Why Is Functional Capacity Decreased in Hypertensive Patients? From Mechanisms To Clinical Studies

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Narrative review

Why is functional capacity decreased in hypertensive

patients? From mechanisms to clinical studies
Marijana Tadica and Branislava Ivanovicb,c

The influence of arterial hypertension on functional capacity all clinical studies regarding functional capacity in the
is poorly understood. Studies have shown that peak oxygen population with arterial hypertension.
consumption has been reduced in hypertensive patients,
J Cardiovasc Med 2014, 15:447–455
but the mechanisms are unclear. Left ventricular systolic
and diastolic dysfunction, as well as left ventricular
hypertrophy, are associated with lower functional capacity Keywords: arterial hypertension, functional capacity, left ventricle,
peak oxygen uptake, pulmonary circulation, right ventricle, systemic
in patients with arterial hypertension. Furthermore, some circulation
investigations found a significant relationship between right a
University Clinical Hospital Center ‘Dr Dragisa Misovic’, bClinical Centre of
ventricular systolic function and functional capacity in the Serbia, Clinic for Cardiology and cMedical School of Belgrade, University of
general population. The aim of this review was to Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

summarize current knowledge about the mechanisms of Correspondence to Marijana Tadic, MD, PhD, University Clinical Hospital Center
reduced functional capacity in hypertensive patients, ‘Dr Dragisa Misovic’, Heroja Milana Tepica 1, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
E-mail: [email protected]
including the impact of systemic and pulmonary
circulations, as well as the influence of the left and right Received 28 June 2013 Revised 7 August 2013
ventricle on oxygen consumption. Additionally, we reviewed Accepted 6 September 2013

Introduction structural and functional modifications in the respiratory

The influence of arterial hypertension on target organ system, following different physiological and pathophy-
damage has been widely investigated. Studies also siological conditions, do not change the percentage on
showed that exercise capacity is significantly decreased which these three resistances are combined in limiting
in patients with arterial hypertension,1–6 and even in peak oxygen uptake.10
individuals with high-normal blood pressure.7,8 Further-
There are two different methods that could be used for
more, Faselis et al.9 found an inverse relationship
the analysis of peak oxygen uptake limitation. First
between exercise capacity and the rate of progression
method was proposed by Wagner12 who studied a two-
from prehypertension to hypertension in middle-aged
site system (perfusion vs. diffusion), and investigated the
male veterans. However, the mechanisms of the relation-
importance of peripheral oxygen diffusion as a factor
ship between blood pressure and functional capacity are
limiting oxygen uptake. An algebraic model of this sys-
still unknown.
tem was also proposed by the same author by applying
The purpose of this review is to summarize current the diffusive–convective interaction equations.13 Both
knowledge about the mechanisms of decreased exercise methods disregarded the lungs as a specified possible
capacity in hypertensive patients, as well as clinical source that could limit peak oxygen uptake.12,13
studies that concern this topic.
Ferretti and di Prampero14 confirmed previous results
that cardiovascular oxygen transport represents a great
Physiological models of maximal oxygen
portion in the limitation of peak oxygen uptake in the
consumption limitations
condition of a normal oxygen level, and revealed that
Maximal oxygen consumption depends on several physio-
with a decrease in partial pressure of inspired oxygen, the
logical parameters: ventilation, oxygen diffusion at the
role of the lungs in limiting peak oxygen uptake becomes
lung level, oxygen transport by the circulation, peripheral
greater and the importance of the cardiovascular system
perfusion and diffusion, and mitochondrial function. Di
becomes smaller.
Prampero et al.10,11 classified these parameters into three
types of resistances to maximal oxygen flow, which are The endothelial dysfunction in patients with arterial
physiologically important: convective oxygen transport by hypertension leads to significant impairments in blood
the circulation of blood, peripheral oxygen transfer from oxygen transport indices,15 which could impact hemo-
the capillaries to the mitochondria, and oxygen consump- globin-oxygen affinity and tissue oxygen supply. Alter-
tion in the mitochondria. Among these resistances, the nation of hemoglobin-oxygen supply may be the cause of
most significant limiting factor to peak oxygen uptake decreased oxygen uptake in arterial hypertension
(about 70%) is the convective oxygen transport.10 The patients. The confirmation of this research is found in
1558-2027 ß 2014 Italian Federation of Cardiology DOI:10.2459/JCM.0000000000000050

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448 Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine 2014, Vol 15 No 6

another investigation, which revealed that antihyper- training (4 weeks) in arterial hypertensive patients
tensive treatment with nebivolol that stimulates nitric results in decreased systemic vascular resistance by
oxide production, improves endothelium-dependent 7.1%, plasma norepinephrine by 29%, and plasma renin
dilatation and finally improves blood oxygen transport activity by 20%. Moreover, the authors showed that this
in hypertensive patients.16 Additionally, mitochondrial regimen, regardless of drug usage, significantly decreased
function in arterial hypertension is impaired, which insulin resistance. These hemodynamic and biohumoral
contributes to lower oxygen consumption and induces changes resulted in a significant decrease in resting blood
oxidative stress,17 which also could be the reason for pressure (6.9/4.9 mmHg) compared with the others
lower peak oxygen uptake in the arterial hypertension (1.9/1.6 mmHg).30 Lifestyle modifications, including
population. exercise and weight reduction, significantly improved
large and small vascular remodeling.22 These are the
reasons why exercise is considered to be an efficient
Systemic circulation and exercise in arterial
additional therapy for arterial hypertension.31
The adequate response of the systemic circulation to
Impact of left ventricle on exercise capacity in
exercise is increased cardiac and stroke volume index and
arterial hypertension
decreased systemic vascular resistance. This also happens
Studies have shown that the peak oxygen consumption
in hypertensive patients, but to a lesser extent than in
correlates with the volumes of the left ventricular
normotensive individuals. The possible reasons could be
mass,8,19,32–34 systolic function,33,35 and diastolic dys-
endothelial dysfunction,3,18 increased circulating levels
function.3,4,20,33,36 The cornerstone of the relationship
of catecholamines and angiotensin II,19 myocardial
between the left ventricle and functional capacity is
hypertrophy,8 or increased diastolic filling pressure.3,20
myocardial perfusion reserve, which is significantly
Another explanation for increased peripheral vascular
reduced in arterial hypertension patients.29 On the other
resistance in arterial hypertension could be an increase
hand, some authors have claimed that myocardial oxygen
in sodium gradient across the sarcolemma, which induces
consumption is even increased in arterial hypertension
increase in Ca2þ,21 and causes vasoconstriction, which
patients without left ventricular hypertrophy, but normal
further significantly increases blood pressure during exer-
in arterial hypertension patients with hypertrophy.37
cise in arterial hypertension patients in comparison with
This normalization of oxygen consumption through
normotensive individuals. In contrast, hypertrophic
hypertrophy happens at the expense of efficiency, which
remodeling of small arteries and arterioles, as well as
is reduced in arterial hypertension patients with left
reduction of precapillary arterioles, increases resistance
ventricular hypertrophy.37
and mean blood pressure. This further increases arterial
stiffness and pulse pressure, which induces great The second reason that could explain impaired functional
elevation of blood pressure during exercise in arterial capacity in arterial hypertension patients is certainly
hypertension patients.22 The arteriolar remodeling in increased peripheral resistance, which initiates a cascade:
arterial hypertension, consequent changes in wall/lumen it increases SBP, prolongs myocardial relaxation,
ratio,23,24 and capillary rarefaction25 could also decrease increases left ventricular stiffness and filling pressure,
vasodilatation during exercise, which contributes to lower induces left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, increases
exercise capacity. left ventricular volumes, causes left ventricular hypertro-
phy, and finally decreases cardiac output. Interestingly,
There is still no agreement about the impact of arterial
Pierson et al.32 showed that different left ventricular
hypertension on endothelial function. Namely, Bruning
geometry patterns have a different influence on func-
et al.26 and Cockcroft et al.27 found no difference in
tional capacity. Thus, untreated arterial hypertensive
endothelium-dependent vasodilator microvasculature
patients with concentric left ventricular hypertrophy
responses between arterial hypertensive patients and
had significantly lower peak oxygen consumption than
normotensive individuals, whereas other studies revealed
arterial hypertensive participants with concentric remo-
impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation in microcir-
deling or normal left ventricular geometry.32
culation in arterial hypertensive patients due to oxidative
stress.3,4,18,28 The impairment of endothelium-depen- Biohumural systems such as catecholamines, renin–
dent relaxation in arterial hypertensive patients could angiotensin–aldosterone system, and brain natriuretic
be the reason of increased peripheral resistance and the peptide, are also responsible for impaired functional
cause of significantly greater exercise-induced blood capacity in arterial hypertensive patients. Grassi et al.38
pressure elevation in arterial hypertensive patients. revealed that the sympathetic activity was significantly
Furthermore, increased systemic resistance leads to a greater in arterial hypertensive patients who had left
reduction in cardiac output, which could be an additional ventricular diastolic dysfunction as opposed to those
cause of decreased oxygen uptake and reduced functional without it, whereas previous researchers found that angio-
capacity in the hypertensive population.29 Cornelissen tensin II, aldosterone, catecholamines, and endothelin
and Fagard30 in a meta-analysis found that endurance could induce fibroblast-mediated collagen synthesis,

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Arterial hypertension and functional capacity Tadic and Ivanovic 449

which further promotes left ventricular hypertrophy.39 pressure and pulmonary arteriolar resistance, which
Recent studies showed that myocardial fibrosis could also was not a consequence of impaired left ventricular func-
be the result of insufficient collagen degradation by tion.51,52 Olivari et al.51 performed hemodynamic evalu-
interstitial collagenase, especially, the metalloproteinase ation of 33 hypertensive patients with blood pressure
1, whose activity is downregulated by angiotensin II, more than 180/100 mmHg and 14 normotensive controls,
aldosterone, and catecholamines.40,41 Additionally, Lim and found that pulmonary systolic, diastolic, and pulmon-
et al.42 found that the brain natriuretic peptide, which is ary wedge pressure were significantly increased in the
released in response to activation of ventricular mechan- hypertensive patients. However, other authors who per-
oreceptors sensitive to pressure and stretch, was signifi- formed noninvasive measurements of pulmonary blood
cantly and inversely associated with peak oxygen uptake pressure did not find any difference between the arterial
in arterial hypertensive patients regardless of left hypertension and the controls.53,54
ventricular hypertrophy. Other researchers revealed a sig-
Guazzi et al.55 reported that increased pulmonary arter-
nificant correlation between left ventricular mass index
iolar resistance was not associated with pulmonary blood
and the brain natriuretic peptide in arterial hypertensive
flow and volume, left ventricular filling pressure or func-
patients.43,44 These results show that the brain natriuretic
tion. The authors also claimed that systemic vascular
peptide could be one of the homeostatic regulators of
resistance significantly correlated with pulmonary resist-
exercise capacity in arterial hypertensive patients.
ance; and that a calcium-channel blockade reduced
systemic and pulmonary arterial resistance, which again
Impact of left atrium on exercise capacity in emphasized the importance of Ca2þ for vasoconstriction
arterial hypertension in both circulations. Furthermore, the same authors
Investigations demonstrated that left atrial diameter and found that catecholamines induced vasoconstriction in
function correlates significantly with exercise capacity in pulmonary circulation as a consequence of vascular over-
patients with recent myocardial infarction, hypertension, reactivity.56 Namely, pulmonary arteriolar resistance in
dilated and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and chronic the normotensive group was reduced by 13% and
congestive heart failure.45–49 Increased left ventricular increased by 7% of baseline, respectively. On the other
filling pressure, often present in arterial hypertensive hand, in the hypertensive group, pulmonary resistance
patient, contributes to left atrial dysfunction and dilata- increased by 31%.56 The opposite changes in pulmonary
tion, which further deteriorates left ventricular diastolic resistance between normotensive and hypertensive
filling and decreases cardiac output during exercise.46 patients induced by epinephrine advocates that pulmon-
Considering the previous findings that a mitral filling ary circulation becomes hypersensitive in a condition
pattern significantly correlates with exercise capacity in of arterial hypertension.56,57 These results could be
arterial hypertensive patients,3,4,20,33,36 it is reasonable to explained by abnormalities in the number of adrenergic
hypothesize that exercise capacity in arterial hyper- receptors in pulmonary circulation, or their quality.58 The
tension is affected long before left atrial dysfunction other explanation could lie in the interconnections
becomes apparent. between Naþ, Ca2þ, and natriuretic peptides, biohumoral
systems involved in the smooth muscle excitation and
Pulmonary circulation and exercise in arterial contraction.55,59
Additional factors that contribute to impaired pulmonary
The pulmonary circulation is characterized by low pres-
resistance are certainly oxidative stress products, which
sure and high flow.50 Considering the fact that cardiac
cause endothelial damage and induce vasoconstriction, as
output during exercise is six times greater than that in
well as vasoconstrictors endothelin-1 and angiotensin II,
resting condition, and that oxygen uptake is up to 20
and vasodilators such as prostacyclin and nitric oxide,
times beyond resting values, it is clear why pulmonary
which are normally released by pulmonary endothelium.
circulation is under significant stress while trying to
All these humoral markers could contribute to reduced
maintain the normal function of the right ventricle and
functional capacity in pulmonary circulation in arterial
trying to avoid pulmonary edema. High blood flow during
hypertension; however, future studies will reveal the
exercise could be associated with high pulmonary blood
exact mechanisms.
pressure (40–50 mmHg), as well as high capillary pres-
sure (20–25 mmHg). Adaptation of pulmonary circulation
Impact of right ventricle on exercise capacity
in these circumstances is achieved through the distension
in arterial hypertension
of the capillaries.50
The right ventricle has been considered as a dispensable
The pulmonary circulation and right ventricular hemo- heart chamber for overall cardiac function for a very long
dynamic in arterial hypertension have not been suffi- time. After the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
ciently investigated, and the available results are (MESA) study and findings that undoubtedly confirmed
conflicting. Some authors reported that arterial hyperten- the importance of right ventricular remodeling as an
sion was associated with increased pulmonary arterial important predictor of heart failure and mortality in a

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450 Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine 2014, Vol 15 No 6

population free of cardiovascular risk factors,60,61 the right or inactivated inhibitors of metalloproteinase 1; hemo-
ventricle was brought into focus in the domain of cardio- dynamic mechanisms that involve increased pulmonary
vascular investigations. vascular resistance and increased right-sided press-
ures;80,81 and interventricular dependence, which pro-
In 1980, Ferlinz62 reported that arterial hypertensive bably has the most important role in right ventricular
patients had increased right-sided pressures and mark- remodeling in arterial hypertensive patients.80,82 There
edly decreased right ventricular ejection fraction in is no evidence that right ventricular hypertrophy directly
comparison with the controls, whereas left ventricular impacts exercise capacity in arterial hypertensive patients.
function and cardiac index were similar between the
observed groups. Considering the fact that the author An additional reason for reduced exercise capacity in
included patients with severe arterial hypertension and arterial hypertensive patients could lie in the physiology
developed target organ damage, especially left ventricu- of right coronary circulation. Namely, resting right cor-
lar hypertrophy, these results could be the consequence onary blood flow is lower than left coronary blood flow,
of backward transmission of increased diastolic ventricu- because of the lesser work of the right ventricle. Also the
lar pressure in the noncompliant and stiffened left left ventricle uses 75% of the delivered oxygen, whereas
ventricle, and not isolated increased pulmonary resist- the right ventricle extracts only 50%.83 Endogenous nitric
ance. In contrast, other authors did not find depression of oxide increases the right coronary blood flow during
right ventricular systolic function in arterial hypertensive exercise and provides adequate balance between oxygen
patients.63–65 However, the introduction of new tech- demand and supply.84 However, the autoregulation of
niques such as tissue Doppler and speckle tracking right coronary circulation is poor, and much worse than
imaging, which could recognize minimal changes in right left coronary circulation. During exercise, the left ven-
ventricular systolic and diastolic function, as well as tricle achieves the six-fold increase in oxygen demands
ventricular mechanics, has significantly changed our per- primarily by increasing coronary blood flow (about five-
ception of right ventricular damage in the early stage of fold), whereas oxygen extraction increases only dis-
hypertension, even in prehypertension.54,66 Previous creetly.84,85 On the contrary, in the right ventricle, oxy-
studies that investigated patients with heart failure,67,68 gen extraction significantly increases during exercise,
the general population,68,69 or athletes70,71 showed that suggesting essential differences in blood flow regulation
different parameters of right ventricular systolic function between these two cardiac chambers.84,85 Furthermore,
are associated with peak oxygen uptake. Thus, it is right coronary vasodilation during exercise occurs signifi-
reasonable to assume that a similar relationship exists cantly later than left coronary vasodilatation, which dis-
also among arterial hypertensive patients, which could ables adequate increase in coronary blood flow and results
partly explain the decreased functional capacity in these in moderate hypoperfusion of the right ventricle and
patients. decreased right ventricular contractility.83,85 These phys-
iological differences between right and left coronary cir-
Right ventricular diastolic function in arterial hypertension culation during exercise in arterial hypertensive patients
was reported more than two decades ago. Cuspidi et al.72 with already impaired endothelium-dependent vasodila-
reported right ventricular diastolic dysfunction only in tation, possibly could explain the decreased right ventri-
arterial hypertensive patients with left ventricular hyper- cular function and exercise capacity in this population.
trophy. After this research, many other investigations
confirmed these results in hypertensive patients with Clinical studies about exercise capacity in
or without left ventricular hypertrophy.53,54,63,65,73–75 arterial hypertension
Considering the fact that some studies demonstrated a In the last decade, several large studies have investigated
relationship between right ventricular diastolic function the relationship between exercise capacity and increased
and peak oxygen uptake,71 impaired right ventricular blood pressure, but there is a lack of homogeneity in
diastolic function could also contribute to decreased func- methodology, which is used for estimating exercise
tional capacity in arterial hypertensive patients. capacity (Tables 1 and 2). The vast majority of studies
with a large number of arterial hypertensive participants
The right ventricular hypertrophy in arterial hyper-
used standard exercise testing, which could provide only
tensive patients probably represents the cornerstone of
approximate results of exercise capacity,1,6–9,33,35,86–90
reduced right ventricular systolic and impaired diastolic
whereas cardiopulmonary exercise testing was used in
function. Gottdiener et al.76 were the first who reported
a significantly lower number of investigations.2–5,29,32,36
right ventricular hypertrophy in arterial hypertensive
Because of the inconsistency in methodology, it is far
patients. This was confirmed by many other authors
more complicated to analyze the relationship between
who subsequently studied that topic.54,64,72,75–80 The
exercise capacity and arterial hypertension, and make a
mechanisms that lead to right ventricular hypertrophy
final conclusion.
are as follows: biohumoral mechanisms of myocardial
interstitial fibrosis induced by catecholamines, renin– Kokkinos et al.7,8,86 were mostly involved in this field by
angiotensin–aldosterone system, growth factors (insulin), including and following thousands of individuals, of both

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Arterial hypertension and functional capacity Tadic and Ivanovic 451

Table 1 Studies that investigated the relationship between functional capacity and mortality in patients with high-normal or high blood
Reference Sample size and participants included in the study Type of testing Main findings
Kokkinos et al. 4631 hypertensive male veterans Treadmill test Exercise capacity was the strongest predictor
of all-cause mortality in hypertensive men.
The relationship was inverse and graded.
Kokkinos et al.88 6749 Afro-Americans and 8911 white hypertensive Treadmill test Exercise capacity was a strong predictor of
male veterans all-cause mortality in Afro-Americans and
whites. Authors found a similar impact on
mortality outcomes for both Afro-Americans
and whites.
Kokkinos et al.90 5314 male veterans, aged 65–92 years Treadmill test Exercise capacity is an independent predictor of
all-cause mortality in older men. Most survival
benefits were found in individuals with
an exercise capacity >5 METs.
Kokkinos et al.86 1727 male veterans with high-normal blood pressure Treadmill test Authors reported a strong, inverse, graded, and
independent association between exercise
capacity and all-cause mortality in individuals
with high-normal blood pressure.
Kokkinos et al.7 4478 male veteran with high-normal blood pressure Treadmill test A strong relationship between exercise capacity
and all-cause mortality was detected in
prehypertensive patients. The protective
effects of increased fitness were more
pronounced in younger individuals.
Kokkinos et al.89 407 men and 243 women with high-normal blood Treadmill test Moderate physical activity promotes lower
pressure blood pressure during a 24-h period in
prehypertensive men and women.
Faselis et al.9 2303 male veterans with high-normal blood pressure Treadmill test Researchers found an inverse, S-shaped
association was shown between exercise
capacity and the rate of progression
from prehypertension to hypertension in
middle-aged and older male veterans.
Faselis et al.6 4183 hypertensive male veterans Treadmill test Increased exercise capacity is related with
lower mortality risk in hypertensive men
independently of BMI. The risk for overweight
and obese, but fit individuals was significantly
lower when compared with normal weight, but
unfit patients.

METs, metabolic equivalents.

sexes, with prehypertension and hypertension, and thus overweight and obese individuals with higher exercise
they found a strong, inverse, graded, and independent capacity was significantly lower than that in normal
association between exercise capacity and all-cause weight individuals with decreased exercise capacity.
mortality in individuals with high-normal blood pressure These findings suggest that in arterial hypertension, it
and high blood pressure, regardless of race and age1,6,88,90 might be better to be fit irrespective of body weight, than
(Table 1). The authors also revealed that moderate unfit and normal weight.6 This controversial theory was
physical activity promotes lower 24-h blood pressure in also confirmed by other authors who did not find the
prehypertensive men and women,89 and also decreases relationship between conventional parameters of body
the possibility of progression from prehypertension to weight (BMI) and peak oxygen consumption.31 However,
hypertension.9 The same investigators identified SBP these authors concluded that diminished functional
more than 150 mmHg at the exercise levels of 5 metabolic capacity in arterial hypertensive patients with left ven-
equivalents (METs) as the threshold for left ventricular tricular hypertrophy was associated with the impairment
hypertrophy in prehypertensive individuals.8 They in myocardial perfusion reserve and left ventricular
estimated that the risk of left ventricular hypertrophy diastolic function.
was a four-fold increase for each 10 mmHg increment in
SBP beyond this threshold (odds ratio: 1.15; 95% confi- The investigations that studied the relationship between
dence interval: 1.12–1.18).8 These findings showed that different left ventricular parameters (hypertrophy, systo-
improvement in exercise capacity reached by moderate lic and diastolic function) and functional capacity are
physical activity could significantly improve hemody- presented in Table 2. Kim et al.35 found that left ven-
namics and cardiac performance in prehypertensive tricular contractile reserve and relaxation are significant
individuals, and decrease the left ventricle load, which cardiac parameters that determine exercise capacity in
finally results in the reduction of left ventricular mass. arterial hypertensive individuals. Pierson et al.32 included
The same study group revealed that increased exercise obese untreated hypertensive patients and revealed
capacity was related to decreased mortality risk in hyper- that the left ventricular geometric pattern, especially
tensive men regardless of BMI.6 Interestingly, the risk of concentric hypertrophy, was related with decreased

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452 Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine 2014, Vol 15 No 6

Table 2 Studies that investigated the relationship between left ventricular parameters and functional capacity in patients with high-normal or
high blood pressure
Reference Sample size and participants included in the study Type of testing Main findings
Kokkinos et al. 790 participants with high-normal blood pressure Treadmill test Moderate improvements in exercise capacity
achieved by physical activity can improve
hemodynamics and decreased left ventricular
Zheng et al.2 50 hypertensive patients who received a 6-month CPET Continuous exercise improved left ventricular
exercise program in addition to pharmacological diastolic function. The change of transmitral E/A
treatment and é/á ratio were predictors of VO2max.
Dekleva et al.3 60 hypertensive patients CPET Hypertensive patients had decreased VO2max in
comparison with controls. Left ventricular
relaxation and oxidative stress were associated
with VO2max.
Dekleva et al.4 42 hypertensive patients and with mild left ventricular CPET Asymptomatic hypertensive patients with mild left
diastolic dysfunction and 30 controls ventricular diastolic dysfunction had reduced
VO2max. Transmitral E/A ratio correlated with
Danciu et al.5 25 hypertensive patients CPET Resting mitral e’ and peak stress e’/a’ correlated
with VO2max in hypertensive patients.
Kim et al. 48 hypertensive patients with normal left ventricular Treadmill test Mitral ś, e’, a’ and percentage increase of s’ velocity
ejection fraction after exercise correlated with exercise time.
Pierson et al.32 89 overweight women and men with untreated mild CPET The left ventricular geometric pattern, especially
hypertension concentric hypertrophy, was associated with
exercise capacity in untreated hypertensive
Ogunyemi et al.33 50 hypertensive patients and 50 controls Treadmill test The study showed significant impairment of exercise
capacity in hypertensive patients with or without
left ventricular hypertrophy compared with
normotensive controls. Left ventricular EF
correlated with VO2max.
Sekiguchi et al.36 26 men with hypertension, cardiomyopathy and CPET Authors showed that resting éand change of é
controls correlated with VO2max in whole study group.
Gerdts et al.91 60 patients with hypertension and CPET Resting transmitral E/A ratio and greater reduction in
electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy IVRT during exercise correlated with VO2max, but
blunted reduction in IVRT was a stronger predictor
of lower VO2max.
Janiszewski et al.92 53 patients with metabolic syndrome (100% CPET VO2max was significantly decreased in patients with
participants had hypertension) and 33 controls metabolic syndrome. Mitral E/A ratio was
associated with VO2max.
Kusunose et al.93 486 patients with preserved left ventricular Exercise echocardiography Mitral E/ératio, left atrial strain, and BMI correlated
ejection fraction with VO2max.

a, late diastolic mitral flow (pulse Doppler); á, peak late diastolic relaxation velocity of the septal/lateral segment of mitral annulus (tissue Doppler); CPET, cardiopulmonary
exercise testing; E, early diastolic mitral flow (pulse Doppler); é, peak early diastolic relaxation velocity of the septal/lateral segment of mitral annulus (tissue Doppler); IVRT,
isovolumic relaxation time; s, systolic velocity of the septal/lateral segment of mitral annulus; VO2max, peak oxygen uptake.

exercise capacity in these individuals. Nevertheless, the ventricular diastolic parameters that are responsible for
authors did not take into consideration BMI, which was impaired functional capacity. Some authors revealed
significantly higher in patients with left ventricular impaired left ventricular relaxation,3,4,35 others detected
concentric hypertrophy. On the other hand, Ogunyemi early diastolic transmitral velocity obtained by tissue
et al.33 detected significantly reduced exercise capacity in Doppler,5,36 whereas some investigators found isovolu-
arterial hypertensive patients with and without left mic relaxation time and transmitral early to atrial filling
ventricular hypertrophy in comparison with normotensive velocity as main predictors of lower oxygen uptake,2,91,92
individuals. Lim et al.42 also showed that exercise capacity or the ratio between early diastolic transmitral velocity
was decreased in arterial hypertensive individuals inde- obtained by pulsed and tissue Doppler (E/é),93 or even
pendently of left ventricular mass, but they also revealed the ratio between early and late transmitral velocity
that the brain natriuretic peptide was strongly and inver- assessed by tissue Doppler2,5 as predictors of peak
sely associated with peak oxygen uptake (Table 3). oxygen uptake. Additionally, Kusunose et al.93 revealed
a negative influence of reduced left atrial function
Guirado et al.87 demonstrated that continuous training of
on impaired exercise capacity in individuals with pre-
the elderly (mean age was 68  8) with arterial hyper-
served left ventricular ejection fraction, which empha-
tension increased functional capacity without changing
sized the role of ventriculoatrial coupling to left
left ventricular diastolic function. This small study that
ventricular dysfunction and possibly decreased func-
included only 15 patients challenged investigations that
tional capacity.
demonstrated that left ventricular diastolic dysfunction
is one of the major predictors of lower exercise There are only few clinical studies that concerned the
capacity.3,4,36,91 There is also no consensus about left relationship between the right ventricle and functional

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Arterial hypertension and functional capacity Tadic and Ivanovic 453

Table 3 The possible mechanisms involved in the reduction of exercise capacity in patients with arterial hypertension
Systemic circulation Left ventricle Left atrium Pulmonary circulation Right ventricle

Increased peripheral vascular Hypertrophy Dilatation Increased pulmonary vascular Hypertrophy

resistance resistance
Endothelial dysfunction Systolic dysfunction Dysfunction Increased pulmonary systolic, Systolic dysfunction
diastolic, and wedge pressure
Increased circulating levels of Diastolic dysfunction Increased left Vascular overreactivity Diastolic dysfunction
catecholamines ventricular filling
Increased circulating levels of Endothelial dysfunction Interventricular dependence
angiotensin II
Arteriolar remodeling Increased circulating levels of Poor autoregulation of
(changes in wall/ catecholamines right coronary circulation
lumen ratio)
Capillary rarefaction Increased circulating levels
angiotensin II

capacity in patients without pulmonary hypertension or period and failed to demonstrate the improvement of
congenital heart diseases. In these investigations, mainly exercise capacity in patients with diastolic dysfunction.95
systolic right ventricular parameters (ejection fraction, They tried to explain these results with a negative
tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion, myocardial chronotropic effect of nebivolol. To our knowledge,
performance index, ventricular strain rate, systolic the effects of calcium channel blockers on functional
velocity across lateral segment of tricuspid annulus capacity in arterial hypertension have not been studied
obtained by tissue Doppler) are found to be predictors yet.
of depressed functional capacity.68,71 However, these
findings are not sufficient, and further studies in this Conclusion
field are necessary to provide answers to many questions The impact of arterial hypertension on functional
about the influence of arterial hypertension on functional capacity has not been sufficiently examined so far.
capacity. Studies have shown that peak oxygen uptake is signifi-
cantly lower in hypertensive patients, but the mechan-
Antihypertensive treatment and functional isms of this influence are still unknown. On the other
capacity hand, continuous exercise causes significant improve-
The data about the influence of different antihyperten- ment of large and small vessel remodeling, which further
sive drugs on peak oxygen uptake in patients with arterial considerably decreases blood pressure in arterial hyper-
hypertension are rather limited. Considering the fact that tensive patients, and could be used as an important
renin–angiotensin system, catecholamines, and Ca2þ nonpharmacological therapy in these patients. In the
have an important role in the relationship between arter- future, we need prospective studies that would include
ial hypertension and functional capacity, it would be arterial hypertensive individuals, and use regular cardi-
reasonable to assume that renin–angiotensin system opulmonary testing instead of ordinary exercise testing in
inhibitors, b-blockers, and calcium channel blockers order to obtain exact values of peak oxygen uptake, and
are the drugs most commonly chosen. This hypothesis detailed echocardiographic examination (two-dimen-
is confirmed by Faselis et al.6 who found that the usage sional and three-dimensional), an effective noninvasive
of calcium channel blockers, angiotensin-converting method that provides important hemodynamic
enzyme inhibitors, and angiotensin receptor blockers, parameters instead of invasive cardiac catheterization,
as well as diuretics and statins is gradually higher from which is inappropriate and ethically unacceptable in
the lowest to the highest fit category of hypertensive asymptomatic hypertensive patients.
patients. In this study, however, blood pressure progress-
ively decreased in the same way that could also explain References
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