousands of successful learning about a wide range of approaches to coaching supervision.
coaches. This market-leading qualification is an internationally This course is aimed at experienced coaches who want to become
recognised hallmark of quality. qualified coach supervisors. It is particularly suitable for coaches
This course is ideal for business leaders, senior executives, in organisations who wish to use supervision skills to build and develop
HR directors and senior managers. It is particularly suitable for anyone their organisation’s internal coaching capability.
who is responsible for the development of a coaching culture within This course will give you the ideas and skills you need
an organisation, or whose role includes any coaching responsibility. to work as an expert supervisor to experienced coaches, either
An exceptional personal and professional development experience one-to-one or in groups.
delivered in a short timeframe.
“Barefoot coaching provides the perfect blend of What would you like to do better as a coach?
stimulating discussion, world class presenters, valuable Supervision question cards designed by
Barefoot Coaching to encourage reflective practice
information and opportunities to practice.” and help develop your coaching capability.
Training and Development Manager, £12.99, available now on Amazon.
Boots PLC
Our in-house coach training programmes are designed Team coaching can be stand alone or can be offered in conjunction
to enable those with leadership and managerial responsibilities with individual coaching of team members.
to understand and have the flexibility to use coaching skills in Delivered by highly experienced coaches who may use a range of
their leadership behaviour. effective tools, frameworks and models that will enable your team to:
Tailored to the particular needs of your organisation and
designed to deliver maximum impact in the most time-effective manner Improve effectiveness
possible, our programmes are beneficial for managers in any context – •
owner-managers, HR professionals, team leaders and consultants – Identify opportunities for change and to shift dynamics
both those new to leadership and those with significant experience. •
Address interpersonal issues and share organisational perspectives
All our coach training programmes provide insight into
the psychology and thinking which underpin coaching and plenty •
of experience of coaching in practice. Delegates take away Build on existing strengths
ideas, approaches and techniques which can be applied •
immediately in the workplace. Develop solution-focused thinking
Communicate directly and with honesty
What does your work give you that you If a new member arrived in your team,
otherwise wouldn’t have? what would they admire?
Professional coaching questions designed by Barefoot Coaching questions to help create more effective team
Coaching to help managers and team leaders easily introduce working, designed by Barefoot Coaching for managers, team
a coaching approach to the workplace. leaders and coaches working with teams.
£12.99, available now on Amazon. £12.99, available now on Amazon.
Our one-to-one coaching programmes offer a confidential relationship which provides Investment in coaching only makes sense if it improves the performance
challenge, clarity, encouragement and objectivity. More effective than block training of both the organisation and the individual.
programmes, one-to-one coaching is a tailor-made personal and professional Barefoot Coaching has supported many organisations in building and
development programme for selected individuals. maintaining strong coaching cultures:
Barefoot’s executive coaching has enabled thousands of senior business people to
enhance their performance and to deliver business and personal objectives. All our
coaches are trained to postgraduate level and have Barefoot’s required combination
of technical expertise, psychological understanding, commercial sense and
professional credibility.
Improving performance
Coaching to achieve a specific business goal
Coaching for career progression
First 100 days in post
Realising potential
Confidence, gravitas and improved personal impact
Leading a team/dysfunctional teams
Coaching to achieve work/life balance
Our approach is simple. We really understand coaching and coach Barefoot offers all coaches lifelong professional development
training. You really understand your organisation, its goals and objectives through CPD events, access to expert supervision and a range
and its people. Together, we work hand in hand with you to ensure that of invaluable coaching resources.
we deliver coaching and training which will be relevant to you and make Visit our website or contact us directly to find out more about
a noticeable difference in your organisation. our webinars, twice-yearly coaching conferences and regular
small group supervision sessions.