Climate Change and Biodiversity Management
Climate Change and Biodiversity Management
Climate Change and Biodiversity Management
Biodiversity Management
Meyyappan Muthukaruppan
6th April, 2020
Unit - I
Climate change: It refers to permanent deviation from normal weather and that
change lasts for an extended period of time (Decades to millions of years). Significant
long term change on the average weather of a region over a significant period of time.
Change in the statistical properties of the climate system when considered over long
periods of time regardless of cause.
The composition of the atmosphere has changed significantly in the last two centuries.
The world is warming, climate zones are shifting, glaciers are melting and sea level is
rising. Drought in Ethiopia in 1970, flood in Brazil and continuous receipt of less than
normal rainfall in India indicates climate changes in the world. The rate of change of
climate is alarming in the last century. Even 0.50C increase in winter temperature
could reduce wheat yields by 0.45 t/ 17% decrease in productivity. Due to climate
change the farm productivity will decrease by 3 to16% in 2080 in India.
★ Increased human activities
★ Burning of fossil fuel produces oxidizing gases such as nitric oxide and
sulphur dioxide which will cause acidification and eutrophication
★ Creating mountains of waste
★ Increased emission of carbon monoxide from automobiles
★ Change in the land use pattern. If tropical forest is converted in to
grasslands or crops the atmospheric circulation pattern will change
which would cause global circulation as a whole
★ Burning of waste which produces aerosols which act as a nuclei for
condensation and affect local and regional rainfall. Besides, it directly
affects human health.
★ Changes in the composition of atmosphere
Greenhouse gases: The gases that absorb terrestrial radiation and contribute to
greenhouse effect. The main greenhouse gases are Carbon dioxide, methane,
Nitrogen dioxide and Chlorofluorocarbon. The concentrations of gases are
increasing in the atmosphere due to increased human activities. These gases
absorb and allow 70 to75% short waves to earth but allow only 5 % of the
upward moving long waves to escape to the atmosphere from ground. As a
result of entrapment of more solar radiation surface temperature is increasing
known as greenhouse heating.
During prehistoric period Co2 concentration is 280ppm, now it is 375 ppm and
it will be 480 ppm in 2050.This results in 1.8 to30C increase in temperature
resulting in melting of polar ice caps, rising sea level and changes in ocean
currents. Global and India’s temperatures have increased up to 0.5 and 0.40C in
the last centuries. 77 % of carbon dioxide comes from combustion of fossil
fuel, 22% from deforestation and 1% from cement, diesel and Aluminium
industries. Co2 is produced by animal respiration.
Effect in Agriculture
Effect on Animals
Effect on fishes
Effect in Forestry
Effect on Hydrology
★ Sedimentation of reservoirs
★ Soil erosion and flash flooding
★ Pollution of water resources
★ Water borne diseases
★ Highly seasonal hydrology
★ 40 % of world population faces chronic shortage of fresh water for
daily needs
Cutting down emission of GHG can reduce the extent of climate change. India
is the fastest growing major economy in the world, fourth largest GHG emitter
accounting for 5.8 % of global emissions. From 1990 to 2012 India's GHG
emission was increased to 67.1% and the projected value for 2030 is 85%.
2. Energy supply Fuel switching from coal to gas, nuclear, solar and wind.
power advanced renewable energy including tidal and waves
3. Transport More fuel efficient vehicles, second generation biofuels,
cleaner diesel vehicles, shift from road transport to rail, non
motorised transport like cycling, walking, higher efficiency
aircraft, advanced electric and hybrid vehicles with more
powerful and reliable batteries.
A whole system approach to food, feed and fibre production that sustains the health
of soils, ecosystems and people. The National Initiative on Climate Resilient
Agriculture ( NICRA) was initiated by ICAR during February 2011. These
technologies would increase the farm production besides continuous management of
natural and man made resources. The four modules in NICRA e natural resource
management, improving soil health, crop production and livestock.
Key features:
Livestock and fisheries: Use of community lands for fodder production during
droughts, improved fodder storage methods, preventive vaccination, improved shelters
to reduce heat stress, management of fish ponds during water scarcity and flood.
Expected output: selection of promising crop genotypes and livestock breeds with
greater tolerance to climate stress, existing best practices may be demonstrated in 100
vulnerable districts, strengthening the infrastructure in research institutes for climate
change, adequately train the scientific manpower to take up research and to empower
farmers to cope up with climate variability.
Climate ready crops are plants engineered with climate ready genes that can able to
withstand environmental stresses associated with climate change. So far 1663 claimed
patents, tolerance to drought, heat, cold and salinity mostly by private companies. The
public sector contribution is only 9 Per cent. These crops are cultivated in an area of
366 mha in 2010 around the world. The major countries are USA, Brazil, Argentina,
India, Canada and China. Genetically Engineered crops are banned in European union.
Global biodiversity trust in the world level and Navdanya biodiversity farm founded
by Dr. Vandana Shiva in India works on CRC. 93 % of soybean and 70% of corn in
the USA are GM crops.
Need: Every year 80 million more people need to be fed and the world population will
reach 9 billion.
★ In order to feed the ever growing population of the world this is a stable and
efficient way since yields are higher
★ GM crops requires less chemicals to thrive and hence the impact on
environment is lessened
★ Resistance to pests and diseases , needs lesser chemicals and hence prices for
farmers are low
★ Genes are altered to have better flavour and improved nutritional value
★ GM crop foods have longer shelf life stay fresh during transportation and
★ The prices are much lower and affordable by everyone due to higher yields
★ Pollen grains from GM if cross pollinated with grass/ weeds could develop
super weeds that will have same resistance properties as the crops
★ Childhood food allergies has risen significantly
★ GM foods affect immune system and hence antibiotics are less effective
★ GE maize and soybean fed to mammals were found with liver and kidney
★ GM crops seeds has to be purchased only from the companies and it will result
in socioeconomic problems
★ To cover four sectors of agricultural insecurity viz., plant health, animal health,
living aquatic resources and agriculturally important microorganisms.
★ Regulates the import and export of plants and animals and related products
★ Prevention of quarantine pests from outside India
★ Implementation of post entry quarantine measures
★ It can issue directions to importers and exporters dealing with this products
★ No person shall import any plant, animal and its products in contravention of
notifications or guidelines issued by the authority
★ Exceptions will be provided to those products with sanitary certificates issued
by respective authorities in the country of origin. This certificate is not
necessary if the country of destination does not require it.
★ The existing custom act 1962 shall also apply to pest , plants and animals
★ If any product was imported against the act, the officer may ask the holder to
remove within 30 days or he himself may seize the products from him and
destroy it
★ No person shall possess, ,grow, culture or breed any plant ,animal etc if the
product is carrying quarantine pest
★ A person shall be responsible for providing information when he becomes
aware of the existence of quarantine pest
★ If an area is infested with quarantine pests the authority can notify that area as
a controlled area and the same may be communicated to the concerned state
governments . If the state govt fails to take measures the authority can take
necessary steps to eradicate the pests and the state govt shall reimburse the cost
★ Based on the recommendation from the authority the central govt can declare
emergency in an area infested with pests and it will cease after 6 months or
revoked earlier
★ The bio security fund can also be raised . authority will also borrow funds
through bonds and debentures after getting prior permission from the central
Disaster Management
The word Disaster is derived from French word Desastre. Des means bad and aster
means star ( evil star). Hazard is also derived from French word Hasard means chance.
Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcanic eruptions, landslide, dam burst, mine fire are the
examples for geological hazard. Flood, drought, cyclone, tornado, hailstorm, heat and
cold wave are the examples for water and climatic hazard. Human ( COVID-19) or
animal epidemics, pest attack, food poisoning are the examples for biological hazards.
A sudden accident that causes great damage or loss of life. It is a serious disruption of
the functioning of a society involving widespread human, material, economic and
environmental loss and its impacts exceeds the ability of the affected community to
cope using its own resources. Types are (1). Natural disaster . It is due to the natural
processes of the earth.(2). Man made disasters caused by deliberate or negligence of
human action eg. wars, violent events, military, terrorist incidents, riots, massacres,
stampede, fires, amusement park accidents . All India Disaster Management institute(
AIDMI) was started at Gujarat during 1995. National Institute of Disaster
Management ( NIDM) is also there in India. National Disaster Management Authority
( NDMA) is located at Newdelhi.
Disaster management is the effort to reduce the loss of life and property by lessening
the impact of disaster. Disaster management cycle is the sum total of activities before,
during and after disaster in order to avoid, reduce its impact and to recover from its
losses. nearly 85 per cent of the geographical area of India is vulnerable to one or
more hazards. Out of 28 states and 7 union territories 22 are disaster prone. Out of the
total geographical area in India 59 % are susceptible to earthquakes, 5% to floods, 8%
to cyclones and 70 % to drought.
Sudden shaking of earth crust. In India 12% is susceptible to very severe, 18% is
severe and 25% is damageable to earthquakes. Major earthquakes occurred in India
during 2001 at Gujarat and in 2005 at Jammu and Kashmir states. Northeastern states ,
Bihar and Uttaranjal are also vulnerable. Before an earthquake, get experts advice to
repair cracks on walls, anchor overhead lighting, fasten shelves to walls, place heavy
objects on lower shelves, store breakable items like glass, bottled foods in low closed
cabinets with latches, secure water heaters and LPG cylinders by strapping them to
walls. Construct earthquake resistant buildings.
The inundation of fields with water. It may occur due to cyclones, heavy and
continuous downpour, poor drainage and in low lying areas. Out of 62 major rivers in
India 18 are flood prone and the crop loss is up to 40 to 55%. The major states
frequently affected by floods are Assam, Bihar, UP, TN, AP and WB. Floods can be
managed by avoiding construction in flood prone areas, elevate the basement of
building, seal the walls and basement with water proofing compounds, plug the drains
to prevent the entry of flood water in to the house, switch off the electrical and gas
appliances, avoid contact with flood water, avoid walking and driving in flood waters
15 cm moving water can make you to fall, walk with a stick to get firmness of the
ground, grow flood tolerant rice varieties, clean the drainage channels , create sea
walls, anti erosion structures in dams, reservoirs etc, In India every year due to flood
30 million peoples are affected, few hundred lost their life, millions are rendered
homeless and several thousand hectares of crops are damaged
It is the region of low pressure area surrounded by closed isobars and the wind
velocity is more than 61 km/hr. . In India on average 5 cyclones may occur and the
commonly affected states are Odisha, WB, AP and TN. Before the cyclone season
secure the loose tiles , repair the doors and windows, remove the dead branches of
trees close to the houses, demolish condemned buildings, provide suitable support for
outside doors, open the windows and doors opposite to the windward direction, switch
off the electrical mains, anchor the removable objects, construct cyclone resistant
buildings, cyclone shelters, construct cattle shed in raised areas, create fodder banks
This word is derived from Japanese word Tsu which means harbour and nami means
waves. It is tidal waves up to several meters. India was affected by Tsunami in 2004
December. It causes extensive damages to soil, water and crops. Sea water may
intrude into land areas. The risk due to this can be minimised by living in places that
are 30 m above MSL or 3 km away from sea, find out and practice the evacuation
route if it occurs, move immediately to higher grounds,
It is the collapse of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain. The government has
mapped the LandSlide Hazardous zone in India. It may occur due to high rainfall,
wind etc. The precautionary measures are to keep the drains clean, afforestation etc.
Landslides can be expected if you notice muddy waters, listening to unusual sounds
such as breaking of trees, knocking of rocks etc. Mark the path of tracking and know
how to communicate by signs during emergency
Heat Wave
When the temperature of a region is 5 or 60C more than the mean temperature of 400C
of a region, heat waves may occur and cause physiological strain. The precautionary
measures are avoid going out of house from 12 to 3 pm, drink sufficient water, wear
loose, lightweight cotton cloths, wear hats, shoes ,avoid strenuous activities outside
the house, avoid drinking tea, coffee, stale foods, etc, use umbrella while walking out,
use ORS drinks like lemon water, lassi, buttermilk, tender coconut, rice water ,use
curtains, fans . In India during 2016, 1600 lost their lives due to heat ( ), flood ( 475),
cold ( 53), and lightning ( ). In Rajasthan 510C was recorded in a place called Beladi
Cold wave; Sudden spell of abnormally cold weather. Cold wave will occur when the
temperature falls 5 or 60 C less than the normal minimum temperature of a place which
is usually less than 100C
Unit - II
Arid: The word arid was derived from Latin word “Arere '' which means dry. It is an
extremely dry climate with an annual average precipitation usually less than 250mm.
Rainfall received is less than evapotranspiration. The crop growing period is less than
75 days. Occurrence of rainfall is sporadic with low intensity for short duration. In the
extremely acidic zone there has been no rain for more than a year.
Semi – arid: Describes a land where the rainfall is greater than 750mm. The PET is
more than precipitation. The crop growing period is from 75 to 120 days and the
rainfall is received from 2.5 to 7 months / year.
Semi – arid tropics is located in 10 to 300 North and South Latitudes. It is present in
4’A’ continents viz. Asia, Africa, America and Australia present in 48 countries. In
India semi – arid tropics is present in 95.7mha in Maharashtra, Karnataka, AP, TN,
WB, MP, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. Semi- semi-arid zone accounts for
34 % of the country's total area. The Semi arid zone was expanded in the last decade
in the North and NorthWest Part of India. Tamilnadu semiarid zones account for 10 %
of the total area. In Rajasthan and Gujarat the semi arid zone accounts for 13% and
9% respectively
Dry semi – arid tropics is one in which the amount of rainfall received is from 2 to 4.5
months / year whereas, in wet semi – arid tropics it is from 4.5 to 7 months / year.
Semi – arid temperate zone is one in which temperature is the limiting factor and it is
present in Russia, North West China, USA and Canada. In India it is present at 1.4mha
in J and K.
Significance: Out of the total cultivable area in India, nearly 70 % is dry farming areas
and it contributes nearly 40% of our food production. 90 % of coarse grains, 75 % of
pulses and oilseeds, 90% of groundnut, 2/3 of rice, rapeseed and mustard, 1/3 of wheat
and 74% of cotton are produced only from dry lands. States like Rajasthan, Gujarat,
MP, UP, Maharashtra, Karnataka, AP and TN have a large area under dry farming.
Characteristics: PET is more than precipitation, More than 50% of rainfall is received
in 3 to 5 rainy days. Low in quantity, erratic distribution, poor reliability, high
torrential downpour within short period, High temperature, more evaporation and
transpiration, low relative humidity, hot dry winds, poor nutrient status, organic matter
content and problem soils, subsistence farming, occurrence of drought and crop failure
are frequent and socioeconomic constraints.
Drought In adequacy of soil moisture/ rainfall to meet the water requirement of the
crops during most of the years. Drought is a prolonged period without rainfall.
American meteorological society defined it as a period of abnormally dry weather
sufficiently prolonged for lack of water to cause a severe hydrological imbalance in
the area affected. Out of 143.8 Mha nearly 117 Mha is in dry farming areas (28
Mha –arid; 78 Mha semi – arid). In India dry farming areas are in Gujarat, Rajasthan,
UP, MP, Maharashtra, Karnataka, AP and TN.
According to IMD drought is said to have occurred in areas where the annual rainfall
is less than 75% of normal.
TYPES: When the amount of rainfall is less than 50% of normal it is a severe
drought. Drought year is one in which more than 29% of the total area of the country
is affected. Areas where drought occurred in 20% of the years are considered as
drought areas and where it had occurred in more than 40% of the years are called
chronic drought areas.
Soil drought is one where there is no moisture in the soil. Atmospheric drought is one
in which the temperature is very high.
Physiological drought - refers to a condition where crops are unable to absorb water
from soil due to high salt concentration. Agricultural drought/ soil drought is defined
as shortage of supply of water in soil to meet the crop demand or soil moisture and
rainfall in that growing season is inadequate to support healthy crop growth and
causes stress and wilting.
5 categories of drought
Occurs in association with long gaps between two successive rain events. If the
moisture stored in the soil falls short of use of the crop during the dry period. It is
associated with low and inadequate rainfall in the growing season.
(c) L
ate season drought
If the crop encounters moisture stress during the reproductive stage due to early
cessation of the rainy season, there may be rise in temperature hastening the process of
crop development to forced maturity.
When the rainfall in the region may be adequate for the one crop but may not be so for
others. It is encountered due to the mismatching of the cropping pattern in relation to
the rainfall or moisture availability pattern in some of the regions. ie what is drought
in red soil may not be drought is black soil.
Seasonal drought
Most of the arid and semi-arid zone comes in this category. Rainy season followed by
dry season. Duration of crop varieties and planting dates should be such that the
growing season should fall within the rainy season.
Contingent drought
Usually brief, irregular and generally affects only a small area in humid and sub
humid climates. It may be due to abnormal failure of rainfall.
Invisible drought
Usually occur in humid zones though there is frequent rain in that area. Rainfall is
inadequate to meet the ET losses. ie borderline water deficiency in soil resulting in
less than optimum yield.
Meteorological drought
Hydrological drought
Affect germination and establishment, cell division at reduced rate, cell enlargement is
affected, stunted growth, poor root formation, leaf enlargement is inhibited, reduced
source, stomata closed, affect nutrient uptake, abscission of leaves, fruits and seeds.
Reduce carbohydrate and protein metabolism, reduce grain yield and quality of the
produce (barley).
Respiration rate is reduced by about 10%, it reduces the rate of appearance of floral
primordial, spikelet number, dehydration of pollen grains, wilting of styles in maize,
decrease in the ratio of shoot to root growth.
Decrease in the proportion of lateral roots to total root length, decrease in the ratio of
leaf to stem.
Artificial mulches
Jowar / Bajra stubbles, paddy straw, Husk, saw dust etc. pebbles collected from the
old River and mixed with sand and spread them on sloppy lands in a layer of 10-15cm.
This helps in absorption of rainwater and checks soil erosion. This method needs more
labour. Banana leaves used as mulch, polythene sheets increase the soil temperature
by 5-8oC .Cane mulch is most economical and efficient @ 15t/ha and results in better
microbial activity.
Antitranspirants: Any material applied to transpiring plant surfaces with the aim of
reducing water loss from the plant. Nearly 99 % of the water absorbed by roots are
transpired to the atmosphere through stomata pores in the leaves. Antitranspirants are
generally used in dry land crops to conserve moisture. Based on the mode of action
antitranspirants are classified in to
A. Stomata closing type; Most of the transpiration occurs through stomata. These type
of antitranspirants when applied induce the plants to close its stomata. Eg. Phenyl
mercuric acetate 0.1% ( PMA), Alkenyl succinic acid ( ASA), Abscisic acid (ABA),
Alachlor, Atrazine, 2,4-D
B. Film forming type: These materials form a thin film on the leaf surface which
retard the escape of water through stomata. Good material should form a thin and
continuous film. Higher alcohols (Hexadecanol, silicone), plastic and waxy materials
are used. Eg for thin film: Brassinolide, Resorsinol. Eg for Thick film Waxol,
mobileaf, folicot
C. Reflectant type: These are white materials which form a coating on the leaves and
increase the leaf reflectance ( albedo). Due to this leaf temperature is reduced to 3 to
40C and transpiration by 22 to 28%. Eg. Kaolin 3 to 5 %, and lime
D. Growth retardant: These chemicals reduce shoot growth and increase root growth
and enable the plants to resist drought. eg. cycocel
Stomata are the pores through which Co2 enters into the plant system. Hence due to
anti transpirant spray photosynthetic rate will decrease. Antitranspirants are used in
nurseries, to save the crop from death, to overcome transplantation shock and in
perennial crops. Antitranspirants are ineffective when the plants produce new leaves
continuously, when the stomata are present on the lower surface and when the
atmosphere is dull and dark.
In dry forming regions rainfall is highly erratic and the management decisions are to
be taken according to the crop growth stages and degree of deviation of rainfall
constitutes contingency crop planning. The important contingent crop planning are.
1) S
election of suitable season and cropping system
The normal season is from September to December. Late sowing is from October to
January and very late sowing is from November to February. Intercropping with
legumes should be encouraged.
2) S
election of suitable crops and variables
Select drought tolerant and short duration crop varieties.
3) R
ainfall abnormality and crop planning
If the monsoon is delayed for 1 to 2 weeks, instead of sorghum Co-19 (150 days) sow
Co-25 (110 days) and in redgram instead of local (180 days) sow Co-5 (130 days).
4. Seed treatment
Insufficient rainfall at the time of sowing may result in poor germination. If the
plant population is less than 20% of normal (optimum) plant population, gap
filling is taken up with subsequent rains. At the time of sowing seeds should be
mixed with a paste of 9 parts of red earth and 1 part of cow dung.
(b) Thinning
When the amount of moisture present in the soil is not sufficient to meet the
water requirement of optimum plant population, 30-50% of plants are thinned
/removed randomly so that the soil moisture supports the remaining plant
(c) Ratooning
If prolonged dry spells occur at the time of flowering- the crop plants of
sorghum and cumbu are cut and used as green fodder. With subsequent rains,
the ratoon can be allowed for grain purposes.
(f) U
se of growth hormones.
Water stress results in reduced cytokines production in the roots and its supply
to shoots. This shortage of cytokines hastens the leaf senescence. Leaf
senescence can be postponed by cytokines application.
The number one limiting factor for crop production in rain fed agriculture is soil
moisture. The only source of water for these lands is rainfall and it is inadequate and
highly variable. On an average, out of the total rainfall, 10 - 40% is unutilised and
along with its nearly 8.4 mt of nutrients (NPK) were lost.
Here ploughing is done along the contours which needs less draft energy as
compared to up and down cultivation. Further, run-off is arrested and excess
water during the rainy season moves along the contour and it takes a long time
before sufficient moisture percolates into the soil.
2. Land levelling
In a rolling topography due to high intensity rainfall soil erosion occurs along
with loss of nutrients. Hence the field should be levelled to remove the
undulations and be shaped by way of laying bunds or ditches at appropriate
spacing to intercept run-off and to store it in the soil.
Ridges and furrows (30-45cm width and 15 -20cm height) are formed across
the slopes so that the run-off along the slopes can be effectively intercepted
and sub – soil moisture storage can be enhanced. This method is suitable for
widely spaced crops and not suitable for sandy and shallow soils.
4. Basin listing
This system was designed by ICRISAT and suitable for areas where the slope
is 1 to 3% and for vertisols. The beds are formed across the slope. The bed
width is 1.2m, furrow width 0.3m and depth of furrow is 0.15m. The length of
the furrow varies and it depends on infiltration rate and run-off rate. Crops can
be sown at both the sides of the ridge at specified intervals. Intercrops can also
be grown. BBF can be formed by bullock or tractor drawn bund former or Bed
6. Compartmental bunding
This method was developed by CRIDA and suitable for red and black soils
with a slope of 0.5 to 1%. Smaller compartments of 1cent were formed by
forming small bundles of 15cm width and 15cm height in both along and
across the slopes. The bunds can be formed before sowing or after sowing with
wooden plough and highly suitable for broadcast sown crops.
7. Contour bunding
Bunds of 1m basal width, 0.5m top width and 0.5m height are formed along
the contour. The distance between two contour bunds depends on slope. The
interbund surface is levelled and used for cropping. Contour bunds are
permanent structures, require technical assistance , heavy investment and
suitable for deep red soils with less than 1% slope.
It is suitable for medium deep to deep red soils. Bunds of 30-45cm basal
width, 15-20cm height are formed across the slope at suitable intervals of
20-30m depending on slope. The inter-bunded area is levelled and cropped.
Addition of organic matter improves soil physical properties and water holding
capacity and thus helps in soil moisture conservation.
It is the foremost technology adopted in dry lands. Land is ploughed across the
slope during summer. Whenever rain occurs, the plough furrows hold water in
the depressions and thereby increases the infiltration. Since ploughing is done
across the slope the plough furrows check the run- off, reduce the velocity of
run-off water and improve storage.
3. Cover crops
Erosion from the land can be reduced if the land surface is fully covered with
foliage during the rainy season. Cover crops can be grown when the slope is
less than 2%.
4. Mixed cropping
Growing two or more crops simultaneously without any distinct row spacing.
Mixed cropping helps in full coverage of the land area, reducing soil erosion.
Eg. Groundnut and red gram in 6:1ratio.
5. Intercropping
Growing two or more crops simultaneously with distinct row spacing. Inter
cropping reduces soil erosion, increases the in situ soil moisture conservation
and also gives extra income.
6. Mulching
Mulching means covering the soil surface with any material such as organic
wastes, polythene sheet etc. The commonly used organic wastes are coir pith,
crop stubbles, straw, groundnut shell, rice husk etc. These materials are applied
@ 5-10 t/ha with a thickness of 5-10cm. Mulching reduces the direct impact of
rain drops on soil and controls splash erosion, reduces the runoff and increases
the infiltration. Types of mulches
It is a technique in which trenches of 40cm wide, 15cm deep are dug at 2-4m
intervals across slope and are filled with stubbles or organic wastes to a height
of 10cm above soil surface. By this run – off is checked, collected in shallow
trenches and redistributed to adjoining soil layers. This method is commonly
practiced in coffee estates.
Covering the soil surface with plant canopy ie intercrops eg. Sorghum + fodder
Small pebbles / stones are placed around the fruit tree / soil surface to check
evaporation and to facilitate infiltration.
Growing erosion resistant crops and erosion permitting crops in alternate strips
of 2-3m width across the slope and along the contour. Generally tall growing
cereals are erosion permitting crops and short growing crops (pulses) are
erosion resistant crops.
Alternate strips of grasses and annual field crops are grown across the slope to
check run-off and erosion.
Cenchrus / vetiver slips are planted across the slope at the 15-20cm (2 /hole)
spacing in zig – zag manner in the beginning of the rainy season. Vetiver
adapted to drought and requires less care for maintenance. They check the
run-off and prevent the soil erosion. This method is suitable to black soil.
It is an agroforestry system suitable for dry regions where food crops are
grown in valleys formed by fast growing leguminous rows of trees / shrubs.
During the rainy season hedgerows are pruned to about 1 metre.
Leucaena leucocephala is the best suitable tree. Hedge rows on contour serve
as vegetative barriers to control run-off and soil loss.
Water harvesting The rainfall received in arid and semi – arid regions are to be
stored either on the soil or in the soil. Soil resources are improved or
developed by Understanding the soil by proper grouping or classification,
Rectifying the defects of the soil either by levelling, application of
amendments etc. and Increasing storage capacity of soil.
Collecting and storing water on the surface of the soil for subsequent use is known as
water harvesting. Water harvesting is done both in arid and semi- arid regions. In the
arid region the collecting or catchment area is large compared to the command area.
Actually the run-off is induced by clearing away the rocks, vegetations and
compacting the soil surface (land alterations) or treating the soil with chemicals that
fill pores or make the soil to repel water. Sodium salt of silicon/latexes/wax/asphalt –
chemical treatment. In semi- arid regions run-off is not induced in the catchment area;
only the excess rainfall is collected.
Inducing run-off
Rain water harvesting is possible even in areas with as little as 50 to 80mm of average
annual rainfall. Ancient desert dwellers harvested rain by redirecting the water
running down the slopes into fields or cisterns ( tanks). This small amount of runoff
collected over a large area may be useful for supplying water to small villages,
households, cattle etc. For collection of higher amounts of rainfall, runoff is induced
(a) Land alterations: Clearing away rocks and vegetation and compacting the soil
surface can increase runoff. However land alteration may lead to soil erosion except
where slope is reduced. When erosion is not excessive and low cost hillside land is
available, land alteration can be a very economical way to harvest rainwater in arid
(b) Chemical treatment: A promising method for harvesting rain water is to treat the
soils with chemicals such as sodium salts of silicon, latexes, asphalt and wax that fill
pores or make soil repellent to water.
Watershed Management
A watershed is an area from which run-off resulting from precipitation flows past a
single point into a large stream, river, lake or pond. Each watershed is an independent
hydrological unit.
Monitoring and evaluation to access the progress of the project and to suggest
modification if any.
Mini/micro watershed Individual farmer land should be treated for soil and
moisture conservation measures in order to prevent further degradation and to
improve the establishment of the crops i.e. watershed at field level.
Unit - III
The word forest is derived from the Latin word for which means outside the village
boundary or away from the habituated land. Generally forest refers to an area
occupied by different kinds of trees, shrubs, herbs and grasses and maintained as such.
According to FAO, lands can be classified into forests which bear vegetative
associations dominated by trees of any size, exploited or not, capable of producing
wood or other forest products or exerting an influence on the climate or water regime
or providing shelter for livestock and wildlife.
Role of forest: Forest plays a significant role in the economic prosperity and
ecological stability of any country. There are four major roles. They are
2. Plywood Teak,
Also called as Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP) or Non wood forest products
(NWFP) or minor forest products. They are products obtained from forest without
harvesting trees. Some of the commercial products are
★ Fibers Fibers can be obtained from stems and barks. Strong fibers can
be used for making ropes and silky fibers for textiles eg. From
Hardwickia binata fiber can be obtained from young branches, red in
colour, fairly strong used for cordage and rope making. Acacia
leucophloea bark yields fiber which is used for fishing nets and coarse
cordage. Ficus religiosa gives short and strong fibers used for making
ropes. Calotropis gigantea is a shrub in which fiber is white, fine, silky,
very strong and durable under fresh and saltwater. In Agave s p Fiber
can be obtained from leaves which is strong, coarse and used for
making ropes and cordage
★ Flosses Several trees produce silky flosses in their fruits. They are
Ceiba pentandra Known as silk cotton and extensively used for stuffing
pillows and weaving. Bombax ceiba K nown as kapok. Silky cotton is
present inside the capsule which is soft and strong. Green capsules can
be collected because if the capsule is opened floss loses its resilience.
★ Coir Obtained from the thick husk of Cocos nucifera. It is coarse, stiff,
buoyant and elastic and suitable for manufacture for ship ropes
★ Waxes Obtained from Sapium sebiferum
★ Tannins Obtained from Neem,jamun, kathi savukku
★ Dyes Obtained from Artocarpus sp (yellow), Lawsonia sp
★ Gums Obtained from Poovarasu, Neem,Acacia arabica
★ Canes Obtained from Calamus acanthospathus
★ Wood oil Obtained from Santalum album
★ Leafy oil Obtained from Eucalyptus globules
★ Camphor oil Obtained from Cinnamomum camphora
★ Medicines Obtained from Aegle marmelos, Alstonia scolaris
★ Grasses Obtained from Saccharum spontaneum, Vetivera zizanioides
★ Maintain co2 balance in the atmosphere Human lungs absorb co2 from
the blood and infuse it with o2. During the process of photosynthesis
tree leaves use sunlight and co2 gives off pure oxygen for breathing.
Hence, forest is often referred to as earth/world lungs. 20% of planet
oxygen is produced by rainforests. But more oxygen is produced by
microorganisms in the world oceans. About 77% of carbon dioxide
comes from combustion of fossil fuel and 22% from deforestation and
1% from cement, steel and aluminum industries. Co2 is also produced
by animal respiration. During the preindustrial period co2 concentration
was 280 ppm, now it is 375 ppm and it will be 480 ppm in 2050. This
results in 1.8 to 3 c increase in temperature resulting in melting of polar
ice caps, rising sea level and changes in ocean currents. Forest trees
have the greatest capacity to store c in their tissues and are known as
carbon sinkers.
★ Favour precipitation Forest increase local precipitation by about 5 to 10
% due to their aerographic and microclimatic effect and create
conditions favourable for the condensation of clouds.
★ Reduce temperature and increase humidity Tree leaves absorb and filter
the sun's radiant energy, keeping things cool in summer. In forest areas
temperature is 3 to 8 0 C less than in adjoining open areas.
★ Reduces wind velocity Forest influences the wind speed and direction
and provides warmth besides it prevents the direct beating action of rain
drops, sleet and hail.
★ Maintain the productivity of the soil In forest areas large quantity of
organic matter is added through litter fall and recycling of nutrients
★ Checks erosion In bare soil without vegetation heavy rains or winds
wearing away the soil particles and cause landslides and flooding.
Forest canopy intercepts and redistributes precipitation through its
stem, branches and leaves and minimizes the soil erosion and flooding.
Tree roots also binds the soil particles
★ Check floods and conserve soil and water Forest areas increases the
water holding capacity, reduces soil erosion and check the rapid
siltation of various reservoirs thereby regulate the stream flow, store
more water in tanks and minimizes flood
★ Storehouse of genetic diversity, Forest provides habitat for a wide
variety of plants and animals. In India due to deforestation about 5000
species of plants are on the verge of extinction.
★ Pollution control Forests clean the environment by muffling (suppress)
noises, buffering strong winds and stopping dust and gases i.e.
purifying the air.
International year of forest was celebrated in 2011.World forestry day was celebrated
every year on March 21 st . There are 195 countries in the world. Global forest resource
Assessment (FRA) is conducted by FAO once in 5 to 10 years from 1946 based on
the data provided by the countries to FAO (Questionnaire). Recent report was
published in 2015. The first report was focused on wood supply in response to fear of
wood supply after World War II.
★ The world forest area is 3999m ha (4bha) which is 30.6 % of the world land
area. There are 10 countries which accounts for 66% of the total world forestry
The per capita availability of forest area in 1990 was 0.8 ha and in 2015 it was 0.6 ha
★ 64 countries have forest area less than 10% of total land area
★ 45 countries have more than 50% forest area out of their total land area
★ Africa and America have the largest forest area
★ 7 countries/territories have no forest at all. eg. Kuwait, Qatar, Morocco,
San Mario, Greenland
★ The annual loss of forest is approximately equal to the size of Costa
★ In every decade in world level 1.3 billion square kilometer forest area
★ The world net loss of forest area during 1990 to 2000 was 8.9 m
ha/year, it was 5.2 m ha /year during 2000 to 2010 and during 2010 to
2015 it was 7.7 mha.
★ During 2010 to 2015 the forest area gain was 4.3 mha.
★ Five countries with largest volume of wood removals are USA
-18%,Brazil-10%, Canada-7%,Russian federation-6%,
Forest Characteristics
Primary forest-36.4
Modified natural forest-52.7
Semi-natural forest -7.1%
India occupies only 2.5% of the world land area. In 1925 our forestry area was more
than 65% of the total geographical area. During British rule it was exploited much and
shrunk to 40% during 1950. In 2005 our forestry area was 22.77%, in 2010 it was
23%. In 2015 our area was 70.68 mha (21.34%). In 2017 and 2019 the forest area was
21.54% and 21.67 % respectively. Out of this very dense forest – canopy coverage
more than 70%( 2.61%), moderately dense forest – canopy coverage is 40 to 70 %(
9.59%), open forest – Canopy coverage is 10 to 40 %( 9.14%) and scrub – canopy
coverage is less than 10 %( 1.26%). In India 98.4% of the forestry area owned by
public and private owned only 1.6%. In India tropical and subtropical forest accounts
95% and 5% respectively. The stocking and productivity of forest in India is 74m3/ha
(standing volume) against the world average of 126 m3/ha. The tree cover ( Small
patches of trees less than 1 ha area in roads, canals etc. ) in India during 2017 and
2019 was 2.85 and 2.89 % respectively. In India Arunachal Pradesh state ranks first in
terms of trees, shrubs and herbs followed by Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Forest survey of India (FSI) was created on 1 st June 1981 and it has 4 regional centers
at Bangalore, Nagpur, Simla and Calcutta. Satellite survey is done once in 2 years
from 1987. Sir Dietrich Brandis is called the Father of Indian Forestry. India is one of
the 12 mega diverse countries in the world. Imperial forest service was established in
1867.Our forest neutralizes 11% of India’s GHG emissions and provides a livelihood
for more than 200 million people. India is having advanced technology for forestry
and tree cover mapping. Our human population crosses 950 million and cattle
population is 450 the country has to meet the needs of 16% of the world
population and 19% of the world cattle population from <1% of the world forest
resources. In India 87 National parks (4.06),485 wildlife sanctuaries(11.54mha) are
there i.e. totally 15.6 mha and occupies 4.75% of total geographical area. Forest area
annually affected in India due to fire is 5.48%, Diseases 12.43% and Insects 1.48%.
State wise area in percentage:
In India 15 states and union territories have more than 33 % under forest out of their
geographical area. In India forest cover was increased up to 3775 km2 from 2013 to
2015. ( 14 survey). The area increased in forest and tree cover compared to 2017 is
5188km2.The increased area in Tamilnadu ( 2501 km2), J&K ( 450km2), UP ( 112
km2), Kerala ( 1317km2), Karnataka ( 289km2).
The area under forest was decreased in Mizoram ( 306km2), Telangana ( 168km2),
Uttarakhand (268km2), Nagaland (78km2), Arunachal Pradesh ( 73km2)
FSI uses Resourcesat-series 2 with Liss III sensor to collect the data. The best time to
get the data is from October to December. North Eastern states account for 7.98 % of
the country's area but accounts for 25 % of India’s forest area.
Types of forest
Types of forest
Forest area Areas should be more than 1 ha with tree canopy density
of more than 10% is notified as forest
Classification of forests
1) Based on age
a) Even aged / regular forest: It is a man made forest wherein all the trees are
approximately in the same age. If the rotation is more than 100 years, a difference of
25% is permitted.
b) Uneven aged / irregular forest: It is a forest in which wide variation occurs in the
age of trees. It may be due to natural regeneration, variation is more than 25% and
20% in the case of long and short rotation, respectively.
2) Based on composition
a) Pure forest: It is a forest almost composed of one species usually not less than 80
per cent.
b) Mixed forest: It is a forest composed of two or more species. The canopy of one
species must be more than 20%. The species in the mixture are distinguished into
(i) Principal species: It is the first in order in the mixture based on frequency, volume
or silvicultural value.
(ii) Accessory species: It is useful but less valuable than the principal species.
(iii) Auxiliary species: It is less important or inferior in quality or size than the
principal species.
3) Based on management
b) Production forest: Forest which are maintained primarily for wood, fuel wood,
NTFP, etc.
c) Social forest: Forestry which provides goods and benefits to the nearby society.
d) Recreational forest: Forestry which attracts people due to the presence of
flowering trees, birds, animals, boating etc.
4) Based on regeneration
b) Abnormal forest: It is one which is not normal with regard to growing stock, age
class distribution, increment, etc. It gives irregular yield.
7) Based on ownership
The first policy was issued in 1952 (to provide raw materials to wood industries) and
the neat policy was promulgated on 7 th December 1988 by the secretary, ministry of
Environment and Forest. The objectives are,
3. C
hecking soil erosion, silting up of tanks and sand dunes
Forest mensuration: It is the branch of forestry that deals with the determination of
dimensions (diameter, height, volume, etc.), form, age and increment of single trees,
stands on whole forests either standing or after felling. It concerns measurements of
area, volume, weight of wood, bark, fruits, etc.
I. Basis for value estimation for sale of forest produces.
II. Basis of management
III. Basis for research – in experiments measurement of woods are
essential to identify the best treatment
IV. Basis for planning – forest mensuration supplies essential basic
statistical data.
Scope: Forest mensuration involves all people starting from cutting of wood, its
conservation, sale and use and concerned with foresters, contractors, forest labourers
and different wood users. It deals with both standing trees and felled timber. Further,
it concerns wildlife management, watershed management, insect and disease
incidence, recreation, tourism and other aspects of forestry.
Unit of measurement
Parameters Units
a) Diameter measurement
In logs, the diameters are measured at thick end, thin end and at the middle of the logs.
The average value is considered as a diameter of log. The girth of log is measured in
the middle. In case of standing trees, the diameter or girth can be measured at breast
height. Breast height (BH) is defined as the universally adopted standard height for
measuring girth, diameter and basal area of standing trees. In India, USA, Malaysia,
Myanmar, Africa, it is taken as 1.37 m (4 ft 6 inch) above ground level while it is 1.3
m (4 ft 3 inch) in Europe, UK, FAO.
Standard rules
I. BH is marked by using a measuring stick at 1.37 m above ground level
by marking vertical and horizontal lines of 12 cm with white paint.
II. On sloping ground, the BH is marked on the uphill side and on lean
side on flat ground.
III. In leaning trees, BH is measured along the tree stem and not vertical.
IV. If the tree is forked above the BH, it is considered a single tree. If the
forking is below BH, each stem is considered as an individual tree.
V. Mosses, creepers, lichens on the tree should be removed before
measuring lbh.
Instruments used: The choice of instruments depends on whether the tree is standing
or felled, the conditions in which the logs are lying and degree of accuracy required.
The most commonly used instruments are wooden scale, calipers, tape, Biltmore stick,
sector fork, pentaprism barr and stroud dendrometer, wedge prism and tele relaskop.
The ratio between the diameter and girth of a circle is 0.3182.
Bark thickness
The thickness of the bark varies with species to species and tree to tree. The bark
thickness varies with the age of tree and base to top of the tree. The thickness of the
bark is measured by Swedish bark gauge. This chisel form of instrument is provided
with a curved arm fitted with a graduated (cm & mm) moving tube. This is pushed
into the bark. Afterwards, the instrument is removed and the thickness of the bark is
read off on the scale.
Height measurement
Tree height is the straight line distance from the tip of the leading shoot (highest point
of the crown) to the ground level. The height of the felled tree is measured from the
top to the base in a straight line without any allowance for curvature of the stem.
Height of the tree indirectly gives the idea about the productive capacity of site or site
quality. Tree height is one of the components for calculating tree volume. Tree height
is required for computing volume table yield.
Crown point is the position of the first crown either it is living or dead one. Bole
height is the distance between ground level and crown point. Commercial bole height
is the height of the bole that is usually fit for utilization as timber. Standard timber
bole height is the height of the bole from the ground level upto the point where
diameter over bark is 20 cm.
Stump is a stem, which is left on the ground after falling. Crown length is the vertical
measurement of the crown of a tree from tip to the point halfway between the lowest
green branches forming green crown. Crown width is the maximum spread of the
crown along its widest diameter.
Methods of measurement
1) Ocular estimate: In this method, the height of the tree is assessed by
visual judgement. For this purpose, initially few trees are measured using
instruments. Thereafter, the estimator can judge the height of the trees
exactly by comparison. A pole of 3 m length may be placed against the
tree and then the tree is imagined to be divided in 3 m sections for
calculating tree height. This method is not very accurate and the result
varies with the experience of the forester.
2) Non-instrumental method: This method assumes the tree is in a vertical
line. Hence, the calculated height is slightly differing from the actual one.
3) Shadow method: This method is possible only on sunny days and mostly
in the morning or evening. It is not suitable for congested stands where
shadow is difficult to obtain. In this method, a pole of definite length is
fixed in the ground. The shadow caused by the pole and tree are measured.
From the observed value, the tree height is calculated using the following
AB =
In this, the observer holds a pole (1.5 cm length) vertically at arm’s length in hand in
such a way that the portion of the pole above the hand is equal in length to the
distance of the pole from the eye. Without changing position, the observer moves
slowly forward and backward till the line of sight to the tip of the tree passes through
the point where the pole is held by hand. Now the height of the tree is equal to the
distance of the observer's eye from the base of the tree based on a similar triangle
Let AB be the tree and ac is the pole of about 1.5 m long held at b vertically so that
distance from observers eye E to b is equal to ab
Instrumental method
In felled trees, volume of stem wood, branch wood and root volume may be
calculated. The tree is cut into logs according to the tapper. The length of log
depends on the taper, utility of wood and transport facility available. The basal
portion of a tree corresponds to a frustum of neloid, the middle portion to a frustum of
paraboloid and the top portion to a cone. In India and Britain, the formula widely
used is (G/4)2x 1. The volume derived by this formula is lesser (78.5%) than true
volume. Timber calculators or timber measurement tables are the specially prepared
table available for volume calculation of logs. This gives a volume of round timber
from 1 to 25 m and girths upto 300 cm.
Except for thick branches most of the branches are converted into firewood. It is
essential to assess its volume. Billet is the stack of fuel wood that is laid in the form
of rectangular parallel episodes. This cubical volume is taken as a fuel wood volume.
Stacked volume is not the actual volume of solid volume of fuel stacks. The solid
volume can be assessed by xylometric method and by specific gravity method. . If
the wood is uneven in size then the formula is
(G1 + G2 / 2 / 4)2 x L
Forest Management
Many tools like GIS and photogrammetric modelling have been developed to improve
forest inventory and management planning. Since 1953, the volume of standing trees
in the United States have increased by 90% due to sustainable forest management.
Management consists in planning and implementing activities meant to ensure the
conservation and utilization of a forest, according to objectives to be achieved (among
which, wood production) under a given physical, and socio-economic context.
Foresters must consider forests not just as a growing stock, but also as a complex
ecological system which should be sustainably managed.
Over extraction of wood resources, coupled with cleaning for agricultural purposes,
unrestricted burning and sometimes overgrazing creates disorder, in order to
re-establish a proper sustainable balance between resources and use, it is essential to
take action in full knowledge of th
e facts (causes and effects). As early as 1952, following independence in 1947, India
introduced a new forestry policy: “The role of forests is to provide raw materials for
the timber industries.
Technical requirements
Social forestry
Forestry practices which aim at providing goods and benefits to a nearby society are
referred to as social forestry. Prasad 1985 defined forestry outside the conventional
forests which primarily aims at providing continuous flow of goods and services for
the benefit of people. From the mid seventies it was initiated in India. From 1980 the
forest department created a separate wing to implement this programme. The word
social forestry was coined by Westoby.
The term social forestry was first used in the 9 t h commonwealth forestry congress in
1968. In India it is first used in 1976 by the National Commission on Agriculture
The idea of social forestry aims at production of forest goods such as fuel, fodder etc
to meet the needs of the local people particularly underprivileged section.
Farm forestry
It is defined as practice of forestry in all its aspects in and around the farms or village
lands integrated with other farm operations. It promotes commercial tree growing by
farmers on their own land
1. To supplement the production of fuel wood and small timber to meet the
increasing requirements of local people.
2. To replace cow dung as manure
3. To increase the production of leaf fodder
4. To create a diverse ecosystem by having trees along with crops
It was started in the seventies in which free Eucalyptus seedlings were given to
farmers to plant in their unused or marginal lands of their own farm. Farm forestry
accounts for 70 to 91% in west Bengal, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Kerala and
Andhra Pradesh. In Tamilnadu two farm forestry schemes were being operated. For
large farmers seedlings were distributed at cost price. For poor farmers upto500
seedlings were given at free of cost and a small cash incentive was paid based on the
number of plants surviving at the end of 1 and 2 year. IFFCO initiated a project in 10
states by taking up 5000ha of wastelands.
It is the practice of forestry in areas devoid of tree growth and other vegetation in
places away from the conventional forest areas with the object of increasing the area
under tree growth. It is classified into
a. Mixed forestry
It is the practice of forestry for raising fodder grass with scattered fodder trees, fruit
trees and fuel wood trees on suitable waste lands, panchayat lands and village
common lands. The income from the mixed forestry should be divided equally
between the panchayats and state governments.
b. Shelterbelts
It is defined as a belt of trees and or shrubs maintained for the purpose of shelter from
wind, sun, snow, etc.
These are plantations of fast growing trees on linear strips of lands on the sides of
public roads, canals and railway lines .It generate wood and other products to meet the
basic requirements of the local people
In Bihar, West Bengal and Tamilnadu the reforestation of degraded forest lands
started in early fifties. It needs immediate attention for ecological restoration and for
meeting socioeconomic needs of the communities living in and around such areas. In
Tamilnadu efforts were made in the fuel wood forests of tropical dry evergreen and
tropical dry deciduous forests. The objectives are,
1. To grow short duration fuel and timber species for meeting the requirements
2. To organize fuel wood supplies at reasonable rates which would prevent
pilferage from neighboring commercial forests
3. To tie up degraded forest areas with nearby rural and semi urban centres for
their requirements of fuel wood
4. To provide employment
5. To rehabilitate the degraded forests
It is the practice of forestry with the object of raising flowering trees and shrubs
mainly to serve as developing a forest of high scenic value. It aims at
preservation of forests in compact blocks or development of small blocks of man
made forests of miscellaneous trees offering shade and shelter , creating recreational
facilities viz, picnic corners, zoos, riding , boating etc and establishment of natural
history museums
In social forestry projects trees are being planted in and around agricultural fields,
along railway lines, road sides, river banks, canal banks, village common lands,
government waste lands and panchayat lands. Tamilnadu is the pioneer state in
implementing afforestation programmes. In 1956 itself teak seedlings were planted on
river and canal banks of Cauvery irrigation system in Trichy and Tanjore districts. In
1960 farm forestry was implemented. In the 1970's Extension forestry, mixed
plantations and village forests were implemented on poramboke lands to engage local
communities and individual farmers for their benefits. From 1960 to 1980 1.33 lakh ha
of land outside the reserved forests were planted and it provides 10 lt of fuel wood
annually. Impressed by the results of the above project, it was decided to intensify the
social forestry activities in Tamilnadu. A massive social forestry project was launched
with the aid from the Swedish International Development Authority {SIDA} in the
year 1981 to 82
It was launched during 1981 for 5 years from 1981 to 1986 and further extended up to
1987 to 88 with a project assistance {70%} of 591.38 million from SIDA
1. To increase supply of fuel wood in rural areas and to provide poles , bamboo,
small timber, fodder, grass, fruit, oilseeds and other minor forest products
2. To establish plantations to meet the wood requirements of the villagers and
generating employment through establishing, maintaining and feeling of
3. To help economically weaker sections to raise plantations in their landholdings
which are unsuitable for agriculture
Phase –II was implemented during 1988 -89 to 1992-93 with a financial outlay of
Rs.854 million
1. Interface forestry programme
2. Seedling production and Extension programme
3. Research and Development programme
4. Supporting activities such as monitoring, publicity, training,
cooperation with outside agencies
5. Tree patta scheme for landless women on promboke and revenue lands
S.No Components Targets Achievements
JFM originated in West Bengal in 1971 and later adopted in Haryana to prevent soil
erosion and deforestation. In Tamilnadu it was adopted in 1988.In India, out of total
geographical area of 329 m ha 23 % constitutes forestry area. Out of 1 billion
populations in India, 360 m live in and around forest areas, exerting tremendous
pressure on limited forest resources. Out of 360 million, more than 68 million are
tribal’s. Out of total forest area 40% is degraded with a crown density of 0.4. This is
due to rigid state control and displacement of indigenous tribal and hill communities.
Hence, the government of India in 1988 shifted its policy and switched over to JFM. It
is the management of forests by the state forest department and local communities. In
JFM, there is no transfer of ownership over forest, instead restructure the formal
system of access, decision making and sharing of benefits for the needs of local
communities. It is a transparent and participatory process. Due to state control in the
past, most of the forest was cleared for agriculture. The remaining forest in India is
now concentrated in rough,uneven and inaccessible areas and which reduce the
potential to harvest and manage the forest for production purposes. So, most of the
states have two options. 1. Increasing the involvement of neighboring communities in
the management and utilization of the forests 2. Creating alternative sources of
employment to reduce the pressure on forest
In Tamilnadu during 1988 two pilot projects were taken up at Ariyalur and Allikulli
with the financial assistance from SIDA. But after the project period, the forest
dependents resumed wood cutting and goat grazing which brought the area to original
degraded condition. During the project period they got wages in planting and soil
conservation works which restrained them from goat grazing and illicit removal.
Therefore the permanent and viable way of tackling the problem is having a
multipronged approach for promotion of sustainable livelihoods so that the people
dependence on forests is permanently reduced.
TAP is funded by Japan bank for international cooperation with a financial outlay of
500 crores. JFM was implemented in Tamilnadu from 1997-98 for meeting the
requirements of the local people with respect to wood and non –wood forest produce.
TAP phase II was implemented from 2005-06 to 2012-13 with an outlay of Rs. 567.42
crores. Tamilnadu Biodiversity conservation and Greening Project ( TBGP) was
implemented in Tamilnadu from 2011-12 to 2018-19 with an outlay of 686 crores.
Specific objectives
The project period is 5 years and each year 200 villages should be covered. In each
village 500 ha of degraded lands are selected and it is divided into 3 zones
a. Lower zone or utility zone In this zone 500 seedlings were planted per ha to
meet the immediate needs of the village and also on long term basis.450 seedlings
should be Navel, sitha, Nelli, cashew, Mango, Neem Aachal, Kapok usil, perumaram
etc. out of the 50 remaining seedlings, plant 25 good quality tamarind seedlings and
25 vegetative propagated cuttings. In addition to seedlings planting, adopt soil and
moisture conservation measures like gully plugging.
b. Middle zone or Asset creation zone 300 seedlings per ha were planted to meet
the long term needs along with soil and moisture conservation measures like check
dams, contour trenches and vegetative barriers.250 seedlings should of Bamboo,
Illupai, Vagai, Nelli , poovarasu etc.25 good quality tamarind seedlings and 25
vegetative cuttings are to be planted.
c. Upper zone or Eco Restoration zone Existing natural growth is protected and
biodiversity can be enhanced by planting pioneering species.100 seedlings per ha is
planted along with all soil and moisture conservation measures
In each unit the people representative body called “village forest council’ is formed
which fully involved in planning and execution of works , protection, harvesting and
benefit sharing .one male and one female willing member are enrolled as members
VFC meets as and when necessary or once in 3 months. VFC forms an executive
committee (EC) in which at least 2 members are elected for each hamlet. The
executive committee has a minimum of 5 and maximum of 15 members. The
panchayat members are co-opted as ex officio members of the EC. The members will
elect president of EC. The forest ranger concerned is the member secretary of the EC
who facilitates the election process of the members and president of EC.T he EC is
responsible for day to day activities of VFC and meets at least once in a month. A
memorandum of understanding is signed in the beginning between the district forest
officer and VFC president. This gives details of rules and responsibilities of the forest
department and VFC – the partners in JFM. All VFC are registered under societies
Registration act 1975.
A. Assets
1. Land: In 250 ha, NTFP tree seedlings of 75000 were planted. In addition
25000 saplings are distributed to villagers for growing in their own land.VFC
members are given the right to collect NTFP and a share in the final harvest.
Assuming that 50 % of survival 38500 plants are there in the forest area whose
products can be sell directly or after processing or after value addition
2. Water: water harvesting structures like percolation ponds and check dams are
made which help in raising the water table and recharging of bore wells in the
adjoining agricultural lands . In most areas cropping intensity is increased.
3. Cattle: The individual’s grants were built up into a corpus fund and extended
loans to the forest dependents to buy high quality milk cattle’s.
B. Social : VFC provided a forum to the people for coming together and
exchanging views not only for JFM but also for village welfare
E. Human
1. Literacy: This project motivated its members to admit their children to
the schools. Where ever schools are not available, the same can be opened
through education department or charitable organizations
2.Health : Multispecialty health and sidda camps were conducted for a
cluster of TAP villages
3. Skill upgradation : From buffer zone funds village youths are imparted
free training to enable them to become carpenters, blacksmiths, drivers,
electricians, TV mechanism etc. Ladies are trained in rope making,
tailoring, embroidering, bidi making etc to get steady income and not to go
in for wood cutting for their livelihoods.
F. Physical
Government has instructed all departments to dovetail their developmental and
infrastructure activities in TAP villages on priority basis .There is a committee at
state level headed by chief secretary and at district level by collector to guide,
monitor, steer and oversee the coordination by all other departments. This resulted
in substantial improvement in road, electricity, water, school etc in most of the
TAP villages.
Agroforestry : Agro forestry is relatively a new name for a set of old practices. Nair
1979 defined agro forestry is a land use system that integrates trees, crops and animals
in a way that is scientifically sound, ecologically desirable, practically feasible and
socially acceptable to the farmers. Agro forestry is any sustainable land use system
that maintains or increases total yields by combining food crops with tree crops and or
livestock on the same unit of land either alternatively or at the same time, using
management practices that suit the social and cultural characteristics of the local
people and the economic and ecological conditions of the area.
1. Agro forestry normally involves two or more species of plants out of which
one is woody perennial
2. It has always two or more outputs
3. The cycle of agroforestry is more than one year
4. Even simple agroforestry system is more complex
Concept : It is the practice of raising food crops, trees and animals together. It
combines production of multiple outlets with production of resource base. It
emphasizes the use of multiple indigenous trees and shrubs. It is practically suitable
for low input conditions and fragile environments. It involves the interplay of socio
cultural values more than in most other land use systems. It is structurally and
functionally more complex
1. Environmental benefits
1. E
nvironmental constraints
2. S
ocio-economic constraints
a. Trees improve the soil structure and microclimate thereby improve the soil
moisture retention in rain fed cropping system and pastures
b. Irrigation works can be protected by hedge rows of trees
c. Improvement of drainage from water logged or saline soils by phreatophytic
d. Increased biomass storage of water for animal consumption (Higher water
content of tree fodder in dry season)
e. Improvement in the interception and storage of rainfall thereby reduce the
runoff and flood hazard
This system begins with harvesting of the existing forest. The harvested area is cleared
and burnt. Some fruit or shade trees are retained. For one family 1to 2 ha of deep,
fertile soil is allotted. Farmers are permitted to grow agricultural crops for 1 to 2 years
before forest plantation to get higher yields in the fertile soil. With the benefits of
intensive cultivation in agricultural crops trees are planted in 2 or 3 year. When forest
plantations are established, the farmers have to leave that area.
The Taungya cultivators have to sign an agreement regarding the area to be cultivated,
crops to be grown, period of cultivation. Usually seeds were sown after the onset of
monsoon or transplant the seedlings during the monsoon. In Tamilnadu, Tectona
grandis, Ceiba pentandra, Acacia nilotica, Tamarindus indica, Santanum album,
rubber, bamboo and cashew are grown with wide variety of pulses, cotton, tapioca,
groundnut, millets, potato etc. In Nilgiris Eucalyptus globules are raised with potatoes.
In Kerala, Hill rice, chilies, cotton, ginger, tapioca are grown with teak. Types of
Taungya system are,
Based on the success, farmers are given concessions like free grazing for animals, free
timber for house construction and agricultural implements, schooling facility for
children, loan at nominal interest, water supply through excavation of wells and
construction of pond
In this system miscellaneous kinds of tree species are grown together with the aim of
production of food, fodder and wood products for home consumption and sale for
cash.Major woody species grown in this system are Acacia catechu,Phoenix
dactylifera, Artocarpus spp, Cocos nucifera, Mangifera indica,Syzygium sp
It is a farming system in which arable crops are grown in alleys (The inter row spacing
between two tree rows are known as alleys). The position and spacing of trees and
crops in alley cropping depends on the nature of trees, climate, slope, soil conditions
and the space required for the movement of people and tillage implements.In humid
zone closer spacing is adopted and wider spacing is recommended for sub humid and
arid regions. Usually the spacing between the tree rows varies from 4 to 8 m and
within the row it varies from 25 cm to 2 m. In sloppy areas the hedges should be on
contour. The purpose of alley cropping is to restore the soil fertility, enhance or
maintain the productivity of crops and to control erosion in sloped areas. Selection of
right trees with right spacing and management may avoid competition between trees
and crops. Trees are pruned at particular height and the pruned twigs and leaves are
placed on the alleys in order to increase the soil organic matter content, nutrients,
weed suppression and to reduce evaporation. Eg: In between two tree rows of subabul
groundnut/sorghum can be grown. The following points are to be considered while
selecting the trees
In this system various multipurpose trees are planted on bunds or field boundaries in
agricultural lands with a view to get products from trees or other functions like
fencing/field demarcation. The major tree species used in this system are Leucaena
leucocephala, Casuarina equisetifolia, Azadirachta indica, cocos nucifera etc.
It is also known as multi storey or multi tier cropping. It is the system of growing
together crops of different heights at the same time on the same piece of land and thus
using land, water and space most effectively. It is practiced in orchards and in
plantation crops. Eg Coconut+pepper+cocoa+pineapple
g. Woodlots
In order to solve the problem of pilferage and illicit removal from the forest woodlot
plantations are started. Cultivation of trees in small fields exclusively for production
of fire wood and timber is referred to as woodlots. Where the land is scarce trees are
planted in and around the agricultural lands. Casuarina equisetifolia is extensively
grown in AP, TN, Karnataka on lands which are poor and unsuitable for profitable
agriculture. Eucalyptus tereticornis is planted at 1x1 m spacing and within 3 years it
will give 4.5 t ha. Acacia nilotica will give 21.2t ha and Cassia siamia will give 22.8 t
h. Shelterbelts
These are belts or blocks consisting of several rows of trees established at right angles
to the prevailing wind. The purposes are, To deflect air currents, To reduce velocity of
prevailing winds, To protect the leeward areas from soil erosion, To protect the
leeward areas from hot winds and To provide fodder, food, timber etc
i. Windbreaks
Windbreaks are strips of trees or shrubs planted to protected fields, homes, canals or
other areas from wind and blowing soil. The main objectives of wind break are
Permeability: Wind breaks should filter and reduce the velocity of wind to an
extent of 25 to 75 % and should permit some wind to pass through. This can be
achieved by selecting certain species like Casuarina, Eucalyptus. However a
dense wind break allows no wind and results in turbulence both upward and
Orientation: Plant windbreaks at right angles to the wind from which
protection is needed. Windbreaks planted North south are good than East west
and provide better shading of adjacent crops and pastures
Height: The windbreak height determines the size of the sheltered area . If the
wind break is taller, it protects the larger area. A wind break will reduce the
speed of the wind for about 25 times than the height of the tree in the
downward side and 5 times on the upward side
Length: Windbreaks are more effective when its length exceeds 12 times than
the mature height of the trees
Tree spacing: Distance between the trees depends on the purpose of wind
break. To protect the valuable crops it should be as tall as possible. If it is
maintained for timber wider spacing is recommended. Closer spacing is
recommended for fuelwood and fodder trees.
Gaps: gaps are required for gates and trucks to reduce the effect of funneling.
On either side of the gap shrubs can be planted. A short windbreak is planted
in front of the gate. It forms a 45 degree angled wind break.
ii. Silvopasture system: The concurrent use of the land for woody plants
with pasture is known as silvopasture system. In this system trees and
shrubs are primarily grown to produce fodder for livestock or for timber,
fuel wood, fruit or to improve soil. This system is classified into three
ive fence of fodder trees and fences: In this system various fodder
trees and hedges are planted as live fences to protect the property from
stray animals or other biotic influences. Suitable species are Erythrina
sp, Sesbania grandiflora, Gliricidia sepium, Prosophis juliflora etc
c. Trees and shrubs on pastures: In this system various trees and shrubs
are scatteredly planted to supplement fodder production. The suitable
species Acacia leucophloea, Tamarindus indica, Acacia nilotica,
Azadirachta indica etc.
Agrosilvopastoral system: The concurrent use of the land for the production
of trees,crops and pastures is known as agrosilvopastoral system. It is
classified in to two types
b. W
oody hedgerows for browse,mulch,green manure and soil conservation
In this system various fast growing and coppicing trees and shrubs are planted
for the purpose of browse, mulching, green manure, soil conservation etc. The
following species are suitable Erythrina sp, Leucaena leucocephala, Sesbania
grandiflora etc.
Other systems
a. Apiculture with trees: In this various honey producing trees that are
frequently visited by honey bees are planted on the boundaries of the
agricultural lands eg. Azadirachta indica, Syzygium cumini, Gliricidia
b. Aqua forestry: The main objective of the system is fish production and
bund stabilization around the fish ponds. In this system various trees
and shrubs preferred by fish are planted on the boundary and around
fish ponds. Tree leaves are used as forage for fish eg. Leucaena
leucocephala, Morus alba etc.
c. Mixed wood lots: In this system location specific multipurpose trees
are grown together for various purposes like wood, fodder, soil
conservation, soil reclamation etc.
ilviculture: This word is coined from Latin word silva which means forest and
culture means growing. It is care and cultivation of forest trees. It is a branch of
forestry that is concerned with the cultivation of trees. It is the practice of controlling
the establishment, growth, composition, health and quality of forests to meet diverse
needs and values.
1. To derive environmental benefits
2. Raising trees of more economic value.
3. Production of high quality timber species.
4. Production of more volume per unit area.
5. Reduction of rotation period
6. Afforestation of blank areas
7. Creation of plantation
8. Introduction of exotics
9. Employment potentials
10. Increased production of fodder, fuel
11. Studies on NTFP.
Managing forest for wildlife, water, recreation, aesthetics or any combination of these
or other forest uses.
Tending: Tending is an operation carried out at any stage from seedling to maturity
for the benefit of forest crop. It includes wedding, cleaning, thinning, improvement
felling, pruning, climber cutting and gridling.
High forest system: are those silvicultural systems in which the regeneration is of
seedling origin either natural or artificial and where the rotation is generally long. It is
classified as
Clear felling system is a silvicultural system in which equal or equi productive areas
of mature crops were clear felled in single operation. This is to be regenerated by
either natural or artificial means. If the total area of the forest is ‘A’ and rotation for
this forest is ‘r’ years, then the area to be clear felled each year is A/r. This principle is
applicable if all the areas have equal productivity. If there is variation, least felling is
adopted in good fertile soil and heavy feeling in poor fertile soils to get equal produce
from the forest.
It is a silvicultural system in which clear felling is done in the form of strips which
progress successfully in one direction against the direction of wind. It is also referred
to as progressive clear felling strip system or progressive strip system. In this felling
strips are separated from unfelled strips of sufficient width. The width may be equal
or multiple of the width of the felled strip if the feeling time of the successive area is 3
years, then the felling area is divided into 3 cutting sections viz., 1, 2, 3. In this
system, the regeneration is obtained mostly by natural means.
It is a silvicultural system in which clear felling is done in the form of strips where the
clear felled strip is alternated with unfelled strips of similar width.
2) Shelterwood system
It is a silvicultural system in which regeneration fells are done in the form of strips
arranged successively from one side of the compartment to another usually against the
direction of wind.
It is a silvicultural system in which regeneration felling are carried out in narrow strips
extending in east west direction and advancing from north to south direction. The
strip width should be half the height of standing trees. It provides the sideward
protection to the regeneration from the sun. Hence, suitable for subtropical and tundra
It is a silvicultural system in which felling is done in strips which advances against the
direction of wind.
This system is suitable for wind prone areas. It is a silvicultural system in which the
feeling strip is located in the middle of the cutting section. The length of the cutting
section should be along the direction of wind. The strips are 2 to 5 m wide at an
interval of 80 m. When the regeneration comes up, it is widened more towards the
leeward side and less towards the windward side. This gives a wedge shape to strips.
It is a silvicultural system in which regeneration feelings are done in the pattern of the
group system but the regeneration period is long which results in irregular crop. It is
applicable to tropical rainforests.
1) Selection system: It is a silvicultural system in which felling and regeneration are
distributed over the whole area and the resultant crop is unevenly aged. It is suitable
for steep topography and regeneration is obtained naturally.
2) Group selection system: In this system, trees are felled in groups instead of being
scattered single trees. The size of the group depends on light requirements. Crop
obtained is irregular but within the groups all trees are similar in age.
C) Accessory systems
It is a high forest system which originates from other even aged systems through slight
Coppice system refers to the silvicultural system in which the new crop originates
mainly from coppice and where the rotation of crop is shorter.
1) Simple coppice system: Fixed area of old crop is clear felled in a sloppy manner
before the start of spring. The stump height should not be too low or too higher and
the optimum height is 15 to 25 cm. Tending operation is carried out from second year
onwards and the crop obtained is even aged. Copping produces only small timber.
This system is suitable for social forestry systems, private lands and in areas of
regional constraints.
2) Coppice of two rotation system: In this system, at the end of first rotation of
coppice a few selected poles are left over for second rotation to obtain bigger sized
3) Shelterwood coppice system: During first clear felling 125 to 150 trees are
retained per ha till the coppices are established securely. Thereafter shelter is removed
gradually 60 to 75 after 5th year and completely in 10th year. This system is suitable
for good locality, frost areas, species can take a long time for establishment and
regions where large and small sized timber is required.
4) The coppices with standard system: It is a silvicultural system in which seedling
origin of standard species is kept over coppices for varying periods. The period of
retaining standard may be multiples of coppice rotation or a permanent one. Standards
are uniformly distributed over the whole area. The objectives are to supply large sized
timber, protection against frost, to enrich the coppice crops, to maintain the vigour of
the coppice seedlings and to increase the revenue from unit area. The standard species
should not be the same as that of coppice one. Number of standards retained varies
with the object of management.
6) Coppice selection system is a silvicultural system in which feelings are carried out
on the principle of selection based on need or demand. Regeneration is obtained from
coppices and the crop obtained is unevenly aged.
7) The pollard system: It refers to the cutting off of a tree stem usually above the
browsing height to obtain a flush of shoots. Pollard system is applicable for obtaining
maximum fodder from the tree. Hence, this is applicable to Hardwickia hinata and
mixed dry deciduous forest.
The term biodiversity was coined by E.O. Wilson in 1985. Biodiversity may be
defined as the variety and variability of living organisms and the ecological complexes
in which they exist. It deals with the degree of nature’s variety in the biosphere. The
variety of life on earth.
Uses of Biodiversity:
V. It provides different drugs and medicines which are based on different
plant products.
VI. It is very essential for natural pest control, maintenance of population
of various species, pollination by insects and birds, nutrient cycling,
conservation and purification of water, formation of soil etc. All these
services together are valued 16.54 trillion dollars per year.
Importance of Biodiversity:
5. Legal values: Since earth is the homeland of all living organisms, all have equal
right to coexist on the surface of earth with all benefits. Unless some legal value is
attached to biodiversity, it is not possible to protect the rapid extinction of species
6. Ethical value: Man is the most intelligent amongst the living organisms and it
is his responsibility and moral obligation to preserve and conserve other organisms
which will directly or indirectly favour the existence of the man.
9. Option value: Keeping the biodiversity for the benefit of future generations
1. Types of Biodiversity:
1. Genetic diversity: It describes the variation in the number and types of genes as
well as chromosomes present in different species. The magnitude of variation in genes
of a species increases with increase in size and environmental parameters of the
habitat.The genetic variation arises by gene and chromosome mutation.
2. Species diversity: The species richness may be defined as the number of species
per unit area. The number of individuals of different species with in a region
represents species evenness. The product of species richness and species evenness
give species diversity of a region.
It tells the species diversity in a given community.It depends upon species richness
and evenness.
(ii) β-Diversity:
(iii) γ -Diversity:
2. Himalayas They are the Northern boundaries of India. The forests are very dense
with extensive growth of grass and evergreen tall trees. Alpine forest and orchids are
there. It accounts for 7.2% of the country's land mass. Oak, chestnut, conifer, ash,
pine, deodar are abundant in the Himalayas. There is no vegetation above the
snowline. Several interesting animals live in the Himalayan ranges. Chief species
include wild sheep, mountain goats, ibex, shrew, and tapir. Panda and snow leopard
are also found here.
3. Semi – Arid Areas Adjoining the desert are the semi-arid areas, a transitional zone
between the desert and the denser forests of the Western Ghats. The natural vegetation
is thorn forest. This region is characterized by discontinuous vegetation cover with
open areas of bare soil and soil-water deficit throughout the year. Thorny shrubs,
grasses and some bamboo are present in some regions. A few species of xerophytic
herbs and some ephemeral herbs are found in this semi-arid tract. Birds, jackals,
leopards, eagles, snakes, foxes, buffaloes are found in this region. It accounts for
15.6% of the country's land mass.
4. Western Ghats The mountains along the west coast of peninsular India are the
Western Ghats, which constitute one of the unique biological regions of the world.
The Western Ghats extend from the southern tip of the peninsula (8°N) northwards
about 1600 km to the mouth of the river Tapti (21°N). The mountains rise to average
altitudes between 900 and 1500 m above sea level, intercepting monsoon winds from
the southwest and creating a rain shadow in the region to their East. The varied
climate and diverse topography create a wide array of habitats that support unique sets
of plant and animal species. Apart from biological diversity, the region boasts of high
levels of cultural diversity, as many indigenous people inhabit its forests.
The Western Ghats are amongst the 25 biodiversity hot-spots recognized globally.
These hills are known for their high levels of endemism expressed at both higher and
lower taxonomic levels. Most of the Western Ghat endemic plants are associated with
evergreen forests. The higher altitude forests were, if at all, sparsely populated with
tribal people. Rice cultivation in the fertile valley preceded gardens of early
commercial crops like areca nut and pepper. The Western Ghats are well known for
harboring 14 endemic species of caecilians (i.e., legless amphibians) out of 15
recorded from the region so far. It accounts for 5.8% of land mass in India.
5. North – West Desert Regions It occupies 6.9% of the country's land mass. It
includes cold desert in J and K and deserts in Gujarat and Rajasthan. This region
consists of parts of Rajasthan, Kutch, Delhi and parts of Gujarat. The climate is
characterised by very hot and dry summers and cold winters. The plants are mostly
xerophytic. Babul, Kikar, wild palm grows in areas of moderate rainfall. Indian
Bustard, a highly endangered bird is found here. Camels, wild asses, foxes, and snakes
are found in hot and arid deserts.
6. Deccan Plateau It covers 4.3% of the country’s land mass. The highlands of the
plateau are covered with different types of forests, which provide a large variety of
forest products. The Deccan plateau includes the region lying south of the Satpura
range it extends up to the southern tip of peninsular India.Anaimudi is the highest
peak of this region.The Deccan plateau is surrounded by the western and the eastern
ghats.These Ghats meet each other at the Nilgiri hills. Many rivers such as Mahanadi,
Godavari, krishna, and kaveri originates from western ghats and flow toward the
east.The eastern ghats are broken into small hill ranges by river coming from the
western ghats.Most of these rivers fall into the Bay of Bengal. The Godavari is the
longest river in the Deccan plateau the Narmada and the Tapi flow westwards and fall
into the Arabian sea.
7. Gangetic Plain It covers 11% of the country's land mass. In the North is the
Gangetic plain extending up to the Himalayan foothills. This is the largest unit of the
Great Plain of India. Ganga is the main river after whose name this plain is named.
The aggradational Great Plains cover about 72.4mha area with the Ganga and the
Brahmaputra forming the main drainage axes in the major portion. The physiographic
scenery varies greatly from arid and semi-arid landscapes of the Rajasthan Plains to
the humid and per-humid landscapes of the Delta and Assam valley in the east. The
trees belonging to these forests are teak, sal, shisham, mahua, khair etc.
8. North – East India It covers around 5.2% of the country's land mass.
North-east India is one of the richest flora regions in the country. It has several species
of orchids, bamboos, ferns and other plants. Here the wild relatives of cultivated
plants such as banana, mango, citrus and pepper can be grownIslands
9. Islands The two groups of islands, i.e., the Arabian Sea islands and Bay Islands
differ significantly in origin and physical characteristics. Forests of Lakshadweep in
the Arabian Sea have some of the best-preserved evergreen forests of India. Some of
the islands are fringed with coral reefs. Many of them are covered with thick forests
and some are highly dissected. It occupies 0.03% of the country's landmass.
10. Coasts India has a coastline extending over 5,500 km. The Indian coasts vary in
their characteristics and structures. The west coast is narrow. The backwaters are the
characteristic features of this coast. The east coast plains, in contrast, are broader due
to depositional activities of the east-flowing rivers owing to the change in their base
levels. Extensive deltas of the Godavari, Krishna and Kaveri are the characteristic
features of this coast. Mangrove vegetation is characteristic of estuarine tracts along
the coast for instance, at Ratnagiri in Maharashtra. Larger parts of the coastal plains
are covered by fertile soils on which different crops are grown. Rice is the main crop
of these areas. Coconut trees grow all along the coast.
Out of an estimated 30 million species on earth, only one-sixth has been identified and
authenticated in the past 200 years. There are at present 1.8 million species known and
documented by scientists in the world.An estimated biodiversity covers 400,000
higher plants. Most of the world’s bio-rich nations are in the South, which are the
developing nations. In contrast, the majority of the countries capable of exploiting
biodiversity are Northern nations, in the economically developed world.Biodiversity
of 89 countries with diversities higher than India are located in South America such as
Brazil, and South East Asian countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia.
Biologically, tropical rain forests are the centres of the world much of flora and fauna
originated in the humid tropics. For millions of years, tropical rain forests have been
factories of evolutionary diversity from which plants and animals, capable of adapting
to more difficult environments, have gone forth to populate the subtropical and
temperate regions.
The reasons are as follows
1. Warm temperate and high humidity provide favourable conditions for many
2. Tropical communities are more productive because these areas receive more
solar energy.
3. Over geographical times the tropics have had a more stable climate. In tropics,
therefore, local species continued to live there itself.
4. Among plants, the rate of outcrossing appears to be higher in tropics.
It is estimated that 18% of Indian plants are endemic to the country and found
nowhere else in the world. Among amphibians found in India. 62% are unique to this
country. Among lizards, of the 153 species recorded. 50% are endemic. High
endemism has also been recorded for various groups of insects, marine worms,
centipedes, mayflies and freshwater sponges.
The traditional cultivars included 30,000 to 50,000 varieties of rice and a number of
cereals, vegetables and fruit. The highest diversity of cultivars is concentrated in the
high rainfall areas of the Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats, Northern Himalayas and the
North-Eastern hills. Gene-banks have collected over 34,000 cereals and 22,000 pulses
grown in India. India has 27 indigenous breeds of cattle, 40 breeds of sheep, 22 breeds
of goats and 8 breeds of buffaloes.
Global species diversity
Insects 751,000
Amphibians 4,184
Reptiles 6,300
Biodiversity of India:
As per available data, the varieties of species living on the earth are 1753739. Out of
the above species, 134781 are residing in India although the surface area of India is
2% of the earth’s surface.
India is one of the twelve mega diversity nations of the world due to the following
I. It has 7.3% of the global fauna and 10.88% of global flora as per the
data collected by the Ministry of Environment and forest.
II. It has 350 different mammals, 1200 species of birds- 453 different
Hot Spots: Hot spots are the areas with high density of biodiversity or mega diversity
which are most threatened at present. There are 25 hotspots in the world, out of which
two are located in India namely North-East Himalayas and Western Ghats.
Biodiversity hotspots: A region with high biodiversity with most of species being
endemic (endemism). A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region with a
significant reservoir of biodiversity that is under threat from humans. To qualify as a
biodiversity hotspot on Myers 2000 edition of the hotspot-map, a region must meet
two strict criteria:
The Western Ghats are a chain of hills that run along the western edge of peninsular
India. Their proximity to the ocean and through orographic effect, they receive high
rainfall. These regions have moist deciduous forest and rainforest. The region shows
high species diversity as well as high levels of endemism. Nearly 77% of the
amphibians and 62% of the reptile species found here are found nowhere else.
The region shows biogeographical affinities to the Malayan region. This region also
shows some faunal similarities with the Madagascan region especially in the reptiles
and amphibians. Examples include the Sibynophis snakes, the Purple Frog and Sri
Lankan lizard genus Nessia which appears similar to the Madagascan genus Acontias.
Numerous floral links to the Madagascan region also exist.
There are over 6000 vascular plants belonging to over 2500 genera in this hotspot, of
which over 3000 are endemic. Much of the world’s spices such as black pepper and
cardamom have their origins in the Western Ghats. The highest concentration of
species in the Western Ghats is believed to be the Agasthyamalai Hills in the extreme
south. The region also harbors over 450 bird species, about 140 mammalian species,
260 reptiles and 175 amphibians. Over 60% of the reptiles and amphibians are
completely endemic to the hotspot, Remarkable as this diversity is, it is severely
threatened today. The vegetation in this hotspot originally extended over 190,000
square kms. Today, it's been reduced to just 43,000 sq. km.
The Eastern Himalayas is the region encompassing Bhutan, north-eastern India, and
southern, central, and eastern Nepal. The region is geologically young and shows high
altitudinal variation. Together, the Himalayan mountain system is the world’s highest,
and home to the world’s highest peaks, which include Mount Everest and K2. The
Himalayan system includes over 100 mountains exceeding 7200 metres. Some of the
world’s major river systems arise in the Himalayas, and their combined drainage basin
is home to some 3 billion people (almost half of Earth’s population) in 18 countries.
The Himalayas have profoundly shaped the cultures of South Asia, many Himalayan
peaks are sacred in Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism.
Geologically, the origin of the Himalayas is the impact of the Indian tectonic plate
travelling northward at 15cm per year to impact the Eurasian continent, about 40-50
million years ago. The formation of the Himalayan arc resulted since the lighter rock
of the seabeds of that time were easily uplifted into mountains. An often-cited fact
used to illustrate this process is that the summit of Mount Everest is made of marine
limestone. The Eastern Himalayan hotspot has nearly 163 globally threatened species
including the One-horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis), the Wild Asian Water
buffalo (Bubalusbubalis (Arnee) and in all 45 mammals, 50 bird, 17 reptiles, 12
amphibians, 3 invertebrate and 36 plant species.
The region is also home to the Himalayan Newt (Tylototriton verrucosus). There are
an estimated 10,000 species of plants in the Himalayas, of which one-third are
endemic and found nowhere else in the world. Five families–Tetracentraceae,
Hamamelidaceae, Circa Asteraceae. There are an estimated 10,000 species of plants in
the Himalayas, of which one-third are endemic and found nowhere else in the world.
Five families - Tetracentraceae, Hamamelidaceae, Circa Asteraceae, Butomaceae and
Stachyuraceae - are completely endemic to this region. Many plant species are found
even in the highest reaches of the Himalayan mountains. For example, a plant species
Ermaniahimalayensis was found at an altitude of 6300 metres in northwestern
Himalayas. A few threatened endemic bird species such as the Himalayan Quail,
Cheer pheasant, Western tragopan are found here, along with some of Asia's largest
and most endangered birds such as the Himalayan vulture and White-bellied
heron .
The Himalayas are home to over 300 species of mammals, a dozen of which are
endemic. Mammals like the Golden langur, The Himalayan tahr, the pygmy hog,
Langurs, Asiatic wild dogs, sloth bears, Gaurs, Muntjac, Sambar, Snow leopard, Black
bear, Blue sheep, Takin, the Gangetic dolphin, wild water buffalo, swamp deer call the
Himalayan ranged their home. The only endemic genus in the hotspot is the
Namadapha flying squirrel which is critically endangered and is described only from a
single specimen from Namdapha National Park.
Threats to Biodiversity:
The different factors responsible for causing threat to biodiversity are as follows:
1. Habitat destruction:
2. Habitat fragmentation:
With increased population, the habitats are fragmented into pieces by roads, fields,
canals, power lines, towns etc. The isolated fragment of habitats restricts the potential
of species for dispersal and colonization. In addition, the habitat fragmentation also
brings about microclimatic changes in light, temperature, wind etc.
3. Pollution:
4. Over exploitation:
The natural resources are over exploited to meet growing rural poverty, intensive
technological growth and globalization of the economy. All these factors together may
be responsible for the extinction of a number of species.
I. Horticulture
II. Agriculture
III. European colonisation and
IV. Accidental transport
It is seen that some exotic species may kill or eat the native species thereby causing its
6. Diseases:
Since the animals are more vulnerable to infection, the anthropological activities may
increase the incidence of diseases in wild species, leading to their extinction.
The shifting or Jhum cultivation by poor tribal people greatly affects the forest
structure which is a storehouse of biodiversity.
8. Poaching of wildlife:
A number of wildlife species are becoming extinct due to poaching and hunting.
9. Climate change
Human -Wildlife conflict: It refers to the interaction between wild animals and
people and the resultant negative impact on people or their resources or wild animals
or their habitat. It occurred throughout the recorded history of man. Eg. predation of
man by saw toothed cats, leopards etc.
Results: Crop damage, loss of human life, injuries to people, damages to buildings,
injuries to wildlife, animal deaths and livestock depredation (robbery)
Solutions: Electrical fencing, land use planning, avoid stepping out after dark,
compensation, ecotourism, community based natural resource management(
CBNRM), wildlife friendly products, behavioural modifications and other field
Conservation of Biodiversity:
1. All the possible varieties (old or new) of food, forage and timber
plants, livestock, agriculture animals and microbes should be
2. All the economically important organisms in protected areas should be
identified and conserved.
3. Critical habitats for each species should be identified and safeguarded.
4. Priority should be given to preserve unique ecosystems.
5. There should be sustainable utilisation of resources.
6. International trade in wild life should be highly regulated.
7. The poaching and hunting of wildlife should be prevented as far as
8. Care should be taken for the development of reserves and protected
9. Efforts should be made to reduce the level of pollutants in the
10. Public awareness should be created regarding biodiversity and its
importance for the living organisms.
11. Priority should be given in wildlife conservation programmes to
endangered species over vulnerable species and to vulnerable species
over rare species.
12. The habitats of migratory birds should be protected by bilateral and
multilateral agreement.
13. The over exploitation of useful products of wild life should be
14. The useful animals, plants and their wild relatives should be protected
both in their natural habitat (in-situ) and in zoological botanical
gardens (ex-situ)
15. Efforts should be made for setting up of National parks and wildlife
sanctuaries to safeguard the genetic diversity and their continuing
16. Environmental laws should be strictly followed.
Conservation Methods:
There are two types of conservation methods namely in-situ and ex-situ conservations.
The only disadvantage of in situ conservation is that it requires large space of earth
which is often difficult.
1. Protected areas:
The protected areas are biogeographical areas where biological diversity along with
natural and cultural resources are protected, maintained and managed through legal
and administrative measures. In these areas, hunting, firewood collection, timber
harvesting etc. are prohibited so that the wild plants and animals can grow and
multiply freely without any hindrance. Some protected areas are: Cold desert (Ladakh
and Spiti), Hot desert (Thar), Saline Swampy area (Sunderban and Rann of Kutch).
There are 37,000 protected areas throughout the world. As per World Conservation
Monitoring Centre, India has 581 protected areas, national parks and sanctuaries.
2. National parks:
These are the small reserves meant for the protection of wildlife and their natural
habitats. These are maintained by the government. The activities like grazing forestry,
cultivation and habitat manipulation are not permitted in these areas. There are about
89 national parks in India.
3. Sanctuaries:
These are the areas where only wild animals (fauna) are present. The activities like
harvesting of timbers, collection of forest products, cultivation of lands etc. are
permitted as long as these do not interfere with the project.
4. Biosphere reserves:
Ex-situ conservation:
2 Mammals 372 69
4 Birds 1175 40
5 Fishes 1693 —