01 Seatwork 1 - Professional Development and Applied Ethics

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Mark Wilson H.

BSHM 3.1
Professional Development and Applied Ethics
01 Seatwork 1

1. Think of an open field. How big is this field? What is it filled with? What are the
surroundings like?

 This field is big that I even draw a mountain on it. It is filled with healthy green grasses.
The surroundings are pleasant and clear.

2. Think of a cube. How big is the cube? What is it made of, and what is the surface like?
What color is it? Where in the field is it? Where is the cube (e.g. on the ground, floating,
etc.)? Is it transparent? If so, can you see inside?

 It is a big cube; it measures half of the ladder. It is made of wood and the surface is
smooth. Its color is violet, yellow, and pink. It is floating in the field at the right side of
the ladder. No, my cube is not transparent. We cannot see what is in the inside.

3. Think of a ladder. How long is this ladder, and where is this located in your field? What
is the distance between the ladder and the cube?

 The ladder is just a short typical one and it is in the middle of the field beside my cube.
The distance between them is just a little only.

4. Think of a horse. What color is the horse? What is the horse doing, and where is it in
relation to your cube?

 Brown. The horse is sleeping. It is quite far from my cube.

5. Think of flowers. Where are the flowers in your field, and how many are there?

 Beside the ladder. I only draw one flower.

6. Think of what the weather in the field is like. Is it raining? Sunny? Is your field foggy?

 The weather is a bright sunny day. No, it is not foggy in my field.

7. Think of a storm. What is the distance between the storm and the cube? Is it a big
storm? Is it just passing through?

 The storm is far from my cube. No, it is just a small passing through storm.

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